Library of CongressI ' THK SDN, TllUKMIAY. .lll.T M. 18711. j (JliKAT RULER'S FATUEE. tut ; n hi. e...

I ' THK SDN, TllUKMIAY. .lll.T M. 18711. j (JliKAT RULER'S FATUEE. tut ; n hi. e ami nKvortn I us. HJMMMQf "I isatoH. YD) li'mnrL: blr Dlaiulcr Ml RMM of the Pnkllt - ItMl J MM H. i 'ii The Vi i i mi' Currfnl Fxalaaien nfthc 'Indent W9 LMlM Ilell Thr l uf verv - - 1. 1, x l n noo i m'i Ite.tueilon of PdM (r r Rftp.MiBlfl .1 mVi RlhuliHia V.b iev-i.- .. ami I.I fa dkiW ItntlriM.Uug. tlflVfi the don. tomato, Kt , July 23. -- Th fell Mtt Und I!- H tb" citizen "f Cv.naton wi ll .If m I Cmi.t the wiurhlr itr of Ih I hub l .uente the Pott OAee Id a convenient part f t i ci'f. I' e rr the Piarag ernent of hi. f ,r'-"c- r, tV PMl ore 0d ti.e it. ' r pirt uf IN1H I. iit building no Hit prim , ml pMlflHI iim i Mf Mai rtrtrf :my real nev..t'a ior n MMl l-- ' lMtMrl ll oothi g it r.ul ronti ry, find i innve a IVCtffM nrn. A titv convi ulent bmUmr on I fir ti M;til ."Ti and Mvetnh divd. th MsttMM tjentre, at Ifvv per yer, wa nffe" I and ,T c io ft n' il thf v tempt. hill In tin' Banne, of a liar,1 rtfi.'uUt'ir uf the mnii ol Orn i. ho nffrd riltn i p. ace on RM iMMf thfPloM ! Will MMMi M lue MM rent, UN lMtMfftM BOeer, a nn lnlar im til. !TM Is nod ply af of the w:iv. bin d WIMll dl oon-lt'- h ing fceM MJ us by h H MjsWI a " 'a'." brick. ., and IHM alwys .MM MM '" uro. Tie nly line nf -- tier' .. !roi I In the tr run alone; Mad (eon reef, and to' a .r - hi lat t of Ur iMMf i lace. 1'ir MM ri R u Tvn tn loopvrn'. on tie MM f, n. 1 DBlf MMPjTMl IM Ml I MQbil l it ScMI p'i-- Hi IM) a viiuwl -1 tlr MHlMN Ml of Ml irienJ Greei ia'ucl'C f'ap'. I.lnn, th AMMMf of K.'VMitie, t mflve lit ofnee frnm RMMTll MAMl MM) llHl rMT MJMMll nor. M) M4 bi a M ma"tnu h 4 ('..; t. "uii o a bin ofllf ii titKti'nri t hi Tenrrthlo Utrnd Mow htnr1 ) l.inu my ttiitu iar Is lot MMUf MOMh ant it im ,, nflirfo ih,il he ptyrtft. The tfuioval il l iv I Ml '(!'' raio I a BT'ttM iii- PUNMATtMt MlMNM tweutk'bt of IM r.tlrn MfW fHMk ler Ihr sffatr, nml a MM MllUM draniu p mil erf to Web lotion a week after fho removal Ifinnii-Iiiii- that Mr. Cirri tit tv tcquiretl lo takt the ifflruhark to tho .,:.! place, or at hwtt to oat mom toneenifot for ih burtnwri coaiMSiiKy, JeM put ainluf BllMtfi M4 pTMJplD Informtd tk H et PflWe IV rrimrnt lht h rouelilered we MiitiMMti That we I tied li matter. Tlr MMMl aever !eril iruui. bufMKn ftny of thr tit tbe aty want to flatter the mil. w our na'U''H tnat SlgM hi nvnc Jcssa It. Oraat, T. M.. jM?n r io pftltlon to a yuealar art ofwut. a Herein- - o ho tlarU a fartlva ctaoee wltk ra,Mm- irhe