Library of Congress · SATURDAY,AUGI I B96. OHARLOTTESVILLELETTER. Sundayat...

SATURDAY, AUG I I B96. OHARLOTTESVILLE LETTER. Sunday at the Ohurches.Picnics.Topics met the v his the the* wit u pe thc lim *> is hoi I Vi tin tO! re te Sunday was very he>t, but in the af¬ ternoon thor** was a refreshing shower that cooled it'iff somewhat. The* usu¬ al servie*es at tl*.e churches .were well atti* nd ed. A large numbi'r of persons went to the closing Berries*, of the Piedmont District Association at Union Ridge Baptist Church. Kev. ll. P. Weeden. District Mi- sionary of the State of Virginia preach ed at Mount Zion in the Boorning and at the First Baptist at night. We visited the F.henezer Sunday School last Sunday ane* found it up-to- date. There were three deae*e>ns ordained at the* Bhiloh Baptist ( hurch last Sun day night. On last Monday two large e*xcursi'<ns visited our city, one from e>id Point and the other from Lynchburg, lt be¬ ing court-day. the crowd was immense. The day was hot, i>ut the crowd was orderly and well-behaved. Dr. arthur Farrar and C. Adams of Richmond and Messrs Jackson, Jone's, and T. K. Timbrooke of Lynchburg, Va., were among the excursionists and called <>n us. M Lizzie Harris of Williamsburg. Va., was in the* city last week looking well. Mrs. H. L. Williams, Jr., of Rich- memd is visiting Mrs. P. H. Ferrell on Dice Bt. Miss Lillie Glass of Lynchburg, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Scott left fe>r home this week. Mrs. J. Edmond left last week for home in Trible, Ohio. Miss Hoatee Oreen of Lynchburg, Va., passod through the city last week on he*r way home*. We* he'arel a preacher say a few Sun¬ days ago that if a preache*r te-lls the truth anel preaches the gospel, that some one woo Ul get mad anel go against them. How about that? Have no pets and no erne will get angry with you. Tell the same on that you tell on others What h.-thinks about 16 to 1. An old brother while talking a few days ago about gold and silver, said. "1 don't know anything about this 16 to 1 or 1 to 16, all 1 wants is money, le*t it lie gold or silver. Just give me BOOM thing that will get meat and bread." How many more we have like him. God only knows. The gold anel silver men here are red hot on the matter, lt is about two to on*' feir gold, but how long they will he so who Enos Where is that move thst -ass on foot to help Kev. William Nelson? Ie it dead ? When Hu* outlook is not good, try tho uplook. Wli-n the devil knows that a man is kinder to hi- mule than he is to his wife, he likes tei hear him talk in church. It is because young men drink that old men are drunkards. The man who has the "big head of len wear? a small hat. 'The people whei ge> tel sleep lintier the preaching, will he \\ iele awake when they watch tlie preachers' practice. We best se*rve 0O.BS.ves when we best serve others. Mrs 0. B. Doles and family are vis¬ iting in Cumberland Ceiuniy, Va. Sin sys i DE. FEOM FULTON. Rev. Arehvr Ferguson's discourse on last SaMtf'i* oi.nninpf was very geiod. Ic was fi He'd with logical fae-ts. He said that a man witheiut any reasoning faculty is eijual to a brute, [a tbe afternoon, the elder administered tin- Lord's -tapper to an intelligent aueli- ence. The cantata given on the evening of tlie 3rd instant, at the Mount Calvary Baptist Church for the benefit of the church was a grand lUOeeSS. The Ris¬ ing Mount Zion Baptist Sunday- school was unite interesting last Sab¬ bath morning. Miss Rosa B. Hender¬ son favored us with one of her e\rel- h*nt seilos, as ihey usually are. Next Sunday at 11:15 a ni .there will be a meelina Of expression at the Risini. Mount Zion Baptist Church ; at 1:80 p. m.. Rev. Mr. James trill ad¬ minister the Ixird's Supper. Baptiz¬ ing will take p'ace St IL' m. The Y. M. <J. A. meeting was tip-top this week. An eleiepuent address was delivered to the young men by Miss Indiana Dandridge. This young Miss deserves great praise for the* manner in which she* addressed the young men Mr. R. W. Whiting delive*red a sluirt, hut interesting address. Mrs. Lucy J. Fowlkes returned home tn N ottoway CoHn ty last week. Miss Annie V. Taylor, of this city and Miss Florence G. Munger eif Min¬ nesota visited this city section last, the - ue'sts of B-issT. P. K. Whiting. Mrs. Annie Smith is sick at her resi¬ dence on otb St., also Mr. Thomas B.OBBOII on 6th street is quite sick. Mr. VV. H. Banks, Sr., who has beni quite sick is convalescing. Miss Jennie Christian left for Balti¬ more this week. The funeral of Mrs. VV. H. Randolph, who departeel this life on the "29th ult., took place at the* Rising Mount Zion Baptist on 31st ult. He leaves a wife, a mother, a siste-r and many relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Little Tommy Leigh, the two year old son of Mr Thomas Slaughter, died on the 2nd instant, from the e'ffects of being scalded, ile was buried on the 3rd instant. The Rising Mount Zion Baptist Sun¬ day School will give a grand pic-nic at Seven Pines on Monday, August 10th. Refreshments at city prices Come and go with them and enjoy yourself, and so help the school. PROM HOT SPRINGS. Gold Against Silver.Personals.Inter¬ esting Items. Hot H things, Va., Aug. 6, 1896. Mr. Editor: The Excelsior Literary As¬ sociation of this place met on last Wed¬ nesday evening, Mr. R. X. Smith, vice- Sresident presiding. Prayer by Rev. W. Neil. After roll call and quota¬ tions, upon motion of Prof. J. H. Blackwell, the recitations and address were erased from the program and the whole time given to the discussion of the great "Silver and Gold Question.'' The chapel was well lilied with friends of both gentlemen, who had come purposely to hear the discussion. A committee had previously deceirated the main auditorium and everything was in taste for the occasion. Prof. J. T. Anderson, of Staunton was introduceel to lead off in the affir¬ mative. The calling of his name wat a signal, as it were for a raptuous ap¬ plause. Mr. Andersein knowing thal to fail would be a signal waste of al¬ ready achieved honors, and he waded into the subject with that confidence and assurance of a Bryan that 'Righi is might anel must prevail." He trac¬ ed the silver ejuestion from the* time that Christ was betrayed for thirty fiieces of silver. A strong premise wa* aid and for fifteen minutes, he held the audience spell-bound. Retiring Lawyer R A. Hughes, of Hexward University came forward t«i represent the negative To say that he was well prepared faintly presents his side of it Rem nd after rounei of applause was heard as his rich and inspiring exordi¬ um, like beautiful sunrise was shed upon his intelligent audience. if McKinley knew of this young man and how he championed the cause of gold, would certa'nly select him to can- the country. But, ah! when his eloquence had eeaseel, Mr-1 .^ erson eas -e* the-argu-j it for the affirmative, which was I" crowning gem of his argum* itead r. Hughes closed the argument in ago same eloquent style. After which you . .uestion was then submitted to j him audiene*e, and they adjourned bed h out being able to place the* crown Th* >n either of the* gentlemen, but left bin .Nith the good words, "Well cee arr ta Blake, of Clifton Fe.rge here representing two very tine oks. diss Susie V. Perkins, of Staunton, i., is stopping at the Hot Springs for I summer. She will leave for Bo-*- --*.. in a few weeks. I.iy/ie Scott, of Staunton will BBB'a at the Hot Springs until Sep-| vei ml»er 1st Maria Patterson will leave here r Philadelphia in a few weeks. Mr. VV. B. Booker, of Washington, C.. is spending a few weeks here, e is a fine man and has made many iends, especially among the fair se- Mr. Halliburton, teacher at bealing irings passed through here this week, turning from Staunton Institute, .aks well of the instruction. Mary Lawson, of Bennett gc will leave for her schoed in Sep- mber. Mr. F. VV. Carter, of V. N\ B C. I. | fe etersburg is speiuliiiK his vacation 5 ere. Mrs. Lizzie Pollard, of Covington, a.. will spend two or three weeks ere*. The "Virginia" has two of the finest wks in the state, Mr Howard I'ol- ird (chef.) Luther Pedlard, second, he two gentlemen are equal to the rench"ce>ok8 at the Homestead. Cov igtem. Va , their home should Toel roud of them. Mr. J. E. Withers, of the Virginia is bly assisted by Dr. D. D. Hemmans, f Staunton. The following gentlemen and Indies re members of the croquet club or- anized last week:.Messrs. Vlysses ones. Grant Shelton, J. 8. Kenney, 'rank Carte»r, and Misses Emma Ross, bertha PannisteT, Susie Perkins and .ozetta Blake. Messrs. D Jones and C. N Mans- ield accompanied by Misses E Ross md S Perkins rexle 'cycle to the warm ast week. Mr. Lee Morgan, of Low Moor is lere. Mr. Robert Harris, the efficient heael lellman is ably assisted by Messrs. Hugh A. William. Pe:ter B. Cleveland, Fry Taylor. Eldridge A'heeler. Fred Innes, Samuel J. Fe'lson. Phillip Tur- ier. Robert Dickinson, Lincoln Jack- ;ein, Frank Carter. Rev. Wright, of Warm Springs preached an sloqoaat sermon here last Sunday evening ; Exodus xix ; v verse Mr. anti Mrs. L. A. Vaughan, of Richmond, Va., are* spending a few we»eks here. They expect to leave in a short while for Boston, Mass. Ajax. dei I frie the bae By jui mi vei de BM lui br tl.' Ti Ti wt M an th wi bc fe r; Re ol a vi ei rn tl "A tl Pl 1.1 FROM CLIFTON FORGE. Personal and Religious Items. Clifton Force, Va., August 1. 'W The* concert given at the 8econd Baptist Church July 31st, was a ve*ry grand affair indeed. Hie committee realized ilX) eil. A votr of thanks was turnetl to the committee for their zeal¬ ous work. e Hir churches well at tended Sunday. Ber ripes al the Second Baptist Church we*re* cotidueteel by Reverend T. D. At kins who preachetl a ve*ry eloejuent sermon from Malachi 3rd chapter, loth At night the services were eon- ducte*el by Reverend C. Ii. Le»wis of Big Island, Virginia, whi preacheel a re\ ivir.g sermon from 3-1 th Psalm, 1st verse. The Reverend was at his best and move'el all eye's to tears. At the First Church Ihe morning Mtv leas were conducted by Reverend J. H. Binford, who preached one* of his best sermems from 1 Samuel -8th chap¬ ter, 13th \ erse. Thu. Reverend held his audience spell-bound for one hour with his logic and eiratory. At night his pulpit was lilied by lb*verend J. R. Fry of Waynesboro. Va. His sermon was from MsrfBft .iohn 14th chapter, 6th verse The' sermon was a good one and made a very gre*at impression on the* audie'nce. Reverend C. C Steward, S G. Scribe was in town this iraak haili ing after the Fishermen lodge of this place. Mrs. P. A. Jackson has just returned from a trip to Norfolk, Hampton, Old Point Comfort and Richmond. Va. Mrs. T, M. Taylor left Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. V*. A. Carter of Longdale, Va. Mrs. Dora Jackson was away erne week visiting her relatives anel frienels In the* valle»y. Miss L. M. Morton has just returne'd from BtaUBtoa, Virginia, where she has bee*n attending summer normal. Miss Hattie Bowser, e>f Norfolk, is stopning at (Hedy's Inn. .Mrs M. J. C/hainters, Carrie* Greene and Mrs. Jackson of Covington, were in our town visiting friends. Mrs. Carrie Morris, VV. M. Nelson anel Mrs. Bettie Leftwich are over to the Warm Springs this week. Mr. Isham "Scott VV. Bank of Hunt¬ ington, Virginia, is visiting Mrs. P. a Jackson. Mrs. O. J. Douglass is out again af¬ ter an illness of two weeks. Mr I.S. Dawson has been confined to his be*d for several days with a sprained knee. Mrs af. F Duvals has just returned from a trip to Stauntein, where she has heirn visiting her niece, Mrs. George White. The Pi.ankt readers are steadily in¬ creasing and we hope ere this year closes the ten thousand will be over¬ reached. Yours for the Race, Uno FROM JOHNSTOWN. Religious Notes.Peosonal Items-Socials JofiNSTow-N, Pa., August 3, '96. The A. M. E Zion Church was well attended Sunday. The pastor. Rev. Snow being absent the pulpit was ably Ulled by Mr. Reiy Paul. Rev. W. H. Courtney occuppied the pulpit at the Mount Olive Baptist Church Sunday evening He delivered a powerful sermon and sang some of his songs for which he is noteel. Mrs. H. C. Courtney, the delegate who represented the Mount Olive Baptist Sunday-school at the Allegha¬ ny Baptist Convention which met in Homestead, July 25th arrived home, Thursday after visiting her friends in Duquesne and McReesport. The A. VI. K. Zion Sunday-school pic-nlc was a grand success. The weathe>r was fine. Rev. Troy preached an able sermon at the Mount Olive Baptist Church, Friday night and left for Altoona Sat¬ urday morning. The Mount Olive Sunday-school will hold a festival, August 7th andf 8tb. Mr. and Mrs. John Platter left for Williamsport, Pa , and Hagerston, Md. for a three weeks visit among rela¬ tives and friends. Mri. Jennie A. Taylor and Mrs. Wil¬ liams left for Williamsport Thursday. Mrs. Jennie Tucker of Youngstown, Ohio is the guest of Mrs. Vf. H. Court¬ ney, Bedford Street. Mr. George Minor has moved from Southside to Adams Street. Good thing! Push it along! . Mrs. Mollie Banks entertained at lunch, Mesdames Jennie Taylor of Lisbon, Ohio; Williams, of Williams¬ port, Penn ; Jennie Tucker, of Young¬ stown, Ohio; Mahone*y and sister; John Slaughter and Hattie E. Court' ney of thia city. Roy Newby. Manchester Lodge, No. ll, K. of P* The following officers were installed : July 29, 1896 by Deputy Grand Chan¬ cellor, Alexander Breioks: Chancellor Commander, C. H. Rob¬ inson; Vice* Chance-lieu-, James H. Chatham; Prelate, Meises Harris- M of Ex., William Bailey ; M. of F., Theimpson, K.ofR and 8 Alexander Brooks; M. at A., David Allen O. G. Peyton 'arter. Do not delay the collector when he calls pay him. Brutal and Inhuman. umberton, N. C. Maxton BU ero brutes from South Carolina vis- the Alforusvilie soi lion some days and arrestees! Chalmer Taylor, a ng colorod man, anel started « uh i to Marion. Taylor was sick in his when the brute's we-nt lei his house »y dragged him from his bed, tied 1 and placing him in a buggy pro¬ ded on their journey. When they ived at Marion the pr ison e*r was id. ie was hastily buried, but his 'lids hearing of it we*nt over and had remains disinterred and brought ;k to this State. Coroner W. L mes went down and summoned a .y to investigate the cause of the in's death, and the jury turned a rdict that the deceased carne to his ath by brutal and inhuman treat jut inflicted by the brute's who had ai in charge. We learn that the who are said to be' toughs ed i' worst element, had no warrant for yho-'s arrest. As a matter of fact tylor was not guilty of any crime ; he is simply wanted as a witoe rhe people of North Carolina are t Hering to submit to any proceedings el these inhuman brutes, ca ling e'mselves officers of the law, who ju ld disgrace an ordinary gallows by ing hanged upon it, shall be made to el the heavy hand of the law of this ate* for their high crime. The white -opie of the section where Taylor red say he was a man of good char¬ ger Col. A. J. Burns, who was a member " the Coroner's jury, ,says he made searching investigation and is con- need that the red-bauded murder¬ 's invaded this State without war- int or authority. Dr. W. L. Byrnes, ie coroner, tells us that the matter ill tie probed to the bottom and ieee invaders and murderers will be roseeuted to the fulleat extent of the AV. 5.1 S How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ard for any case of Catarrh that can¬ tu be eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chenney «& Co., proprietors, To¬ -do, O. We, the undersigm-d, have known F. . Chenney for the last IR years, and elieve him perfectly honeirable in all ransactions and financially able to arry out any obligations made by heir firm. We'Bt efe Truax. Wholesale Druggists, "oledo, 0 , Welding, Rinnan At Mar¬ in. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeninter- lally, acting directly upon the blood .nd mucous surfaces of the system. *rice, 75c. per bottle. Sold hy all iruggists. Testimonials free. S-7-lm The Norfolk. Virginia Union Bap¬ tist Association will meet at the Union Baptist Church, Shoulders Hill, Nanse mond County, Va. Arrangements li ave been made and thereby we* have reduced rates on the Atlantic-A: Deau¬ ville Railre>ads and Steam boat lines from Norfolk, Richmond, Lynchburg. Danville and inte'rniediate stations. All who will come will be gladly re¬ ceived and well cared for H. L. Ba roo, Mod. Resolution of Condolence. Whereas, it hath pleased Almighty God in His wise Providence to call from our mielst little Ethel Mozelle the infant daughter of our esteemeel anel beloved frienels. Mr. anel Mrs W. R. Patterson, un the morning of July 20,1890. Therefore we dei humbly bow in sub¬ mission to the- divine mandate- by ex¬ tending to breither Patti-rson and his li hive*d wife our sincerest condolence in this their sad hour of beivavement. and we» commend them tei him who deieth all things well, and who alone can bind the broken hearted, and lift us all to that realm above where* part¬ ing is no more, anel where this dear in¬ fant is gone* on befeire* to welcome them at a coming day. Lal a copy of this obituary be' sent the* bereaved family and a copy be sent the Riehmoiiil Pi.ankt for publication. G. E. Melinga, ll. Mavn.uii) Smith, John S. Lkwis, Oommittee. FBOM BEBKLEY. A Successful Minister Rev. Cosby's Mission., Va., August 3, Mrs. A. K. Robinson and daughter little Wilhelmean left last Saturday for a trip to Brooklyn, New Yeirk. Reverend Jesse Jones seems to be successful both as a preache-r and a politician. He had qOltO a success in the revival at his church last week Thora ware about forty conversions He was elected a delegate* to the coun¬ ty republican convention Lookout, Reverend, oil and water will not not mix. Mr John Hopkins is getting n*ady to break ground for a handsome resi¬ dence on 9th Stree*! We were glad to meet our old friend and la-other, Re*v. ("harli's Sparks last Sunday. He preached at the 9th street Baptist Church to the edification of all that heard him. Rev.D.L. Ce>sby, late ex-pastor of the 9th Stre»et Church, returned home last Saturday after an absence of two wee-ks in King and Queen and other counties doing mission work. He was well pleased with what he saw anti the way he was received by the good-peo¬ ple of the several localities. Mrs. Rev. D. L. Cosby and daughter are doing a great deal in the way of raising funds for the improvements to the 9th Street Baptist < hurch. Mrs. Cosby has arrange'd feir a large rallyjon Sunday, August 9th. Rev. J. M. Arm¬ istead will preach to the ladies at 3 o'clock. Her two children will leave Satur¬ day for a visit to friends in Gatesville. N. C. Rev. B. K. Billups, the "Swamp An¬ gel" baptized sixteen persons for Rev. Jesse Jones, pastor of New Hope Chris¬ tian Church last Sunday at 12 o'clock. Rev. I. L. Butt the popular pastor of Trinity A M. E. Church was athis post of duty all day last Sunday. He administered sacrament at 8 o'clock pm. Rev. Sparks held communion ser¬ vices at the 9th Street Baptist Church at 3 o'clock p m. Rev. S. E. Criss held forth at theist BaptistChurch Sunday. Mrs. Alice Rollinson and the willing workers of the 9th Street Church was very successful in these "Old Maids and Bachelor Entertainment," Mon¬ day night, Mra. Rev. Cosby, manager. D 18 to 1 in favor of the Moonlight Au¬ gust 18th by the Young Men's Business Association. 