Life Is Great

Reasons not to kill yourself. 1) When you harm yourself, you hurt the people that love you the most.You cause them more pain, then what you could ever do to yourself. - Amanda Roberts, 18 yrs old, Martinsville, IN, USA 2) If you kill yourself, you’ll never get to hear your favorite song again. - Christian Vargas 14 yrs old, Antioch, TN, USA 3) No matter how much you may think that noone cares about you, there is ALWAYS someone who loves you.


100 Resons Why Not To Hurt Self

Transcript of Life Is Great

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Reasons not to kill yourself.1) When you harm yourself, you hurt the people that love you the most.You cause them more pain, then what you could ever do to yourself. - Amanda Roberts, 18 yrs old, Martinsville, IN, USA 

2) If you kill yourself, you’ll never get to hear your favorite song again. - Christian Vargas 14 yrs old, Antioch, TN, USA 

3) No matter how much you may think that noone cares about you, there is ALWAYS someone who loves you.

4) Love yourself for who you are, so dont let anyone tell you otherwise. God made you the way you are, and he loves you, and thats all that matters - Wes Cagle 14 yrs old, Antioch, TN, USA 

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5) Even when things seem hopeless, there is always somebody out there who will listen, and even just being listened to, and be heard, can make a difference in how we feel about problems. Countless times, my best friend has listened to me, and even though she couldn’t do anything about it, it helped that I knew I had somebody who I could count on. - Rachel

6) Suicide is contagouis, if you kill yourself, the people that love you most will become very deppressed and want to commit suicide as well, to be with the one they love - Alexandra Dineen, ON. 

7) My reason is my daughter! - Cecil, 41 yrs old Martinsville, Virginia, USA 

8) No matter how alone you feel, you will dissapoint someone, even if its a poster on your wall. Someone is there.

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Always - Siobhan, 17 yrs old, United Kingdom 

9) Suicide is not always foolproof, nor successful. Not everyone that attempts suicide succeeds, and then, not only are they still alive, but they have health problems they didn’t have before they tried a “foolproof” method. -Megan Smith, 20 yrs old, Las Vegas, NV, USA 

10) If you do or think of doin it, think about all the ppl you leave behind that will have to pick up the peices. - Kirsty, Kalgoorlie Western Australia 

11) What would your family feel to walk in and see you dead lying on the floor, remember that you should hang onto the good things in life. Ive always been told that it is a really selfish thing to do and i believe that more each day. Jack Carmody, 15 yrs old, Perth Western

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12) Your not alone if you look in the shadows you will find the person that could save you - Ryan Broyles Arlington Texas 

13) 1 reason not to kill yourself….You are worth so much more than you know, even if you dont believe that to be true, you are a one off, there is no one in the world like you, and without you, the world would be missing a very specail person. - Claire, 30 yrs old, Birmingham, UK 

14) You shouldnt leave no matter how much you want to or how much you hurt from a love that just got wrecked because you will find someone but if you kill yourself thats one person wont find someone because you were the one they were looking for and well guess

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what your dead! but you dont have to be just dont commit suicide! - Alexandra dineen, 14 yrs old, ONT, Canada 

15) Suicide is attempting to get relief in a situation when your problems are too much. Relief is a feeling though, you have to be alive to feel it. And when you commit suicide your problems become the problems of those you love most. I could never do that to my loved ones. - TaraLynn, New Jersey,USA 

16) You never know the happiest day of your life could be just around the corner and you dont want to miss it. kayleigh, 16 yrs old, UK 

17)I realized the reason I’m living was when I heard my friend say she loves me more than life…That she would find a way to get me to her if it came down to it, and I know she would. Just knowing I

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have at least ONE person that will physically save me, keeps me alive. Life will become manageable. Liveable even. Jenna, 16 yrs old, Florida, USA 

18) My Cat. sometimes he’s all that kept me going. 19) Love. if I had of died I never would have found the love of my life. 20) Yourself. you’re always worth more than you actually think. more people will miss you than you think.21) Family. the people you leave behind will always be left wondering whether it was something they did? - Heather Manby, 20 yrs old, Australia. 