tHr'ti;h heavy-rlmme- rKi.''r. aul utter n MiUMMl c'inl, at Hit e ne MM c ttlit atolid ace a itrin of aailnfartMn rncli a a fan. MH ol-- mdiAu talef mlrht Inlatr whea lomplirtentffj iuD b ' lllblf of "tip hla belt, m wkAtn or T It L citiuns h'tfu MA t' nth, hut tl ) loQiid it llttrry u U to n llftj tbty 'ounJ tb it aa an irr , t r tu W - U tip ton ; In a word, that bv w;i Iqti nd they qr.ietly acttlcd ilowt u,o a bMfet of i n ami uucvuiproDiulu hatred lor iti- ii i oi QriiNt PMWa o i ten r f arjaaisnr. Ue of Ida Prvaldent not, or IMcia not 10 iiw tw. t v ci 'In tu oi '.. mswii- ile a, i a at tl il v It r.t INM oVJlM i the tf rni;. tt il tn i a nn it oj li 'ter adilrea-c- a wtlb U.. it i i MtM lui in! :Hr-- .Iruitl with thf-- e Ml i" t u. nil ii vt Imm4 ' :. ( .in k. he an krfl i mi ' , a dinv Uiilo buck ruiatt, far niahtil nttfl the elMpaM art J MMl bbl ipd kalTi a- - 'butt I, aiol dirt, rnali toil, auu than' ht Mil UlUM and PMHlfl la laiura. i'U 41 MMl III UMi bMMM Mtf MfOtlVQ A fl IL AT Till i ... PAP r.r. J ;;,(!. ur iroui ti uav ollcitou I ItjU't ot tin- eidvui(nt. 11 u teada ihatn all vary rait ajl Mfl Ltuai.y aaktvaia tlit'tn rriuiotiy. Ttii;e btMlM lot lutarv t t art- catvlully rtii .m-- hi. arc eve pro utiu never ea, lor Je--ir - own earafbl I iMQMtMl Mm bi m i tie n I upt' ialy destroed. aa curioim cle'k- in l.I a hail MMl Ins Via difficult tint U'ttirable f ill oi ut' na tba plei i 1 toctbti tu fl' U out lwt aaa iu umuiv i h- oi BtaitlMiirj t'.eu u d4m i otni Ikl river I Iticlnuatt. tit awMtumM twbj tbe Nreat eora. Wiuu ht LiJuiei Uil luiuiy, it iaiib-ac- t oi lute that Ue Mcki a aiaoa d candy, nua letp jfj rotidoct'T WaJllM wMla he tumble- - In a Ileal o ! iuu MMf fur ibe (rucll"U mrreney ti Uli ftipa .l.i un a wbhii vltig t. in. . 1. tu uJfMi bar pa u bUck In bla dlrtv Ittu i.rk ofti e. bud tita bfi Hi 1 t a arhenatai ht " IffaM dt NM4t ,,ut lf CMfbl cau l Ml Un U ifbirMivroi lh tuck l v. :. bllbmara InaMMWMbd ith hi rand'., lie tMaJM l ta i iff, re i.f the CliivtntiM Ihiity L'kf,t,i' t abent-ve- ciumv ..s rlvir, ;ud tUKIlk UK Is ILATTfcKCP Akh rkTTKfi flj fell henrt'a ni Tbt MMf M tbc Orat-- t or awajYt.iiic'iiBtU. It .niitinrj a at oat J ' afarviailM no MJ1 a is m a rt n of ;'li oitn.u. J. hJ UiLn'i Uk'1 t ottir In. It t.! 