2t. PBOM STAUNTON. Asocial Entertainment.A Severe Fall St-tnton, Va , August 4,1896. Thursday night of last week, Mrs, Sallie Davenport gave a magnificent supper at her residence, 10*1 Sunny Side street in honor of Miss Maggie* A Taylor of Lynchburg, who was here attending the Normal. The guest Sresent were Misses Carne Taylor .osaR. Yancey, Mattie JHarvey, Kis sie Pryor, Kate' Ellis, A. V. Peters Messrs Andrew Bowler, J. Levi tors, J. L. Haliburton, Mr. Willis M Carter and wife and other. Mrs. Dav¬ enports culinary reputation was well sustaine'd on this occasion. Mrs. Annie Simms, the wife of Wr VI. Simms passe-el into the spirit lane! August 3rd. Mrs. Mst>inda Walton receiveel a se* vere fall from an uppe*r story porch II is hoped that no serious trouble wil follow. Look for the pic-nic and exoursior Thurselay, August _"0th from Stauntor to Crozet by Mount Zion and Fbene/ii Sunday-schools. Deacon Samuel Adams is still on Um sick list at his residence*, Fairview. E A. Bm.den. WEST END NOTES ¦x>o Paid by the Trustees of the Fifth Baptist Church. iii PLESDID t HI WU bER-Vl vices. Personals and Briefs. Sunday, August Sad, . light shower rain acceiinpanieil tile dswn eif day id the early morning wa* clouely.The Bather loosed threatening for a rainy id disagri'eable day. snd the h arts the church lover! -nil Sunday- lu*ol workers sank within them and any «>f the* faithful sighed and pray- I for bright anel clear weather. But ?on the clouds be-gan to disperse and ie mist redled away and tin* rays of his lajestic power lieameel forth into i-ery home, and the true lovers of txl and His church wentfourth look- lg bright anel fresh as a rose> just re- .eshed by the heavenly de>ws. Tin i tie chihlre-n at their several Suneiay- .hoolswith bright eye's looking gay ¦ing earnest and edieerfulns the beau- ful birds of the valley. Pastors, su- erinteiidents, niemibers and scholars. II with elastic stei>, IssOmOfl fully bent n prai-inj* the Supreme Killer of the Iniversi* in the*ir every action. At 11:30 at 5th BaptistChurch Rev- rend Vf. S Christian prOBCihfld a very nstructive and historical sermon. The** ollection from church Mid Sunday- chool was very good. At 8:30 that giant and angel of light rom the 5th Street Baptist Church, .ev. W. F. Graham preached what hi fas pleased to term a money sermon nd when he had closed the gooel pen¬ ile demonstrated by their actions hat they appreciated anel acted upon he sound advice and responded with me hundreel dollars. The house was ireiwded to its utmost capacity.many .e>uld not get standing room. At 8:30 Rev, L. R Frayser preached he gospel to a large and appreciative .ongregation The " Bishop" of Rich- nonil. Kev. James H. Holmes, who lael been previeiusly invited to have n word, was present and Pastor Powell ii few well chosen words asked him to etand up and let the people see him, and just say a word; anel as this Father in Israel came forth the entire [.hurch Beamed refreshed and happy afU*p the1 timely arid pointed remarks, witty sayings and innocent jokes and when 'Tap'' Holmes as he is often called took his spat, the pastor an- DOUneed the collection to be ve*rv good. He also annotinceel that tln> day's collection was- ov r two hundred and eleven dedlars (llMl). Rev. (iraham's people that came with him hael a table for them. They gave over $J" It can be seen by the above collections that Rev. Graham keeps far in the h>ad in raising money to help the 5th Church, Deacon Smith of the First Baptist Church at the afternoon service made a few soul-stirring remarks and pre sented $5 34, an after collection sent hy his church. Be alsocomplimemtexl the brother who came liefore his dea¬ con board and askeel through them their church to help. The Fifth BaptistChurch voted by "...tier, their heartf< It iiinuks and ap¬ preciation to the Kifth Pt. Church, 1st Baptist church and every individual who had aided them sei graciously. l)n Memday, 3rel before 8 ei'eloek Trustees William li.Carter, Robert H. Freeman, accompanied by Rev. Pow¬ ell paid over to the creelit of Fifth Bap tisl Church on their debt S-MK), and so reported at their regular church meet¬ ing that night. A shout went .up in Zion. They have gone to work willi renewed zeal and strong courage-. They have prayerful hearts and watch¬ ful eyes for the success of thu I'i.anKt for libe>ral[publicationsin arousing the peeiple as to their needs and conditions. The 5th Church Sunday-school and Church will Rive* their annual basket picnic anei exemrsion to Bothwell Park, Tuesday August llth. ll is hoped bl pasteir Powell that tlie Church and School will give* their patronage. The officers of botn church and scheiol will elo all in their power to have yon spend a day of pleasure. Train leave's Elba station at 9 o'clock a. m. ; return ing leaves Bothwell l'ark >u 6 p. m. Fare round trip, Adults 5"* Children, under 12 years, docents. No intoxica¬ ting beverages will be allowed on the train or at the park : Iel all diseirde*rly parties take* due notice Lookout for something new. Some of our prominent church workers con¬ template having a Japanese market, the later part of this month. Every¬ thing of the very he*st, including love¬ ly women anel girls. WStoh and wait don't eat or love too much wait and pick your choice from the be*st. The' Kiver View Baptist Church hell good services hist Sunday, also the school. Sister L. A. Coles did mit till her place as organist, being detain¬ ed home by sickness. Miss Sarah L Carter, who was taken ejuite sick last Monday, is better at this time*. Mrs. Louisa Meade,of West Leigh Stree't, Ail- taken rjuite sick at the 5th Church last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lewis Hickman, Secretary of the Loving Daughters of Abraham, is very sick at her home, 1512 Taylor St Miss Sarah N. Moten,of Washington is stopping with her cousin, Rev. Mrs Powell, 1513 Taylor St. She will be please-d to see her Richmond friends. Mr. James T. Carte'rmade a Hying trip to Washington, spending a fe>w days site seeing and visiting his Broth er, W. H. Carter, Jr , who recently re¬ turned after spending three weeks here visiting his parents. Miss M. Forbbs is horne again from Philadelphia- Rev. W. E. Nash, Pastor Third St Baptist (hurch, has taken to the woods anei is holding grand religious services in the grove near the Hartsheirn Col¬ lege. Go and help the cause ; you will hear some of eiur most prominent eli- vines. Al AV. Others Interested in Picnics. Before arranging foran excursion or picnic take a look at Bothwell Park, 23 miles North of Kichmonel on the Richmond, Freelericksburg and Poto¬ mac R. R. Excursion trains stops within a short distance of the park. Plenty of shade, sheltersnd cool water. Substantial swings. Other attractive features for Sunday School and picnic parties. Trains chartered at low rates, inclu¬ ding the use of the park. For full in¬ formation, apply to C.A. Taylor, Traflle Manager, R. F. & P. R. R , Bryd St. Station 711-lm Their excursions ure always wei patronized. Everybody like* to ge with the Old Boys. Thi'y will leave] for Washington, Sunday night, August 9th, 1896. BURNED AT THE STAKE. A White Tramp Pays Terrible Penah* for a Horrible Grime. St. Joseph, La , August r>..Some elays ago a respectable white woman employed as domestic ina prominent family on the border of Franklin par¬ ish, was sent across Tensas river on ar errand, and failing to return in propel time the family becsme alarmed anei sent parties in search of her. Tlu searching party, after several houri found the dead and horribly mutilated body of the woman in the woods, part¬ ly eonee»aled by brush. The most in¬ tense excitement folleiwed the-diseov ery, and in a short while the wheile section was aroused and in the saddle Suspicion pointed to a white tram*. who has l**en se*»*n near hen* Dogi were used and in a few hours the tramp was run down, He eonf«*ssee! that he had outraged and then mur tiered tbe woman The crowd bound the wretch, stakeel him to the* nearesl and after burning his boely anei riddling it with bullets, ejuietly dis¬ persed. PEB80-I ALS AND BI-IETS -Mi KL erraves of Ph:!id.dphia, ] i .called on ui. -Mrs. John B. Harris snd faulty e in the city. -Miss Lizzie B. Wills had a pleas- it stay in Washington. -Dei not delay the* colh'ctor. Pay ni promptly. -Miss Harriet Cleveland ol l*ex- Kte>n, Va., is the' guest of Mrs. Jessie inga Di.mond of ll.' West Leigh Ht. -The Ebenezer Baptist Sunday ;hool carried eleven coaches to Mt leasant last Tuesday. -Miss Irene Pedndexter has left ie citv to spend the remainder of the un mer at Trevillians, Louisa Co. Va. -Miss Hattie Wallace continues uite Bick at her residence on Price* treet. -Miss Ottie Brooks of Washing- in. D. C., left for Petersburg last Sun- ay meirnini* Aw -Mrs. Leronzie Price of Ashland. « a., was blessed with a tine baby boy ist week. -Major J. B. Johnson will have a ublic insdection and drill, Memday, ugust 17th at 4:30 P. M., of the Bat- Hum. -Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Chavers and Irs. Lewis left the city, Monday for I* hi te Sulphur Springs, W. Va. -Mr. John H. Banks, formerly of i is city, but now of Chicago, III., will .ie>n pay his old friends and home a isit. -Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Chavers and [rs. Fannie A. Lewis left the city lae. t uesday for White Sulphur Springs. 'hey will be gone a month. -Miss Nannie J Brisby and her ister, Eugenia, who return from Bai¬ rn* ore* June 1st, are visiting at Talleys ille, Va. -Misb rirginia B Harper has re- urned to the city from Staunton. Va., raven she spent a plesant four we*eks .ttending the Te*acher'8 Normal Inuti- ute. -Mrs. Celia Jones of Baltimore dd., was in the city last week visiting ut brother, Sir Jesse Scruggs, 904 N. th street. -Rev. W. H. Brooks,D. D., pastor )f the 19th Street Baptist Church, ar- .ive*d here last Memd«y. He will be ie*re fora week at least and will go Crom this city to Hampton. -Miss Elnora Fry left the city last Sunday to visit friends in Bucking ham County, Virginia. -Mrs. Isabella Walker, 818 North Sth street, is improving under the skillful treatment of Dr. S. ll. Dis¬ mond. -Mrs. W. A. Hankins left last Saturday to spend several weeks with her brother and his madame in Wash¬ ington. -Mrs. Ellen Copeland and Miss O. L Rogers have returned to the city after visiting relatives in Norfolk Coun¬ ty, Va. -Mrs. Rosa K. Jones, the accom¬ plished pianist left last Tuesday for Steube'iiville, ()., tei spend the' summer. Har seitiB, Endom and Eugene are at Hamptein. -Miss Lula C. Watkins, of UK Vf. Li'igh street hal gone* to Boston, Mass., tei visit her aunt, Mrs. Lucinda Watkins -Mr. Geeirge W'illiamB, Jr., presi¬ dent eif the N. I. B. E. Insurance Com¬ pany, was in the* city this week. -Miss Lizzie (J. Yancey has re¬ turned to the city after a visit to BaltiJ more and Washington, where Bhe was splendiilly entertaineel -Misses A. B. Haskins, Lucy V. and Ella K Bolling are spending the re'inainder of their vacation in Amelia County. -We return thanks fe.r the invita¬ tion received to attcml the Meunorial Se'rvicea of Harriet Beecher Stowe at the Z»"on Baptist Chttreh Monday Ev*- , August 3rd, 1896, at s o'cliHjk. .Misses FUirence B and i-ena V. Isham and Mrs. George E Bead left on last Wednesday for East Orange. N. J. They will visit Philadelphia anel iVashington. -Mrs D L. Crew, of New York, widow of the late Samuel H. Crew is visiting Mrs. J. A. Smith, No. 17 W. Bakei Gkbkn.Payne.The marriage ofjMiss Helen L C. Payne to Mr Robert'Oreen took place July 7th, ls.'ii, ceremony performed by Rev. Brice of Li'igh St ME Church. -The marriage of Miss L Fife tei Mr. Nicholas Price* will take place Tueedaj Morning. August llth at 40h E Byrd street, at 8 o'clock. Frii'iuls are invited. -Mrs. C II. Lewis and children left the city this week for Huntington, West Va , and will spend a few days in Hinton, West Va, visiting friends.' will return to the city about Aug. 80. -Miss Mary F. Johnson left the city on the 31st, for Caroline County. Va., to spend several wee*k with rela¬ tives and friends. We* wish he*r a pleasant stay. -We regretted the necessity of parting company with some eif our subscribers. Prompt payments are necessary for us to give you such a journal as the Planet now is. -Miss Clara Harris left the* city Wednesday to visit relatives and friends in Smithville*, Va. She will al¬ so be the guest of Miss A. Fitzgerald of Burkeville, Va. We hope her a pleasant stay. -Mrs. Francis McKinney of 911 North 2nd street, left the city Thurs¬ day. July 30th for White Sulphur Springs West Virginia, for her health. She was accompanied by her little grandson, Master Z. D. Lewis, Jr. -There will be a grand panorama at the Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church Monday night, August 10, 1896, for the benefit of said church by Rev. W. F. Graham. All come and see the grand scenery. Admission, 10cents. -Miss Lucy M Deane,daughter of ex-Councilman Morton Deane is visit ing her aunt, Mrs. James H. Bivans, of Philadelphia. Her father accompa¬ nied her a part of the way and showed her many places of interest in Wash¬ ington. -Mr. Samuel Clay who for ejuite a while has been employed by the Peo¬ ples' Relief Association of 601 North 30th St., has been recently given the position of ced lector inspector of said company. This is an excellent selec¬ tion as Mr. Samuel Clay is a deserving young man of great ability and much push. He is the right man in the right place. -Pf of. J. Andrew Bowler has re¬ turnee! to the city. He had quites success in his department. In fact, so signal was his ability that he bears a ¦ personal recommendation from Prof John H. Bader, the efficient conductor of the Summer Normal and superin- *. tendent of the public schools of Staun¬ ton, Va. -Mrs Estelle Norman, 16 Mont¬ gomery Btreet, Paterson. N. J , says her mother is a member of tne Sec¬ ond Baptist Church. She hail five children and two grand-childen. ont by the name of Lillie Gertrude Hen- elerson and the other Maria Hender- PB0M FAIIMVILLE Doctor Mitchell's Besignation.Personali Farmvillc, Va., August 3, 1896. Dr. H. H. Mitchell bas resigned the pastoral charge of the First Baptist Church His resignation was accepter in the midst of tears, groans and re gre ts. Mr. Finny Coles haa been sick foi two weeks, but we are glad to say thal he expects to be out again ina few days. The Mount Zion and A. M. K. Churcl will run an excursion to Lynchburg Virginia, on the loth Silver and gold is the* town talk. Mr. PH. Hilton returned to Kal e'igh.iNorth Carolina, this week. He haa lieen her* on a visit. ¦ ¦¦¦ REV. 0ULLIH8' SERMON e Preaches st ths Oamp-me-eting-Tbe Grand Chancellor Psyi Another Claim bo camp-meeting at the Leigh >t M E Church.Kev. J H. Brice has proven a success, exc«'«*ding all ex- pectation.A tent has been secure-d and under this hundreds have gn'gated, packing the yard. On Thursday night. Rev. W. K. (rui¬ ns, the brilliant pastor of the Third treet A. M. E. ('hurch preaehe*el a lost eloquent and soul stirring ser- jon. Ile* pictured the be**eaties c-ff re¬ gion and the temirs of the evi! Ie was outspoken in his utterances. ¦Hences mrmgm historical, re-ason- ig* logical, imagery, realistic add elo- ue*nee sublime* He weirke«el np the udience* to the piteb of enthusiasm eldom ei'ualled and never exce»lleel. The' Knights e>f Pythia-i we*re* pres- nt. Planet Division. Sir Knight Cap- ain Thomas M. Crump, ce-mmanding «>ing out in uniform. The purpow ,a*e te> comply with the oreler and pav o tba widow of Sir Knight Robert J. losby the sum of eine htindti'd and lif- y dollars. After the sermon Sir Knight John litchell, Jr.. (.rand Chancellor of the irsnd Lodge* e>f Virginia was intro- uced and after showing the benefits f the order, complied with the* obliga- ion and counted out the money. Rev. Gullins' religious songs are pe'cial features of his sermems. Crowds ome to hear him. Grand Master-at- rms. Jesse Sewuggs anel Deputy Granel hancellor. William E. Noel were pree¬ ns. A collection of $15.60 srera lift- d. Benediction. TWO COLO BED MEN LYNCHED. Horrible Murders. MoNTOOMERY, Al.A., AugUSt 1..Two reeks ago an attempt was made to as- assinate C. D Hunter, a prominent itizen of Dallas county, while sitting ¦ his front porch, surrouneled by his amily. Two heads of shot were Hred t him. Fortunate'ly he was not ffatal- y wounded. Isidore Moble»y, a colored man was irrested on Wednesday, charged with he crime, and is alleged to have ooo- essed, implicating Billy Hunter sa- ither coleired man. The me-n were .ommitte'd tei jail by tho Magistrate. Asa constable was on his way te) the ;ounty jail at Selma with the prison¬ ers he was overpowere*d by a mob of maski'd men, who took poss- ssion of the prisoners and carrieel them tee a bridge, hanging lioth. After the hang¬ ing a volley was Hred into their hollies and the mob disappeared. ELEVEN BULLETS IN HIS B0_)Y. A White Man's Terrible fate. Savannah. Ga , August 1 .A Millen Ga., special to the Morning News says: About two weeks ago Sam McCullers, a desperate character, called at the gate of C. Leisler. Leister answered the call, and waa shot at several times by McCullers. *.Mc< ullers made goeKl his escape. A reward of $10t) was off- fered for him. He was caught at Col¬ lins' Station Thursday and carried tei J. B. Jones's house on Friday te) be committed to jail. En route lo Mil¬ len Friday night he was taken from the oAeari and shot by unknown par¬ ties. His body was found in a swamp with eleven bullet-holes in it. Tbe (Joreuier's ve-relict was "death at the hands e>f unknown part: Went Quickly- Mr. Alexaneler He'irhoizer. a promi¬ nent Herman citizen, and anel a largo dealer in hides, elied sueldenly at hip resiil.-ni'C, No. BU West (trace Stee*t, Saturday evening shortly after o'clock. Mr. Heirhoiser was seateel on the back porch about 7o'clock, and, though In* had been complaining for some* time*, he was apparently feeling well, when suddenly he* fe*ll back, anti elied within five' minutes. First Bapt. Church.College, (14th ' Stre-e¦'¦. m Breiad and Marshall. .Sunday-school, 9:30 a m.; preach¬ ing.summer months excepted.ll:3e' a. m., 3:30 and 8 p m. Communion, the second Sunday in each month hilliness moo tings. 1st and 3rd Mon¬ day nights in each month; prayer- meeting every vVednesday evening at 8 o'clock; choir practice every Fri¬ day evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Endeavor meeting, Tuesday at 6 :30 p. m., and Wednesday at 6:30 p. m. J.H. Holm us. Pastor. TAKE YOUR VACATION NOW. Go to picturesejue Mackinac Island via D *v- 0 (Ceiast Line' ) lt only e'eiMs $13 60 from Detroit, $15 60 from Tole¬ do, 118 00 from Cleveland fe>r the' round trip, including meals and births. Ticke'ts geieid for til) days, bicycles car¬ rieel free. One thousand miles off lake and river riding on new me>dern steamers for the abeive rates. Send J? for illustrateel pamphh Address. A. \ Ch P. A , De¬ troit. Mr. Brown Nominated- [ By Telegram. Kooky Moist, Va., Aug. 5, '9t>. John Et, Brown of Henry County was nominate*- on the first ballot foi Congress from the tilth District. Vf. A Cole, Jr. Wife and Mother. liieiiMOMi, Va., August 5, 1896. Mb. Wm. Isaac Johnson, President of Security Industria Mutual Aid Society ; Dear Sir:. About a ye*ar ago I had to thank you for the prompt "payment of th* claim on account of the' death of mj wife; neiw again, death the kindesi Messenger to man, has been in om midst and taken that saintly form, ooi mother. Hartley Coots. We therefore return thanks for the Fifty-four elol- lars, the anio ut of her claim. And ail vise our friends to insure in your Corr pany. Very Truly Yours, A Coots Money Mads in a Minute. 