22) If you want to commit suicide, think about those who have a fatal illness, and would give ANYTHING in the world to live a few more days. - Mayra, 18 yrs old, Kansas 

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23) when you die you will never be able to go to a MCR concert :) and doing little things that mean so much to you make your realise how fun things can be if you just hold on :P lol i know that not really a serious thing i said but its true :) the mcr concert was the funnest night of my life and is something that makes me think how fun life can be :D - Catherine, 16 yrs old, Australia 

24) If you kill yourself you’d miss the feeling you get when your favorite band’s CD comes out, & it rocks. Fabiana Navarro, 16, Venezuela. 

25) How will .. explain to your little brother/sister that your not coming back? and that they’ll never be able to see or hear you again? 26) What example are you leaving behind for your younger siblings? - Mayra, 18 yrs old, Kansas 

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27) Something about me is special, and maybe I’m meant to be here. - Jenna, 16 yrs old, Clermont, FL 

28) Think about all the things you’ll miss; Your favourite band, your friends, your family, the outings, the celebrations etc… and more importantly, think about what all the the people around you would miss… - Elise Raiti, 13 yrs old, Victoria 

29) You shouldnt kill yourself because you’ll miss out on so much you could have enjoyed if you hung in there. The things you’ll never see, the smells you’ll never smell, the things that you havent heard before, the things you havent touched before. There is no way you can if you arent living. - Kat, 14 yrs old, Australia. 

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30) As long as ur alive then there is still a hint of hope to make a change. 31) We will never know what really awaits us on the other side. 32) When u kills urself u r ending a gift that has been given to you to keep and care for till the day it is taken away from you. - Lingga, 13 yes old, Indonesia 

33) Life is a beautiful thing; live it to it’s fullest. No matter how alone you’ll feel, you’ll always have somebody somewhere who’ll love you. You’re special in so many ways, God made you the way you are for a reason. DON’T GIVE UP LIFE. - Laura, Bristol, Age 14 yrs old, England 

34) If you commit suicide you’ll never again be able to enjoy the stupid things we do! 35) Who’s going to help me talk my way out of a speeding ticket?” - Mayra, 18

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yrs old, Kansas 

36) You can’t give up on today when there is always tomorrow and you never know what can happen because you can’t see the future. - Rachel, 17 yrs old, UK 

37) If things are looking bad in a situation in your life hang in there because if you kill youself you will never see things get better. If it looks impossible just give it time becuase whatever you are going through will end and taking your life isn’t the way to end it. I know this because I lost 2 friends and a cousin to suicide. - Jessica Hyde, 23 yrs old, California 

38)Suicide NEAVER does anything then hurt the people that love you. You might say that no one loves you. But what do you think a best freinds is?!!? You kill

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yourself and they could end up dealing with the same things you are right now! There are always things you can do…..listen to Music, write stories, songs, or poems. Talk to a best freind!!! There is always something better!!! - Helena Finzel, 16 yrs old, Dexter, Michigan 

39) “If I jump off a cliff, would it make it any better? If I hung myself in the staircase, would it make my parents cry? If I slit my wrists and throat, how would my poor Grandma feel if she found me lying dead on the floor? THINK. Suicide kills, there’s other options.” - Laura, 14 yrs old, Bristol, UK 

40) I’ve had depression for 12 years (and counting) and it’s only just now that things are looking up. Thanks to My Chemical Romance. The one reason I can think of to not kill myself at the

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moment (and there have been many times in the past when I have tried) is my family. They are a tremendous support to me and when I think of the heartache it would cause them it stops me in my tracks. I’ve got so much to live for and if I (like you) can help just one person on the road to recovery from this crippling illness that will be all worthwhile. Melanie, 35 yrs old, UK 

41) You’ll never feel love or be loved by a new person ever again. Tanya, 15 yrs old, California 

42) “IF I killed myself this morning, then who will my two best friends in the world go out with tonight to get majorly drunk and dance the night away?” 43) “If I jumped out my bedroom window, who would look after Garfield [my pretty kitten] and who would he cuddle up to at night? Who would be the