'P MttifJM (bey ubacuO ' dm P jyiMII." but bwTMjl tb.u Lun lully at M RrVmflN i4Bm Hi- - aaMl - MUMlM1 bi fl. Mii prr VinUfU, and l iat to hi '"ru'i.d" how nui'- be? feta ' " tin t it. Ilia luvut Uuhby la to evnuuet tt r aSef cLiNiti y lk'"'" i,H ...of c rk l.uVNJ pet n,v wMMM tt Mtf lira tirftdere-tao- $l.Slfcl Ittf tfu- :.eli; tut lie duii't cio -- ioVr that tbe public Mft r by the li frt lor MfUMj f itie -- rtvlct. t he I n BMaMM t of Iba Pdat (ulc' la u 'breaobare u fMt ete. II,.' CMTfcl uro 1kj , impudent ami 11 kbuMi TM "!eii and .oao the otlce wlMmcTct It MM Ml tie people whiiiuk la the Ml I't-- ,,r a, entire illiitrlbntlon of egrji un ilufrMU llMcMMMrM paper. The abnff MMalMfMJ h in mi iand. Cawf c uniei Hid audi fMMtnMk mid eitUi M vv no a k h uer iu mii M raitl WuiM wMtblC lor tliair ui dlaioro M Mi'iuiirra. Tt.t I' 'IftKf i pj. tioeut la fl r H aiottll rd ije Mmd' In Poai Ufltota out iti.loL it eaej.pti'd y npitcut order, iu hibraa. llgjt BLkMKl) OLD ttHtM P imoaier. It U tl to only MM ffflem tl r tti-i- MtiMM tut time roc uil bo red bv porunttr .' ra, l wo an iuni c'i rka $ pr .ue u "Ut u IM Mil six niuii 1. . or 10 ax 1 1:. 'IM r c' id advanced to 9J.00Q from UM untonn0 0. It Ma lQittMovar a yaaMo ihai ' nt i t rdeml aid all. v . un udvauce u btiaaa put IMa tab potil cck' aiL.naat tut il tu curt. I t v :m t irnt hla i.lrerln2 . I.. ; Uk i..i;.!it .ub .iiu liJ.eUL, ... a IMlitat VMhikU'M lor n ecuitoiaicU -- dtMUjuira 1. , out M bl t'OJf vain, but u .. u ..- 'i he bii I were 100 air art lor too ltd ...t.. lliey MMMal tu1 to u rt. pub-.ii- Um lati, Mjid Ibat Midi IM) Ul Mflft Nil .Nyfcf M-T.- 1H1'T KNOW AXTTHtNO Bkta bV lUtl thieatrned iMflMM II Li id .aiULer uhuj er ttuut MM I IMlriMa And lei ..ul1 vij M M clrika. Tly WaMbj bl rt imitbfl ftJtli'i Itori UMfellft Md devoutly pmy Ibat .1 nn tMll e off 1U huoo or ijruua U uault a MbM 1 iuiinti. KAun I., a a, ;.opiilutluu il-- Hair n Ilea it M I nx laail caiivry, and Mud tbl IhaMttMM fit I WftMi but J ear a tari I'M the treo deaviry ; a " dam ntadla,'' i;!.rl .vd the eUorti ol t ie citizen! ii it curt Tt.o eitt Ii iff ll irruTw dwI, ill nMlj Li. ua tnaj ok on MMloibM cU la that uuf ueoca ol tbl hicLni. i i owl iuiiu a that the ji o i.i n ml .h.Ih 111 n- l lo the that tlay o.a : imt hive the diavcry IfMMj oaUlj irdma 11 o iiv, tM MCt 1 TUB KATHLU Of TlTB rMIMI pKMB it. TMJUVMl rav u b ten MMPMAhy tM MttMM II rn faj t..ia Mr. fli n.i mo bii t Jotiu H. Nuui I LMI W MMMUMtbo: MaoitU National MMd ul i. uTidar 1W1 roMM IM oi Cunuw ,1. rlfrlM for an lutroaeof Mllltij CMllit 1I1M an live KnttMw 'oor aula MM MHIothi addttlonai M I' d Mr. tf'xon extrl lat vitkliiaa aod Idi a.n n j imi nit n4 .)nh eo intuit umt p. tiui ,md 11 bottit li thai it uibv let the 1'oat oiWi- g tortn v 'i N xon la a ptiaon with ot3in viaru !.! 