1 have not made less than sixteei doll_rs any day while selling Centrifu gal Ice Cream Freezers. Any one should make from five to eight dollar a day selling cream, and from leven te ten dollar-* selling Freezers, as it ii such a wonder, there is always a ero r* e wanting cre>am. Yem can freeze crean elegantly in one minute and that as tonishe8 people so they all want ti taste it and then many of them bu; freezers as the cream is smooth ane pe>rfect!y frozen. Every freezer i guaranteed to freeze cream perfeetl; in one minute. Anyone can sell i<*' cream and the freezer sells itself. M sister makes from ten to fifteen elollar a day. J, F. I aaey B Co., 1143 St Charles St , St. Louis, Mo., will mai you full particulars free*, so you can g to work and make lots of money any where, as with one freezer you ca make, a hundred gallons of cream day, or if you wish they will hire ye> on a salary. Marv a. WANTED:.For United States Arm abled bodied, unmarrie'd men, ht tween ages of 21 and 30, Oftiseoi e; the United State's, of good charaete anti temperate habits, who can speak read and write English. For informa tion apply to Recruiting Office, OJ Kast Broad St., Richmond, Va. Her Acknowledgement. This is to certify that I have this da received from ("rand Chancel!e>r Joh Mitchell, Jr., the sum of ($100.00) on hundred and fifty elollars in paymeri of the endowment claim of my Ino band, Robert J. Mosby, who was member of Samson Lodge, No. 1 Knights of Pythias, N. A., S. A , K A. and A. Ali cb M ON THE MILITARY CAMP08!! nt of the reason will be that in the* shaft of s Lawn Par at tai 17 h. ind lasting ten nights.but nut "fen \ights In a Bar-KiMiin " We will have good music and fresh attractions First week:.For the first week, Monday night, 17th, a baiiel concert by ii" First Battalion Band; Tuesday light, ISth, a company of small boys, lin* Broael Stree't Zouaves will give an -xhibition drill. Captain David Hill ; Wednesday, 1 Wt h. Battalion Inspection mel parade; Thursday, SK)tb, platfeirm Irill by Company B; Frielay,-Mst. a tnusie'ul eoatsat betsreaa the two crack .bibs of the e*ity. Kichmond Mandolin tod Guitar club against the Virginia liuitar and Mandolin club of l hurch Hill Second week:.Attraction*- for the lesooad week: ..Monday nigh!, J4lh. Kxhihitinn drill by Company C. in full tailors. ; Tuesday, i*.">th. Exhibi¬ tion drill hy those pretty little girls,. Ihe Church Hill schoe»l girls, under ihe command of corporal W. H. /«nel- ¦rse>n ; Wenlnesdsy night, 26th, Bayo¬ net e lercise by Company A ; Thursday nijht. -'7th, an Individual ' ompet itive Irill by squads from each company. There will lie a cont* st for the fol- ieiwing prizes: Best elrilled enlisted man $2.5e); 1000041, -fl .(X>; third, 5<)e. Kriday night. l*8th, Cuttiiij. off a live Maana pie and Cake Walk Our ever-willing and untiring corps if ladies will furnish from the differ¬ ent Inioths all the delicacies e»f the sea- <ein at price's to suit the times Now. if the Kiri* arc genni they may danes iv ith the soldier boys. Good music .ae'h night. \ei mission, - 10c Captain Vt, A. Hankins, Chairman ; 3ecg<ant Major Bussell Gilpin, Secre¬ tary. bluefield'letfer. (-.rand Lodge Meets.Grand Parade an Banquet.Corner-Stone Laying. Many Visitors Present Bu EFiEi.n, \V. Va., Aug. 3, '96. Editor Pi.askt:. The* Grand Loelge Knights of Py¬ thias eif West Virginia convened in our city, Tuesday .luiy 2Sth, at ten o'clock a. m , in Douglass Memorial Castle hall, on Scott St.,'with the larg¬ est delegation ever before in the histo¬ ry of this grand and prominent order. The address ofwelcome was ably and appropriately delivered by Hon. H. W. Smith, of tin's city. The response was made by Dr. H. F. Gamble. M. D., A. M , of Charleston, VV. Va. The Grand i hancellor, Mr. S. W. Starks, spoke briefly conce'rniny the object of the order, and was highly pleased to see so many delegates present il on Starks is inelee*d an I'.-irnest and talent eil speaker His re'port was highly commesndahle by the entire body. The Bluefield Daily Telegraph in speaking of this gentleman said: "Hon S. W. Stark, G C., of West Virginia is a gen¬ tleman of character and prominence, and a wealthy citizen of Charleston. Ile is one of the brightest men of the state of his race." Well might this journal voice such true sentiments en¬ dorsing one> of our great acknowledged leaders of the state Hon. Starks is one of the founders of this distinguish cd oreier and it will not suffer in his hands or its colors trail in the dust while he is at the helm of its affairs lb* was unanimously re-elected by the krand Lodge. Etoo* C. II .Payne, I). D., one among the prominent leaders ol thin entire' country, who is now a candidate foi the House' of legislature, was prese*n< sad is one off the* (iranel Ollieers of thid lodge, made an interesting and time¬ ly talk in favoring Mr. Starks' re-elec- tiein. His remarks we re of such a 0OB-* tributiein to Douglas Memorial Lodge1 as will elelight future ages to contem¬ plate We have bearii patriotic speech s from the political reistrom, e-larieir tongued forensic phillipics at the bal anei grand efforts of pulpit oratory nut were never befeire* moved by gen¬ uine eloquence. The grand others electe'd for the en¬ suing year were as follows: *->ir S If. l>avis, I'ast Grand Chancel¬ lor off Montgomery. W. Va., Sir S. W Stark, e-iranil ("hancellor ; of Charles¬ ton; Sir S. K. Williams of Prim- Grand Prelate;8_r J. M. E-aselwoodol Charleston, (iranel Master off Exclu ?uer; Sir 0. H. bane off Bluefield Grand Medical Director: Sir I \ Brnnlsterof Mootcomery,Grand Lee turer: Sir George w Lewis of Se'well (iranel Master at Artus. Tin' corner sterne laying at the Blue tie-id ceiloreel Institute took place Thursday afternoon by the (irani Loelge*. We will speak of this institu tion later on. It is nearing comph' tion and will open October 1st. Prof Hamilton Halter of Harper's Ferry Vf. Va , will be the' principal. Kev. W. k. Brown and C. B. Payni the principle orators eif the day Kev G B. Howard, the pulpit orate) of Charleston, was nresem, and made a peiwe'rful and interesting speech which all enjoyed. Between one ane two thousand people*, both white ane OOlored witne*sse>d the occasion. After the corner stone laying then (TU a great, banquet served at Dex! Min's Hall, the table was lad-ned dowi with all the delicious eatables of thi ¦cason. which all enjoyed. W. R. Patterson. Why certainly! John Hoppergras is going on the Moonlight, Aug. 18th. THE END OF THE FABOE. The Last Murderer Acquitted. Tazkweli., Va., August 1..Fou years ago, at the Bichlands, in thi county, two men.Ben Shortrige an< Alex. l.ateliff. were waylaid am robbed by a band of colored men Shortrige being dangerously injure* from the brutal assault and Katclil be'ing crippled for life.. Tha five col ored men were lynclx'd for the crime and indictments were feuind signing those participating in the lynching All the indictments had long sine been disposed of except the one again* Thomas Blankenship, who has jus been tried anil acquitted. Yes, she took him Lack to take he3 on the Moonlight August 18, 1896. SI Mr. Eel ward 8. Barney, owner of tw or three of the finest estates on th lower James and president of the Vii ginia Navigation Company, shot an killed himself Saturday morning i Meadowville, his beautiful place i Chesterfield county, a few miles belo' Dutch Gap- No cause is assigned fe the rash act. I cannot give him the G B until h takes mc on the moonlight, August If To the Readers of the PLANET. Don't forget that you can get fir Wines and Liquors from a drink 1 4% gallons at Duncan's Family Liqut Store, 503 E. Marshall Street. Ah Tobacco, Cigars, Cheroots and Cigai r- etteaof the best quality. Your patronage solicited. 8me A Chance to Make Money. I have berries, grapes and peaches, year old, fresh as when picked. I ui the California Ceild process, do ni heat or seal the fruit, j net put it up col keeps pe>rfectly fre'sh, and cost almo nothing; can put up a bushel in tt minutes. Last week I sold directioi to over 120 families; anyone will pi a dollar fe>r direction, when the*y se the beautiful samples of fruit. I there- are many people poor like m se*lf, 1 consider it my duty to give ir! experience to such, and fee'l confidei anyonecan make one or two hundrt dollars round home in a few days, will mail sample of fruit and comple directions, to say of your readers, f< eighteen two cent stamps, which is oi ly the actual cost of the samples, po tage.etc., to me. Francis Casby, jun--13t. St. Louis, Mo. Pay your subscription promptly ai be happy, You Get Interested in your work when you clean with Gold Dost Broilers, boilers, pots and pans, skillets, kettles, buckets, and cans become clean at a touch, soot is quickly removed, grease dislcxlged when you use Gold Dust. GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER. is indispensable for cleaning kitchen uten¬ sils, paint and woodwork. Gets the dirt off. Nothing in it to grit Sold everywhere. Maile only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, eC-Ucago, Bt. Lroals, New York, Bo-ton, Pht.«il«-lpl.l_- WK DON'T CAKE i«) cine* before the people wltb tbs stereotype 'Be*st em Kurth" proposition. We* wish te> state* briefly that \\e> ure1 making anei selling a wheel that's RIGHT, snd although the price is $100.00, we* put HONKST VALUE in it; elein't fail e> retne'inlrer this point. We* weiulel like ti) Kind jeni Catalogue ; it's te) b»> had for the* asking THE CLEVELAND BICYCLE, H. A. LOZIER& CO., Cleveland, Ohio. Branch Hoiskk:.337 Broadway. Ne*w Ye>rk ; 190 Are*h Stre*e't, Philadelphia, Pa .j 80- Me* Al lister St., San Franc ise'ei. Cal ; IK Hilborn Viaduct, Loodoa, K. ('. ; C Plae'e eb' la Nadobiine*. Puris. Factdrik.-i:.Te)h*do, O., Thompsonville, Ct. and Toronto Junction, Ontario. (Mention this paper.) TO THE LADIES. The weiman' edition ie a great medi¬ um,.but it in a greater edition for the wash woman to call or address Mrs. Susie* C. Winston, No. 10 Wist Leigh 8t, and ge*t one of A R. Leatherwooel's receipts, which will teach you how to make his celebrated wathing fluid, which is the* only thing tbat will save the* wash woman so much hard labor and it will save soap. Receipts will cost HO cents; it is worth $10 to any wash woman Agents wanted allover the world. For agency apply to Mrs. Susie C. Win eton, general agent for Richmonel, No 10 W. Leigh St., or A. B. Leather wood, proprietor, Asheville, N. C. .U-7-11 e-.-_-*r-_-.a*raa___i^_i--_._*_-_w How Much Money Do You Want? One share of stock makes you a mem ber of the* Virginia Employment Asso¬ ciation. The requirements are only five cents per week per share. Persons taking ten shares or more are entitled to an advance of one dollar on each share held by them. This Association being duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Virginia, amply protects e*ach and every one of its members. It only retjuires live per cent on the dollar of the amount ad¬ vanced by members weekly. No inter est or bonus is charged. Employment furnished members of the A ssociation. Person? »r« er.titled f;: -.{.j-l'T for ad¬ vances immediately on becoming members. Principal office, No. 221 W. Broad Street, Richmond, Va. Office ope*n from 8:30 A. M., te) H P. M., Saturdays 10 P.M. Agents wanted. For further particulars, write to John Clinton, Jr., General Manager, Richmonel, Va. NOTICE. Richmono, Va., July 7, 1896. All graeluates of the Richmeind Nor¬ mal and High School who desire a school this winter are reej nested to send in -bair applicatiems at once to R. II. Thurston, 1210 W. Leigh Street. YOU will receive' all information. Ap- Sly at eince if you wish choice places. :. ll Thurston, 1210 W. Leigh Street. general secretary of the Richmond Alumni Association. J. Anorkw, Pres.; B. H. TniRsTON Se»c'y. Yes, he a ill he* out in line te go on the Moonlight, August 1Mb. Another Chance Go with the Elete Club on their Grand Moonlight excursion to Dutch Gap, Monday, August 10th, 1896. Boat leaves 8 p ni promptly, good music and dancing. No improper characters allowed. Adults, 50 cents, Children 25 centa. Committee.Captain A. Foster, W. R. Gallaoe, William Ferguson and Hamiltor Carter. 8-l-2t. Spoons Free to All. I read in the Christian Standard that Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A., St. Loots, Mo., would give an elegant plated hook spoon to any one sending her tan 2-cent stamps. I sent for one and found it so useful that 1 showed it to my friends, and made $13 in two hours, taking orel ers for the spoon The hook spoon is a household necessity. It can not slip inte) the dish or cooking ves¬ sel, being held in the place by a hook e>n the back. The spoon is something housekeepers have neeele?d ever since spoons were first invented. Any one can get a sample spoon by sending ten 2-cont stamps to Miss Fritz. This is a splendid way to make money around home. Very truly, 6,6-13t JkaxmktteS. a .e* it ll. St Ul IS >y 'e Lg V- y it .ei I te* ir n- s- Id WEST POINT!! 2d Baptist Sunday-school Will run it's Annual Excursion to West Point. TUESDAY, AUGUST UTH. FARE ROUND TRIP: Aduls, 75-ts. . Children, 50-ts. Refi es hm en ts in A h un dan ce Train leaves R. A D. Depot at 8:30 o'cIock sharp, returning at 8 p m. We invite all to go with us. Sidney Stanton, Chairman ; Jno. Tay¬ lor, Secretary ; M. B. Jones, Superin¬ tendent ; Rev. Z, D. Lewis, Pastor. jy253t E. J. CRANK, WATCH MAKER. Tlie* nilly onl.ircet man la the* South e-ve»r kains n (.i MAKK A WATCH OUT AND Ol T 'S.-nd your hy Mail o Kxiire*ss and have* Ha*ni repaired. United we stand, divided we fall. 122% \V. Broad St., Richmond, Vs To the Public. The place for the rich and the poor. Federal Street Market, is where I pur¬ chase my groceries. You can take a small amount of money and spend it in such a way as to have a big dinner, and then have cake and cream. Why, linn'? you know he has opened an Ice*- Cream Saloon, and dispensed with the wines and liquors? You can take your wife or best girl there and Bit and chat with ease and comfort, lt ii so quiet and nice in there neiw, anel he is so po¬ lite and courteous. Come, 1 will show you the place. Andrew Aasonson, Ag't., 1st and Federal Sta. DRAWING TAUGHT. New method. Learn how to enlarge your own photos, or any other picture- in one lesson ; any one can learn. Only, fifty cents. Address Z. T. Sandridge, 100 W Jackson St.. Richmond, Va. j 18-3m The Leigh Street Camp meeting will continue to August 9th. The pastors and members of several of the Baptist Churches are rendering able assistance to the Rev. J. II. Brice in his meetings. day School to West Point. Tuesday, August llth and apenil a day at the sea shore. W. W. SCOTT, TONSORIAL ARTIST, .¦¦oe' tt. Beaoad Bfaaet. Fine* Equipments, I*<»1 it? * attention. FIRST i LASS WORK. SHAVING and SHAMPOOING. Call. Southern Railway.- (Piedmont Air-Line ) CONDENSED SCH Em J LE. IN EFFKCT JULY 16, IS96*. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND, VA. t-OOA. m >->! THKRN KXl'KKss. dally Dunville. Ureenabaro. \\ inslmi Nilcui. epera Richmond, va., ta 1-h.hvill**. Uro*aaboro, Salisbury, Chariots*. Cot* nmbia S auguata. ('onneets at Danville witta the* Washington ami Bow Ulwt* em Vestibuled Limited Nu :i7i curry¬ ing sleepers; Dan .Hie to Ashville, At lenta.Chattanooga, Birmingham, Mem pins. New Orleans, and Jacksonville; alto, lint cia*- day coaches between Washington and atlanta, t-asaengers can use Hus.- coachet errlthoai ehanre. Connection- made al Memphis Hiiel New Orleans for all i*,iini> in Tex- .ifni-ma. bleeper e>pen for passengers ali v:!tu p. m. *. Mall., daily for etlnntaa and all points South. Connectaat Moseley wuh Paraville and fowiiaian railroad at Rhysville for l.'larki-villi*. Oxford, Hi-iiili-rson uni Durnam, and at Greens- boro, for Durham, Raleigh, aad Win¬ ston-Salem. Carries sleepers New York to tlauiu .uni *»ontgo-tery,and from New York lo Jacksonville. Pariel Uni Atlanta to Bira-lngham. 6:UUP. M.. LOOA*-, daily exe- pt Sunday, for K> .vsvtiii'l nnd ba teran dlatc yatala. TRAINS ARRIVE ix rJICHMOKD. g]SQ a. m. fruin Atlanta and Jacksonville, e'. :!n i*. *4, from - tlatita and Augusta, 8:46 a. a.,from Keysvllle. raaiQ-n tsaxms will alao narry pananp York River L.netvIA west point THEFAVORITEROCTTE NORTH- l.KAVK Rie-iiyeiND DAILY, Kxe*KIT SI RSAT. Train No. lei, ISM i*. m. LOOA1 baily except Sunday. Slops at all stations. At Lester fanur eonaeeui with -tam for Wulki-rton also, al Wist Point witta York-River steamers for Haltimotn. Train No. le-., I 'M P. M. Baltimore Dally. ClOM e«nrtee-, daily, cx.»*«.pi suu- daj. Steamera leave Hui ti mon* at lp, m., and Weat Pointe; i*. rt.,daily,except Sunday. Trains from Weat . oint a rrivi* in Kii-hmond at''.ii? a. m., daily. lei:iei a. m.. exeepe Sunday anet Monday ; aiul at .'> I*. M., elaily, except Sun¬ day. Train No. M, 1,45 a. m. uiOAt mixki*. elaily. except siimiay. Iea.ea Twenty-third street for Weat Kolnl ami later- mediate pointe. Tn-ki-t ottli-i- at station, fi nit of Virginia st. e)p**u from h a. m.. to I p. m. and from st,ul p. m. to -J a. M. .i. m. mi.;-. \v. L. Turk, nattie Manager, aaa. Pas.s. Agt. j. c. lioKTei.v. Traveling Passenger agent, i*-.*o east Main street, Kie-linioiid. Virginia. SEABOARD AIR-LINE S. A.L. VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS SOUTH, ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS. ACON, CHATTANOOGA. NASHVILLE, MEM¬ PHIS, TEXAS. NO EXTRA FAKE ON ANY TRAIN No. 'IK*..'*Tho Atlanta Speoial" leaves Rich¬ mond. I>aily. at V2.m: ni^-lii, for Benderaon, (arrive Durham dally, except Sunday) Haleigh, Sanford, Souther pines. Wilmington, w boro. Monroe, Charlotte, Llncolnton, 8helby, ftntherfordton. Cheater. Clinton, Qieenwooo, -bhenriile, Elberton, athena, atlanta, augue- ta. Macon, Chattanooga, Naahvllle, Memphis, texlco, ejallfornla, and tin- Weat (via Hemphla), Solid Limited Train, with pullman Buffet Sleepers and Vestibuled Coach No. 41 Express" leaves Rich¬ mond, daily, for lli-ndi-rson, ( Dur¬ ham, elaily. exeiept Siuielay > Raleigh, sanford. Southern pim-s, wilmington, Wadeabore, hob- roe. Charlotte, Cbealer, Clinton, U reen wood, abbeville, Elberton, Athena atlanta. Macon, renaaoola, Chattanooga, Naahvllle, Mmphla MontgOX orleans,'1. ,. and the Soothweat Ivis New Orleans) Solid Train, with poll man sleepers and coaches; and Sleep¬ er Hamlet io Wilmington. Arrive- Richmond, «;.» a. m.,e.,kip m. elaily. For tickets, baggage checks, sleeping car lions, etc., apply te> H M BO Y K1 X, Sui.' Pasn'r Agent 838 Baal Mnin St Richmonel Va i:. st. leiiiN, Vice arealdenl and oen'l Manager v. k. soeaaa, General Seperln tendent. T. .1. A N HICKSON Traill. aeaentl j*asr Agt. TO BALTiriORh ONLY $a ROUND TRLP ONLY |3 via UM May I.m. Koule. on |hr> elegant ne*-* su*ain.*r Virginia, * li icu I.-aves Kle-limond -\ ,,i USUAY and sat arriving Ballimore next morning ai fi nnecttetn made at Bal lilladelphia, N.\v York and Boston leave Baltimore Hld 1 Kl DAV al., p. ...,»'.¦ next niornlng ats. For further Information, tickets, and slate- room reservation, apply to li M BOY KIN Genera] Agent. 83tl east Main street

