Life in the Solar System

Life in the Solar System 1

Transcript of Life in the Solar System

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Life in the Solar System


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• Quizzes • quiz 6: due at 1 pm on Sunday, Mar 2


• Midterm exam • marks available on OWL • will discuss problem questions in class next time


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Today’s Topics

• Review of last lecture • origins of life on Earth


• Evolution of life on Earth (Ch. 6.3, 6.5) • Impacts and extinctions (Ch. 6.4) • Life in the Solar System (Ch. 7)


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When did life begin?Three lines of evidence that life began between 3.85 Byr and 3.0 Byr ago. !

• stromatolites – rocks characterized by a distinctive layered structure: • evidence of life at least 3.5 Byr ago

• microfossils: • suggests life originated 3.5–3.0 Byr

ago • isotopes of carbon:

• enhanced carbon-12 to carbon-13 ratio in 3.85 Byr old rocks


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Implications for life elsewhere


• Life arose shortly after the end of Heavy Bombardment ~3.9 Byr ago !

• Life arouse rapidly on Earth, and could do so on another suitable world!


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Where did life begin?• Unlikely to have originated on land:

• no molecular oxygen (O2) in early atmosphere, so also no ozone (O3) to shield from UV

• Under-water or sub-surface environment more hospitable • water blocks UV • e.g., deep-sea volcanic vents also offer

chemical energy for metabolic reactions


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How did life begin?• Concoction of water vapour,

methane, and ammonia, with energy provided by electricity (lightning) can produce amino acids in a lab • Miller-Urey experiment !

• Other possible origins: • near deep-sea vents • organic material from space

(meteorites, comets)


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Summary of Origin of Life Hypothesis: RNA World


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RNA replication can be contained within spontaneously forming lipid membranes

• Keeping RNA molecules together increases likelihood of self-replication

• Isolation from outside preserves RNA and enzyme concentration: • speeds up reactions • natural selection-like


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Summary of Origin of Life Hypothesis: RNA World


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Today’s Topics

• Review of last lecture • origins of life on Earth


• Evolution of life on Earth (Ch. 6.3) • Impacts and extinctions (Ch. 6.4) • Life in the Solar System (Ch. 7)


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The Evolution of Life

Our goals for learning: • What major events have marked evolutionary history? • Why was the rise of oxygen so important to



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What major events have marked evolutionary history?

• Early microbes: • simple organisms with a few enzymes and

rudimentary metabolism • resembling the simplest modern bacteria and archaea,

no nucleus • Oxygen-free atmosphere, so microbes were anaerobic • Microbes likely were chemoautotrophs

• photosynthesis and ability to digest other organisms must have arrived later

• Modern parallels are archaea in hot sulphur springs


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Early Microbial Evolution• With limited sets of enzymes, early DNA replication was buggy:

• high mutation rate: rapid evolution • e.g., photosynthesis is a complex metabolic process, but

already suggested in stromatolites and microfossils 3.5 Byr ago.

• Photosynthesis process also likely evolved: • first with development of light-absorbing pigments • then with utilization of a variety of products: e.g., hydrogem

sulphide (H2S), rather than water (H2O) • Oxygen build-up: from photosynthetic organisms

• 2.5–0.5 Byr ago


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The Evolution of Eukarya

• Oldest known fossils with clear cell nuclei date to 2.1 Byr ago. • Could have arisen earlier, but cell nuclei do not fossilize well.


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What major events have marked evolutionary history?

