THE BRITISH and NORTH AMERICA* ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. r«OM ItV-TOII TO LMIIfOfJl. ChW-f Cabtn Puni*.f) 1*4) Btxuod Cabin Fa******. » » v «..-.% Tf> Kf .ol. rb«stt»:... .sita Sas ami Cabin Paa-are. W %%» abipa frvta Koaion < ail at Halifax. ARAF-IA Cee>t Jadkin*. AMERICA. Lena- pr Ks'A. ( a*. Rj-na Et'ROPA Cept Shacroa. APIA (apf V. > U*i .CANADA f -.J.t. St.rr,» AFRH'A ' apt, IIarrt«rjD NIAGARA Capt. L*4(7ül Tlr** »e*«el» rarra a r ,.¦»., «* lab' a' ra«*> Lead graten re) eaa-'aTj. t" « '«,w AMI fl' '. I.aa|.Leave* Boe'oo. Wedneaday. lath 'o.y. CAN AHA. Stone.Leere* Fiaton. Wedneaday, let An» AM A. Lo't..Leave* Bo**.*! «*' ......,, Ivb A**> AV; I'M \ l.eeeg.Leave* H.mPr. We.lncada*. Itb Aug. CAN A l>A St .tir.I.-iim \' , !r.-«1ay. l.-hiept. APHH A.ll.m.on. I.e.vr* Breton, Wedneavdey.a*tbSept. Ber»h« not aernred nn'H paid Cr An expenen-.-d St.rgenn on board The -/an i-f of three ahlpt will r.ot be accountable for OolA Blher. Bullion, Specie, Jever'rv Pvectoua Stenee or Metal*, on- lea* bi:l. -,i lading »r. rianed" 'hrrrfor aad the reJee .hereof therein <apra**ed. For *r»urbt i.r uaatur, irpiy bo E C'V-aARn. No. 4 Bowlln, There wli. be no e»eamah'b* .' 'hk> line 'rao New-York ¦trl'ier .'lee tjrrnreinne. CREAP EXCURPION8. B? LONG ISLAND RAM ROAM i.RCENPORT and SAM HARBOR every TI ESDaY. 7 HI RSl'AY and HATLRDAY. Leave South Ft. r? at .1 A. M Fate out and bark.Cl 00 Fare to (irrt npor' an t ^»j H irh. -. 71 Ticket* to return from Saat Harber mgr be procured or. board the »teauihoat Berr<»>. fr..m Oreenprrt frorn the Agent at Orrei I'-it by au.-rrolcrinil the certinsete laau"d from the eCce in Bi'-Hjn. r|ELI0HTFl!L a PTE R NOON EXCURSION- A/-SEA A ih end COOL BREI /ES.-The popular atea-ner JaMEs- t BBISTOPHEI :ceve* th« Ct of Jay a'. THII (Ba»er»*aj) AFTERNOON at I t/eWI for LONG BRANCH, HIGHLANDS hF NEVIS1NK. SUR {WSRI Rv, Ac, re- tnn> n, at at ea-'» k tai THIS EVEN INM by moonlight. Fare each w«t 371 cent*. Sra BetMng -in tr.:*4. ßuumtiüuiB unö ftuilrouftb. AFTERNOON BOAT imer CLIPTON, Capt Ja-n< rARE in CENT8 f. r 81 NO-SI NO.-« E-amvadoif. will hare tb* loot of Harn-ou-at. E^ FRY A ET F.I UOON a- ¦o'clock, P. M .. ran .-..nut, I tTt.'RDAY, lulyM, t> t. h nt al all the intermediate langte.»« Returning will leave Sing Sine, at 6:30 A M landing at A'i.oe-at each way. JULY, 18f&.TW attibydtver ocean wave « a; t. H i Pa-be,, for SURE V*Hf III -»HLANDS, OCEAN H' CSE, LONO BRANCH. PORT WA'J.IINO 1"N MOUNT'S DOCK BROWV'S DO! K (Middie; wo), and RED BA>K, will run aa Ci'owe. frooi t it of Jay at. Pier, h. R.. tir't C"' < k the Erie Railnavl ''-|.o- ItHT M* lll«t (.K*vr. Rttl BAaK. Baturday, Jnlv S P.M. Saturday, Jn'y».... ti P.M. SaiDday. Ju y 5".71 A. M. Sunday. July ?».Si P M. Monday. Juiy 30.7j A. M. Monday. July 30. 74 A. M. MonCay.Ju'y 3^.3J P M. Tuesday. July 31 .... 7 AM. Tueaday. Julv 31.4 P. M. Wedneaday, Auf. I.. 7J A. Ma U I- I- M. ELIAS HAIOHT'S line of Sqaan Stare* connect with this Boat_ Vom 8h k e w a b iTk y, lajmj-bka noh a BIOHLANDS, (kein ROUSE LITTLE SILVER poil- l nin-. poll7 aid y ATONTOVVfL.PARB 3? I»'«t ' EN I S..The new and Hfht--lraf e.' at- «tii'i IAMES C" It HI - T < I Hb R ( *[*. John Rr.rden. arib mo fron- Cot of J*y-*t. N. R.,a* W'rear*! iiav » wi»K' LrAvrioir.aa roar: Tueadi.t Ju > .1.9 a. M. Tneaday uly i\.2 P M. WaataiatAat.Ja y «ö..|0 A. M..We.:ne»Aaj. Ju y 25....3 P. M. Tbu-ao.v Ju. v 31.... I A. M Thorada-y July Ja.4 P. M Frida,. '.It.?.II A.M. Friday "July fl.4P.R Baturdav, July.-"..' P. M. Satt.rday. Hi v JH.>'< P.M. Hui.Jav In v.'i.71 A. M Snnd.y July 29.1 P M. Me*. .'«>, July "... 6 A. M. iMonoay, Jufv 'Ml.-4 P. M Tnaaday, July il.8 A. M. Tu «<!.> July 31.IP, M. Nawi, Tauii-'i -t*#< I lot Souat. v iflaa;.- counect with jfcM Boat. Al*. ''tngoa for He,I Bank anil otte' narta of the i-.olintr, . day 0 o a j rot aLtiAN'i laieltna (eaa-i, way, BtNyaak >ia.ey PoAejl Uta' I', Nrwiitirrb PoarhK-ep- aie, RaaVaaaaak, CataAnl. Hudaon, and Cox<arkie M.-al- Berveri m b< ard Tbf 'aroriti *t.-a;nei ARMENIA Clapt N h. Caeaaraav, M now making ber ,-itula, 'rip* to Albany, leaving Nev.. 1 ink. from foot ol Chamber* *!., every TURs- IlAV. TIM RSIlAV »..d S A I I' R I > A i it 7 o'elock, A.M. PL B.. * Ka*tga*e-a(ar',-» wi.' accoiripati- t*'»- -."^.i,',r 1 *u I. way. to check Baagage free. For pawvlawiaga as, lire a* Sew- */«.. an/ a-.u af'-i*! ottra . hatnl-e-*.*-.. vharf. L865. rlVi (i('l OCR STEaJIBOAI LINE fox 111 DtOMaaatl IMPERMEDIATE PL AO B rha ayaiaa Hi.. -.. 1.1 MI'IA «...I S it'TII AM! K ( A will leave Suet of lUrrtai'teei. EVERY AFTERNOON (Sn. day* e«oe .>.!' at I o'i <<*k comi. tit g «0 Ii «'*»-.-. fr.rm Ring»ioti. Cafakill. an« Hiideon and B.e-on r i'"<'!, id lioi'riain Four rnere Ed ward*. (couneiHng with ?'«>¦. to, I., humm Spriiigt lVe.aa Steekbiidgr, Lte, Pitt-lie ,1, No th and South Adam« an-t all the wiatem par* of Maeaai Ion t-c. Tb firerttaiu h avea Und eon at a .'clock in the ur.miug. and arrive* in Pitlarh-ld in tiui* (<.¦..-¦.. il\\|i.\NII CI.AltKACo L. R. MELLEN A Co. OPPOSITION to RAIL^fTAD MONOPOLY CMAMbl mi TIME trad REDUCTION of FARE, and even day the iiiur kwaoej FakRE ONLY T* oenua to BAU HARBOR, ORI ENI ORT aad orient point }\.,t.r» ticket) d tb,»t gb In Eau'ltaiiiptiiu and Souiha'iipt..n for Rj Bk, S-atbr'g aiiS rtrldghampton far SI I ui*k. 75 carat* Fare to HORTHPOR1 btfeaaut PORT JRFFERrjON 7S eattta. On and , .H'LY Sfi IIV> .,nlil tur'b 1 11 to-, the aplen lid new eta an. r ISLAND BELLE. Caataka 1 Po.t, Jr. w I ,e,To N.w-Yo'k it- » ».!. Mata-t -.p.- rurSDAY THÜRS DAY »1 'l-Ai lil'AV , at 1* A. M , making »he ahov tand ng* aril anivAaa et Ret Hereof a- 1 P M. R- turning, will leave Hrg llfrh r MOMItAT,WEDNE MAY atvi FRIDAY at tl A M I On" h\- rt -, 1 in i.' I', i' M; I'.; I' irt Jelter*ou 12 M. ; Noni rt :i I' M. PRF.iqHT aril he re*wi»oa' eat eat .g. .it n the wberf in New-Yi rk, Monday, Weöoeeday bmi rri.lav brOOB |(- A. M. utitil 7 F. M. Pui further partiru ar* inquire ,,f E. T. DUDLEY No. 205 «ruith-«t , or of E. P. A C. N. BELLOUS, Mat, 301 Water .t.. New fi tk _ t«0R BOSTON and PROVIDENCE rU NEW- J PORT eaayl iui, RIVRR -Thj **aVr*a*)M and *uperior ate a rot r M 1 Pi 'I'l '1 - I |t Win. Itn. leu iN w York »t. it II ESDAl THURSDAY end SATI' 5 velock P M.;*iid . MI'IIO *TATE Capt B. Brav ton. leato. Near- York MoMitY. W emm SD\Y and HOI'W a- oVIock P M., f'om Piet No 3, N R near the Better). Bota lotiri'ii'g «' Newport each way 11 e M I ROPOl IS w EMPIRE «TÄTE connect at NV-r- p. J vim- the eti amer CAM'NM - which leave* n. > \ rk at.'Alo'chtk A.M. tor Pr .vi let'ce, arriving iliere al .: 7 ©..N tk, Pa*awafei* tum Piovinrcce for New.York take tba CA'-o.N CIS a rlck F M !, r \ * port. c ouue* ung there with 1 hi ettaeaaeea lor New York. Hi it atti r no room* will he regarded a* «ecured to any appli- rai hi! li e aaiuc »l.*li bate been ] ml Cr ¦rWletak ta eteetoa Mtu*wMB*4 through with great diapitch, a*J . t tpre»» kreigli' T'ain WM. BORDEN. Agent No*. 70 and 71 W at at, riMir RCOULaB mail link nm stunino- 1 YON Ra BOSTON FROVIDI N( E, new BRDPOtD, T.M MON Mid M t\ poR r.-lnland route, with .ut dalay, charge i f ceie, or baggage airviri* the Fa tern Mail. The new dränier* l'Li Mot Til RoCK.Capu Joel St.,.,*.,am. C VANDERMI.T, ( ej 1 I. K. Pendl-ton, in comeetion with tit' niiigtoo and Providence, and Hcarton and Pnivulene« Riol rt,*<i*, Irat kB| New York daily (Si.inlov. aicepted) froBB pi 4 No 7 N. B., («'«1 whari above Battery place ) M 5 P.M. and Btoninatol, at H:»' P.M.. 01 ..n trmtl of the Vail train arbub Itai't 1 !' M The t V aMIEHBILI I >'in New > rik.Monday, Weone* ajay and F-iday v,< in Stoniugton.Tue..lav. Tbunday m>c Raloroev The PXTMOUTM ROCR.trom New Vor».Tueada». Th..a Bat and Nati.idav t''om Si*,niiiett'li.Monday. VVe*iue*iay Baal I PewriiaKta euartivaiai >ioun.a*t<iu p.iaeed iDUbeOialniy lie* Rakli, «il Prt vi,it n. r, BoeloU, Tao-uou and New lle.Uo. J .a the V ipretM Mail Hein, rrerbing *aid place* aevrral h lira in ed Baioi oi tho.e by "loer route* and ir. ample time for all the «aar Moroing L i ' * coutiec'in« N, rtb eio' .'»**. P**.. k 1 who p" t> r B reu.hin on board the *tearu", "ii> vir.« a -i ght't teat oi,ti»'urbtd br-akf«.--iiv ifdrain-d. and io«v. ^t.imrgfun the 7 A. M* 'raiu. counectii a at INovia'nc» *»4*h train *BI Baatfi '¦. Taantoa end St wk)>, b I, with the ate.i nvii g there atou 9 A. M Si v. Bt dford: and at Eaei Ore-n ,1B1 RT1 im M tVPORT, ar- a fuiarn- Maeiet-rm-' n meg mmi I^aui tbrourt aerh » a] Through ticket* on Moodav*. Wednesdaye anci Kti.iav*. 101 Matal at k et. Holme.-. Hoi,- m:.I Wood** Hale, via New B-*lford. fa«ii« ctiTg with the new «teamt-i Eagle tVuaa lbs pa»-**i. Oeriii*. *tai< ...i.i. ,o ir»«in, appl\c*ti«ai may be made at take' Nat * North Rner. or at the m.e No to Bat- harj gl Be*_ 1 0N0 ISLAND RAILROAD. 0«e»SR>i At* 1 lu ano after m J et>i DA \ 1 be 2*1 of Jane I^V Truu* go-ug Eaat leave O'ta-npt it !> A. M., daily and on Fr-lav* and Sa P. ** (,,, V <i hank 9 A' M and i: M P. M* i tor A M and i:4 -*n.l . I' Ma for S.oa*et. 10 A. P. M ., fta H. n pa-er d. M A M and 3i |\ 1: IS and j.aati lead V P. M.. end S:4J, 4 15, .> anJ 7 P. at \ a* M eurva ikiwi . 'i y* S:A» ,...a.l.l- m,i 1 IS M. for fr\ ight Tt*ln Tbain- 'm>i A N. daily, at f. 1 Bra* 1 0 ' A m. »1 A. m «00 irl P. M.| lien pa aLt ^ i I I l»4A A. U ai 7 A M v » ^ win i ö .rjOl Rl UT] i Int. !*EW- An YORK to ROCHESTER..The R'M H ESTER an t OF N RSEI VALLEY K\ll.Ku\M ibowoi tad laBOBBeBctiai arith tie Bafeln fegarae u. 1 -...wYoie aad New-York aad Rne Ma. ., ., w V -a ' K <> ar. .leave Oreeupo'i for br r* an.i Mou iey*. 4:30 A. M.; YefA. kak , V M .akclait.l for Bro k.vti b:tt> P. M 1 Earn ingjtle for Brooklyn fi ai, I T|M IV v* >,r..*i f..r Hn. k'vn 7 \ m and 4:*(> aa*j lor Brook yu, 6:28 7:.B aid 8 A. m and M i.n ocat'ot B, .oklyn. "i:a> 7:10, 7:M aud 1 .in' ai d ':%» P. M. Fie-igbt Tiaiu leave* at Crgeefr Jer.i-y ( itj. Bagaage I bitlru '.iii' Pre.(It* tali be Ir* ami at the New Y. re an t Erie Kai.road tiavee-ag. **>< Ne, IjKt Brteaaiw,' a M * aaj be ahtail e I v e. lb. N.h > .* TAPPAN Eeprea.Pt k ., . - K w.M., (A^V YORK f.. MONTRI RL, OrA W h'i. KivM \\ ,1, u Petel.-lbr. igh *bV,' VEN it AI. Kl.Al' l A. M 4 V V. R. EHAM DJ Hl tu NV -(¦...-..1 M A. U. and 4 ."-la,..*. P. M The NV H r at s-p Kmi.ioiaIi- for t''.l, Oa-TH ^ W\m, ri. JERSEY CITY Jid Ea*,,^ Li: * Lwteee Neu V,w, * ^ 'A M. and4W AL .'.af. Thfava«R"la~ föa» btfura '»l'-la 4. *aad A3 ka a «ad ID \ » ACo unottai.a, mmam .«» - »i.. ...... lh» waaa, tnd A* eVlimoro 1 hrev^b b**R«*|a flhiehld ta "TJFa .-Ota. II ML ;i ... a h.g HARLEM RAILROAD. - Inland Routa . On sad sftar MONDAY, July J3. (Sunday* excepted ] I i ALRAN V and TR«»Y, eavtn* Depot roraer of White and (r:tre-«t« Mail Train at 7:30 A M., »topp*»« W(!l»»y Bridge «od Mail Sla'ton* North. P»,<*enger« f.»r Lebao m e-priig* lahm* thU tte>n »rrive at Lebanon at 5 P. M. 55'ay Express. S P.M., stopping it Whit* Pl.H* Neweaati* Crotox) Pal'», and Hut kin. Nort> connecting at Chatham Feur-C-irnrr* w h WMfn Railroad Expreei Train, trrivin* at Albany a: Ml ill M. . . w Ficm Cut Hall Station.Dovar P aia*. at 5 P.M.. stop- pi*?** at a.i Statior*. The 5 P.M. Dorar Plaioa tram »rill.^ en S»tuid»v*. run thnn»h 'o Mtlerfn; re-urni ig, l*a»« V-*> A M. an Monday, f ro ..p E.' !. a.M., a-orrtrW at all Sta¬ ts****, lro «n Kali» at 4P.M .topping at »Ii «tat.oo* abuv* Foidham. While* at d:JO and t, .0 P.m., eiopping at 1 orhatlle ana Station* North. Williams' Bridg*. at 7, ":«' a m ,i:l'..t 30 5:l5,»*ndll P.m*. at all Way Sta- Kaoxi Twrarr-«iXTM-»T. Statio».William»' Bridge at 9 a.m. While jop'ain» at 12 m Pee»-agar» nay alao per*tire ticke-» anO bare their hesgag* rherke.11 ,r I ti a BurJa-o and eher plaoe* W»«' end Nor h at Albany, tt tbe Corr.paoy'f of. fire*, crni r at* eowery »nd Broome-atl asd tth-av. and 2»>tb, »t. Bin 10 Ni w Vom..Mai' I rait Uaving Ei t tiet at a.M.. aid Chatham Knur-Corner! at 8:15 a.M., on the airval of the train le.viag Piftfie d at . 30, «topp-,:.g it a.l Mai. Sutloi I abore Wi*' Bndge, arriving a* New-York at 1:40 P.m. >'x,,r-r* Train >avr. Alt.v.y at 11 A.M. and Chat- ban. Four Cm. r* at 4 P. M Pa**en*rr. 'rom Lebanon Spring! Ii at L* Canaan at 1:54 P.m. wir . t w th Um train, stooping > ...aiat «U S-atlcu» above WOUamaV B.-ilie. *rriri->g at New-Toil a- r:5.s P.M. 6 A M. fro 11 D »er Plain* itoppiug at all Station* above Eo-00*01. arriving at 'New-York 1": 15 AM. ' :50 A.M from Cro'on Fell*. *top|.ii r, »t a)| Station*, arririue at New York at r :2u a.M. 4:2i' P.M. fron Cri.'nu Fall*, at .irp.nt Fordbaa.. 5 A.M. and 2:30 and *:1" P.M.'ron Whi e Plain*. tiopTen* ar all Sta-iou*. Fr m Wi.- Ii*m*' br dg» at 6:40. 8:30and If-jII. a..V 1:15 5:05 «1:1.5,7:15 and 0:T< P.M «t.-ppiLg at a I laawm I'aasetiger* hv the 1«: 10 a.M fr. n: 54 i.lieitV Bridge, and the 2:A P.M. from White Plair*. will be landed In New-Y'.rk at the 2*>th-*f. Sta'ion on v. .-1 m ay A*»..v(.i wraT.7>a.n« wol eare f.r Crot00 Fall*, and ah Way Station, at 8:3<> A.M. a-m 5 P.M R-tomlng, ie*ve < rot'n F*il» at 7 A.M.. »teppin* a: ail Station*, and 4:to P.M., »top,irj| a' ah Statior* nirb of Fcrdham For WHinm** Bridge and a I Wny Station«, at 9: **. A.M. and 1:30 fJL K> Ian M, .eave William*' Bridge at 11 A.M. and 0:45 P.M., (topping at all Station*. Freight for Ait any re-eiv«d daily, ncti. ö P.m.. at -he Depot, corner Of Centre and Wbi'e-«t« M Y. 55.41. J. CAMPBELL, Artiroi S iperintendenL HrjDBJOF RIVER KAlIaROAD. Ob mm imm MONDAY. June 2%, Ih'.s, the Train* wih leave Chamber» <t. Statior. follow*: Rxpreaa Tr^.n, 6 A. M., nonueeth g wit} Northern and W. atern Train Mail Tra:-, ''A M Tor. .»I War TTain, 12 M. Expre-w Train, .5 F. M. Accommi-Iate.« Train. 7 P.M. For Pouahk«eo«ie.W»> k'aii 7 a. M»i Ex pr*». 4 P.M.; 5V»v P'ekht and Paaeet ger I raki, 1 P.M Fot Peekr-kill.3: 20 and St "Ml P. M. For Sin S-.g-i'M.s A. M. 1:30 »nd 8-30 P M The Bb | Btl g aad P-'**ki:. Train* »ttor at all the Way S'e'ton» Paa-eng- f. tai e-, ». CI;amhe-»,.CejiaJ, ( hii-r<pi er and 31*t-«ta. BHNDAl M.-Vlk, TRAIN at 4 A M., f.-.m i~anal-*t., (or AJbary aad Troy, .topping at all way Stav .JoiA M L. SYKES. Jr., Sup't New-Vi IHK null ERIE KAI l.iU >.\i') .trti atirj «Per MONDAY. July 2. 1855, und inti, farther notice. P«*» »enger Train« will leave Pier, foot of Dn, ne «t., ** follow*, vu: Dl NRIRI EXPRESS, at I A. M. t. r Dnnkuk. Bl FPALO EXPRESS, at a A. M., for liutTalo. MAIL, at 8:15 A. M .foi Dunkirk in Buffalo and )nterme.-.i- ate Station* Peeeeuger» by 'hi* Train w-1? remain over mra* a) Owegi.. *jtipro... f tfci next morning BO( KLA.ND PASSENOER, at 3 P. M., ttrom t.«t 01 Cbam ver»«t.| vin PieTaMMgjfor8 fTeitJ** and intermediate Staouna WAY PASSENOEK, at 4 P. M.. -r Newhurrb an < >ti«vn'e Old li.termi ifiate Sta-uro». NICHT FXPRFSS, ^tS 3ii P. M., for Dungirx ann HnS.. 0 EMIORANT, at« F. If., for Daakuk aad Buffalo, and inter aediete Station* STr-AMBOAT EXPRESS,- very oay, excepting Safirtl.y» it 6:30 p. M.. for 'H -kirk and Buffalo and intermediate Sta tiona. On SUNDAY t»ro l-xpr. ¦ TTain*. at 5:30 und ItJI r. M. ,Tbe»e ExpreM Train* conne-t at F.lroira, with the Kimira -01» Angara Fall* Railroad, for Niagara Fall*, at Buffalo ana D-;n litk w ih ihr Lake Shore Railroad foi Cleveland. Cinrtnnatt. Toiedo. Detroit, <'hica*o, Ac. and with 5ntt-cla*» fplendlV .i*«jn«r« de all otirt* on Laki Er.-. D. C Mit alli'm, Qaaarii Supt. \'1A\-Yo);K AND NEV.IltVi.N KAIE k. * ROAD -I MMEK ABRANOFMENT Mav 7, IVA Tkaim LtAvr Nrw-Yona for New-Haven.7 8 a. M., ,«*.;) 12.30 32fl, 1KB and Ac.;) 4, (Fx. ) t.30 P. M Por Bridgeport-7, 8 A. M. (Ex.;) 1230, 3,20. (Ac. and Ex.,) 4, Ex t 30 P.M Fir Milford, Siratlord. Fairtield, Sonthport, lad 55 export.7 A. M.i 12..V, 3.20. 4.ö0 P. BL For Norwalk- 7,9 a. M ; 12.30,3 2"t, (Ex. and Ac .) I, (Ex..) 4.30, 5.15 P. M. For Darien ant «De.-wie», 7, I \. M.. 12.30. 1.20, (Ex. tnd 4c,I 4.30, 5.15 P. M Por Stamford.7, 9, 8 A. M.;(Ex.:) 1130 120. 4. (Ex..) 130, M5 P. M. Por Port Cheater and New- *:ochelle.7, » A. M.; 12.30,, 5.15, a.15 P. M For Rve uid Intermediate S'ttlou*.7, 0 a. Mil 12.10. 4.30. 5.15. fi.lä P. M. CUBBBCTIBB TkaiKS. For Boator..« A. M., (F.x.,| 4 F. M., , E. t I'-ir-f r.l ».-... -,.rit M :;. Ev .;) 12.30, 4 P. M., I xl For Coimectiriit Klv.-i Kai 1..10I to 5t..«I A. V. r») Ptfl laral RallBBi I A.M..(Ex.,) 1130P.M. Fol New-London Ri.ilroad.8 A. M. 4 P. M Fur Houaatonic Hail- ro«d-8 A. M.. 3.211 P. M. Foi Naiigatuck A. M.| 420 P.M Pw DBBbail and Norwalk Railroad.7,1 a. M.: IP M. Thai*-, in Nr.w Yon*,.Prom .1»w-riaven.5.30, 7, RSI a. M.: 1.55. (Ex.,) 4.30,8.55 P. M., (Ex.1 From Bridgeport- i.10. 7.12 In. If A. M.. 2.'..', 11 » ,1 Ml, 9.31 P. M., (Ex?) From Plfanralk t. A44, LIA I0.52 A bL| I BJ, t.\..» 3.25 5.45, P. M.. (Ex.) From Port Chewier.5 30, 6.43. 7.28, 8.57, 11.3» A. M., 4.08, 6.27 P. M. J A 51 ES H HOYT, <up'L Cientral rait.road oi ot:w-^er«kt. / SI'RINO A It it v N1.1 Mi NTS. -imtiiennng April 2. ,855. Leave New-York tor Earton, l.v utearnei. Red anc i5 \ mmtg, mmm PbM Ra 2, Rivei, at 8 A. M.. i and 4 Iii K ..r Somerv ille, (way,l a Tbe train, connect at F.lizaitettiiown wit a train* on the Srw-.lei«ry Railroad, which leave New-York tYom fool of n,.,r.\,.-..- a> . « M., 12 M , and 4 and 5 P. M. P01 School'y* Mountain. Leave at I I' M. Fare through. #2. onv o sterns Hapanmaaaaai f^ami'kn and am hoy kailkoap* to PlilL V^i ADELPHlA. tmn. IVi No. I North River .Two ine. l*il>.at e A M and 2 P M M-n u. Inmt at '.A 51 |.j Ba«l boat JOHN POTTER to SOI I II AMBOV h-r.ce hj :ar» to way piece. «ud Phlt«J«li loa Eare 25 Expreaa linl it 2 P. M., by JOHN POlTEft to AM lit IV thence direct tc Camden. by car«. tlimugh in live hour*. Fare a3. Way, Ac jommodetlon and Emigrant tdne* at 1 P. If V%t» *' 50 Enxi grant Ltae 4P. MICHIGAN IKHJTHERjN RAlLiiOADLDTE irl -Tibi«daiiforCHJI kOO,ST. i.oits, Kansas, and all tmtotm We*t and South-Weai. can obtain Through Tirketa anil all Inl. rmaiioi. coaomin« route* fare, be., eitle-i bv the Nl 5t TORI AND EU Ii HAH ROAD, or NF tv. Vi) 11K ENTBAL RAILROAD I \ ai». .1 «'inp a' .)<« <V>mp«nv'» ' - 4oe No Rnwdwav.roi. Dey-st. lOM^ V POKTEh. Oenera, agent iTeN NSY EVAN lA KALLROAJ . I HREE I DMI.V THROI OH TltMN.i BETWEEN i'HILa DELPH1A and PITT.-1H UOH Tht MORNINO MAII TRAIN rave. Phi'a.1. Iphia f. 1 Pi't.bur«-h at "4 4 Al. and reave. Pittsburgh tor Phiiadeiphiaat 7 A. M. The FAST LINE leavr« Plii.adr 1 Ina So Pilt.hurgh at!.' M and Ptlal.-r.h fot Philadelphia at II M. The NIOIIT EXPRESS T|it?> leave* Philade.phla loi Pittsburgh at '1 P. M. aad Ptttshu gh tot Philadelphia al 10 P. M. The a i\e line, connect at Plttsourga with I he ivai.roao« and fron. St Lmii* Mo., Alton Oalena and Chicaao III.; Etaiikli r.t Lexington and Lou «v-tl e K>., Terr* Haute M».'.i bb) L* Favet e a l loiiaiiopo'l* Int.; Cinrinnaii Dayton Springtield Heilet,.titaire Sanltiskv Toledo Cleveland, Co inmbii* Zane.ville Massi lon. and Wocwler. Ohio; al»o wit> kj BtBBBt Partei iKiata troro and New Or'ean* It L-iui* Louisville and Cincinnati For rurthet part.ctiiara »ee nanrt hllia in tn* hole a of irr« 0|M. PiKsei.grr* w 11I lind tbsftaM *horte»t. .noat axpediticii ¦ and con.fortablr route between the Fast and West Through 'Icketa can be '.ad at either <' «ha abnve-mentlnned place» Bl IBB 55'r.t or of R. B. DEAN Agent. New Jersey rial:".a.l « ' Coi.r'land New Y. ra J. Is, ELLlCOTT. Agon.. Penuavivanla Railroad Co. No. 2 Aatorliouae. New York THOMAn Mi 10KF.. Agent cor. Iltb and Market »ta New -York. A pnl b>. 1.15.5. Pbiladelnhin I ie.n nny1 \ .\MA KAII.ROaD..Tbe OREAl I CENTRAL HOI I F., connecting the At.antic Cities witl >5'e«ti rn N. 'lhw. .tern, and S.oi'hwentern Stales, bv a eon snuou* Railway direct Tbc R .».1 a.*.. BBBBBBJBI at Pit'.«burg> . lib daily ine of "»teann-r» fo ail pom on 'he Western River» and at Cleveland and S«ndu«kv with Steamer* to al' ports ot B. Ni -thweitern Lake*, making 'he m .at direct, .-h'-aprwt anc .ellal..e n it'e bv which FREH1HT esji Ne t'orwarded to anC from tbe Orrat WeaB, RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA and FITT"<Bi htm ^.^;..rpÄ^ - » tkfOBP fx 1*1 BaaAl *ud Statlouerv, Drv ) QciBabj, tin b»Je»,l Hardware Leather. \ one, per 100 BJ- Waal, he. > FrliKl l l ».v-Auvi:., Bagging. Kac, » and > P. rk.du hulk.l Hemp!le..I"6, *** 190 »' Col »it. Iii... t otice, Eiah, B Pork. (Pa. ke.t.) Lard and Lard .n ship; it,.- ...... 1- tr tu any point -aat of Philadelphia, be par Ku it -.. u.stk the paekage via P. .ii.«v'vauia Raiir " AJ .... - B ssigned t.. the Agetn. t l hi* k.<ed st fhi,a.loiuoja fj 1tt»butgh, will W Sirwarde.1 sri'hout .leientjon. Fail'.11' At., vtv .5I,we* Pottri tl.Mton. J. B. t t rfear-Yrsrk; kl J. Phi aleiphia. Magraw b Ke. o* Bal'im. rr, 0<-o. C. Franciam«, Pttrai.arih; Springman b Brown, ftiinuia'i. Ohio, J. S. Mo.. he«,l, LouUvil - Kv. R. C. V :. Rvc.i-t \ ' o.. "h. I. .. M J « Mitchrl' k Son, Evaiiivtlle. lu.iiana. Far 'urthrr ram. -o*. 1 a :a.« app" '. J. L. ELLIOTT. Aceat Peaxe» Railroeu t o.: at C. B. ALLEN, No. t a*tor Hoiue, New Yera. H H. ttOCSTON. O-tera' **reigh' Agent. PhUadelahia H. J I.omh4fkt. .»upertntetident. AI'o.rna. Pa T jfileotcaL HE UNI VE RSI T^P 9 iwvii.y iii mi i>n s. (st^ed uLdn the Seal Sanct on and Aut-otity of THE 1 NI\ I KS! TV 017 racg mukini And P O P I' I. A r km . W I. k D O e. CbartereJ by the State of Penaylvania, April ». ia\53. with a Capital of aian,c«'o. Vainly ft 'i.e i:.:p..e i a:re.tu^( lirriii.. .".';..:-.o-s* and V5 ort'i.e.» N -sttum*. also. Por «opplyiog 'he Commnnity with reKab'e Rercedie* wher- ever . competent Physician eanaet w will wot ba employed II.. aartratioa baa parab»a»d troa Da. JOHN R. ROW vND h t «J.tatrd kowands TONIC m Ist T Vlli f. r a-ward af twentv . year* a* tue o:. y r-.:e and a«fe cure for FF\ EH \N|) ao' E, AC. And hi* inestimanie R. medy for H o 5% EL i > vi P 1. 4 I N TS, ROWAND*S (OMPOCND SYlf P I.L4CKBF.RRY ROOT, Wbiab hijb.y approved a-id Papalar R-anedte*. TOCXTtll* WITH The I piv-rutv'* lo. COMPLAINTS OF T.1E Ll^ '-C The rniverakry'a Kcr=-dv S-r DY-I"i'-IA OR INDIti .SlMN. 1 e t.-. »r«.'y « R, u.e.1. < ODSjTIVl Bowl i.s. BsVBB Tke t^IVERilTV'S ALMANAC any be ba-i. »t . \c Blanch D»; -, n*ary, or Ihore of C H. RINO John « B.asiwav N. Y. « I H KEN*.K A tat, N0. «t bare ay¦<. 