Transcript of Library of Congress · SATURDAY,AUGI I B96. OHARLOTTESVILLELETTER. Sundayat...

Page 1: Library of Congress · SATURDAY,AUGI I B96. OHARLOTTESVILLELETTER. Sundayat theOhurches.Picnics.Topics met the v his the the* wit upe thc lim *> is hoi I Vi tin tO! re te Sunday was



Sunday at the Ohurches.Picnics.Topics


vhisthethe*witu pethclim




Sunday was very he>t, but in the af¬ternoon thor** was a refreshing showerthat cooled it'iff somewhat. The* usu¬al servie*es at tl*.e churches .were wellatti*nded.A large numbi'r of persons went to

the closing Berries*, of the PiedmontDistrict Association at Union RidgeBaptist Church.Kev. ll. P. Weeden. District Mi-

sionary of the State of Virginia preached at Mount Zion in the Boorning andat the First Baptist at night.We visited the F.henezer Sunday

School last Sunday ane* found it up-to-date.There were three deae*e>ns ordained

at the* Bhiloh Baptist ( hurch last Sunday night.On last Monday two large e*xcursi'<ns

visited our city, one from e>id Pointand the other from Lynchburg, lt be¬ing court-day. the crowd was immense.The day was hot, i>ut the crowd was

orderly and well-behaved.Dr. arthur Farrar and C. Adams of

Richmond and Messrs Jackson, Jone's,and T. K. Timbrooke of Lynchburg,Va., were among the excursionists andcalled <>n us.

