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Transcript of library/communities... · Web viewThe SPLS Spring Meeting Conference Call was called to order on...

Standards Project Liaison Subcommittee (SPLS)


ASHRAE Virtual Winter Meeting

January 26, 2021

These are not the official minutes until approved by SPLS


Table of Contents

1.Introductions and Review of Agenda4

2.Approval of Minutes4

3.Action items4

4.Standards Achievement Award4

5.Proposed TPS Changes5

6.Public Review Drafts5


8.New Business10

9.Liaison Reports11

10.Next Meeting11



SPLS Action Items

As of January 26, 2021

Updates noted in red

ASHRAE Virtual Winter Meeting 2021


Action Item




An action item was assigned to Larry Kouma and Craig Wray to work with the Chair of SPC 129 to get the committee in balance.

Kouma and Wray



Action item to Karl Peterman to work with the chair of SSPC 62.2 and staff to identify the need for new interest categories.

Peterman and Staff



An action item was assigned to staff to evaluate options for PC Chairs to submit minutes including training for PC secretaries.





Action Item




An action item was assigned to Larry Schoen to follow up with the Chair of SPC 227 regarding reason for not appointing Mikawel Salonvaara as NVM or consultant rather than decline him for membership.

Schoen to follow up.




An action item was assigned to SPLS to come up with a process and rationale for censure or removal for cause of a PC member. Susanna Hanson to lead the effort.

Action item for PPIS to evaluate

Susanna Hanson


Standards Project Liaison Subcommittee January 26, 2021


These are not the official minutes until approved by SPLS

Introductions and Review of Agenda

The SPLS Spring Meeting Conference Call was called to order on January 26, 2021at approximately 2:00 pm ET. Chair Susanna Hanson welcomed members and guests and reviewed the ASHRAE Code of Ethics. The following members, guests and staff were in attendance:

Members Present

Susanna Hanson

Chip Barnaby

Thomas Cappellin

Douglas Fick

Walter Grondzik

Gerald Kettler

Jay Kohler

Larry Kouma

Jim Lutz

Karl Peterman

Erick Phelps

Lawrence Schoen

Rusty Tharp

Craig Wray

Members Not Present

Christian Taber

Richard Swierczyna


Connor Barbaree, Sr. MOS

Susan LeBlanc, SA

Tanisha Meyers-Lisle, PA

Ryan Shanley, MOS Int’l.


Keith Emerson

Glenn Remington

Dave Robin

Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Doug Fick and seconded by Rusty Tharp:

1That the SPLS Fall 2020 Minutes be approved.


Action items

SPLS reviewed the action items as noted above.

Standards Achievement Award


It was moved and seconded:

2That Gwelen Paliaga be awarded the Standards Achievement Award.



Proposed TPS Changes

It was moved by Walter Grondzik and seconded by Doug Fick:

3That proposed changes to the TPS for Standard 213P, Method for Calculating Moist Air Thermodynamic Properties, be approved as shown in Attachment A.


It was moved by Rusty Tharp and seconded by Craig Wray:

4That the proposed change to the TPS for Standard 228P, Standard Method of Evaluating Zero Net Energy and Zero Net Carbon Building Performance, be approved as shown in Attachment B.

It was moved by Craig Wray and seconded by Larry Schoen:

4AThat the Scope section 2.4 be amended to change the word “greenhouse gas” to “carbon.”

MOTION TO AMEND PASSED. 11-1[footnoteRef:1]-1[footnoteRef:2] CNV [1: Rusty Tharp voted no because he felt the committee could define greenhouse gas in the standard.] [2: Larry Kouma abstained because he just joined the call.]


It was moved by Walter Grondzik and seconded by Craig Wray:

5That the proposed change to the TPS for Standard 514P, Control Measures for Building Water Systems to Reduce Illness and Injury, as shown in Attachment C.


It was moved by Erick Phelps and seconded by Chip Barnaby:

6That the proposed change to the TPS for SPC 172, Method of Test for Insoluble Materials in Synthetic Lubricants and HFC Refrigerant Systems, as shown in Attachment D.


Public Review Drafts

It was moved by Chip Barnaby and seconded by Doug Fick:

7That BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum u to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, be approved for publication public review.


It was moved by Chip Barnaby and seconded by Craig Wray:

8That BSR/ASHRAE/IES Addendum v to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, be approved for publication public review.


It was moved by Karl Peterman and seconded by Rusty Tharp:

9That BSR/ASHRAE Standard 41.3-2014R, Standard Methods for Pressure Measurement, be approved for publication public review.

MOTION PASSED. 12-0-1[footnoteRef:3], CNV [3: Jim Lutz abstained because he is a member of the SSPC.]


It was moved by Chip Barnaby and seconded by Larry Kouma:

10That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 34, Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants, as shown in Attachment E, be approved.

MOTION PASSED. 12-0-1[footnoteRef:4], CNV [4: Jay Kohler abstained because he is a member of the SSPC.]

It was moved by Chip Barnaby and seconded by Craig Wray:

11That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 90.1, Energy Standards for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, as shown in Attachment E, be approved.

MOTION PASSED. 12-0-1[footnoteRef:5], CNV [5: Rusty Tharp abstained because he is a member of the SSPC.]

It was moved by Chip Barnaby and seconded by Craig Wray:

12That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 90.2, Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings, as shown in Attachment E, be approved.


It was moved by Tom Cappellin and seconded by Chip Barnaby:

13That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 30, Method of Testing Liquid Chillers, as shown in Attachment E, be approved.


It was moved by Doug Fick and seconded by Craig Wray:

14That revisions to the membership roster for GPC 40, Refrigeration Oil Description, as shown in Attachment E, be approved.


It was moved by Doug Fick and seconded by Craig Wray:

15That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 164, Methods of Test for Humidifiers, as shown in Attachment E, be approved.


It was moved by Doug Fick and seconded by Craig Wray:

16That revisions to the membership roster for SPC 220, Method of Testing for Rating Small Commercial Blast Chillers, Chiller-Freezers, and Freezers, as shown in Attachment E, be approved.


It was moved by Walter Grondzik and seconded by Craig Wray:

17That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 188, Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems, as shown in Attachment E, be approved.


It was moved by Walter Grondzik and seconded by Craig Wray:

18That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 189.3, Design Construction & Operation of High Performance Sustainable Health Care Facilities, as shown in Attachment E, be approved.