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one to kiss him goodnight? But most importantly, he’d wonder where his owner got too and whether she’d ever come back again. Suicide kills.” - Laura, 14 yrs old, Bristol, England 

44) If you kill yourself, you’ll not only be hurting yourself, and cutting your life short, but you’ll also be hurting your family, friends, and ones who love you, which may trigger them to doing the same thing as you. - Erika, 14yrs old, USA 

45) My reason not to kill myself is i couldnt bear the thought of how many tears would be shed at my funeral - Brooke, 16 yrs old, Texas 

46) Everyone in this world can name a reason why they SHOULD kill themselves. But those reasons mean much much less than the reasons not

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to. Your not alone. You have one life so stay here and live it your best, there are people that care more about you then anything else. dont let them down. shayna, 13 yrs old, TN. 

47) if you kill yourself, you never get the chance to see the outcome of your life. you don’t get to know if you were going to be rich; have a family; find a great job, or anything else that people look forward to in life. god gives us life and it should be respected and handled with care. there isn’t a reason in the world to take away a personal gift from god. Krystine Wasmanski,Wilkes-barre PA. 

48) Things may not always be the way I want them to be, but my little brothers smile, his laugh, his mischief makes life worth living. I waited 17 yrs. for him so I’m going to enjoy him to the fullest. Lissette Torres, 18 yrs old, Illinois 

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49) “You were given your life because you are strong enough to live it.” - Kelsea,15 yrs old, Charles Town, West Virginia. 

50) No matter what happens, dont let go, fight for your life, and proves all the others wrong, you are MUCH MORE STRONGER than they estimated! 51) My friends are amazing, they came into my life when i just needed them, because of them i am more grateful of the life i live. Hang on tight to life, you never know if you’ll be the one to change someone’s life for the better. - Mayra, 18 yrs old, Kansas 

52) Because you are you and no one else can be you - Doris, 17 yrs old 

53) Is it worth it to end all of your heart aches by giving just as much to all those

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who loved you once youre gone and feel nothing? while their pain goes on? - Jessica Short, 16 yrs old, Ohio 

54) How about that fact that taking your own life is being a coward. You feel like you can’t deal with responsiblity or any problems in life. How about the people who are relying on you and need you in their lives to keep their own sanity. You may feel like your life is horrible but in someone else’s life you could mean the whole world. Suicide is SELFISH. - Laura 

55) If you kill yourself you are missing out on what was in store for your future. You are leving behind new friends you have not yet made and that new CD you were dying to get that didnt come out yet. All of the bad in your life comes with some good and by ending it your leaving the bad as well as the good. - Brick

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56) The pain thats making you want to check out of life never lasts forever. i guarantee. i’ve been through it before a bunch of times and the pain does go away. things DO get better. - Chris, 15 yrs old, Arlington,Texas. 

57) A good reason not to kill yourself is because there is always someone who will listen. theres always someone who will help you. All you have to do is talk to them. No matter what you think, someone does care and there will always be someone out there. More often then not that person is a friend or family member. I got help from a friend when I became depresed and wanted to commit suicide. - Vicky 

58) Because i havent shown her how much i love her yet. - Christopher

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59) No matter how much you think that there is no one here for you, or that no one loves you, There is always someone. You may not know it, But someone admires you. Stay here for that person. That one person that you are making a difference in there life. Things will get better, you just have to find help. - Katie Witt, 14 yrs old, Springfield, Missouri. 

60) You should never think of killing yourself. if u do, think of all the people who have been there for you, encouraged you, and supported you. killing yourself would let them all down. also think of that one person you were there for to listen one day and how much that meant to them. do you really want to put your family and friends through all that pain because you felt

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your life was that bad that you couldnt take it. just think of all the people whose life is so much worse… - Amanda Kennedy, 15 yrs old 

61) Killing yourself means that you don’t love yourself. it never means no one else loves you. - Krishna Patel, 15 years old. Albany, GA 

62) Because if you kill yourself, you were solely thinking about yourself and how much pain you were in at that moment, but you weren’t thinking about how much I adore you and how much pain I would be in with you gone. if you kill yourself, my only hope of survival would be gone. - Vivian, 15 yrs old, Los Angeles, CA. 