1, voikW. lit- itirrct vi be protciittlly .1 in ii.i'raf, and lu tlrli ruoireMil of ' rWCJl dtaOtllflM With Jeaa upon MliOBjaj iffatr, wliefcll the Preldtflt Is well landed, u- 'In r 'Ail man brttl la talrly turned with iff erf ed VMltfj tin oabU rotroabllg e&eirla inn Mirmia.ihtO awd(ed iT O. M. Lino, in n eialoiitd ; by Atnoa MhrlnKle. A ILAlltOAl MaN, Vhu Ml II 'led tn ociJiniatUtiii'.' u vei ron-- - art una, not n,.- ontalleitt nam id vrhteti ft - tioajtMllo! IbrMfi Mh IM llM. 'per'alon! on the Mrlaind ; by ao uld ' sqnin ut ft.) name ot i'uqci ; and by id) dd tred leather dealer oanied Uaatman. nil raw Im MlMM i urty and rub down uiM that runi in- - ncki'ty uinchina be vtnvton Tot IMflre. lln hate the i ol (..tlnadon na corttltflly ;ut tbey Irate him; .h ti" jm arcniimlnted a ftrrtuitv of 11 'ne i., t. aloca u , ion in. n 1,11 ibKfa not und would nol itivrtl a dollar "' "" Ubt ilwfct.'oir bAMaV I v ry plain, or. J i, the oulv pflpeaty lie uttpn iu , v "t4" In ihlatmtn JM la 0.1.1 ao oiueli of aa II 'ha Wbi'e Hoimk- ken t'ie qtir.tlot , l;:"'- 1, orenie wu dfacbljrrd tpt bim 4i,u tu blot leut. KfNTCCat. The n..ii..i NioeU Kvi eniiire. Io MM) of in sun. -- JJllt TlieKiecvtivo Ommlttoo of thr Naritnud tr.W! hare leeo directed to uerotlate th S-- Llf!r Cr?1! f Woad itac5T amic'i I Tt. 'Wi. UNlMffli) iiaSatWoudii ...en MHunare ; Tolfont CTi'W ii"t wuly catdl aaaeb. Out the itbova ieae. viiiiti naa nary ye'a to run, aad la oue ol tbl aiuat deuraute .. m to vicinity of 1. Oi K. WOOfaa Cbairnaan aixariitho (Jutaaa.ttao. Till- - HIlOOHLt WATtSR WORKS. Tlir (IM ( '.fh-mn-- i Snm" I And TM Till. linn. Pacrlrk Kiatr How Ins on n Tnti I'nnil 'I i.- - .r.i. 11,0 v.. . nf tl.. eMU Wnr-T- ke Plnnlnv CNIIMi At linrkvillo, I I , Hrp. plrn-m- it oM prn'l." man nametl AlldQflOtti 11 nvran n mapiiiflr.-n- ol f iniily niaultiou an I .. purtl. n. Uf drlv. H Ihi iMtrvi .f ttn f r.l;irk t". - will tn n nl.H nf tne vil.njr, anU NMM h.j. cm oa. aud rtt r NIMl, BtlltO ItMWli HN HluoklMi WUI Wurk.. Thr.- tr. ul rm ih t. n Mi rttriti'n. h RON .'tfrday a pty nf ifpitk1-mfp- , Inrhil'n; i.n.rj ll.i.'t W. No cum, f ro Mar-li- al K. i ly, TlMMIflf Oard n r. W ii t (Vmrni-.'-.r-.- FowIit , tk$ RfB. N.itfi.n Coin' iil. ! unoi ..t" V. i dT. tCmriavt-- IL r. n, ih. linn. Wat. Walla-n- . and ' I. Adaliw. all lrWk Ijtii, . .. 4tOMt4 In fr'i:l nf t!r An.trraon'a r.-- hi i rll m Ki ntn Hlcb.iri N"rf"B and HM RoH Mr Brn.'Wwiv. of ftl rtly Wee nantVfnfa lol I Mr An.!. rnn that thv btid run,.. tt tnajralv to lart nt Ut Hmnklyn aicr Vnri.a. alia: ..iinna thatnlUa ci I cantii man .jnl Ot fa roi a.. ," and n 'laakr .tirrail Oi'?. r. tri. imiiv I. m 'i - .I'd .li.c-.'