MOTION PASSED. 12-0-1[footnoteRef:6], CNV [6: Doug Fick abstained because he is a member of the SSPC.]

It was moved by Walter Grondzik and seconded by Craig Wray:

19That revisions to the membership roster for SPC 514, Control Measures for Building Water Systems to Reduce Illness and Injury, as shown in Attachment E, be approved.


It was moved by Jerry Kettler and seconded by Craig Wray:

20That revisions to the membership roster for GPC 37, Application of Upper-Air (Upper Room) Ultraviolet Germicidal (UV-C) Devices to Control the Transmission of Airborne Pathogens, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


It was moved by Jerry Kettler and seconded by Doug Fick:

21That revisions to the membership roster for SPC 35, Method of Testing Refrigerant Driers and Desiccant Materials, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


It was moved by Jerry Kettler and seconded by Doug Fick:

22That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 52.2, Method of Testing General Ventilation Air Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


It was moved by Jay Kohler and seconded by Rusty Tharp:

23That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 72, Method of Testing Open and Closed Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


It was moved by Larry Kouma and seconded by Craig Wray:

24That revisions to the membership roster for SPC 129, Air Exchange Effectiveness, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.

MOTION PASSED. 12-0-1[footnoteRef:7], CNV [7: Craig Wray abstained because he is one of the proposed members.]

An action item was assigned to Larry Kouma and Craig Wray to work with the Chair of SPC 129 to get the committee in balance

It was moved by Larry Kouma and seconded by Craig Wray:

25That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 145, Test Method for Assessing the Performance of Gas-Phase Air Cleaning Equipment, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


It was moved by Jim Lutz and seconded by Craig Wray:

26That revisions to the membership roster for GPC 35, Method for Determining the Energy Consumption Caused by Air-Cleaning and Filtration Devices, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


It was moved by Karl Peterman and seconded by Chip Barnaby:

27That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 41, Standard Methods of Measurement, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.

MOTION PASSED. 12-0-1[footnoteRef:8], CNV [8: Jim Lutz abstained because he is a member of the committee.]

It was moved by Karl Peterman and seconded by Doug Fick:

28That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 62.1, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


It was moved by Karl Peterman and seconded by Doug Fick:

29That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 62.2, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


Action item to Karl Peterman to work with the chair of SSPC 62.1 and staff to identify the need for new interest categories.

It was moved by Erick Phelps and seconded by Doug Fick:

30That revisions to the membership roster for SPC 172, Method of Test for Insoluble Materials in Synthetic Lubricants and HFC Refrigerant Systems, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


It was moved by Larry Schoen and seconded by Doug Fick:

31That revisions to the membership roster for SPC 118.2, Method of Testing for Rating Residential Water Heaters, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.

MOTION PASSED. 12-0-1[footnoteRef:9], CNV [9: Jim Lutz abstained because he is a member of the committee.]

It was moved by Larry Schoen and seconded by Doug Fick:

32That revisions to the membership roster for SPC 124, Methods of Testing for Rating Combination Space-Heating and Water-Heating Appliances, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.

MOTION PASSED. 12-0-1[footnoteRef:10], CNV [10: Jim Lutz abstained because he is a member of the committee.]

It was moved by Larry Schoen and seconded by Doug Fick:

33That revisions to the membership roster for SPC 133, Method of Testing Direct Evaporative Air Coolers, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.

MOTION PASSED. 13-0-1[footnoteRef:11], CNV [11: Walter Grondzik abstained because he is a member of the committee.]

It was moved by Larry Schoen and seconded by Doug Fick:

34That revisions to the membership roster for SPC 143, Method of Testing for Rating Indirect Evaporative Coolers, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


It was moved by Larry Schoen and seconded by Rusty Tharp:

35That revisions to the membership roster for SPC 227, Passive Building Design Standard, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.

MOTION PASSED. 12-0-1[footnoteRef:12], CNV [12: Walter Grondzik abstained because he is a member of the PC.]

It was moved by Erick Phelps and seconded by Doug Fick:

36That revisions to the membership roster for SGPC 36, High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


It was moved by Erick Phelps and seconded by Doug Fick:

37That revisions to the membership roster for SPC 231, CDL - A Control Description Language for Building Environmental Control Sequences, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.


It was moved by Erick Phelps and seconded by Craig Wray:

38That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 300, Commissioning, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.

MOTION PASSED. 10-0-2[footnoteRef:13], CNV [13: Tom Cappellin and Gerry Kettler abstained because they are members of the SSPC.]

Secretary’s note: A motion for SSPC 300 was listed incorrectly on the January 2021 ballot. Daniel J. Rice was approved as General; however, the Chair recommendation form listed him as Producer. The attached ballot has been corrected.

It was moved by Craig Wray and seconded by Chip Barnaby:

39That revisions to the membership roster for SSPC 170, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities, as shown in Attachment A, be approved.

MOTION PASSED. 11-0-2[footnoteRef:14], CNV [14: Erick Phelps abstained because he is a member of the SSPC.]

New Business

It was moved by Craig Wray and seconded by Jim Lutz:

40That a waiver of PASA, Annex D: Units Policy, be granted for SPC 213, Method for Calculating Moist Air Thermodynamic Properties.


Liaison Reports

SPLS reviewed the status of project committees and liaison reports.

An action item was assigned to staff to evaluate options for PC Chairs to submit minutes including training for PC secretaries.

Next Meeting

SPLS Spring Meeting March 2021 TBD


The conference call adjourned at approximately 4:10 pm ET


Attachment A

Attachment B

Attachment C

Attachment D

Attachment E




Proposed Changes to an Approved Title, Purpose and Scope


If, during the course of developing or revising a standard or guideline, a project committee (PC) determines that changes to an approved TPS are warranted, the PC shall submit the request to the MOS for further approval prior to submission of a standard, guideline or addendum for public review.

The request shall indicate the proposed changes to the approved TPS with existing text to be deleted denoted by strikethrough and new text to be added denoted by double underline. The request shall also include the rationale supporting the proposed changes to the TPS, the PC vote and the date of the meeting or letter ballot associated with the PC vote. Editorial changes to a TPS may be approved by the MOS; otherwise, the request shall be submitted to the appropriate approving bodies.

