Life designer(april 2015)



Life Designer E-Magazine We at Life Designer, believe that You are Unique in your entirety, but also believe that you may aspire to greater heights, greater rewarding opportunities that Life has to offer and you may not know How to find the way.Our e-magazine endeavors to give you an in-depth knowledge to this fascinating philosophy which is tried and tested throughout the world today. It is a ‘Best Way’ solution to Successful Living, and is for everyone regardless of Creed, religion and background.

Transcript of Life designer(april 2015)

Life Designer, April 2015 1


The first step in asking is to know what you

want. Have a definite goal in mind. If you

keep changing the goal your subconscious

mind gets confused and does not respond to

your command and you end up with nothing.

There is a method by which you make your

goal known to your subconscious mind in

order for it to respond, by bringing

what you desire into reality.


Always speak in the present

tense to yourself, as if you

have what you want already.

For example, If you wish to give

up smoking, you may say

to yourself ‘I am smoke free’ or ‘Being smoke free is good for me.’ If you wish to lose weight,

say to yourself , ’I am

getting lighter everyday, I am

looking slimmer and fitter.’ If you want

more money, say to

yourself, ‘All my needs

are being met.’

When the subconscious is

directed to produce success

in a positive way, it does so

without doubt, by supplying the

power, the capacity and the understanding to

achieve anything that is desired. Having

understood this, it then follows that when the

subconscious mind provides all the necessary

elements for success, the conscious mind must

use the same to achieve success. Nothing

comes ready - made from the subconscious,

but it can give us the material from which we

can make anything.


The proper conditions for recording an

impression upon the subconscious are deep

feeling, strong desires, conscious interest and

a LIVING FAITH. When all these are blended

together in harmony, it is virtually impossible

to fail in getting the desired results. Believe in

the thing you desire so deeply, that you do not

entertain any doubt that it can be achieved by

you. Have an Absolute Faith that you are

receiving IT now. Build into your thinking a

happy expectancy of seeing it manifest itself

Now and you WILL have it. Do not allow

people to discourage you from

believing in your dreams, they are

your dreams and they are true, just

believe in their fruition, hold the

faith that they are happening for you

and they will actualize

themselves. Take your faith

one step further and actually visualize your

desire coming true. See yourself after it is

attained, where are you? Who is with you?

Note your surroundings, look at yourself

being happy, feel what you

would feel once you have

achieved your desire.

Dream in technicolor, smell it and feel it. The

new car of your dreams, the beautiful home

you have always wanted, the dream job, the

perfect partner, whatever you wish. The more

you practice making your picture complete,

the more you will build the

faith needed to impress

your subconscious mind that

it must provide you with the thing you



When you receive what you desire, be filled

with joy and give thanks for it. The

`subconscious mind has a curious law. It

responds by giving you more and more of

what you feel deeply about. If you are joyful

and grateful for what you have, then your

subconscious will give you more of the same,

and you will naturally remain a healthy, happy

person. It is truly a blessing to be around a

person who has the infinite knowledge that the

power to create lies within ourselves and is

never limited by caste, creed or education, but

is enhanced by the practice of Faith.

Life Designer, April 2015 2

How Thinking The Thoughts You

Think Can Change Your Life


Continued from last issue...

Desire is different

from Wanting or Needing.

Desire is that level of

emotion that makes you

want to die if you don’t achieve the thing desired.

Desire is an All

consuming Thought

backed by a resolute

Belief that you can Have

the thing. It is The single

tool that will cause you to

Accept in your mind that

you are already in

possession of it if you

keep suggesting so to

yourself. It is the

motivation needed by the

subconscious mind to find

expression in opening all

roads, smoothing all

obstacles, making

anything you desire a

reality in your life.

Therefore it is imperative

to desire the thing with a

white hot focus to make it

manifest in your

experience. Thinking

about what you desire

once in a while will

remain only a wish.

The subconscious mind is

a rich open field that

grows any thought that is

emotionalised and truly

desired into reality.

Therefore all you need to

do is to focus on what you

desire with feeling and

you will see the results

manifest. Having said

that, it is to be understood

that the subconscious is

not magic, but a process in

which you train your mind

to Think of what you

desire and by doing so

start an automatic chain of

attraction made up of all

things to make your desire

a reality. Think up a storm

in desire, hold the thought

long enough for it to start

feeling real, release it and

go about your business

and then watch how you

attract the desired results

into your life.


