Libyan Desert Glass Tektite or Krybryone

Libyan Desert Glass Tektite or Krybryone What do you call a man whose life work is involved with rocks that are 28 million years old? A purveyor of ancient stones and a self-described uni-terrestrial ("a working integration of cosmic consciousness within civilian form. Uni-terrestrials are star seeds, ignited by contact with other extra and ultra terrestrial life forms"), Christopher Emmer, known in sacred circles as Excalibur, is just this person. His mission is to gather and disseminate Libyan Desert Glass Tektite or Krybryone, as he prefers to call it. Libyan Desert Glass Tektite is approximately 28.5 million years old. Although the origin of it is speculative, many channels believe that it came from the explosion of the 5th planet, Maldek. Like Mars, Venus, and now Earth, Maldek had 3rd dimensional beings on it. Many channels such as Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Edgar Cayce, were quoted as saying that Maldek blew up in a nuclear holocaust caused by the 3rd dimensional beings. Many sources believe that Maldek became the asteroid belt, and a particularly large fragment hit the Sahara Desert near Egypt. Wind, water and sand have eroded the pieces into the irregular shapes they are today. As of March 2006, scientists believe they may have found the impact crater in Egypt. Hence, this is the only source currently found for Libyan Glass. Tektites are usually black and glassy. They take their shapes from the impact of meteorite hitting shallow bodies of water. Green tektite is usually Moldavite, found only in the Moldau Valley of Czechoslovakia. Again, an impact of a meteorite hitting only one area of the world. Libyan Desert Glass is glassy and yellow, ranging in color from cream to yellow-green. Excalibur showed up at our shop one day, carrying a box of Libyan Glass. Each had a special velvet bag as its holding case. "Someone told me I should come here," he said. He said he had some rocks he was interested in selling, if I was interested in buying. Always, I thought. I'm a rock hound from way back, and we sell a number of awesome crystals and stones in our shop. We invited him into our back classroom so he could lay out his stones. I didn't have any idea what he had when he began speaking of Krybryone (pronounced crib-brie-own). I knew it as Libyan Tektite and recognized it right away. "Oh my gosh!" I said. "I've never seen such large pieces in my life!" I owned a small piece about the size of my thumbnail.