M Lizzie Harris of Williamsburg.Va., was in the* city last week lookingwell.Mrs. H. L. Williams, Jr., of Rich-

memd is visiting Mrs. P. H. Ferrell onDice Bt.Miss Lillie Glass of Lynchburg, who

has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Scottleft fe>r home this week.Mrs. J. Edmond left last week for

home in Trible, Ohio.Miss Hoatee Oreen of Lynchburg,

Va., passod through the city last weekon he*r way home*.

We* he'arel a preacher say a few Sun¬

days ago that if a preache*r te-lls thetruth anel preaches the gospel, thatsome one woo Ul get mad anel goagainst them. How about that? Haveno pets and no erne will get angry withyou. Tell the same on that youtell on othersWhat h.-thinks about 16 to 1. An

old brother while talking a few daysago about gold and silver, said. "1don't know anything about this 16 to 1or 1 to 16, all 1 wants is money, le*t itlie gold or silver. Just give me BOOMthing that will get meat and bread."How many more we have like him.God only knows.The gold anel silver men here are red

hot on the matter, lt is about two toon*' feir gold, but how long they will heso who EnosWhere is that move thst -ass on foot

to help Kev. William Nelson? Ie itdead ?

When Hu* outlook is not good, trytho uplook.

Wli-n the devil knows that a man iskinder to hi- mule than he is to hiswife, he likes tei hear him talk inchurch.

It is because young men drink thatold men are drunkards.The man who has the "big head of

len wear? a small hat.'The people whei ge> tel sleep lintier the

preaching, will he \\ iele awake whenthey watch tlie preachers' practice.We best se*rve 0O.BS.ves when we

best serve others.Mrs 0. B. Doles and family are vis¬

iting in Cumberland Ceiuniy, Va.Sin sys i DE.


Rev. Arehvr Ferguson's discourse on

last SaMtf'i* oi.nninpf was very geiod.Ic was fi He'd with logical fae-ts. Hesaid that a man witheiut any reasoningfaculty is eijual to a brute, [a tbeafternoon, the elder administered tin-Lord's -tapper to an intelligent aueli-ence.The cantata given on the evening of

tlie 3rd instant, at the Mount CalvaryBaptist Church for the benefit of thechurch was a grand lUOeeSS. The Ris¬ing Mount Zion Baptist Sunday-school was unite interesting last Sab¬bath morning. Miss Rosa B. Hender¬son favored us with one of her e\rel-h*nt seilos, as ihey usually are.Next Sunday at 11:15 a ni .there

will be a meelina Of expression at theRisini. Mount Zion Baptist Church ;at 1:80 p. m.. Rev. Mr. James trill ad¬minister the Ixird's Supper. Baptiz¬ing will take p'ace St IL' m.The Y. M. <J. A. meeting was tip-top

this week. An eleiepuent address wasdelivered to the young men by MissIndiana Dandridge. This young Missdeserves great praise for the* mannerin which she* addressed the young menMr. R. W. Whiting delive*red a sluirt,hut interesting address.Mrs. Lucy J. Fowlkes returned home

tn N ottoway CoHn ty last week.Miss Annie V. Taylor, of this city

and Miss Florence G. Munger eif Min¬nesota visited this city section last,the - ue'sts of B-issT. P. K. Whiting.

Mrs. Annie Smith is sick at her resi¬dence on otb St., also Mr. ThomasB.OBBOII on 6th street is quite sick.Mr. VV. H. Banks, Sr., who has beni

quite sick is convalescing.Miss Jennie Christian left for Balti¬

more this week.The funeral of Mrs. VV. H. Randolph,

who departeel this life on the "29th ult.,took place at the* Rising Mount ZionBaptist on 31st ult. He leaves a wife,a mother, a siste-r and many relativesand friends to mourn their loss.

Little Tommy Leigh, the two yearold son of Mr Thomas Slaughter, diedon the 2nd instant, from the e'ffects ofbeing scalded, ile was buried on the3rd instant.The Rising Mount Zion Baptist Sun¬

day School will give a grand pic-nicat Seven Pines on Monday, August10th. Refreshments at city pricesCome and go with them and enjoyyourself, and so help the school.


Gold Against Silver.Personals.Inter¬esting Items.

Hot H things, Va., Aug. 6, 1896.Mr. Editor:

The Excelsior Literary As¬sociation of this place met on last Wed¬nesday evening, Mr. R. X. Smith, vice-

Sresident presiding. Prayer by Rev.W. Neil. After roll call and quota¬

tions, upon motion of Prof. J. H.Blackwell, the recitations and addresswere erased from the program and thewhole time given to the discussion ofthe great "Silver and Gold Question.''The chapel was well lilied with

friends of both gentlemen, who hadcome purposely to hear the discussion.A committee had previously deceiratedthe main auditorium and everythingwas in taste for the occasion.

Prof. J. T. Anderson, of Stauntonwas introduceel to lead off in the affir¬mative. The calling of his name wat

a signal, as it were for a raptuous ap¬plause. Mr. Andersein knowing thalto fail would be a signal waste of al¬ready achieved honors, and he wadedinto the subject with that confidenceand assurance of a Bryan that 'Righiis might anel must prevail." He trac¬ed the silver ejuestion from the* timethat Christ was betrayed for thirtyfiieces of silver. A strong premise wa*

aid and for fifteen minutes, he heldthe audience spell-bound. RetiringLawyer R A. Hughes, of HexwardUniversity came forward t«i representthe negativeTo say that he was well prepared

faintly presents his side of itRem nd after rounei of applause washeard as his rich and inspiring exordi¬um, like beautiful sunrise was shedupon his intelligent audience. ifMcKinley knew of this young man andhow he championed the cause of gold,

would certa'nly select him to can-

the country. But, ah! when hiseloquence had eeaseel, Mr-1 .^

erson eas -e* the-argu-jit for the affirmative, which was I"crowning gem of his argum* iteadr. Hughes closed the argument in agosame eloquent style. After which you

. .uestion was then submitted to j himaudiene*e, and they adjourned bed

h out being able to place the* crown Th*>n either of the* gentlemen, but left bin

.Nith the good words, "Well ceearr

ta Blake, of Clifton Fe.rgehere representing two very tineoks.diss Susie V. Perkins, of Staunton,i., is stopping at the Hot Springs forI summer. She will leave for Bo-*-

--*.. in a few weeks.I.iy/ie Scott, of Staunton will

BBB'a at the Hot Springs until Sep-| vei

ml»er 1stMaria Patterson will leave here

r Philadelphia in a few weeks.Mr. VV. B. Booker, of Washington,C.. is spending a few weeks here,

e is a fine man and has made manyiends, especially among the fair se-

Mr. Halliburton, teacher at bealingirings passed through here this week,turning from Staunton Institute,

.aks well of the instruction.Mary Lawson, of Bennett

gc will leave for her schoed in Sep-mber.Mr. F. VV. Carter, of V. N\ B C. I. | feetersburg is speiuliiiK his vacation 5ere.Mrs. Lizzie Pollard, of Covington,a.. will spend two or three weeksere*.The "Virginia" has two of the finestwks in the state, Mr Howard I'ol-ird (chef.) Luther Pedlard, second,he two gentlemen are equal to therench"ce>ok8 at the Homestead. Covigtem. Va , their home should Toelroud of them.Mr. J. E. Withers, of the Virginia is

bly assisted by Dr. D. D. Hemmans,f Staunton.The following gentlemen and Indiesre members of the croquet club or-

anized last week:.Messrs. Vlyssesones. Grant Shelton, J. 8. Kenney,'rank Carte»r, and Misses Emma Ross,bertha PannisteT, Susie Perkins and.ozetta Blake.Messrs. D Jones and C. N Mans-

ield accompanied by Misses E Rossmd S Perkins rexle 'cycle to the warmast week.Mr. Lee Morgan, of Low Moor is

lere.Mr. Robert Harris, the efficient heael

lellman is ably assisted by Messrs.Hugh A. William. Pe:ter B. Cleveland,Fry Taylor. Eldridge A'heeler. FredInnes, Samuel J. Fe'lson. Phillip Tur-ier. Robert Dickinson, Lincoln Jack-;ein, Frank Carter.Rev. Wright, of Warm Springs

preached an sloqoaat sermon here lastSunday evening ; Exodus xix ; v verseMr. anti Mrs. L. A. Vaughan, of

Richmond, Va., are* spending a fewwe»eks here. They expect to leave ina short while for Boston, Mass.














Personal and Religious Items.

Clifton Force, Va., August 1. 'WThe* concert given at the 8econd

Baptist Church July 31st, was a ve*rygrand affair indeed. Hie committeerealized ilX) eil. A votr of thanks wasturnetl to the committee for their zeal¬ous work.

e Hir churches well at tended Sunday.Berripes al the Second Baptist Churchwe*re* cotidueteel by Reverend T. D.At kins who preachetl a ve*ry eloejuentsermon from Malachi 3rd chapter, loth

At night the services were eon-ducte*el by Reverend C. Ii. Le»wis ofBig Island, Virginia, whi preacheel a

re\ ivir.g sermon from 3-1 th Psalm, 1stverse. The Reverend was at his bestand move'el all eye's to tears.At the First Church Ihe morning

Mtvleas were conducted by ReverendJ. H. Binford, who preached one* of hisbest sermems from 1 Samuel -8th chap¬ter, 13th \ erse. Thu. Reverend heldhis audience spell-bound for one hourwith his logic and eiratory. At nighthis pulpit was lilied by lb*verend J. R.Fry of Waynesboro. Va. His sermonwas from MsrfBft .iohn 14th chapter, 6thverse The' sermon was a good oneand made a very gre*at impression onthe* audie'nce.Reverend C. C Steward, S G. Scribe

was in town this iraak haili ing afterthe Fishermen lodge of this place.Mrs. P. A. Jackson has just returned

from a trip to Norfolk, Hampton, OldPoint Comfort and Richmond. Va.Mrs. T, M. Taylor left Sunday to

visit her sister, Mrs. V*. A. Carter ofLongdale, Va.Mrs. Dora Jackson was away erne

week visiting her relatives anel frienelsIn the* valle»y.Miss L. M. Morton has just returne'd

from BtaUBtoa, Virginia, where shehas bee*n attending summer normal.Miss Hattie Bowser, e>f Norfolk, is

stopning at (Hedy's Inn..Mrs M. J. C/hainters, Carrie* Greene

and Mrs. Jackson of Covington, werein our town visiting friends.Mrs. Carrie Morris, VV. M. Nelson

anel Mrs. Bettie Leftwich are over tothe Warm Springs this week.Mr. Isham "Scott VV. Bank of Hunt¬

ington, Virginia, is visiting Mrs. P. aJackson.Mrs. O. J. Douglass is out again af¬

ter an illness of two weeks.Mr I.S. Dawson has been confined

to his be*d for several days with a

sprained knee.Mrs af. F Duvals has just returned

from a trip to Stauntein, where she hasheirn visiting her niece, Mrs. GeorgeWhite.The Pi.ankt readers are steadily in¬

creasing and we hope ere this yearcloses the ten thousand will be over¬reached.

Yours for the Race,Uno


Religious Notes.Peosonal Items-Socials

JofiNSTow-N, Pa., August 3, '96.The A. M. E Zion Church was well

attended Sunday. The pastor. Rev.Snow being absent the pulpit was ablyUlled by Mr. Reiy Paul.Rev. W. H. Courtney occuppied the

pulpit at the Mount Olive BaptistChurch Sunday evening He delivereda powerful sermon and sang some ofhis songs for which he is noteel.Mrs. H. C. Courtney, the delegate

who represented the Mount OliveBaptist Sunday-school at the Allegha¬ny Baptist Convention which met inHomestead, July 25th arrived home,Thursday after visiting her friends inDuquesne and McReesport.The A. VI. K. Zion Sunday-school

pic-nlc was a grand success. Theweathe>r was fine.Rev. Troy preached an able sermon

at the Mount Olive Baptist Church,Friday night and left for Altoona Sat¬urday morning.The Mount Olive Sunday-school will

hold a festival, August 7th andf 8tb.Mr. and Mrs. John Platter left for

Williamsport, Pa , and Hagerston, Md.for a three weeks visit among rela¬tives and friends.Mri. Jennie A. Taylor and Mrs. Wil¬

liams left for Williamsport Thursday.Mrs. Jennie Tucker of Youngstown,Ohio is the guest of Mrs. Vf. H. Court¬ney, Bedford Street.Mr. George Minor has moved from

Southside to Adams Street. Goodthing! Push it along! .

Mrs. Mollie Banks entertained atlunch, Mesdames Jennie Taylor ofLisbon, Ohio; Williams, of Williams¬port, Penn ; Jennie Tucker, of Young¬stown, Ohio; Mahone*y and sister;John Slaughter and Hattie E. Court'ney of thia city.

Roy Newby.

Manchester Lodge, No. ll, K. of P*The following officers were installed :

July 29, 1896 by Deputy Grand Chan¬cellor, Alexander Breioks:Chancellor Commander, C. H. Rob¬

inson; Vice* Chance-lieu-, James H.Chatham; Prelate, Meises Harris- Mof Ex., William Bailey ; M. of F.,Theimpson, K.ofR and 8 AlexanderBrooks; M. at A., David AllenO. G. Peyton 'arter.

Do not delay the collector when hecalls pay him.