You need to do a lot of

self talk in the right way

for your subconscious

mind to manifest all that

you desire. For example if

you think of yourself in

Want or in Need of a

particular thing, you are

conveying to your

subconscious through the

vibration of want or need

and the subconscious will

give you More want or

Need. If you speak to it in

the present tense, it will

surely find all the ways to

make what you believe

become a reality in your

experience called life.

Personal power, physical

health, mental brilliancy,

wealth are all attainments

that the subconscious can

readily produce when

properly directed and


The greater the faith in the

process of attainment

through the subconscious

mind, the greater and

faster the ensuing results

can be seen. The

subconscious mind should

never be approached with

an attitude of command or

demand, but always with

the attitude of faith and

desire. Desire with a deep,

strong desire, that the

subconscious do what you

desire to be done, and

animate the desire with

faith that IT IS done, will

secure the ultimate

success in manifestation

for you. The more you

suggest to yourself that all

you desire is Here and

Now with you, you bring

all wishes within the

ambit of Possibility,

which in turn will make

you believe that you Can

have it all. The

subconscious then goes on

to open all paths to your

getting what you desire.

You will find Success at

every turn and find Failure




First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and

plans; then transformation of those plans into reality.

The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.

ssentially everything and anything

you could possibly want has to do

with your thoughts on the things

desired. Therefore the intensity of thoughts

being vibrated is the meter by which you

receive in terms of How Much and How

Soon the manifestations of your desires are


Our thoughts create both our inward

character and our outward personality. We

create both by the thoughts we originate,

harbour, entertain or accept from others.

We are, each of us, the result of what we

have thought in the past, and we will be the

result of what we are thinking now.

Manifestation is the natural result of our

thought pattern, whether good or bad. The

ideal becomes real. Our dreams come true

because we have thought about what we


Thinking a thought is not a process in

Luck, it is a systematic, constant download

of a desire into the subconscious mind, like

a seed planted in the ground. Lovingly

watered daily with emotion and

expectancy. Nourished with Belief and

knowing that the seed must, according to

the Law of Nature produce After its own

kind, wait for the manifestation of the

desire. Manifestation is the direct

materialization of our desires which we

think about. It is the drawing or attracting

to ourselves the persons, things, and

environments that are conducive to the

character of our desires.

Each thought seeks its own kind, like an

atom attracts to it another atom which is in

harmony with it. Vibrations caused by our

thoughts radiate far and wide and attract

like vibrations till they all fuse together in

creating the complete picture of your

desire. This is very similar to an architect

with a picture of a building in his head. It

starts with a thought, then the more he

thinks about it, the fonder of it he becomes.

He draws it on paper, giving it a definite

shape, and while he contemplates the

blueprint, he starts thinking of all the

artisans, the money, the building materials

that he needs to make his dream come true.

He then sets to work on his blueprint along

with all the cooperative components and

before long he actualizes his desire.

So it is with any desire. It is necessary to

have a clear picture in your mind about

what you want, think about it everyday and

add every detail to that picture that you


See yourself already in possession of the

thing desired, touch it, feel it, taste it.

Hold the picture till you come to believe it

is true in every sense of the word.

Expect it to manifest itself for you.

Work all ideas, people, conditions,

opportunities that present themselves to

you for the attainment of your desire,

because they have been provided for you

for just that reason.

Take Action on your plan whether you

think you are ready or not. There is no

better moment to put a plan into action

than NOW.

Believe that you can have everything you

want and You Shall.

- Napoleon Hill

Life Designer, April 2015 5

Stuffed Green Pumpkin

(Ghiya) Preparation of this dish is easy and

efficient, because the beans cook on

the stove top while the ghiya steams

in the microwave.




















1. In nonstick 12-inch skillet, heat oil over

medium-high heat until hot. Add onion,

carrot, and garlic, and cook until

vegetables are tender and golden, about 15

minutes, stirring occasionally. Add rajma,

salt and pepper heat to boiling. Cover

skillet and keep warm.

2. Meanwhile, cut each ghiya lengthwise in

half. Ghiya halves in 3-quart microwave-

safe baking dish. Cover and cook in

microwave oven on High for 6 to 8

minutes, until ghiya is fork-tender.

