THE PAINT PAUL 3)AILY GLOBE: SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, ISO2.— TEN" FAGHS. \XJ HIS HORRIBLE FRIEND, How a Traveler in Central America Was Saved by a Gigantic Ape. Attacked by Outlaws in a Country Where Life Is Very Cheap. Rescued From Death by an Animal Which He After- ward Shoots. Kost Singular Adventure That Befell a Traveler in the South. Why 1stopped in Panama on my re- turn from my trip to South America is a mystery. The quaint Spanish fashion of the old city interested me, and I found it difficult to tear myself away, s.ivs a writer it the New York Dispatch. When 1 was ready to leave, my brief sojourn in the country had inspired me with so much confidence that 1 eagerly embraced the suggestion of my land- lord to cross tlie isthmus on horseback. ••Take it leisurely,'' he said; "follow the old road. It touches various points along the canal. You can make the journey in a couple of days, and you wili not mind spending a night in one of De Lesseps' villages." Now the canal was a pet hobby of mine. 1 was anxious to see how it was progressing. Beside. 1 had a friend who was one of the contractors, and I wanted to pay him a visit. The next morning I mounted a gentle mustang, furnished by my host, and set iut for Aspinwall, the Atlantic port, where 1 intended to take the steamer. As 1 wished to reach the camp of my friend Jackson by midday, 1 rode rap- idly during the morning. At one place the road ran along in sight of the canal for half a mile. Here 1 saw a scene not to "be matched any- where on earth. Enormous machines wire at work excavating thousands of tons of dirt, and countless wagons were employed removing the loose earth. My- riads of workmen swarmed everywhere, jabbering to each other in all the tongues it the known world. Among them were men from all the countries of Europe— Americans, Africans. China- men, West Indians and Malays. The fierce looks cast upon me by these fel- ows alarmed me, but 1 pretended to be icalm spectator of the animated scene. Due of the contractors was about, and from him I learned that I would find Jackson about live miles further on. "Are you armed?" asked the con- tractor. I told him that I had a revolver. "You will probably need it before you reach Aspinwall," said he. "You ire passing through 30,000 of the worst cut-throats that were ever collected to- gether." After hearing that 1 had a great mind to return to Panama, but the dread of being laughed at mane me decide to push on. Assuming a determined, business-like look, 1 put spurs to my mustang and ambled through the mot- ley gang of laborers until I had the sat- isfaction of leavine them behind me. Fortunately, 1encountered no obstacle, Riid Jackson's camp was made just in lime for dinner. Here 1 was safe. Jackson was a big fellow, whose men were nearly all Americans. He was delighted to see roe, an J gave me a capital dinner. Dur- ing the two hcurs that 1 SDent witli him 1 filled him full of news, and he, on ttv# other hana, told me a lot of wonderful things about the canal. He made no secret of his conviction that the enter- prise would drag alone for years, but as he was making bushels of money,the de- lay played into his hands. As I declined to stay all night with himjackson gave me some directions about my route, and at my departure confided to me a pack- age containing $10,000, asking me to de- posit it for him in one of the banks at Aspinwall. 1suggested that there was danger in carrying such a sum of money through the couulry, but the stalwart fellow laughed at my fears. He said that I would make the hacienda of Don Francisco Mendez at nightfall, where 1 would be royally entertained. By day- light he thought J could take care of myself. While this was going on I saw two brutal-looking Mexicans at a short distance watching us intently and con- ferring together in low tones. "I don't like the look of those rascals." 1 said. "Hello, there: Pedro, and 3 f ou, Juan?" •houted Jackson. "Get to work, you lazy beggars!" The Mexicans growled, and suddenly retired. "They are two of the worst men in camp," said Jackson, "but they are not likely to bother you." 1 ifad my doubts, but the prospect of staying all night with Mendez some- what reassured me, and 1 started off in \ery good spirits. My road took me through a. scene of bewildering beauty. The tropical foliage round me glittered with all the hues of the rainbow. Un- known flowers of gorgeous magnificence and overpowering fragrance brightened the roadside. Suddenly I came upon a pond of clear water in ah open space. Hot. dusty and travel-worn. I could not resist the temp- tation. Without counting the conse- quences, I fastened the mustang to a sapling and undressed in a hurry, plac- ing my revolver under my clothes on the edge of the water. Then I plunged in and enjoyed a refreshing swim. One thins annoyed me. All along the way I met with monkeys everywhere. They were of ali sizes, aud the interest they took inmy movements amused me not a little. Sometimes they chattered at me indignantly and shook their firsts almost in my face. At a wave of my hand, however, they fled in precipitate terror. As soon as 1 entered the lake the monkeys took fresh courage. They scrambled about in droves, and abused me at their hearts' content. Amonsr them was one of a species that I had not seen before. He was a ferocious looking monster, fully five feet high and as muscular as a bear. Before I realized the situation this great long- legged fellow swooped down on my clothes, and started with them for the woods. Foi a moment I was absolutely paralyzed. It was no joke to ride to Aspinwall in a decent rig, but I had no fancy for the role of Lady Godiva. There was no time to lose. The monkey had left my revolver, and as soon as I could seize itI tired. He gave a howl of rage and dropped everything but my coat. 1 hastily jumped into my recovered garments and gave chase. It was useless. The thief scur- ried up into the top of a tall cocoanut tree, and in a twinklingof an eye put on my coat, buttoning itround him, and then proceeded to hurl coacoanuts at me with such precision that I was glad to quickly leap into the saddle and ride off. But my troubles had just begun. 1 had reconciled myself to the loss of my coat, as Jackson's money was in an in- side pocket of my waist, but the monkey ihowed a disposition to follow me. After firmg at him several times I gave it up. His tough hide seemed bullet- proof, and there was no chance to kill him unless 1 shot him in the eye. The declining sun warned me that it was time to seek shelter for tlie night, and 1 knew that in these tropical soli- tudes there was no twilight. I saw no cultivated fields, no houses, no signs of the hacienda of Don Francisco Mendez. The situation was growing serious. Occasionally a stone weighing a pound or two was hurled at me from some leafy covert, and then the gigantic monkey would give a horrible laugh and scamper away. He was a funny- looking chap In my blue flannel coat, bat 1 was too angry to enjoy the comic aspect of the matter. It struck me that it the brute caught me in the dark he would make an end of rue in no time. It was both horrible and humiliating, such a death in the tangled forests of this savage land. Just then 1saw a short distance oft, in a clearing, a square, stone hut. Here was shelter and protection. 1 was not disappointed much to find it uninhab- ited. It was strongly built, with no windows, and one entrance, from which the door had long since rotted away. A stepladder led to the loft. Ascending, 1 found .-. small apartment dimly lighted by round bole* "in the wall, which had evidently been used by sharp-shoot- ers at some revolutionary period In the history of the country. My mind was made up in an instant. 1 went back to my mustang and picketed him about a hundred yards from the hut in the bushes. Then 1returned to my fortress just as darkness closed in upon me, and sought refuge in the loft. pulling upthe ladder after me. 1 was safe here, even from the monkeys, and I lay down feel- ing a sense of perfect security. . . "• It must have been late in the night when 1heard something moving in the room under me. Looking through the opening in the floor 1 could see nothing. 1struck a match, and by the flickering flame recognized the monkey. The wretch still wore my coat, and in the dim, uncertain light his appearance was more repulsive than ever, ' . ' lay down again, knowing that the beast could not Ret into the loft, and commenced planning for his destruction in the morning. 1 was satisfied that the animal belonged to a species of moun- tain apes, of great strength and terrible ferocity. Their cunning I heard was almost human, and they did not scruple to attack men and rend them limb from limb. 1 concluded, when the morning light appeared, to draw the brute's at- tention and shoot him in one of his eyes. Having settled on this plan, 1 was about dropping into a doze when 1 heard voices outside the hut. 1 listened with alert eais. . "If yon say, Pedro, this American is inside" we should ambush him and shoot him when he comes out in the morning." . " '.'\u25a0 " . •'Now, by all the saints. Juan." was the reply of l'edeo, "you are a cowardly fool. The Englishman, like all his countrymen, has his eyes open, and may get the drop on us." .-:•" : ; I recognized the voices. •"- Pedro and Juan had followed me all the way trom Jackson's camp. What to do was the question. It was hard to decide, and 1 waited further developments. The two robbers conversed in low whispers; and all I could hear was their final agree- ment to rush in and overpower me. ' '•Wonder what they'll do with the monkey 1 said to myself with a chuckle. \u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0"\u25a0• \,- --"1 hear the American moving," said Pedro. •-*'.\u25a0• *\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0':\u25a0 It was the monkey. The monster was walking in the circle all theytfnj*?, and the dead leaves that had drifted into the hut rustled under his feet. There was another whispered consultation, .: and the Mexicans rushed into the loom be- low. The outlaws saw a dark from and charged with their long, mrftde^ous knives. *r~ *}V:? I heard twodull thuds, and. knew that Pedro and Juan had been dasitftljiead- long against the walls. ~*& } -Mother of Moses!" gasped Juan. "Knife him!" ' -.. "; "Idiot!" cried Pedro; "knife him yourself!" The robbers made another rush. -- \u0084 > = "Ah, ah! ' yelled Pedro. "Where are you Juan? This hog of an American has me by the throat, and 1 have; lost mv knife." "He is a demon!" groaned Juan. "He is pounding mv head against the. wall!" " -:: A volley of yells followed and then a chorus of'groans. Through it all 1heard an ominous, dull thud. At length sil- ence prevailed, and 1 knew that all was over. -- My last match was gone, but to my great delight, it was almost morning. With the first rays of daylight I peered through the hole in the floor, it was a. ghastly sight that met :my 'gaze." The two Mexicans lay on the floor quiet dead. Their heads had been smashed to jelly aeainst the walls, and their throats" bore dark blue marks. Sitting in the corner was the monkey. He was bleeding profusely and was evidently seriously hurt. At first I thought I would spare Jhim. He saved my life and I was grateful. But when 1 fixed the ladder and descended, the untamable beast prepared for .i spring, and there was such evident malice in his eves that I aimed at his eye and fired." One shot did the work. He rolled over, dead. - :\u25a0 w It was no place for me after such an adventure, and I at once went in search ot my mustang. To my great joy he was all right, and Iwas soon in: the saddle and on my way to Aspinwali. Depositing Jackson's moueXrjn, the bank when I arrived, 1 immediately boarded the steamer. I knew that it would not be prudent to speak of. .the two Mexicans, and I had a SHSpicion that a statement of the partWe" Monkey had borne in the tragedy would be re- garded by the authorities as a cock-and- bull-story. So I wisely kept my. mouth shut until I was again amoug friends. Of course. I nave never wasted any reg et on Pedro and JuartV.butf I still hold my horrible friend, the monkey, in great esteem. . ;.; .... . - .. '"\u25a0 . .-. \u0084 "WHO FIRED THE BARN? The Tramp Said It Was the Pro- secuting Attorney. j £!?'\u25a0" Detroit Free Press. .; •>'• : -.; ,-..,, A barn had been burned in" the su- burbs and a tramp had been arrested for setting fire to it. After most of the testimony was In the prisoner was per- mitted to make a statement, ,!*^ ; i ; : : •. i "Your honor." he said, "if any body set this barn afire it was the prosecut- ng attorney." . . \u25a0 The prosecuting attorney was on his feet in an instant, and the tramp held up his hands appealinely. . '.\u25a0--\u25a0 "Let me go on," he said, and the court let him go on. " "Didn't you," he said, addressing the prosecutor, "throw a man out of your second-story window yesterday evening?" The prosecuting attorney soid he had caught a tramp in his house about (j o'clock the evening before, and had fired him through a window. •'Thanks,' said the prisoner. "That was me. I went out onto a shed roof that broke my fall and almost broke my neck, and went on down where I liton the hired girl and scared her so she made a break for the back yard, where she startled a stray dog so that he made off with a howl for the street, running between a policeman's legs and up- setting him. The policeman made a swipe at him with his club and hit a horse standing by the curbstone, and he ran away, and up street he scattered a crowd of women, and then scared a horse hitched to a milk wagon, and he broke for home and there scared a cow and she ran over a cat In the stable yard watching a rat hole, and the cat went into the barn, where a lantern was hanging, ana the latent was turned over onto a pile of hay and set it afire, and the man that ought to have been there was down town trying to catch the horse that scaredhis horse that ran away and set the barn on fire. And that's how it hap- pened." concluded the tramp with a long breath of relief. The court was paralyzed. "And where were you all this time?" was the next inquiry. "Me?" he asked, innocently. "Oh, I was in the gentleman's kitchen eating the hired girl's supper while she was trying to find the policeman the dog upset, so's he could come and see what had dropped on the hired girl." . The case isn't settled yet. How He Fell. New York Herald. Wool— Joblots went six weeks with- out telling a lie, and then fell down only by accident. Van Pelt— What was the accident? Wool—He was invited by a stranger into a game of billiards, and couldn't resist saying he was "only a scrub player." , :. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION , Of Ordinance Punnc«l ami IS««.o- --lutioii* Adopted l»y <"«" Com- mon Council of the CilyoFSt. Paul. Hd V No. 1143— Ordinance No. 1(101— An ordinance authorizing the St. Agatha's Academy or Music 10 erect a frame adui- The Common Council of the City of St. Paul do ordain as follows: Section I. That authority and permission be, ami the saiuc is hereby grunted to the St. Agatna'* Academy ofMusic to erect a three- stories and basement frame addition to their building situated on lot 3. block 7. Ba/.ille dc Cuerin'H adaitiou to St. Paul, which said ad- dition shall not exceed :W feet by SI feet. All of said work shall be done under the su- pervision of the Building Inspector upon obtaining the permit therefor. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect ami be In force from and after its passage. : Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May17, IMS. Yeas-Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Cope- laud, Cullen, Dorniden,lii6erso!l,Melady,Sul- llvan, Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays— L. J. DOBNEH, Chairman of the Board ot Aldermen. '\u25a0 Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1803. Yeas—Messrs.Uauholzer,Costello.Elmquist, Hare, McNamee, Oppenheiin, Van Slyke. Mr. President— B. Kays— o. W. I*. Murray, President of the Assembly. Approved June 3, 1892. Robert A. Smith. Mayor. Attest: Tiios. A. Pkkndehuast, City Cleric. June 4. A'v F No. 610—By Mr.Banholzer— Resolved, That the sprinkling of St. Clair street between Colborue aud Duke streets be discontinued. Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1802. Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Hare. Mc- Cafferty. McNamee, Oppenheiin, Van Slyke, Mr. President— B. Navs— o. \u25a0 \u25a0 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May °T 180!. \u25a0 Yeas— Aid. Bieleuberg. Bott, C'oniey, Cope- Jand.Ctilleu, Dorniden. Mclady.lneersoll.Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. Navs—o. Approved May 31. 1802. A'v FNo. 611— By Mr. Banholzer— Resolved. That the Chief of Police nnd the City Engineer are hereby instructed to forth- withcause to be removed all fences, posts, sheds and other obstructions of whatsoever nature in, across or upon the public alley ex- l ending from Pine street to Olive stieet through block two (2) of Kittson's audition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey county. Min- n< Ad opted by the Assembly May 24, 1802. Yeas— Messrs.Banholzer.Costello. Hare. M"c- Cafferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President— 6. BE*HI Says— o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1892. Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott, Conley. Cope- land, Cullen. Dorniden, Melady,lngersoll,Sjul- livan. Mr. Cnairman— lo. Nays— .Approved May 31, 1892. AyFNo. 613—8y Mr. McNamee— Resolved, That the City he is hereby authorized \u25a0to construct wooden steps on Sherburne Hill at a cost not to ex- ceed seventy-five dollars. The amqunt to be paid from the general fund. Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1892. Yeas— Messrs. Bannolzer, Costello. Hare. Mc- Cafferty. McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President— B. \u25a0 Nays— o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1802. \u25a0\u25a0••\u25a0•- \u25a0 •\u25a0 \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : Yeas— Aid. Bielenber?. Bott. Conley. Cope- land,C'ullen,Doruiden, .Velady. vi;n, Mr. Chairman— Nays—o. : Approved May 31, 1892. AyF No. 614— ByMr.Murray— .: Resolved by the Assembly, the Board of. Aldermen concurring. That authority arid'" peimission is hereby given to the St. Paul, Warehouse and Elevator company to erect, and maintain a wooden market shed seventy- feet in length, sixteen feet in width and one story in height, between the sidewalk and: Elevator A. on Third street, the same to be built under the direction of the Building In- spector. \u25a0 Adopted by the Assembly May 24. 1892. Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Costello,Hare.Mc- Cafferty. McNamee, Oppenheim, Van SlyKe, Mr. President— B. Nays— o. \u25a0 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1892. . Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope- land, C.illen,Doruiden, Melady,lngersoll,sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays— o. Approved May 31, 1802. AyFNo. 616— 8y Mr. Costello— Resolved, That the Northwestern Tele- phone Exchange Company are hereby in- structed and directed to construct conduits and place its wires under ground upon the following streets during year 1892. to wit: On and along Wabasha street, from north end of Wabasha street bridge to Summit ave- nue; on and along Seventh street, from Wa- basha street to Broadway street,and on Jack- son street, from Fifth street to Seventh street; ' under provisions of Ordinance No. 1290,-" passed Feb. 18. 1890, approved Feb. 19, 1890.:; and published Feb. 24, 18'.K». Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1892. Yeas— Messrs.Banholzer.Costello. Hare. Mc- Cafferty. McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President— B. Nays— o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1892. '-."\u25a0'\u25a0 , Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope- laud, Cullen, Doruiden. Meiady.lngersoll.Sul- -11van. Mr. Chairman— lo. - Nays— Approved May 31, 1892. Ay F No. 617— It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul : That the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the laud abutting on the al- ley in blocK 95, Daly & Berrisford's subdi- vision of Lyman Dayton's addition, from Forest street to Mendota street, necessary to construct the slopes for cuts and tills in grad- ing said alley, be, and the same is nereby re- ferred to the Board of Public Works to in- vestigate and report: First—ls this improvement proper and nec- essary? \u25a0 Second— Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one- half of the cost thereof is to be paid into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third— Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses neces- sary to be incurred thereby? Fourth— such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be as sessed for such improvement? Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, if you report in favor of the same. Sixth— Send the Council a proper order di- recting the work to be done. Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1892. Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Hare, Me- Cafferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr.President— Nays— o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27. 189.!. Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope- land. Oullen. Dorniden, Melady, lugersoll,Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays— o. Approved May 31, 1892. Ay FNo. 618— It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land abutting on Blair street, from Fairview avenue to Territorial road, necessary to construct the slopes for cuts and fills in grading said street, be, aha the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: First— ls this improvement proper and nec- essary? Second— Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one- half of the cost thereof is to De paid into the City Treasury before the contract is let. Third—Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the' extent of damages, costs and expenses neces- sary to be incurred thereby ? Fourth— ls such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be assessed for such improvement? Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required bylaw, if you report in favor of the same. Sixth— Send the Council a proper order di- recting the work to be done. Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1802. Messrs.Banholzer,C'ostellq. Hare. Mc- Cafferty. McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President— B. Nays—o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1892. Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope- land,Cullen, Dornideu, Melady, lngersoll, Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays—9. \u25a0 Approved May 31, 1892. AyFNo. 019- Resolved. That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the "hos- pital fund," in favor of the following-named person, for the amount set opposite to his name: . P. H. Donovan. Estimate No. 4 and final, finishingbuildings at City and Comity Hos- pital, 52,042.75. Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1892. - Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Mc- Cafferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr.President— B. . ~ Nays— o. , •• ~ *- Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1 18:>2. . ,',.