Brutal and Inhuman.

umberton, N. C. Maxton BUero brutes from South Carolina vis-the Alforusvilie soi lion some daysand arrestees! Chalmer Taylor, a

ng colorod man, anel started « uhi to Marion. Taylor was sick in hiswhen the brute's we-nt lei his house

»y dragged him from his bed, tied1 and placing him in a buggy pro¬ded on their journey. When theyived at Marion the pr ison e*r was hastily buried, but his'lids hearing of it we*nt over and hadremains disinterred and brought

;k to this State. Coroner W. Lmes went down and summoned a

.y to investigate the cause of thein's death, and the jury turned ardict that the deceased carne to hisath by brutal and inhuman treatjut inflicted by the brute's who hadai in charge. We learn that the

who are said to be' toughs edi' worst element, had no warrant foryho-'s arrest. As a matter of facttylor was not guilty of any crime ; heis simply wanted as a witoerhe people of North Carolina aret Hering to submit to any proceedingsel these inhuman brutes, ca linge'mselves officers of the law, whoju ld disgrace an ordinary gallows bying hanged upon it, shall be made toel the heavy hand of the law of thisate* for their high crime. The white-opie of the section where Taylorred say he was a man of good char¬gerCol. A. J. Burns, who was a member" the Coroner's jury, ,says he madesearching investigation and is con-need that the red-bauded murder¬'s invaded this State without war-int or authority. Dr. W. L. Byrnes,ie coroner, tells us that the matterill tie probed to the bottom andieee invaders and murderers will beroseeuted to the fulleat extent of theAV.



How's This.

We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-ard for any case of Catarrh that can¬tu be eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure.F. J. Chenney «& Co., proprietors, To¬-do, O.We, the undersigm-d, have known F.

. Chenney for the last IR years, andelieve him perfectly honeirable in allransactions and financially able toarry out any obligations made byheir firm.We'Bt efe Truax. Wholesale Druggists,

"oledo, 0 , Welding, Rinnan At Mar¬in. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeninter-

lally, acting directly upon the blood.nd mucous surfaces of the system.*rice, 75c. per bottle. Sold hy alliruggists. Testimonials free. S-7-lm

The Norfolk. Virginia Union Bap¬tist Association will meet at the UnionBaptist Church, Shoulders Hill, Nansemond County, Va. Arrangementsli ave been made and thereby we* havereduced rates on the Atlantic-A: Deau¬ville Railre>ads and Steam boat linesfrom Norfolk, Richmond, Lynchburg.Danville and inte'rniediate stations.All who will come will be gladly re¬ceived and well cared for

H. L. Ba roo,Mod.

Resolution of Condolence.

Whereas, it hath pleased AlmightyGod in His wise Providence to callfrom our mielst little Ethel Mozellethe infant daughter of our esteemeelanel beloved frienels. Mr. anel Mrs W.R. Patterson, un the morning of July20,1890.Therefore we dei humbly bow in sub¬

mission to the- divine mandate- by ex¬

tending to breither Patti-rson and hisli hive*d wife our sincerest condolencein this their sad hour of beivavement.and we» commend them tei him whodeieth all things well, and who alonecan bind the broken hearted, and liftus all to that realm above where* part¬ing is no more, anel where this dear in¬fant is gone* on befeire* to welcomethem at a coming day.

Lal a copy of this obituary be' sentthe* bereaved family and a copy be sentthe Riehmoiiil Pi.ankt for publication.

G. E. Melinga,ll. Mavn.uii) Smith,John S. Lkwis,



A Successful Minister Rev. Cosby'sMission., Va., August 3,Mrs. A. K. Robinson and daughter

little Wilhelmean left last Saturdayfor a trip to Brooklyn, New Yeirk.Reverend Jesse Jones seems to be

successful both as a preache-r and apolitician. He had qOltO a success inthe revival at his church last weekThora ware about forty conversionsHe was elected a delegate* to the coun¬ty republican convention Lookout,Reverend, oil and water will not notmix.Mr John Hopkins is getting n*ady

to break ground for a handsome resi¬dence on 9th Stree*!We were glad to meet our old friend

and la-other, Re*v. ("harli's Sparks lastSunday. He preached at the 9th streetBaptist Church to the edification of allthat heard him.Rev.D.L. Ce>sby, late ex-pastor of

the 9th Stre»et Church, returned homelast Saturday after an absence of twowee-ks in King and Queen and othercounties doing mission work. He waswell pleased with what he saw anti theway he was received by the good-peo¬ple of the several localities.Mrs. Rev. D. L. Cosby and daughter

are doing a great deal in the way ofraising funds for the improvements tothe 9th Street Baptist < hurch. Mrs.Cosby has arrange'd feir a large rallyjonSunday, August 9th. Rev. J. M. Arm¬istead will preach to the ladies at 3o'clock.Her two children will leave Satur¬

day for a visit to friends in Gatesville.N. C.Rev. B. K. Billups, the "Swamp An¬

gel" baptized sixteen persons for Rev.Jesse Jones, pastor of New Hope Chris¬tian Church last Sunday at 12 o'clock.

Rev. I. L. Butt the popular pastorof Trinity A M. E. Church was athispost of duty all day last Sunday. Headministered sacrament at 8 o'clockpm.Rev. Sparks held communion ser¬

vices at the 9th Street Baptist Churchat 3 o'clock p m.Rev. S. E. Criss held forth at theist

BaptistChurch Sunday.Mrs. Alice Rollinson and the willing

workers of the 9th Street Church wasvery successful in these "Old Maidsand Bachelor Entertainment," Mon¬day night, Mra. Rev. Cosby, manager.


18 to 1 in favor of the Moonlight Au¬gust 18th by the Young Men's BusinessAssociation. 2t.


Asocial Entertainment.A Severe Fall

St-tnton, Va , August 4,1896.Thursday night of last week, Mrs,

Sallie Davenport gave a magnificentsupper at her residence, 10*1 SunnySide street in honor of Miss Maggie* ATaylor of Lynchburg, who was hereattending the Normal. The guest

Sresent were Misses Carne Taylor.osaR. Yancey, Mattie JHarvey, Kissie Pryor, Kate' Ellis, A. V. PetersMessrs Andrew Bowler, J. Levitors, J. L. Haliburton, Mr. Willis MCarter and wife and other. Mrs. Dav¬enports culinary reputation was wellsustaine'd on this occasion.Mrs. Annie Simms, the wife of Wr

VI. Simms passe-el into the spirit lane!August 3rd.Mrs. Mst>inda Walton receiveel a se*

vere fall from an uppe*r story porch IIis hoped that no serious trouble wilfollow.Look for the pic-nic and exoursior

Thurselay, August _"0th from Stauntorto Crozet by Mount Zion and Fbene/iiSunday-schools.Deacon Samuel Adams is still on Um

sick list at his residence*, Fairview.E A. Bm.den.

WEST END NOTES¦x>o Paid by the Trusteesof the Fifth Baptist



PLESDID t HI WU bER-Vlvices.

Personals and Briefs.

Sunday, August Sad, . light showerrain acceiinpanieil tile dswn eif dayid the early morning wa* clouely.TheBather loosed threatening for a rainyid disagri'eable day. snd the h artsthe church lover! -nil Sunday-lu*ol workers sank within them and

any «>f the* faithful sighed and pray-I for bright anel clear weather. But?on the clouds be-gan to disperse andie mist redled away and tin* rays of hislajestic power lieameel forth intoi-ery home, and the true lovers oftxl and His church wentfourth look-lg bright anel fresh as a rose> just re-.eshed by the heavenly de>ws. Tini tie chihlre-n at their several Suneiay-.hoolswith bright eye's looking gay¦ing earnest and edieerfulns the beau-ful birds of the valley. Pastors, su-erinteiidents, niemibers and scholars.II with elastic stei>, IssOmOfl fully bentn prai-inj* the Supreme Killer of theIniversi* in the*ir every action.At 11:30 at 5th BaptistChurch Rev-rend Vf. S Christian prOBCihfld a verynstructive and historical sermon. The**ollection from church Mid Sunday-chool was very good.At 8:30 that giant and angel of lightrom the 5th Street Baptist Church,.ev. W. F. Graham preached what hifas pleased to term a money sermonnd when he had closed the gooel pen¬ile demonstrated by their actionshat they appreciated anel acted uponhe sound advice and responded withme hundreel dollars. The house wasireiwded to its utmost capacity.many.e>uld not get standing room.At 8:30 Rev, L. R Frayser preachedhe gospel to a large and appreciative.ongregation The " Bishop" of Rich-

nonil. Kev. James H. Holmes, wholael been previeiusly invited to have nword, was present and Pastor Powellii few well chosen words asked him toetand up and let the people seehim, and just say a word; anel as thisFather in Israel came forth the entire[.hurch Beamed refreshed and happyafU*p the1 timely arid pointed remarks,witty sayings and innocent jokes andwhen 'Tap'' Holmes as he is oftencalled took his spat, the pastor an-DOUneed the collection to be ve*rvgood. He also annotinceel that tln>day's collection was- ov r two hundredand eleven dedlars (llMl).Rev. (iraham's people that came withhim hael a table for them. They gave

over $J" It can be seen by the abovecollections that Rev. Graham keepsfar in the h>ad in raising money tohelp the 5th Church,Deacon Smith of the First BaptistChurch at the afternoon service made

a few soul-stirring remarks and presented $5 34, an after collection senthy his church. Be alsocomplimemtexlthe brother who came liefore his dea¬con board and askeel through themtheir church to help.The Fifth BaptistChurch voted by"...tier, their heartf< It iiinuks and ap¬preciation to the Kifth Pt. Church, 1st

Baptist church and every individualwho had aided them sei graciously.l)n Memday, 3rel before 8 ei'eloekTrustees William li.Carter, Robert H.Freeman, accompanied by Rev. Pow¬ell paid over to the creelit of Fifth Baptisl Church on their debt S-MK), and soreported at their regular church meet¬ing that night. A shout went .up inZion. They have gone to work willirenewed zeal and strong courage-.They have prayerful hearts and watch¬ful eyes for the success of thu I'i.anKtfor libe>ral[publicationsin arousing thepeeiple as to their needs and conditions.The 5th Church Sunday-school andChurch will Rive* their annual basketpicnic anei exemrsion to Bothwell Park,Tuesday August llth. ll is hoped blpasteir Powell that tlie Church andSchool will give* their patronage. Theofficers of botn church and scheiol willelo all in their power to have yonspend a day of pleasure. Train leave'sElba station at 9 o'clock a. m. ; returning leaves Bothwell l'ark >u 6 p. m.Fare round trip, Adults 5"* Children,under 12 years, docents. No intoxica¬ting beverages will be allowed on thetrain or at the park : Iel all diseirde*rlyparties take* due noticeLookout for something new. Some

of our prominent church workers con¬template having a Japanese market,the later part of this month. Every¬thing of the very he*st, including love¬ly women anel girls. WStoh and waitdon't eat or love too much wait andpick your choice from the be*st.The' Kiver View Baptist Church

hell good services hist Sunday, alsothe school. Sister L. A. Coles did mittill her place as organist, being detain¬ed home by sickness.Miss Sarah L Carter, who was taken

ejuite sick last Monday, is better atthis time*.Mrs. Louisa Meade,of West LeighStree't, Ail- taken rjuite sick at the 5th

Church last Sunday afternoon.Mrs. Lewis Hickman, Secretary of

the Loving Daughters of Abraham, isvery sick at her home, 1512 Taylor StMiss Sarah N. Moten,of Washingtonis stopping with her cousin, Rev. Mrs

Powell, 1513 Taylor St. She will beplease-d to see her Richmond friends.Mr. James T. Carte'rmade a Hyingtrip to Washington, spending a fe>w

days site seeing and visiting his Brother, W. H. Carter, Jr , who recently re¬turned after spending three weekshere visiting his parents.Miss M. Forbbs is horne again from

Philadelphia-Rev. W. E. Nash, Pastor Third St

Baptist (hurch, has taken to the woodsanei is holding grand religious servicesin the grove near the Hartsheirn Col¬lege. Go and help the cause ; you willhear some of eiur most prominent eli-vines.

Al AV.

Others Interested in Picnics.

Before arranging foran excursion orpicnic take a look at Bothwell Park,23 miles North of Kichmonel on theRichmond, Freelericksburg and Poto¬mac R. R. Excursion trains stopswithin a short distance of the park.Plenty of shade, sheltersnd cool water.Substantial swings. Other attractivefeatures forSunday School and picnicparties.

Trains chartered at low rates, inclu¬ding the use of the park. For full in¬formation, apply to

C.A. Taylor,Traflle Manager,

R. F. & P. R. R , Bryd St. Station711-lm

Their excursions ure always weipatronized. Everybody like* to gewith the Old Boys. Thi'y will leave]for Washington, Sunday night, August9th, 1896.

BURNED AT THE STAKE.A White Tramp Pays Terrible Penah*

for a Horrible Grime.St. Joseph, La , August r>..Some

elays ago a respectable white womanemployed as domestic ina prominentfamily on the border of Franklin par¬ish, was sent across Tensas river on ar

errand, and failing to return in propeltime the family becsme alarmed aneisent parties in search of her. Tlusearching party, after several hourifound the dead and horribly mutilatedbody of the woman in the woods, part¬ly eonee»aled by brush. The most in¬tense excitement folleiwed the-diseovery, and in a short while the wheilesection was aroused and in the saddleSuspicion pointed to a white tram*.who has l**en se*»*n near hen* Dogiwere used and in a few hours thetramp was run down, He eonf«*ssee!that he had outraged and then murtiered tbe woman The crowd boundthe wretch, stakeel him to the* nearesl

and after burning his boely aneiriddling it with bullets, ejuietly dis¬persed.

PEB80-I ALS AND BI-IETS-Mi KL erraves of Ph:!id.dphia, ]i .called on ui.

-Mrs. John B. Harris snd faultye in the city.-Miss Lizzie B. Wills had a pleas-it stay in Washington.-Dei not delay the* colh'ctor. Payni promptly.-Miss Harriet Cleveland ol l*ex-Kte>n, Va., is the' guest of Mrs. Jessieinga Di.mond of ll.' West Leigh Ht.-The Ebenezer Baptist Sunday;hool carried eleven coaches to Mtleasant last Tuesday.-Miss Irene Pedndexter has leftie citv to spend the remainder of theun mer at Trevillians, Louisa Co. Va.-Miss Hattie Wallace continuesuite Bick at her residence on Price*treet.-Miss Ottie Brooks of Washing-in. D. C., left for Petersburg last Sun-ay meirnini* Aw-Mrs. Leronzie Price of Ashland. «

a., was blessed with a tine baby boyist week.-Major J. B. Johnson will have aublic insdection and drill, Memday,ugust 17th at 4:30 P. M., of the Bat-Hum.-Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Chavers andIrs. Lewis left the city, Monday forI* hi te Sulphur Springs, W. Va.-Mr. John H. Banks, formerly of

i is city, but now of Chicago, III.,>n pay his old friends and home aisit.-Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Chavers and[rs. Fannie A. Lewis left the city lae. tuesday for White Sulphur Springs.'hey will be gone a month.

-Miss Nannie J Brisby and herister, Eugenia, who return from Bai¬rn* ore* June 1st, are visiting at Talleysille, Va.-Misb rirginia B Harper has re-urned to the city from Staunton. Va.,raven she spent a plesant four we*eks.ttending the Te*acher'8 Normal Inuti-ute.