3. Place ghiya halves, cut sides up, on

platter. Fill each half with one-fourth of

warm rajma mixture; sprinkle with tomato.

Serve with Cheese, if you like. PER SERVING. (250 Calories) | 9G PROTEIN | 47G





Sweet Fruity frozen yogurt (Dahi)

Served as a fruity dessert or snack, our

creamy Sweet Fruit Of the Season

Frozen Yogurt (Dahi) delivers a

double dose of fruity flavor and only 1

gram of fat per serving. This

formula works with other frozen fruit

and fruit yogurt (Dahi) combos too —

try cherry, raspberry, or strawberry.



In food processor with knife blade

attached, process Fruit of the season (10

to 12 ounces) until finely shaved. Add 2

containers (6 ounces each) low-fat

yogurt (Dahi) and 1 tablespoon sugar.

Process just until smooth. Serve

immediately or, if not serving right away,

pour into 9-inch square baking pan; cover

and freeze no longer than 1 hour for best


PER SERVING.(130 calories) |4G PROTEIN | 28G




From The Bangali Kichen Life Designer, April 2015 (Given by Ruma Basu) 6

Shukto Ingredients: 1 cup Green Papaya (sliced)

1 cup Drumstick (peeled and cut into small

pieces )

¼ cup Bitter gourd (finely cut)

Green banana ( cut into small pieces )

Brinjal (cut into small pieces )

1 cup French beans (cut into small pieces)

Potato (cut into small pieces)

Reddish (cut into small pieces)

Bori ( made from Dal-paste )

Masala paste (a) : a thick paste of 2 tsp.

poppy seeds, 2 tsp. mustard seeds and 2

inches ginger.

A paste of wheat flour (1 tsp) and milk

(2 tbsp.) mixed together.

Masala paste (b) : Dry fried celery seeds,

mustard seeds, sauf and bay leaf

Salt and sugar

Oil : 2 tsp.

Method: 1. Heat oil in a pan.

2. Fry the bitter gourd(Karela) till brown.

3. Stir fry all the other vegetables. Deep fry the


4. Keep aside the bitter gourd. Add salt and boil

all the other vegetables along with the BORI.

5. Now add the sugar, the masala paste (a) and the

paste of wheat flour and milk.

6. Boil till a medium consistency is obtained.

Sprinkle fried bitter gourd on top.

7. Fry the masala seed and grind into a powder.

8. Garnish shukto with masala seed powder.

********** Serve with rice as a starter ***********.

Aloo Potoler Dalna Ingredients :

2 potatoes.

500 grams gourd (potol or in Hindi-‘ parval’)

4 tablespoon cooking oil .

Salt to taste.

½ teaspoon turmeric powder.

1 tomato.

1 tablespoon cumin paste.

½ teaspoon garam masala

¼ teaspoon cumin seeds

2 bay leaves.

1 cup of water

4 tablespoon oil

Method: 1. Peel the Potol (Gourd, Parval), cut each in

two pieces. Cut Potatoes in small cubes.

2. Mix Parval ,Potato, salt and turmeric

powder separately. Heat oil in a deep pan

or Wok.

3. Put 2 tbs oil in the pan and fry the cut

potatoes for 3 - 4 minutes and keep aside.

4. Then fry the Gourd (Potol or Parval)


5. Put another 2 tbs oil and once hot, add bay

leaves and cumin seed. Then the cut

tomatoes, ginger-red chili paste, cumin

powder, salt and turmeric powder. Fry the

mixture for 4-5 minutes.

6. Add 1/2 cup water and mix it well. Let it

fry for another 3 - 4 minutes on high heat.

7. Add the fried gourd(parval or potol) and

potato and mix by stirring the whole. Add

1/2 cup water and allow to boil on low

flame and cover the pan, cook for 6-7

minutes till potato is cooked.

8. Add Garam masala and Ghee on top of it.

****Serve it with hot Rice, Luchi and Roti ****

From The Bangali Kichen Life Designer, April 2015 (Given by Ruma Basu) 7

Macher Kalia


Rohu fish -500 grams

Mustard oil -4 tablespoons

Onions grated -2 medium

Salt -to taste

Turmeric powder -1/2 teaspoon

Cloves -3-4

Ginger chopped -1 teaspoon

Garlic chopped -1 teaspoon

Green chilies chopped -2

Red chili powder -1/2 teaspoon

Tomato puree -2 tablespoons

Cumin powder -1 teaspoon

Fresh coriander leaves chopped -2



1. Heat mustard oil in a nonstick pan till it

smokes.Squeeze the onions and discard

excess water.

