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  • 7/25/2019 Lierary Devices


    Literary Devices: Meanings andExamplesUpdated on June 19, 2013

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    Literary Devices

    The English language comprises many literary deices that add richness and li!e to phrases and

    e"pressions# In our daily lies $e encounter literary deices inpoems, stories, newspapers, plays,

    songs, moviesand een in our ery o$nconversations#

    This article de!ines the most common literary deices, and gies e"amples o! each#

  • 7/25/2019 Lierary Devices


    %n allegoryis a deice used to represent an idea, principle or meaning, $hich can &e presented in

    literary !orm, such as a poem or noel' or in a isual !orm such as a painting or dra$ing#

    %s a literary deice, an allegory is de!ined as an (e"tended metaphor), or (sym&olic representation)#

    *ery o!ten an allegoric story or play illustrates an idea or moral principle in $hich o&+ects tae on

    sym&olic meaning#

    %llegory e"ample


    Alliterationis the repetition o! the !irst sylla&les o! a series o! $ords and- or phrases# .odern

    alliteration is predominantly consonantal#

    %lliteration can &e &roen do$n into t$o groups/


    Assonance isthe repetition o! o$el sounds &ut not consonant sounds#

    %ssonance e"ample

  • 7/25/2019 Lierary Devices



    Consonanceis the repetition o! consonant sounds &y not o$el sounds#

    onsonance de!inition


    %nallusionis a !igure o! speech that maes a re!erence to, representation o! a place, historicaleent, literary $or, myth, or $or o! art# %llusions can &e direct re!erences or implications#

    %llusion e"ample

    In the !irst e"ample a&oe, the sentence alludes to %chilles, the $arrior o! ree mythology, $ho

    could only &e harmed i! something hit his heel# i#e# %chilles only $eaness $as his heel4


    %n analogyis a comparison that is made &et$een t$o things that are in some $ay- $ays similar# %n

    analogy is o!ten used to help e"plain something or mae it easier to understand

    %nalogy e"ample


  • 7/25/2019 Lierary Devices


    The turning point o! the action in a story, play or plot is re!erred to as the clia!#

    The clima" represents the point at $hich the story gets e"citing and more alie# In some stories

    there may &e seeral points that can &e argua&ly called the climatic points#

    lima" e"ample


    % %y&er'oleis a !igure o! speech in $hich an oerstatement or e"aggeration occurs#

    5!ten used in poetry or in casual speech, hyper&oles are usually used to create emphasis or e!!ect#

    6yper&ole e"ample


    Ironyis incongruity &et$een $hat might &e e"pected and $hat actually occurs#

    (er'al Irony

    Ironic statements er&al irony4 typically imply a meaning that is opposite to the literal meaning#

    Sarcasm is a !orm o! er&al irony#

  • 7/25/2019 Lierary Devices


    *er&al irony e"ample

    Situational Irony

    % situation is ironic i! actions taen hae an e!!ect e"actly opposite !rom $hat $as intended or


    Situational irony e"ample


    % eta&%oris a comparison in $hich one thing is said to &e another# The $ords (lie) and (as) arenot used in metaphors#

    .etaphor e"ample


    Onoato&oeiais the !ormation o! a $ord that imitates or suggests the sound that it represents#

    5nomatoepia e"ample
  • 7/25/2019 Lierary Devices



    %n o!yoronis !igure o! speech that com&ines contradictory terms#

    5"ymoron e"ample


    #ersoni*icationis a !igure o! speech $here something nonhuman is gien the characteristics o! a


    Personi!ication e"ample

    #UN +also calle, #ARANOMASIA-

    %&unis a play on $ords $herein one $ord is used to coney t$o meanings at the same time# Puns

    are o!ten intended !or a humorous or rhetorical e!!ect#

    Pun e"ample


  • 7/25/2019 Lierary Devices


    % siileis a !igure o! speech that compares t$o unlie 7uantities &y employing the $ords (lie),

    (as), or (than)#

    Simile e"ample