-... Yens—AM. Melenberj.', Bolt, Conler, Cope land, Culluii, l)orniden.Melady,lnsersoll,Sul- llviui, Mr, Chairman— lo. Nays—o. - )' \u25a0 . Approved May 31, 1803. Ay V No. ti.'O— : Resolved., That city orders bo drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the "school fund," in favor of the following-named persons (or the amount set opposite to their respective unities: Joint Dou'lun it Sons, ?:!,*,';i.--'. AdoHed by the Assembly May 24. 1891. Yeas— >lessrs.Banholzer.Costello. Hare, Me Cafferty, McNamee, Oppenheiin, ' Van Slyke, Mr. President— S... Nays— o>. ;..,... .-> Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May '.'7, 1808. . ••• \u25a0\u25a0\u0084:•\u25a0 ;, . Yeas— Aid. Blelenbenr, Bott, Conlcy. Cope- land.Cuilen.Dbrnlden, Melady, lugersoll, Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman- -10. Nays—o. ........ .. Approved May 31, IMS. AyP No. 621— Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the '"local improvement fund," in favor of . the follow- ing named persons, for the amount set op- posite to their respective names: - ' James Mackubln and wife, damages on ac- count of "upper levee." $910; JamesMackubin and wife, damages on account opening, etc.. btrcet for "upper town bridge, $1,101); Jo- seph Germanu,- guardian, damages on ac- count opening, etc.. Burns avenue, $381.50; J. B. Trudeau, damages for opening, etc., alley through -block 9, M. & M. addition, $125. Adopted by. the Assembly May24, 1802. Yeas— Messrs.Banbolzer,Costello. Hare, Me- C'aft'erty, McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke, Mr. Presideut»-8. . aye—o. •:>\u25a0 . :-. -i ..-.*.\u25a0\u25a0 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1892. Yeas— Aid.- Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope- land, Cullen. Dorniden, Melady, lugersoll,Sul- livan,Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays— o. \. vri Approved 1692. # AyF No. 9»- ' ! Kesolved.' That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the "assess- ments fund," in favor of the following- named persons, for the amount set opposite to their respective names: \u25a0 T. Keilly,Estimate 1 No. 1. paving Third street. 81.275: P. Norris, Estimate No. 1. sprinkling "District No. 2, $448; P. Norris. Estimate No. 1. sprinkling District No. 3, 50J7.11 ; Nfcbolas Feyeu, Estimate No. 3, sprinkling District No. 9, $149.23; Nicholas Feyen, Estimate No. 1. sprinkling District No. 0. $1,060.12: Nicholas Feyeu, Estimate No. 1, sprinkling -District No. 5. $387.22; Nicholas 'Feyen, EstimateJNo. I, sprinkling District No. 4. $J05.30; L.Ryan. Estimate No. 1, grading alley block 2. Keough's subdi- vision block 11, Lyman Dayton's addition, $102: N. C. Johnson. Estimate No. 1, Port- laud avenue and Victoria street sewer, $340; M. Lux, Estimate No. 5, grading Keaney street bridge approach, etc., $.">52.50; Keough & Donnelly. Estimate No. 1. Third street grading. Earl street to east citylimits. $:>s'>; W. J Preston. Estimate No. 3, Minnehaha street sewer, Phalen creek to Greeubrier ave- nue. $416. C. Stone, Estimate No. 2, Wells street and Greenbrier avenue grading, $2,890; G. Uolan, Estimate No. 2, Van Buren street grading, $170; J. Murphy, Estimate No. 1, sweeping Summit avenue, $140.81: Fielding &Shepley, Estimate No. 1.Maiden lane pav- ing and sewering, $714; Dale &Bumgardner, Estimate No. 0. grading Stickney street, $1,415; C. E. Sandeen, Estimate No. 3, Chats- worth street grading. $380; 11. C. Huebner, . Estimate No. 8, MeMenemy street grading, $1,020: J. W. Maloney. Estimate No. 4, grad- ing Goff avenue, $1,700: V. Tantholt. Estimate No. 1, grading alley block 28. Macknbin & Marshall's addition, $144.50: Thornton & Shaw. Estimate No. 6, Wiuslow avenue grading, $510: L. E. Shepley. Esti- mate No. 4, Sixth street paving and sewer- insr, $10,200; J. Hanson. Estimate No.1, Beech street sewer, $348.50; William Stockton, Esti- mate No. 2, lowering, etc.. Robert street sewer, $2,89;/; W. J.- Preston, Estimate No. 1, sewer on Tenth, street and St. Peter street, $2,295; Mary E. Liedhoff, damages for slopes On. Goff avenue, $155; Keough & Donnelly, Estimate No. ,3. grading Winter street, $61; G." Oerlicb, Estimate No. 2 and final, grading Alley bjoefc > 14, ..Woodland Park, $11.34: P. TauthoTtj' Estimate No. 4 aud final, grading Richmond street, $323; M.Lux, Estimate No. 1. grading alley in block 77, St. Anthony Park, $110.50. , r bi;.}hc .Assembly May 24, 1892. Yeas— Messrs. Ban holzer.Costello, Hare. Cafferty, McX^ijnee, Oppenhelm, Van Slyke, Mr.President*^; v •'." Nays 0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27. 1892. ;.- -.•\u25a0•\u25a0 «» Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, Cope- land. Cullen. Dorniden. Ingersoll.Sul- livan, Mr.Chairman \u25a0 •\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0 Nays—o. Approved May 31, 1892. \u25a0 . ;. \u0084. Ay F No. 633— \u25a0 . w i esoived. That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the "sewer fund," in favor of the following-named per- sons, for the amount set opposite to their re- SDective names: P. Doherty. Estimate No. 5, Edgerton Btreet overflow sewer. $3,825.' Adopted by the Assembly May 24. 1891 Yeas— Me^*rs!Banholzer,Costello, Hare, Mc- Cafferty, MdK'a'r/iee, Oppenheim, Van Slvke, Mr.Pre'sMTeiit— ft . | says-^fl'. -:t"!- ; . •.Adopted'by^ne Board of Aldermen May ,27. 1892. ; - \u25a0 *• - > ' Yeas-^Ald: "Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope- <.l*na>OiHl*w,'Dorniden.Melady,lngersoll, Sul- - li VHii,- Mr: 'President— lo. * Ntfv"*2-a' ! ' "' ' Approved May 31, 1592. Ay FNo. 627— » In tne matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated May 12, 1891. It is hereby ordered oy the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of the City of St.Paul cause the following improvements to be made, to wit: Construct a cement sidewalk on the north side of summit ave- nue, from Kent street to Mackubin street, in said city. That said Board snail proceed without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which will be re- quired to pay the damage*, cost and necessary expenses of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said improvements provided bylaw; itbeing, the opinion of the Council that real estate to assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, cost and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. •-•- Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1802. Yeas— Messrs. Baubolzer, Costello. Hare. Mc- Cafferty. McNainee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke, Mr.President— B. - : ; = Nays—o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27.1892. Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope- laud, Cullen,Dorniden, Melady,lugersoll, Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays—o. Approved May 31, 1892. Ay F No. 628— In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated May 24, 189.'. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the followingimprove- ments to be made, to wit: Construct a sewer on Grotto street, from tfce sewer on Marshall avenue to a point 233 feet south, in said city. That said Board cause said work to be let by contract, as provided by law, without one-half- the estimated cost being rirst paid into the city treasury, and after said work shall be placed under contract, said Board shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which will be re- quired to pay the costs and necessary ex- penses of such improvements upon the real estate to be benefited by Eaid improvement, as provided by law: it being the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the costs and expenses neces- sary to be incurred thereby. Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1592. .yeas—Messrs. Banholzer.Costello, Hare.Me- Cflfferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppenheim,Mr. Vice President— B. Nays—o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1892. - : ; - Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, Cope- land.Cullen, Dorniden. lugersoll, Sul- livan, Mr. President— lo. Nays—o. Approved May 31, 1892. AyP No. 629— In the matter of the report of the Board of . Public Works dated May 24, 18U2. Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council , of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said i City of St. Paul cause the followingimprove- ment to be made, to- wit: Construct a sewer on Lombard street, from Milton street to a point 420 feet west, in said city. - That said Board cause said work to be let by contract, as provided by law, without one- half the estimated cost being first paid into the city treasury, and after said work shall be placed under contract, said Board shall pro- ceed without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which willbe required to pay the costs and neces- sary espeuses of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said improve- ment, as provided by law; it being the opin- ion of the Council that real estate to be as- sessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the costs and ex- penses necessary to be incurred thereby. \u25a0 Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1832. Messrs. Banholzer.Costello. Hare, Me- Cafferty. McNamee, Murray, Oppeuheim, Mr. Vice President— Nays—o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1892. Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope- land,Culleu,Doniiden. Melaay, Ingersoll, Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays-O. . . ' " Approved May 31, 1892. - Ay F No. (WO— ' In the matter 01 (be report of the Board of Public Works 'lined May 23.181C'.' it is hereby ordered by tho Common Council of the City of St. Paul:"- * \u25a0\u25a0*-\u25a0\u25a0:. That tho Board of PuMlc Works of said City of £t. Paul rauso the following improve- ments to be made, to wit: Grade tlie alley in Dailyami) Herivs-l'ord's subdivision of block 05 of l,ynitui Dayton's addition .in imkl city. That Mid Board cause said work to be let by contract, us provided by law. without one- half the estimated cost being- first paid into the city treasury, and after said work shall bo placed under contract. Mud Board shall proceed without rtclny to 'lineu : the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which willbe required to pay iheeosiß and necessary expense)) of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited- by said i improvement, as provided by: law it being .'the opinion of tne Council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to tne extent of the costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. \u25a0 ' Adopted by the Assembly May 21, \u25a0 18i>i. Messrs. Bauholzer.Costellallare.Mc- Caiferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppeuheim, Mr. Vice President— B. '\u25a0\u25a0:; \i ; Nays— o. \u25a0 . . . -. .: : :' :\u25a0>\u25a0'.." . Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27. 1803. >-.--,->\u25a0 i.M:' .IAJ.V.- •\u25a0 ! Yeas— Aid. Bielenberj?. BotL . Conley, Cope- , land, Cullen, l>(Jiniden.MeladMngersoll, Sul- livan. Mr. Chairman— lo. •*».'<•»»•*', '<* ••\u25a0 Approved May 31, 1832. ! '-:\u25a0 ,-.'-' Approved May 31, 1832. \u25a0 A'j'FNo. 632— '• Inthe matter of the report of -the Board of ' Public Works dated May 111. 18»>.r- Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul : •>'-•• That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following Improve- ment to be made, to wit: .Grade to a partial grade the alley, running north and Boutn (west end) in block 0, Edmund Rice's Second addition in said city. That said Hoard cause said work to be let by contract, as provided by law. without one-half of the 'estimated cost being first paid Into the city treasury, and after said work shall be placed." under contract, said Board shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they can aacertaiu the same, which . will be re- quired to pay the costs and necessary ' ex- penses of such improvement .upon- the real estate to be benefited by said -improvement, as provided bylaw; it being the 'opinion of the Council that real estate to be. assessed for such improvement cau be found benefited to' the extent of the costs and expenses neces- sary to be incurred thereby. -.- T.'iV \u25a0•\u25a0• Adopted by the Assembly 24, 1892. Yeas—Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. Hare,Mc- Cafferty. McNamee, Murray. Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President— .. . >. Nays 9. , . ..,..1.1,1.^ Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1892. : :•:• ....-.• : '. - Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bolt, Conley, Cope- laud, Cullen. Dorniden, Melady, Ingersoll, Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. .. \u25a0- : Nays—o. . .: <....'., \u25a0\u25a0 Approved May 31,1892. ...;., ..: Ay P No. 633— - - \u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0- In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated May %}, 1692. \u25a0'•\u25a0 Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council j ot the City of St. Paul: -\u25a0:;\u25a0•\u25a0'•. Tbat the Board of Public Works of the City ' of St. Paul cause the following improvement to be made, to wit: Condemn and take an easement in the land abutting on the alleyin ' block 4,- Arlington Hills addition, between Payne avenue nud Greeiibrier avenue, in said city, necessary to construct the slopes for cuts and fills in grading said alley between ; said streets, to the established grade thereof, ns shown by the profile of said grade on file in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey county, and in the office of the City Engineer; said slopes to extend one aud one-half (IVi)feet on said laud for every foot of cut or fill, as indicated on the plan of said ' slopes attached to this report and to' be filed in the office of said Board. That said' Board shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which will be required to pay the dam- ages, costs and necessary expenses of such improvement upon the real estate to be bene- fited by said improvement, as provided by law; ' itbeing the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of- tHe I .' damages, costs and expenses necessary s (&o fie 1 incurred thereby. . .: ' , \u25a0: -;.J<stt ..rt.-Mli*.' * Adopted by the Assembly May-J-I, i ! °''. Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Cpstelt6;l|are\MC : .\ Cafferty, McNamee, Murray, Op'pe.lfQeiti}, *lr. Vice President— 'M \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0—\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0* : Nays-0. .->';.«•;* .«>» Adopted by the Board of Ald^lbien9««y 2 l 1892. \u25a0 : :i . \u25a0\u25a0 ' < \u25a0»<! ..\u25a0>.-!:>;. ".:<•« Yeas— Aid. Bielenbery. BotenOMitev, Cope- land,Cullen. Dorniden, IngersollJMßlWlyiSulli- van. Mr. Chairman— lo. . .>-\u25a0-••\u25a0 ' Nays—o. \u25a0 \u25a0 '"' -\u25a0-.*'''- vi *'V---'- --! Approved May31, 1892. !Ay No. C3l— •';'\u25a0" I ' i "' !^/ •; ; . iln the matter of the report of the Board Public Works dated May17, 1892., '.' - ,It is hereby ordered by the Common" Council ' of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said ; City of St. Paul, cause the followingimprove- ment to be made, to wit: Condemn and : take an casement in the laud abutting on the alley in A. Gotzian's subdivision ofblock 107, L.Dayton's addition in said city, necessary to construct the slopes for cuts and fills in grading said alley to the established .grade thereof, as showu by the profile.- of saiil grade-' on filein the office of the RegistejM>f Deeds in and for Ramsey county, and in the office, of .the., City Engineer; said slopes to extend yue.a_u(t one-half (l'/a) feet on said land fpr.e,ver>j,i'ppt. of cut or fill as indicated on the plan of laid slopes attached to said report, aud to be filed in the office of said Board; that sajc};Board,shaUu proceed without delay to assess. , the nrauunt,/ as nearly as they can ascertain in*same/ which willbe required to pay the damages, costs and necessary expenses of such improve- ment upon the real estate to be benefited by said improvement, as provided by law; it be- ing the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the damajres, . costs and expenses . necessary to be incurred thereby. \u25a0 .'. Adopted by the Assembly May 24. 1&92. V Messrs. ' Banh olzer, Costello. Hare, Me- Cafferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President— B. Nays 0. . \u25a0 . . Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27. 189-. . . . - \u25a0-.-.: Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott, Couley, Cope- land,Ciilleii, Doruiden, Melady, IngersoU.Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. -. . ?; -:\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0._\u25a0; Nays—o. .. , \u25a0 . . Approved May 31, 1892. ..-.;. AyF Xo. 63S— Inthe matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated May 1!), 1892. . . - . It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of .St. Paul: ..;.-. That the Board ofPublic Works of (be City of St. Paul cause the following improvement to be made, to wit Replace old crosswalk on north side of Bourne avenue, across Kes- ton street, in said city. - .• \u25a0\u25a0' .• - \u25a0„..- Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1893. Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Hare, Mc- Cafferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppenheim, Mr. Vice President— B. ..--. \u0084 ...^ Nays— o. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1892. * ,',>-.- Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott. Conley. Cope- land, Cullen. Dorniden, Melady.lngersoll, Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. . . ' \u25a0 '^ "i Nays— o. .. ,' ," _ . Approved May 31, 1832. \u25a0 '\u0084. ,".\' Ay F No. 636— . . In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated May 12. 3892. \u0084, . Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: /- \u0084.•-<\u25a0 -.. That the Board of Public Works. of the City of St. Paul cause the following improve- ment to be made, to wit: Construct an eight- foot wooden sidewalk on the west side of. Ricnmond street, from Niederhoefer street to Goodrich avenue, in said city. \u25a0 That said Board shall proceed without delay., to assess the amount, as nearly as . they can ascertain the same, which willbe re- quired to pay the costs and necessary ex- penses of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said improvement. Us provided by law; it being the opinion' of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the costs and expenses neces- sary to be incurred thereby. \u25a0. ' ,-I.v- <-'k Adopted by the Assembly May 24. 1892,? -. a. * \u25a0 Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Elmquist, illare, McCafferty. McNamee, Murray, Oppeu- :lieim, Mr. Vice President— 9. - Nnys-0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May '.27,1992. . .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0v^r.t^ Yeas— Bieleuberg, Bott, Conley, Cope, land, Cullen, Dornideu. Melady,lnsersoll.Sul- lfvan.'Mr. Chairman— 'Nays— o. \u25a0 " ~' Approved May 31, 1892. - !;' ; v . A'yF No. 638— Inthe matter of the report of the Board ot Public Works dated May 17. 1892. : :• - Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following improve-' ments to be made, to wit: Construct a three- plank wooden sidewalk on the west side of sylvan street, from Acker street to Lawson street, in said city. \u25a0 •- jhviis; That said Board shall proceed without de- : lay to assess the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which will be re- quired to pay the costs and necessary ex- penses of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said improvement as provided by law; itbeing the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to - the extent of the costs and expenses neccs- . ary to be incurred thereby. •' :'-? ". Adopted by the Assembly May 24. 1893. .: , Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer.Costello,Elmquißt, Hare, McCafferty, McNamee, Murray. Oppen- heim. Mr. Vice President— ;? Nays— o. *- / '. .:; Adopted by the Foard of Aldermen May 27. 18!>2. ;- :. Yeas— AW. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope-. land. Cullen. T>orn!den.Melady,lngerEo)l,Sul- livan. Mr. Chairman— lo. ' Niiys— o. \u25a0 \u25a0 Approved May 31, 1892. \u25a0: *-.:"." \u25a0 ' A'v F No. 030— Inthe matter, of the report of the Board of - Public Works dated May 12. 1892. ' ' Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the Board of Publle Works of the City of St. Paul cause the following Improvement!) to be made, to wit: Construct a six-fool wooden sidewalk on both sides of Randolph street, from Duke street to Omaha street, I and on the west Hide of Omaha street, from Randolph street to Barton street. In said city. That said Boaid shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which will be required to pay the costs and necessary expenses of such "improvement, upon the real estate to be benefited by sueb improvement, as provided by law; it beinat the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such im- provement can be found benefited -to the ex tent of the costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1802. \u25a0 Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer.Costfillo.Klmqulst, Hare, McCafl'erty, McNamee, Murray, Oppen- heim,- Mr. Vice President— 9. \u25a0 . Nays— Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27. 1892. Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley. Cope- laiul,Culien,pornWen,Melady,lngerHol), Sulli- van. Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays-0. Approved May 31, 1892. AyFNO. 641— lv the matter of the report of the Board of \u25a0 Public Works dated May 23. 19!»J. Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul cause the following improve- ments to be made, to wit: . Construct a three (3) plank ndewnlfc on the north side of Wells street, from Forest street to Mendota street, in said city. That said Board shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which willbe required to pay the costs and necessary expenses of such improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said improvement, as provided Dy law: it being the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Adopted by the Assembly May 24. 1892. Messrs. Banholzer,Cosiello,Elmquist, Hare, McCafferty, McNamee. Murray, Oopeu-. heim, Mr. Vice President— 9. \u25a0,:. \u25a0 ":-. Nays— o.- . •• - •; : \u25a0 Adopted by the Board of. Aldermen May 27. 1892. ... Yeas—Aid. Bielenberg, Bolt. Conley. Cope- . land,Cullen, Dorniden, lngersoll, Melady, Sulli- -1 van, Mr. Chairman— fjSBJB Nayg-0. . ... Approved May 31, 1892. ; . AyFNo. 642— Inthe matter of the report of the Board of . Public Works dated June 6, 1890. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: - That the Board of Public Works of the City of St. Paul cause the following improvement to be made, to wit: Open, widen and extend Lawson street between Itice street and Sylvan street, in said city, condemning and taking all that land between Rice street and Sylvan stret not already condemned or dedicated for public use lying within the lines of a strip sixty (60) feet wide, the north line of which strip shall be the south line ofblocks 3 and 4of J.F.Eisenmenger's addition to St.Paul. That said Board shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they can as- certain the same, which will be required to pay the damages, costs and necessary -ex- penses of such .improvement upon the real estate to be benefited by said improvement, as provided by law;it being the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such improvement can be found benefited to the extent of the damages, costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0g!."