- , ri?M I..H-,- braadt . (n raa ottlot tl n. .. a coloyoo tfowk nun ..uli a atilM a'rnn and . ar;.r na hit t.r.ul. a iri.k af fi 1'M.i'n'. . pf;rai bntt a I'll Mtiiic ilon 10 '. t tltnt f Walnr Nairn urn. hi .ruin, who rrai iualan tha II. i TLoiuu. ' Aatotlt .i .ikrd au iu iiikU) ati4ii.haint, I'd ' I '' '. It'i'l '." tl.rllinol.lya Wattr Wiirki win o itti-uiv- . Vaalirmoai aja nJi.Itt of tn rim.irk. rr..ilnif Mil did linm the maaf at .jnr ti. i'T.1. dr .w out inrtiva Mr loil Pon, hncrr, n thr iHrni'i bjrlpaiallM not In- - thro, nnada and rt !io t ot Walaf u lln. r... tl . hjOOat i ic i hi ild Irani a tart of thr mi.t iik A ; of rnrka nml a rnvl'nirnf w.- - ralrSWOd tni: rnopnip kMRfOlt. Tlic party i'i thatj PlrMktjlad ttlAl turr. .;. nd drive, uii I'll- llPMip.t. ad V llor. Tni ' mill po U KM wtthllllaa mil r'r r a,frr l ivtn IM thHot t.. .n a dial iao ot mil" an I a h'f. A aftiaral rtm ol artk. ani on: n .'k'. urr aaik tha ixinda. 'Pha poftda art formed t tiir tlaairatr .i brook, vMiak .il tin Vll.age it llan.o. ,.. la an (lo ul that one Ml etrtl jump arrn.a it. It l pmp. ai d io acuoo Ou' IMa itatnrat baaln, dan- - It, and aa!l - up. nr l lorm a Moot -. n rati a. d a hair in Ivnrt. and IrnOt a quarter I half a mil. la width. u MatlrOt M t. quirif, t'ol. Adaui., ttn. in. ji uir flupkit,l nnt-- tlm fotloattii: .t.iTnicnt : "Wr ran now fnrnMl thf of Ttrnokhn nit'i IO,OIIO,onl (ijllnna nl wal. r a d.n. f.ft jrar UlCtltlK eoMMM from W.i.H.I i in r.i. VHjutlil rallnut a d.i i Of . .ur .. , a (. at dal of 'in. a t If WMtml. 1'hh uaaui mayo aavtd bv tlio oan nf water mrtrra. Iliit It la evident to evrrytiody that we imiat hav more walrr. TW hultdlmt of tin i propcid m.irvnr will a I wmi m - ,l: n- - 4 Io Uie aapply. If aait o ..ouid aawarm t la arnt n. tkn aupply or water u ill ran out, and tli prnrilo umat .uffer. It coal $s.(jn.Onu n tnnpty Urookljn with l nn rm pr dlmi. a day. 'I'M ran a. hnl!'. and i.i.u.i.h.i at dalunal ran be Wjulllml fur 1.4 M.triu.'' rna intrvaaaBoiee ea. Ill re Senator Norton drew kit elear from neiween lie teatn, tad a'kad the boa re .ir:i r hcuier he had ever teen the ork'toal aatiaiatefl ol ihe Nw ork t oitnty Cirurl llonae. Tnl. A ltai. eoti'lnuM : " Too tak If thm -- niall brook will till .urh a reaernir. I uuawer that it will. You will dud water til tnrouib tbl n af country ttt 4e .i of fin elyl i to thirteen feet. Voa aatek yaur froton water fl'.m ttie rneka ol Wr'tcliester uoumy. t In n the rnln fal:a half of the vTapotatet before il roll Irom the rock Into iha aiala. litre tba waier-rhu- n uiil. nut. I Itr ml m rraveily ami an l. Ti.e aal ial the wa .r atrin ike hk.oji I It toaka, aod none el It rt k t ht vaonitiuu. lliu oil et a i r. of Hie