54 S DUN'IAM. 476 Utoadwey. .Mra tUYS, firix-kiya. DR. PERRY ¦ VERMIFUGE. Or. " Dead Shot" for Worm*. A highly valuable prepay .it ct.cpiU' from th* pr-jmpotuje of it* of cim-ing the *y*t>m in ¦ few bctus if every worm. Thi* preperetSoo B*» the pecu.ler edveaiatre of not jtJy d-*tr t ri-y worm. be« elao uf prod Lang e baeRaj ecti-.u of the ttoo-arh and other or MM of digeetioa. then by mai.v complaint* en «ine fr n, a C- r*:.g*m. l: I the ..< .:e*:.i P.- e Z ,e-.:a per rial. Fotialeby A. R. A D SAN IS No. ICO KoJton. c «nv-r tVuiiam et. L'Oh THEPIl.ES-^»lt7XTl'llAM S KLECTT7- m. AKT en irtrrna. remedy i* a certain eure for 'hie diarr*.** irr end danrrrne oompleint. For avrme of the mar ertonientne curve **e pamphlet*, to be bed et the Doe'of' medical "ft. e tot eonenltetioo and 'dalre. No SB7 «Rr.-«*., W door from the Birer en between hcwery an! Broadway. 'A Til .T) <. ir *-» ned era-.* a e .».<. t C my i^/jr-t :ery which hee recently made >te appeareacc ha tea city, ^Tne genuine bee my ntneture on the ontende wrap? t written by me with a pen The e nnter-u: hee a petn ed far .'.mi e cf my rigrero.-e end le aery eeauy duunereiebei from thr eer.nire. The r. untetfe t prove* to be e n only arsrtnleee bet ebeclo'eiy Injuriou*. We particular therefore and aec ibet foe ret tbe g'liume. which car. be obtevmed at the prophe-or'iomca No. 387 «ib et.Sd door frctr Boar-ry. be-ween Bjw-ry ana* broedwey. end cf C V. Ci.ct.jner k ( o., No. 11 Barr ley-at. GREATEST MEDICAL DliBCOVERI of the AOF.' Mr. KENNEDY, of Roxnury. baa di»en*ered in en* "* »n mein paefnre-weeda. a r meoy :hU care* E»E~Y KIND <t *" MOR (n«a* tA» arort' Bmmfmm aweie fe oca****"* /'i«t>' He be* med tr ineover e.eren hundred ea*-»«. eia never tel.ed exeey.* tn two re.*.-*, both thunder humor. H- baa now m hie Batata over two hu»d-ed »niieatee of tu «eine, ail w.tzis twenty milei of Poeton. Two bo-tie* are weTen'*^. to rtjee a nnr«mr «or* na .ath. One to three bottle* erhi oure the wont hind of pimple* lb* fere. 1 wo er three bottle* wui eat »r the .y-em f bi'ea. Two bottle* er« warranted to cure the wo ret canker in the south and atomech. Three to five bottle* are warranted to due the wont caee of ervalpelee. Ote or two bottle* are warranted to core all humor In the .ye*. Ten bottle* are w*- tr.:-.! to * ..» rli.i..i.i V.« ear* ard bi .tcli»* un..t| thi hai;. r r or to U.U..* are warranted to cere eoirnp' and runnin| s One bottle will core *eely crept ion* of the tana. 7w o: tbre* bottir* ate werrae'rd Ui cure the wore* eeae of ringworm '1 wo oi three bottle* are warranted to care the moat deaperata ea*e of il enmatiera. Three to tour l,..r'lea are warranted to cure aa trbennt. Five to eight bottlee will cure the wnrat ceae of ecrofub*. A benet.t i* el«-e_ve ipeneneed from 'he SaM bot: e, et.d a per¬ fect cur' i* ». arranted when the ebore quantity 1* taken S' thing look* »o traprobeble to tbo»e who hare in rain crvi all the wonde.tul med.'-lue» cf the day, a* (ha° a common weed grceir.g cri the pa*turr* and alont old atone-well*, ehou.d car* every hurr.or m the «y«* -^i. ytt Hue fixed Let- It you bare e humor, i: Bat 'o rtert lentfl ere no if* nur an.le. hum* nor be'* about it. fuitiog ei me cere*, lut not your*. I peddled over * thou*end hoUh . cf it la U-e ncmi.y of Botton. I knew the ef¬ fect* cf it in every caee. It ha* a'reedy <L>ne eotoe of the greet- e»t careatttrdt.t.1 in .'!» a. bw 'U *at. it t, ten a rear old, to olJ penn'» of aixty. I bate aeen p<a>r, puny, wormy locking chi.iln u. wL'av- (le»h we* *..(! and Cabbv. reetored to a perfect »täte f by one bottle To iBoae wbo ere am jer t to e *o k heao»ciie i*. »«t.« wto elway* etna it It ri'e. »r. v r--ief in catarrh and diaaineaa Some mho have i*ken it ii«ve be. n "«tiv h i year* an htve been regulated by iL U here the body if aouud It work» quite ea*y. but where there ia any derangearrent ol the fanctijo* of nature, it will ceu*e t rry unguter feeing*, lent yon mutt not be elamied; they e'wey* disappear fr.«i four deyr to e weeA Ih'r. i* never e v. . tr :n it; ot the Contrary, when thai feeling g.-n*. yco will feel yoanelf IiLj anew person. I heard eomr of the gaoet extrevegent encim:uin* | f it that eve* mac .i**rn'd to * I...¦ d ar iiON at.i» KENNEDY. No. »u» v. -. It . .rt, Jltra Price tjj|. \\ bot» *:.'. /.g i t f i New-York: C. *. CLICKENEk a t;o. No. 81 B, nlay at.. CHAitUM 11. T.INO. Ne. Ur.-vlwav, A. B. A D. SANDS. N HI w, .....:. M MtSH dr.vis ft Co., Nn ISO Ote.uv.Kh- f_. St HIEPKELIN. BROS, a Co. ITtiW ... n. *t.; llOi Da I'Al'l .C anile r* -t U KU > \ C... HI I ra. Hu.- t. M. 1.1.¦ St iN IK 111 11 INS a To.. No. Maiden- lane, HAVH.AND. HAaULAL A RISLEY, Wen-n*t.; W Altn i lose «i Cm.. Maiden-lane; Me*. HAYS, Brooklynj .t,.i for aal* al r»Uii b* all re.,.. tÄi.,e llr.^^aWt u.'^'U'- <r 'ihr Onion. \\ BI8K1 RS oi MUS A !HES proiaeei In VI eix w< rk* by mi ON'IL EST, which will act atain our In iure:be*klo. 91 a bo't e. Seat to er.y part of the conn rt. H (). ÜHAIiAM. No. Mti Bro*d-.vey; SPALDINO No. 21 Tre mi nt-row Botoc; BltlOitS. No. 37 Stat '-«t., Albany. AT . SURROGATE'* COURT, licl.l inanlf.r the Ci.untv cf New-York et the Surrogate'« OfUe, in the Cell of New-York on w I'ab .lev ..f lui*. in pba y. ar U*a i- eab.l eight ht.n.ired eel rifiy-five.preaent Aleian-ler W. Rrevl- f.Til. .- on..gate.- In the out'tar of 'he eppoeatn.n I t m i. lr**e or Ball the rt al tatata of Bll. lil*>AH cn*ed..Oo readme and füiri* toe petit, a of lOHNPäAISKR, tbe Armi'i*trr.|or i f ib.- e-ta'e ..( BALTHASAR h AlSER, lele of fbe CBy of New-York, deceaaad, for ea'hontt to tnnrt- gere. Iraee or eel! the re*i eetete ot the eeid deeee*-d fo* tae I eyn ent of bi» d* l-t» it i* rr if red that a'i pert tjg r.tert * ed in tbe eeta'e of the eaid Beltbeesr Kai«' r. deeeeaed, epp er before .(,. .. ..... ff tmm I eLt, of New Ycrk, et hi* oft e. in'ha Cat] 'New Yirk.onth* 4th dav of September next, at 10 i'cIi ck 'n the forenifao of th*' .ley. then enl there ta »how cetie wby autlu nty ebot Id uot be r.veu to th.- «>id Admmi*- tietci to n cr'gege ireer m eell eo much f the real attate of the . aid Baitheier heart, rletearcd. a* alii b* at eveeeaty to pav h.« dtbla JjH IBwIwI A It lMlltmRr. flllajtlt I .N PUHS1 ANt I. nnliT nl tl.f Mirr..i;afi> uf M the Ci'tinty of New York not c-i. hereby given to all re-r- aona b*ving elalina ageintt JAIOII RDCRRX, late of the < i'y of New Nork, deeea.- il. to pre*, m the earne, wi'hv. . thert of. to tbe iubeeiiher», et 'heir place of bti'inea*. No. 83 6th ev., or at No. 77 M**t0B Rwn^ln the Ci'y ot New-York, on or baf re ti e .aoh day of October'next..Deted New York, the lAthday ot Apiil. IkAö. SAMUEL RI't'REL. 1 .rf.n.. o..,._ aMlewfniS« Ck RLS Ii L< n lit EL. 1 .* IN I ÜRSUANCE Of II nnliT ot ÜM Surr.«.' it* M aftl't » i.btv efXew-York. n.ate. .. her I.. ... .. t. ill pemna having claim* agaiuet FREDriRH K A. (.EiOIkRD, ia'*' of the I i'y of .New-York decea*e.l. pre*erit the*t w lb vonc.irr. thrrei I.'o'he rub-rnte r«. a toe other ot E- .1 A S.nytt r. No. 8? Bn edwey, in the Crv of New-Tetk, on or be¬ fore tbe tenth dey of AuguetnelL Deteo New-Yo:k,thrcigtith daj- of Eebruery, 18VV iA.MES S. SLI'YTER, I ,... . lOf lawhmS MAROAR ET U.i.En rl ARD. * AtoinurtratorB. IN 1 URSUANCE of an nr.lfr of the Surrn.a'r J iftaaCeajBf] .f n w\,.tk. l it * pet*, i>» hat .eg c.aiu.i' A MES M. Sill: LE a f i ity of Nt w-Yoik. .1. c a*. J. to |.r. «.c law eaafea, wiib vefefawWB ti t it to tbe au'aani't re at the . ." of I) or»e H. K .««. No. IK' l*t-*t.. in Üie li vof New York.onoi bebre lie l.*b dev of Aaguei nexU.Defe.l'New York,'he9thdav of Feb. l«JtV OEORGE H. ROSS, A im.;.v.rat.te frlonwf.mS MARY McRORLRT, Admiai-tra na. I N I ncslANl I! of tn order of the SnrroKtto of R the ("onrtv of New-York n. trcr le hereby gives to ell per ei ne bevir.g c iitt.i egetcet MAHLoN DAT,UM f the City of N.v> York, d.r.«**cl la pre* Lt the **me. eVteal * nähere thereof, to the eut*mb*r*. at tha etore uf AK KAU AM B. SANDS, No. 141 William et., in the City of Nuw-Ynrk on or before tbe eigh'b dev cf Jauoary ueet..Dated New-Ytik. tha .ix.b J»v cf Ju.v. Ikan, ED « ARD M. DtY. ) ABRAHAM B .SANDS jEeeentor*. .jTliatail W ILLIAM r TIII RmTON, Jb.. » JN I URSUANCE of RR of thf Snrri.i.'atia uf the County of New-York notice te hereby g-ven to * ;er a i . I «t i s tmm* egeiret JOHM MRADT, iete ot the City of bew-Yrrk. ri-c-aied. to rrefBt the tern- with vouchare ;-.-.-* of. to the enlect ber* et Lie rfafldeuce. No. 133 Mu.beri).«'-.. ;u tr- CK] ( f New Y'ork on it tetorethe btb dey cf Jenueuy ceet. -DeteJ New Y^ik tl til- dav of J t. -'. jy7 le«6mS FRANC IS BRADY Ad ti ma ralor IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Surro^nte of the i oui.fy of New-Y'ork, nwiee i* hereby giren to ail peteon* having rleime again-1 JOHN i l.ll.vE, la'e of the City of New Y t rk d-. eaee.l . pre», nf th-»em» rrh v i :.-r* .hereof tu tue euh*crit*>r e' tbe orHee of Bel. A I'.*. E-;a. No. HJcJkBat..kBtkatCRy f New York,i ¦ or before the A b day tf November Bei'.-'Dated New Y.ak. the Dth d*v of May llvoA [n ylV levttJn .-( WILLIAM B. 1'EE.N t.t IN 1 URSUANl E uf an order .! the Surroiiate A of the Cuutv of New Y'ork n. tice ia h reby given to all betine rleime egeinet JOHN WITTEN ate the ( it v i f New Yolk deereatd lo pteeent tb* *ame. with tooeh- er*'thereof to 'he *ut*e*riber, at tbe office of Barney Humtbiey A But et No. Ill Bi..aiway. in the CPy of Naw V. rk. cn or before tbe tbirte-n'h (Uy mi Aaguetnext . Detrd New tk. the yth r!*v of FebiBary. lANi fell levttn.S EL IK Wilt't N I *.¦:.:-.!.'ra";i. SI TRE M1. CorRT-Citt and Cotititi of New- Yik. RAMURL It CHILRM feai William R ROW- LAND, exec state of the la*' will and '.¦.lament of Heana \V O.i .'..dece*ve«l.*geit.-t THOM AS HV.IB iNiiTtiN end MART C. hit wife, A W aiien Sudth. Jama* McDoateab aetd Ana. hi* wife. I ati*k A Btiwen end Atoa, hie wife, iioretio Mey anJ Mat! a. l i* w.te. cit.»h en i E ea T Oroah, hie w.fe. (it.igt R. Biopby end the Roman Celboiic Oip an iaylamiu tie (itvo' Sew Y ra. Sumrrona for Relief (Cuei mvierv-il. To the oefeooent* aleere named. Yon are hereby *ummoned end required to anewer tbe complrint m thi* actv-u wh'c i* filed in BM Crttce ot the ( erk ot ur I :ty end i ountv if New Yoik.atlbelity HalLmeaid titvt: o -erve e copy of youi er.wer'o'he "aid comjKStii'on ti- ib c ther, at b:e ifR.e »I bo. ii t bun. be.a at. in eaii city, witbm twenty iaye ef eervice if' hi* eturmcn* can yoa, eaclueive of'be day of auch *er vice; and if you fail to anewer the etiJ romp.alnt (rttbia tha t:u.t efo.'ff Jio, Le \ li :i fla in tbi« acOon will *pp:y to th* Coaert f r the relief demttJeo In the e*Jmplau»t. The *e»l complaint we* filed ik the »aid office a' the >aid Ciry He.1. on 'he ^rmrn- teetrth dey f Apnl. one lboai*ewd a-itbr hun.tre-1 art' Sf»y-fi»e. Dared April 17. leAS. PHILIP MILSPAt i. I ivUlewlCwS* Pleinfiff*'A t. rjaj N i. Oaeneera-et. CUPR1 ME 0 >U1 T Ci'imtv ..f 8 O kOY vi. (. ROSSfagatnat 0EOR0E RuSS. -To \he *b t named dttit lakTl sa.-v u e.-e iaia> . am nad V> aaewv tkt c n:;latt in thi* ertion whic'' .a a ed May M, IMV the otfite of the Clerk !'Sul.'.tae " . M .-i.el N. Y and arrre e ropy al your eaaeerer oa a.,- t iy office m Jefferav. t.lle. an eeiil cicty, within t*. ulv na... mm t'»-' etrvloe af BB a u.mei * . l, 1 ..> t .».. f *utb eer»»te. and if you fa f. ai.awer the!atM a* aforaavaid. tbe piaautilf wul i«k ji ,.gn act foi the *um til one hand ed *.. . ar*l .Date le.a .7 I1AAC A ailr 11 > < j*> C law. wS A'i rcey Rai ?lt* eaJCI \i) Ml. ' IUI 1 CeMIRtJ Si tfRO.- C WILLIAM H ( l RTL- kM - 1. CURTIa OEOROF ROSS, "e tae, ekvvr^aaaeaai d«iVad*c' Sar-Yra . r- ketily taaiuett t* an*» r be coto w w.. . < V .* JS. I K, in tbe eteace tf th Cie.-k 'Rar bveb Coatty at M u cello. N. Y.. axel eerteac'Df I vo»er ti tear ot b e at my oMee in JeRer* avil'e. in said C m f t, m,t' t twa o'v iaii ef er be asm. e of tLe* aaxoBaaaeje. etc earve f tLe dav ut «i ». vtCe ol f v. i. e to -. p'titt a* »forv**i*t ti e Pt* .Lttff will lake laeUme it f tr th-a*j u «f.* i .n<ii«d aevi ä. y-«ix o.Niat* and If *-l*w eatkte, vaiai Mav SK, |H\ ISA AC ANDERSON ,.»awS Aitoraey f »r F tJ«. Baak I partmbrt, Srert or Nrw Yoaa.j AlBtBT lula ii. MR » THE RANK OF COPNTNG hat thia day filed. V lM- ri .. . e ot 1r *n .* ¦' : r '' MERCUL IaRR C F TROY '.a the ry "f T*>1. M Aa-nt fr 'be r- '. m|' ', 'rar r -u.a'. .* n 'lev atetb * » -.' ee-bno'th ap, oibtut at of TH «*ECH aN OHrllDI- t RS' BANK ot albaay a* *a-h Aayen'. agr 'BeM* ^ .,,**' ut ed " An BtJ tai emea.l be vrrel et 'e rel\tujg to loeoeri a-tt- ed Pack*. Baaki: g A*» eutb»*abd i»aiv.da*l Be .kera "pa*-*. Aptün, 1UL M. eCHOONMAREH. SupctieaeWeot. THE ANGEL. Wmmw HeotKcU HVril .JTht itSorjId'-t thou fear the ancel. Death. Who wait* thee at the p tais of the «Atta, aVsvdy to lie* away thy prrn.-.'linr- breath Ready witii pnuit Band to clot* thiue »'ye*. How raai.r a trat .,a ....! La- |i-h .! »»»., FImJ ir'adiy from fierce p lin ati.l pl-asunvs dim. To the ettn al spleMlor of the dav, A tin many a troubled heart ati.l call* for htm. Write too t. r.itf r fur the battle re Have »nru'd frum life, us bop.1*. Iva fear*), it* oLairna, Aid ' lildrvD. »hnd<t< rui* at a world so drear. Have, emiiittr, par* d away in'o Lie arms. He whom thou fVan'-t will, to ease it* pain. F.ay hi* eld band upon t.'.v a. n_- heju': S5 i ».»othe tl'O "errorr of twf tronbr>*d brain, Ami bid the shadow of earth's k,rief dt-'pa/w He will tnve bark what ne at*, r time, nor tnisrht, Nor paeaionate [.'.ayer, >>r lotuiiii; hope r»>tore, .Dear ar to lout bl.n.i . >e» cover'.' Hi- will pivo bark the*.' wh" have ifobe before. 0, what »ere !ife, if |.f.» w*rv all f Thioe eye*». Are blinded by th tr tears, or thoo would at soe Tl.:- treasures watt the ill the far-oil" skies. And Deat/i, thy friend, will ,;ive th. m all to thee. ABOUT BABIES. From Putnam t AfoalA.'* for Augtut. "They have Ml np considerable of a baby next door," aaid my frit-: 1. who wasabaehelor, a* ha eatn»» in one eTeuitii: to talk with Lue, in thoex- _'ow day<, v. t.en nn l had tiivie to talk. " Blera BM I -aid. and that wan all I «aid, for it doomed to me i? Lad t een notie in uti incredibly short spare of time. As I eabftidt d it to my 'hou.hts, Parti subsided into his ei^ar, and we did very well. I coutite.1 bac«. the n.otitha my neighbor, a determined fell >w, a car¬ penter, and his new wife, equally brave had nr> ved into the next door, and I RaM tha* i wae a year older Li w thin th'-n. and that th-re was a new' crea'ioti which I had knowu noiliing about til! my friend Ltd aaid "they have pot up consiib-rtble of a baby next door (" Hi- ppoiteof it very lightly, a* a vodh«; man mit,ht,ai>d smoked on. wtitle I tt*otig'it of it aa a tnau a ho " had had Umm)m should, and who poudcrtd < u- !i thingo. I waa old. Indeed, my wife had charged that my bnioi.cer tiit reai-ed out of pro- union to my wi* io.n, which ii.i^ht mil lend ton diff'n-ii.-e of opinion be!..;.!. l> t tr..i*e word*. .. they have np a baby,' fame back 'o iw, and they s-t-med t'i 1110 loniMaw^an I WtTsMawa] WmmVmmt WtJ n.'igb- 1 ore had i-n r n Ii' eta*j u;-in «hat thry ba<l Jone: for I wea eOP', HB I now reim tub.n d wn. 'i I w*e \ outlet, I had t.ot; lor i looked upon my Rob a< a Baal rot ictir-e.ui.i t' lie raun', bu* uot when he loft . may God keep hia rout! and now a new ehil 1 o^iened tu tue the patee of the pant tin! of tho fut in'. The littlenebulou», pnlpy, utirhnpiu thinp, led me by the hand back.bnek int* the di'n nvion when' m iry bail no pla. t-: w> eu I lay, an now Uie ne* baby in the j ntxt lioure lav, ualpiteiin/ with new lift) and light; rtiikii't: out l iiiidiy wi'h my -mall hV», nml ^riwi ittir a ut inietj t-Iindtuvs, whiih hovered trouud iw tii-it, r. t-iu 'o i.ow.i und aUay* ».-a,** I. I r. rl. 11 at euch imee, how I tnurhtbave be' uchp.tlod or illei iim tl, -r ii fool,i n<l my panjntr.dimiler've.l (lihl " 2" 1 laae, aini rü. riti. ed uie to tin- d- of tlriiiK, or any iil-re-.ulnte.i auibitiona and | n«-iixin. in whieh 'To vif* iiidnlpi-. It i* trilf 1 aan a littlo kniM .-kne.-d and have a stoop, bot 1 eon-i ier thmo are aristvietialifl, and |k rtniti 'o oi l, h, et.), if ii.e in;,i Mi*; and eo [aVaTaWh rovM-lf for the wt.nt of that etur ly aVlwatfth whieh hovtie iiImiiii tlie low-l.uiiiili a mid »hiH'kn *U» *». .rt- Oitnt of tatty voting l.-nii. .. I!y jiu^o,' one of our t.-illt tt nU'i «|mkiu:> -l ln>\-tt-' to-ay. who f;;i I a le_' aa mVfO an a devi nt ttian'e ami and an lo k| aa a rtork s, by jitt.o. there e no tine'aKin^ tiiat Ithj]. Ii loi n*U> (VlP ehttll '" und unit did. and I a'ii dav) )wük ot Inn ttithi r'a eon; f>r tbe head matched the > mm. and waa like the hird'a, BM Ii lull and ii-lie br'inn. Jh.ite i.oi etu'l.t d anatomy, nnd eo I may be wr bill ae hja fee' II» ver ifii-w, i, we.e very tiirrocv mi rniall. even whi n he not to bo old eiiou.'h'to vote, bjbjJ »i,« »hat i- ul ed « ihm ii. rn> onelu-..iii le th t: tin' blood never uot all the way 'town thoe>- loinf leg«, but w 11- .-pell' .ibetlt the kne - wbii'.'i were very I'ir.'e, of touive. Hut tb'm' two le,.m mn* to Con^iive, and one vote in favoi of tie! Nebroeka bill, an i tlicn di-h| | . «ied lot' ». r \5 l.iK-vir aill iti 'lowu to Seven'h-at or Sixth-.t,. or into 'he Kouith W Ud, »nywl ere iini ni^ tin- te;n-.n -:r Loumb, and toward evenioi; »titeb die ehildr- n Bika iwarui there, ami notiee how 'nany BM »vuii, an t ho*/ here ainl th« re i-1 a eru ch, at a club foot, or a wiato.1 neee, or a bleated Ojo, hit. heart will treiiilile- wrJi re . ti-- but it will aUo i ip.iud with tliaiikearjriag that hm lurih and hojhood mmm) nut there; und he will go ht>n.e, ne I do, md ^'o out in hia yard and hold up hie Ina<t nml atratahteii hm back, Hin' mi ig a'iout bin ftittie, ami lump In* Io.-h ii.-ei .-. joy I.e-i-.-Jf, und hu Mttjihlore will rn\, " hue th.--i ul UTttl world, wbicti Lap lunar iiifluene-e a d lu.n e, gravity, and m'at a aa ite "ti". mid ia aV lieeted at the [Kilea, ever Been eo ijuetr a Blüht '' L*-t tU'Ui, oh! man; but do you enjoy your line b'.«') ai d work wed lor ite ealv tin i. Hut Walkn » new baby waa born in Mindi, and that I did not thete waa an impropriety in it. the reason war- ot fi'.it waa rude anti UaMaTeHaW. VTtoO, the li'iie-birde on the 1 ttb of Kebruary, f n tnat le \ aki.tii.e a day, nnd the nroina of the love le'terti eott'i " tl .. air, mi that tl.'He blue birda ¦. in nunf d, tut U.e loth tiny of .Mirch ia nobo-ly h day, and I tno*r of t, win. I: kIkiUM mttke It 'l -ie-lid tie d <>' '" I " h.itu in, m. 1 wt nl'i tiot odvi-e it, hut u.* it w.ia uiv 11»ti* iii^itl"' * ti'-' bal.v, -he infill w.ll overlook thi m thiittre, whieh a person <d exp-'rieiiee w mid cou- sn er. I a ou'<l be boru in I tin. .I, t.n ate - _-! . a inolith, so lull of prom lav; whi n tlie bloe-o tiH ure ahow- ii.ji forth their l.i.iuty, ami every bird mid every in- seet, aril i oi in to ii> w life, ia rioting in tiW.a>-tS and lii-kuj^ out iteeoul; when tlx- bre» iy landscape ep.cid out babta you, Ilk jow heart with lonaitii ton your e>e with tean>. when the hills, lymp in their hazo of tl cr, batlied ar it were with eofieued sunshine, t arry peat* to the over-aoiked mind; ar mm IM tmmWt r aea, ÜMMch the iMg sohjrioe, rata>rMlaM fj iriee of the sun and r-ky. nno ar» taiy kimts the rou^h r... ks, au 1 muni.ur- ul IM It.Imite, then.tbeu is tbe t. u»» to Ijc born, am! tl;.*e who read fhrfataBBI nnd have faith in nie. vi .ii hen nit. r inemb r this, and be> gtataM by it, and mi do (he va.. rI<t -nine aervicu. I l.n.k of the i la ;ire« ahi.-h will be dOirueiriMtyed on that si.btle brain when the blue eye flr«' OfmYt aii.ewiih a-omler upon a .lu n-1 euii.nt and, a* if itnutieo with tbe beauty of tn*wau<l »fritse and -ky and river, of l.i'tl ainl blo-rotn, iheey.a atat mgmmt in a Ion. sh'uiVit r, BL.l all that vision m a.«eituiU ed au 1 ko« s l oursinp through the veins, a* any otie may *».«> abo wati hi s as mothers do. IN ho «up;h>*e»i tbtt <neii a Ci>t f ia^bt is ever forpottea or lost I.not Puiuam - Lot I. Tl ink bow full of sunshine a little life miatht be which f.I>t felt the ilitjue. r-1> of tke genial June eilU, and breathed into its Innterfeet lun/s, first breitns f oui air ee» nted With apple b aawtMB, mtlmmt bhaxs and i Ii in *.tliii.k 1 ow tlluiia.'!- would expHiid aud gtwW in srch life-, ivini.'air, and b'n-o.iw. full, r» teeona t aim voeavl witt.inu*.0; for a moment whtt a uti^' |a how they te.ei bmmm |MlfBCl every par:!<. >. of he bloixl wl ieb cours. a'hro. ^'b the blue veins and blusbea on tie che» k of your, *>i;l,..ut them Liul >ot,'»ir», ai d 1'nrndun would bave be- n e immoa, feeble Wi wiJt Ihem 'hey eu ra "ed the worn' '.think of there thiiif, E. S.. an.) rt-ineinber how few -erwt.s are bom ui Ju«.e, mm how tuauy in I »t-c» mbt-r, and ecast- to wo .wer kaa**«r v Uie piping voi. ir. MM faces, small fee* early .jeaths of this I feLeration. Tb»- wottd doea move, as ore Galileo one said.and I I nottoi . ate now at. i then riAo- s>t; one sa- h is tuat a neu tan M "uly o^e mmrnt w-'ll, now a tud, r>)uud b ai. iiiii o «ryih.iic we.l |,\.. h ¦ tune e ou^b. a-id u.e one llll" tunt 1 MaM to Am '* Ml oake tu A mi- I tiac, eLd lor mSmt rer>. n U.-e -e I arint to novo Lad'.-Dav iVoDi th" .:'>'.h ..: H b Mi *ue Mfe 'ta*Jao»»; I take it I i-an put mv aWakka' » a where 1 please in u \ own A ti.aLu- Sww. so c Mar .n.'t-niti 1- d .ian | n ay say, "On t utthenLürii'maa ".oo'tr^iurenir .t!'' I I abc*.Ht eapert I- would Hat Cb- iat na* m r\% t. ;j,e S-.iL Decrmlfria tie ptN»^ tiuK.aad L i-lj-Dty will h' r kbt w.' en 1 ttiineiu) Al ii'iiv'. The baby is an animal, atwi «nouH aiat'i'y '«s treat- I ed aa en. b; hot i' is an animal in whumi lies ml ten a MaOtatl SOUl. DaUaM 'he tilB' per.») i' «!>->»<; yet th*- .erm bevii»<o act»»' I. -ending throc.-h that liv n/ yet i|L*e or^ntiirrjj thaatw- mtilt.^ii« i ti-.l 11 "UV nerveB wl ;tt, are tn a s'-rt the rjut* of tbe soul. Miti-ew, d>o> and va, m MM mi (M «;*tit, a.i-1 as the inrtK-r ai's wa'chiui she see* a aa.pic:o.i of saiTi-n'tii poi I aw«y, bb*J a Umlaftit lieh:, alinoat a SJUke, pltf ovrcr the Li eo. rcioas fa< < hk *h>- sunshine which chasee law -laV ows* tl.'