\u25a0>;- Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1892. : Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Elmquist. Hare, McCafferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppeu- leim, Mr. Vice President— 9.' T Nays— 9. * . . - .' i Adopted by the Board of -XTUermen May 37^1892. \u0084:•,\u25a0.. - \u0084..\u25a0• .. ! | Teas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley, Cope- Hand, Cullen, Domiden, Melady,Ingersoll.Sul- livkn, Mr. Chairman— lo. ; Nays—o. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I Approved May 31, 1892. ' ..'.,' . ' . . Ay.F No. 644— 8y Mr.McCafferty— , ::>,^ \u25a0 Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby instructed to cause electric lights to be placed in the public parks of the city in the same locations where said .lights were placed during the season of 1891. . \u25a0 ,-. Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1892. Yeas— Messrs.Banholzer.Costello,Elmquisj, Hare, McCafferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppen- heim, Mr. Vice President— 9. Nays—o. hfflmL \u25a0 ' Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27,- --1892. " '-• Yea*— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope- land, Dobner. Dorniden. Melady,luK6r«oll,Sul- livan,Mr. President— lo. Nays—o. Approved May 31. 1892. . ' B<l F No. 1103—By Aid. Gehan— Kesolved. That permission and authority is ; hereby given and granted unto John W. Lux to put in, erect and maintain public scales upon the south side of Como avenue and about fifty feet east of Rice street, all of \u25a0which shall be done under the supervision of the CityEngineer of the City of St. Paul. ' ahid'tis provided by the city ordidance of 'skidcity. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 17.1892. :/ \u25a0 Yeas—Aid. Bielenerg.Bott. Conley, Dobner, Dorniden, Gehan, Ingersoll, Sullivan, Mr. President— 9. Nays—9. Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1892. Yeas—Messrs.Banholzer,Costello,Elmquist, : Hare. McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr. President 8. ; Nnys-0. Approved June 3, 1893. - ; ;\ Bd F No. 1108— . Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon the city treasury, payable out of the "elec- tion expenses 1892 fund," in favor of the ioi- lowing-named persons, for the amount set opposite to their respective names: -- \u25a0 - H. Donovan, $46.00; C. H. Murphy, $84.37; J. M. Grace, $84 J7; C. W. Farnham. $6.00: Jos. Smith. $31.5'!; Thos. A. Prendergast, $16.75; C. H. Williams, $223.75: E. Lynch, $103; Brown. Treacy <& Co., $145.40; Jas. 11. Burns, $871.06; D. D. Merrill &Co., $.22/24. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 17. 1802. . .' - ' Yeas— Ald.Bielenberg,Bott. Dobner, Dorniden. Gehan, ' lugersoll, Sullivan, Mr. President— 9. Nays— o. •'. Adopted by the Assembly Juno 2. 1802. Yeas—Messrs.Banholzer,Costello,Elmquist, MeNamee, Van Slyke, Mr.' President— Nays— Mr. Oppenheim— l, Approved June 3, 1892. Bd FNo. 1128-By Aid. Cullen— Resolved, That permission be. and is hereby granted to I'eter and Georpe D. Haupers. as trustees ofMagdelena Stoltz. to construct a wooden porch on the story-and-a-half brick buildingon the corner of College avenue and Cedar street, and numbered 35 on College av- enue, as they might otherwise do if said building were not within the fire limits of the City of St. Paui. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 17, 1892. Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg,Bott,Conley,Dobner. Dorniden, Gehan, l ngersoll, Sullivan, Mr. Presi- dent— - Nays— Adopted by the Assembly June 2. 1802. Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Elmquist, Hare, McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President— B. Nays— Approved June 3, 1892. BdFNo.ll32— . In the matter of the report of the Board of Public Works dated May 26, 1892. It is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: That the Hoard of Public Works of said City of St. Paul cause the following improve- ment to be mode, to wit Grade Burgess street, from Dale street to Western avenue, in said city. That said Board cause said work to be let by contract, as provided by law, without one-half the estimated cost being first paid into the city.treasury, and after said work shall be placed under contract, said Board shall proceed without delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they can as- certain the same, what will be required to pay the costs and necessary expenses of such improvement upon the -real estate to be ben- efited by said improvement, as provided by law; it being the opinion of the Council that real estate to be assessed for such im- provement can be found benefited to the ex- tent of the costs and expenses necessary to be incurred thereby. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1893. .. . Yeas— Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Cope- I land.Dobner.Dornideu, Ingersoll, Melady.Sul- livan, Mr. President— Nays—o. Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1892. \u25a0 Messrs. Banholzer.Costello, Hare, McCafferty, McNamec, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President— B. Nays— o. Approved June 3, 1892. F No. 1132— Aid. Dorniden— ' . Resolved, That the Board of Public Works cause Duke street to be sprinkled from West Seventh street to St. Clair street. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27. 1892. - 1 Yeas— Bielenberg, Bott. Conley, Cope- land, Cullen. Dorniden, Melady,sul- livan. Mr. Chairman— lo. :., . \u25a0_.> . Nays— •< •'\u25a0•_: \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ,• j* Adopted by the Assembly June 2. 1892.. . Messrs.Banholzer,Costello,Elm<iuisfe Hnre. McXimioe, Opjjeuhcim, Van Siyke, Mr. President— B. iNnys '). Approved June 3, 1592. BdF No. li:! - Hcsolved, That city orders be drawu upon the city treasury, payable out of the •'print- ing and stationery "fund,"' in favor of the following-named persons, for the amount set opposite to their respective names: Berhandi &Co., $ 175. Adopted by the Board ot Aldermen May 27. 1592. Yeuti— Aid. Bit-lenberg. Bott, Conlry. Cope- land. Ciillen. Dorniden. liib'ersoll.Meluuy.Sul- livan. Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays—o. Adopted by the Assembly June 2, IRO2. Yeas— Messrs;. Banholzer.c,ostelft),Elmquist, Hare. McXiunec, Oppenheim, Vau Slyke, Mr. President-8. Nays— o. Approved June 3, 1832, Bd F No. 1137— 8y Aid. Bielenberg- Resolved, That the City Engineer be. and ho is hereby directed to cauve the repairing of a ciitelil'm-m ill front of the street cur barn on University avenue, near Kent street. Said catchbasiu is defective and unable to carry off the water during a heavy rain: it flonts the pavement, and is liable to cause damage to adjoining property. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1892. Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley. Cope- laud, Cullen. Dorniden. lugersoll.Melady, Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays— o. Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1893. Yeas— Messrs.Banho]*t, Hare. McNamee, Oppenheim, Vau Slyke, Mr. President— B. Nays—o. Approved June 3, 189?. Bd F No. 1140—By Aid. Bott— It is hereby ordered by tne Common Council of the City of St. Paul : That the matter of erecting and main- taining a gasoline lamp at or near the south- east corner Frances nnd Meudota streets be, and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: Ii this improvement proper and nece.-sary ? If ho, send the Council a proper ord?r di- recting the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermeu May 27, 1802. Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, Cooe- land, Cullen. Dornlden:lngersoll,Melady,Sul- HVan, Mr. Chairman— lo. •Knys—o. Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1802. Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer.'Costello.Elmquisi, Hare, McNamee, Oppeuheim, Vau Slyke, Mr. President— B. Nays— o. Approved June 3, 1802. Bd FNo. 1141—By Aid. Bott— Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council Of the City of St. Paul : That the matter of grading the alley in block niue (U) of Drake's rearrangement of blocks 2, .'8, ft, 10 and lots 1 to 11. block 11, McLean's Reservation to St. Paul, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Board ofPub- lic-Works to investigate and report: First— ls this improvement proper and nec- essary V . Second— Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one- half of the cost thereof is to be paid iutg the city treasury before the contract is let. Third Can real estate to be assessed for said impxovement be found benefited to the extent qfdftmages. costs and expenses neces- sary to be incurred thereby? Fourth'-^IK' such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be as- sessed Iq»- such improvement? Fiftbi*-6etitt the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, ifyou report fh favor of the same. Sixth— Send the Council a proper order di- rectlbg Ihework to be done. Adopteat-fcy the Board of Aldermen May 27. 1892. Yeas-»-A!d. Bielenberg, Bott Conley. Cope- liud,Cullem.l>oruiden,lngersoll, Melady.Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman 10. Nays— o. Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1802. Yeas— Messrs. Bauholzer.Coste)lo,Elmquist. Hare. McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr. Presideut— B. Nays— o. Approved June 3, 18D2. Bd F No. 1143— 8y Aid. Uobner— Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the Cfty of St. Paul : That the matter of placing a six (8) foot wooden sidewalk on the west side of Albert avenue, from Minuehaha street to Blair street (petition attached), be, and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report : Is this improvement proper and necessary? If so, send the Council a proper order direct- ing the work to be -done. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27, 1892. Yeas— Aid. Blelenbere, Bott. Conley, Cope- land,Cullen. Dorniden, lngersoll, Melady.Sul- liTan. Mr. Chairman 10. Nays— o. Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1802. Yeas—M essrs. Bauholzer.Costeilo.Elmquisf, Hare, McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyte, Mr. President— B. Nays 0. Approved June 3, 1892. Bd F No. 1144— 8y Aid. Bieienberg- Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul: ! That the matter of opening of a 12-foot driveway on the north side of Lewis part, between Woodbridge and Marion streets, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to investigate and report: First— ls this improvement proper and nec- essary? Second— Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one- half the cost thereof is to be paid into the City Treasury before the contract is let. Third^'Ca'ir're't'r estate to be assessed for said imprtfVelrleVitbe found benefited to the extent of damages, costs and expenses neces- sary to be incurred thereby? I'onrth^oJsi such improvement asked for upon the. -petit/ion or application of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be as- sessed for snch improvement? Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profile of said improvement, as required by law, it yo# report in f avor-of the same. Sixth— Sendthe Council a proper order di- recting the>work to be done. Adopted by~the Board of Aldermen May 27. 18fi2. ' ' Yeas—A id. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley, Cope- land, Cullen.Doruiden.fngersoll, Melady, Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. Nuys -0. Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1R02. Yeas— Messrs.Bauholzer,Oostello,Elmqnist, Hare, McNnnjee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President— B. Nays— o. Approved June 3, 1502. Bd F No. 1145— 8y Aid. Melady— Resolved! That the Board of Public Works be,aud they are hereby ordered to discontinue the sprinkliug of Clinton avenue between Winifred street and Concord street. Adopted by the Board of Alderman May 27. 1892. Y'eas— Aid.' Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, Cope- land. Cullen, Dorniden.lugersoll,Melady,Sul- livan. Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays— o. Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1892. .Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer,Costello,Elmquist, Hare, McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President— B. Nays—o. Approved June 3, 1892. Bd F No. 1146— 8y Aid. lugersoll— Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council of the city of St. Puul: That the matter of sweeping by hand noily avenue, from Western avenue to Dale street, be. and the same is hereby referred to the Board of Public Works to Investigate and re- port: First—ls this improvement proper and nec- essary? Second— Give the Council an estimate of the expense thereof, and state whether one- half of the cost thereof ig to be paid into the city treasury before the contract is let. Third-Can real estate to be assessed for said improvement be found benefited to the extent of damages, costs nnd expenses nec- essary to be incurred thereby? Fourth— ls such improvement asked for upon the petition or application of the own- ers of a majority of the property to be as- sessed for such improvement? Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profile of Faid improvement, as required by law, if you report in favor of the same. Sixth— Seed the Council a proper order directing the work to be done. Adopted by the Board of Alderman May 07, 1892. Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley. Cope- land. C'u'len.Dornidei). lngersoll, Mefady.Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. Nays—o. Adopted by the Assembly June '-', 1802. Yeas— Messra.BaDhoUer, Cos tello.Elmquist, Hare, McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke, Mr. President— B. JNays— o. Approved June 3, 1892. Bd F No. 1147-By Aid. lugcrsoll- •— a Whereas, The Board of Park Commission- ers of St. Paul, did on the 6th day of Novem- ber. 1891. enter into a contract with Warren Carpenter and Edua L. Carpenter, in the name of and for the City of St. Paul, to pur- chase for park purposes. In manner and form as by laV provided, the following described real estate situated in the City of St. Paul, viz: That part of block 20, of Woodlaud Park addition to said city, according to the recorded plat thereof, which is bounded north by Summit avenue, east, by land of Maurice Auerbach: south, by Ramsey street, aud west, by land of the City of St. Paul; and Whereas, After the executiou aud delivery of said contract, said Board of Park Commis*- sioners directed the Board of Public Works, of said city, as by law provided, to levy as- sessments upon the real estate benefited by the proposed improvements: and Wnerea.B, Said Board of Public Works did thereafter, in the manner and form as fex1&» provided, make confirm such assess- ments, one of which assessments, amounting to twenty-four hundred and thirty-three (.'.433) dollars, was levied an aforesaid, upon the followiud described teal estate owned by j said City ot St. Paul, viz: All that triangular | piece of land in the City of St. Paul, Knrnsey | County, Minnesota, bounded by Summit avenue. Western avenue and Ramsey street,; except those portions owned by Maurice; Aucrbach and wife and Warren Carpenter and Edna L. Carpenter; and Whareas. Such assessment is wholly due and unpaid: and '\u25a0' Whereas, Under and by the provisions of the law in such eases made and provided.! "All assessments on property owned by the ; city shall be paid out of the general fund of ; the City of St. Paul; Therefore, resolved. That a city order bo , drawn on the city treasury, in favor of the \u25a0 City Treasurer, for the sum of twenty-four « hundred and - thirty-three (2,433) dollars,,- payable out of the general fund, for the pay- ment of said assessment. Adopted by the Board. of Aldermen May 27. 1802. \u25a0 •- Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bolt. Conley. Cope- land, CulleD.Dornideu, Meludy,lngersoli,Sul- livan, Mr. Chairman— lo. _ Nays—o. Adopted by the Assembly June 2. 1902. Yeas— .Messrs. Banholzer.Costello. Elmquist, Hare. McNamee, Oppenbeim, V»u Slyke, Mr. President— ; "\u25a0: \u25a0••'•-\u25a0.-: Nays— o. Approved June 3.1892. W. P. Murray. : . President of thc Assembly. - Wm. A. Van Sltke. Vice President of the Assembly. O. O CVLIXS. President of the Board of Aldermen. , ;, . •\u25a0 -. - i L.J. DOBNEB, ' Chairman of the Board of Aldermen. Thos. A. Pbendekgast, City Clerk. lune4-lt _^ OFFICIAL. Proceedings ; Board ot School Inspectors. (Published in "Trie Globe" of June 4, 1692.) Regular Meeting. St. Paul, Minn., June 1. 1 02. Vice President Bridgmau in the chair. Present— lnspectors Bridgman.Keaue.Pyle. \u25a0 Smith, Stamin and Mr. President (Scheffer) «. \u0084 •-. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 Absent— lnspector Auerbacb— l. On motion the reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting was dispensed with. COMMUNICATION*!. From the Superintendent of Schools— ' St. Pali., Minn.. June 1, 1692. To the Board of Sr-bool Inspectors. Gentlemen: I have the honor to present the following table -of statistics for the mouth of May: ... \u25a0•. - .:,.:;,\u25a0 :-:. t *\u25a0 > t 52 \u25a0'""• nto >i C a % X School \u25a0 =z; ;g,« j p2i ' ~." '.''\u25a0' •',•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 H 5? p*s . v : 5 \u25a0\u25a0 c: \.: % It - *< 1 Linc01n......... ........ 6to 277 727 C1eve1and.....;............ 589 498 706 U. S. Grant 306 364 379 Harrison :.... •; 322 274 39* Hawthorne .... .......:.:. 31b 272 307. John Ericsson ...-. 334 297 i 401 Van Buren ......~. ", -773 667 909 Sibley.. -..::. v "fK'i 341 471 Deane.. ..-:.:.. ' if 37 " 82- Fisher Ames .. ' 45 35 47 S.S.Taylor 46 37 48 PbtlSheridan \u25a0\u25a0.. \u25a0 *~ 28 25 35 FranKliu 704 595 954 High.. *62. 713 991 Jeffer50n.......:.:....:;.. 67S 383 745 Adam 5.;........ .„... 508 441 506 Monroe 482 4181 -566 Lafayette 366J 329 467 Humboldt .....: ;V. I 680 1 571 782 Garfield. ;.... 289. 261. 34S Douglas... .! 259 22*1 - 2hft Hendrieks .;.. 359 326 430 Neill .: 301 251 *7. Weoster;. ..;.../...;....... 600 529 661' 1rvine.. ..............:.... '286, 238 310 Jackson... 534 456 622 Gorman 372 312 454 McClellan - ICB 87 117 JohuLogan 20 17 28 Albert Scheffer /.... 351 > 313 40(5 James T. Maxrield . ..... 277 233 . 305 Victoria and Edmund St.. 88 . 78 " 120: Madison ; 756 614 926 Rice. 421; 355 507^ R. A. Smith .268 107 280 Hanc0ck.................... . 245 21?! 274' 8aker..;......../ ..'.::, 123 102 ' 131; William P. Murray. ...„„ . 75. .68. 83 5.J.T11den..... ......;.;:. -19 37 27: Longfellow;....-.....;..,.: ! 256 213 293' Alex. Kamsey --80 &i 77 Quincy 4:} 31 63 ; John Mattocks .21 17 32 Total ....... ..I. i.. 11C.779 Respectfully, etc., . \u25a0 C. B. Gilbert.. Superintendent. "\u25a0 Accepted and ordered filed. ? UK PORTS. From the Committee on Schools— St. Paul, Minn.. June 1. 1802. To the Board of School Inspectors, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Since the last meeting of the Board we have granted leave of absence j without pay for the remainder of the current ' school year to Miss Margaret McPhail, teach- er of second grade," Franklin school, to date from May 1. '' We have appointed Miss Harriettc Fos3 teacher of second grade. Franklin schcoL to date from May 1,at schedule salary for third year's service. .• \u25a0•••"\u25a0\u25a0" '.' ' Respectfully submitted. ' \u0084IX" G. H. Bridomas I ,'Chairman. '. Approved and confirmed by— Yeas— lnspectors Bridgman. Keane, Pyl#i Smith, Stamm and Mr. President— From the Committee on Fuel and -JaDi:ors— St. Paul, Minn., June 1. ISJ2. To the Board of School Inspectors. .. Gentlemis: Your Committee on Fuel and Janitors would respectfully report that we have appointed Peter Harris janitor of the Lafayette school building, vice Edward Felo- quin, resigned, to date June 1, at schedule salary. i Respectfully submitted. •" S.G. Smith, Chairman. \u25a0; Approved and confirmed by- Yeas Inspectors Bridernan, Keane, Pyle, Smith, Stamm and Mr.President The President announced that the election of a Superintendent of Schools was the next business before the Board, when, at the re- quest of Inspector Smith, the Board went into executive session. \u25a0\u25a0> :. - : •;\u25a0 .•*-"-• Opeu session having "been resumed, the chairman announced that the Board had \u25a0 unanimously re-elected Mr. C. B. Gilbert- Superintendent of Schools for the period of two years. On motion, the Board adjourned, to meet Thursday, June 2, at 5:30 p. m. Kowaud W. White, Secretary. , Adjourned Electing:. St.' Paul, Minn., June 2. 1993, Vice President Bridgman in the chair. Preseut— lnspectors Keane.Pyle, Smith and Mr. Vice President (Bridemau)— i. Absent— lnspectors Auerbach, Stamm and Mr. President (Scheffer) REPORTS. - From the Committee on Fuel and Janitors-" St. Paul. Miun.. June 2. IBRJ. To the Board of School Inspectors. Gentlemen: Your Committee on Fuel and Janitors wouid respectfully report .that wo have appointed Daniel Mortimer assistant janitor at the high school building, vico Frank Sampson, promoted to the janitorship of the Rice school building in place of J: :ue.s P. White, resigned, to date June 3, at sched- ule salary. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u0084 Respectfully submitted. S. O. Smith, Chairman. Approved and confirmed by- leas— Inspectors Keane. \u25a0 I'Vlc. Smith and Mr. Vice President (Bridgman)— 4. - On motion ot Inspector Pyle.and in accord- dance with, a resolution previously intro- duced, Rule 44 of the "Rules for the Govern- - ment ofihe Schools" was amended so as to admit of three (3) days l absence without loss of pay by reason of death in the immediate family of a teacher. CONSIDERATION OF ACCOUNTS. ' \u25a0 The following bills, nil in due form ami ap- proved by the proper committees, were then presented 304 Allrnan. ,T. B ." crt m 305Cames, E. A '"" •-*> 00 306 Charles, Thomas C... '.".'.'.""" 5528 307 De Coster. Edwin . ' '."." co 00 308 Dowlau, John & Sons. i "15 is 309 Gan tzer, John A ' •• on 310 Hutching, M.L. '.'.'.'.'.'."..'."' 50 00 311 Leslie. John * 251 -1 S 312 Mannheimer Bros.. /.";' "30 60 313 Merrills Toilet Supply.... ... 400 8S ?lo V - Tele P no Kschange Co.! 18 00 315 O Rourke, « illiam 10 "I 316 Pioneer Press Company. .' .""" 510 317 Prcndergast 8r05.... : 301 40 318 Reichelt, Paul !..!.. H."* 2 70 319 Roth well. Joseph 20 OS 320 St. Paul Gaslight Company.... 33 45 321 St. Paul Roofing ana Cornice Works.. 15 03 .122 Sehoch, A. Grocery Company 14 40 323 Schulze, P. J .* <jo .-,g 324 Water Commissioners, Board of. . 190 38 325 Same ;; 00 326 Same ..-...; 300 327 Wyckoff, Seamans A Benedict.; 7 05 Approved and ordered transmitted to Com- mon Council for settlement by— ' ;;.v. Yeas— lnspectors Kenue. Pyle, Smith and Mr. Vice President (Bridgman)— 4. Adjourned. . . : ; ;;>^.^'S Edward W. White, Secretary. POPULAR W \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'...\u25a0