Notice of a revised TPS will be announced in Standards Actions. If it is determined that the revised TPS results in the identification of new stakeholder groups likely to be directly impacted by the standard, a public notice will be placed in the ASHRAE Standards Actions and ANSI Standard Actions, asking for public comments with a minimum time period of 30 days. If any substantive public review comments are received, the PC will review and respond to the commenters. If necessary, the PC may revise the TPS and submit a new request for approval. If no public review comments are received, the revised TPS automatically becomes approved on the close of the public comment date.

1. Project committee (PC number and title): SPC213P Method for Calculating Moist Air Thermodynamic Properties

2. Today’s date: Jan 15, 2021

3. PC Chair: Vikrant C. Aute

4. Proposed TPS – Provide proposed changes below to the current approved TPS (confirm TPS by checking version on the ASHRAE website at: with deleted text shown in hard strikethrough and additions shown in double underline (do not use Track Changes).

5. Title: Method for Calculating Moist Air Thermodynamic Properties

Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to establish a standardized method of for calculating thermodynamic properties of moist air for use in analyzing heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating applications.


2.1. This standard provides mathematical relationships for the following thermodynamic properties:  pressure, dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, dew-point temperature, relative humidity, humidity ratio, degree of saturation, specific volume, specific enthalpy, internal energy, enthalpy, specific heat capacity at constant pressure, and specific entropy.

2.2. This standard applies to thermodynamic properties of moist air within the following range of conditions:

2.2.1. Total Pressures from 70 to 110 kPa (10 to 16 psi)

2.2.2. Temperatures from -60 to 8590 °C (-80 to 185200 °F)

2.2.3. Relative humidities humidity from 0 to 100%

4a. Revised TPS as proposed (“clean” version with no strikethrough or underlined changes):

Title: Method for Calculating Moist Air Thermodynamic Properties

Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to establish a standardized method for calculating thermodynamic properties of moist air for use in analyzing heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating applications.


2.1. This standard provides mathematical relationships for the following thermodynamic properties: pressure, dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature, dew-point temperature, relative humidity, humidity ratio, specific volume, specific enthalpy, specific heat capacity at constant pressure, and specific entropy.

2.2. This standard applies to thermodynamic properties of moist air within the following range of conditions:

2.2.1. Total pressure from 70 to 110 kPa (10 to 16 psi),

2.2.2. Dry-bulb temperature from –60 to 85 °C (–80 to 185 °F), and

2.2.3. Relative humidity from 0 to 100%.

6. Background/Rationale for proposed TPS changes:

· The original range of independent properties (pressure, temperature and relative humidity) led to inconsistent states of moisture (frozen) in air. This was discovered during the development of the detailed equations and now revised.

· Based on committee member feedback, additional thermodynamic properties were added to the scope, and existing properties listed were clarified (e.g., specific enthalpy as opposed to only enthalpy).

· Editorial revision in purpose, i.e., “for” vs. “of”

7. Are the proposed TPS changes considered substantive?


8. Are there new stakeholder groups that are likely to be directly impacted by the revised TPS?

FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX Yes If yes, please identify stakeholders:

9. PC vote (yes, no, abstain, ballot not returned) to approve proposed changes and meeting/letter ballot date:

The revision to the TPS was approved (6-0-0-0, Chair Voting) during the Winter committee meeting on Jan 15, 2021.

Please submit request to the MOS at [email protected] with a copy to the PC SPLS Liaison by the published deadline for consideration at the upcoming ASHRAE SPLS meeting.



Proposed Changes to an Approved Title, Purpose and Scope


If, during the course of developing or revising a standard or guideline, a project committee (PC) determines that changes to an approved TPS are warranted, the PC shall submit the request to the MOS for further approval prior to submission of a standard, guideline or addendum for public review.

The request shall indicate the proposed changes to the approved TPS with existing text to be deleted denoted by strikethrough and new text to be added denoted by double underline. The request shall also include the rationale supporting the proposed changes to the TPS, the PC vote and the date of the meeting or letter ballot associated with the PC vote. Editorial changes to a TPS may be approved by the MOS; otherwise, the request shall be submitted to the appropriate approving bodies.

Notice of a revised TPS will be announced in Standards Actions. If it is determined that the revised TPS results in the identification of new stakeholder groups likely to be directly impacted by the standard, a public notice will be placed in the ASHRAE Standards Actions and ANSI Standard Actions, asking for public comments with a minimum time period of 30 days. If any substantive public review comments are received, the PC will review and respond to the commenters. If necessary, the PC may revise the TPS and submit a new request for approval. If no public review comments are received, the revised TPS automatically becomes approved on the close of the public comment date.

1. Project committee (PC number and title): SPC 228P Standard Method of Evaluating Zero Net Energy and Zero Net Carbon Building Performance

2. Today’s date: December 9, 2020

3. PC Chair: Keith Emerson

4. Proposed TPS – Provide proposed changes below to the current approved TPS (confirm TPS by checking version on the ASHRAE website at: with deleted text shown in hard strikethrough and additions shown in double underline (do not use Track Changes).

Title: Standard Method of Evaluating Zero Net Energy and Zero Net Carbon Building Performance

Purpose: This standard sets requirements for evaluating whether a building or group of buildings meets a definition of “zero net energy” and/or whether those buildings meet a definition of “zero net carbon”. It provides a consistent method of expressing qualifications for zero net energy and zero net carbon buildings associated with the design of new buildings and the operation of existing buildings.


2.1 This standard covers:

1. existing buildings, new buildings, groups of buildings, or portions of buildings;

2. determination, including calculation methodology, and expression of the building(s) zero net energy or zero net carbon status;

3. determination, including calculation methodology, and expression of the building(s) zero net carbon status;

3. 4. energy and carbon emissions associated with flows across the project defined energy site boundary and off-site credited flows.

2.2 The provisions of this standard do not apply to:

1. establishment of building gross energy performance goals or limits

2. design guidance or design requirements

3. embodied energy or carbon of building materials and systems.

4a. Revised TPS as proposed (“clean” version with no strikethrough or underlined changes):

Title: Standard Method of Evaluating Zero Net Energy and Zero Net Carbon Building Performance

Purpose: This standard sets requirements for evaluating whether a building or group of buildings meets a definition of “zero net energy” and/or whether those buildings meet a definition of “zero net carbon”. It provides a consistent method of expressing qualifications for zero net energy and zero net carbon buildings associated with the design of new buildings and the operation of existing buildings.