>- IwaaaaW ( Ivl i. 1 t.r . aby is an atitiuai. an-i so the c ikl shoald be¬ st .;« OeVollOti. Ob the whole, B o iwi lie to it body. WhrL»\er uiu see smartebitd'en, orstQd.ou* ''hddren. or pious 1 laldrt-n M aure th:it sotnetl.tng is wnniL', and ..ot aetpLf they nie early, Uiey wouH <row j op spindlii and wee.|y. Look oat for, and bolJ last b> Ogooal rolli. Vi'ier' Gewrew arl.thv do* a cot care a tnati for its mind or it* s-ial art's 1 lo-Lea, I at bar a keen *? nae of the oaxevwity of fre- qaeLf t ioD»ra, ann lore- naps, and ia a true **y >afit" j at d is not aa1 am eu of t. It r w, i, u> reu- uiU-r that th.; owe' pcr'at" cfat'ire, tbe laW of all c-ei. ur-s, In Q*f*eDe* is the m'»si t.-l;i- I Mas, and .hia he pUaruea* him to «ifjroweb*' aji J to drtr: for what we help we lore, *n 1, in lire, who¬ ever **fk* happinese tiiwle it only in helping otlV*re. It hat been thr fashion to despire too it til wrot'ir, and every eree*! slioul 1 btvtn <*''-h Juti*** to it, Apam, beanty bis been thornjht to be exceptional, a tort of Beam trifl <>f it »11 wrong: for beaut v if the normal conditio«, and b<-anty and health are *v r:on» n out, and jntt .<> far at we re-tore marakiud to a'codlik' condition ot healib, we b.-i.ia: bock toaaatrth tbe beau'v of the t'ltrein. and so aave hau<i*orae w«. met fioffi tailing into utttr folly, aihi h*tid*i a- tuen f.-«m Fe'.isnitni or ted worabip, winch it.-dev..- orthip. lint tlx- new bahv v*t'. door impre**ee<l rue; au 1 the SwidinboMian* would -ay *?.a: wat an in- flux. I topioe for they always do. and aeeui to hare irrt »f tAtiafactn .i ui cil W' oi<i tlnn-gi Bf, a im w rvaioa; *a> I went up -'aim and put tnv ear to the wail and litti Ltd ff. irt aouiMi: Im' I uould uot h> ar. on.y feel it; thru I wunder»d what it w**>.a r>oy I a bJW what ' and tr,.-n I laiii»».ed aoftjy; fori rena»mb*r»*i h«»w Ba-tioy Mcl»earv came Lack fm ti h:urei«tii**r in Knatltiid. and a neighbor met him and taid. io an ex¬ cited «ii: ¦. Sur». row, Mü-threat Marlory hat a b.tby .'Ah, row. John.not the stud Hartley, turpri-e.1. and a littlo f-laied. " Yft; but what do von think H ia?" TI i* waa an uiiexiari "ed 'ju-«-'ion, and eaii«i\i per plrxity. ..Oucrt, now," taid John. ..\Vtl;-a by. '. Gurr* ac'-n,' taid John, enjoying hit ignorance, "pneaa a*.in.' " Muybe a nirl, ti en." . Ovh." said John, much dii*eoneertod. "Och, ye naeer. somebody tonld ye. ' He had |k»o«'t»»«-.| ro ini{>or'.aot a fact in two ^uettea; I would not vijjture upon W alker * new baby m that way, and rrturm-d to th" ..>¦¦<¦¦ :i,.' i -.*rc,K arner» Co:;!! get a brtatn of Pauls ci^ar. If I ever should rueer*>it in iteMing a ^'reat deal more money than my *hari I until to hire a atout Herman boy, who d"Ca not can- to live long, to burn a Irfle toSaceo for mo, for itt frapraiue. in tbe B**t**MB of jeaaaminoa and vio¬ lett, it a re.itf *o the monotony a/ the afreet air; but, at preaent, I mutt troat to cane* and Haul. I sup pose it is not ehaLce; but it teems to he altogether to, whetLer a child ia a boy or a tiri. Wo have no knowledgt of tbe law. and, then f>re, have no tmmXt J over the reau'tt. Tina I have reason to nvret, for o k? of my uncles had nine daughters ranging from rive t . fifty; and it wan my miidortut e to have to kia* them a ,i, ,,r.e da;. ..%. al .>uM do ... w a au priaa' to him, for be raid: "What » devil of .i tello-v you av for kitaini:'" And I tl.otit'ht .'What a devil of a fel¬ low _\ou are for daucht. re' ' I h*vo no d.oiht he rt- (rretled the one aa much na I did the 0 betr. B'l 1 trooid not have liea-un nad he known 'ire end. aa I would no*. I venture, therefore, 'o etil tho a'f" of etnme.;t pbyatoloi;iata to r? it* p..inf. for. in n,..!».> onya, wli.n r. iei co ra: -in k- -I . »otld im.) the w if« re, a n. .v :. 1 for i x, (oration w ill U' re. . iv. .1 wi h tlmuafalueat, and tdieaa of plare mav be tmr-ented to me and I'uruain, for whiih. in .nivain-e. I rendi r our rhankt. Mre. Walker * hahy no' only led me into the dim- d pn t. iv!.!--, iti,. uiemur) of «ro.xl aud pie ttan' thiii-avt thoin- out l.kc white miK-rtoiioa hc e and the.t a.onii the way and ex. ited in me a lovu for t\w pi-.*'. Ml li a\i|i;.|iihy with tlliac ynuu^ reaturea, one of which I have faith to ba-lia-ve i ou. e wna.ilio.i^n tew mt^h' la." lereurul'd of it( mmmt h.aar irrnuiititled ami edgy I have conic to be in the jar and no'ion of thif city.bou*!ering fir wealth: it not o.dy did (hki I (if I knew whe'.liirit waa a bov OfaVgid I should not epaak of it, an it . hut if mad" me poml-r upon the pientii, Hinl a th'nie of ta-^rv:, I tlimk, p-itae.i over my kiiuI, t' at 1 too, who had hi en *<> full ol (»naibili- tu a, had yet come to ao r:iiall a -Kirfonuance. ilnn I ten.! ndia led Low the hat'» fill tkea-peare, a little u'-i«u- louH mare, witti here and 'r.erc n spot of li,hr, had atato LvpTtred about Warwickahire, and 1ml dnnvii from the I rcafli of ntitnro tuen ricl.ueaa* au I ra li laVCO, ami lim! rotiudaii into a boy under that vniled rky.andhdd uxiiuihitcd evcryihii,*r good und gnatl Hici J li arai.t «ti"-uli'iie, ao that he lilii;*. ll iMine to n -i r: iiitcriK'ntin. Vet, when he ^nt launched into lea orl'i' hewrta a jaior player enou.'li, M4 a I titll ttar, but he on tv the ct<nml ataia do, adentlr, nmait.j BO WbiarB, hu' fonrver working, and tnnun' mi the world Uii'oiitih nil Hina>; and we ye gt-o Ilia li^ht, while the tnr m.d tinder ro. Kc'a. !vin,t, popeB, and central*, hate tliithed out a :d Hi vatnr<ti"d. 8o, too, I thoti^'i.t of the poor peaeant l»aby Uo'iiu. who to led al.otit ..ti the I'Uid but t lean tloor of that Scotch b> th e, anil Icttiti»-«! ot m tn and land at he iiiild; but the Wim ows of hit an) ,1 .v. i. open, to that the liu'ht «treamed in ami a wept ttio tintii»'", and foith came melrel.ea whieli neith r I nor tin Woil.l . oul.I ilo without, je' he, too .¦..¦m.d " biuirt if to buve pnant d away aatl h it no aign. And ( ii ti.wnl, too, l.ort, in l.iueoltialiirtu.-vhat a haliy he wa>; NnOf, jetBOttkUkti pulpy an an^, a *fj loved 'iy a moih'r and eliriat« ii>-l On vor, with lou±r, white loll . r juat like aiioth. r chil l.liow li iroua he Knew, ami how eiidtirino, aim how doinaf and dinu^! Yet he eh aa d l it eye» kmin in-' tha' BaylM t, for w lndi he hud o ce hoped to much, wouhl re'urn to ita kin -a Baal tin i. oia. and wallow in dc.r t>la ion tut it had tie- foie. I thought of many mote, a lon^ litt of *or*infr- BMBI and 1*1 ti crowda of wottny te lo*a whoao BMtOI I bud never In nrd, and 1 tai l, but not aloud, to Caul: " I'hi ip.I'liiiip Wally*, you were a baby onee, hut Notiar.-a kinnfti now, and it'a yoar butim aa to thii k ifoivl thou^'lita and tpttik i»ood worda, and do (jood died*, nod to -ho»- hor«a:a. no v you may beliovo that you ouuht to apeak in a foi u n, but you havo i... etotjaak in: you may think you ou^ht to ah ape na lout, but it ia not. you are to nhape, not Coiirtiiiu- tiont. I.'t rui li 'hi iv a i.o and do well the work .it b&i.d. and apt ak a goial word to Walk'-r w hen yon can, Ai d e"jo\ i..ur ^....,i thought.'', and n un BktM r '.hero m a (Sod, and a loni» bereft and plen'y of 'im»s No*, Unlip, jou dot. t ^et druiik, and a Rood many it li.i ii at \\ arlai itton do. You don t cat, 'did yo l tin', though, slight that iihoe to aav when yO*J IM in n hurrj ')but ra b un» in Wall at. do you ihm t tw»;- iV't with vamty, Fhiiip except on rare oeeatiouia, yet at "i uV ^^--t OMtVJ do, ail th»'irttile, nii/htt too, on it is reported; and, above ail ttnn^a, l'lnlir, I hi.|o *OfJ i.on t lie, na poli'iciar.a do.for, if vou do, you will certainly »o tin- do,;* or.'li« devil.'' Hut thus kind ot telf eommuuiou, though very pleta- ai.t, ould not ba toi.tiiiue.l f-irilier with proii'., y. after it, I b. ii've I liked Paul befta-r thouxh did Mnohe and differ in oi.itnoii with me upou every i'ti- portant'a r ai.d 1 ihouacb* that, por-ihly, he w»* a really ch var tellow. in spite of hut «piiüngou my tloor, wl.n b, .juat then, he ilid. It tnurt have t een a nie.- thing to do, to cast the ho¬ roscope for a chili, to consuit the atar. and to practice tub.tie and myalic,¦aa-ua, and so endeavor to thape or indicntc the future our.e of ttia' no-a/ elitoe- lert tiling lhi-f *a* aometlini^ w«-ird a:: w in 1- rlHJ t:l.. ut *h .a: uicl f imala w.Ut 'heir chart* and their ahra.'6iia'>rtt*. and their towers and t'.iir vi^iit. 1 ibosld ''um!» have had mil e Ottrt, and I should <o to a (otlaiii' .. r now if Uie b'ec-d were not sunk ¦.«- Leuth couti iiipt. l'here was about aytroloirers the tau e i.esy way of gl tun*; aloiiK- Llicn- it ahout ths tiir.tnal Mtri* of to-day it BkaMO Qo tiud of diff rem e tht- thin^ kTM 0a1 to or not, it was >p>ritt ainI thai wa* enoiitrh. Si a. I sat there on my ttep I BaVwaUtt 1 »oulo eunt the horota Ojae of the tiatar ba'iy, ano I dn w a pa-n'u.'on, and 1 i;ot Sa ura Lato tha as tj nut. Btatj I mot iU Urn red do< and the whi'e laily, ai.d it secmcal Moxsvitu in o, position aad lurch.. lo«l p' BM lUl h ll.ti» I *as g.'tiufc ou very woli when I ro- n u.hurrd I did not know tie hour and the .niuuv when lie Lady was Btxtw, neither did I know wh tther it wi I a ho; or a *.irl, and -o all wi« OOtifuaaOtj «kfaiu. Vt 11 atoa pb a-oii' to me la thmk that the new lit le c i.iuro ii .ia. tat well U> otne a prhle aid a glory 10 tljo u.o her ti nt had bor;.e it, and a prop m 1 a-tay to tbe lotteriiie mmft oi tha' fair, ou spoken Waiaer. 1 00 Lot like to ion-. a>t ti e future wnii clou It of tor- row, and as 1 had »ritat i;oufide:ice in the father and mother ot iha: < h id ano at I know full well that, in BBH car** out of ten when children an ood it ut the 1 olsa qua no- of diaaeaaed, or btvi, or inju ik'iosit par.-nta, I bm lata« 'hat ti.e Lew hahy was a hkasiaig now, and wo'lo lea -atiafaeiion forever. 1 have a cunoua btioa>iKnw7, whnii it that thoa^h I i.r.. 11 i'.'it n 1 don r i,e. d t]i»m. and I th 11k 1 lite o'LiT p,cpl- a beater than my owu. I am not fond of d . ir < »-r» Bad ra-tp.*titibili'y, arid when 1 wat a young 1 had al oti.'-r peivon'a ' Xpenajiii e. A Very j ,dy F' aeu'leinvi waa in the auge who overdo .red wi b kii.'iüna-ae and Kren- li sympathy, and in but po- Bat 1 ¦ ami no**! natuie he horroae 1 a very due and jo 1. ba y from i a a^i.lier. tn- y aid v-ry w.-Ll for a while, but 'he roughLtat of the road I suppose, or tin; Fr* nrl man's aurpriaing LtrHnaia, oiatu. Ireu tho diiiucr ol the baby, and it poureai co »tu the, baby'a ehm aad slot tf t'e ^ei tiatuau 1 trow a. 1 he .. ai.J fo*;. a-io.-ig- atid, and he Ui tV i the mthj iowar>i its oaxbtw, BBjiw .. Mu nn.r. -nk'- your 'eetle tbild; I am aiav jiiat ' I have m-ver 'aken a baby from that day to fan fat I like to toti u th> m, for mt ü>»k t end 4 d UoJay 1 he n est deli, loaa texture it the akin of a black or mulatto baby; it it satiny and fine, ami toe tru> Lei. mat pica:.11.ny it the il ivk child, at any one aha Lbs Iva*] at ih» South kooars, aad hev a-rokeua gtvat deal of love from the wnib-e till rb»\v free > ne old . .... h to *a II, and in their mo'iasra s»auiewja: lou«r>-r than that. I aniiot leave this »a'je t w.'hout a tyaiaaitip; allu- fion to one ttf tbe pb*uoaaerta ot tbo imj. Home tiro a ears Bft) tliere .> at a tpontatueout outbarat of baoia-a I hr w .rH w at statrtlaal *iih 'ne report that for y Laviiif wets collated at Colnmr.ia, ami tüat there war a *'Eab> ftbow '.a uew thnv in a>ci»l aci the report of whioh «>ni dying abroad from one en." ot tie world to tbe n'j Periapt 'hat waa wvH. it was ai Vetat loteranle..t vt* We»t>ni; and so *raa my entriacat on my way ; .. . M t..tu...'.. 1' I»airai,le I wat a viae-l to *»« Col Cro/han, tha nw »t of th» Cav»». ba>fa)re a weot down, tud SO I 'lil; bu; 1 Lad Mt| bark ru UatU, flight of tiitj C'aro iaxb*} ovrntd may more than I 99*34 i a bos] being owned, ata *p»ke of tA« prio« he pail for it and then mmo- mxtod other Cav.e. whe» I aek.-d, " "hy, mo you «wt> Bless you, 70s, I own fifteen Caves" . Bit«« me, enough . »hall yet be shown pri¬ vate cabinet* ot mountain*. 1 sappoae. aad herbarium* of osal sab. IB. lUmum. the showman, in iet'atignble, ¦BarrupoJuua, deurmititJ to have ex<v\l- ;. i rrpie». i '»tive of the audacity. eot*x^pri»e aad»: of tl* people aeizcd tbe B-iby 800»- e**rd aad »t r-sd it abroad tu nv.! n ar; :be maternal iuotioct waa roused, and from far and near came together (3th Juso, :- ¦. 'a- hildren and !«an children, twin*, trip¬ lets, qaa.iruple'a and what u«.t lai»d toey m>r« crowded S where the heti-coetpa were laat Tear, with the fat lad* ajad Ike Ve*rded Ivly. and the <iant lady from Matue, a, I'vc-y mother'* so* tat thi ..». and the dwarf layly fawn Michigan, and tl lyoad the Püning Putang. ana men and w>iue. «, n r*fa**y*iad kj among tl . 1... 1 too aod Bamam ron'.. tSO,000 by it, and i Mw(iii*v« Aid) hurrah hr him' tbe tin* fellow, to whom, pot ha* ine t*va th-- Scot ihdd. I gave my ptize. Tw*.s a disagree hie, if not a lisgiastiug ahow, ami 1 ::t;«t a il ev.r >. repeated The phihooehie. physical o'lieralixarion be drawti from this *l ow, aoctlruintr to the clever Reporter of The Tribi \e, ia, "that a handsome baby must have a handsome mother, that she must have had two cOi- tbal si e must live freely, take geiteral do- r \- n «*. M levei laud, and that ber husband u:u»t l>e a r»><k-4«*»«ta-" 0m more thing I mav meatiou, becarts" I think it ma\ s'rike minds oftho«e al>out to marry, a* worth/ of Vi ry m i»t»woo*>aideratii>ii. for nobody ia *a*V.) It «I . am . at there is a f>aby born with a beard! laafjhmtm\ Bay yosnag maaida» My l****t wonts are, and I am a mild" man. that a baby is a complex aad »\ v...rk fan. Wbawvaa aooeooda la perfevt- kag thai worv d. serves a'i praise.wh.sever pro-luce* a fSm mmi diseased child should at once be put to death without talk, txio evidence is complete. C"Rvt. Rirv« .-In the .reat archipelago of tb« Ks. e. k a: d l.'n k I- r he Marshal Islands, as] th< y «ie m-iiii t.m« * callol expending at ri a i.iaoa of lour or live hundrtd milce, BOt a atnuc or fragment of a lock is to l»- seen other iliau corai; all the o d landa, with their hard rocks, have diaapp««red U<ueaih the sea; and ao valunlda a* v.-n Uie smalbat pebblea of hard rock thnt ahei.t ver a drift tree 1* thrown ashora on one ol the islands, its root* are instautly searched, aid ntiv 'tie i.'iito 'tn^letl thereiu aiw carried to thechief aa dtwite Motu? tw totlj.' c- >wo.' II e a»}e< t of "Mfolls. as they areeaUed, ia peculiar. The .Urk clem- biue water of tbe unfatiiom- ableo, em r>.'.Is around tb.-m. kept in loiijr üouüe uu- daiaikma by the perpotaal breath and tmpuTs"' of the trade-whnd. That kmar, la/.y awoO, meetin,» suddenly with 100 olk.fru. ti m of the atOOp wall of fie reef, Hfto t*« 'i in'o vit.'. »ide, cotie.i'iou* riitfe* of blue water, that, riahag likyjat t a'-d hhjaor, at hist 10II over and fall OB tl.BtCI e if af the m f 11 broad catartcta of t.niii th.' gnOjt rlaag Ol ¦oiow-white surf thus envi¬ rons the w ole n t f'iiitiss 1 vit i t at the leeward oponiutra* foitninit a well ms'kiil boundary Isf'wi'en the deep bha it t! e 'C at; and e t>. ;^h: ¦.rasa-prni'n wtterof the tun i|ttil nl d .oni|wir ttivelv shallow IfttfOOtl iti«ide. I I fe 011 the run; of the reef are inaariHod by beaebcaol tllllailaa. white tattd, eovereti with green bojahaoi om often afooraad i<y the pliant stem tml t-etitU waviiit: .!'.. _-i ic ful. feathery coooa- jialin. I l.e eU-ments of the eceue are few and nililple; vet it 1- ..; ,\ i-.infill but in.wit iin^reaaive. TI10 tit. ..i Irnsl >'i tbe color *»<t«u umler a tropical sun, w ith ihi bit: iici p say ovcil ea 1 u..d the lev piled up, motu tail oils and stauonurv clouds, looking like towera of woolpacka, which arc cfiaraeferistio ot the Paciriit lioiizot:. plaOkW s mid sntifti. s the ey>>, while the mind tit :...t fail to be moved with the eontwinpla'tou of - ii iMtt ilerlul reeubs e, :.-. .r._- t'10,11 the apparently nntiuoiiihlic but 1 .-rally united, action of Uie great t. reel wi t.attip'. The jti'V tut« mat diaturbing agen- aaM hi I tba i'. -'m Lire aottoa of waves and are tnui flu r at <i* liui a aad overcome by the vital et i-r-i. s mmi t ow ers of euch on iisi.'iiitieaut animal m* a litt* oh p. Ti e hi. h tslnti'ls of the PawMe, whether surrounded by nn em it. ! "i. barrlet rief or not. have likewi-e gen- erniiv BiauaJI teuture« in c.minion 1 lu-y rise int.1 lofty patJta and ridgi»in the ¦lariat*, k;rasn grown but bare of tin s, trom w hich railiate many butln-es-liko ridges, nepaiafctd trom aawh other by deep and p ecipitoua ravti i 1 that« pi 11 into valleys as they proceed toward the teOv Km 11 radiating MM has iui *i 'ea also cloaely aid .'ii ply futto*t«l by rocky |lotw thnt run-traigbt ft. in .-.:... tt i'her .-ul.' into tbe valleys, nud each Mi ifti tjtii od« in a crng^y prouiontory ttiat juts into the kcii, null dark precimcea of .lurk roek m-ptriiting tli>- v hi . vh from each other. < >vei all the lower parte 11' tl .- ii Bl a, ne well as iti the depth of the valloya aud i nvinie, epren.l dork, .iiiiliriigi oil* lores'*, while groves of ....... palms, baaiboo*. breadfruit* and the oroad- looftd I nt a: a BXiBOd BBtBtB IM BBBIO OOOO BtTsj level tracts I'. .1. r tl eee trees the iui.a ,it.mis build their bu s, til i\ ti'e Iaht ir Midi M aod 'end their simple and I: I. m;..I liv.s. It stielt nn island have an enclr- lin_ rt :' :i e lagoon hi tween it and the Und forms a II a ijinl tea In ke or ill Hint hai bor 111 which ibfl nativea may Oisport thems. !vis wl.ile, an the roof often cloaeo in upon tl.e land and cu's this off w here the precipitOUB dividing IIdgM tbad bound aot h valley atriae into tlio ..11 it I...! iit.fu ipientlv In pp» us that adjacent valleys hove 110 1 any im Ilm ii.'itmn e.ther by laud er water, and uie thus apt to form isolated district*, il e inhabitant* of which «ro often at enmity with each Dublin ( diversity Magazine. I f 11 II 1.11« t I K A 11 Ito.tli AitlDfST 01 THE NtVV- rmtt ti.i: Kaii khai)..One of thowe dre-tdful aeei- OOhta, the hare reeitnl ot wlm b causea the blotxl to 111 le in 'In v.i.m, ixeuin'.l .111 the Ne v I'ortago llailrotvl, MOT tho foot ot PlaM No. 9, 0.1 Monday, MtwfM g and 7 o clink, F M Ib.-locnno'ivo Her- cnle» |i ft tbe foot ol Plane No. ", taking oil board be¬ im, etaitiii kleberiy p'irty on Lhoir way I.' n < Bj I pro. eiiiiiig at a rapid rat«, came upon a laiic sli.le which bad occurred nunng the afternoon at the esbt end ot the .h ep ut, near tbe (bot of PIom No ". TaploMWafjoa II n* rapid MWM paaood over the si. '., tin 01.11.i.,n throwing Uioet. on eia d down an embaiikmci t thirty baa bi»b, the loeoinotivo fol¬ lowing. The t. i,d. r ami h train of ears attaehetl were j ttiteil from the lo< olnotive and r. tiaincd Oil the track. All w.-re more ,,r Is** 11 iuied.and William llerry, a son of Jaook B* rrv, of (lay-port, ageil about 14 year», was a net bor tbly mangled and instantly killed. The followil I is the est of the ii iureil: At B DeArtoit, doighMr ol John lie Arm it, fatally ei al.ii d. Jemima Loiipt, a young lady residing at Mr. .i. I»eAimii », severely injutco, Pn'ti r DeArmit, aoa of John lie.\i mi', foot nuinebed, Marv Hrivbaoe, ae- verely injute.i internally; Mis. l/m^anecker, wife of JOM Laaa^MdkOA*, (iaysport. badly bruiae«! and cut; Jau ft Jones, (jaysport, sevtrely l.ruiaeit, Eli Yixler, II iglaai r. >e\. rely braised and arm scalde.1; Kiebard >'t l.i 111.on), son of Ed. S. h. Ilhorn, leg and shoulder hrtiieed an 1 cheek cut. two (ierinan girl* uttned lyjn- ». mover, ore a leg bfoken and the other severely biuised; Lacy Lowe, BeMghftat of John Lowe of (l.iyejort, band iniared, Daniel KoeooVr, leg hurt; Qooraa Crawford, fir'man, head cut; George Aiighio- lituitn. sli^litiy bruised. A numU-r of pereo 1* wha » en-nn tl .. ensj ears afAehii*. imwle iheir eeeape by jumping off. [HoUidayaburgh I Pa. Standard, July 95. A Ct"i tot 1 IwiBiriJBO tan Si.tvB C*si..Last W n.ter a tinehiiii.' iiidivid laJ apjicareil at the WmmmrmM House, called hiinsell Norton, -uid that be owned a plnrt.-tti 1. aill I lillagMai, Kv.,hada huntired rtegroea, wiel ed buy blanket* BMtMa%a*l for them, BO'I to 11 [ ,y a arhoolHiaatcr for the lietn fit of hi* slave ohil- r> n. He displayed him*. t- .om. lay* ran op a ktfga I ill, at.<l myntenouely disappeared. f)n Monday Im B| 1. ared aa itiyste'i' tisly at another hotel, go- mOthft name. He stopped at the Spencer House, gave hi* name aa Clinton, ni* place of reailsav-o .Mi B*f)hlS and l.ia oecupmloii Editor. He was aooom- boabM by his oriah and a m vant, tri. During tbe day he preaeu'ed a U- ier of intr'Mlu. tion toGen. .Strs/ler, wl ith n . tortli that h was one of the Ed . a of Tae ;>l'>ifh,s Whig. .Mr. J sharp of The Rnqiirtr was in amt r<<ogiiiz<d Mr. N i-tnn, alias Mr. (.'Itnfon, and ) >t'i him nrn st' d ami eo mifted to jam. it turned out rvaal | am- d Mary [> wie, and was a slave of Mr Jacob s>parrow, 01 Loadaville. Mr. sha'p. alter th*. arrest of (.'liutou, expiaittod hor post- t...n 11 r. a. d Satan d. if *h<: MM to stay in <>liio, 10 her a situation a* nutsc-kirl at his houae. But .Mr Mitiru informs ua nothing would suit heir but to go In'k i" Ml ma-ter whoabesiid trea'ed ber like a lady. Her haucs . id not indicate that she worked, BM I n rr i.k waa full of |tOOd eiothea. Mr. H. osco<-U I I,, r to the bouse of .Mayor lloyd at Newport, where B*ai*»od ui.ti the raa:i-boat atarted for Louisville rostarday, when ehe Hri» osjdod borne to her master. [Ctacinnati Comiuereial, Jaly X5. Jrsr I ike Tna vt '.A sailor who bavl befriended t, v to n-, v. bo bad lost her money on her way to I ¦1 ntu.- *..'!. ha* ela-esl in the evening, was arre*t--o tor L- irg intoxicotad and seutenood to ; ay a fine of (10. I'lie money which he had in hia 1 a r.esfly womao bad ao nearly ex- booeted h'.s " pile fiat be <onld ot' raiae thowiod and M waa eent to jail. It having bewn elevtriy proved that he had behaved in the moot gooeroua n.anrer to lie des. .tute woman, and that bar friend*, who bad the n eat*, beglecti-d to atay by Uim ia his tumble*, the eomnotitoraia the 0A00 of The RaeJut- ter Democrat raised |M), got Jaca Tar out of jail, ob- 1 s.*e L.11. to i.i.t'alo, nnd gave him BK'h a good name that a tirst-rate berth wa* obtained for him on (.. Lake. M'sjti. Dmv Ottovj A Co. »nd Q iwtsn ST*-': Or.Bira, ¦apply the Mum n. t-litlon ol Ths Tatttms V *i P. M. Mr. W H Warcat wUltappW *s2 frisnat w LITTLE Pai Ut wTa Ihe IkUCXE.