Transcript of Library of Congress · THE PAINT PAUL 3)AILY GLOBE: SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, ISO2.— TEN" FAGHS....

Page 1: Library of Congress · THE PAINT PAUL 3)AILY GLOBE: SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, ISO2.— TEN" FAGHS. \XJ HIS HORRIBLE FRIEND, How a Traveler in Central America Was Saved by a Gigantic



How a Traveler in CentralAmerica Was Saved by a

Gigantic Ape.

Attacked by Outlaws in aCountry Where Life Is

Very Cheap.

Rescued From Death by anAnimal Which He After-

ward Shoots.

Kost Singular AdventureThat Befell a Traveler in

the South.

Why 1stopped inPanama on my re-

turn from my trip to South America isa mystery. The quaint Spanish fashionof the old city interested me, and Ifound itdifficult to tear myself away,

s.ivs a writer it the New York Dispatch.When 1 was ready to leave, my briefsojourn in the country had inspired mewith so much confidence that 1 eagerly

embraced the suggestion of my land-lord to cross tlie isthmus on horseback.

••Take it leisurely,'' he said; "followthe old road. Ittouches various pointsalong the canal. You can make thejourney ina couple of days, and youwilinot mind spending a night in one

of De Lesseps' villages."Now the canal was a pet hobby of

mine. 1 was anxious to see how it wasprogressing. Beside. 1had a friend whowas one of the contractors, and Iwantedtopay him a visit.

The next morning Imounted a gentlemustang, furnished by my host, and setiut for Aspinwall, the Atlantic port,where 1intended to take the steamer.As 1 wished to reach the camp of my

friend Jackson by midday, 1 rode rap-idlyduring the morning.

At one place the road ran along insight of the canal for half a mile. Here1 saw a scene not to "be matched any-

where on earth. Enormous machineswire at work excavating thousands oftons ofdirt, and countless wagons wereemployed removing the loose earth. My-riads of workmen swarmed everywhere,jabbering to each other in all the tongues

it the known world. Among themwere men from all the countries ofEurope— Americans, Africans. China-men, West Indians and Malays. Thefierce looks cast upon me by these fel-ows alarmed me, but 1pretended to beicalm spectator of the animated scene.Due of the contractors was about, andfrom him Ilearned that Iwould findJackson about live miles further on.

"Are you armed?" asked the con-tractor.Itold him that Ihad a revolver."You will probably need it before

you reach Aspinwall," said he. "Youire passing through 30,000 of the worstcut-throats that were ever collected to-gether."

After hearing that 1had a great mindto return to Panama, but the dread ofbeing laughed at mane me decide topush on. Assuming a determined,business-like look, 1 put spurs to mymustang and ambled through the mot-ley gang of laborers until Ihad the sat-isfaction of leavine them behind me.Fortunately, 1encountered no obstacle,Riid Jackson's camp was made just inlime for dinner.

Here 1was safe. Jackson was a bigfellow, whose men were nearly allAmericans. He was delighted to seeroe, an J gave me a capital dinner. Dur-ing the two hcurs that 1SDent witlihim1filledhim fullof news, and he, on ttv#other hana, told me a lot of wonderfulthings about the canal. He made nosecret of his conviction that the enter-prise would drag alone for years, but ashe was makingbushels of money,the de-lay played into his hands. As Ideclinedto stay allnight withhimjackson gaveme some directions about my route, andat my departure confided to me a pack-age containing $10,000, asking me tode-posit itfor him in one of the banks atAspinwall. 1suggested that there wasdanger in carrying such a sum of moneythrough the couulry, but the stalwartfellow laughed at my fears. He saidthat Iwould make the hacienda of DonFrancisco Mendez at nightfall, where 1would be royally entertained. By day-light he thought J could take care ofmyself.

While this was going on Isaw twobrutal-looking Mexicans at a shortdistance watching us intently and con-ferring together in low tones.

"Idon't like the look of those rascals."1said.

"Hello, there: Pedro, and 3fou, Juan?"•houted Jackson. "Get to work, youlazy beggars!"

The Mexicans growled, and suddenlyretired.

"They are two of the worst men incamp," said Jackson, "but they are notlikely to bother you."

1ifad my doubts, but the prospect ofstaying all night with Mendez some-what reassured me, and 1started off in\ery good spirits. My road took methrough a. scene of bewildering beauty.The tropical foliage round me glitteredwithall the hues of the rainbow. Un-known flowers of gorgeous magnificenceand overpowering fragrance brightenedthe roadside.