-Mrs. Celia Jones of Baltimoredd., was in the city last week visitingut brother, Sir Jesse Scruggs, 904 street.-Rev. W. H. Brooks,D. D., pastor)f the 19th Street Baptist Church, ar-

.ive*d here last Memd«y. He will beie*re fora week at least and will goCrom this city to Hampton.-Miss Elnora Fry left the city

last Sunday to visit friends in Buckingham County, Virginia.-Mrs. Isabella Walker, 818 North

Sth street, is improving under theskillful treatment of Dr. S. ll. Dis¬mond.-Mrs. W. A. Hankins left last

Saturday to spend several weeks withher brother and his madame in Wash¬ington.-Mrs. Ellen Copeland and Miss

O. L Rogers have returned to the cityafter visiting relatives in Norfolk Coun¬ty, Va.-Mrs. Rosa K. Jones, the accom¬

plished pianist left last Tuesday forSteube'iiville, ()., tei spend the' summer.Har seitiB, Endom and Eugene are atHamptein.-Miss Lula C. Watkins, of UK

Vf. Li'igh street hal gone* to Boston,Mass., tei visit her aunt, Mrs. LucindaWatkins-Mr. Geeirge W'illiamB, Jr., presi¬

dent eif the N. I. B. E. Insurance Com¬pany, was in the* city this week.-Miss Lizzie (J. Yancey has re¬

turned to the city after a visit to BaltiJmore and Washington, where Bhe wassplendiilly entertaineel-Misses A. B. Haskins, Lucy V.

and Ella K Bolling are spending there'inainder of their vacation in AmeliaCounty.-We return thanks fe.r the invita¬

tion received to attcml the MeunorialSe'rvicea of Harriet Beecher Stowe atthe Z»"on Baptist Chttreh Monday Ev*- ,

August 3rd, 1896, at s o'cliHjk..Misses FUirence B and i-ena V.

Isham and Mrs. George E Bead lefton last Wednesday for East Orange.N. J. They will visit Philadelphia aneliVashington.-Mrs D L. Crew, of New York,

widow of the late Samuel H. Crew isvisiting Mrs. J. A. Smith, No. 17 W.Bakei

Gkbkn.Payne.The marriage ofjMissHelen L C. Payne to Mr Robert'Oreentook place July 7th, ls.'ii, ceremonyperformed by Rev. Brice of Li'igh StME Church.-The marriage of Miss L Fife tei

Mr. Nicholas Price* will take placeTueedaj Morning. August llth at 40hE Byrd street, at 8 o'clock. Frii'iulsare invited.-Mrs. C II. Lewis and children

left the city this week for Huntington,West Va , and will spend a few days inHinton, West Va, visiting friends.'will return to the city about Aug. 80.-Miss Mary F. Johnson left the

city on the 31st, for Caroline County.Va., to spend several wee*k with rela¬tives and friends. We* wish he*r apleasant stay.-We regretted the necessity of

parting company with some eif oursubscribers. Prompt payments arenecessary for us to give you such ajournal as the Planet now is.-Miss Clara Harris left the* cityWednesday to visit relatives and

friends in Smithville*, Va. She will al¬so be the guest of Miss A. Fitzgeraldof Burkeville, Va. We hope her apleasant stay.-Mrs. Francis McKinney of 911

North 2nd street, left the city Thurs¬day. July 30th for White SulphurSprings West Virginia, for her health.She was accompanied by her littlegrandson, Master Z. D. Lewis, Jr.-There will be a grand panorama

at the Sixth Mount Zion Baptist ChurchMonday night, August 10, 1896, for thebenefit of said church by Rev. W. F.Graham. All come and see the grandscenery. Admission, 10cents.-Miss Lucy M Deane,daughter of

ex-Councilman Morton Deane is visiting her aunt, Mrs. James H. Bivans, ofPhiladelphia. Her father accompa¬nied her a part of the way and showedher many places of interest in Wash¬ington.-Mr. Samuel Clay who for ejuite a

while has been employed by the Peo¬ples' Relief Association of 601 North30th St., has been recently given theposition of ced lector inspector of saidcompany. This is an excellent selec¬tion as Mr. Samuel Clay is a deservingyoung man of great ability and muchpush. He is the right man in the rightplace.-Pf of. J. Andrew Bowler has re¬

turnee! to the city. He had quitessuccess in his department. In fact, sosignal was his ability that he bears a

¦ personal recommendation from ProfJohn H. Bader, the efficient conductorof the Summer Normal and superin-

*. tendent of the public schools of Staun¬ton, Va.-Mrs Estelle Norman, 16 Mont¬

gomery Btreet, Paterson. N. J , saysher mother is a member of tne Sec¬ond Baptist Church. She hail fivechildren and two grand-childen. ontby the name of Lillie Gertrude Hen-elerson and the other Maria Hender-


Doctor Mitchell's Besignation.PersonaliFarmvillc, Va., August 3, 1896.

Dr. H. H. Mitchell bas resigned thepastoral charge of the First BaptistChurch His resignation was accepterin the midst of tears, groans and regre ts.Mr. Finny Coles haa been sick foi

two weeks, but we are glad to say thalhe expects to be out again ina fewdays.The Mount Zion and A. M. K. Churcl

will run an excursion to LynchburgVirginia, on the lothSilver and gold is the* town talk.Mr. PH. Hilton returned to Kal

e'igh.iNorth Carolina, this week. Hehaa lieen her* on a visit.

¦ ¦¦¦

REV. 0ULLIH8' SERMONe Preaches st ths Oamp-me-eting-TbeGrand Chancellor Psyi Another

Claimbo camp-meeting at the Leigh >t ME Church.Kev. J H. Brice hasproven a success, exc«'«*ding all ex-

pectation.A tent has been secure-dand under this hundreds havegn'gated, packing the yard.On Thursday night. Rev. W. K. (rui¬ns, the brilliant pastor of the Thirdtreet A. M. E. ('hurch preaehe*el a

lost eloquent and soul stirring ser-jon. Ile* pictured the be**eaties c-ff re¬gion and the temirs of the evi!Ie was outspoken in his utterances.

¦Hences mrmgm historical, re-ason-ig* logical, imagery, realistic add elo-ue*nee sublime* He weirke«el np theudience* to the piteb of enthusiasmeldom ei'ualled and never exce»lleel.The' Knights e>f Pythia-i we*re* pres-nt. Planet Division. Sir Knight Cap-ain Thomas M. Crump, ce-mmanding«>ing out in uniform. The purpow,a*e te> comply with the oreler and pavo tba widow of Sir Knight Robert J.losby the sum of eine htindti'd and lif-y dollars.After the sermon Sir Knight John

litchell, Jr.. (.rand Chancellor of theirsnd Lodge* e>f Virginia was intro-uced and after showing the benefitsf the order, complied with the* obliga-ion and counted out the money.Rev. Gullins' religious songs are

pe'cial features of his sermems. Crowdsome to hear him. Grand Master-at-rms. Jesse Sewuggs anel Deputy Granelhancellor. William E. Noel were pree¬ns. A collection of $15.60 srera lift-d. Benediction.


Horrible Murders.MoNTOOMERY, Al.A., AugUSt 1..Two

reeks ago an attempt was made to as-assinate C. D Hunter, a prominentitizen of Dallas county, while sitting¦ his front porch, surrouneled by hisamily. Two heads of shot were Hredt him. Fortunate'ly he was not ffatal-y wounded.Isidore Moble»y, a colored man was

irrested on Wednesday, charged withhe crime, and is alleged to have ooo-essed, implicating Billy Hunter sa-ither coleired man. The me-n were.ommitte'd tei jail by tho Magistrate.Asa constable was on his way te) the

;ounty jail at Selma with the prison¬ers he was overpowere*d by a mob ofmaski'd men, who took poss- ssion ofthe prisoners and carrieel them tee a

bridge, hanging lioth. After the hang¬ing a volley was Hred into their holliesand the mob disappeared.

ELEVEN BULLETS IN HIS B0_)Y.A White Man's Terrible fate.

Savannah. Ga , August 1 .A MillenGa., special to the Morning News says:About two weeks ago Sam McCullers,a desperate character, called at thegate of C. Leisler. Leister answeredthe call, and waa shot at several timesby McCullers. *.Mc< ullers made goeKlhis escape. A reward of $10t) was off-fered for him. He was caught at Col¬lins' Station Thursday and carried teiJ. B. Jones's house on Friday te) becommitted to jail. En route lo Mil¬len Friday night he was taken fromthe oAeari and shot by unknown par¬ties. His body was found in a swampwith eleven bullet-holes in it. Tbe(Joreuier's ve-relict was "death at thehands e>f unknown part:

Went Quickly-Mr. Alexaneler He'irhoizer. a promi¬

nent Herman citizen, and anel a largodealer in hides, elied sueldenly at hipresiil.-ni'C, No. BU West (trace Stee*t,Saturday evening shortly aftero'clock.Mr. Heirhoiser was seateel on the

back porch about 7o'clock, and, thoughIn* had been complaining for some*time*, he was apparently feeling well,when suddenly he* fe*ll back, anti eliedwithin five' minutes.

First Bapt. Church.College, (14th '

Stre-e¦'¦. m Breiad and Marshall..Sunday-school, 9:30 a m.; preach¬ing.summer months excepted.ll:3e'a. m., 3:30 and 8 p m. Communion,the second Sunday in each monthhilliness mootings. 1st and 3rd Mon¬day nights in each month; prayer-meeting every vVednesday evening at8 o'clock; choir practice every Fri¬day evening at 8 o'clock. ChristianEndeavor meeting, Tuesday at 6 :30 p.m., and Wednesday at 6:30 p. m.

J.H. Holm us. Pastor.


Go to picturesejue Mackinac Islandvia D *v- 0 (Ceiast Line' ) lt only e'eiMs$13 60 from Detroit, $15 60 from Tole¬do, 118 00 from Cleveland fe>r the'round trip, including meals and births.Ticke'ts geieid for til) days, bicycles car¬

rieel free. One thousand miles off lakeand river riding on new me>dernsteamers for the abeive rates. Send J?for illustrateel pamphhAddress. A. \ Ch P. A , De¬troit.

Mr. Brown Nominated-

[ By Telegram.Kooky Moist, Va., Aug. 5, '9t>.

John Et, Brown of Henry Countywas nominate*- on the first ballot foiCongress from the tilth District.

Vf. A Cole, Jr.

Wife and Mother.

liieiiMOMi, Va., August 5, 1896.Mb. Wm. Isaac Johnson,

President of Security IndustriaMutual Aid Society ;

Dear Sir:.About a ye*ar ago I had to thank

you for the prompt "payment of th*claim on account of the' death of mjwife; neiw again, death the kindesiMessenger to man, has been in ommidst and taken that saintly form, ooimother. Hartley Coots. We thereforereturn thanks for the Fifty-four elol-lars, the anio ut of her claim. And ailvise our friends to insure in your Corrpany.

Very Truly Yours,A Coots

Money Mads in a Minute.1 have not made less than sixteei

doll_rs any day while selling Centrifugal Ice Cream Freezers. Any oneshould make from five to eight dollara day selling cream, and from leven teten dollar-* selling Freezers, as it iisuch a wonder, there is always a ero r* ewanting cre>am. Yem can freeze creanelegantly in one minute and that astonishe8 people so they all want titaste it and then many of them bu;freezers as the cream is smooth anepe>rfect!y frozen. Every freezer iguaranteed to freeze cream perfeetl;in one minute. Anyone can sell i<*'cream and the freezer sells itself. Msister makes from ten to fifteen elollara day. J, F. I aaey B Co., 1143 StCharles St , St. Louis, Mo., will maiyou full particulars free*, so you can gto work and make lots of money anywhere, as with one freezer you camake, a hundred gallons of creamday, or if you wish they will hire ye>on a salary. Marv a.

WANTED:.For United States Armabled bodied, unmarrie'd men, httween ages of 21 and 30, Oftiseoi e;

the United State's, of good charaeteanti temperate habits, who can speakread and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Office, OJKast Broad St., Richmond, Va.

Her Acknowledgement.This is to certify that I have this da

received from ("rand Chancel!e>r JohMitchell, Jr., the sum of ($100.00) onhundred and fifty elollars in paymeriof the endowment claim of my Inoband, Robert J. Mosby, who wasmember of Samson Lodge, No. 1Knights of Pythias, N. A., S. A , KA. and A.

Alicb M


nt of thereason will be that in the* shaft of sLawn Par

at tai17 h.

ind lasting ten nights.but nut "fen\ights In a Bar-KiMiin " We will havegood music and fresh attractions

First week:.For the first week,Monday night, 17th, a baiiel concert byii" First Battalion Band; Tuesdaylight, ISth, a company of small boys,lin* Broael Stree't Zouaves will give an-xhibition drill. Captain David Hill ;Wednesday, 1 Wt h. Battalion Inspectionmel parade; Thursday, SK)tb, platfeirmIrill by Company B; Frielay,-Mst. atnusie'ul eoatsat betsreaa the two crack.bibs of the e*ity. Kichmond Mandolintod Guitar club against the Virginialiuitar and Mandolin club of l hurchHillSecond week:.Attraction*- for the

lesooad week:..Monday nigh!, J4lh.Kxhihitinn drill by Company C. in full

tailors. ; Tuesday, i*.">th. Exhibi¬tion drill hy those pretty little girls,.Ihe Church Hill schoe»l girls, underihe command of corporal W. H. /«nel-¦rse>n ; Wenlnesdsy night, 26th, Bayo¬net e lercise by Company A ; Thursdaynijht. -'7th, an Individual ' ompet itiveIrill by squads from each company.There will lie a cont* st for the fol-ieiwing prizes: Best elrilled enlistedman $2.5e); 1000041, -fl .(X>; third, 5<)e.Kriday night. l*8th, Cuttiiij. off a liveMaana pie and Cake WalkOur ever-willing and untiring corps

if ladies will furnish from the differ¬ent Inioths all the delicacies e»f the sea-<ein at price's to suit the times Now.if the Kiri* arc genni they may danesiv ith the soldier boys. Good'h night.\ei mission, -10cCaptain Vt, A. Hankins, Chairman ;

3ecg<ant Major Bussell Gilpin, Secre¬tary.

bluefield'letfer.(-.rand Lodge Meets.Grand Parade an

Banquet.Corner-Stone Laying.Many Visitors Present

Bu EFiEi.n, \V. Va., Aug. 3, '96.Editor Pi.askt:.The* Grand Loelge Knights of Py¬

thias eif West Virginia convened inour city, Tuesday .luiy 2Sth, at teno'clock a. m , in Douglass MemorialCastle hall, on Scott St.,'with the larg¬est delegation ever before in the histo¬ry of this grand and prominent order.The address ofwelcome was ably and

appropriately delivered by Hon. H. W.Smith, of tin's city. The response wasmade by Dr. H. F. Gamble. M. D., A.M , of Charleston, VV. Va. The Grandi hancellor, Mr. S. W. Starks, spokebriefly conce'rniny the object of theorder, and was highly pleased to seeso many delegates present il onStarks is inelee*d an I'.-irnest and talenteil speaker His re'port was highlycommesndahle by the entire body. TheBluefield Daily Telegraph in speakingof this gentleman said: "Hon S. W.Stark, G C., of West Virginia is a gen¬tleman of character and prominence,and a wealthy citizen of Charleston.Ile is one of the brightest men of thestate of his race." Well might thisjournal voice such true sentiments en¬dorsing one> of our great acknowledgedleaders of the state Hon. Starks isone of the founders of this distinguishcd oreier and it will not suffer in hishands or its colors trail in the dustwhile he is at the helm of its affairslb* was unanimously re-elected bythe krand Lodge.