2.1 This standard covers:

1. existing buildings, new buildings, groups of buildings, or portions of buildings;

2. determination, including calculation methodology, and expression of the building(s) zero net energy status;

3. determination, including calculation methodology, and expression of the building(s) zero net carbon status;

4. energy and carbon emissions associated with flows across the site boundary and off-site credited flows.

2.2 The provisions of this standard do not apply to:

1. establishment of building gross energy performance goals or limits

2. design guidance or design requirements

3. embodied energy or carbon of building materials and systems.

5. Background/Rationale for proposed TPS changes: These modifications are intended to make clear two areas of the committee’s work. First, that buildings without the opportunity to generate all energy on-site have a path to zero energy or carbon status using off-site / out of boundary resources. Second, non-energy greenhouse gas associated products can be recognized by the standard. Specifically, it has come to the committee’s attention that in certain situations CO2e due to refrigerant leakage can almost equal the energy related carbon impact.

6. Are the proposed TPS changes considered substantive?


7. Are there new stakeholder groups that are likely to be directly impacted by the revised TPS?

FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX Yes If yes, please identify stakeholders: These changes loosen the standard for buildings without the opportunity to generate adequate energy on-site. The changes tighten the requirements for carbon related certification as refrigerant leakage can require additional offsets.

8. PC vote (yes, no, abstain, ballot not returned) to approve proposed changes and meeting/letter ballot date: Meeting date December 9, 2020; Vote: 9-0-1-6

Please submit request to the MOS at [email protected] with a copy to the PC SPLS Liaison by the published deadline for consideration at the upcoming ASHRAE SPLS meeting.

2 SPC 228P 20201209

Standard 514P -


Proposed Changes to an Approved Title, Purpose and Scope


If, during the course of developing or revising a standard or guideline, a project committee (PC) determines that changes to an approved TPS are warranted, the PC shall submit the request to the MOS for further approval prior to submission of a standard, guideline or addendum for public review.

The request shall indicate the proposed changes to the approved TPS with existing text to be deleted denoted by strikethrough and new text to be added denoted by double underline. The request shall also include the rationale supporting the proposed changes to the TPS, the PC vote and the date of the meeting or letter ballot associated with the PC vote. Editorial changes to a TPS may be approved by the MOS; otherwise, the request shall be submitted to the appropriate approving bodies.

Notice of a revised TPS will be announced in Standards Actions. If it is determined that the revised TPS results in the identification of new stakeholder groups likely to be directly impacted by the standard, a public notice will be placed in the ASHRAE Standards Actions and ANSI Standard Actions, asking for public comments with a minimum time period of 30 days. If any substantive public review comments are received, the PC will review and respond to the commenters. If necessary, the PC may revise the TPS and submit a new request for approval. If no public review comments are received, the revised TPS automatically becomes approved on the close of the public comment date.

1. Project committee (PC number and title): SPC 514, Control Measures for Building Water Systems to Reduce Illness and Injury

2. Today’s date: 01/08/21

3. PC Chair: Tom Watson

4. Proposed TPS – Provide proposed changes below to the current approved TPS (confirm TPS by checking version on the ASHRAE website at: with deleted text shown in hard strikethrough and additions shown in double underline (do not use Track Changes).

Title: Risk Management for Building Water Systems: Physical, Chemical, and Microbial Hazards Control Measures for Building Water Systems to Reduce Illness and Injury

Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum requirements to reduce illness and injury from physical, chemical, and microbial hazards from water systems in buildings.


2.1This standard applies to the design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and expansion of new and existing building water systems (potable and non-potable) and components.

2.2This standard applies to human-occupied commercial, institutional, multi-unit residential, assembly, educational, and industrial buildings. This standard does not include single-family residential buildings.

2.3This standard is intended for owners, authorities having jurisdiction, and those involved in the design, construction, management, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and service of centralized building water systems and components.

4a. Revised TPS as proposed (“clean” version with no strikethrough or underlined changes):

Title: Risk Management for Building Water Systems: Physical, Chemical, and Microbial Hazards

Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum requirements to reduce illness and injury from physical, chemical, and microbial hazards from water systems in buildings.


2.1This standard applies to the design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and expansion of new and existing building water systems (potable and non-potable) and components.

2.2This standard applies to human-occupied commercial, institutional, multi-unit residential, assembly, educational, and industrial buildings. This standard does not include single-family residential buildings.

2.3This standard is intended for owners, authorities having jurisdiction, and those involved in the design, construction, management, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and service of centralized building water systems and components.

5. Background/Rationale for proposed TPS changes:

This proposed change to the Standard 514P title is intended to better align it with the TPS of ASHRAE Standard 188. The change is recommended since the information in Standard 514P for legionellosis references Standard 188. The current title of “Control Measures for Building Water Systems to Reduce Illness and Injury” is misleading; as the text of the normative sections of the proposed standard have been drafted, it has become clearer that the normative portion of the standard will not establish requirements for control measures, but will instead contain requirements pertaining to the establishment of a water management team and a water management plan.

6. Are the proposed TPS changes considered substantive?


7. Are there new stakeholder groups that are likely to be directly impacted by the revised TPS?

FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX Yes If yes, please identify stakeholders:

8. PC vote (yes, no, abstain, ballot not returned) to approve proposed changes and meeting/letter ballot date:

Vote by letter ballot from December 17, 2020 to January 8, 2021.

Final Vote: 23-0-0-0-4 (Yes-No-No Without Reason-Abstain-Ballot Not Returned)

Please submit request to the MOS at [email protected] with a copy to the PC SPLS Liaison by the published deadline for consideration at the upcoming ASHRAE SPLS meeting.



Proposed Changes to an Approved Title, Purpose and Scope


If, during the course of developing or revising a standard or guideline, a project committee (PC) determines that changes to an approved TPS are warranted, the PC shall submit the request to the MOS for further approval prior to submission of a standard, guideline or addendum for public review.

The request shall indicate the proposed changes to the approved TPS with existing text to be deleted denoted by strikethrough and new text to be added denoted by double underline. The request shall also include the rationale supporting the proposed changes to the TPS, the PC vote and the date of the meeting or letter ballot associated with the PC vote. Editorial changes to a TPS may be approved by the MOS; otherwise, the request shall be submitted to the appropriate approving bodies.