2. Add salt and turmeric powder to the fish

pieces and mix well.

3. Cool the oil slightly, add the fish pieces

and shallow fry on high heat, turning sides

,till well cooked. Drain and place in a plate .

4. Add cloves and onions to the oil remaining

in the pan and stir till browne .Add ginger

and garlic and continue to stir till aroma

comes out.

5. Add green chilies remaining turmeric

powder and red chili powder and mix .Add

tomato puree and saute till oil begins to


6. Add 1 and ½ cups water and cumin

powder and mix well. Add salt and mix .Add

fried fish and coriander leaves and cook on

low flame for 2-3 minutes .

*********Serve hot with steamed rice*********

Chingri Macher Malai Curry (Bengali Prawn Curry with Coconut)


Prawns: 1 kg

White oil: 150 gm

Onion: 4

Cinnamon stick: 2

Cloves: 4

Cardamom: 6

Whole cumin: 12 tbsp.

Ginger paste: 2 tbsp.

Cumin paste: 2 tbsp.

Cumin powder: 2 tsps.

Chili powder: 1 tsps.

Turmeric powder: 12 tsps.

Sugar: 1 tsps.

Garam masala: 1 tsps.

Coconut milk: 2 cups

Ghee: 2 tsps.

Coriander leaves (for garnishing): 5-6

Salt to taste

Method: 1. Clean the prawns with warm salted water.

2. Marinate with 14 teaspoons of turmeric

powder and 14 teaspoons of salt along with a

pinch of onion, ginger and cumin seeds.

3. Prepare a paste of onion and ginger in a

mixer. Heat ghee in a kadai or pan and fry the

prawns till they turn golden brown.

4. Keep them aside in a bowl. Add cinnamon,

cardamom, cloves and bay leaves to the oil.

5. Add the paste of onion and ginger and fry

it on medium flame for 4-5 minutes.

6. Add remaining turmeric powder, chili

powder, salt and garam masala.

7. Add coconut milk and 12 cup of water and

bring it to boil. slit the green chilies and add

them to the gravy along with the fried


8. Allow it to cook for 5-6 minutes.

9. You can garnish it with coriander leaves

and add some decicated coconut.

*********Served it with hot rice.*********

From The Bangali Kichen Life Designer, April 2015 (Given by Ruma Basu) 8



For the filling- Grated Coconut (Narkel Kora): 3cups

Jaggery (Gur): 1cup

Cardamom powder (Elaich): 1/4


For the crepes-

Wheat flour (Maida): 1cup

Seomlina (Suji): 1/2 cup

Rice flour (Chal guro): 1/2cup

Milk (Dudh): 1cup

Oil for frying


For the filling- In a wok heat the jaggery, as it start melting

add the coconut.

Put in the cardamom powder and stir till the

coconut mixes well with the jaggery.

Cook till the coconut feels sticky.

Take off flame and keep aside.

For the crepes-

Add all dry ingredients together and mix well

Pour the milk with stirring constantly to

avoid lumps, the batter should be smooth and

flowing (add milk if required)

Heat a frying pan (preferably non-stick) coat

with 1 tablespoon of oil.

Take a small bowl of batter and spread it

evenly on the pan to make a round shape.

Place the filling lengthwise at the center of

the crepe.

Fold the crepe from both sides and wait till it

turns light brown.

Life Designer, April 2015 9

KEEP FIT Keep fit using your own bodyweight

exercise. You don’t need expensive gym equipment or a gym membership. Learn to

use your own bodyweight to Keep fit in

only 20 min daily.

The workout starts with a warm-up jog and

then has 8 bodyweight exercises designed

to help tone and burn fat.

All the exercises are traditional old school

fitness exercises that are performed in

martial arts clubs, aerobics classes and

gyms the world over.

This quick home workout routine is

designed to improve both cardiovascular

fitness and muscular endurance. It is also

great for toning the body.