Etoo* C. II .Payne, I). D., one amongthe prominent leaders ol thin entire'country, who is now a candidate foithe House' of legislature, was prese*n<sad is one off the* (iranel Ollieers of thidlodge, made an interesting and time¬ly talk in favoring Mr. Starks' re-elec-tiein. His remarks we re of such a 0OB-*tributiein to Douglas Memorial Lodge1as will elelight future ages to contem¬plate We have bearii patriotic speechs from the political reistrom, e-larieirtongued forensic phillipics at the balanei grand efforts of pulpit oratorynut were never befeire* moved by gen¬uine eloquence.The grand others electe'd for the en¬

suing year were as follows:*->ir S If. l>avis, I'ast Grand Chancel¬lor off Montgomery. W. Va., Sir S. WStark, e-iranil ("hancellor ; of Charles¬ton; Sir S. K. Williams of Prim-Grand Prelate;8_r J. M. E-aselwoodolCharleston, (iranel Master off Exclu?uer; Sir 0. H. bane off BluefieldGrand Medical Director: Sir I \Brnnlsterof Mootcomery,Grand Leeturer: Sir George w Lewis of Se'well(iranel Master at Artus.Tin' corner sterne laying at the Blue

tie-id ceiloreel Institute took placeThursday afternoon by the (iraniLoelge*. We will speak of this institution later on. It is nearing comph'tion and will open October 1st. ProfHamilton Halter of Harper's FerryVf. Va , will be the' principal.Kev. W. k. Brown and C. B. Payni

the principle orators eif the dayKev G B. Howard, the pulpit orate)of Charleston, was nresem, and madea peiwe'rful and interesting speechwhich all enjoyed. Between one anetwo thousand people*, both white aneOOlored witne*sse>d the occasion.After the corner stone laying then

(TU a great, banquet served at Dex!Min's Hall, the table was lad-ned dowiwith all the delicious eatables of thi¦cason. which all enjoyed.

W. R. Patterson.

Why certainly! John Hoppergrasis going on the Moonlight, Aug. 18th.

THE END OF THE FABOE.The Last Murderer Acquitted.

Tazkweli., Va., August 1..Fouyears ago, at the Bichlands, in thicounty, two men.Ben Shortrige an<Alex. l.ateliff.were waylaid amrobbed by a band of colored menShortrige being dangerously injure*from the brutal assault and Katclilbe'ing crippled for life.. Tha five colored men were lynclx'd for the crimeand indictments were feuind signingthose participating in the lynchingAll the indictments had long sinebeen disposed of except the one again*Thomas Blankenship, who has jusbeen tried anil acquitted.

Yes, she took him Lack to take he3on the Moonlight August 18, 1896. SI

Mr. Eelward 8. Barney, owner of twor three of the finest estates on thlower James and president of the Viiginia Navigation Company, shot ankilled himself Saturday morning iMeadowville, his beautiful place iChesterfield county, a few miles belo'Dutch Gap- No cause is assigned fethe rash act.

I cannot give him the G B until htakes mc on the moonlight, August If

To the Readers of the PLANET.Don't forget that you can get firWines and Liquors from a drink 14% gallons at Duncan's Family LiqutStore, 503 E. Marshall Street. AhTobacco, Cigars, Cheroots and Cigair- etteaof the best quality.Your patronage solicited. 8me

A Chance to Make Money.I have berries, grapes and peaches,year old, fresh as when picked. I uithe California Ceild process, do niheat or seal the fruit, j net put it up colkeeps pe>rfectly fre'sh, and cost almonothing; can put up a bushel in ttminutes. Last week I sold directioi

to over 120 families; anyone will pia dollar fe>r direction, when the*y sethe beautiful samples of fruit. Ithere- are many people poor like mse*lf, 1 consider it my duty to give ir!experience to such, and fee'l confideianyonecan make one or two hundrtdollars round home in a few days,will mail sample of fruit and compledirections, to say of your readers, f<eighteen two cent stamps, which is oily the actual cost of the samples, potage.etc., to me.

Francis Casby,jun--13t. St. Louis, Mo.Pay your subscription promptly aibe happy,

You Get Interestedin your work when you clean with GoldDost Broilers, boilers, pots and pans,skillets, kettles, buckets, and cans becomeclean at a touch, soot is quickly removed,grease dislcxlged when you use Gold Dust.


is indispensable for cleaning kitchen uten¬sils, paint and woodwork. Gets the dirt off.Nothing in it to grit Sold everywhere.


eC-Ucago, Bt. Lroals, New York, Bo-ton, Pht.«il«-lpl.l_-

WK DON'T CAKE i«) cine* before thepeoplewltb tbs stereotype 'Be*st em Kurth"proposition. We* wish te> state* briefly that\\e> ure1 making anei selling a wheel that'sRIGHT, snd although the price is $100.00,we* put HONKST VALUE in it; elein't faile> retne'inlrer this point.

We* weiulel like ti) Kind jeni Catalogue ; it's te) b»> had for the* asking


Branch Hoiskk:.337 Broadway. Ne*w Ye>rk ; 190 Are*h Stre*e't, Philadelphia,Pa .j 80- Me* Al lister St., San Franc ise'ei. Cal ; IK Hilborn Viaduct, Loodoa, K. ('. ;C Plae'e eb' la Nadobiine*. Puris. Factdrik.-i:.Te)h*do, O., Thompsonville, Ct.and Toronto Junction, Ontario. (Mention this paper.)


The weiman' edition ie a great medi¬um,.but it in a greater edition for thewash woman to call or address Mrs.Susie* C. Winston, No. 10 Wist Leigh8t, and ge*t one of A R. Leatherwooel'sreceipts, which will teach you how tomake his celebrated wathing fluid,which is the* only thing tbat will savethe* wash woman so much hard laborand it will save soap. Receipts willcost HO cents; it is worth $10 to anywash womanAgents wanted allover the world.

For agency apply to Mrs. Susie C. Wineton, general agent for Richmonel, No10 W. Leigh St., or A. B. Leatherwood,proprietor, Asheville, N. C.


How Much Money Do You Want?One share of stock makes you a mem

ber of the* Virginia Employment Asso¬ciation. The requirements are onlyfive cents per week per share. Personstaking ten shares or more are entitledto an advance of one dollar on eachshare held by them. This Associationbeing duly incorporated under thelaws of the State of Virginia, amplyprotects e*ach and every one of itsmembers. It only retjuires live percent on the dollar of the amount ad¬vanced by members weekly. No interest or bonus is charged. Employmentfurnished members of the A ssociation.Person? »r« er.titled f;: -.{.j-l'T for ad¬vances immediately on becomingmembers.Principal office, No. 221 W. Broad

Street, Richmond, Va. Office ope*nfrom 8:30 A. M., te) H P. M., Saturdays10 P.M. Agents wanted.For further particulars, write to

John Clinton, Jr., General Manager,Richmonel, Va.


Richmono, Va., July 7, 1896.All graeluates of the Richmeind Nor¬

mal and High School who desire aschool this winter are reej nested tosend in -bair applicatiems at once toR. II. Thurston, 1210 W. Leigh Street.YOU will receive' all information. Ap-Sly at eince if you wish choice places.

:. ll Thurston, 1210 W. Leigh Street.general secretary of the RichmondAlumni Association.

J. Anorkw, Pres.;B. H. TniRsTON Se»c'y.

Yes, he a ill he* out in line te go onthe Moonlight, August 1Mb.

Another Chance

Go with the Elete Club on theirGrand Moonlight excursion to DutchGap, Monday, August 10th, 1896.Boat leaves 8 p ni promptly, good

music and dancing. No impropercharacters allowed. Adults, 50 cents,Children 25 centa.Committee.Captain A. Foster, W.

R. Gallaoe, William Ferguson andHamiltor Carter. 8-l-2t.

Spoons Free to All.I read in the Christian Standard that

Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A., St. Loots,Mo., would give an elegant platedhook spoon to any one sending her tan2-cent stamps. I sent for one andfound it so useful that 1 showed it tomy friends, and made $13 in two hours,taking orelers for the spoon The hookspoon is a household necessity. It cannot slip inte) the dish or cooking ves¬sel, being held in the place by a hooke>n the back. The spoon is somethinghousekeepers have neeele?d ever sincespoons were first invented. Any onecan get a sample spoon by sending ten2-cont stamps to Miss Fritz. This is asplendid way to make money aroundhome.

Very truly,6,6-13t JkaxmktteS.








WEST POINT!!2d Baptist Sunday-schoolWill run it's Annual Excursion to


FARE ROUND TRIP:Aduls, 75-ts. . Children, 50-ts.

Refi eshmen ts in Ahundance

Train leaves R. A D. Depot at 8:30o'cIock sharp, returning at 8 p m. Weinvite all to go with us.

Sidney Stanton, Chairman ; Jno. Tay¬lor, Secretary ; M. B. Jones, Superin¬tendent ; Rev. Z, D. Lewis, Pastor.


E. J. CRANK,WATCH MAKER.Tlie* nilly onl.ircet man la the* South e-ve»r

kains n (.i


'S.-nd your hy Mail oKxiire*ss and have* Ha*ni repaired.United we stand, divided we fall.122% \V. Broad St., Richmond, Vs

To the Public.

The place for the rich and the poor.Federal Street Market, is where I pur¬chase my groceries. You can take asmall amount of money and spend itin such a way as to have a big dinner,and then have cake and cream. Why,linn'? you know he has opened an Ice*-Cream Saloon, and dispensed with thewines and liquors? You can take yourwife or best girl there and Bit and chatwith ease and comfort, lt ii so quietand nice in there neiw, anel he is so po¬lite and courteous. Come, 1 will showyou the place.

Andrew Aasonson, Ag't.,1st and Federal Sta.


New method. Learn how to enlargeyour own photos, or any other picture-in one lesson ; any one can learn. Only,fifty cents. Address

Z. T. Sandridge,100 W Jackson St..

Richmond, Va.j 18-3m

The Leigh Street Camp meeting willcontinue to August 9th. The pastorsand members of several of the BaptistChurches are rendering able assistanceto the Rev. J. II. Brice in his meetings.

day School to West Point. Tuesday,August llth and apenil a day at thesea shore.


.¦¦oe' tt. Beaoad Bfaaet.Fine* Equipments, I*<»1 it? * attention.


Southern Railway.-(Piedmont Air-Line )



Dunville. Ureenabaro. \\ inslmi Nilcui.epera Richmond, va., ta 1-h.hvill**.Uro*aaboro, Salisbury, Chariots*. Cot*

nmbia S auguata. ('onneetsat Danvillewitta the* Washington ami Bow Ulwt*em Vestibuled Limited Nu :i7i curry¬ing sleepers; Dan .Hie to Ashville, Atlenta.Chattanooga, Birmingham, Mempins. New Orleans, and Jacksonville;alto, lint cia*- day coaches betweenWashington and atlanta, t-asaengerscan use Hus.- coachet errlthoaiehanre. Connection- made al MemphisHiiel New Orleans for all i*,iini> in Tex-

.ifni-ma. bleeper e>pen forpassengers ali v:!tu p. m.

*. Mall., daily for etlnntaa andall points South. Connectaat Moseleywuh Paraville and fowiiaian railroadat Rhysville for l.'larki-villi*. Oxford,Hi-iiili-rson uni Durnam,and at Greens-boro, for Durham, Raleigh, aad Win¬ston-Salem. Carries sleepers New Yorkto tlauiu .uni *»ontgo-tery,and fromNew York lo Jacksonville. Pariel UniAtlanta to Bira-lngham.

6:UUP. M.. LOOA*-, daily exe- pt Sunday, forK> .vsvtiii'l nnd baterandlatc yatala.

TRAINS ARRIVE ix rJICHMOKD.g]SQ a. m. fruin Atlanta and Jacksonville,e'. :!n i*. *4, from - tlatita and Augusta,8:46 a. a.,from Keysvllle.raaiQ-n tsaxms will alao narry pananp

York River L.netvIA west point


Train No. lei, ISM i*. m.LOOA1 baily except Sunday. Slops

at all stations. At Lester fanur eonaeeuiwith -tam for Wulki-rton also, al Wist Pointwitta York-River steamers for Haltimotn.

Train No. le-., I 'M P. M.Baltimore Dally. ClOM e«nrtee-, daily, cx.»*«.pi suu-daj.Steamera leave Hui ti mon* at lp, m., and WeatPointe; i*. rt.,daily,except Sunday.Trains from Weat . oint a rrivi* in Kii-hmondat''.ii? a. m., daily. lei:iei a. m.. exeepe Sundayanet Monday ; aiul at .'> I*. M., elaily, except Sun¬day.

Train No. M, 1,45 a. m.uiOAt mixki*. elaily. except siimiay. Iea.ea

Twenty-third street for Weat Kolnl ami later-mediate pointe.Tn-ki-t ottli-i- at station, fi nit of Virginia st.

e)p**u from h a. m.. to I p. m. and from st,ul p. -J a. M..i. m.mi.;-. \v. L. Turk,nattie Manager, aaa. Pas.s. Agt.

j. c. lioKTei.v. Traveling Passenger agent, i*-.*oeast Main street, Kie-linioiid. Virginia.





No. 'IK*..'*Tho Atlanta Speoial" leaves Rich¬mond. I>aily. at V2.m: ni^-lii, for Benderaon,(arrive Durham dally, except Sunday) Haleigh,Sanford, Souther pines. Wilmington, wboro. Monroe, Charlotte, Llncolnton, 8helby,ftntherfordton. Cheater. Clinton, Qieenwooo,-bhenriile, Elberton, athena, atlanta, augue-ta. Macon, Chattanooga, Naahvllle, Memphis,texlco, ejallfornla, and tin- Weat (viaHemphla), Solid Limited Train, with pullmanBuffet Sleepers and Vestibuled CoachNo. 41 Express" leaves Rich¬mond, daily, for lli-ndi-rson, ( Dur¬ham, elaily. exeiept Siuielay > Raleigh, sanford.Southern pim-s, wilmington, Wadeabore, hob-

roe. Charlotte, Cbealer, Clinton, Ureenwood,abbeville, Elberton, Athena atlanta. Macon,renaaoola, Chattanooga, Naahvllle, MmphlaMontgOX orleans,'1. ,. andthe Soothweat Ivis New Orleans) Solid Train,with pollman sleepers and coaches; and Sleep¬er Hamlet io Wilmington.Arrive- Richmond, «;.» a. m.,e.,kip m. elaily.For tickets, baggage checks, sleeping car

lions, etc., apply te>H M BO Y K1 X, Sui.' Pasn'r Agent838 Baal Mnin St Richmonel Va

i:. st. leiiiN, Vice arealdenl and oen'l Managerv. k. soeaaa, General Seperlntendent.T. .1. A N HICKSONTraill. aeaentl j*asr Agt.


via UM May I.m. Koule. on |hr>elegant ne*-* su*ain.*r Virginia, * li icu I.-avesKle-limond -\ ,,i USUAY and satarriving Ballimore nextmorning ai fi nnecttetn made at Ballilladelphia, N.\v York and Boston

leave BaltimoreHld 1 Kl DAV al., p....,»'.¦ next niornlng ats.For further Information, tickets, and slate-room reservation, apply to

li M BOY KIN Genera] Agent.83tl east Main street