Suddenly Icame upon a pond of clearwater in ah open space. Hot. dusty andtravel-worn. Icould not resist the temp-tation. Without counting the conse-quences, Ifastened the mustang to asapling and undressed in a hurry, plac-ingmy revolver under my clothes onthe edge of the water. Then Iplungedinand enjoyed a refreshing swim.

One thins annoyed me. Allalong thewayImet with monkeys everywhere.They were of ali sizes, aud the interestthey took inmy movements amused menot a little. Sometimes they chatteredat me indignantly and shook their firstsalmost in my face. At a wave of myhand, however, they fled in precipitateterror.

As soon as 1 entered the lake themonkeys took fresh courage. Theyscrambled about in droves, and abusedme at their hearts' content. Amonsrthem was one of a species that Ihadnot seen before. He was a ferociouslooking monster, fully five feet highand as muscular as a bear. Before Irealized the situation this great long-legged fellow swooped down on myclothes, and started with them for thewoods. Foi a moment Iwas absolutelyparalyzed. Itwas no joke to ride toAspinwall in a decent rig, butIhad nofancy for the role of Lady Godiva.

There was no time to lose. Themonkey had left my revolver, and assoon as Icould seize itItired. He gavea howl of rage and dropped everythingbut my coat. 1 hastily jumped intomy recovered garments and gave chase.It was useless. The thief scur-ried up into the top of a tall cocoanuttree, and in a twinklingof an eye puton my coat, buttoning itround him, andthen proceeded to hurl coacoanuts atme withsuch precision that Iwas gladto quickly leap into the saddle and rideoff.

But my troubles had just begun. 1had reconciled myself to the loss of mycoat, as Jackson's money was in an in-side pocket of my waist, but the monkeyihowed a disposition to follow me.After firmg at him several times Igaveit up. His tough hide seemed bullet-proof, and there was no chance to killhim unless 1shot him in the eye.

The declining sun warned me that itwas time to seek shelter for tlie night,and 1 knew that in these tropical soli-tudes there was no twilight. Isaw nocultivated fields, no houses, no signs ofthe hacienda of Don Francisco Mendez.

The situation was growing serious.Occasionally a stone weighing a poundor two was hurled at me from someleafy covert, and then the giganticmonkey would give a horrible laughand scamper away. He was a funny-looking chap In my blue flannel coat,

bat 1 was too angry to enjoy the comicaspect of the matter. Itstruck me thatit the brute caught me in the dark hewould make an end of rue in no time.Itwas both horrible and humiliating,

such a death in the tangled forests ofthis savage land.

Just then 1saw a short distance oft,

in a clearing, a square, stone hut. Herewas shelter and protection. 1 was notdisappointed much to find ituninhab-ited. It was strongly built, with nowindows, and one entrance, from whichthe door had long since rotted away.Astepladder led to the loft. Ascending,1found.-. small apartment dimly lightedby round bole* "in the wall, whichhad evidently been used bysharp-shoot-ers at some revolutionary period In thehistory of the country. My mind wasmade up in an instant. 1 went back tomy mustang and picketed him about ahundred yards from the hut in thebushes. Then 1returned to my fortressjust as darkness closed inupon me, andsought refuge in the loft.pulling uptheladder after me. 1was safe here, evenfrom the monkeys, and Ilay down feel-inga sense ofperfect security. . ."•

Itmust have been late in the nightwhen 1heard something moving in theroom under me. Looking through theopening in the floor 1 could see nothing.1struck a match, and by the flickering

flame recognized the monkey. Thewretch still wore my coat, and in thedim, uncertain light his appearancewas more repulsive than ever, '. • '

lay down again, knowing that thebeast could not Ret into the loft,andcommenced planning forhis destructionin the morning. 1 was satisfied that theanimal belonged to a species of moun-tain apes, of great strength and terribleferocity. Their cunning Iheard wasalmost human, and they did not scrupleto attack men and rend them limb fromlimb. 1concluded, when the morninglight appeared, todraw the brute's at-tention and shoot him in one of hiseyes. Having settled on this plan, 1was about dropping into a doze when 1heard voices outside the hut. 1listenedwith alert eais. ."Ifyon say, Pedro, this American is

inside" we should ambush him andshoot him when he comes out in themorning." . "

'.'\u25a0" .

•'Now, by all the saints. Juan." wasthe reply of l'edeo, "you are a cowardlyfool. The Englishman, like all hiscountrymen, has hiseyes open, and mayget the drop on us." .-:•" :;

Irecognized the voices. •"- Pedro andJuan had followed me all the way tromJackson's camp. What to do was thequestion. Itwas hard to decide, and 1waited further developments. The tworobbers conversed in low whispers; andallIcould hear was their final agree-ment to rush in and overpower me. '

'•Wonder what they'll do with themonkey 1 said to myself with achuckle. \u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0"\u25a0• \,-

--"1 hear the American moving," saidPedro. •-*'.\u25a0• *\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0':\u25a0Itwas the monkey. The monster was

walking in the circle all theytfnj*?, andthe dead leaves that had driftedinto thehut rustled under his feet. There wasanother whispered consultation, .: andthe Mexicans rushed into the loom be-low. The outlaws saw a dark from andcharged with their long, mrftde^ousknives. *r~*}V:?Iheard twodull thuds, and.knew that

Pedro and Juan had been dasitftljiead-long against the walls. ~*&}

-Mother of Moses!" gasped Juan."Knifehim!"

'-.. ";

"Idiot!" cried Pedro; "knife himyourself!"

The robbers made another rush. --\u0084


"Ah, ah!' yelled Pedro. "Where

are you Juan? This hog of an Americanhas me by the throat, and 1 have; lostmv knife."

"He is a demon!" groaned Juan."He is pounding mv head against the.wall!"


A volley of yells followed and then achorus of'groans. Through itall 1heardan ominous, dull thud. At length sil-ence prevailed, and 1knew that all wasover.

--My last match was gone, but to my

great delight, it was almost morning.With the first rays of daylight Ipeeredthrough the hole in the floor, itwas a.ghastly sight that met :my 'gaze." Thetwo Mexicans lay on the floor quietdead. Their heads had been smashedto jelly aeainst the walls, and theirthroats" bore dark blue marks.

Sitting in the corner was the monkey.He was bleeding profusely and wasevidently seriously hurt. At first Ithought Iwould spare Jhim. He savedmy life and Iwas grateful. But when1 fixed the ladder and descended, theuntamable beast prepared for .ispring,and there was such evident malice inhis eves that Iaimed at his eye andfired." One shot did the work. Herolled over, dead. -

:\u25a0• w

Itwas no place for me after such anadventure, and Iat once went insearchot my mustang. To my great joy hewas all right, and Iwas soon in:thesaddle and on my way to Aspinwali.

Depositing Jackson's moueXrjn, thebank when Iarrived, 1 immediatelyboarded the steamer. Iknew that itwould not be prudent to speak of. .thetwo Mexicans, and Ihad a SHSpicionthat a statement of the partWe" Monkeyhad borne in the tragedy would be re-garded by the authorities as a cock-and-bull-story. So Iwisely kept my.mouthshut until Iwas again amoug friends.

Of course. Inave never wasted anyreg et on Pedro and JuartV.butf Istillhold my horrible friend, the monkey, ingreat esteem. .;.;....— . -.. '"\u25a0 . .-. \u0084


The Tramp Said It Was the Pro-secuting Attorney. j£!?'\u25a0"

Detroit Free Press. .; •>'• :-.;,-..,,A barn had been burned in" the su-

burbs and a tramp had been arrestedforsetting fire to it. After most of thetestimony was Inthe prisoner was per-mitted tomake a statement, ,!*^ ;i;::•. i

"Your honor." he said, "if any bodyset this barn afire itwas the prosecut-ng attorney." . . \u25a0

The prosecuting attorney was on hisfeet in an instant, and the tramp heldup his hands appealinely. . '.\u25a0--\u25a0

"Letme go on," he said, and the courtlet him go on.

""Didn't you," he said,

addressing the prosecutor, "throw aman out of your second-story windowyesterday evening?"

The prosecuting attorney soid he hadcaught a tramp in his house about (jo'clock the evening before, and hadfired him through a window.

•'Thanks,' said the prisoner. "Thatwas me. Iwent out onto a shed roofthat broke my falland almost broke myneck, and went on down where Ilitonthe hired girl and scared her so shemade a break for the back yard, whereshe startled a stray dog so that he madeoff witha howl for the street, runningbetween a policeman's legs and up-setting him. The policeman made aswipe at him with his club and hit ahorse standing by the curbstone, and heran away, and up street he scattered acrowd of women, and then scared ahorse hitched to a milk wagon, andhe broke for home and therescared a cow and she ran overa cat In the stable yard watchinga rat hole, and the cat went intothe barn, where a lantern was hanging,ana the latent was turned over onto apile of hay and set it afire, and the manthat ought to have been there was downtown trying to catch the horse thatscaredhis horse that ran away and setthe barn on fire. And that's how it hap-pened." concluded the tramp withalong breath of relief.

The court was paralyzed."And where were you all this time?"

was the next inquiry."Me?"he asked, innocently. "Oh, I

was in the gentleman's kitchen eatingthe hired girl's supper while she wastrying to find the policeman the dogupset, so's he could come and see whathad dropped on the hired girl." .

The case isn't settled yet.

How He Fell.New York Herald.

Wool— Joblots went six weeks with-out telling a lie, and then fell downonly by accident.

Van Pelt— What was the accident?Wool—He was invited by a stranger

into a game of billiards, and couldn'tresist saying he was "only a scrubplayer." , :.


Of Ordinance Punnc«l ami IS««.o-

--lutioii* Adopted l»y <"«" Com-mon Council of the CilyoFSt.

Paul.Hd V No. 1143— Ordinance No. 1(101—An ordinance authorizing the St. Agatha's

Academy or Music 10 erect a frame adui-

The Common Council of the City of St. Pauldo ordain as follows:Section I. That authority and permission

be, ami the saiuc is hereby grunted to the St.

Agatna'* Academy ofMusic to erect a three-stories and basement frame addition to theirbuildingsituated on lot3. block 7. Ba/.ille dcCuerin'H adaitiou to St. Paul, which said ad-dition shall not exceed :W feet by SI feet.Allof said work shall be done under the su-pervision of the Building Inspector uponobtaining the permit therefor.

Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effectami be Inforce fromand after its passage. :

Adopted by the Board ofAldermen May17,IMS.

Yeas-Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Cope-laud, Cullen, Dorniden,lii6erso!l,Melady,Sul-llvan, Mr. Chairman— lo.


Chairman of the Board ot Aldermen.'\u25a0 Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1803.

Yeas—Messrs.Uauholzer,Costello.Elmquist,Hare, McNamee, Oppenheiin, Van Slyke. Mr.President— B.

Kays—o.W. I*. Murray,

President of the Assembly.Approved June 3, 1892.

Robert A. Smith. Mayor.Attest: Tiios. A.Pkkndehuast, City Cleric.June 4.

A'v FNo. 610—By Mr.Banholzer—Resolved, That the sprinkling of St. Clair

street between Colborue aud Duke streets bediscontinued.

Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1802.Messrs. Banholzer. Costello. Hare. Mc-

Cafferty. McNamee, Oppenheiin, Van Slyke,Mr. President— B.

Navs— o. \u25a0 \u25a0

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May°T 180!.


Yeas— Aid.Bieleuberg. Bott, C'oniey, Cope-Jand.Ctilleu, Dorniden. Mclady.lneersoll.Sul-livan,Mr.Chairman— lo.

Navs—o.Approved May 31. 1802.

A'vFNo. 611— By Mr.Banholzer—Resolved. That the Chief of Police nnd the

City Engineer are hereby instructed to forth-withcause to be removed all fences, posts,

sheds and other obstructions of whatsoevernature in, across or upon the public alley ex-lending from Pine street to Olive stieetthrough block two (2) of Kittson's auditionto the City of St. Paul, Ramsey county. Min-

n<Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1802.Yeas— Messrs.Banholzer.Costello. Hare. M"c-

Cafferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke,Mr.President— 6. BE*HI

Says— o.Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May

27, 1892.Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott, Conley. Cope-

land,Cullen. Dorniden, Melady,lngersoll,Sjul-livan. Mr.Cnairman— lo.

Nays—.Approved May 31, 1892.

AyFNo. 613—8yMr.McNamee—Resolved, That the City he

is hereby authorized \u25a0to construct woodensteps on Sherburne Hillat a cost not to ex-ceed seventy-five dollars. The amqunt to bepaid from the general fund.

Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1892.Yeas— Messrs. Bannolzer, Costello. Hare. Mc-

Cafferty. McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke,Mr. President— B. \u25a0

Nays— o. •Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27,

1802. V« \u25a0\u25a0••\u25a0•- \u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0 • •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :

Yeas— Aid. Bielenber?. Bott. Conley. Cope-land,C'ullen,Doruiden,;n,Mr.Chairman—

Nays—o. :Approved May 31,1892.

AyFNo. 614— ByMr.Murray— .:

Resolved by the Assembly, the •Board of.Aldermen concurring. That authority arid'"peimission is hereby given to the St. Paul,Warehouse and Elevator company to erect,

and maintain a wooden market shed seventy-feet in length, sixteen feet in width and onestory inheight, between the sidewalk and:Elevator A. onThird street, the same to bebuilt under the direction of the Building In-spector. \u25a0

Adopted by the Assembly May 24.1892.Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Costello,Hare.Mc-

Cafferty. McNamee, Oppenheim, Van SlyKe,Mr. President— B.

Nays— o. \u25a0

Adopted by the Board ofAldermen May 27,1892.. Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope-land, C.illen,Doruiden, Melady,lngersoll,sul-livan, Mr.Chairman— lo.

Nays— o.Approved May 31, 1802.

AyFNo. 616—8y Mr.Costello—Resolved, That the Northwestern Tele-

phone Exchange Company are hereby in-structed and directed to construct conduitsand place its wires under ground upon thefollowingstreets duringyear 1892. to wit:

On and along Wabasha street, from northend ofWabasha street bridge to Summit ave-nue; onand along Seventh street, from Wa-basha street to Broadway street,and on Jack-son street, from Fifthstreet to Seventh street; 'under provisions of Ordinance No. 1290,-"passed Feb. 18. 1890, approved Feb. 19, 1890.:;and published Feb. 24, 18'.K».

Adopted by the Assembly May 24,1892.Yeas— Messrs.Banholzer.Costello. Hare. Mc-

Cafferty. McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke,Mr.President— B.

Nays— o.Adopted by the Board ofAldermen May 27,

1892. '-."\u25a0'\u25a0 ,Yeas— Aid.Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope-

laud, Cullen, Doruiden. Meiady.lngersoll.Sul--11van. Mr.Chairman— lo.-

Nays—Approved May 31, 1892.

AyFNo. 617—Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council

of the City of St. Paul :That the matter of condemning and taking

an easement in the laud abutting on the al-ley in blocK 95, Daly & Berrisford's subdi-vision of Lyman Dayton's addition, fromForest street toMendota street, necessary toconstruct the slopes forcuts and tills in grad-ing said alley, be, and the same is nereby re-ferred to the Board of Public Works to in-vestigate and report:

First—ls this improvement proper and nec-essary? \u25a0

Second— Give the Council an estimate ofthe expense thereof, and state whether one-half of the cost thereof is to be paidinto thecity treasury before the contract is let.

Third—Can real estate to be assessed forsaid improvement be found benefited to theextent of damages, costs and expenses neces-sary to be incurred thereby?

Fourth— such improvement asked forupon the petition or application of the own-ers of a majority of the property to be assessed forsuch improvement?

Fifth—Send theCouncil a planor profileofsaid improvement, as required by law, if youreport in favor of the same.

Sixth—Send the Council a proper order di-recting the work to be done.

Adopted by the Assembly May 24,1892.Yeas— Messrs.Banholzer, Costello, Hare, Me-

Cafferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke,Mr.President—

Nays— o.Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May

27. 189.!.Yeas— Aid.Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope-

land. Oullen. Dorniden, Melady, lugersoll,Sul-livan,Mr.Chairman— lo.

Nays— o.Approved May 31, 1892.

Ay FNo. 618—Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council

of the City of St. Paul:That the matter ofcondemning and taking

an easement in the land abutting on Blairstreet, from Fairview avenue to Territorialroad, necessary to construct the slopes forcuts and fills in grading said street, be, ahathe same is hereby referred to the Board ofPublic Works to investigate and report:

First— ls this improvement proper and nec-essary?

Second— Give the Council an estimate ofthe expense thereof, and state whether one-half of the cost thereof is to De paid into theCity Treasury before the contract islet.