Perform each exercise as intensively as

possible and then rest for up to 30 seconds

before moving on to the next one. Always

ensure that you perform the exercises

correctly, holding proper form, especially

in the hip bridges and squat thrusts. Breath

deeply and naturally throughout.

This workout targets the whole body,

improves cardiovascular efficiency and

tones and strengthens the body. This

workout is a great way to prepare for a

more serious circuit training workout.

1. Jog in one place for 3 minutes

Simple light jogging on

the spot. This does not

have to be intensive, so

no high knees or jumping

around, it is just to gently

warm you up for a few

minutes before the main exercises.

2. Jumping jacks: 50 repeats

The classic old school cardio burner. Also

known as the star jump, start by standing

up straight with your feet together, then

simply jump the feet out to the sides, just

wider than shoulder width apart while

lifting you hands upwards.

Return to normal standing position. When

landing, bend your knees slightly to reduce

the impact on knee joints.

3. Crunches: 15 repeats

Lie flat on your back with your knees

bent. Place your hands at the sides of your

head with your fingers lightly touching

your temples, with elbows pointing


Try to keep your neck in a straight line

with your spine, fixing a point on the

ceiling above you is a good idea. Flex your

waist to raise the upper torso from the floor

so that you are “crunching” your abdominals.

Ensure that your abs are engaged

(contracted) throughout the movement,

hold for a second. Then lower yourself

until the back of your shoulders touches

the mat before repeating. Muscles worked:


Life Designer, April 2015 10

4. Hip Bridges: 10 repeats

Lie on your back with your arms straight

and out by your side and palms facing

upwards. With only the heels of your feet

touching the floor lift your hips up to form

a straight line from the shoulders to the


Your legs should be almost vertical from

the foot to the knee. Hold this position for

10 seconds. Squeeze your glutes (butt

muscles) and then lower yourself. Muscle

worked: Lower back, hamstrings and


5. Step ups: 1 minute

You will need a stepper

for this. If you do not

own a stepper then you

can use the bottom step

on a flight of stairs or a

sturdy stool. Simply

stand in front of the

step and step up onto it.

Alternate your leading

leg on each step, so left

then right up onto the step, return with left

first then right. Then on the next step lead

with the right then left leg, return with

right first. Repeat. Muscle worked:

hamstrings, gluteus, quads.

6. Reverse crunches: 15 repeats

Lie on your back with your hands on your

sides. Keep you knees bent. Bring your

knees towards your head, till your hips

come slightly off the floor. Hold this

position for a second, and then lower your

knees. Muscle worked: lower abs and


7. Mountain climbers: 1 minute

Get down on your hands and knees and

raise your knees like a starting block


Run in that position, supporting your upper

body with the palms of your hands. Keep

your back straight. Muscles worked:

triceps, deltoid muscle, gluteus, quads,

hamstrings, calves.

8. Push–ups: 15 repeats

The classic push, in the plank position with

palms flat on the floor, point forward,

about shoulder width apart. Muscles

worked: triceps, deltoids, pectorals.

Life Designer, April 2015 11

Job Interview Protocols Tell me about yourself.

Why should I hire you?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Why do you want to work for our


What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?

What is the difference between hard work and smart work?

How do you feel about working nights and weekends?

Can you work under pressure?

Are you willing to relocate or travel?

What are your goals?

What motivates you to do good job?

What makes you angry?

Give me an example of your creativity.

How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

Are not you overqualified for this position?

Describe your ideal company, location and job.

What are your career options right now?

Explain how would be an asset to this organization?

What are your outside interests?

Would you lie for the company?

Who has inspired you in your life and why?

What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?

Have you considered starting your own business?

How do

you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?

If you won $10 million lottery, would you still work?

Tell me something

about our company.

How much salary do you expect?

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Do you have any questions for me?

Suggestion on how to answer question no. 1. A]Name. B]Age. Not the year, just how old you are. C]Last qualification completed, and from where. D]Immediate family details. E]Short term goals.[1-3 years] F]Long term goals.[3-10 years] G]Hobbies.

Life Designer, April 2015 12


COLOR OF THE SEASON – MARSALA.(Deep Wine Red) All Retro Pastel Shades Shown Here.