Notice of a revised TPS will be announced in Standards Actions. If it is determined that the revised TPS results in the identification of new stakeholder groups likely to be directly impacted by the standard, a public notice will be placed in the ASHRAE Standards Actions and ANSI Standard Actions, asking for public comments with a minimum time period of 30 days. If any substantive public review comments are received, the PC will review and respond to the commenters. If necessary, the PC may revise the TPS and submit a new request for approval. If no public review comments are received, the revised TPS automatically becomes approved on the close of the public comment date.

1. Project committee (PC number and title):

SPC 172, Method of Test for Insoluble Materials in Synthetic Lubricants and HFC Refrigerant Systems

2. Today’s date: January 21, 2021

3. PC Chair: Edward Hessell

4. Proposed TPS – Provide proposed changes below to the current approved TPS (confirm TPS by checking version on the ASHRAE website at: with deleted text shown in hard strikethrough and additions shown in double underline (do not use Track Changes).

Title: Method of Test for Insoluble Materials in Synthetic Lubricants and HFC Refrigerant Systems

Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to define a test method to determine the formation of insoluble materials in synthetic lubricants lubricant and HFC refrigerant systems.

Scope: The test will determine the presence of materials that separate from refrigerant and lubricant mixtures over a range of temperatures and concentrations. The test is based on the precipitation of insoluble material in a lubricant/refrigerant combination. The results can be used to compare lubricants and refrigerants.

4a. Revised TPS as proposed (“clean” version with no strikethrough or underlined changes):

Title: Method of Test for Insoluble Materials in Lubricant and Refrigerant Systems

Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to define a test method to determine the formation of insoluble materials in lubricant and refrigerant systems.

Scope: The test will determine the presence of materials that separate from refrigerant and lubricant mixtures over a range of temperatures and concentrations. The test is based on the precipitation of insoluble material in a lubricant/refrigerant combination. The results can be used to compare lubricants and refrigerants.

5. Background/Rationale for proposed TPS changes:

The existing purpose was agreed upon some 12-15 years ago; well before the next generation of refrigerants was envisioned.  In addition, such an expansion of scope would then include the application of this method to mineral oil and CFC refrigerants (Standard 86). So Standard 86 could then be obsoleted.

6. Are the proposed TPS changes considered substantive?


7. Are there new stakeholder groups that are likely to be directly impacted by the revised TPS?

FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX Yes If yes, please identify stakeholders:

8. PC vote (yes, no, abstain, ballot not returned) to approve proposed changes and meeting/letter ballot date: 6 YES, 0 NO, 0 ABSTAINING on January 21, 2021

Please submit request to the MOS at [email protected] with a copy to the PC SPLS Liaison by the published deadline for consideration at the upcoming ASHRAE SPLS meeting.

Membership Ballot

Winter Meeting 1_2021.doc

Project Committee Membership Roster Changes for

ASHRAE Winter Meeting – January 2021

Unless otherwise noted, terms for all applicants begin on February 6, 2021.

When reviewing an applicant’s bio, please note that the most current employer may be listed under the Basic Data information and the Previous Employers (and in some instances the present Employer) may be listed under the Professional Experience.

GPC 35, Method for Determining the Energy Consumption Caused by Air-Cleaning and Filtration Devices


Present Balance: Total of 10 Voting Members

4 General

6 Producer

0 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 10 Voting Members

4 General

6 Producer

0 User

1. Appointment of Bruce McDonald as NVM-General

2. Appointment of Andrew Untz as NVM-Producer

3. Appointment of Joseph Pessa as NVM-Producer


Balance on guidelines (GPC) is desirable but not required.

GPC 37, Application of Upper-Air (Upper Room) Ultraviolet Germicidal (UV-C) Devices to Control the Transmission of Airborne Pathogens


Present Balance: Total of 13 Voting Members

7 General

4 Producer

2 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 14 Voting Members

7 General

5 Producer

2 User

1. Appointment of William Palmer as PCVM-Producer


GPC 40, Refrigeration Oil Description


Present Balance: Total of 0 Voting Members

0 General

0 Producer

0 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 6 Voting Members

2 General

2 Producer

2 User

1. Appointment of Scott Wujek as Chair; PCVM-User

2. Appointment of Morgan Leehey as PCVM-User

3. Appointment of Mandi Lippard as PCVM-Producer

4. Appointment of David Vincent as PCVM-Producer

5. Appointment of Rosine Rohatgi as PCVM-General

6. Appointment of Casey Scruggs as PCVM-General


SGPC 36, High Performance Sequences of Operation for HVAC Systems


Present Balance: Total of 22 Voting Members

5 General

8 Producer

9 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 22 Voting Members

5 General

8 Producer

9 User

1. Appointment of Christopher Gosline as NVM-Producer for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024


SPC 35, Method of Testing Refrigerant Driers and Desiccant Materials


Present Balance: Total of 5 Voting Members

2 General

2 Producer

1 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 7 Voting Members

3 General

3 Producer

1 User

1. Appointment of Glen Steinkoenig as PCVM-General

2. Appointment of Morgan E. Leehey as PCVM-Producer


SPC 118.2, Method of Testing for Rating Residential Water Heaters


Present Balance: Total of 20 Voting Members

8 General

8 Producer

4 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 20 Voting Members

8 General

8 Producer

4 User

1. Appointment of Mehran Ahmadi as NVM-Producer

2. Change of status for Kyle Gluesenkamp from PCVM-General to Vice Chair; PCVM-General


SPC 124, Methods of Testing for Rating Combination Space-Heating and Water-Heating Appliances