Third—Can real estate to be assessed forsaid improvement be found benefited to the'extent of damages, costs and expenses neces-sary to be incurred thereby ?

Fourth—ls such improvement asked forupon the petition or application of the own-ers of a majority of the property to beassessed for such improvement?

Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profile ofsaid improvement, as required bylaw, if youreport in favor of the same.

Sixth— Send the Council a proper order di-recting the work to be done.

Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1802.Messrs.Banholzer,C'ostellq. Hare. Mc-

Cafferty. McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke,Mr. President— B.

Nays—o.Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May

27, 1892.Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott,Conley, Cope-

land,Cullen, Dornideu, Melady,lngersoll,Sul-livan, Mr.Chairman— lo.

Nays—9. \u25a0

Approved May 31,1892.

AyFNo. 019-Resolved. That cityorders be drawn upon

the city treasury, payable out of the "hos-pitalfund," in favor of the following-namedperson, for the amount set opposite to hisname: .

P. H.Donovan. Estimate No. 4 and final,finishingbuildings at City and Comity Hos-pital,52,042.75.

Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1892.- Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Mc-Cafferty, McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke,Mr.President— B. . • ~

Nays— o., •• • ~ • *-

Adopted by the Board ofAldermen May 27, 118:>2. . ,',.-...

Yens— AM. Melenberj.', Bolt, Conler, Copeland, Culluii, l)orniden.Melady,lnsersoll,Sul-llviui,Mr,Chairman— lo.

Nays—o. -)' \u25a0.

Approved May 31, 1803.

Ay V No. ti.'O— :Resolved., That city orders bo drawn upon

the city treasury, payable out of the "schoolfund," in favor of the following-namedpersons (or the amount set opposite to theirrespective unities:

Joint Dou'lun it Sons, ?:!,*,';i.--'.AdoHed by the Assembly May 24. 1891.Yeas— >lessrs.Banholzer.Costello. Hare, Me

Cafferty, McNamee, Oppenheiin,'Van Slyke,

Mr. President— S.. .Nays— o>. ;..,... .->Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May '.'7,

1808. . ••• \u25a0\u25a0\u0084:•\u25a0 ;, .Yeas— Aid. Blelenbenr, Bott, Conlcy. Cope-

land.Cuilen.Dbrnlden, Melady, lugersoll, Sul-livan, Mr.Chairman- -10.

Nays—o......... ..Approved May 31, IMS.

AyPNo. 621—Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon

the city treasury, payable out of the '"localimprovement fund," in favor of. the follow-ingnamed persons, for the amount set op-posite to their respective names:

- 'James Mackubln and wife,damages onac-

count of "upper levee." $910;JamesMackubinand wife,damages on account opening, etc..btrcet for "upper town bridge, $1,101); Jo-seph Germanu,- guardian, damages on ac-count opening, etc.. Burns avenue, $381.50;J. B. Trudeau, damages for opening, etc.,alley through -block 9,M. & M. addition,$125.

Adopted by.the Assembly May24, 1802.Yeas— Messrs.Banbolzer,Costello. Hare, Me-

C'aft'erty, McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke,Mr. Presideut»-8. .

aye—o. •:>\u25a0 .:-. -i..-.*.\u25a0\u25a0Adopted by the Board ofAldermen May 27,

1892.Yeas— Aid.- Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope-

land,Cullen. Dorniden, Melady, lugersoll,Sul-livan,Mr.Chairman— lo.

Nays— o. \. vriApproved 1692.


AyF No. 9»-'!

Kesolved.' That city orders be drawn uponthe city treasury, payable out of the "assess-ments fund," in favor of the following-named persons, for the amount set opposite totheir respective names: \u25a0

T.Keilly,Estimate 1No. 1. paving Thirdstreet. 81.275: P. Norris, Estimate No. 1.sprinkling "District No. 2, $448; P. Norris.Estimate No. 1. sprinkling District No. 3,50J7.11 ;Nfcbolas Feyeu, Estimate No. 3,sprinkling District No. 9, $149.23; NicholasFeyen, Estimate No. 1. sprinkling DistrictNo. 0. $1,060.12: Nicholas Feyeu, EstimateNo. 1, sprinkling -District No. 5. $387.22;Nicholas 'Feyen, EstimateJNo. I, sprinklingDistrict No. 4. $J05.30; L.Ryan. Estimate No.1, grading alley block 2. Keough's subdi-vision block 11, Lyman Dayton's addition,$102: N.C. Johnson. Estimate No. 1, Port-laud avenue and Victoria street sewer, $340;M. Lux, Estimate No. 5, grading Keaneystreet bridge approach, etc., $.">52.50; Keough& Donnelly.Estimate No. 1. Third streetgrading. Earl street to east citylimits. $:>s'>;W. J Preston. Estimate No. 3, Minnehahastreet sewer, Phalen creek to Greeubrier ave-nue. $416. C.Stone, Estimate No. 2, Wellsstreet and Greenbrier avenue grading, $2,890;G.Uolan, Estimate No. 2, Van Buren streetgrading, $170; J. Murphy, Estimate No. 1,sweeping Summit avenue, $140.81: Fielding&Shepley, Estimate No. 1.Maiden lane pav-ing and sewering, $714; Dale &Bumgardner,Estimate No. 0. grading Stickney street,$1,415; C. E. Sandeen, Estimate No. 3, Chats-worth street grading. $380; 11. C. Huebner, .Estimate No. 8, MeMenemy street grading,$1,020: J. W. Maloney. Estimate No. 4, grad-ing Goff avenue, $1,700: V. Tantholt.Estimate No. 1, grading alley block28. Macknbin &Marshall's addition, $144.50:Thornton & Shaw. Estimate No. 6, Wiuslowavenue grading, $510: L. E. Shepley. Esti-mate No. 4, Sixth street paving and sewer-insr, $10,200; J.Hanson. Estimate No.1,Beechstreet sewer, $348.50; William Stockton, Esti-mate No. 2, lowering, etc.. Robert streetsewer, $2,89;/; W. J.- Preston, Estimate No. 1,sewer on Tenth, street and St. Peter street,$2,295; Mary E.Liedhoff, damages for slopesOn.Goff avenue, $155; Keough & Donnelly,Estimate No.,3. grading Winter street, $61;G." Oerlicb, Estimate No. 2and final,grading

• Alley bjoefc >14,..Woodland Park, $11.34: P.TauthoTtj'Estimate No. 4 aud final, gradingRichmond street, $323; M.Lux, Estimate No.1. grading alley in block 77, St. AnthonyPark, $110.50.,

rbi;.}hc.Assembly May 24, 1892.• Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer.Costello, Hare.Cafferty, McX^ijnee, Oppenhelm, Van Slyke,Mr.President*^; v • •'."


0.Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May

27. 1892. • ;.- -.•\u25a0•\u25a0 «»Yeas— Aid.Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, Cope-

land. Cullen. Dorniden. Ingersoll.Sul-livan,Mr.Chairman

—\u25a0 •\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0

Nays—o.Approved May 31,1892. \u25a0 .;. \u0084.

AyFNo. 633— \u25a0 . wiesoived. That cityorders be drawn upon

the city treasury, payable out of the "sewerfund," in favor of the following-named per-sons, for the amount set opposite to their re-SDective names: P.Doherty. Estimate No. 5,Edgerton Btreet overflow sewer. $3,825.'

Adopted by the Assembly May 24.1891Yeas— Me^*rs!Banholzer,Costello, Hare, Mc-

Cafferty, MdK'a'r/iee, Oppenheim, Van Slvke,Mr.Pre'sMTeiit— ft.| says-^fl'. -:t"!- ; .•.Adopted'by^ne Board of Aldermen May

,27. 1892. ;-

\u25a0*• • -

>'Yeas-^Ald: "Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope-

<.l*na>OiHl*w,'Dorniden.Melady,lngersoll, Sul--liVHii,-Mr:'President— lo.*

Ntfv"*2-a'!' "'

'Approved May 31, 1592.

AyFNo. 627— »In tne matter of the report of the Board of

Public Works dated May 12, 1891.Itis hereby ordered oy the Common Council

of the CityofSt. Paul:That the Board of Public Works of the City

of St.Paul cause the following improvementsto be made, to wit: Construct a cementsidewalk on the north side of summit ave-nue, from Kent street to Mackubin street, insaid city.

That said Board snail proceed withoutdelay to assess the amount, as nearly as theycan ascertain the same, which willbe re-quired topay the damage*, cost and necessaryexpenses ofsuch improvement upon the realestate to be benefited by said improvementsprovided bylaw; itbeing, the opinion of theCouncil that real estate to assessed forsuchimprovement can be found benefited to theextent of the damages, cost and expensesnecessary to be incurred thereby. •-•-

Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1802.Yeas— Messrs. Baubolzer, Costello. Hare. Mc-

Cafferty. McNainee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke,Mr.President— B. -


Nays—o.Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May

27.1892.Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope-

laud, Cullen,Dorniden, Melady,lugersoll, Sul-livan, Mr.Chairman— lo.

Nays—o.Approved May 31, 1892.

Ay F No. 628—Inthe matter of the report of the Board of

Public Works dated May 24, 189.'.It is hereby ordered by the Common Council

of the City of St. Paul:That the Board of Public Works of said

City of St. Paul cause the followingimprove-ments to be made, to wit: Construct a seweron Grotto street, from tfce sewer on Marshallavenue to a point 233 feet south, in saidcity. That said Board cause said work to belet bycontract, as provided by law, withoutone-half- the estimated cost being rirstpaid into the city treasury, and after saidwork shall be placed under contract, saidBoard shall proceed without delayto assess the amount, as nearly as theycan ascertain the same, which willbe re-quired to pay the costs and necessary ex-penses of such improvements upon the realestate to be benefited by Eaid improvement,as provided by law: it being the opinion ofthe Council that real estate to be assessed forsuch improvement can be found benefitedto the extent of the costs and expenses neces-sary tobe incurred thereby.

Adopted by the Assembly May 24,1592..yeas—Messrs. Banholzer.Costello, Hare.Me-

Cflfferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppenheim,Mr.Vice President— B.

Nays—o.Adopted by the Board ofAldermen May 27,

1892.-: ; -

Yeas— Aid.Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, Cope-land.Cullen, Dorniden. lugersoll, Sul-livan, Mr.President— lo.

Nays—o.Approved May 31, 1892.

AyP No. 629—In the matter of the report of the Board of.

Public Works dated May 24, 18U2.Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council, of the City ofSt. Paul:

That the Board of Public Works of saidiCity ofSt. Paul cause the followingimprove-ment to be made, to-wit: Construct a seweron Lombard street, from Miltonstreet to apoint 420 feet west, in said city.

-That said Board cause said work tobe let

by contract, as provided by law,without one-half the estimated cost being first paid intothe city treasury, and after said work shall beplaced under contract, said Board shall pro-ceed without delay to assess the amount, asnearly as they can ascertain the same, whichwillbe required to pay the costs and neces-sary espeuses of such improvement upon thereal estate tobe benefited by said improve-ment, as provided by law; it being the opin-ion of the Council that real estate to be as-sessed for such improvement can be foundbenefited to the extent of the costs and ex-penses necessary to be incurred thereby. \u25a0

Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1832.Messrs. Banholzer.Costello. Hare, Me-

Cafferty. McNamee, Murray, Oppeuheim, Mr.Vice President—

Nays—o.Adopted by the Board ofAldermen May 27,

1892.Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope-

land,Culleu,Doniiden. Melaay, Ingersoll, Sul-livan, Mr.Chairman— lo.Nays-O. . .' "Approved May 31, 1892.


AyF No. (WO—'

Inthe matter 01 (be report of the Board ofPublic Works 'lined May 23.181C'.'

it is hereby ordered by tho Common Councilof the City of St. Paul:"- * \u25a0\u25a0*-\u25a0\u25a0:.That tho Board of PuMlc Works of said

City of £t. Paul rauso the following improve-ments tobe made, to wit: Grade tlie alley inDailyami) Herivs-l'ord's subdivision of block05 of l,ynituiDayton's addition .in imkl city.That Mid Board cause said work to be letbycontract, us provided by law. without one-half the estimated cost being- first paid intothe city treasury, and after said workshall bo placed under contract. Mud Board

shall proceed without rtclny to 'lineu :theamount, as nearly as they can ascertain thesame, which willbe required topay iheeosißand necessary expense)) of such improvementupon the real estate to be benefited- by said

iimprovement, as provided by:law it being.'the opinion of tne Council that real estate tobe assessed for such improvement can befound benefited to tne extent of the costs andexpenses necessary to be incurred thereby. \u25a0'

Adopted by the Assembly May 21, \u25a0 18i>i.Messrs. Bauholzer.Costellallare.Mc-

Caiferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppeuheim, Mr.Vice President— B. '\u25a0\u25a0:; \i ;

Nays— o. \u25a0 . . . -. .:::' :\u25a0>\u25a0'..". Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27.1803. >-.--,->\u25a0 i.M:' .IAJ.V.- •\u25a0 !

Yeas— Aid. Bielenberj?. BotL.Conley, Cope-,land, Cullen, l>(Jiniden.MeladMngersoll, Sul-livan.Mr.Chairman— lo. •*».'<•»»•*', '<* ••\u25a0

Approved May 31, 1832. !'-:\u25a0 ,-.'-'Approved May 31, 1832.

\u25a0 A'j'FNo. 632— '•

Inthe matter of the report of-the Board of'Public Works dated May 111. 18»>.r-

Itis hereby ordered by the Common Councilof the City of St. Paul : •>'-••That the Board of Public Works of said

City of St. Paul cause the followingImprove-ment to be made, to wit: .Grade to a partialgrade the alley, running north and Boutn(west end) inblock 0, Edmund Rice's Secondaddition in said city. That said Hoard causesaid work to be let by contract, as providedby law. without one-half of the 'estimatedcost being first paid Into the city• treasury,and after said work shall be placed." undercontract, said Board shall proceed withoutdelay to assess the amount, as nearly as theycan aacertaiu the same, which . will be re-quired topay the costs and necessary


penses of such improvement .upon- the realestate to be benefited by said -improvement,as provided bylaw;it being the 'opinion ofthe Council that real estate to be. assessed forsuch improvement cau be found benefited to'the extent of the costs and expenses neces-sary to be incurred thereby. -.- T.'iV • \u25a0•\u25a0•

Adopted by the Assembly 24, 1892.Yeas—Messrs. Banholzer, Costello. Hare,Mc-

Cafferty. McNamee, Murray.Oppenheim, Mr.Vice President— .. . >.


9. , . • ..,..1.1,1.^Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27,

1892. • • • : :•:• ....-.• : '.-

Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bolt,Conley, Cope-laud,Cullen. Dorniden, Melady, Ingersoll, Sul-livan,Mr.Chairman— lo. .. • \u25a0- • :

Nays—o. . .: <....'., \u25a0\u25a0

Approved May 31,1892. ...;., ..:

AyP No. 633— • - - \u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0- •In the matter of the report of the Board of

Public Works dated May %},1692. \u25a0'•\u25a0

Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council jot the City of St. Paul: • -\u25a0:;\u25a0•\u25a0'•.Tbat the Board ofPublic Works of the City'

ofSt. Paul cause the following improvementto be made, to wit: Condemn and take aneasement in the land abutting on the alleyin

'block 4,- Arlington Hills addition, betweenPayne avenue nud Greeiibrier avenue, in saidcity, necessary to construct the slopes forcuts and fills in grading said alley between ;said streets, to the established grade thereof,ns shown by the profileof said grade on filein the office of the Register of Deeds in andfor Ramsey county, and in the office of theCity Engineer; said slopes toextend one audone-half (IVi)feet onsaid laud for every footofcut or fill,as indicated on the plan ofsaid 'slopes attached to this report and to' be filedin the office of said Board. That said' Boardshall proceed without delay to assess theamount, as nearly as they can ascertain thesame, which willbe required to pay the dam-ages, costs and necessary expenses ofsuchimprovement upon the real estate to be bene-fitedbysaid improvement, as provided by law;'

itbeing the opinion of the Council that realestate to be assessed for such improvementcan be found benefited to the extent of- tHeI.'damages, costs and expenses necessary s (&o fie1incurred thereby. ..: ',\u25a0: -;.J<stt ..rt.-Mli*.' *

Adopted by the Assembly May-J-I, i ! °''.Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Cpstelt6;l|are\MC :.\

Cafferty, McNamee, Murray, Op'pe.lfQeiti}, *lr.•Vice President— 'M \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0—\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0* :

Nays-0. • .->';.«•;* .«>»Adopted by the Board of Ald^lbien9««y 2l

1892. \u25a0 : :i. \u25a0\u25a0

• ' • < \u25a0»<!..\u25a0>.-!:>;. ".:<•«

Yeas— Aid.Bielenbery. BotenOMitev, Cope-land,Cullen. Dorniden,IngersollJMßlWlyiSulli-van. Mr.Chairman— lo. . .>-\u25a0-••\u25a0'

Nays—o. \u25a0 \u25a0

'"' -\u25a0-.*'''- vi*'V---'---! Approved May31, 1892.