Life Designer, April 2015 13


GIRLISH BEAUTY PARLOUR Mob:+91-9350823516,+91-9958479167

Life Designer, April 2015 14


BLACK TIE means formal. Women wear long

evening or cocktail dresses or dressy evening

separates. Men wear traditional tuxedoes with

formal white shirt, black bow tie, and black

cummerbund. Men may also choose to add their

own flair to their tux by wearing a traditional style

tie (silver or gold) or colored bow ties and


CASUAL means anything goes, but please be

tasteful, no holes, tears or paint spots.

COCKTAIL ATTIRE simply means short,

elegant dresses or

dressy pantsuits for her

and dark suits for him.


simply means wear all

white; such as white

dress or pantsuit for her

or white shirt and

slacks for him, however remember depending on

the time of event will determine how dressy the


DRESSY CASUAL usually means no jeans or

shorts. A cocktail-length dress for the ladies and

your standard khakis with a button-down shirt and

tie for the guys... no jacket required. This attire is

similar to business casual, but a bit dressier.

FORMAL usually means the same as Black Tie.

If your host is especially trendy, men may wear a

black shirt, no tie with a tuxedo. Tradition,

however, requires that men wear the standard

tuxedo and women wear long cocktail dresses or

dressy evening separates.

INFORMAL can mean the same as casual,

however, when the event is associated with a

wedding or another special occasion, some form

of decorum and respect should prevail. A dress for

her or a nice pair of slacks and a shirt for him are

informal, but respectful of the event.

FORMAL OR INFORMAL are two terms

usually found with weddings. The time of day

determines the dress.

. . . IF the event or wedding is held before 6 pm,

women may wear a tailored suit or pretty daytime

dress (avoid black before 6

pm). If it’s a religious wedding, bring a wrap to

cover bare shoulders. Men

may wear a traditional

business suit, shirt and tie

(dark colored for winter,

lighter colors for summer)

or a blazer, dress slacks,

and tie. One never wears

formal attire before 6pm,

except for the members of the wedding party.

. . . FOR an event after 6pm, men wear dark suits

or dinner jackets, women should wear a cocktail

dress, dressy evening separates, or dinner suit.

Black is fine to wear after 6 pm.

. . . FOR an event labeled “Informal”, even if it’s after 6pm, you may dress as though it’s a before 6pm event.

. . . IF the invitation requests Black of White tie,

men and women should follow the guidelines

listed for those terms.

nightclub chic suggests nothing other than black

and sleek.

SEMI-FORMAL is the trickiest of all dress

codes. Typically it means that tuxedos are not

required, nor are long dresses. An evening event

(after 6:00 pm) would still require a dark suit for

men and a cocktail dress for women. Daytime

semi formal events mean a suit for him and an

appropriate short dress or dressy suit for her.


upscale sundress for her and subtly colored linen

trousers for him.

Life Designer, April 2015 15


Color Design to Dress Your Home For Summer

Living Room

Master Bedroom

Dinning Room

The Little Miss

The Little Master


HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW?... Life Designer, April 2015


Design your happiness ...

FRANGIPANI Frangipani is one of the easiest trees to propagate,and a great way to increase decorative foliage and fragrance in your garden or courtyard. Steps to propagate a new batch of frangipani trees in your garden. 1. Remove old wood Choose a firm stem. Using sharp secateurs, make a cutting about 30–50cm long. The base of the cutting should be of old wood, which is grey. 2. Rest wounds Remove the leaves and place cuttings somewhere dry, well ventilated and in full sun. Allow the wounds to heal. This takes a few weeks.

3. Plant When the area behind the wound swells insert cuttings, one per pot, into a fast-draining propagating mix. Water sparingly as the cuttings begin to take root. HYDRANGEA

The old fashioned hydrangea has a place in the modern girl’s heart with its cluster of flat petaled blooms creating one large bulbous flower head. Don’t be discouraged by its size, they can be thread through, or

individual florets may be wired to create more petite clusters. One of the few “blue” blooms available, the chameleon of the flower world also offers seasonal shades from pure white to

blushed green, shades of pink, purple, and antique wine tones. SWEET PEA

With an intoxicating scent, the ruffled paper petaled Sweet Pea is pure delight and translates to blissful pleasure in the language of flowers. Often used as a term of endearment, its delicate perfume made it the floral sensation of the Victorian era and a popular choice for bridal bouquets of the 1800’s. Available in a candy store of colours, the sweet pea is a timeless classic.