Present Balance: Total of 12 Voting Members

5 General

5 Producer

2 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 9 Voting Members

4 General

4 Producer

1 User

1. Appointment of Richard Hall as NVM-General

2. Change of status for Roger Marran from PCVM-Producer to NVM-Producer

3. Change of status for Aykut Yilmaz from PCVM-General to NVM-General


Resignation of Eddie Huestis; PCVM-User as of October 20, 2020

SPC 129, Air Exchange Effectiveness


Present Balance: Total of 0 Voting Members

0 General

0 Producer

0 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 5 Voting Members

3 General

1 Producer

1 User

1. Appointment of David John as Chair; PCVM-General

2. Appointment of Duncan Phillips as PCVM-General

3. Appointment of Kishor Khankari as PCVM-General

4. Appointment of Craig Wray as PCVM-User

5. Appointment of Mikhail Koupriyanopy as PCVM-Producer


Appointment of Tom Smith with 3Flow as Consultant

SPC 133, Method of Testing Direct Evaporative Air Coolers


Present Balance: Total of 7 Voting Members

3 General

3 Producer

1 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 8 Voting Members

3 General

3 Producer

2 User

1. Appointment of Richard Hall as PCVM-General

2. Change of status for Andy Cochrane from PCVM-General to PCVM-Producer

3. Change of status for Chris Habets from PCVM-Producer to PCVM-User


SPC 143, Method of Testing for Rating Indirect Evaporative Coolers


Present Balance: Total of 7 Voting Members

3 General

3 Producer

1 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 8 Voting Members

3 General

3 Producer

2 User

1. Appointment of Richard Hall as PCVM-General

2. Change of status for Andy Cochrane from PCVM-General to PCVM-Producer

3. Change of status for Chris Habets from PCVM-Producer to PCVM-User


SPC 172, Method of Test for Insoluble Materials in Synthetic Lubricants and HFC Refrigerant Systems


Present Balance: Total of 6 Voting Members

2 General

2 Producer

2 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 7 Voting Members

3 General

2 Producer

2 User

Appointment of Tyler Eaton as PCVM-General


SPC 210, Method of Testing for Rating Commercial Walk-In Cooler and Freezer Equipment


Present Balance: Total of 7 Voting Members

2 General

3 Producer

2 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 7 Voting Members

2 General

3 Producer

2 User


Resignation of Richard Hall; NVM-General as of October 4, 2020

SPC 220, Method of Testing for Rating Small Commercial Blast Chillers, Chiller-Freezers, and Freezers


Present Balance: Total of 6 Voting Members

1 General

3 Producer

2 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 7 Voting Members

2 General

3 Producer

2 User

1. Appointment of Richard Hall as NVM-General

2. Change of status for Jon Murray from NVM-General to PCVM-General


SPC 227, Passive Building Design Standard


Present Balance: Total of 22 Voting Members

8 General

6 Producer

8 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 21 Voting Members

8 General

6 Producer

7 User

1. Appointment of John Bade as NVM-General


Resignation of Allison Bailes, PCVM-User as of October 1, 2020

Appointment of John Bade as liaison to SSPC 90.1 for a two-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023

SPC 231, CDL - A Control Description Language for Building Environmental Control Sequences


Present Balance: Total of 17 Voting Members

7 Designer

3 General

7 Manufacturer

Proposed Balance: Total of 17 Voting Members

7 Designer

3 General

7 Manufacturer

1. Appointment of David Robin as NVM-General


SPC 514, Control Measures for Building Water Systems to Reduce Illness and Injury


Present Balance: Total of 27 Voting Members

9 Industry

9 Public Agency/Regulatory

9 User/Consumer

Proposed Balance: Total of 27 Voting Members

9 Industry

9 Public Agency/Regulatory

9 User/Consumer

1. Appointment of Nicole Lundquist as NVM-Public Agency/Regulatory

2. Appointment of Kevin Scarlett as NVM-Public Agency/Regulatory


Appointment of Claressa Lucas, CDC, as Consultant. She is a renowned expert on microbial hazards.

Resignation of William McCoy, NVM-User/Consumer as of December 15, 2020

Resignation of Michael Schock, Consultant as of January 4, 2021

SSPC 30, Method of Testing Liquid Chillers


Present Balance: Total of 8 Voting Members

2 General

4 Producer

2 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 8 Voting Members

2 General

4 Producer

2 User

1. Appointment of Vincent Hwang as NVM-Producer for a two-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023


SSPC 34, Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants


Present Balance: Total of 15 Voting Members

5 General

4 Producer/Refrigerant

2 User/Components

4 User/Systems

Proposed Balance: Total of 15 Voting Members

5 General

4 Producer/Refrigerant

2 User/Components

4 User/Systems

1. Appointment of Greg Woyczynski as PSVM-General on the Flammability Subcommittee for a four-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2025


SSPC 41, Standard Methods of Measurement


Present Balance: Total of 22 Voting Members

10 General

7 Producer

5 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 22 Voting Members

10 General

7 Producer

5 User

1. Appointment of Michelle Hull as PSVM-User on the 41.4 Subcommittee for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024


SSPC 52.2, Method of Testing General Ventilation Air Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size


Present Balance: Total of 20 Voting Members

7 General

10 Manufacturer/Filter

2 Manufacturer/Media

1 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 20 Voting Members

7 General

10 Manufacturer/Filter

2 Manufacturer/Media

1 User

1. Appointment of Wane Baker as PSVM-User on the Research Subcommittee and SSPC 62.1 Liaison for a four-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2025

2. Appointment of Oludamilola Adesanya as PSVM-Manufacturer/Filter on the Research Subcommittee for a four-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2025

Notes: Wane Baker will serve as our liaison with SSPC 62.1.

SSPC 62.1, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality


Present Balance: Total of 20 Voting Members

8 Designer/Builder

6 General

4 Manufacturer

2 Owner/Operator/Occupant

Proposed Balance: Total of 20 Voting Members

8 Designer/Builder

6 General

4 Manufacturer

2 Owner/Operator/Occupant

1. Appointment of Nick Agopian as PSVM-Manufacturer on the Administration Subcommittee for a two-year term begin in February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023

2. Change of Status for Darryl DeAngelis from Consultant on the Ventilation Subcommittee to PSVM-Manufacturer on the Ventilation Subcommittee for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

Notes: The following changes will occur:

· Appointment of Consultants to the representative Subcommittees for a one-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

· Duncan Phillips, Ventilation Subcommittee

· Steven Taylor, Ventilation Subcommittee

· Nick Agopian shall be a PSVM-Manufacturer of the Administration Subcommittee

In addition, after confirmation with associated committee chairs and participant agreement, please note:

· Change of Status for Benjamin Seely from PSVM-Designer/Builder on the Administration Subcommittee to PSVM-Designer/Builder on the Administration Subcommittee and TC 2.1 Liaison for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023