Page 1: Library of CongressTHE BRITISH and NORTH AMERICA* ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. r«OM ItV-TOII TO LMIIfOfJl. ChW-f Cabtn Puni*.f) 1*4) Btxuod Cabin Fa******. » » v «..-.% Tf> Kf .ol. rb


r«OM ItV-TOII TO LMIIfOfJl.ChW-f Cabtn Puni*.f) 1*4)Btxuod Cabin Fa******. »

» v «..-.% Tf> Kf .ol.rb«stt»:... r» .sitaSas ami Cabin Paa-are. W

%%» abipa frvta Koaion < ail at Halifax.ARAF-IA Cee>t Jadkin*. AMERICA. Lena-pr Ks'A. ( a*. Rj-na Et'ROPA Cept Shacroa.APIA (apf V. > U*i .CANADA f -.J.t. St.rr,»AFRH'A ' apt, IIarrt«rjD NIAGARA Capt. L*4(7ül

Tlr** »e*«el» rarra a r ,.¦»., «* lab' a' ra«*> Lead graten re)eaa-'aTj. t" « '«,wAMI fl' '. I.aa|.Leave* Boe'oo. Wedneaday. lath 'o.y.CAN AHA. Stone.Leere* Fiaton. Wedneaday, let An»AM A. Lo't..Leave* Bo**.*! «*' ......,, Ivb A**>AV; I'M \ l.eeeg.Leave* H.mPr. We.lncada*. Itb Aug.CAN A l>A St .tir.I.-iim \' , !r.-«1ay. l.-hiept.APHH A.ll.m.on. I.e.vr* Breton, Wedneavdey.a*tbSept.