63) If you kill yourself, your dog will get really lonely =] - Fabi, 14 yrs old, Texas, United States 

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64)my reason is because i look forward to my future. i look forward to the new challenges of my life. i have a great bf, and great sister. i still deal with abandonment issues cause my mom left me and hasnt been there for me. but i do have my dad so i think of the positive things of my life. - Catherine, 16yrs old, Washington 

65) i made a promise to someone who means the world to me. i know that they don’t believe in promises because the promises are often broken but this is one i know i will keep for the rest of my life. - Alison, 14 yrs old, Washington 

66) Think of a time, when you didn’t feel so lonely, or hurt. Or worthless. Think of when you used to be happy, and unstoppable. Think of that one time when someone told you that they loved

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you, or when they simply smiled at you. And that alone, is your goal and your reason to keep on living. - Karina L., New York, NY, USA 

67) If u commit suicide the girl your sprung over and shes sprung over you,will miss spending time with you and you will miss spending time with her and she will miss you holding her in your arms. - Cory, 13 yrs old, California usa 

68) You won’t be able to live the life you hoped for with the people you love & care about. && you won’t be able to spend your life with that one person you care about & love the most. - Jan Erika, CA, USA 

69) My reason not to commit suicide is that I’ve helped my friend through the times she has wanted to kill herself telling her it was bad. If I killed myself, I

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would be a hypocrite, and be telling her it was okay. - Katie, 15 yrs old, Colorado, USA 

70) You can always think of a bunch of reasons to kill yourself, but if you can think of atleast 1 reason not to then you know that your life is worth living. - Ashley Darko, 15 yrs old, Maryland 

71) One reason not to kill yourself is because even if you feel like no one cares, you are never alone, and you never will be. - Ashley 

72) Reason Not To Kill Your Self Number 72 If You Give Up Now Youll Never Have The Perfect Wedding or House Or The Family Youve Dreamed of - Miss Holly Marie, Maryland 

73) You might just be a forgotten face. Battle this depression, and tell the

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hopeless that there is hope. Be someone in this cruel world. Live your life and tell them YOUR story. - Daieny 

74) You are reading these words that someone wrote just for you. That means that you are loved and you are not alone. Your life is a miracle—a wonderful miracle. And, miracles don’t kill themselves. They live on to bless others, and your life is the very blessing that someone needs right now! And, that’s another reason not to kill yourself. - Clara Hinton, Pennsylvania 

75) If you kill yourself you cant fufill God’s plan for your life. Everyone has a plan and if you dont follow that plan it affects other people. - Shannon Hall, 14 yrs old, J-town, NY 

76) A reason not to commit suicide is because bad things may always turn

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around and become better for you. There are people who care so much about you, you just might not know it. Talk to someone you trust, a friend you really care about. You never know how much they care about you also, until you tell them you need them to just be there for you. It’s not worth giving your life up for something that has a chance of changing to your advantage. Live your life to the fullest. Make it all it can be. Don’t give up on yourself. Remember: everything is okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.77) My newest reason not to commit suicide is because my nephew was just born. I would hate to have someone tell him that one of his aunts commited suicide and wasn’t there to see him grow up. That would hurt me far more than anything in this world ever could. I love him with all my heart && I want to be there for him when he is older! - 

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Alison, 14 yrs old, Washington 

78) People really need to be greatful for what they have. There’s kids in Africa who would kill for what these kids who are killing thereselves have! And it doesnt matter what situations they’re in. There’s ALWAYS other options than suicide. - Taylor, 14 yrs old, Louisiana 

79)When you’ve been in love with someone for 5 years. All your problems and depression may seem like it’s too much to take, but realizing that someday you may have the chance to finally be with that person, it feels amazing to think about. If you commit suicide, you’ll never have the chance to be with the person you love the most, even if they don’t realize they love you right at the moment. - 15 yrs old, Oregon 