· Change of Status for Ilona Johnson from PSVM-Designer/Builder on the Research and Education Subcommittee to PSVM-Designer/Builder on the Research and Education Subcommittee and TC 7.9 Liaison for the remainder of her current erm beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023

· Change of Status for Wane Baker from PSVM-Manufacturer on the Research and Education Subcommittee to PSVM-Manufacturer on the Research and Education Subcommittee and SSPC 52.2 Liaison for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023

· Change of Status for Zalmie Hussein from Primary Organizational Representative for IAPMO and PCVM-General on the Administration Subcommittee to Primary Organizational Representative for IAPMO and PCVM-General on the Administration Subcommittee and SSPC 62.2 Liaison for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

· Change of Status for Eli Howard from Primary Organizational Representative for SMACNA and PCVM-Designer/Builder on the Administration Subcommittee to Primary Organizational Representative for SMACNA and PCVM-Designer/Builder on the Administration Subcommittee and SSPC 154 Liaison for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2021

· Change of Status for Andrew Persily from Consultant on the Research and Education to Consultant on the Research and Education Subcommittee and SSPC 189.1 Liaison for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

SSPC 62.2, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings


Present Balance: Total of 30 Voting Members

2 Designer/Builder

14 General

9 Manufacturer

5 Owner/Operator/Occupant

Proposed Balance: Total of 32 Voting Members

2 Designer/Builder

16 General

9 Manufacturer

5 Owner/Operator/Occupant

1. Appointment of Jordan Clark as Secretary and PCVM-General on the Indoor Air Quality Subcommittee for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

2. Appointment of Shichao Lui as PCVM-General on the Systems Subcommittee for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

Notes: The following changes will also occur:

· Appointment of Zalmie Hussein as SSPC 62.1 Liaison for a two-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023

· Change of Status for Nick Agopian from PCVM-Manufacturer on the Systems Subcommittee and SSPC 62.1 Liaison to PCVM-Manufacturer on the Systems Subcommittee for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

SSPC 72, Method of Testing Open and Closed Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers


Present Balance: Total of 10 Voting Members

3 General

5 Producer

2 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 13 Voting Members

6 General

5 Producer

2 User

1. Appointment of Richard Hall as PCVM-General for a one-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

2. Change of Status for 1Chris Boryca from PCVM-Producer to PCVM-General for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

3. Change of Status for Jeffrey Bauman from NVM-Producer to PCVM-Producer for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023

4. Change of Status for 2Dean Swofford from NVM-Producer to PCVM-General for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

Notes: 1The interest category for Chris Boryca is changing from Producer to General because of his change of employment.

2The interest category for Dean Swofford is changing from Producer to General because of his change of employment.

SSPC 90.1, Energy Standards for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings


Present Balance: Total of 43 Voting Members

1 Compliance

7 Designer

10 General

15 Industry

8 User

2 Utility

Proposed Balance: Total of 43 Voting Members

1 Compliance

7 Designer

10 General

15 Industry

8 User

2 Utility

1. Change of Status for Samuel Mason from PSVM-User on the Lighting Subcommittee to Consultant on the Lighting Subcommittee for the remainder of his term, ending June 2023.


The Chair of SSPC 90.1, Don Brundage, has appointed the following individual as Liaison to SSPC 90.1:

Jason Atkisson – TC 9.10 for a one-year term, beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

John Bade – SPC 227, beginning February 6, 2021

SSPC 90.2, Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings


Present Balance: Total of 19 Voting Members

8 General

7 Industry

1 User

3 Utility

Proposed Balance: Total of 21 Voting Members

9 General

7 Industry

2 User

3 Utility

1. Appointment of Mike Topitzhofer as a PSVM-Industry on the Mechanical Subcommittee for a three-year term, beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

2. Appointment of Nathalie Faubert as PCVM-User on the Lighting Subcommittee for a three-year term, beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

3. Change of Status for Teresa Weston from Consultant to PCVM-General on the Envelope Subcommittee for a three-year term, beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

SSPC 145, Test Method for Assessing the Performance of Gas-Phase Air Cleaning Equipment


Present Balance: Total of 7 Voting Members

3 General

2 Producer

2 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 7 Voting Members

3 General

2 Producer

2 User

1. Appointment of Varunesh Sharma as NVM-Producer for a four-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2025


SSPC 154, Ventilation for Commercial Cooking Operations


Present Balance: Total of 11 Voting Members

2 General

5 Producer

4 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 11 Voting Members

2 General

5 Producer

4 User

For information only; no vote required.

Notes: Upon recommendation by SSPC 62.1 Chair Ms. Jennifer Isenbeck and after further review, Mr. Eli P Howard, III of SMACNA is approved to act as liaison between SSPC 154 and SSPC 62.1. Mr. Howard’s background and experience complement SSPC 154 scope and can help harmonize commercial kitchen ventilation codes.

The following change will occur:

· Appointment of Eli Howard as SSPC 154 Liaison for a two-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023

SSPC 164, Methods of Test for Humidifiers


Present Balance: Total of 0 Voting Members

0 General

0 Producer

0 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 6 Voting Members

2 General

3 Producer

1 User

1. Appointment of David Baird as Chair and PCVM-Producer for a four-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2025

2. Appointment of Harold Dubensky as Vice-Chair and PCVM-User for a four-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2025

3. Appointment of Joel Boynton as Secretary and PCVM-Producer for a four-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2025

4. Appointment of Vincent Hwang as PCVM-General for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

5. Appointment of Patricia Graef as PCVM-General for a two-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023

6. Appointment of Raul Simonetti as PCVM-Producer for a two-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023

7. Appointment of Nicholas Lea as NVM-Producer for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

Notes: SSPC 164 will use the same interest categories as approved for SPC 164.4

SSPC 170, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities


Present Balance: Total of 18 Voting Members

7 Designer

4 General

1 Infection Control Practitioner

1 Producer

5 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 18 Voting Members

7 Designer

4 General

1 Infection Control Practitioner

1 Producer

5 User

1. Appointment of Jack Evans as PSVM-General on the Standards and Correlation Subcommittee for a one-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

2. Appointment of Michael Gammill as PSVM-General on the Natural Ventilation Subcommittee for a one-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

3. Appointment of Robert Heinlein as PSVM-General on the Research and Education Subcommittee for a one-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