• Symbiotic relationship between eukarya and bacteria lead to complex cells, with mitochondria and/or chloroplasts

• confirmed by DNA sequencing of mitochondria and chloroplasts, which shows that they are from domain bacteria !16

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The Cambrian ExplosionAnimals characterized by their “body plans” or phyla. • Mammals and reptiles are

of the phylum Chordata : with internal skeletons

• Modern animals comprise ~30 phyla

• All 30 phyla arise during a period of only 40 Myr: • <1% of Earth’s history • 542 Myr ago


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The geological time scale


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The Cambrian Explosion• Is the only major diversification

of phyla in the geological record • Possible reasons:

• oxygen reached a critical level for survival of larger life-forms

• a tipping point in the evolution of genetic complexity and diversification

• climate change: end of snowball Earth period

• absence of efficient predators


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The Colonization of Land


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The Colonization of Land• First by microbes • Then by plants – originating from algae in shallow

ponds • occasional drying up of ponds favours mutations with

thicker cell walls • 475 Myr ago

• Animal organisms aided by the build-up of a protective ozone layer. • by 400 Myr ago: amphibians and insects eating the



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Why was the rise of oxygen so important to evolution?

• Oxygen can react strongly with organic molecules: • deadly to unadapted organisms • but much more efficient cellular energy production, with

ATP, compared to anaerobic organisms • Oxygen also reacts quickly with clays, rocks

• making them turn reddish • would last only a few Myr if not replenished

• So, early atmosphere must have been oxygen-free • cyanobacteria in the oceans created the atmospheric oxygen • starting 2.7 Byr ago.


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Why was the rise of oxygen so important to evolution?


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What have we learned?• What major events have marked evolutionary history?

• development of photosynthesis as an energy-producing reaction by 3.5 Byr ago

• the build-up of atmospheric oxygen by cyanobacteria (2.5–0.5 Byr ago)

• the Cambrian explosion of animal diversity 542 Myr ago • Why was the rise of oxygen so important to evolution?

• it offered a much more efficient energy production cycle than preceding anaerobic cycles.


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Human Evolution

Our goals for learning: • How did we evolve? • Are we still evolving?

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How did we evolve?

• Not from chimpanzees or other modern apes

• Instead, from a common ancestor with them


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The Emergence of Humankind


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The Emergence of Humankind


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The Emergence of Humankind


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Are we still evolving?• Changes over the past 10,000–40,000 years have been

relatively small. • If we were to sequence the genome of a 40,000-old

human, it would be difficult to distinguish from a that of a person living today

• Most substantial change is in average height • better nutrition.

• Cultural and technological evolution are much faster • exponential


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Today’s Topics

• Review of last lecture • origins of life on Earth


• Evolution of life on Earth (Ch. 6.3, 6.5) • Impacts and extinctions (Ch. 6.4) • Life in the Solar System (Ch. 7)


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© 2008 Pearson Education Inc, publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley

Impacts and ExtinctionsOur goals for learning: • Have we ever witnessed a major impact? • Did an impact kill the dinosaurs? • Is the impact threat a real danger or media hype?

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• Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL9) was torn apart during an encounter with Jupiter in 1993.

• By early 1994, astronomers knew that it would collide with Jupiter later that year.

Image credit: NASA, Hubble Space Telescope

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Comet SL9’ Crash into Jupiter

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© 2008 Pearson Education Inc, publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Artist’s conception of SL9 impact

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© 2008 Pearson Education Inc, publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Several impact sites

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Jupiter Hit Again!

July 20, 2009; NASA/IRTF telescope

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Did an impact kill the dinosaurs?

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Mass Extinctions• Fossil record

shows occasional large dips in the diversity of species. !

• Most recent was 65 million years ago, ending the reign of the dinosaurs.

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Evidence of an Impact

• Iridium is very rare in Earth surface rocks but often found in meteorites. • In 1978 Luis and Walter Alvarez found a worldwide layer

containing iridium, laid down 65 million years ago, probably by a meteorite impact.

• Same layer also contains: • shocked quartz—that requires the high temperatures and

pressures of an impact to form • spherical rock droplets—molten rock that solidified while

raining down • soot—from large-spread forest fires

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Evidence of an Impact: Iridium Layer

Dinosaur fossils all lie in below this layer

No dinosaur fossils in upper rock layers

Thin layer, corresponding to the K-T boundary, contains the rare element iridium

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Consequences of an Impact

• Meteorite 10 km in size would send large amounts of debris into atmosphere.

• Debris would reduce sunlight reaching Earth’s surface.