WatTf . li.', and the liikl w at ni aad eler thin tlial of the U..ICU..V.I roak T.naaal'r uerc .aUa throitrli that eo.l, aad i v. i ready tor u v. What a nat lo do i. i i '.it ii. a ... i vt I, uii now run. off Irm ih raaar voir, We wtat to tare tt e vator that May in tae ratitr eeeeoa lor aaorataa Why. you woald hardly banrv It. Let the water wtnrli i I... i ; u- -' .1 i... rt .. iu mm.. rah.. I anions ajco a. la.t Maleli. of the valor ttlal then I. a. rui. ...r 'he daw ol Uiu MMrtajlr . t k.n If we eonld flav MTOa th.ll WW, the ciiywuid nut tu day he in daiieer of a hort orolv of waaci . By th hmlduia of una lake. .u-y- u able t uij wau, tad turuiau. w n i). 'UII ffalloui m ire water a daft ihe OLD Dl TCuaas'H loai or ItNp HATaB. Her., th reMir'er tr.lced whether fUrt-- V af I. ami d not vet., the nieM.nre. " Well," rti Uod Uui. A taut.. " in tiayor la a raff VorthJ man, kid BO d.ult m aim rulii,bul h i ft rm .t lb UV n.eior.. and In h.ia a.i:no very uecn-N- notion, for Inattne. Mtvnr iKalt.HetWri tat I 'bi tba nater-tlie- ut Luax ltld i lb Oaiiekih uiouulaUie. II uja.aU ih aaiei ran uiruuh ehlnk and crevlcaa it tba rocal lalo lix' earth, and liieu tuna d .ati li.tu t"iuc lalaud here, ruauui : to der the Rfvi r 1'hal . the wty he aeeouui. lor l '0 Wuter We Bad here at lb of cujhL fjtat. Now. II e real wt'er-eh- I of f...n;T Ialaad I. The h:.. i l one ot tba ialaad. Ial you cai.ln't cmvluce Kalb fit. aili tn it. lluaticka t. the Caiukji..-.'- ' r.uintxaaa ur m long im im tu... Tt.ote owuiaft Ike lai d Hlneh adi bo ted for t)e ree.-r- ir Ua.u a givai ult tl ILu valuo ul their arr. mou owning a awatnp worth prol..if y fily atkla. u..nt. lur hii. urupertv, a ol.. r rur tl treulluaiau oanint i larger twaiupati.t-IMaOO- Tkai wno't ret it. Coatatlrai Bri vi Aaeetruettla will bo ubloiuled, wlio will ar nut ibe .qutre uting It dooe. aitur Tilt Lilt. The partv hero re'urnr4 to the house, where a niaruiu. ent dl ner awaited num. Cten IMoeo iud a uceai.iul diag" uowa a pfc.i. oi in nu .1 una ahre K icy twit with a piata f Frtiaii olive Tl. Thundarboll filled hiiuaolf wlt.i aafl aiiU t.raba, lad I'oalir keul i.ny hum lb at'or and .ad.. J laar II WiUl 'laabo, aajlUUll ai.d it'jaiall pubehi t. At t 1'. M. iho Uou. Patrick Kea !v tailed for tbe root pund. li terms a cow, he at td the otrt, ami tgeht at. i. the pund like a water fowl. i l. 