Ber»h« not aernred nn'H paid CrAn expenen-.-d St.rgenn on boardThe -/an i-f of three ahlpt will r.ot be accountable for OolA

Blher. Bullion, Specie, Jever'rv Pvectoua Stenee or Metal*, on-

lea* bi:l. -,i lading »r. rianed" 'hrrrfor aad the reJee .hereoftherein <apra**ed.

For *r»urbt i.r uaatur, irpiy boE C'V-aARn. No. 4 Bowlln,

There wli. be no e»eamah'b* .' 'hk> line 'rao New-York¦trl'ier r» .'lee



TI ESDaY. 7 HI RSl'AY and HATLRDAY. Leave SouthFt. r? at .1 A. M

Fate out and bark.Cl 00Fare to (irrt npor' an t ^»j H irh. -. 71

Ticket* to return from Saat Harber mgr be procured or. boardthe »teauihoat Berr<»>. fr..m Oreenprrt frorn the Agentat Orrei I'-it by au.-rrolcrinil the certinsete laau"d from theeCce in Bi'-Hjn.

r|ELI0HTFl!L a PTERNOON EXCURSION-A/-SEA A ih end COOL BREI /ES.-The popular atea-nerJaMEs- t BBISTOPHEI :ceve* th« Ct of Jay a'. THII(Ba»er»*aj) AFTERNOON at I t/eWI for LONG BRANCH,HIGHLANDS hF NEVIS1NK. SUR {WSRI Rv, Ac, re-

tnn> n, at at ea-'» k tai THIS EVEN INM by moonlight. Fareeach w«t 371 cent*. Sra BetMng -in tr.:*4.

ßuumtiüuiB unö ftuilrouftb.


f. r 81 NO-SI NO.-«E-amvadoif. will hare tb* loot of Harn-ou-at. E^ FRY A ET F.IUOON a- ¦o'clock, P. M .. ran .-..nut, I tTt.'RDAY, lulyM,t> t. h nt al all the intermediate langte.»« Returning will leaveSing Sine, at 6:30 A M landing at A'i.oe-at each way.

JULY, 18f&.TW attibydtver ocean wave« a; t. H i Pa-be,, for SURE V*Hf III -»HLANDS,

OCEAN H' CSE, LONO BRANCH. PORT WA'J.IINO1"N MOUNT'S DOCK BROWV'S DO! K (Middie; wo),and RED BA>K, will run aa Ci'owe. frooi t it of Jay at. Pier,h. R.. tir't C"' < k the Erie Railnavl ''-|.o-

ItHT M* lll«t (.K*vr. Rttl BAaK.

Baturday, Jnlv S P.M. Saturday, Jn'y».... ti P.M.SaiDday. Ju y 5".71 A. M. Sunday. July ?».Si P M.Monday. Juiy 30.7j A. M. Monday. July 30. 74 A. M.MonCay.Ju'y 3^.3J P M. Tuesday. July 31 .... 7 AM.Tueaday. Julv 31.4 P. M. Wedneaday, Auf. I.. 7J A. Ma

U I- I- M.ELIAS HAIOHT'S line of Sqaan Stare* connect with

this Boat_Vom 8h k e w a b iTk y, lajmj-bkanoha BIOHLANDS, (kein ROUSE LITTLE SILVERpoil- l nin-. poll7 aid y ATONTOVVfL.PARB3? I»'«t ' EN I S..The new and Hfht--lraf e.' at- «tii'i IAMESC" It HI - T < I Hb R ( *[*. John Rr.rden. arib mo fron- Cot ofJ*y-*t. N. R.,a* W'rear*!

iiav » m« wi»K' LrAvrioir.aa roar:

Tueadi.t Ju > .1.9 a. M. Tneaday uly i\.2 P M.WaataiatAat.Ja y «ö..|0 A. M..We.:ne»Aaj. Ju y 25....3 P. M.Tbu-ao.v Ju. v 31.... I A. M Thorada-y July Ja.4 P. MFrida,. '.It.?.II A.M. Friday "July fl.4P.RBaturdav, July.-"..' P. M. Satt.rday. Hi v JH.>'< P.M.Hui.Jav In v.'i.71 A. M Snnd.y July 29.1 P M.Me*. .'«>, July "... 6 A. M. iMonoay, Jufv 'Ml.-4 P. MTnaaday, July il.8 A. M. Tu «<!.> July 31.IP, M.Nawi, Tauii-'i -t*#< I lot Souat. v iflaa;.- counect with jfcM

Boat. Al*. ''tngoa for He,I Bank anil otte' narta of the i-.olintr, .

day 0 o a j rotaLtiAN'i laieltna (eaa-i, way,

BtNyaak >ia.ey PoAejl Uta' I', Nrwiitirrb PoarhK-ep-aie, RaaVaaaaak, CataAnl. Hudaon, and Cox<arkie M.-al-Berveri m b< ard Tbf 'aroriti *t.-a;nei ARMENIA ClaptN h. Caeaaraav, M now making ber ,-itula, 'rip* to Albany,leaving Nev.. 1 ink. from foot ol Chamber* *!., every TURs-IlAV. TIM RSIlAV »..d S A I I' R I > A i it 7 o'elock, A.M.PL B.. * Ka*tga*e-a(ar',-» wi.' accoiripati- t*'»- -."^.i,',r 1 *u I.

way. to check Baagage free. For pawvlawiaga as, lire a* Sew-*/«.. an/ a-.u af'-i*! ottra . hatnl-e-*.*-.. vharf.


rlVi (i('l OCR STEaJIBOAI LINE fox111 DtOMaaatl IMPERMEDIATE PL AO B rha ayaiaa

Hi.. -.. 1.1 MI'IA «...I S it'TII AM! K ( A will leaveSuet of lUrrtai'teei. EVERY AFTERNOON (Sn. day* e«oe .>.!'at I o'i <<*k comi. tit g «0 Ii «'*»-.-. fr.rm Ring»ioti. Cafakill. an«Hiideon and B.e-on r i'"<'!, id lioi'riain Four rnere Edward*. (couneiHng with ?'«>¦. to, I., humm Spriiigt lVe.aaSteekbiidgr, Lte, Pitt-lie ,1, No th and South Adam« an-t allthe wiatem par* of Maeaai Ion t-c. Tb firerttaiu h avea Undeon at a .'clock in the ur.miug. and arrive* in Pitlarh-ld in tiui*(<.¦..-¦.. il\\|i.\NII CI.AltKACo



even day the iiiur kwaoej FakRE ONLY T* oenua to BAUHARBOR, ORI ENI ORT aad orient point }\.,t.r»ticket) d tb,»t gb In Eau'ltaiiiptiiu and Souiha'iipt..n for Rj Bk,S-atbr'g aiiS rtrldghampton far SI I ui*k. 75 carat* Fare toHORTHPOR1 btfeaaut PORT JRFFERrjON 7S eattta. Onand , .H'LY Sfi IIV> .,nlil tur'b 1 11 to-, the aplen lid new

eta an. r ISLAND BELLE. Caataka 1 Po.t, Jr. w I ,e,To

N.w-Yo'k it- » ».!. Mata-t -.p.- rurSDAY THÜRSDAY »1 'l-Ai lil'AV , at 1* A. M , making »he ahov tand ng*aril anivAaa et Ret Hereof a- 1 P M. R- turning, will leaveHrg llfrh r MOMItAT,WEDNE MAY atvi FRIDAY at tl

A M I On" h\- rt -, 1 in i.' I', i' M; I'.; I' irt Jelter*ou 12 M. ;

Noni rt :i I' M. PRF.iqHT aril he re*wi»oa' eat eat .g. .it n

the wberf in New-Yi rk, Monday, Weöoeeday bmi rri.lav brOOB|(- A. M. utitil 7 F. M. Pui further partiru ar* inquire ,,f E. T.DUDLEY No. 205 «ruith-«t , or of E. P. A C. N. BELLOUS,Mat, 301 Water .t.. New fi tk


t«0R BOSTON and PROVIDENCE rU NEW-J PORT eaayl iui, RIVRR -Thj **aVr*a*)M and *uperiorate a rot r M 1 Pi 'I'l '1 - I |t Win. Itn. leu iN w York»t. it II ESDAl THURSDAY end SATI' 5 velockP M.;*iid . MI'IIO *TATE Capt B. Brav ton. leato. Near-York MoMitY. W emm SD\Y and HOI'W a-

oVIock P M., f'om Piet No 3, N R near the Better). Botalotiri'ii'g «' Newport each way11 e M I ROPOl IS w EMPIRE «TÄTE connect at NV-r-

p. J vim- the eti amer CAM'NM - which leave* n. > \ rkat.'Alo'chtk A.M. tor Pr .vi let'ce, arriving iliere al .: 7

©..N tk, Pa*awafei* tum Piovinrcce for New.York take tbaCA'-o.N CIS a rlck F M !, r \ * port. c ouue* ung therewith 1 hi ettaeaaeea lor New York.

Hi it atti r no room* will he regarded a* «ecured to any appli-rai hi! li e aaiuc »l.*li bate been ] ml Cr

¦rWletak ta eteetoa Mtu*wMB*4 through with great diapitch,a*J . t tpre»» kreigli' T'ain

WM. BORDEN. Agent No*. 70 and 71 W at at,

riMir RCOULaB mail link nm stunino-1 YON Ra BOSTON FROVIDI N( E, new BRDPOtD,T.M MON Mid M t\ poR r.-lnland route, with .ut dalay,charge i f ceie, or baggage airviri* the Fa tern Mail.The new dränier* l'Li Mot Til RoCK.Capu Joel St.,.,*.,am.

C VANDERMI.T, ( ej 1 I. K. Pendl-ton, in comeetion withtit' niiigtoo and Providence, and Hcarton and Pnivulene« Riolrt,*<i*, Irat kB| New York daily (Si.inlov. aicepted) froBB pi 4

No 7 N. B., («'«1 whari above Battery place ) M 5 P.M. andBtoninatol, at H:»' P.M.. 01 ..n trmtl of the Vail train arbubItai't 1 !' MThe t V aMIEHBILI I >'in New > rik.Monday, Weone*

ajay and F-iday v,< in Stoniugton.Tue..lav. Tbunday m>c

RaloroevThe PXTMOUTM ROCR.trom New Vor».Tueada». Th..a

Bat and Nati.idav t''om Si*,niiiett'li.Monday. VVe*iue*iay BaalIPewriiaKta euartivaiai >ioun.a*t<iu p.iaeed iDUbeOialniy lie*

Rakli, «il Prt vi,it n. r, BoeloU, Tao-uou and New lle.Uo. J .a

the V ipretM Mail Hein, rrerbing *aid place* aevrral h lira in edBaioi oi tho.e by "loer route* and ir. ample time for all the«aar Moroing L i ' * coutiec'in« N, rtb eio' .'»**. P**.. k 1

who p" t> r B reu.hin on board the *tearu", "ii> vir.« a -i ght'tteat oi,ti»'urbtd br-akf«.--iiv ifdrain-d. and io«v. ^t.imrgfun 1»

the 7 A. M* 'raiu. counectii a at INovia'nc» *»4*htrain *BI Baatfi '¦. Taantoa end Stwk)>, b I, with the ate.invii g there atou 9 A. M

Si v. Bt dford: and at Eaei Ore-n,1B1 RT1 im M tVPORT, ar-

a fuiarn- Maeiet-rm-'nmeg mmi I^aui tbrourtaerh » a]Through ticket* on Moodav*. Wednesdaye anci Kti.iav*. 101

Matal at k et. Holme.-. Hoi,- m:.I Wood** Hale, via New B-*lford.fa«ii« ctiTg with the new «teamt-i Eagle tVuaa

lbs pa»-**i. Oeriii*. *tai< ...i.i. ,o ir»«in, appl\c*ti«ai maybe made at take' Nat * North Rner. or at the m.e No to Bat-harj glBe*_1 0N0 ISLAND RAILROAD. 0«e»SR>i At*

1 lu ano afterm J et>iDA \ 1 be 2*1 of Jane I^V Truu* go-ug Eaat leaveO'ta-npt it !> A. M., daily and on Fr-lav* and SaP. ** (,,, V <i hank 9 A' M and i: M P. M* i tor!» A M and i:4 -*n.l . I' Ma for S.oa*et. 10 A.P. M ., fta H. n pa-er d.MA M and 3i |\ 1: IS andj.aati lead V P. M.. end S:4J, 4 15, .> anJ 7 P.

at \ a*M

eurvaikiwi . 'i

y* S:A»,...a.l.l-m,i 1 ISM. forfr\ ight

Tt*lnTbain- 'm>i

A N. daily, atf. 1 Bra* 1 0 '

A m. »1A. m «00 irlP. M.| lien pa

aLt ^ i I Il»4A A. U ai7 A M

v » ^ win i ö .rjOl Rl UT] i Int. !*EW-An YORK to ROCHESTER..The R'M H ESTER an t OF NRSEI VALLEY K\ll.Ku\M ibowoi tad laBOBBeBctiaiarith tie Bafeln fegarae u. 1 -...wYoie aad New-York aadRne Ma. ., ., w V -a ' K <>

ar. .leave Oreeupo'i for brr* an.i Mou iey*. 4:30 A. M.; YefA. kak, V M .akclait.l for Bro k.vti b:tt>

P. M 1 Earn ingjtle for Brooklyn fi ai, I T|MIV v* >,r..*i f..r Hn. k'vn 7 \ m and 4:*(>

aa*j lor Brook yu, 6:28 7:.B aid 8 A. m andM i.n ocat'ot B, .oklyn. "i:a> 7:10, 7:M aud

1 .in' ai d ':%» P. M. Fie-igbt Tiaiu leave* at CrgeefrJer.i-y ( itj.Bagaage I bitlru '.iii'

Pre.(It* tali be Ir*

ami at the New Y. re an t Erie Kai.roadtiavee-ag. **>< Ne, IjKt Brteaaiw,' a M *

aaj be ahtail e I v e.

lb. N.h > .*

TAPPAN Eeprea.Ptk ., . - K


(A^V YORK f.. MONTRI RL, OrAW h'i. KivM \\ ,1, u

Petel.-lbr. igh *bV,'VEN it AI. Kl.Al' lA. M 4 V V. R.EHAM DJ Hl tu

NV-(¦...-..1M A. U. and 4."-la,..*.P. M The NV

H r at s-p

Kmi.ioiaIi- for t''.l,Oa-TH ^ W\m, ri. JERSEY CITYJid Ea*,,^ Li: * Lwteee Neu V,w, * ^

'A M. and4W AL

.'.af. Thfava«R"la~ föa» btfura'»l'-la 4. *aad A3 ka a «ad ID \» ACo unottai.a, mmam.«» - »i.. ......

lh» waaa, tnd A* eVlimoro 1

hrev^b b**R«*|a flhiehld ta "TJFa


II ML;i ...

a h.g

HARLEM RAILROAD. - Inland Routa.On sad sftar MONDAY, July J3. (Sunday* excepted ]

I i ALRAN V and TR«»Y, eavtn* Depot roraer of White and(r:tre-«t« Mail Train at 7:30 A M., »topp*»« *» W(!l»»yBridge «od Mail Sla'ton* North. P»,<*enger« f.»r Lebao me-priig* lahm* thU tte>n »rrive at Lebanon at 5 P. M. 55'ayExpress. S P.M., stopping it Whit* Pl.H* Neweaati* Crotox)Pal'», and Hutkin. Nort> connecting at Chatham Feur-C-irnrr*w h WMfn Railroad Expreei Train, trrivin* at Albany a:

Ml ill M. . . w

Ficm Cut Hall Station.Dovar P aia*. at 5 P.M.. stop-pi*?** at a.i Statior*. The 5 P.M. Dorar Plaioa tram »rill.^ enS»tuid»v*. run thnn»h 'o Mtlerfn; re-urni ig, l*a»« *« V-*>

A M. an Monday, f ro ..p E.' !. a.M., a-orrtrW at all Sta¬ts****, lro «n Kali» at 4P.M .topping at »Ii «tat.oo* abuv*Foidham. While* at d:JO and t, .0 P.m., eiopping at

1 orhatlle ana Station* North. Williams' Bridg*. at 7, ":«'

a m ,i:l'..t 30 5:l5,»*ndll P.m*. at all Way Sta-

Kaoxi Twrarr-«iXTM-»T. Statio».William»' Bridge at 9a.m. While jop'ain» at 12 m Pee»-agar» nay alao per*tireticke-» anO bare their hesgag* rherke.11 ,r I ti a BurJa-o andeher plaoe* W»«' end Nor h at Albany, tt tbe Corr.paoy'f*, crni r at* eowery »nd Broome-atl asd tth-av. and 2»>tb, »t.

Bin 10 Ni w Vom..Mai' I rait Uaving Ei t tietat a.M.. aid Chatham Knur-Corner! at 8:15 a.M., on theairval of the train le.viag Piftfie d at . 30, «topp-,:.g it a.lMai. Sutloi I abore Wi*' Bndge, arriving a* New-York at1:40 P.m. >'x,,r-r* Train >avr. Alt.v.y at 11 A.M. and Chat-ban. Four Cm. r* at 4 P. M Pa**en*rr. 'rom Lebanon Spring!Ii at L* Canaan at 1:54 P.m. wir . t w th Um train, stooping

> ...aiat «U S-atlcu» above WOUamaV B.-ilie. *rriri->g atNew-Toil a- r:5.s P.M. 6 A M. fro 11 D »er Plain* itoppiug atall Station* above Eo-00*01. arriving at 'New-York 1": 15 AM.' :50 A.M from Cro'on Fell*. *top|.ii r, »t a)| Station*, arririue atNew York at r :2u a.M. 4:2i' P.M. fron Cri.'nu Fall*, at Fordbaa.. 5 A.M. and 2:30 and *:1"P.M.'ron Whi e Plain*. tiopTen* ar all Sta-iou*. Fr m Wi.-Ii*m*' br dg» at 6:40. 8:30and If-jII. a..V 1:15 5:05 «1:1.5,7:15and 0:T< P.M «t.-ppiLg at a I laawm I'aasetiger* hv the 1«: 10a.M fr. n: 54 i.lieitV Bridge, and the 2:A P.M. from WhitePlair*. will be landed In New-Y'.rk at the 2*>th-*f. Sta'ion on v.

.-1 m ay A*»..v(.i wraT.7>a.n« wol eare f.r Crot00 Fall*,and ah Way Station, at 8:3<> A.M. a-m 5 P.M R-tomlng,ie*ve < rot'n F*il» at 7 A.M.. »teppin* a: ail Station*, and 4:toP.M., »top,irj| a' ah Statior* nirb of Fcrdham For WHinm**Bridge and a I Wny Station«, at 9: **. A.M. and 1:30 fJLK> Ian M, .eave William*' Bridge at 11 A.M. and 0:45 P.M.,(topping at all Station*.

Freight for Ait any re-eiv«d daily, ncti. ö P.m.. at -he Depot,corner Of Centre and Wbi'e-«t« M Y.

55.41. J. CAMPBELL, Artiroi S iperintendenL

HrjDBJOF RIVER KAlIaROAD. Ob mm immMONDAY. June 2%, Ih'.s, the Train* wih leave Chamber»

<t. Statior. a» follow*: Rxpreaa Tr^.n, 6 A. M., nonueeth g wit}Northern and W. atern Train Mail Tra:-, ''A M Tor. .»IWar TTain, 12 M. Expre-w Train, .5 F. M. Accommi-Iate.«Train. 7 P.M. For Pouahk«eo«ie.W»> k'aii 7 a. M»i Expr*». 4 P.M.; 5V»v P'ekht and Paaeet ger I raki, 1 P.M FotPeekr-kill.3: 20 and St "Ml P. M. For Sin S-.g-i'M.s A. M.1:30 »nd 8-30 P M The Bb | Btl g aad P-'**ki:. Train* »ttorat all the Way S'e'ton» Paa-eng- f. tai e-, ». CI;amhe-»,.CejiaJ,( hii-r<pi er and 31*t-«ta. BHNDAl M.-Vlk, TRAIN at 4 A M.,f.-.m i~anal-*t., (or AJbary aad Troy, .topping at all way Stav

.JoiAM L. SYKES. Jr., Sup't

New-Vi IHK null ERIE KAI l.iU >.\i') .trti atirj«Per MONDAY. July 2. 1855, und inti, farther notice. P«*»

»enger Train« will leave Pier, foot of Dn, ne «t., ** follow*, vu:

Dl NRIRI EXPRESS, at I A. M. t. r Dnnkuk.Bl FPALO EXPRESS, at a A. M., for liutTalo.MAIL, at 8:15 A. M .foi Dunkirk in Buffalo and )nterme.-.i-

ate Station* Peeeeuger» by 'hi* Train w-1? remain over mra*

a) Owegi.. *jtipro... f tfci next morningBO( KLA.ND PASSENOER, at 3 P. M., ttrom t.«t 01 Cbam

ver»«t.| vin PieTaMMgjfor8 fTeitJ** and intermediate StaounaWAY PASSENOEK, at 4 P. M.. -r Newhurrb an < >ti«vn'e

Old li.termi ifiate Sta-uro».NICHT FXPRFSS, ^tS 3ii P. M., for Dungirx ann HnS.. 0

EMIORANT, at« F. If., for Daakuk aad Buffalo, and interaediete Station*STr-AMBOAT EXPRESS,- very oay, excepting Safirtl.y»

it 6:30 p. M.. for 'H -kirk and Buffalo and intermediate Stationa.On SUNDAY t»ro l-xpr. ¦ TTain*. at 5:30 und ItJI r. M.,Tbe»e ExpreM Train* conne-t at F.lroira, with the Kimira -01»Angara Fall* Railroad, for Niagara Fall*, at Buffalo ana D-;nlitk w ih ihr Lake Shore Railroad foi Cleveland. Cinrtnnatt.Toiedo. Detroit, <'hica*o, Ac. and with 5ntt-cla*» fplendlV.i*«jn«r« de all otirt* on Laki Er.-.