• Resulting climate change may have caused mass extinction: • 75% of all existing plant and animal species • 99% of all living plants and animals

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Likely Impact Site: The Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico

• Geologists have found a 200 km-wide subsurface crater about 65 million years old in Mexico !

• Estimate that the impactor was a 10 km asteroid or comet

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Is the impact threat a real danger or media hype?

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Chelyabinsk Impact

• Slide and video on Chelyabinsk meteorite. • 10 m impactor?


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10m-sized Crater in a Lake


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Tunguska, Siberia: June 30, 1908 A ~40 meter object disintegrated and exploded in the atmosphere

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Meteor Crater, Arizona: 50,000 years ago (50 meter object)

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Image: LSTS-9 Crew/NASA/GSFC

Manicouagan Crater, Eastern Canada 200 Myr, among oldest known 20 km across

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Cosmic Impacts Are a Certainty!

• Approximately 150 craters known on Earth !

• None older than ~200 million years !

• Older craters erased by tectonics, erosion !

• 71% of Earth’s surface is water: • small impacts leave no mark! • evidence of large impacts >200 Myr ago recycled

with seafloor

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Frequency of Impacts

• Small impacts happen almost daily. !

• Impacts large enough to cause mass extinctions are many millions of years apart

Arizona Yucatan

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Facts about Impacts

• Asteroids and comets have hit the Earth. !

• A major impact is only a matter of time: – not IF but WHEN. !

• Major impacts are very rare: • Extinction level events ~ millions of years. • Major damage ~ tens to hundreds of years.

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NASA Near-Earth Object Program• Aims to detect potentially hazardous asteroids • Uses a network of telescopes to search for such asteroids nightly • !

• Some terms used in next video from NASA: • PHA – “potentially hazardous asteroid” • Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale – used to assess

danger from an impact • Aten – a “family” of near-Earth asteroids that cross Earth’s

orbit (and so are PHA’s)


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The Asteroid with Our Name on It

• We haven’t seen it yet. !

• Deflection is more probable with years of advance warning. !

• Control is critical – breaking a big asteroid into a bunch of little asteroids

is unlikely to help. !

• We get less advance warning of a killer comet…

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What have we learned?• Have we ever witnessed a major impact?

• Yes, on the planet Jupiter in 1994 and 2009 • Did an impact kill the dinosaurs?

• There is strong evidence to support this hypothesis: • world-wide layer of iridium at the K-T boundary: a rare element

deposited globally at the time the dinosaurs went extinct (65 Myr ago) • dinosaur fossils found below, not above K-T boundary layer • large crater on Yucatan peninsula dates to 65 Myr ago.

• Is the impact threat a real danger or media hype? • Dangerous impacts, albeit very rare, are a real danger • Cratering evidence on Earth and the Moon show that they have occurred

with regularity in the past


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Other Possible Reasons for Mass Extinctions

• Episodes of active volcanism → climate change • Rapid acceleration of mutation rates

• e.g., because of thinning of ozone layer and increased UV radiation

• weakening of Earth’s magnetic field and increased penetration of solar wind

• Nearby supernova explosions: • also increased irradiation by high-energy particles

(cosmic rays) • large influx of gamma ray photons can destroy ozone

layer → increased UV radiation


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Other Possible Reasons for Mass Extinctions: Us?

• Human activity may drive half of species to extinction within a few centuries.

• On a geological time scale, this is a another mass extinction

• Potentially unpredictable consequences on global environment.


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Break: 5 min


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Today’s Topics

• Review of last lecture • origins of life on Earth


• Evolution of life on Earth (Ch. 6.3, 6.5) • Impacts and extinctions (Ch. 6.4) • Life in the Solar System (Ch. 7)


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Environmental Requirements for Life

Our goals for learning: • Where can we expect to find the building blocks

of life? • Where can we expect energy for life? • Does life need liquid water? • What are the environmental requirements for


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Where can we find the building blocks of life?