How to work with this crystal

Transcript of Libyan Desert Glass Tektite or Krybryone

Libyan Desert Glass Tektite or Krybryone What do you call a man whose life work is involved with rocks that are 28 million years old? A purveyor of ancient stones and a self-described uni-terrestrial ("a working integration of cosmic consciousness within civilian form. Uni-terrestrials are star seeds, ignited by contact with other extra and ultra terrestrial life forms"), Christopher Emmer, known in sacred circles as Excalibur, is just this person.His mission is to gather and disseminate Libyan Desert Glass Tektite or Krybryone, as he prefers to call it.Libyan Desert Glass Tektite is approximately 28.5 million years old. Although the origin of it is speculative, many channels believe that it came from the explosion of the 5th planet, Maldek. Like Mars, Venus, and now Earth, Maldek had 3rd dimensional beings on it. Many channels such as Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Edgar Cayce, were quoted as saying that Maldek blew up in a nuclear holocaust caused by the 3rd dimensional beings. Many sources believe that Maldek became the asteroid belt, and a particularly large fragment hit the Sahara Desert near Egypt. Wind, water and sand have eroded the pieces into the irregular shapes they are today. As of March 2006, scientists believe they may have found the impact crater in Egypt. Hence, this is the only source currently found for Libyan Glass.Tektites are usually black and glassy. They take their shapes from the impact of meteorite hitting shallow bodies of water. Green tektite is usually Moldavite, found only in the Moldau Valley of Czechoslovakia. Again, an impact of a meteorite hitting only one area of the world. Libyan Desert Glass is glassy and yellow, ranging in color from cream to yellow-green.Excalibur showed up at our shop one day, carrying a box of Libyan Glass. Each had a special velvet bag as its holding case. "Someone told me I should come here," he said.He said he had some rocks he was interested in selling, if I was interested in buying. Always, I thought. I'm a rock hound from way back, and we sell a number of awesome crystals and stones in our shop.We invited him into our back classroom so he could lay out his stones. I didn't have any idea what he had when he began speaking of Krybryone (pronounced crib-brie-own). I knew it as Libyan Tektite and recognized it right away."Oh my gosh!" I said. "I've never seen such large pieces in my life!" I owned a small piece about the size of my thumbnail. These ranged from 2 inches long to one he called The Brain. "I let people use that for their own healing work, " he said modestly. "That one really isn't for sale."He had some gem quality ones, which I found less interesting than the rough ones. "Metaphysically speaking, as far as what they do, it doesn't matter what quality they are. It just matters to some people in terms of what they prefer," he said."And what do they do?" I asked, aware that many times Libyan Glass is used for manifesting abundance."Well, they really don't have any properties, like other stones and crystals seem to," he said. "It's more like they act like a cell phone. You never know who or what's going to be dialing up and coming through. But it's always a gentle method to open you to what you are ready for. It's very appropriate for every individual, in whatever way they need it."Taking my pendulum, I selected Krybryone's from the ones he laid out. The pendulum went wildly in circles over four of them. For the remaining stones, the pendulum simply went quiet."Why do you call them Krybryone?" I asked, holding one and waiting for the 'cell phone' to ring."The term actually came to me in a dream. I knew that Libyan Glass wasn't quite right. So I went on a vision quest, and during the quest, I had this dream where the word was spelled out. I wondered if I had it right, since it's rather close to kryptonite, but the name kept coming up, so I used it. It actually means The Christ Energy," he answered.He went on to explain more about it, "Krybryone helps us to more fully awaken the light of our soul essence and our DNA program. It acts as a focus and a channel for bringing cosmic energies directly into the center of our being. It can assist us in connecting with ALL levels of our expression. It serves as an ambassador from the stars, reminding us of ancient memories, and future callings."These stone are to Earth what the internet is to computers. It is not important to have any ideas of what energy is flowing through the stones or how they can be used, because there is another Council, or aspect of yourself, which governs and oversees the use. However, as the stones come into contact with different individuals, they will be establishing different links with different star systems, star beings, even earth entities and it is important to realize that there is not just one entity or being or group that is working with you through your contact with these stones. Each stone is a little different also."The stones are not record keepers. You have the records within you. The stone is an activator because it holds a certain resonance. When you hold the stone, you are reminded of your greater potential, which naturally encourages you to activate your own DNA. As the DNA re-encodes and is awakened, the many dimensions that you inhabit become more accessible to you."Excalibur explained that his mission was initially to gather 'every piece of Libyan Glass he could get his hands on'. And now he is to disseminate these stones into the hands of the people who need them. Some people simply need to hold the stone. A few will be keepers of the stone, and serve the stone in its travels. Recently as he was hiking in Sedona, he heard a voice say very clearly, "We want you here." And he was shown where he was to do his 'activations' with people."What do you mean by activations?" I asked."There are three levels or at least right now there appear to be three levels of activation with the stones. The first is to hold the Krybryone on each of the chakra points while relaxing to music and possibly toning. The second involves using Krybryone with water and essential oils and again sacred music. While the person relaxes, the effect of the stone is magnified and amplified into each pore of the body. The third activation uses two tubs of water, one hot and one cold. The Krybryone is placed in the hot tub. As the person alternates between the hot and cold tubs, different music is played corresponding to the chakras. The lymph system circulates and moves the energy through the body in approximately 33 minutes. There's only been one person other than myself who has done the third initiation," he said. The whole point of an activation is to receive the download within, whatever that is for each person.Excalibur asks only for donations for his initiations, saying "It's really only important to get this into people's hands. I don't feel like I have the right to charge for that."Excalibur is selling his Krybryone stones to those who feel called to work with them. And for reasonable prices, considering the recent price increase in crystals and stones due to fuel costs in mining and shipping. If you feel called to purchase a Krybryone or to have an activation with Excalibur, you can visit his website:www.ExMarksTheSpot.comand view his contact information.There may be more later, as my personal activation with Krybryone unfolds.Always the star junkie,Phoenix Rising Star

Krybryone-A Gift from the Stars

Otherwise known as Libyan Desert Glass Tektite, this stone was created approximately 28.5 million years ago by the explosion of a planet that is often referred to as Maldek, which is now the Asteroid Belt. A particularly large fragment hit the Sahara Desert near Egypt, fusing the sand with celestial energetics into Krybryone. Wind, water and sand then sculpted these pieces into what is found today.

It was discovered on planet Earthbythe western world in 1932 byPatrick Claytonin the Sahara Desert outside of Egypt, but was well known to the ancient Egyptians. It has been found in various breast plates, and a scarab carved from this glass was found in King Tutankhamen's tomb.Libyan Desert Glass is almost pure silica with traces of iridium, proof of its extraterrestrial origin, since Iridium is an element that is not native to this planet. Inclusions of Cristobalite are also often found in this stone. Some pieces contain bubbles which are lenticular or irregular in shape.The largest piece recently found weighed about50 kg (110 lbs). Collectingthis tektiteis difficult and dangerous, and isnow controlled and extremely limited by local Libyan authorities.In March of2006 theimpact crater was finally discovered in Egypt.