D. C Mit alli'm, Qaaarii Supt.

\'1A\-Yo);K AND NEV.IltVi.N KAIEk. * ROAD -I MMEK ABRANOFMENT Mav 7, IVATkaim LtAvr Nrw-Yona for New-Haven.7 8 a. M.,

,«*.;) 12.30 32fl, 1KB and Ac.;) 4, (Fx. ) t.30 P. M PorBridgeport-7, 8 A. M. (Ex.;) 1230, 3,20. (Ac. and Ex.,) 4,Ex t 30 P.M Fir Milford, Siratlord. Fairtield, Sonthport,lad 55 export.7 A. M.i 12..V, 3.20. 4.ö0 P. BL For Norwalk-7,9 a. M ; 12.30,3 2"t, (Ex. and Ac .) I, (Ex..) 4.30, 5.15 P. M.For Darien ant «De.-wie», 7, I \. M.. 12.30. 1.20, (Ex. tnd4c,I 4.30, 5.15 P. M Por Stamford.7, 9, 8 A. M.;(Ex.:) 1130120. 4. (Ex..) 130, M5 P. M. Por Port Cheater and New-*:ochelle.7, » A. M.; 12.30,, 5.15, a.15 P. M For Rveuid Intermediate S'ttlou*.7, 0 a. Mil 12.10. 4.30. 5.15. fi.läP. M.CUBBBCTIBB TkaiKS. For Boator..« A. M., (F.x.,| 4 F. M.,F« , E. t I'-ir-f r.l ».-... -,.rit M :;. Ev .;) 12.30, 4 P. M.,I xl For Coimectiriit Klv.-i Kai 1..10I to 5t..«I A. V.r») Ptfl laral RallBBi I A.M..(Ex.,) 1130P.M. FolNew-London Ri.ilroad.8 A. M. 4 P. M Fur Houaatonic Hail-ro«d-8 A. M.. 3.211 P. M. Foi Naiigatuck A. M.|420 P.M Pw DBBbail and Norwalk Railroad.7,1 a. M.:IP M.Thai*-, in Nr.w Yon*,.Prom .1»w-riaven.5.30, 7, RSI

a. M.: 1.55. (Ex.,) 4.30,8.55 P. M., (Ex.1 From Bridgeport-i.10. 7.12 In. If A. M.. 2.'..', 11 » ,1 Ml, 9.31 P. M., (Ex?) FromPlfanralk t. A44, LIA I0.52 A bL| I BJ, t.\..» 3.25 5.45, 1«P. M.. (Ex.) From Port Chewier.5 30, 6.43. 7.28, 8.57, 11.3»A. M., 4.08, 6.27 P. M. J A 51 ES H HOYT, <up'L

Cientral rait.road oi ot:w-^er«kt./ SI'RINO A It it v N1.1 Mi NTS. -imtiiennng April 2.

,855. Leave New-York tor Earton, l.v utearnei. Red anc

i5 \ mmtg, mmm PbM Ra 2, Rivei, at 8 A. M.. i and 4Iii K ..r Somerv ille, (way,l aTbe train, connect at F.lizaitettiiown wit a train* on the

Srw-.lei«ry Railroad, which leave New-York tYom fool ofn,.,r.\,.-..- a> . « M., 12 M , and 4 and 5 P. M.P01 School'y* Mountain. Leave at I I' M. Fare through. #2.

onv o sterns Hapanmaaaaaif^ami'kn and am hoy kailkoap* to PlilLV^i ADELPHlA. tmn. IVi No. I North River .Two ine.

l*il>.at e A M and 2 P M M-n u. Inmt at '.A 51 |.jBa«l boat JOHN POTTER to SOI I II AMBOV h-r.ce hj:ar» to way piece. «ud Phlt«J«li loa Eare 25 Expreaa linlit 2 P. M., by JOHN POlTEft to AM lit IV thence direct tc

Camden. by car«. tlimugh in live hour*. Fare a3. Way, Acjommodetlon and Emigrant tdne* at 1 P. If V%t» *' 50 Enxigrant Ltae 4P. '»

MICHIGAN IKHJTHERjN RAlLiiOADLDTEirl -Tibi«daiiforCHJI kOO,ST. i.oits, Kansas, andall tmtotm We*t and South-Weai. can obtain Through Tirketaanil all Inl. rmaiioi. coaomin« route* fare, be., eitle-i bv theNl 5t TORI AND EU Ii HAH ROAD, or NF tv. Vi) 11KENTBAL RAILROAD I \ ai». .1 «'inp a' .)<« <V>mp«nv'» ' -

4oe No Rnwdwav.roi. Dey-st.lOM^ V POKTEh. Oenera, agent

iTeN NSY EVAN lA KALLROAJ . I HREEI DMI.V THROI OH TltMN.i BETWEEN i'HILaDELPH1A and PITT.-1H UOH Tht MORNINO MAIITRAIN rave. Phi'a.1. Iphia f. 1 Pi't.bur«-h at "4 4 Al. andreave. Pittsburgh tor Phiiadeiphiaat 7 A. M. The FAST LINEleavr« Plii.adr 1 Ina So Pilt.hurgh at!.' M and Ptlal.-r.hfot Philadelphia at II M. The NIOIIT EXPRESS T|it?>leave* Philade.phla loi Pittsburgh at '1 P. M. aad Ptttshu ghtot Philadelphia al 10 P. M.The a i\e line, connect at Plttsourga with I he ivai.roao« 1«

and fron. St Lmii* Mo., Alton Oalena and Chicaao III.;Etaiikli r.t Lexington and Lou «v-tl e K>., Terr* Haute M».'.ibb) L* Favet e a l loiiaiiopo'l* Int.; Cinrinnaii DaytonSpringtield Heilet,.titaire Sanltiskv Toledo Cleveland, Coinmbii* Zane.ville Massi lon. and Wocwler. Ohio; al»o wit>kj BtBBBt Partei iKiata troro and r« New Or'ean* It L-iui*Louisville and CincinnatiFor rurthet part.ctiiara »ee nanrt hllia in tn* hole a of irr«

0|M. PiKsei.grr* w 11I lind tbsftaM *horte»t. .noat axpediticii ¦

and con.fortablr route between the Fast and WestThrough 'Icketa can be '.ad at either <' «ha abnve-mentlnned

place» Bl IBB 55'r.t or ofR. B. DEAN Agent. New Jersey rial:".a.l «


Coi.r'land New Y. ra

J. Is, ELLlCOTT. Agon.. Penuavivanla Railroad Co.No. 2 Aatorliouae. New York

THOMAn Mi 10KF.. Agent cor. Iltb and Market »ta

New -York. A pnl b>. 1.15.5. Pbiladelnhin

I ie.n nny1 \ .\MA KAII.ROaD..Tbe OREAlI CENTRAL HOI I F., connecting the At.antic Cities witl>5'e«ti rn N. 'lhw. .tern, and S.oi'hwentern Stales, bv a eon

snuou* Railway direct Tbc R .».1 a.*.. BBBBBBJBI at Pit'.«burg>. lib daily ine of "»teann-r» fo ail pom on 'he Western River»and at Cleveland and S«ndu«kv with Steamer* to al' ports ot

B. Ni -thweitern Lake*, making 'he m .at direct, .-h'-aprwt anc

.ellal..e n it'e bv which FREH1HT esji Ne t'orwarded to anCfrom tbe Orrat WeaB,RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA and FITT"<Bi htm

^.^;..rpÄ^- »

tkfOBP fx 1*1 BaaAl *ud Statlouerv, Drv )

QciBabj, tin b»Je»,l Hardware Leather. \ one, per 100 BJ-Waal, he. >

FrliKl l l ».v-Auvi:., Bagging. Kac, » and >P. rk.du hulk.l Hemp!le..I"6, *** 190 »'

Col »it. Iii... t otice, Eiah, BPork. (Pa. ke.t.) Lard and Lard

.n ship; it,.- ...... 1- tr tu any point -aat of Philadelphia, be parKu it -.. u.stk the paekage via P. .ii.«v'vauia Raiir " AJ.... - B ssigned t.. the Agetn. t l hi* k.<ed st fhi,a.loiuoja fj1tt»butgh, will W Sirwarde.1 sri'hout .leientjon.

Fail'.11' At., vtv .5I,we* Pottri tl.Mton. J. B. t t

rfear-Yrsrk; kl J. Phi aleiphia. Magraw b Ke. o*

Bal'im. rr, 0<-o. C. Franciam«, Pttrai.arih; Springman b Brown,ftiinuia'i. Ohio, J. S. Mo.. he«,l, LouUvil - Kv. R. C.

V :. Rvc.i-t \ ' o.. "h. I. .. M J «Mitchrl' k Son, Evaiiivtlle. lu.iiana.Far 'urthrr ram. -o*. 1 a :a.« app" '.

J. L. ELLIOTT. Aceat Peaxe» Railroeu t o.: atC. B. ALLEN, No. t a*tor Hoiue, New Yera.

H H. ttOCSTON. O-tera' **reigh' Agent. PhUadelahiaH. J I.omh4fkt. .»upertntetident. AI'o.rna. Pa



iwvii.y iii mi i>n s.(st^ed uLdn the Seal Sanct on and Aut-otity of

THE 1 NI\ I KS! TV 017racg mukini

AndP O P I' I. A r km . W I. k D O e.

CbartereJ by the State of Penaylvania, April ». ia\53.with a Capital of aian,c«'o.

Vainly ft 'i.e i:.:p..e i a:re.tu^( lirriii.. .".';..:-.o-s* andV5 ort'i.e.» N -sttum*.

also.Por «opplyiog 'he Commnnity with reKab'e Rercedie* wher-

ever . competent Physician eanaet w will wot ba employedII.. aartratioa baa parab»a»d troa Da. JOHN R. ROW vNDh t «J.tatrd kowands

TONIC m Ist T f. r a-ward af twentv . year* a* tue o:. y r-.:e and

a«fe cure forFF\ EH \N|) ao' E, AC.

And hi* inestimanie R. medy forH o 5% EL i > vi P 1. 4 I N TS,


Wbiab hijb.y approved a-id Papalar R-anedte*.TOCXTtll* WITH

The I piv-rutv'* lo.COMPLAINTS OF T.1E Ll^ '-C

The rniverakry'a Kcr=-dv S-rDY-I"i'-IA OR INDIti .SlMN.

1 e t.-. »r«.'y « R, u.e.1. <ODSjTIVl Bowl i.s.

BsVBBTke t^IVERilTV'S ALMANAC any be ba-i. »t . \c Blanch

D»; -, n*ary, or Ihore ofC H. RINO John « B.asiwav N. Y.« I H KEN*.K A tat, N0. «t bare ay¦<.54 S DUN'IAM. N» 476 Utoadwey..Mra tUYS, firix-kiya.

DR. PERRY ¦ VERMIFUGE.Or. " Dead Shot" for Worm*. A highly valuable prepay

.it ct.cpiU' from th* pr-jmpotuje of it* of cim-ingthe *y*t>m in ¦ few bctus if every worm. Thi* preperetSoo B*»the pecu.ler edveaiatre of not jtJy d-*tr t ri-y worm. be«elao uf prod Lang e baeRaj ecti-.u of the ttoo-arh and other orMM of digeetioa. then by mai.v complaint* en «inefr n, a C- r*:.g*m. l: I the ..< .:e*:.i P.- e Z ,e-.:a perrial. Fotialeby A. R. A D SAN IS

No. ICO KoJton. c «nv-r tVuiiam et.

L'Oh THEPIl.ES-^»lt7XTl'llAM S KLECTT7-m. AKT en irtrrna. remedy i* a certain eure for 'hie diarr*.**irr end danrrrne oompleint. For avrme of the mar ertonientnecurve **e pamphlet*, to be bed et the Doe'of' medical "ft. e toteonenltetioo and 'dalre. No SB7 «Rr.-«*., W door from the Bireren between hcwery an! Broadway.'A Til .T) <. ir *-» ned era-.* a e .».<. t C

my i^/jr-t :ery which hee recently made >te appeareacc ha tea

city, ^Tne genuine bee my ntneture on the ontende wrap? t

written by me with a pen The e nnter-u: hee a petn ed far.'.mi e cf my rigrero.-e end le aery eeauy duunereiebei from threer.nire. The r. untetfe t prove* to be e n only arsrtnleee betebeclo'eiy Injuriou*. We particular therefore and aec ibet foe

ret tbe g'liume. which car. be obtevmed at the prophe-or'iomcaNo. 387 «ib et.Sd door frctr Boar-ry. be-ween Bjw-ry ana*broedwey. end cf C V. Ci.ct.jner k ( o., No. 11 Barr ley-at.


Mr. KENNEDY, of Roxnury. baa di»en*ered in en* "*

»n mein paefnre-weeda. a r meoy :hU care* E»E~Y KIND <t*" MOR (n«a* tA» arort' Bmmfmm aweie fe oca****"* /'i«t>'He be* med tr ineover e.eren hundred ea*-»«. eia never tel.edexeey.* tn two re.*.-*, both thunder humor. H- baa now m hie

Batata over two hu»d-ed »niieatee of tu «eine, ail w.tzis

twenty milei of Poeton.Two bo-tie* are weTen'*^. to rtjee a nnr«mr «or* na .ath.One to three bottle* erhi oure the wont hind of pimple* 0° lb*

fere.1 wo er three bottle* wui eat »r the .y-em f bi'ea.Two bottle* er« warranted to cure the wo ret canker in the

south and atomech.Three to five bottle* are warranted to due the wont caee of

ervalpelee.Ote or two bottle* are warranted to core all humor In the

.ye*.Ten bottle* are w*- tr.:-.! to * ..» rli.i..i.i V.« ear* ard

bi .tcli»* un..t| thi hai;.r r or to U.U..* are warranted to cere eoirnp' and runnin|


One bottle will core *eely crept ion* of the tana.7w o: tbre* bottir* ate werrae'rd Ui cure the wore* eeae of

ringworm'1 wo oi three bottle* are warranted to care the moat deaperata

ea*e of il enmatiera.Three to tour l,..r'lea are warranted to cure aa trbennt.Five to eight bottlee will cure the wnrat ceae of ecrofub*.A benet.t i* el«-e_ve ipeneneed from 'he SaM bot: e, et.d a per¬

fect cur' i* ». arranted when the ebore quantity 1* takenS' thing look* »o traprobeble to tbo»e who hare in rain crvi

all the wonde.tul med.'-lue» cf the day, a* (ha° a common weedgrceir.g cri the pa*turr* and alont old atone-well*, ehou.d car*

every hurr.or m the «y«* -^i. ytt Hue fixed Let- It you bare e

humor, i: Bat 'o rtert lentfl ere no if* nur an.le. hum* nor be'*about it. fuitiog ei me cere*, lut not your*. I peddled over *

thou*end hoUh . cf it la U-e ncmi.y of Botton. I knew the ef¬fect* cf it in every caee. It ha* a'reedy <L>ne eotoe of the greet-e»t careatttrdt.t.1 in .'!» a. bw 'U *at. it t, ten a

rear old, to olJ penn'» of aixty. I bate aeen p<a>r, puny, wormylocking chi.iln u. wL'av- (le»h we* *..(! and Cabbv. reetored to a

perfect »täte f by one bottleTo iBoae wbo ere am jer t to e *o k heao»ciie i*. »«t.« wto

elway* etna it It ri'e. »r. v r--ief in catarrh and diaaineaaSome mho have i*ken it ii«ve be. n "«tiv h i year* an htvebeen regulated by iL U here the body if aouud It work» quiteea*y. but where there ia any derangearrent ol the fanctijo* ofnature, it will ceu*e t rry unguter feeing*, lent yon mutt not beelamied; they e'wey* disappear fr.«i four deyr to e weeAIh'r. i* never e v. . tr :n it; ot the Contrary, when thaifeeling i» g.-n*. yco will feel yoanelf IiLj anew person. Iheard eomr of the gaoet extrevegent encim:uin* | f it that eve*mac .i**rn'd to *

I...¦ d ar iiON at.i» KENNEDY. No. »u» v. -.

It . .rt, Jltra Price tjj|.\\ bot» *:.'. /.g i t f i New-York: C. *. CLICKENEk a t;o.

No. 81 B, nlay at.. CHAitUM 11. T.INO. Ne. 1« Ur.-vlwav,A. B. A D. SANDS. N HI w, .....:. M MtSH dr.vis ftCo., Nn ISO Ote.uv.Kh- f_. St HIEPKELIN. BROS, a Co.ITtiW ... n. *t.; llOi Da I'Al'l .C anile r* -t U KU > \ C...HI I ra. Hu.- t. M. 1.1.¦ St iN IK 111 11 INS a To.. No. 1« Maiden-lane, HAVH.AND. HAaULAL A RISLEY, Wen-n*t.;W Altn i lose «i Cm.. Maiden-lane; Me*. HAYS, Brooklynj.t,.i for aal* al r»Uii b* all re.,.. tÄi.,e llr.^^aWt u.'^'U'- <r 'ihrOnion.

\\ BI8K1 RS oi MUS A !HES proiaeei InVI eix w< rk* by mi ON'IL EST, which will act atain our Iniure:be*klo. 91 a bo't e. Seat to er.y part of the conn rt.

H (). ÜHAIiAM. No. Mti Bro*d-.vey; SPALDINO No. 21 Tremi nt-row Botoc; BltlOitS. No. 37 Stat '-«t., Albany.

AT . SURROGATE'* COURT, licl.l inanlf.rthe Ci.untv cf New-York et the Surrogate'« OfUe, in the

Cell of New-York on w I'ab .lev ..f lui*. in pba y. ar U*a i-

eab.l eight ht.n.ired eel rifiy-five.preaent Aleian-ler W. Rrevl-f.Til. .- on..gate.- In the out'tar of 'he eppoeatn.n I t m i.

lr**e or Ball the rt al tatata of Bll. lil*>AH*ed..Oo readme and füiri* toe petit, a of lOHNPäAISKR,tbe Armi'i*trr.|or i f ib.- e-ta'e ..( BALTHASAR h AlSER,lele of fbe CBy of New-York, deceaaad, for ea'hontt to tnnrt-

gere. Iraee or eel! the re*i eetete ot the eeid deeee*-d fo* tae

I eyn ent of bi» d* l-t» it i* rr ifred that a'i pert tjg r.tert * ed in

tbe eeta'e of the eaid Beltbeesr Kai«' r. deeeeaed, epp er before.(,. .. ..... fftmm I eLt, of New Ycrk, et hi* oft e. in'haCat] 'New Yirk.onth* 4th dav of September next, at 10i'cIi ck 'n the forenifao of th*' .ley. then enl there ta »howcetie wby autlu nty ebot Id uot be r.veu to th.- «>id Admmi*-tietci to n cr'gege ireer m eell eo much f the real attate of the. aid Baitheier heart, rletearcd. a* alii b* at eveeeaty to pav h.«dtbla JjH IBwIwI A It lMlltmRr. flllajtltI .N PUHS1 ANt I. nnliT nl tl.f Mirr..i;afi> ufM the Ci'tinty of New York not c-i. hereby given to all re-r-

aona b*ving elalina ageintt JAIOII RDCRRX, late of the < i'yof New Nork, deeea.- il. to pre*, m the earne, wi'hv. .

thert of. to tbe iubeeiiher», et 'heir place of bti'inea*. No. 836th ev., or at No. 77 M**t0B Rwn^ln the Ci'y ot New-York, on

or baf re ti e .aoh day of October'next..Deted New York, thelAthday ot Apiil. IkAö.

SAMUEL RI't'REL. 1 .rf.n.. o..,._aMlewfniS« Ck RLS Ii L< n lit EL. 1 .*

IN I ÜRSUANCE Of II nnliT ot ÜM Surr.«.' it*M aftl't » i.btv efXew-York. n.ate. .. her I.. ... .. t. ill

pemna having claim* agaiuet FREDriRH K A. (.EiOIkRD,ia'*' of the I i'y of .New-York decea*e.l. !¦ pre*erit the*tw lb vonc.irr. thrrei I.'o'he rub-rnte r«. a toe other ot E- .1A S.nytt r. No. 8? Bn edwey, in the Crv of New-Tetk, on or be¬fore tbe tenth dey of AuguetnelL Deteo New-Yo:k,thrcigtithdaj- of Eebruery, 18VV

iA.MES S. SLI'YTER, I ,... .

lOf lawhmS MAROAR ET U.i.En rl ARD. * AtoinurtratorB.

IN 1 URSUANCE of an nr.lfr of the Surrn.a'rJ iftaaCeajBf] .f n w\,.tk. l it *

pet*, i>» hat .eg c.aiu.i' A MES M. Sill: LE a f

i ity of Nt w-Yoik. .1. c a*. J. to |.r. «.c law eaafea, wiib vefefawWBti t it to tbe au'aani't re at the . ." of I) or»e H. K .««.

No. IK' l*t-*t.. in Üie li vof New York.onoi bebre lie l.*bdev of Aaguei nexU.Defe.l'New York,'he9thdav of Feb. l«JtV

OEORGE H. ROSS, A im.;.v.rat.te

frlonwf.mS MARY McRORLRT, Admiai-tra na.

I N I ncslANl I! of tn order of the SnrroKtto ofR the ("onrtv of New-York n. trcr le hereby gives to ell perei ne bevir.g c iitt.i egetcet MAHLoN DAT,UM f the City ofN.v> York, d.r.«**cl la pre* Lt the **me. eVteal * näherethereof, to the eut*mb*r*. at tha etore uf AK KAUAM B.SANDS, No. 141 William et., in the City of Nuw-Ynrk on or

before tbe eigh'b dev cf Jauoary ueet..Dated New-Ytik. tha.ix.b J»v cf Ju.v. Ikan,

ED « ARD M. DtY. )ABRAHAM B .SANDS jEeeentor*.

.jTliatail W ILLIAM r TIII RmTON, Jb.. »

JN I URSUANCE of RR of thf Snrri.i.'atia ufthe County of New-York notice te hereby g-ven to * ;er

a i . I «t i s tmm* egeiret JOHM MRADT, iete ot the City ofbew-Yrrk. ri-c-aied. to rrefBt the tern- with vouchare ;-.-.-*

of. to the enlect ber* et Lie rfafldeuce. No. 133 Mu.beri).«'-.. ;u

tr- CK] ( f New Y'ork on it tetorethe btb dey cf Jenueuy ceet.-DeteJ New Y^ik tl til- dav of J t. -'.

jy7 le«6mS FRANC IS BRADY Ad ti ma ralor

IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Surro^nteof the i oui.fy of New-Y'ork, nwiee i* hereby giren to ail

peteon* having rleime again-1 JOHN i l.ll.vE, la'e of theCity of New Y t rk d-. eaee.l . pre», nf th-»em» rrh v i :.-r*.hereof tu tue euh*crit*>r e' tbe orHee of Bel. A I'.*. E-;a. No.HJcJkBat..kBtkatCRy f New York,i ¦ or before the A b daytf November Bei'.-'Dated New Y.ak. the Dth d*v of MayllvoA [n ylV levttJn .-( WILLIAM B. 1'EE.N t.t

IN 1 URSUANl E uf an order .! the SurroiiateA of the Cuutv of New Y'ork n. tice ia h reby given to all

betine rleime egeinet JOHN WITTEN ate the( it v i f New Yolk deereatd lo pteeent tb* *ame. with tooeh-er*'thereof to 'he *ut*e*riber, at tbe office of BarneyHumtbiey A But et No. Ill Bi..aiway. in the CPy ofNaw V. rk. cn or before tbe tbirte-n'h (Uy mi Aaguetnext .Detrd New Y« tk. the yth r!*v of FebiBary. lANi

fell levttn.S EL IK Wilt't N I *.¦:.:-.!.'ra";i.