Comprising a single row of petals surrounding a black,velvet textured center on colours ranging from purple, red, cerise, white and the delightful two toned white with paint like brushstrokes in a blush. Beautiful on their own, especially the white with its contrasting black center, and equally delightful mixed with sweet peas and hyacinths.

Life Designer, April 2015




"Life is nothing... just a dream and you have to become an artist and

design your life to the best of your ability."

"If you want to become a better you, get into the

positive mind frame! Start turning setbacks into


"Doing things that have not been done yet is called aspiration and fulfilling

them is success."

"Sometimes how much you live is more important than

how much you earn. Always do the things that you like the most. It may not give

you more money but

"There will always be someone to find out your disabilities but in case of

your abilities, you will have to find them out yourselves;

just do it because if the cause of your failure is you then the only cause of your success is


"As long as you have your heart in the right place, you need not be afraid of what

people say. Just follow your heart. You need to live up to your own expectations, not

others' expectations."

“Life ia an Echo, What You Send out, Comes back,

What you sow,you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others,

Exists in you.”

Life Designer, April 2015 18


Once upon a time two brothers who lived on adjoining

farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40

years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and

trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch.

Then the long collaboration fell apart. It began with a small

misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference, and

finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words

followed by weeks of silence.

One morning there was a knock on John's door. He opened

it to find a man with a carpenter's toolbox. "I'm looking for

a few days work," he said.

"Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there.

Could I help you?"

"Yes," said the older brother. "I do have a job for you. Look

across the creek at that farm. That's my neighbor, in fact,

it's my younger brother. Last week there was a meadow

between us and he took his bulldozer to the river levee and

now there is a creek between us. Well, he may have done

this to spite me, but I'll go him one better. See that pile of

lumber curing by the barn? I want you to build me a fence -

an 8-foot fence - so I won't need to see his place anymore.

Cool him down, anyhow."

The carpenter said, "I think I understand the situation.

Show me the nails and the post-hole digger and I'll be able

to do a job that pleases you."

The older brother had to go to town for supplies, so he

helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he

was off for the day.

The carpenter worked hard all that day measuring, sawing,


About sunset when the

farmer returned, the

carpenter had just finished

his job. The farmer's eyes

opened wide, his jaw dropped.

There was no fence there at all. It

was a bridge... a bridge stretching

from one side of the creek to the

other! A fine piece of work

handrails and all - and the

neighbor, his younger

brother, was coming across, his hand outstretched.

"You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all I've said

and done."

The two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then

they met in the middle, taking each other's hand. They

turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox on his

shoulder. "No, wait! Stay a few days. I've a lot of other

projects for you," said the older brother.

"I'd love to stay on," the carpenter said, "but, I have many

more bridges to build."


According to scientists, the bumblebee's body is too heavy

and its wing span too small. Aerodynamically, the

bumblebee cannot fly. But the bumblebee doesn't know

that and it keeps flying.

When you don't know

your limitations, you go

out and surprise yourself.

In hindsight, you wonder

if you had any limitations.

The only limitations a

person has are those that

are self-imposed. Don't

let education put

limitations on you.


A farmer had a dog who used to sit by the roadside waiting

for vehicles to come around. As soon as one came he would

run down the road, barking and trying to overtake it. One

day a neighbor asked the farmer "Do you think your dog is

ever going to catch a car?" The farmer replied, "That is not

what bothers me. What bothers me is what he would do if

he ever caught one." Many people in life behave like that

dog who is pursuing meaningless goals.

Life is hard by the yard,

but by the inch,

it's a cinch.

--Gean Gordon


There was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to the

baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to

see if he was getting a pound and he found that he was not.

This angered him and he took the farmer to court. The

judge asked the farmer if he was using any measure. The

farmer replied, amour Honor, I am primitive. I don't have a

proper measure, but I do have a scale." The judge asked,

"Then how do you weigh the butter?" The farmer replied

"Your Honor, long before the baker started buying butter

from me, I have been buying a pound loaf of bread from

him. Every day when the baker brings the bread, I put it on

the scale and give him the same weight in butter. If anyone

is to be blamed, it is the baker."

What is the moral of the story? We get back in life what we

give to others. Whenever you take an action, ask yourself

this question: Am I giving fair value for the wages or money

I hope to make? Honesty and dishonesty become a habit.

