Life Coach Newsletter February 2014

Benefits of Life Coaching for Parents: Better understanding of Autism Increasing meaningful communication with your child Reducing self-doubt in your parenting abilities Assisting your child in setting better goals Developing more effective parenting skills Lower stress levels Learning how to reduce expectations Understanding of how to not take your child’s autism personally Discovering how your child’s mind works Have access to a person who understands the daily stress and frustrations you are experiencing Learning to set realistic desires and goals Understanding how to take care of yourself without sacrificing the care of your child Life Coaching For Parents of Autistic Children and Adults Jaclyn Hunt, MA Importance of Parental Life Coaching: Parents hold the enormous responsibility of raising a child and making him or her a productive and contributing member of society. This, for many, is the most difficult job in the world. For parents of children on the Autism Spectrum the task is even more daunting. Raising a child on the Autism Spectrum can be frustrating, draining, confusing, and at times seemingly impossible. On the other hand, when these children do succeed the rewards for the parent are enormous. Obtaining a coach to help with parenting skills specifically designed to work with children on the Autism Spectrum is essential. What may work with a typical child may have the opposite effect on a child with autism. February, 2014 VOL #1 ISSUE #2 “Do not do everything for your child, instead teach him how to do everything for himself.”


How can Life Coaching help Parents of Children and Adults on the Autism Spectrum

Transcript of Life Coach Newsletter February 2014

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Benefits of Life Coaching for Parents:

• Better understanding of Autism

• Increasing meaningful communication with your child

• Reducing self-doubt in your parenting abilities

• Assisting your child in setting better goals

• Developing more effective parenting skills

• Lower stress levels

• Learning how to reduce expectations

• Understanding of how to not take your child’s autism personally

• Discovering how your child’s mind works

• Have access to a person who understands the daily stress and frustrations you are experiencing

• Learning to set realistic desires and goals

• Understanding how to take care of yourself without sacrificing the care of your child

Life Coaching For Parents of Autistic Children and Adults

Jaclyn Hunt, MA

Importance of Parental Life Coaching:

Parents hold the enormous responsibility of raising a

child and making him or her a productive and

contributing member of society. This, for many, is

the most difficult job in the world. For parents of

children on the Autism Spectrum the task is even

more daunting.

Raising a child on the Autism Spectrum can be

frustrating, draining, confusing, and at times

seemingly impossible. On the other hand, when

these children do succeed the rewards for the parent

are enormous. Obtaining a coach to help with

parenting skills specifically designed to work with

children on the Autism Spectrum is essential. What

may work with a typical child may have the opposite

effect on a child with autism.

February, 2014 VOL #1 ISSUE #2

“Do not do everything for your child, instead teach him how to do everything for himself.”

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Everyone on the Autism Spectrum must learn Real Life Skills,

Communication Skills, and Social Skills; this is mandatory.

Parents must learn which skills are a priority, before moving on to more

complex and unessential tasks. For instance, many parents are adament that

their child learn how to write his name. This task is not important if the child

is not yet potty trained. In order to succeed in society, a person needs to be

able to take care of themselves in the bathroom before they can go to school,

gain employment, and function out in the world. The main goal for all those

on the spectrum is to be able to function independently in the world.

Many parents argue this idea because they are focused on their child’s

exceptional abilities. These abilities are wonderful, but will be of no use to

them unless they learn basic skills first. There are no doctors, lawyers, or

world leaders who are unable to take care of personal daily needs on their

own to a reasonable degree. The exceptional abilities will still be around to

cultivate long after the basic needs are mastered.

Everyone on the autism spectrum is capable of achieving an acceptable level

of independence. Every parent of a child on the Autism Spectrum must keep

that goal in the forefront of their thoughts. Basic skills must come first, even

if your child exceeds in higher level tasks at a very young age. If your child is

reading at 2 that does not simply mean he or she is a genius, it means they are

not socializing and interacting appropriately for their age and the sooner that

is addressed the better. If you are uncertain how to prioritize your child’s

learning and development, consulting with a coach who has experience with

autism can be highly beneficial.

An Important Area of Intervention for Parents of children with Autism

“Success is raising a happy and healthy human being.”