SITRE M1. CorRT-Citt and Cotititi of New-Yik. RAMURL It CHILRM feai William R ROW-

LAND, execstate of the la*' will and '.¦.lament of Heana \VO.i .'..dece*ve«l.*geit.-t THOM AS HV.IB iNiiTtiN end MARTC. hit wife, A W aiien Sudth. Jama* McDoateab aetd Ana. hi*wife. I ati*k A Btiwen end Atoa, hie wife, iioretio Mey anJMat! a. l i* w.te. cit.»h en i E ea T Oroah, hie w.fe.(it.igt R. Biopby end the Roman Celboiic Oip an iaylamiutie (itvo' Sew Y ra. Sumrrona for Relief (Cuei mvierv-il.To the oefeooent* aleere named. Yon are hereby *ummonedend required to anewer tbe complrint m thi* actv-u wh'c i*

filed in BM Crttce ot the ( erk ot ur I :ty end i ountv if NewYoik.atlbelity HalLmeaid titvt: o -erve e copy of youier.wer'o'he "aid comjKStii'on ti- ib c ther, at b:e ifR.e »I

bo. ii t bun. be.a at. in eaii city, witbm twenty iaye efeervice if' hi* eturmcn* can yoa, eaclueive of'be day of auch *er

vice; and if you fail to anewer the etiJ romp.alnt (rttbia that:u.t efo.'ff Jio, Le \ li :i fla in tbi« acOon will *pp:y to th* Coaertf r the relief demttJeo In the e*Jmplau»t. The *e»l complaintwe* filed ik the »aid office a' the >aid Ciry He.1. on 'he ^rmrn-

teetrth dey f Apnl. one lboai*ewd a-itbr hun.tre-1 art' Sf»y-fi»e.Dared April 17. leAS. PHILIP MILSPAt i. I

ivUlewlCwS* Pleinfiff*'A t. rjaj N i. Oaeneera-et.

CUPR1 ME 0 >U1 T Ci'imtv ..f 8O kOY vi. (. ROSSfagatnat 0EOR0E RuSS. -To \he *b t

named dttit lakTl sa.-v u e.-e iaia> . am nad V> aaewvtkt c n:;latt in thi* ertion whic'' .a a ed May M, IMVthe otfite of the Clerk !'Sul.'.tae "

. M .-i.el N. Yand arrre e ropy al your eaaeerer oa a.,- t iy office m Jefferav.t.lle. an eeiil cicty, within t*. ulv na... mm t'»-' etrvloe af BB

a u.mei * . l, 1 ..> t .».. f *utb eer»»te. and if you faf. ai.awer the!atM a* aforaavaid. tbe piaautilf wul i«k

ji ,.gn act foi the *um til one hand ed *.. . ar*l .Datele.a .7I1AAC A ailr11 > <

j*> C law. wS A'i rcey Rai ?lt*

eaJCI \i) Ml. ' IUI 1 CeMIRtJ Si tfRO.-C WILLIAM H ( l RTL- kM - 1. CURTIaOEOROF ROSS, "e tae, ekvvr^aaaeaai d«iVad*c' Sar-Yra. r- ketily taaiuett t* an*» r be coto

w w.. . < V .* JS. I K, in tbe eteace tf th Cie.-k 'Rarbveb Coatty at M u cello. N. Y.. axel eerteac'Df I vo»er

ti tear ot b e at my oMee in JeRer* avil'e. in said C m f t,

m,t' t twa o'v iaii ef er be asm. e of tLe* aaxoBaaaeje. etc earve

f tLe dav ut «i ». vtCe ol f v. i. e to -.

p'titt a* »forv**i*t ti e Pt* .Lttff will lake laeUme it f tr th-a*j u

«f.* i .n<ii«d aevi ä. y-«ix o.Niat* and If *-l*w eatkte, vaiaiMav SK, |H\ ISA AC ANDERSON

,.»awS Aitoraey f »r F tJ«.

Baak I partmbrt, Srert or Nrw Yoaa.jAlBtBT lula ii. MR »

THE RANK OF COPNTNG hat thia day filed.V lM- ri .. . e ot 1r *n .* ¦' : r ''

MERCUL IaRR C F TROY '.a the ry "f T*>1. M Aa-ntfr 'be r- '. m|' ', 'rar r -u.a'. .* n 'lev atetb * » -.'

ee-bno'th ap, oibtut at of TH «*ECH aN OHrllDI-t RS' BANK ot albaay a* *a-h Aayen'. agr 'BeM* ^ .,,**'ut ed " An BtJ tai emea.l be e» vrrel et 'e rel\tujg to loeoeri a-tt-

ed Pack*. Baaki: g A*» eutb»*abd i»aiv.da*l Be .kera "pa*-*.Aptün, 1UL M. eCHOONMAREH. SupctieaeWeot.

THE ANGEL.Wmmw HeotKcU HVril

.JTht itSorjId'-t thou fear the ancel. Death.Who wait* thee at the p tais of the «Atta,

aVsvdy to lie* away thy prrn.-.'linr- breathReady witii pnuit Band to clot* thiue »'ye*.

How raai.r a trat .,a ....! La- |i-h .! »»».,FImJ ir'adiy from fierce p lin ati.l pl-asunvs dim.

To the ettn al spleMlor of the dav,A tin many a troubled heart ati.l call* for htm.

Write too t. r.itf r fur the battle h« reHave »nru'd frum life, us bop.1*. Iva fear*), it* oLairna,

Aid ' lildrvD. »hnd<t< rui* at a world so drear.Have, emiiittr, par* d away in'o Lie arms.

He whom thou fVan'-t will, to ease it* pain.F.ay hi* eld band upon t.'.v a. n_- heju':

S5 i ».»othe tl'O "errorr of twf tronbr>*d brain,Ami bid the shadow of earth's k,rief dt-'pa/w

He will tnve bark what ne at*, r time, nor tnisrht,Nor paeaionate [.'.ayer, >>r lotuiiii; hope r»>tore,

.Dear ar to lout bl.n.i . >e» r» cover'.'Hi- will pivo bark the*.' wh" have ifobe before.

0, what »ere !ife, if |.f.» w*rv all f Thioe eye*».Are blinded by th tr tears, or thoo would at soe

Tl.:- treasures watt the ill the far-oil" skies.And Deat/i, thy friend, will ,;ive th. m all to thee.


From Putnam t AfoalA.'* for Augtut."They have Ml np considerable of a baby next

door," aaid my frit-: 1. who wasabaehelor, a* ha eatn»»in one eTeuitii: to talk with Lue, in thoex- _'ow day<,v. t.en nn l had tiivie to talk." Blera BMI -aid. and that wan all I «aid, for it doomed to me i?

Lad t een notie in uti incredibly short spare of time.As I eabftidt d it to my 'hou.hts, Parti subsided into hisei^ar, and we did very well. I coutite.1 bac«. then.otitha my neighbor, a determined fell >w, a car¬

penter, and his new wife, equally brave had nr>vedinto the next door, and I RaM tha* i wae a year olderLi w thin th'-n. and that th-re was a new' crea'iotiwhich I had knowu noiliing about til! my friend Ltdaaid "they have pot up consiib-rtble of a baby nextdoor (" Hi- ppoiteof it very lightly, a* a vodh«; man

mit,ht,ai>d smoked on. wtitle I tt*otig'it of it aa a tnau

a ho " had had Umm)m should, and who poudcrtd < u- !ithingo.

I waa old. Indeed, my wife had charged that mybnioi.cer tiit reai-ed out of pro- union to my wi* io.n,which ii.i^ht mil lend ton diff'n-ii.-e of opinion!..;.!. l> t tr..i*e word*. .. they have

np a baby,' fame back 'o iw, and they s-t-med t'i 1110

loniMaw^an I WtTsMawa] WmmVmmt WtJ n.'igb-1 ore had i-n r n Ii' eta*j u;-in «hat thry ba<l Jone: forI wea eOP', HB I now reim tub.n d wn. 'i I w*e

\ outlet, I had t.ot; lor i looked upon my Rob a< a Baalt« rot ictir-e.ui.i t' lie raun', bu* uot when he loft.may God keep hia rout! and now a new ehil 1 o^ienedtu tue the patee of the pant tin! of tho fut in'. Thelittlenebulou», pnlpy, utirhnpiu thinp, led me by thehand back.bnek int* the di'n nvion when' m irybail no pla. t-: w> eu I lay, an now Uie ne* baby in the

j ntxt lioure lav, ualpiteiin/ with new lift) and light;rtiikii't: out l iiiidiy wi'h my -mall hV», nml ^riwi a ut inietj t-Iindtuvs, whiih hovered trouud iw

tii-it, r. t-iu 'o i.ow.i und aUay* ».-a,** I. Ir. rl. 11 at euch imee, how I tnurhtbave be' uchp.tlod orillei iim tl, -r ii fool,i n<l my panjntr.dimiler've.l (lihl " 2" 1laae, aini rü. riti. ed uie to tin- d- of tlriiiK, or anyiil-re-.ulnte.i auibitiona and | n«-iixin. in whieh 'To vif*iiidnlpi-. It i* trilf 1 aan a littlo kniM .-kne.-d andhave a stoop, bot 1 eon-i ier thmo are aristvietialifl, and|k rtniti 'o oi l, h, et.), if ii.e in;,i Mi*; and eo [aVaTaWhrovM-lf for the wt.nt of that etur ly aVlwatfth whiehhovtie iiImiiii tlie low-l.uiiiili a mid »hiH'kn *U» *». .rt-

Oitnt of tatty voting l.-nii. .. I!y jiu^o,' one of ourt.-illt tt nU'i «|mkiu:> -l ln>\-tt-' to-ay. who f;;i I a le_'aa mVfO an a devi nt ttian'e ami and an lo k| aa a

rtork s, by jitt.o. there e no tine'aKin^ tiiat Ithj]. Iib» loi n*U> (VlP ehttll '" und unit did. and I a'ii dav))wük ot Inn ttithi r'a eon; f>r tbe head matched the> mm. and waa like the hird'a, BM Ii lull and ii-lie br'inn.Jh.ite i.oi etu'l.t d anatomy, nnd eo I may be wr

bill ae hja fee' II» ver ifii-w, i, we.e very tiirrocv mi

rniall. even whi n he not to bo old eiiou.'h'to vote, bjbjJ»i,« »hat i- ul ed « ihm ii. rn> onelu-..iii le th t: tin'blood never uot all the way 'town thoe>- loinf leg«, butw 11- .-pell' .ibetlt the kne - wbii'.'i were very I'ir.'e, oftouive. Hut tb'm' two le,.m mn* to Con^iive, and

one vote in favoi of tie! Nebroeka bill, an i tlicndi-h| | . «ied lot' ». r

\5 l.iK-vir aill iti 'lowu to Seven'h-at or Sixth-.t,. or

into 'he Kouith W Ud, »nywl ere iini ni^ tin- te;n-.n -:r

Loumb, and toward evenioi; »titeb die ehildr- n Bikaiwarui there, ami notiee how 'nany BM »vuii, an t ho*/here ainl th« re i-1 a eru ch, at a club foot, or a wiato.1neee, or a bleated Ojo, hit. heart will treiiilile- wrJi re. ti-- but it will aUo i ip.iud with tliaiikearjriag thathm lurih and hojhood mmm) nut there; und he will goht>n.e, ne I do, md ^'o out in hia yard and hold up hieIna<t nml atratahteii hm back, Hin' mi ig a'iout binftittie, ami lump In* Io.-h ii.-ei .-. joy I.e-i-.-Jf, und huMttjihlore will rn\, " hue th.--i ul UTttl world, wbictiLap lunar iiifluene-e a d lu.n e, gravity, and m'at a

aa ite "ti". mid ia aV lieeted at the [Kilea, ever Been eo

ijuetr a Blüht ''

L*-t tU'Ui, oh! man; but do you enjoy your lineb'.«') ai d work wed lor ite ealv tin i.

Hut Walkn » new baby waa born in Mindi, andthat I did not thete waa an impropriety in it. thereason war- ot fi'.it waa rude anti UaMaTeHaW. VTtoO,the li'iie-birde on the 1 ttb of Kebruary, f n tnatle \ aki.tii.e a day, nnd the nroina of the love le'tertieott'i " tl .. air, mi that tl.'He blue birda ¦. in nunf d,tut U.e loth tiny of .Mirch ia nobo-ly h day, and I tno*rof t, win. I: kIkiUM mttke It 'l -ie-lid tie d <>' '" I "

h.itu in, m. 1 wt nl'i tiot odvi-e it, hut u.* it w.ia uiv

11»ti* iii^itl"' * ti'-' bal.v, -he infill w.ll overlookthi m thiittre, whieh a person <d exp-'rieiiee w mid cou-sn er. I a ou'<l be boru in I tin. .I, t.n ate - _-! . a

inolith, so lull of prom lav; whi n tlie bloe-o tiH ure ahow-ii.ji forth their l.i.iuty, ami every bird mid every in-seet, aril i oi in to ii> w life, ia rioting in tiW.a>-tS andlii-kuj^ out iteeoul; when tlx- bre» iy landscape ep.cidout babta you, Ilk jow heart with lonaitii ton youre>e with tean>. when the hills, lymp in their hazo of

tl cr, batlied ar it were with eofieued sunshine, t arrypeat* to the over-aoiked mind; ar mm IM tmmWt r

aea, ÜMMch the iMg sohjrioe, rata>rMlaM fj iriee of thesun and r-ky. nno ar» taiy kimts the rou^h r... ks, au 1muni.ur- ul IM It.Imite, then.tbeu is tbe t. u»» to Ijcborn, am! tl;.*e who read fhrfataBBI nnd have faith innie. vi .ii hen nit. r r« inemb r this, and be> gtataM by it,and mi do (he va.. rI<t -nine aervicu.

I l.n.k of the i la ;ire« ahi.-h will be dOirueiriMtyedon that si.btle brain when the blue eye flr«' OfmYtaii.ewiih a-omler upon a .lu n-1 euii.nt and, a* ifitnutieo with tbe beauty of tn*wau<l »fritse and -ky andriver, of l.i'tl ainl blo-rotn, iheey.a atat mgmmt in a

Ion. sh'uiVit r, BL.l all that vision m a.«eituiU ed au 1ko« s l oursinp through the veins, a* any otie may *».«>

abo wati hi s as mothers do. IN ho «up;h>*e»i tbtt <neii

a Ci>t f ia^bt is ever forpottea or lost I.not Puiuam -

Lot I.Tl ink bow full of sunshine a little life miatht be

which f.I>t felt the ilitjue. r-1> of tke genial June eilU,and breathed into its Innterfeet lun/s, first breitnsf oui air ee» nted With apple b aawtMB, mtlmmt bhaxs and

i Ii in *.tliii.k 1 ow tlluiia.'!- would expHiid aud gtwWin srch life-, ivini.'air, and b'n-o.iw. full, r» teeona t

aim voeavl witt.inu*.0; for a moment whtt a uti^'|a how they te.ei bmmm |MlfBCl every par:!<. >. of hebloixl wl ieb cours. a'hro. ^'b the blue veins and blusbeaon tie che» k of your, *>i;l,..ut them >ot,'»ir», ai d 1'nrndun would bave be- n e immoa,feeble Wi wiJt Ihem 'hey eu ra "ed theworn' '.think of there thiiif, E. S.. an.) rt-ineinberhow few -erwt.s are bom ui Ju«.e, mm how tuauy inI »t-c» mbt-r, and ecast- to wo .wer kaa**«r v Uie pipingvoi. ir. MM faces, small fee* early .jeaths of this

I feLeration.Tb»- wottd doea move, as ore Galileo one said.and I

I nottoi . ate now at. i then riAo- s>t; one sa- h is tuat aneu tan M "uly o^e mmrnt w-'ll, now a tud, r>)uudb ai. iiiii o «ryih.iic we.l |,\.. h ¦ tune e ou^b. a-idu.e one llll" tunt 1 MaM to Am '* Ml oake tu A mi-

I tiac, eLd lor mSmt rer>. n U.-e -e I arint to novo

Lad'.-Dav iVoDi th" .:'>'.h ..: H b Mi *ue Mfe 'ta*Jao»»;I take it I i-an put mv aWakka' » a where 1 please inu \ own A ti.aLu- Sww. so c Mar .n.'t-niti 1- d .ian |n ay say, "On t utthenLürii'maa ".oo'tr^iurenir .t!''

I I abc*.Ht eapert I- would Hat Cb- iat na* m r\% t.;j,e S-.iL Decrmlfria tie ptN»^ tiuK.aad L i-lj-Dtywill h' r kbt w.' en 1 ttiineiu) Al ii'iiv'.

The baby is an animal, atwi «nouH aiat'i'y '«s treat-

I ed aa en. b; hot i' is an animal in whumi lies ml ten a

MaOtatl SOUl. DaUaM 'he tilB' per.») i' «!>->»<; yetth*- .erm bevii»<o act»»' I. -ending throc.-h that liv n/

yet i|L*e or^ntiirrjj thaatw- mtilt.^ii« i ti-.l 11 "UV nerveBwl ;tt, are tn a s'-rt the rjut* of tbe soul. Miti-ew,d>o> and va, m MM mi (M «;*tit, a.i-1 as the inrtK-rai's wa'chiui she see* a aa.pic:o.i of saiTi-n'tii poi

I aw«y, bb*J a Umlaftit lieh:, alinoat a SJUke, pltf ovrcr

the Li eo. rcioas fa< < hk *h>- sunshine which chaseelaw -laV ows* tl.'>- IwaaaaW ( Ivl i.

1 t.r . aby is an atitiuai. an-i so the c ikl shoald be¬st .;« OeVollOti. Ob the whole, B o iwi lie to it body.WhrL»\er uiu see smartebitd'en, orstQd.ou* ''hddren.or pious 1 laldrt-n M aure th:it sotnetl.tng is wnniL',and ..ot aetpLf they nie early, Uiey wouH <row

j op spindlii j» and wee.|y. Look oat for, and bolJ lastb> Ogooal rolli. Vi'ier' Gewrew arl.thvdo* a cot care a tnati for its mind or it* s-ial art's1 lo-Lea, I at bar a keen *? nae of the oaxevwity of fre-qaeLf t ioD»ra, ann lore- naps, and ia a true **y >afit"

j at d is not aa1 am eu of t.It r w, i, u> reu- uiU-r that th.; owe' pcr'at" cfat'ire,

tbe laW of all c-ei. ur-s, In Q*f*eDe* is the m'»si t.-l;i-I Mas, and .hia he pUaruea* him to «ifjroweb*' aji J

to drtr: for what we help we lore, *n 1, in lire, who¬ever **fk* happinese tiiwle it only in helping otlV*re.It hat been thr fashion to despire too it tilwrot'ir, and every eree*! slioul 1 btvtn <*''-h Juti*** to it,Apam, beanty bis been thornjht to be exceptional, a

tort of Beam trifl <>f it »11 wrong: for beaut vif the normal conditio«, and b<-anty and health are

*v r:on» n out, and jntt .<> far at we re-tore marakiud to

a'codlik' condition ot healib, we b.-i.ia: bock toaaatrthtbe beau'v of the t'ltrein. and so aave hau<i*orae w«.

met fioffi tailing into utttr folly, aihi h*tid*i a- tuen

f.-«m Fe'.isnitni or ted worabip, winch it.-dev..-y» orthip.

lint tlx- new bahv v*t'. door impre**ee<l rue; au 1 theSwidinboMian* would -ay *?.a: wat an in-

flux. I topioe for they always do. and aeeui to hareirrt »f tAtiafactn .i ui cilW' oi<i tlnn-gi Bf, a im w rvaioa;*a> I went up -'aim and put tnv ear to the wail andlitti Ltd ff. irt aouiMi: Im' I uould uot h> ar. on.y feelit; thru I wunder»d what it w**>.a r>oy I a bJWwhat ' and tr,.-n I laiii»».ed aoftjy; fori rena»mb*r»*ih«»w Ba-tioy Mcl»earv came Lack fm ti h:urei«tii**r inKnatltiid. and a neighbor met him and taid. io an ex¬

cited «ii:¦. Sur». row, Mü-threat Marlory hat a b.tby.'Ah, row. John.not the stud Hartley, turpri-e.1.

and a littlo f-laied." Yft; but what do von think H ia?"TI i* waa an uiiexiari "ed 'ju-«-'ion, and eaii«i\i per

plrxity...Oucrt, now," taid John...\Vtl;-a by.'. Gurr* ac'-n,' taid John, enjoying hit ignorance,

"pneaa a*.in.'" Muybe a nirl, ti en.". Ovh." said John, much dii*eoneertod. "Och, ye

naeer. somebody tonld ye.'

He had |k»o«'t»»«-.| ro ini{>or'.aot a fact in two ^uettea;I would not vijjture upon W alker * new baby m that

way, and rrturm-d to th" ..>¦¦<¦¦ :i,.' i -.*rc,K arner»

Co:;!! get a brtatn of Pauls ci^ar. If I ever shouldrueer*>it in iteMing a ^'reat deal more money than my*hari I until to hire a atout Herman boy, who d"Canot can- to live long, to burn a Irfle toSaceo for mo,for itt frapraiue. in tbe B**t**MB of jeaaaminoa and vio¬lett, it a re.itf *o the monotony a/ the afreet air; but,at preaent, I mutt troat to cane* and Haul. I suppose it is not ehaLce; but it teems to he altogether to,whetLer a child ia a boy or a tiri. Wo have no

knowledgt of tbe law. and, then f>re, have no tmmXt Jover the reau'tt. Tina I have reason to nvret, for o k?of my uncles had nine daughters ranging from rive t .

fifty; and it wan my miidortut e to have to kia* thema ,i, ,,r.e da;. ..%. al .>uM do ... w ,» a au priaa' to

him, for be raid: "What » devil of .i tello-v you av

for kitaini:'" And I tl.otit'ht .'What a devil of a fel¬low _\ou are for daucht. re' ' I h*vo no d.oiht he rt-(rretled the one aa much na I did the 0 betr. B'l 1 trooidnot have liea-un nad he known 'ire end. aa I would no*.I venture, therefore, 'o etil tho a'f" of etnme.;t

pbyatoloi;iata to r? it* p..inf. for. in n,..!».> onya, iei co ra: -in k- -I . »otld im.) the w if« re, a n. .v :. 1for i x, (oration w ill U' re. . iv. .1 wi h tlmuafalueat, andtdieaa of plare mav be tmr-ented to me and I'uruain,for whiih. in .nivain-e. I rendi r our rhankt.