Some people practice dishonesty and can lie with a straight

face. Others lie so much that they don't even know what

the truth is anymore. But who are they deceiving?


Life Designer, April 2015 19


No need to always be connected to all services.

Turn off GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, Wi-Fi and mobile

data whenever you don't need them. Turning off

location data, or setting it to use Wi-Fi or 3G data

rather than GPS works perfectly well. Only turn

on Bluetooth and NFC as long as you need them

(even though these consume very little power),

and there's no need to have both Wi-Fi and mobile

data turned on at all times.

If you use Wi-Fi a lot though, say at home and at

work, then it makes sense to keep set your Wi-Fi

to ''Always on during sleep'' as this uses less

power than to have your Wi-Fi reconnecting every

time you wake your phone.

Use dark screen closed background.

If your phone has an AMOLED screen (like most

Samsungs), use a dark colored background,

because AMOLED screens only illuminate the

colored pixels. Black pixels are unlit, so the more

black pixels you have, or the more darker pixels,

the less battery you need to light them up.

Don’t use auto screen brightness.

Don't use display auto-brightness. It may sound

good, but auto-brightness is usually way brighter

than you really need. It's much better to manually

set a super low brightness level that is still

comfortable, and then just bump it up when

necessary. This is one of the main ways to

improve your battery life as the screen is one of

the biggest battery suckers.

Nice bright wallpapers may look lovely on AMOLED screens, but they drain


Switch off vibration mode.

Switch off vibrate. Unless you really need that

added awareness, turn off vibration. It actually

takes more power to vibrate your phone than it

does to ring it. Turn off haptic feedback too. Sure

it feels cool, but it doesn't really add anything to

your experience, and it's another battery drainer.

Take least time out for screen.

Set your display's screen timeout to as short a time

as is practical for you. Just think, if your screen

timeout is set to a minute, it'll use four times the

amount of power to have it on, every time you

switch your screen on, than if your timeout is set

to 15 seconds.

Studies report the average smartphone user turns

their smartphone on 150 times a day, so anything

you can do to limit that frequency (through self-

control or other methods listed below) will help

keep your battery running for longer.

Blocking mode (disable or schedule time for


Most ROMs have battery saving features or a power saving mode, you just

have to find them. Set ''sleep times'' or ''blocking mode'' to switch off

Wi-Fi and mobile data when you don't need them.

If your phone is basically off limits at work, set

your device to not ring, vibrate or connect to the

internet while you're at work.

Likewise, you can set your phone to airplane

mode when you're asleep or use sleep or blocking

modes to set up limits for what your phone does

during certain times of the day, whether that's

while you're asleep, at work or in a meeting.

Get to know the specific settings your ROM

offers. Not only will you have to fiddle with your

phone less throughout the day (or night), but

you'll be saving on battery life too.

Life Designer, April 2015 20

Make your location services more battery-

friendly too! Turning off location services isn't just a fantastic

way to save on your battery, it saves on your data

plan too! Go into your settings and you will find

"location" under the "personal" heading - tap on it.

At the top of the next page it you will see "mode"

in this menu you will be able to set the options for

how your smartphone determines your location.

Select "battery saving" on the same page.

Make your phone snappy with faster


One of the most common complaints about

Android is “lagginess.” For whatever reason

Google has never been able to get Android on the

same buttery smooth level as iOS or even

Windows Phone. In the last few versions they

have made some serious improvements, but if you

still feel like your phone is a little laggy there is a

trick for speeding things up. Google has hidden

some secret developer options inside the

Settings. Inside the secret developer options is

settings for animation and transition speed. Here’s how to speed things up.

1. Open Settings > About phone

2. Scroll down and tap on “Build number” 7 times

3. Now go back to Settings and you should

see new “Developer options”

4. Adjust the window and transition

animation scales to .5x or turn them off


You can activate the Developer options by tapping on the build

number several times. Once it has given you a pop up message

that it's activated, you can reduce the animation scales to zero

Turn off Google hotwords

Stop your phone from always listening. Google's

"Ok Google" voice searching is a fantastic and

often very functional feature. The problem is that

it can play havoc with your battery.

Go to Apps > Settings > Accounts.

Select your Google Account and go to

the Search section:

In the Privacy section, tap on Voice:

Tap on OK Google hotword detection

Turn off this feature.