4. Appointment of Peter Hoch as PSVM-General on the Administration Subcommittee for a one-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

5. Appointment of Benjamin Leutze as PSVM-User on the Standards and Correlation Subcommittee for a two-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023

6. Appointment of Shannon Schmidt as PSVM-Producer on the Research and Education Subcommittee for a one-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

7. Appointment of Anand Seth as PSVM-Designer on the Natural Ventilation Subcommittee for a one-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

Notes: The following change will also occur:

· Change of Status for Kevin Scarlett from PCVM-User and Chair of the Standards and Correlation Subcommittee to PCVM-User and Chair of the Standards and Correlation Subcommittee and SSPC 188 Liaison for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2021

SSPC 188, Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems


Present Balance: Total of 22 Voting Members

4 Analytical or Consulting Services

3 General

4 Manufacturer

7 User

4 Water Treatment Provider

Proposed Balance: Total of 23 Voting Members

4 Analytical or Consulting Services

3 General

4 Manufacturer

8 User

4 Water Treatment Provider

1. Appointment of Gerald Smith as NVM-General for a four-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2025

2. Appointment of Mahesh Prabu as NVM-Water Treatment Provider for a four-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2025

3. Appoint Brian Hageman as PCVM-User for a four-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2025

4. Jonathan Flannery as *Alternate Organizational Representative for ASHE and PCVM-User for a one-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

Notes: Have had no response from Angela Fasnacht, status is not clear.

*Alternate Organizational Representatives are not included in balance calculations.

The following changes have also occurred:

· Resignation of Paul Lem as NVM-Manufacturer

· Resignation of William McCoy as NVM-Analytical or Consulting Services

SSPC 189.1, Standard for the Design of High-Performance, Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings


Present Balance: Total of 29 Voting Members

4 Compliance

5 Designer

10 General

7 Industry

2 User

1 Utility

Proposed Balance: Total of 29 Voting Members

4 Compliance

5 Designer

10 General

7 Industry

2 User

1 Utility


The Chair of SSPC 189.1 has appointed the following individuals as Consultants for a six-month term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2021:

Pieter James Gagnon – General

Randall T Higa – Compliance

The Chair of SSPC 189.1 has removed the following individual, Jaya Dorsey-TC 4.4 Liaison, from the roster of SSPC 189.1.

Jayamair Dorsey

Dorsey Removal for

Cause Email.pdf

The following member, Michael Temple-NVM-Designer, has submitted his resignation to SSPC 189.1:

Temple Resignation


SSPC 189.3, Design Construction & Operation of High Performance Sustainable Health Care Facilities


Present Balance: Total of 12 Voting Members

6 Designer

2 General

2 Industry

2 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 12 Voting Members

6 Designer

2 General

2 Industry

2 User

1. Appointment of Benjamin Leutze as NVM-User for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

2. Appointment of Peter Mustacich as NVM-Designer for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

3. Appointment of Ashley Mulhall as NVM-Designer for a two-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

4. Change of Status for Kara Brooks from NVM-User to PCVM-User for a two-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2023.


Jonathan Flannery, PCVM-User, has submitted his resignation (see below) for SSPC 189.3.

ASHE Email-dted


SSPC 300, Commissioning


Present Balance: Total of 18 Voting Members

5 General

6 Producer

7 User

Proposed Balance: Total of 21 Voting Members

6 General

7 Producer

8 User

1. Appointment of Norman L. Nelson as PCVM-General on the Guideline 0 Subcommittee and Chair of the Guideline 1.5 Subcommittee for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

2. Appointment of Gerardo Alfonso as PSVM-User on the Guideline 0 and Guideline 0.2 Subcommittees for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

3. Appointment of Sarah E. Maston as PSVM-General on the Guideline 1.4 Subcommittee for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

4. Appointment of Travis McDaniel as PSVM-User on the Guideline 0, Guideline 1.3, and Guideline 1.5 Subcommittees for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

5. Appointment of Marcus Paul Myers as PSVM-Producer on the Guideline 0, Guideline 1.3, and Guideline 1.5 Subcommittees for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

6. Appointment of Jonell Watson as PSVM-General on the Guideline 0, Guideline 1.3, and Guideline 1.5 Subcommittees for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

7. Appointment of Daniel J. Rice as PSVM-Producer on the Guideline 0.2 and Guideline 1.3 Subcommittees for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

8. Change of Status for 1William Stewart from PSVM-Producer on the Guideline 0 Subcommittee to PCVM-Producer on the Guideline 0, Guideline 0.2 Subcommittees and Chair of the Guideline 1.2 Subcommittee for a three-year term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2024

9. Change of Status for Roger Lautz from PSVM-User on the Guideline 1.1 and Guideline 1.4 Subcommittees to PCVM-User on the Guideline 1.1 and Guideline 1.4 Subcommittees and Chair of the Guideline 1.3 Subcommittee for the remainder of his current term beginning February 6, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022

Notes: 1William Stewart has volunteered to Chair Guideline 1.2 and is transitioning to PCVM.



Shingles, Katrina

From: Toto, EmilySent: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2:16 PMTo: Dorsey, JayaSubject: SSPC 189.1

Good afternoon,  This is a test message to see if you are still receiving notices from SSPC 189.1. You were appointed as a liaison between TC 4.4 and SSPC 189.1, however, we have not heard from you since the 2019 Kansas City meeting. Please let us know asap if you wish to continue your participation; if not, we will proceed with the removal of your committee membership effective 2/1/2021.  Thank you, Emily  


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Hedrick, Roger NOR

From: Mike Temple Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 2:13 PMTo: [email protected]: Hedrick, Roger NOR; [email protected]; [email protected]: [External] Resignation from the project committee and work groups

Categories: External, Orange Category, External, Orange Category

All, I will no longer be able to participate with the project committee and work groups. I have enjoyed my time with ASHRAE and hope the best for you as you continue. Thanks, Mike Michael Temple CID, CIC, CLWM, CLIA, CGIA, LEED AP Technical Program Director Irrigation Association Office: Franklin, TN HQ: 8280 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Suite 400 | Fairfax, VA 22031 T: 704.604.7195 [email protected] | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram Thank you to our IA members who help us make the industry better! Renew your membership for 2021. Not a member? Join now!