Mre. Walker * hahy no' only led me into the d pn t. iv!.!--, iti,. uiemur) of «ro.xl aud pie ttan'thiii-avt thoin- out l.kc white miK-rtoiioa hc e andthe.t a.onii the way and ex. ited in me a lovu for t\wpi-.*'. Ml li a\i|i;.|iihy with tlliac ynuu^ reaturea, one

of which I have faith to ba-lia-ve i ou. e wna.ilio.i^ntew mt^h' la." lereurul'd of it( mmmt h.aar irrnuiititledami edgy I have conic to be in the jar and no'ion ofthif city.bou*!ering fir wealth: it not o.dy did (hki

I (if I knew whe'.liirit waa a bov OfaVgid I should not

epaak of it, an it. hut if mad" me poml-r upon the

pientii, Hinl a th'nie of ta-^rv:, I tlimk, p-itae.i over

my kiiuI, t' at 1 too, who had hi en *<> full ol (»naibili-tu a, had yet come to ao r:iiall a -Kirfonuance. ilnn Iten.! ndia led Low the hat'» fill tkea-peare, a little u'-i«u-louH mare, witti here and 'r.erc n spot of li,hr, hadatato LvpTtred about Warwickahire, and 1ml dnnviifrom the I rcafli of ntitnro tuen ricl.ueaa* au I ra lilaVCO, ami lim! rotiudaii into a boy under that vniledrky.andhdd uxiiuihitcd evcryihii,*r good und gnatlHici J li arai.t «ti"-uli'iie, ao that he lilii;*. ll iMine to

n -i r: iiitcriK'ntin. Vet, when he ^nt launchedinto lea orl'i' hewrta a jaior player enou.'li, M4 a I titllttar, but he on tv the ct<nml ataia do, adentlr,nmait.j BO WbiarB, hu' fonrver working, and tnnun' mi

the world Uii'oiitih nil Hina>; and we ye gt-o Ilia li^ht,while the tnr m.d tinder ro. Kc'a. !vin,t, popeB, andcentral*, hate tliithed out a :d Hi vatnr<ti"d. 8o,too, I thoti^'i.t of the poor peaeant l»aby Uo'iiu.who to led al.otit ..ti the I'Uid but t lean tloor ofthat Scotch b> th e, anil Icttiti»-«! ot m tn and landat he iiiild; but the Wim ows of hit an) ,1 .v. i.

open, to that the liu'ht «treamed in ami a wept ttiotintii»'", and foith came melrel.ea whieli neith r I nor

tin Woil.l . oul.I ilo without, je' he, too .¦..¦m.d "

biuirt if to buve pnant d away aatl h it no aign. And( ii ti.wnl, too, l.ort, in l.iueoltialiirtu.-vhat a haliy hewa>; NnOf, jetBOttkUkti pulpy an an^, a *fj loved 'iya moih'r and eliriat« ii>-l On vor, with lou±r, whiteloll . r juat like aiioth. r chil l.liow li iroua he Knew,

ami how eiidtirino, aim how doinaf and dinu^! Yethe eh aa d l it eye» kmin in-' tha' BaylM t, for w lndihe hud o ce hoped to much, wouhl re'urn to ita kin -a

Baal tin i. oia. and wallow in dc.r t>la ion tut it had tie-foie. I thought of many mote, a lon^ litt of *or*infr-BMBI and 1*1 ti .¦ crowda of wottny te lo*a whoao BMtOII bud never In nrd, and 1 tai l, but not aloud, to Caul:" I'hi ip.I'liiiip Wally*, you were a baby onee, hutNotiar.-a kinnfti now, and it'a yoar butim aa tothii k ifoivl thou^'lita and tpttik i»ood worda, and do(jood died*, nod to -ho»- hor«a:a. no v you may beliovothat you ouuht to apeak in a foi u n, but you havoi... etotjaak in: you may think you ou^ht to ah apena lout, but it ia not. you are to nhape, not Coiirtiiiu-tiont. I.'t rui li 'hi iv a i.o and do well the work .itb&i.d. and apt ak a goial word to Walk'-r w hen yon can,Ai d e"jo\ i..ur ^....,i thought.'', and n un BktM r '.hero ma (Sod, and a loni» bereft and plen'y of 'im»s No*,Unlip, jou dot. t ^et druiik, and a Rood many itli.i ii at \\ arlai itton do. You don t cat, 'did yo l

tin', though, slight that iihoe to aav when yO*J IM in

n hurrj ')but ra b un» in Wall at. do you ihm t tw»;-iV't with vamty, Fhiiip except on rare oeeatiouia, yetat "i uV ^^--t OMtVJ do, ail th»'irttile, nii/htttoo, on it is reported; and, above ail ttnn^a, l'lnlir, Ihi.|o *OfJ i.on t lie, na poli'iciar.a do.for, if vou do,you will certainly »o tin- do,;* or.'li« devil.''

Hut thus kind ot telf eommuuiou, though very pleta-ai.t, ould not ba toi.tiiiue.l f-irilier with proii'., y.after it, I b. ii've I liked Paul befta-r thouxh h« didMnohe and differ in oi.itnoii with me upou every i'ti-portant'a r ai.d 1 ihouacb* that, por-ihly, he w»* a

really ch var tellow. in spite of hut «piiüngou my tloor,wl.n b, .juat then, he ilid.

It tnurt have t een a nie.- thing to do, to cast the ho¬roscope for a chili, to consuit the atar. and to practicetub.tie and myalic,¦aa-ua, and so endeavor tothape or indicntc the future our.e of ttia' no-a/ elitoe-lert tiling lhi-f *a* aometlini^ w«-ird a:: w in 1- rlHJt:l.. ut *h .a: uicl f imala w.Ut 'heir chart* and theirahra.'6iia'>rtt*. and their towers and t'.iir vi^iit. 1ibosld ''um!» have had mil e Ottrt, and I should <oto a (otlaiii' .. r now if Uie b'ec-d were not sunk ¦.«-

Leuth couti iiipt. l'here was about aytroloirers thetau e i.esy way of gl tun*; aloiiK- a« Llicn- it ahout thstiir.tnal Mtri* of to-day it BkaMO Qo tiud of diff rem e tht- thin^ kTM 0a1 to or not, it was >p>rittainI thai wa* enoiitrh. Si a. I sat there on my ttep IBaVwaUtt 1 »oulo eunt the horota Ojae of the tiatar ba'iy,ano I dn w a pa-n'u.'on, and 1 i;ot Sa ura Lato tha astj nut. Btatj I mot iU Urn red do< and the whi'e laily,ai.d it secmcal Moxsvitu in o, position aad lurch.. lo«lp' BM lUl h ll.ti» I *as g.'tiufc ou very woli when I ro-n u.hurrd I did not know tie hour and the .niuuvwhen lie Lady was Btxtw, neither did I know wh ttherit wi I a ho; or a *.irl, and -o all wi« OOtifuaaOtj «kfaiu.Vt 11 atoa pb a-oii' to me la thmk that the new lit lec i.iuro ii .ia. tat well U> otne a prhle aid a glory 10 tljou.o her ti nt had bor;.e it, and a prop m 1 a-tay totbe lotteriiie mmft oi tha' fair, ou spoken Waiaer.1 00 Lot like to ion-. a>t ti e future wnii clou It of tor-row, and as 1 had »ritat i;oufide:ice in the father andmother ot iha: < h id ano at I know full well that, in

BBH car** out of ten when children an ood it ut the1 olsa qua no- of diaaeaaed, or btvi, or inju ik'iosit par.-nta,I bm lata« 'hat ti.e Lew hahy was a hkasiaig now,and wo'lo lea -atiafaeiion forever.

1 have a cunoua btioa>iKnw7, whnii it that thoa^hI i.r.. 11 i'.'it n 1 don r i,e. d t]i»m. and I th 11k 1 liteo'LiT p,cpl- a beater than my owu. I am not fond ofd . ir < »-r» Bad ra-tp.*titibili'y, arid when 1 wat a 1 had al oti.'-r peivon'a ' Xpenajiii e. A Very j ,dyF' aeu'leinvi waa in the auge who overdo .redwi b kii.'iüna-ae and Kren- li sympathy, and in but po-Bat 1 ¦ ami no**! natuie he horroae 1 a very due andjo 1. ba y from i a a^i.lier. tn- y aid v-ry w.-Ll for a

while, but 'he roughLtat of the road I suppose, or tin;Fr* nrl man's aurpriaing LtrHnaia, oiatu. Ireu tho diiiucrol the baby, and it poureai co »tu the, baby'a ehm aadslot tf t'e ^ei tiatuau 1 trow a. 1 he .. ai.J fo*;. a-io.-ig-atid, and he Ui tV i the mthj iowar>i its oaxbtw,BBjiw .. Mu nn.r. -nk'- your 'eetle tbild; I am aiavjiiat

' I have m-ver 'aken a baby from that day tofan fat I like to toti u th> m, formt ü>»k t end 4 dUoJay 1 he n est deli, loaa texture it the akin of a

black or mulatto baby; it it satiny and fine, ami toe

tru> Lei. mat pica:.11.ny it the il ivk child, at any one

aha Lbs Iva*] at ih» South kooars, aad hev a-rokeua

gtvat deal of love from the wnib-e till rb»\v free > ne old. .... h to *a II, and in their mo'iasra s»auiewja: lou«r>-rthan that.

I aniiot leave this »a'je t w.'hout a tyaiaaitip; allu-fion to one ttf tbe pb*uoaaerta ot tbo imj. Home tiroaears Bft) tliere .> at a tpontatueout outbarat of baoia-a

I hr w .rH w at statrtlaal *iih 'ne report thatfor y Laviiif wets collated at Colnmr.ia, ami tüatthere war a *'Eab> ftbow '.a uew thnv in a>ci»l aci

the report of whioh «>ni dying abroad from one

en." ot tie world to tbe n'j Periapt 'hat waa was ai Vetat loteranle..t vt* We»t>ni; and so *raa

my entriacat on my way ; .. . M t..tu...'.. 1'

I»airai,le I wat a viae-l to *»« Col Cro/han, thanw »t of th» Cav»». ba>fa)re a weot down, tud SO I 'lil;bu; 1 Lad Mt| bark ru UatU, flight of tiitj C'aro iaxb*}

ovrntd may more than I 99*34 i a bos] being owned,ata *p»ke of tA« prio« he pail for it and then mmo-mxtod other Cav.e. whe» I aek.-d, " "hy, mo you«wt> Bless you, 70s, I own fifteen Caves" .

Bit«« me, enough V» . »hall yet be shown pri¬vate cabinet* ot mountain*. 1 sappoae. aad herbarium*of osal sab. IB. lUmum. the showman, in iet'atignble,¦BarrupoJuua, deurmititJ to have ex<v\l-;. i rrpie». i '»tive of the audacity. eot*x^pri»e»: of tl* people aeizcd tbe B-iby 800»- e**rd aad»t r-sd it abroad tu nv.! n ar; :be maternal iuotioctwaa roused, and from far and near came together (3thJuso, :- ¦. 'a- hildren and !«an children, twin*, trip¬lets, qaa.iruple'a and what u«.t lai»d toey m>r« crowdedS where the heti-coetpa were laat Tear, with the fat lad*ajad Ike Ve*rded Ivly. and the <iant lady from Matue,

a, I'vc-y mother'* so* tat thi ..». and the dwarf laylyfawn Michigan, and tl lyoad the PüningPutang. ana men and w>iue. «, n r*fa**y*iad kj amongtl . 1... 1 too aod Bamam ron'.. tSO,000 by it, and iMw(iii*v« Aid) hurrah hr him' tbe tin* fellow, to

whom, pot ha* ine t*va th-- Scot ihdd. I gave myptize. Tw*.s a disagree hie, if not a lisgiastiug ahow,ami 1 ::t;«t a il ev.r >. repeatedThe phihooehie. physical o'lieralixarion V» be drawti

from this *l ow, aoctlruintr to the clever Reporter ofThe Tribi \e, ia, "that a handsome baby must havea handsome mother, that she must have had two cOi-

tbal si e must live freely, take geiteral do-r \- n «*. M levei laud, and that ber husband

u:u»t l>e a r»><k-4«*»«ta-"0m more thing I mav meatiou, becarts" I think it

ma\ s'rike minds oftho«e al>out to marry, a* worth/of Vi ry m i»t»woo*>aideratii>ii. for nobody ia *a*V.) It«I . am . at there is a f>aby born with a beard!

laafjhmtm\ Bay yosnag maaida» My l****t wonts are,and I am a mild" man. that a baby is a complex aad»\ v...rk fan. Wbawvaa aooeooda la perfevt-kag thai worv d. serves a'i praise.wh.sever pro-luce* afSm mmi diseased child should at once be put to deathwithout talk, txio evidence is complete.C"Rvt. Rirv« .-In the .reat archipelago of tb«

Ks. e. k a: d l.'n k I- r he Marshal Islands, as]th< y «ie m-iiii t.m« * callol expending at ri a i.iaoa oflour or live hundrtd milce, BOt a atnuc or fragment ofa lock is to l»- seen other iliau corai; all the o d landa,with their hard rocks, have diaapp««red U<ueaih thesea; and ao valunlda a* v.-n Uie smalbat pebblea ofhard rock thnt ahei.t ver a drift tree 1* thrown ashoraon one ol the islands, its root* are instautly searched,aid ntiv 'tie i.'iito 'tn^letl thereiu aiw

carried to thechief aa dtwite Motu? tw totlj.' c- >wo.'II e a»}e< t of "Mfolls. as they areeaUed, ia

peculiar. The .Urk clem- biue water of tbe unfatiiom-ableo, em r>.'.Is around tb.-m. kept in loiijr üouüe uu-

daiaikma by the perpotaal breath and tmpuTs"' of thetrade-whnd. That kmar, la/.y awoO, meetin,» suddenlywith 100 olk.fru. ti m of the atOOp wall of fie reef, Hftot*« 'i in'o vit.'. »ide, cotie.i'iou* riitfe* of blue water,that, riahag likyjat t a'-d hhjaor, at hist 10II over and fallOB tl.BtCI e if af the m f 11 broad catartcta oft.niii th.' gnOjt rlaag Ol ¦oiow-white surf thus envi¬rons the w ole n t f'iiitiss 1 vit i t at the leeward oponiutra*foitninit a well ms'kiil boundary Isf'wi'en the deepbha it t! e 'C at; and e t>. ;^h: ¦.rasa-prni'n wtterofthe tun i|ttil nl d .oni|wir ttivelv shallow IfttfOOtl iti«ide.I I fe 011 the run; of the reef are inaariHod bybeaebcaol tllllailaa. white tattd, eovereti with greenbojahaoi om often afooraad i<y the pliant stem tmlt-etitU waviiit: .!'.. _-i ic ful. feathery coooa-

jialin. I l.e eU-ments of the eceue are few and nililple;vet it 1- ..; ,\ i-.infill but in.wit iin^reaaive. TI10

tit. ..i Irnsl >'i tbe color *»<t«u umler a tropical sun,w ith ihi bit: iici p say ovcil ea 1 u..d the lev piled up,motu tail oils and stauonurv clouds, looking like toweraof woolpacka, which arc cfiaraeferistio ot the Paciriitlioiizot:. plaOkW s mid sntifti. s the ey>>, while the mind

tit :...t fail to be moved with the eontwinpla'tou of- ii iMtt ilerlul reeubs e, :.-. .r._- t'10,11 the apparentlynntiuoiiihlic but 1 .-rally united, action of Uie greatt. reel wi t.attip'. The jti'V tut« mat diaturbing agen-aaM hi I tba i'. -'m Lire aottoa of waves and win.laare tnui flu r at <i* liui a aad overcome by the vitalet i-r-i. s mmi t ow ers of euch on iisi.'iiitieaut animal m*a litt* oh p.Ti e hi. h tslnti'ls of the PawMe, whether surrounded

by nn em it. ! "i. barrlet rief or not. have likewi-e gen-erniiv BiauaJI teuture« in c.minion 1 lu-y rise int.1 loftypatJta and ridgi»in the ¦lariat*, k;rasn grown but bareof tin s, trom w hich railiate many butln-es-liko ridges,nepaiafctd trom aawh other by deep and p ecipitouaravti i 1 that« pi 11 into valleys as they proceed towardthe teOv Km 11 radiating MM has iui *i 'ea also cloaelyaid .'ii ply futto*t«l by rocky |lotw thnt run-traigbtft. in .-.:... tt i'her .-ul.' into tbe valleys, nud eachMi ifti tjtii od« in a crng^y prouiontory ttiat juts intothe kcii, null dark precimcea of .lurk roek m-ptriitingtli>- v hi . vh from each other. < >vei all the lower parte11' tl .- ii Bl a, ne well as iti the depth of the valloya audi nvinie, epren.l dork, .iiiiliriigi oil* lores'*, while grovesof ....... palms, baaiboo*. breadfruit* and the oroad-looftd I nt a: a BXiBOd BBtBtB IM BBBIO OOOO BtTsj leveltracts I'. .1. r tl eee trees the iui.a ,it.mis build theirbu s, til i\ ti'e Iaht ir Midi M aod 'end their simple and

I: I. m;..I liv.s. It stielt nn island have an enclr-lin_ rt :' :i e lagoon hi tween it and the Und forms a

II a ijinl tea In ke or ill Hint hai bor 111 which ibfl nativeamay Oisport thems. !vis wl.ile, an the roof often cloaeoin upon tl.e land and cu's this off w here the precipitOUBdividing IIdgM tbad bound aot h valley atriae into tlio..11 it I...! iit.fu ipientlv In pp» us that adjacent valleyshove 110 1 any im Ilm ii.'itmn e.ther by lauder water, and uie thus apt to form isolated district*,il e inhabitant* of which «ro often at enmity with each

Dublin ( diversity Magazine.

I f 11 II 1.11« t I K A 11 Ito.tli AitlDfST 01 THE NtVV-rmtt ti.i: Kaii khai)..One of thowe dre-tdful aeei-OOhta, the hare reeitnl ot wlm b causea the blotxl to

111 le in 'In v.i.m, ixeuin'.l .111 the Ne v I'ortagollailrotvl, MOT tho foot ot PlaM No. 9, 0.1 Monday,MtwfM g and 7 o clink, F M Ib.-locnno'ivo Her-cnle» |i ft tbe foot ol Plane No. ", taking oil board be¬im, etaitiii kleberiy p'irty on Lhoir wayI.' n < Bj I pro. eiiiiiig at a rapid rat«, came upon a

laiic sli.le which bad occurred nunng the afternoon atthe esbt end ot the .h ep ut, near tbe (bot of PIomNo ". TaploMWafjoa II n* rapid MWM paaood overthe si. '., tin 01.11.i.,n throwing Uioet. on eia d downan embaiikmci t thirty baa bi»b, the loeoinotivo fol¬lowing. The t. i,d. r ami h train of ears attaehetl were

j ttiteil from the lo< olnotive and r. tiaincd Oil the track.All w.-re more ,,r Is** 11 iuied.and William llerry, a son

of Jaook B* rrv, of (lay-port, ageil about 14 year»,was a net bor tbly mangled and instantly killed. Thefollowil I is the est of the ii iureil:At B DeArtoit, doighMr ol John lieArm it, fatally

ei al.ii d. Jemima Loiipt, a young lady residing at Mr..i. I»eAimii », severely injutco, Pn'ti r DeArmit, aoaof John lie.\i mi', foot nuinebed, Marv Hrivbaoe, ae-

verely injute.i internally; Mis. l/m^anecker, wife ofJOM Laaa^MdkOA*, (iaysport. badly bruiae«! and cut;Jau ft Jones, (jaysport, sevtrely l.ruiaeit, Eli Yixler,II iglaai r. >e\. rely braised and arm scalde.1; Kiebard>'t l.i 111.on), son of Ed. S. h. Ilhorn, leg and shoulderhrtiieed an 1 cheek cut. two (ierinan girl* uttned lyjn-». mover, ore a leg bfoken and the other severelybiuised; Lacy Lowe, BeMghftat of John Lowe of(l.iyejort, band iniared, Daniel KoeooVr, leg hurt;Qooraa Crawford, fir'man, head cut; George Aiighio-lituitn. sli^litiy bruised. A numU-r of pereo 1* wha» en-nn tl .. ensj ears afAehii*. imwle iheir eeeape byjumping off. [HoUidayaburgh I Pa. Standard, July 95.

A Ct"i tot 1 IwiBiriJBO tan Si.tvB C*si..LastW n.ter a tinehiiii.' iiidivid laJ apjicareil at the WmmmrmMHouse, called hiinsell Norton, -uid that be owned a

plnrt.-tti 1. aill I lillagMai, Kv.,hada huntired rtegroea,wiel ed I« buy blanket* BMtMa%a*l for them, BO'I to

11 [ ,y a arhoolHiaatcr for the lietn fit of hi* slave ohil-r> n. He displayed him*. t- .om. lay* ran op a

ktfga I ill, at.<l myntenouely disappeared. f)n MondayIm B| 1. ared aa itiyste'i' tisly at another hotel, go-

mOthft name. He stopped at the SpencerHouse, gave hi* name aa Clinton, ni* place of reailsav-o.Mi B*f)hlS and l.ia oecupmloii Editor. He was aooom-boabM by his oriah and a m vant, tri. During tbe dayhe preaeu'ed a U- ier of intr'Mlu. tion toGen. .Strs/ler,wl ith n . tortli that h was one of the Ed . a of Tae;>l'>ifh,s Whig. .Mr. J sharp of The Rnqiirtr wasin amt r<<ogiiiz<d Mr. N i-tnn, alias Mr. (.'Itnfon, and) >t'i him nrn st' d ami eo mifted to jam. it turned out

rvaal | am- d Mary [> wie, and wasa slave of Mr Jacob s>parrow, 01 Loadaville. Mr.sha'p. alter th*. arrest of (.'liutou, expiaittod hor post-t...n 11 r. a. d Satan d. if *h<: MM to stay in <>liio,

10 her a situation a* nutsc-kirl at his houae. But.Mr Mitiru informs ua nothing would suit heir but to goIn'k i" Ml ma-ter whoabesiid trea'ed ber like alady. Her haucs . id not indicate that she worked,BM I n rr i.k waa full of |tOOd eiothea. Mr. H. osco<-U

I I,, r to the bouse of .Mayor lloyd at Newport, whereB*ai*»od ui.ti the raa:i-boat atarted for Louisville

rostarday, when ehe Hri» osjdod borne to her master.[Ctacinnati Comiuereial, Jaly X5.

Jrsr I ike Tna vt '.A sailor who bavl befriended t,v to n-, v. bo bad lost her money on her way toI ¦1 ntu.- *..'!. ha* ela-esl in the evening,was arre*t--o tor L- irg intoxicotad and seutenood to; ay a fine of (10. I'lie money which he had in hia

1 a r.esfly womao bad ao nearly ex-booeted h'.s " pile fiat be <onld ot' raiae thowiodand M waa eent to jail. It having bewn elevtriyproved that he had behaved in the moot gooerouan.anrer to lie des. .tute woman, and that bar friend*,who bad the n eat*, beglecti-d to atay by Uim ia histumble*, the eomnotitoraia the 0A00 of The RaeJut-ter Democrat raised |M), got Jaca Tar out of jail, ob-

1 s.*e L.11. to i.i.t'alo, nnd gave him BK'h agood name that a tirst-rate berth wa* obtained forhim on (.. Lake.

M'sjti. Dmv Ottovj A Co. »nd Q iwtsn ST*-': Or.Bira,¦apply the Mum n. t-litlon ol Ths Tatttms V *i P. M.

Mr. W H Warcat wUltappW *s2 frisnat w LITTLE Pai UtwTa Ihe IkUCXE.