Krybryone helps usto more fully awakenthe light of our soul essence and our DNA program. It acts as a focus and a channel for bringing cosmic energies directly into the center of our being. It can assist us in connecting with ALL levels of our expression. It serves as an ambassador from the stars, reminding usof ancient memories and future callings.

Krybryone Channeling

We heard of your endeavor to access information about the function and purpose of the stone you may refer to as Krybryone, which has been recently discovered upon your planet. What you wish to call it doesnt matter whether you use "Krybryone" or "The Christ Energy" or whatever all words and concepts fall short of what this energy is about. It is a stone that is in service to this planet and to all those who wish to access the greater realms at this time. It will remind you of a time when your true seed, your true intent was planted here on the planet.

The Krybryone is used for accessing light years of information. (Light is information). Your bodies can read light. Your minds cannot.

To be with the stone is an Initiation. Only a few people will be able to be the holders or the keepers of the stone and serve the stone in its travels. Those who will not be carrying the stone can still experience and know the same Initiation. It is only necessary to come into physical contact to resonate with the stone and to experience activation. It will always be important to listen to what that stone is asking of you, rather than thinking of what you can do with it. There will be some unusual moments things that you would never have thought of. You are only honoring its request to be of incredible service and sanctity on the planet at this time.

You will find (and it would be a good idea to mention to those who you are introducing this stone to) that there is often a lag period between contact with the stone and conscious understanding of its activation, for it is subtle and gentle. When those who come in contact with the stone are Initiated by it, a light switch is thrown. Many new pathways, or circuitways course through the cells and the DNA. However, in just that process, little can be felt or known. But as the weeks unfold from that process, synchrony begins to occur. In other words, the human being that has self-activated begins to step into movement with the network, with the awakening or "ascension", if you will. Since you are mainly focused on the third dimension, there seems to be a lag time. But the lag time is only dimensional. Those who are highly tuned to the fourth dimension and beyond will sense immediately what is going on. For others, more focused in the third, it will take some time. We are cautious about planting expectations here, because what we want to encourage is that which is beyond what you could imagine or fathom. When you think you "know", it places an intention for the stone, rather than allowing your relationship with the stone to be directing you and teaching you new ways and insight.

It is very, very important to sit quietly with the stones. They are very much alive because they are connected to the galactic telegraph system. They are like cosmic telephone receivers -and so are you.You are never quite sure who will be on the other end of the line when youstop to listen.These stones are to Earth what your internet is to your computers.It is notimportantto have any ideas of what energy is flowing through the stone or how they can be used, because there is another Council, or aspect of yourself,which governs and oversees their use. However, as the stones come into contact with different individuals, they will be establishing different links with different star systems, star beings, even earth entities and it is important to realize that there is not just one entity or being or group that is working with you through your contact withthese stones. Each stone is a little different also. We encourage you to go out at night with these stones, in the moonlight if possible, particularly if you can also be near water. The receiving (and to a lesser extent the transmitting) capacity is amplified during those times.

The stones are not record keepers. You have the records within you. The stone is an activator because it holds a certain resonance. When you hold the stone, you are reminded of your greater potential, whichnaturally encourages you toactivate your own DNA. As the DNA re-encodes and is awakened, the many dimensions that you inhabit become more accessible to you.

There are three levels of Krybryone Initiations being performed through Excalibur:

Level OneInvolves your placing a piece of Krybryone at various chakra points on your body while holding an Andara or Prophecy Stone in the other hand. You then justrelax as specific music is played,allowing it to work as you are guided youthrough eight (or more!) chakras. Toning may be utilized.This level is doneeither individually or with a group. Group initiations are very powerful.

Level TwoIs done in a tub or pool of warm natural water (from a well, river,lake or spring). The stones are anointed with essential oils and placed in the water and on you. This magnifies the effect, allowing every pore of your body to come into contact with Krybryone's activating qualities. Excalibur will allow words, tones and sounds to come forth from the universal field as you relax in the water.This level is done either individually or with a group.

Level ThreeIs done with two tubs or pools of natural water. One tub is hot (approx. 104-111 degrees). The other tub is cold (approx. 55-80 degrees). Krybryone is placed in the hot tub. You will then alternate 7 times between the hot and cold tubs. A different piece of music, corresponding to the 7 basic chakras, is played each time you immerse yourself in the hot tub. Your lymphatic system participates on a profound level in this initiation, circulating and moving the energy. This level is doneindividually. The actual initiation takes approximately 33 minutes, but it is wise to allow a couple of hours for this, as the effect is vast and re-integration can take awhile.