!Ay No.C3l— •';'\u25a0"I'i"'

!^/ •;;.ilnthe matter of the report of the Board• Public Works dated May17, 1892., '.'

-,It is hereby ordered by the Common" Council•' of the City of St.Paul:

That the Board of Public Works of said;City of St. Paul, cause the followingimprove-ment to be made, to wit: Condemn and

:take an casement in the laud abutting on thealley inA.Gotzian's subdivision ofblock 107,L.Dayton's addition in said city,necessaryto construct the slopes for cuts and fills ingrading said alley to the established .gradethereof, as showu by the profile.-of saiil grade-'on filein the office of the RegistejM>f Deeds inand forRamsey county, and in theoffice,of.the.,City Engineer; said slopes to extend yue.a_u(tone-half (l'/a) feet onsaid land fpr.e,ver>j,i'ppt.of cut or fillas indicated on the plan of laidslopes attached to said report, aud tobe filed inthe office of said Board; that sajc};Board,shaUuproceed without delay to assess. ,the nrauunt,/as nearly as they can ascertain in*same/which willbe required to pay the damages,costs and necessary expenses ofsuch improve-ment upon the real estate to be benefited bysaid improvement, as provided by law;it be-ing the opinion of the Council • that realestate tobe assessed for such improvementcan be found benefited to the extent of thedamajres, . costs and expenses .necessary tobe incurred thereby. \u25a0 .'.

Adopted by the Assembly May 24. 1&92.V Messrs.

'Banh olzer, Costello. Hare, Me-

Cafferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppenheim, Mr.Vice President— B.


0. . \u25a0 • . .Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May

27. 189-.. . . -\u25a0-.-.:

Yeas— Aid.Bielenberg. Bott, Couley, Cope-land,Ciilleii, Doruiden, Melady, IngersoU.Sul-livan, Mr.Chairman— lo. -.. ?; -:\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0._\u25a0;

Nays—o. . . , \u25a0 . . •

Approved May 31, 1892. ..-.;.

AyF Xo. 63S—Inthe matter of the report of the Board of

Public Works dated May 1!),1892. . . - .It is hereby ordered by the Common Council

of the City of .St. Paul: . .;.-.That the Board ofPublic Works of(be City

of St. Paul cause the following improvementto be made, to wit• Replace old crosswalkon north side of Bourne avenue, across Kes-ton street, in said city. -

.• \u25a0\u25a0' .•-


Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1893.Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Hare, Mc-

Cafferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppenheim, Mr.Vice President— B. ..--. \u0084 ...^

Nays— o.Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27,

1892.* ,',>-.-

Yeas— Aid.Bielenberg, Bott. Conley. Cope-land, Cullen. Dorniden, Melady.lngersoll, Sul-livan, Mr.Chairman— lo. .. '\u25a0 '^ "i

Nays— o. .. ,',"_.

Approved May 31, 1832. \u25a0 '\u0084. ,".\'

Ay F No.636— . . •

In the matter of the report of the Board ofPublic Works dated May 12. 3892. \u0084, .

Itis hereby ordered by the Common Councilof the CityofSt. Paul: /- \u0084.•-<\u25a0 -..That the Board of Public Works. of the

City ofSt. Paul cause the following improve-ment to be made, to wit: Construct an eight-foot wooden sidewalk on the west side of.Ricnmond street, from Niederhoefer streetto Goodrich avenue, in said city. \u25a0 Thatsaid Board shall proceed without delay.,to assess the amount, as nearly as . theycan ascertain the same, which willbe re-quired to pay the costs and necessary ex-penses of such improvement upon the realestate tobe benefited by said improvement.Us provided by law; it being the opinion' ofthe Council that real estate to be assessed forsuch improvement can be found benefited tothe extent of the costs and expenses neces-• sary to be incurred thereby. \u25a0.


Adopted by the Assembly May 24. 1892,? -.a.*\u25a0 Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Costello,Elmquist,

illare, McCafferty. McNamee, Murray, Oppeu-:lieim,Mr.Vice President— 9.-

Nnys-0.Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May

'.27,1992. . .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0v^r.t^Yeas— Bieleuberg, Bott, Conley, Cope,

land, Cullen, Dornideu. Melady,lnsersoll.Sul-lfvan.'Mr. Chairman—'Nays— o. •


" ~'

Approved May 31, 1892.- !;';v .

A'yF No.638—Inthe matter of the report of the Board ot

Public Works dated May 17. 1892. ::•-

Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council• of the Cityof St. Paul:

That the Board of Public Works of saidCity of St. Paul cause the following improve-'ments tobe made, to wit: Construct a three-plank wooden sidewalk on the west side ofsylvan street, from Acker street to Lawson •street, in said city. \u25a0

•- jhviis;That said Board shall proceed without de- :

lay to assess the amount, as nearly as theycan ascertain the same, which will be re-quired to pay the costs and necessary ex-penses of such improvement upon the realestate to be benefited by said improvement asprovided by law; itbeing the opinion of theCouncil that real estate to be assessed forsuch improvement can be found benefited to

-the extent of the costs and expenses neccs-. ary to be incurred thereby. •' :'-? ".

Adopted by the Assembly May 24. 1893. .: ,Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer.Costello,Elmquißt,

Hare, McCafferty, McNamee, Murray. Oppen-heim. Mr.Vice President— ;?

Nays— o. *- / '. .:;Adopted by the Foard of Aldermen May

27. 18!>2. ;- :.Yeas— AW. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope-.

land. Cullen. T>orn!den.Melady,lngerEo)l,Sul-livan. Mr. Chairman— lo.

'Niiys—o. \u25a0

\u25a0 Approved May 31, 1892.\u25a0: *-.:"." \u25a0


A'vF No. 030—Inthe matter, of the report of the Board of-Public Works dated May12. 1892.

' 'Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council

of the City of St. Paul:That the Board of Publle Works of the City

of St.Paul cause the following Improvement!)to be made, to wit: Construct a six-foolwooden sidewalk on both sides of Randolphstreet, from Duke street to Omaha street,

Iand on the west Hide of Omaha street, fromRandolph street to Barton street. Insaid city.That said Boaid shall proceed without delayto assess the amount, as nearly as they canascertain the same, which will be requiredto pay the costs and necessary expenses ofsuch "improvement, upon the real estate to bebenefited by sueb improvement, as providedby law; it beinat the opinion of the Councilthat real estate to be assessed for such im-provement can be found benefited -to the extent of the costs and expenses necessary tobe incurred thereby.

Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1802.\u25a0 Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer.Costfillo.Klmqulst,Hare, McCafl'erty, McNamee, Murray, Oppen-heim,- Mr.Vice President— 9. •

\u25a0• .

Nays— •Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May

27. 1892.Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley. Cope-

laiul,Culien,pornWen,Melady,lngerHol), Sulli-van. Mr.Chairman— lo.

Nays-0.Approved May 31, 1892.

AyFNO. 641—lv the matter of the report of the Board of

\u25a0 Public Works dated May 23. 19!»J.Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council

of the City of St. Paul:That the board of Public Works of the City

of St. Paul cause the following improve-ments to be made, to wit: .Construct athree (3) plank ndewnlfc on the north side ofWells street, from Forest street to Mendotastreet, in said city. That said Board shallproceed without delay to assess the amount,as nearly as they can ascertain the same,which willbe required to pay the costs andnecessary expenses of such improvementupon the real estate to be benefited by saidimprovement, as provided Dy law: it beingthe opinion of the Council that real estate tobe assessed for such improvement can befound benefited to the extent of the costsand expenses necessary to be incurredthereby.

Adopted by the Assembly May 24. 1892. •Messrs. Banholzer,Cosiello,Elmquist,

Hare, McCafferty, McNamee. Murray, Oopeu-.heim, Mr.Vice President— 9. \u25a0 ,:. \u25a0 ":-.

Nays— o.- . •• - •; : \u25a0

Adopted by the Board of. Aldermen May 27.1892. ...

Yeas—Aid. Bielenberg, Bolt. Conley. Cope- .land,Cullen, Dorniden, lngersoll, Melady,Sulli-

-1 van, Mr.Chairman— fjSBJBNayg-0. . ...Approved May 31, 1892. ; .

AyFNo. 642—Inthe matter of the report of the Board of. Public Works dated June 6, 1890.It is hereby ordered by the Common Council

of the City of St. Paul:-

That the Board of Public Works of the Cityof St. Paul cause the following improvementto be made, to wit: Open, widen and extendLawson street between Itice street and Sylvanstreet, in said city, condemning and takingall that land between Rice street and Sylvanstret not already condemned or dedicated forpublicuse lying within the lines of a stripsixty (60) feet wide, the north line of whichstrip shall be the south line ofblocks 3 and 4ofJ.F.Eisenmenger's addition to St.Paul. Thatsaid Board shall proceed without delay toassess the amount, as nearly as they can as-certain the same, which will be required topay the damages, costs and necessary -ex-penses of such .improvement upon the realestate to be benefited by said improvement,as provided by law;itbeing the opinion ofthe Council that real estate to be assessed forsuch improvement can be found benefited tothe extent of the damages, costs and expensesnecessary tobe incurred thereby. •

\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0g!."\u25a0>;- •Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1892. :• Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Costello, Elmquist.

Hare, McCafferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppeu-leim, Mr.Vice President— 9.'

T Nays— 9.— *.. -

.'iAdopted by the Board of -XTUermen May37^1892. \u0084:•,\u25a0.. -

\u0084..\u25a0• ..! | Teas— Aid.Bielenberg. Bott. Conley, Cope-

Hand, Cullen, Domiden, Melady,Ingersoll.Sul-livkn, Mr.Chairman— lo.;Nays—o. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

IApproved May 31,1892.'..'.,'.


. .Ay.F No. 644—8y Mr.McCafferty— ,::>,^

\u25a0 Resolved, That the proper city officers arehereby instructed to cause electric lights tobe placed in the public parks of the city inthe same locations where said .lights wereplaced during the season of 1891. . \u25a0 ,-.

Adopted by the Assembly May 24, 1892.Yeas—Messrs.Banholzer.Costello,Elmquisj,

Hare, McCafferty, McNamee, Murray, Oppen-heim, Mr. Vice President— 9.

• Nays—o. • hfflmL \u25a0'

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27,---1892.

" '-•

Yea*—Aid. Bielenberg, Bott, Conley, Cope-land, Dobner. Dorniden. Melady,luK6r«oll,Sul-livan,Mr.President— lo.

Nays—o.Approved May 31. 1892. . '

B<lF No. 1103— By Aid. Gehan—Kesolved. That permission and authority is

;hereby given and granted unto John W. Luxto put in, erect and maintain public scalesupon the south side of Como avenue andabout fifty feet east of Rice street, all of

\u25a0which shall be done under the supervisionof the CityEngineer of the City of St. Paul.'ahid'tis provided by the city ordidance of'skidcity.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May17.1892. :/ \u25a0

Yeas—Aid.Bielenerg.Bott. Conley, Dobner,Dorniden, Gehan, Ingersoll, Sullivan, Mr.President— 9.

Nays—9.Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1892.Yeas—Messrs.Banholzer,Costello,Elmquist, :

Hare. McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr.President


Nnys-0.Approved June 3, 1893. -


Bd F No. 1108— .Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon

the city treasury, payable out of the "elec-tion expenses 1892 fund," in favor of the ioi-lowing-named persons, for the amount setopposite to their respective names:


-H. Donovan, $46.00; C. H. Murphy, $84.37;

J. M. Grace, $84J7; C. W. Farnham. $6.00:Jos. Smith. $31.5'!; Thos. A. Prendergast,$16.75; C. H.Williams, $223.75: E. Lynch,$103; Brown. Treacy <& Co., $145.40; Jas.11. Burns, $871.06; D.D. Merrill&Co., $.22/24.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May17. 1802. . .' - '

Yeas— Ald.Bielenberg,Bott. Dobner,Dorniden. Gehan, 'lugersoll, Sullivan, Mr.President— 9.

Nays— o. •'.Adopted by the Assembly Juno 2. 1802.Yeas—Messrs.Banholzer,Costello,Elmquist,

MeNamee, Van Slyke, Mr.' President—Nays— Mr. Oppenheim— l,Approved June 3, 1892.

Bd FNo. 1128-By Aid.Cullen—Resolved, That permission be. and is hereby

granted to I'eter and Georpe D.Haupers. astrustees ofMagdelena Stoltz. to construct awooden porch on the story-and-a-half brickbuildingon the corner ofCollege avenue andCedar street, and numbered 35 on College av-enue, as they might otherwise do if saidbuildingwere not within the fire limits ofthe City of St. Paui.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 17,1892.

Yeas— Aid.Bielenberg,Bott,Conley,Dobner.Dorniden, Gehan, lngersoll, Sullivan,Mr.Presi-dent—

-Nays—Adopted by the Assembly June 2. 1802.Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer, Elmquist,

Hare, McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr.President— B.

Nays—Approved June 3, 1892.

BdFNo.ll32— .In the matter of the report of the Board of

Public Works dated May 26, 1892.Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council

of the Cityof St. Paul:That the Hoard of Public Works of said

City of St. Paul cause the following improve-ment to be mode, to wit Grade Burgessstreet, from Dale street to Western avenue, insaid city. That said Board cause said workto be let by contract, as provided by law,without one-half the estimated cost beingfirst paid into the city.treasury, and aftersaid work shall be placed under contract,said Board shall proceed without delay toassess the amount, as nearly as they can as-certain the same, what will be required topay the costs and necessary expenses ofsuchimprovement upon the -real estate to be ben-efited bysaid improvement, as provided bylaw; it being the opinion of the Councilthat real estate to be assessed for such im-provement can be found benefited to the ex-tent of the costs and expenses necessary tobe incurred thereby.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27,1893. ... Yeas— Bielenberg, Bott, Conley. Cope-

Iland.Dobner.Dornideu, Ingersoll, Melady.Sul-livan, Mr.President—• Nays—o.

Adopted by the Assembly June 2,1892.\u25a0

—Messrs. Banholzer.Costello,

Hare, McCafferty, McNamec, Oppenheim, VanSlyke, Mr.President— B.

Nays— o.Approved June 3, 1892.

FNo. 1132— Aid.Dorniden—'

. Resolved, That the Board of Public Workscause Duke street tobe sprinkled from WestSeventh street to St. Clair street.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May27. 1892.

-1 Yeas— Bielenberg, Bott. Conley, Cope-land, Cullen. Dorniden, Melady,sul-livan. Mr. Chairman— lo. :., . \u25a0_.>. Nays— •< •'\u25a0•_: \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ,• j*

Adopted by the Assembly June 2. 1892.. .Messrs.Banholzer,Costello,Elm<iuisfe

Hnre. McXimioe,Opjjeuhcim, Van Siyke, Mr.President— B.

iNnys ').Approved June 3, 1592.

BdF No. li:!

-Hcsolved, That city orders be drawu upon

the city treasury, payable outof the •'print-ing and stationery "fund,"' in favor of thefollowing-named persons, for the amountset opposite to their respective names:

Berhandi &Co., $175.Adopted by the Board ot Aldermen May

27. 1592.Yeuti—Aid. Bit-lenberg. Bott, Conlry. Cope-

land. Ciillen. Dorniden. liib'ersoll.Meluuy.Sul-livan.Mr. Chairman— lo.

Nays—o.Adopted by the Assembly June 2, IRO2.Yeas— Messrs;. Banholzer.c,ostelft),Elmquist,

Hare. McXiunec, Oppenheim, Vau Slyke, Mr.President-8.

Nays— o.Approved June 3, 1832,

Bd F No. 1137— 8y Aid. Bielenberg-Resolved, That the City Engineer be. and

ho is hereby directed to cauve the repairingof a ciitelil'm-m ill front of the street curbarn on University avenue, near Kent street.Said catchbasiu is defective and unable tocarry off the water during a heavy rain: itflonts the pavement, and is liable to causedamage to adjoiningproperty.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27,1892.

Yeas— Aid. Bielenberg. Bott. Conley. Cope-laud, Cullen. Dorniden. lugersoll.Melady, Sul-livan, Mr. Chairman— lo.

Nays— o.Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1893.Yeas— Messrs.Banho]*t,

Hare. McNamee, Oppenheim, Vau Slyke, Mr.President— B.

Nays—o.Approved June 3, 189?.