• Chemical elements needed for life likely occur in all planetary systems • consequence of how

planets form from their parent proto-planetary nebulae

• Amino acids and complex organic molecules require a liquid or gas to form and move about • need either an

atmosphere or an ocean


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Where can we find energy for life?

• Recall energy sources: • sunlight • organic molecules • inorganic molecules

• Sunlight is everywhere in Solar System, although its intensity decreases with distance from the Sun


Intensity of light ∝ 1/distance2


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Does life need liquid water?

Properties of potential liquids for life (at 1 atmospheric pressure)


Liquids are needed for: dissolution of chemicals, transport, metabolic reactions

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Advantages of Water: I. Temperature Range of Liquidity

• wider than for other wide-spread fluids • at higher temperatures → faster chemical reactions


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Advantages of Water: II. Ice floats


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Advantages of Water: III. Charge separation

• Affects how water dissolves other substances • Allows hydrogen bonds in biochemical reactions


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Summary of environmental requirements for habitability

1. A source of molecules from which to build living cells

2. A source of energy to fuel metabolism

3. A liquid medium—most likely liquid water—for transporting the molecules of life.


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What have we learned?• Where can we expect to find the building blocks of life?

• the necessary chemical elements—on almost any planetary body • the complex organic molecules and amino acids—in liquid media


• Where can we expect energy for life? • anywhere there is sunlight or heat (e.g., volcanic vents) !

• Does life need liquid water? • it needs a liquid medium • water has many advantages over the other most common ones


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A Biological Tour of the Solar System

Our goals for learning: • Does life seem plausible on the Moon or Mercury? • Could life exist on Venus or Mars? • What are the prospects for life on jovian planets? • Could there be life on moons or other small


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Does life seem plausible on the Moon or Mercury?

• No surface liquids !

• No atmosphere !

• Verdict: negative.


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Water Ice on the Moon

• Does exist in some permanently shadowed craters

• Discovered in 2009 by • NASA’s LCROSS • India’s

Chandrayaan-1 • Deposited over

billions of years of impacts


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Could life exist on Venus?

• Enshrouded in a thick cloud cover

• Surface can not be seen from the Earth

• Without the atmospheric greenhouse effect, surface temperature would be ~35°C.


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Venus: an Inhospitable “Hell”• Russian landers in 1970’s and 1980’s

Venera-1 and Venera-2 revealed: • thick atmosphere:

• 90 atmospheric pressures at surface

• contains 96% CO2 • 470°C surface temperature: day

and night! • no liquid water • runaway greenhouse effect

• Verdict: • possibly only in the distant past. • will never know - evidence erased

by geological processes.!77

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Could life exist on Mars?

• One of the best candidates for life beyond the Earth.

• The most explored planet after Earth.

• Will discuss in detail next time! !

• Verdict: possible.


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What are the prospects for life on jovian planets?


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Jupiter and Saturn• No surfaces • Very high densities and pressures in interior


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Jupiter and Saturn• Water clouds do exist in upper

atmosphere • But strong vertical

(convective) winds would continually circulate any life forms between very cold and very hot regions !

• Verdict: negative.


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Uranus and Neptune• Atmospheres much colder

than those of Jupiter and Saturn

• Also strong vertical winds • But… outer liquid cores of

water, methane, ammonia • still: very high pressures,

no clear energy extraction mechanism

• Would be extremely difficult to detect life that deep inside these planets

• Verdict: unlikely.!82

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Could there be life on large moons?

• Some have liquid oceans underneath their icy surfaces.

• One (Titan) has a thick atmosphere.


• Will explore in 2 weeks! • Verdict: possible.

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Could there be life on other small bodies?

• No atmospheres, no liquids. • Verdict: negative.


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What have we learned?• Does life seem plausible on the Moon or Mercury?

• No. • Could life exist on Venus or Mars?

• Venus: possibly in the distant past. • Mars: possibly.

• What are the prospects for life on jovian planets? • Jupiter and Saturn: negative. • Uranus and Neptune: unlikely.

• Could there be life on moons or other small bodies? • large moons: possibly. • small bodies: no.


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Next time: Mars!