80) The reason I didnt commit suicide

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was because of My Chemical Romance…I used to hate my life.Everything about it.I was never happy.I felt alone and hated.But then I started listening to them.They influenced me to be a better person.The song Famous Last Words is amazing,with the lyrics ‘I am not afraid to keep on living’.That band taught me to appriciate life.They are the band to save your life.81) You will never find out what you are able to do in life. You’ll never find out when the best day of your life is. - Mary, California 

82) Someone is always there for you even if you might not know it there is someone ALWAYS watching out for you.83) Killing yourself would hurt more than just yourself84) If you kill yourself you wont ever know what you could of done for

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someone or something.85) You always have something to live for but you just might not figure it out till later. - Summer Wright, 14 yrs old, Minnesota U.S.A.

86) there will always be someone, somewhere, who would die to keep you alive - Cory, 14 yrs old 

87) If you end your life, you’ll never be able to experiance the ecstasy and sheer joy that can only be experienced when you are standing on the dancefloor, surrounded by a thousand sweaty strangers as the curtain rises up and your favorite band steps onstage, singing that amazing opening song. You’ll never have the opportunity to hear ‘I’m Not Okay’ in the moshpit, and therefore, will not have lived life to the fullest. - Danna, 14 yrs old, Suffolk, VA

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88) Don’t give up on life, because you might be the reason for someone else to keep going. - Brianna Piirainen, 14 yrs old, United States 

89) If we killed yourself then we’d never be able to find that one person in our life that loves us and thinks were amazing. - Kathryn, 13 yrs old, Indiana

90) If you decide it’s your time to leave, you will never get to mosh to another MCR song again. You won’t get to hang out with your friends, and you wont be able to be there for them when they need you most. - Caitlin, 14 yrs old, Washington

91) I come from a rather large family (8 sisters and 4 brothers) and a majority of them are younger than me. My younger brother is special needs, and he’s my

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buddy. We do everything together and he cries for hours when I leave to go out with friends for the night. I don’t even want to imagine what he would go through each day that he sits outside my house, waiting for me to come.92) I just very recently found God, and He wouldn’t have given me this life, the blessings I can’t evenn begin to count, unless He wanted me to do something with it. He has a plan for all of us, and killing yourself is not one of them. Life is the greatest gift you could ever receive. I am not scared of the day that I meet my Maker, to have him look at me and say, “Welcome home.”. But I would much rather meet Him when He is ready to meet me. - Delayna, 16 yrs old, Texas 

93)****You may be the only reason someone else is alive. You have people that care about you more than life

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itself.If you give up on life, they might just do the same. - Shelbie, Texas, US 

94) I wouldnt kill myself because i would miss shopping at american eagle!! plus aeropostale - Chelsea, TN 

95) If you killing yourself, you will only become another statistic, hang on to life and make a difference in this world! - Mayra, 18 yrs old, Kansas

96) I may not know who you are, but i sure would love to share a laugh, sing a song, dance around, pet a dog, write a letter, write a story, have a conversation or say “hello!” at least one time. I want to look forward on seeing you again. I don’t want the saying “I’ll seeya later” being the last words said to each other. - Vincent Brignoni, 20 yrs old. Tempe, Az.

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97) Killing Yourself Would Take You Away From Your Best Friend. No Matter How Hard Things May Seem You Always Have Someone That Will Make You Feel Better. For Me That Is My Best Friend, Niki. - Jackie,16 yrs old, Jacksonville Florida

98) If you kill yourself, your basicly killing everyone around you, who love you, who cares so deeply for you, who will let themselves suffer until almost DEAD just for you to live. So think about it, if you are so depressed about something, a death, love if you are willing to kill yourself, you’ll never get back what you’ve lost. So live longer, fight, be strong. - Eileen, 14yrs old, California. 

99) The love in my children’s eyes……..and cause I dont want Jesus to cry. - Cheri, 33 yrs old, Naperville, IL

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100) Don’t kill yourself, cause even though they may not show it whether it be family or friends deep down inside they love you. Just remeber someone will always love you.