Successful Parent/Child Interaction.

Effective Parental Communication.

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“Relationships are extremely complicated. Don’t expect your child to understand the complexity of any relationship until you explicitly teach them in a way they understand.”

Communication, growth and peace for the child and parent alike.

Make Purposeful and Meaningful Changes

Set Smaller Goals

Lower Parental Expectations

Give Patience, Love, and Support in Abundance

Make Time for Yourself and Your Spouse

Method for Successful Parenting

For Children on the Autism Spectrum

When a parent first comes to me I quite often find the entire family stuck in a very specific pattern that is clearly not working. The parent feels they must persist or the child will never succeed, and the child feels like they must fight it with all their being because it is uncomfortable and undesirable. This leads to conflict, destruction, frustration, and feelings of helplessness. This is when the implementation of purposeful, meaningful changes must take place. As a coach I evaluate each family individually and come up with those changes and instruct the parents on how to make those changes happen. Sometimes a parent sets a goal that is too lofty for a child to accomplish successfully. For instance, doing 20 math problems because “she can do it, she just gets lazy!” In this case, 20 problems is an arduous attention task, even for an autistic child who excels in math. Therefore, I work to convince the parents to only have the child complete 3-5 problems and move on. The child succeeds, builds her self-confidence and perhaps does more work the next time around. This is one example of many possible goal-setting issues. Similarly, parents often see the full potential of their children and wish to push them there before they are ready. Children on the autism spectrum look like everyone else, and it is sometimes difficult to see the internal struggle they go through every single day. I have to remind parents to set aside their expectations and accept what does get accomplished in a day. Having no expectation means no disappointment. Any child can sense disappointment in a parent, and would rather not attempt a task out of the fear of disappointing mom or dad rather than giving it a shot. Do not show or feel disappointment around your child, only provide a supporting, loving environment where patience is abound! Finally, the most difficult area for parents is pulling themselves away from their child’s needs and finding time for their own. As a life coach I find it almost impossible to convince parents that if they take care of themselves and their marriage there will be a better home environment for the child to thrive in. Parents believe if they let up for one moment the child will regress. I am here to support you through the times when it is essential for you to take a break and recharge so that you can perform at your peak when working with your child. Think about it, your child is in a constant state of stress, and having a parent in that same state does no good when trying to teach anxiety reduction and productive real life skills.

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Provider Profile: Jaclyn Hunt MA, CAS

Certified Autism Specialist

Jaclyn is a Certified Autism Specialist and Life Coach that

specializes in Autism for all those who are affected by it.

In terms of adults on the Autism Spectrum, she works to get

them organized, motivated, socialized, and out into the

community. She assists in the successful navigation of social,

employment, and romantic relationships.

For parents of children and adults on the Autism Spectrum,

Jaclyn’s job is to assure them that they are on the right track,

steer them in the correct direction when dealing with their

children, and also helping them remain healthy by establishing

and maintaining their own identity separate from their children.

Spouses of adults on the Autism Spectrum often need guidance

and support in dealing with the emotional challenges and lack

of adequate emotional reciprocity by their partners. Jaclyn is

also skilled at bridging the communication gaps between

spouses in autistic relationships.

Adults on the Autism Spectrum have needs and requirements

that many professionals are unfamiliar with at this time.

Jaclyn’s goal is to spread knowledge and awareness about the

growing number of people enterning adulthood with an Autism

Spectrum Disorder.

Types of Clients:

• Adults on the Autism Spectrum

• Parents of Children and Adults on the Autism Spectrum

• Spouses and Significant other of Adults on the Autism Spectrum

• Siblings, Grandparents, and other relatives of those on the Autism Spectrum

• Educators, Doctors, and other Professionals that work with those on the Autism Spectrum

• Anyone affected by Autism or other related Special Needs

Services Offered:

• Phone Sessions

• Skype Sessions

• In-person Sessions

• Email availability

• Speaking Engagements

• Workshops

• Educational Opportunities

• Group Sessions and Classes

• FREE! Initial Consultation by Phone!

Website: Email: [email protected] Call: 732-675-6876