Bd FNo. 1140— By Aid. Bott—It is hereby ordered by tne Common Council

of the City of St. Paul :That the matter of erecting and main-

taining a gasoline lamp at or near the south-east corner Frances nnd Meudota streets be,and the same is hereby referred to the Boardof Public Works to investigate and report:Iithis improvement proper and nece.-sary ?

Ifho, send the Council a proper ord?r di-recting the work tobe done.

Adopted by the Board ofAldermeu May 27,1802.

Yeas— Aid.Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, Cooe-land, Cullen. Dornlden:lngersoll,Melady,Sul-HVan, Mr. Chairman— lo.

•Knys—o.Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1802.Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer.'Costello.Elmquisi,

Hare, McNamee, Oppeuheim, Vau Slyke, Mr.President— B.

Nays— o.Approved June 3, 1802.

Bd FNo. 1141— By Aid. Bott—Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council

Of the City of St. Paul :That the matter of grading the alley in

block niue (U) of Drake's rearrangement ofblocks 2,.'8, ft, 10 and lots 1 to 11. block 11,McLean's Reservation to St. Paul, be, and thesame is hereby referred to the Board ofPub-lic-Works to investigate and report:

First—ls this improvement proper and nec-essary V .

Second— Give the Council an estimate ofthe expense thereof, and state whether one-half of the cost thereof is to be paid iutg thecity treasury before the contract is let.


Can real estate to be assessed forsaid impxovement be found benefited to theextent qfdftmages. costs and expenses neces-sary to be incurred thereby?

Fourth'-^IK' such improvement asked forupon the petition or application of the own-ers of a majority of the property to be as-sessed Iq»- such improvement?

Fiftbi*-6etitt the Council a plan or profileofsaid improvement, as required by law, ifyoureport fh favor of the same.

Sixth—Send the Council aproper order di-rectlbg Ihework tobe done.

Adopteat-fcy the Board of Aldermen May27. 1892.

Yeas-»-A!d. Bielenberg, Bott Conley. Cope-liud,Cullem.l>oruiden,lngersoll, Melady.Sul-livan, Mr.Chairman


Nays— o.Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1802.Yeas— Messrs. Bauholzer.Coste)lo,Elmquist.

Hare. McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke. Mr.Presideut— B.

Nays— o.Approved June 3, 18D2.

Bd F No. 1143— 8y Aid. Uobner—Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council

of the Cfty of St. Paul :That the matter of placing a six (8) foot

wooden sidewalk on the west side of Albertavenue, from Minuehaha street to Blairstreet (petition attached), be, and the same ishereby referred to the Board of PublicWorks to investigate and report :Is this improvement proper and necessary?

Ifso, send the Council a proper order direct-ing the work to be-done.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen May 27,1892.

Yeas— Aid.Blelenbere, Bott. Conley, Cope-land,Cullen. Dorniden, lngersoll, Melady.Sul-liTan. Mr.Chairman


Nays— o.Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1802.Yeas—M essrs. Bauholzer.Costeilo.Elmquisf,

Hare, McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyte, Mr.President— B.


0.Approved June 3, 1892.

Bd FNo. 1144— 8y Aid.Bieienberg-Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council

of the City of St. Paul:! That the matter of opening of a 12-footdriveway on the north side of Lewis part,between Woodbridge and Marion streets, be,and the same is hereby referred to the Boardof Public Works to investigate and report:

First— ls this improvement proper and nec-essary?

Second— Give the Council an estimate ofthe expense thereof, and state whether one-half the cost thereof is tobe paidinto the CityTreasury before the contract islet.

Third^'Ca'ir're't'r estate to be assessed forsaid imprtfVelrleVitbe found benefited to theextent of damages, costs and expenses neces-sary to be incurred thereby?

I'onrth^oJsi such improvement asked forupon the.-petit/ion or application of the own-ers of a majority of the property to be as-sessed forsnch improvement?

Fifth—Send the Council a planor profileofsaid improvement, as required by law, it yo#report infavor-of the same.

Sixth—Sendthe Council a proper order di-recting the>work to be done.

Adopted by~the Board of Aldermen May 27.18fi2.

' '

Yeas—A id.Bielenberg. Bott. Conley, Cope-land, Cullen.Doruiden.fngersoll, Melady, Sul-livan,Mr.Chairman— lo.

Nuys -0.Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1R02.Yeas— Messrs.Bauholzer,Oostello,Elmqnist,

Hare, McNnnjee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke, Mr.President— B.

Nays— o.ApprovedJune 3,1502.

Bd F No. 1145— 8y Aid.Melady—Resolved! That the Board of Public Works

be,aud they are hereby ordered to discontinuethe sprinkliug of Clinton avenue betweenWinifred street and Concord street.

Adopted by the Board ofAlderman May 27.1892.

Y'eas— Aid.'Bielenberg. Bott, Conley, Cope-land. Cullen, Dorniden.lugersoll,Melady,Sul-livan. Mr.Chairman— lo.

Nays— o.Adopted by the Assembly June 2, 1892.

.Yeas— Messrs. Banholzer,Costello,Elmquist,Hare, McNamee, Oppenheim, Van Slyke, Mr.President— B.

Nays—o.Approved June 3, 1892.

Bd F No. 1146— 8y Aid. lugersoll—Itis hereby ordered by the Common Council

of the city of St. Puul:That the matter of sweeping by hand noily

avenue, from Western avenue to Dale street,be. and the same is hereby referred to theBoard of Public Works toInvestigate and re-port:

First—ls this improvement proper and nec-essary?

Second— Give the Council an estimate ofthe expense thereof, and state whether one-half of the cost thereof ig to be paid intothe city treasury before the contract is let.

Third-Can real estate to be assessed forsaid improvement be found benefited to theextent of damages, costs nnd expenses nec-essary to be incurred thereby?

Fourth—ls such improvement asked forupon the petition or application of the own-ers of a majority of the property to be as-sessed for such improvement?

Fifth—Send the Council a plan or profileofFaid improvement, as required by law, if youreport in favor of the same.

Sixth— Seed the Council a proper orderdirecting the work to be done.

Adopted by the Board of Alderman May 07,1892.

Yeas— Aid.Bielenberg. Bott.Conley. Cope-land. C'u'len.Dornidei). lngersoll, Mefady.Sul-livan,Mr. Chairman— lo.

Nays—o.Adopted by the Assembly June '-', 1802.Yeas— Messra.BaDhoUer, Cos tello.Elmquist,

Hare, McNamee, Oppeuheim, Van Slyke, Mr.President— B.

JNays— o.Approved June 3, 1892.

Bd F No. 1147-By Aid. lugcrsoll- •—aWhereas, The Board of Park Commission-

ers of St.Paul, did on the 6th day of Novem-ber. 1891. enter into a contract with WarrenCarpenter and Edua L.Carpenter, in thename ofand for the City of St. Paul, to pur-chase for park purposes. Inmanner and formas by laV provided, the following describedreal estate situated in the City of St. Paul,viz: That part of block 20,of WoodlaudPark addition to said city,according to therecorded plat thereof, which is boundednorth by Summit avenue, east, by land ofMaurice Auerbach: south, by Ramsey street,aud west, by land of the City of St. Paul; and

Whereas, After the executiou aud deliveryof said contract, said Board of Park Commis*-sioners directed the Board of Public Works,ofsaid city,as by law provided, to levy as-sessments upon the real estate benefited bythe proposed improvements: and

Wnerea.B, Said Board of Public Works didthereafter, in the manner and formas fex1&»

provided, make confirm such assess-ments, one of which assessments, amountingto twenty-four hundred and thirty-three(.'.433) dollars, was levied an aforesaid, upon

the followiuddescribed teal estate owned by jsaid City ot St. Paul, viz: Allthat triangular |piece of land in the City of St. Paul, Knrnsey |County, Minnesota, bounded • by Summitavenue. Western avenue and Ramsey street,;except those portions owned by Maurice;Aucrbach and wife and Warren Carpenterand Edna L. Carpenter; and

Whareas. Such assessment is wholly dueand unpaid: and '\u25a0'

Whereas, Under and by the provisions ofthe law in such eases made and provided.!"Allassessments on property owned by the ;

city shall be paid out of the general fund of ;the City of St. Paul;

Therefore, resolved. That a city order bo ,drawn on the city treasury, in favor of the \u25a0

City Treasurer, for the sum of twenty-four «hundred and

-thirty-three (2,433) dollars,,-

payable out of the general fund, for the pay-ment of said assessment.

Adopted by the Board. of Aldermen May27. 1802. \u25a0 •-

Yeas—Aid.Bielenberg, Bolt. Conley. Cope-land, CulleD.Dornideu, Meludy,lngersoli,Sul-livan, Mr.Chairman— lo.

_Nays—o.Adopted by the Assembly June 2. 1902.Yeas— .Messrs. Banholzer.Costello. Elmquist,

Hare. McNamee, Oppenbeim, V»uSlyke, Mr.President— ; "\u25a0: \u25a0••'•-\u25a0.-:

Nays— o.Approved June 3.1892.

W. P. Murray. :.President of thc Assembly.- Wm. A.Van Sltke.

Vice President of the Assembly.O. O CVLIXS.

President of the Board of Aldermen. ,;, . •\u25a0 -.

-i L.J. DOBNEB, '

Chairman of the Board ofAldermen.Thos. A.Pbendekgast, City Clerk.



Proceedings ;Board ot SchoolInspectors.

(Published in "TrieGlobe" of June 4,1692.)

Regular Meeting.St. Paul, Minn., June 1. 1 02.

Vice President Bridgmau in the chair.Present— lnspectors Bridgman.Keaue.Pyle.

\u25a0 Smith, Stamin and Mr. President (Scheffer)—«. \u0084 •-. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0

Absent—lnspector Auerbacb— l.On motion the reading of the minutes of

the preceding meeting was dispensed with.COMMUNICATION*!.

From the Superintendent of Schools—'St. Pali., Minn.. June 1, 1692.

To the Board of Sr-bool Inspectors.Gentlemen: Ihave the honor to present

the following table -of statistics for the mouthof May: ...

\u25a0•.- .:,.:;,\u25a0 :-:. t *\u25a0 > t 52

\u25a0'""• nto >i„ C a % X

-°School \u25a0 =z; ;g,« j p2i'

~." '.''\u25a0' •',•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 H 5? p*s. v : 5 \u25a0\u25a0 c: \.: %•

It- *< •


Linc01n......... ........ 6to 277 727C1eve1and.....;............ 589 498 706U.S. Grant 306 364 379Harrison :.... •; 322 274 39*Hawthorne .... .......:.:. 31b 272 307.John Ericsson ...-. 334 297 i401Van Buren ......~. ", -773 667 909Sibley.. -..::. v "fK'i 341 471Deane.. ..-:.:..

'if 37


Fisher Ames .. ' 45 35 47S.S.Taylor 46 37 48PbtlSheridan \u25a0\u25a0.. \u25a0

*~ 28 25 35FranKliu 704 595 954High.. *62. 713 991Jeffer50n.......:.:....:;.. 67S 383 745Adam5.;........ .„... 508 441 506Monroe 482 4181 -566Lafayette 366J 329 467Humboldt .....: ;V. I6801 571 782Garfield. ;.... 289. 261. 34SDouglas... .! 259 22*1 - 2hftHendrieks .;.. 359 326 430Neill .: 301 251 *7.Weoster;. ..;.../...;....... 600 529 • 661'1rvine.. ..............:.... '286, 238 310Jackson... 534 456 622Gorman 372 312 454McClellan - ICB 87 117JohuLogan 20 17 28Albert Scheffer /.... 351 > 313 40(5James T. Maxrield. ..... 277 233. 305Victoria and Edmund St.. 88 . 78


Madison ; 756 614 926Rice. 421; 355 507^R. A. Smith .268 107 280Hanc0ck.................... . 245 21?! 274'8aker..;......../ ..'.::, 123 102


William P. Murray....„„. 75. .68. 835.J.T11den..... ......;.;:. -19 37 27:Longfellow;....-.....;..,.: ! 256 213 293'Alex.Kamsey --80 &i 77Quincy 4:} 31 63 ;

John Mattocks .21 17 32

Total ....... ..I. i.. 11C.779Respectfully, etc., .

\u25a0 • C. B.Gilbert.. Superintendent. "\u25a0Accepted and ordered filed. ?

UKPORTS.From the Committee on Schools—

St. Paul, Minn.. June 1. 1802.To the Board of School Inspectors, St. Paul,

Minn.Gentlemen: Since the last meeting of the

Board we have granted leave of absence jwithout pay for the remainder of the current

'school year to Miss Margaret McPhail, teach-er of second grade," Franklin school, to datefrom May1.


We have appointed Miss Harriettc Fos3teacher of second grade. Franklin schcoL todate from May 1,at schedule salary for thirdyear's service. .• \u25a0•••"\u25a0\u25a0" '.' ' •

Respectfully submitted. ' \u0084IX"G. H. BridomasI,'Chairman. '.

Approved and confirmed by—Yeas— lnspectors Bridgman. Keane, Pyl#i

Smith, Stamm and Mr. President—From the Committee on Fuel and -JaDi:ors—

St. Paul, Minn., June 1. ISJ2.To the Board of School Inspectors. . .

Gentlemis: Your Committee on Fuel andJanitors would respectfully • report that wehave appointed Peter Harris janitor of theLafayette school building,vice Edward Felo-quin, resigned, to date June 1, at schedulesalary. i

Respectfully submitted. •"S.G. Smith, Chairman. \u25a0;

Approved and confirmed by-Yeas

—Inspectors Bridernan, Keane, Pyle,

Smith, Stamm and Mr.President—

The President announced that the electionofa Superintendent ofSchools was the nextbusiness before the Board, when, at the re-quest of Inspector Smith, the Board wentinto executive session. \u25a0\u25a0> :.

-:•;\u25a0 .•*-"-•Opeu session having "been resumed, the

chairman announced that the Board had \u25a0

unanimously re-elected Mr. C. B. Gilbert-Superintendent ofSchools for the period oftwo years.

On motion, the Board adjourned, to meetThursday, June 2, at 5:30 p. m.Kowaud W. White, Secretary. ,

Adjourned Electing:.St.' Paul, Minn., June 2. 1993,

Vice President Bridgman in the chair.Preseut— lnspectors Keane.Pyle, Smith and

Mr.Vice President (Bridemau)—i.Absent— lnspectors Auerbach, Stamm andMr.President (Scheffer)


From the Committee on Fuel and Janitors-"St. Paul. Miun.. June 2. IBRJ.

To the Board ofSchool Inspectors.Gentlemen: Your Committee on Fuel and

Janitors wouid respectfully report .that wohave appointed Daniel Mortimer assistantjanitor at the high school building, vicoFrank Sampson, promoted to the janitorshipof the Rice school buildingin place of J: :ue.sP. White, resigned, to date June 3, at sched-ule salary. \u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0 . •\u0084

Respectfully submitted.S. O. Smith, Chairman.Approved and confirmed by-

leas— Inspectors Keane. \u25a0 I'Vlc. Smith andMr. Vice President (Bridgman)— 4.

-On motion ot Inspector Pyle.and in accord-

dance with,a resolution previously intro-duced, Rule 44 of the "Rules for the Govern- -ment ofihe Schools" was amended so as toadmit of three (3) dayslabsence without lossof pay by reason of death in the immediatefamily ofa teacher.



The followingbills, nilindue formami ap-proved by the proper committees, were thenpresented304 Allrnan. ,T. B ." crt m305Cames, E. A

'"" •-*> 00306 Charles, Thomas C... '.".'.'.""" 5528307 De Coster. Edwin . ' '."." co 00308 Dowlau, John & Sons. i"15 is309 Gan tzer, John A

' •• on310 Hutching, M.L. '.'.'.'.'.'."..'."' 50 00311 Leslie. John

*251 -1S

312 Mannheimer Bros.. /.";' "30 60313 Merrills Toilet Supply.... ... 400

8S ?lo V-TelePno Kschange Co.! 18 00315 O Rourke, «illiam 10 "I316 Pioneer Press Company. .' .""" 510317 Prcndergast 8r05.... : 301 40318 Reichelt, Paul !..!..H."* 2 70

319 Roth well. Joseph 20 OS320 St. Paul Gaslight Company.... 33 45321 St. Paul Roofing ana Cornice

Works.. 15 03.122 Sehoch, A. Grocery Company 14 40323 Schulze, P. J .* <jo .-,g324 Water Commissioners, Board of.. 190 38325 Same ;; 00326 Same ..-...; 300327 Wyckoff, Seamans ABenedict.; 7 05

Approved and ordered transmitted to Com-mon Council for settlement by— ' ;;.v.Yeas— lnspectors Kenue. Pyle, Smith and

Mr. Vice President (Bridgman)—4.Adjourned. . . :;;;>^.^'SEdward W. White, Secretary.