'rimioiei beheld hia manu?:irrci uiltt uudii ialaad "J ttad tlu.t keidr would in n tfreat .aguiaitloo to t? fltlitk t.uh. Meanwhllf-th- yemal old Kem'. tn.ui Adi rjn nxged up t a pal, an.' l. new la a bill lur a Uroiit. .Viler uhlnt a hair hour, aurroHtidett tiy earer i.dtrftre. he li i t in a at out the .itv of an l'b cent ttamp, lie theu threw the rod is i'.i (uak ttir nil .VLian'.LT run r .qmr. At S P St. Um Thu' n of tho 1.1... Ward heftim t i 'tie of rroqa.'t. He handled tl nnll. t vrllh lire zrare tnd .luipiirty uf a billable Bitldet oflilleau. After tea n. n.uu a' ( ra. tit, v. ii. iii h,i. lint a nail, he un eadvd la caroiuui on one of An. dtYtMnVa vouiift etierry tree, oee ui,, the bark ffoitt the trunk tnd ritlmnc thu tree A few ruinate, lat. r Le diuie OM of 11. e nalla thruvtii FowlerN lit aruid a iM ilau-- Veeder and flardner Ibeii I UMliud fi r . ir bale, win a tu i uuuuoi .i.ilt rvalj;iid lb I0..1MI. os ti.oero oal rut rnt.iN vta. Dariacihe iaytln. Bluenm. In reply to at inquiry, aula II. tl hq thought a treat ! title would he fVtttti I ... i rn inr Pruaeiau aaia Pimch turcea wiiuiu it Tory rrw day. N.o'.-on,- .tld Gen. Kloruui, "it DitMiat hit Beta rofl rapidly, lie hat evidently lieen prepaiinj A r thia wr lor yean. IH inteirtlofi eeem to boto coptpJalely the I'ruaaluua in oue grand fi,ht, and Ihun lo march daruct uw.ii UarHt, I ahoulu uol ha it irarlaad to hear ul lu .airy rito Benin iriikln a inon.h or even within two wooke Xtoolooii,'' iiiiiiued t;en. MiKntn, " i lit ovn tleneral; ha lias made military bouta his aiudy fur eait ; and claliua to lie a duo tacti.lun. 1 think there it auauu Jtutica In bit Cltlul. 1 believe Im. will ho viotorluti., il, "iiih 1 nope not. I tyiuruilnte with it:e Frcoali peoalu hut not with NapoU-oh.- ' At Hie coKluaitin ol lull opiailm On, lnen'n wne welfjho.1. tie luined the aouie at ' pound', i "I. Adam theu atepjMid uuim tno plaunrnt, Ue aeithed 7T8 poiin'U. Ht'iittor Hbnon. llmnonaU tnd .11, lipped lue hearu at 186 POaude, WuierConi' ulleaHiliiu 1' in, i lullofired. lilt Mfalgllt waa ll, lit .aid he thought ho woaiJ wettfl moru II h h i I a uaatnond uiu. iToaeurer Uarduer aioo I tt llitl. Snrronatc ran hit fUurea up to 171, wtnit Ketdy, i vea alter Ilia big duiuer. ahtnaed Hie miaer a lit cure uf 18T. Tbt line ul.i etltlemi'i Aadtr eon, iiovrwor, reached H!VI poiiii i.. Aiier llieae ttgaraa were unni.ui.otd uu uau could Le induced io .tep "V n .calf., Well, ra.uti.or," MH Mr FoerUrlo tlie Thnaik r. bolt, on piitinc, M wLtt do iii. thiuk ut our .vat, r vtorka I 'Tiu not ai, e to make up my uuad," re'dlod the awateOI ' 1 nan IfVVi to vitu Luctu .. al.i beiore 1 i4.preaa an opinion,'' i ii i u u I nil i it Tl ItUltV. it. unoi. br fbe Muii.. , t he Aaaoriraalaw Mob ol ibo Kv i priu 11 trill.. Tlie 1., nan ILnedava arrived iu .("onitanti. no, I.- nn tn- nth mat., on a vltlt to in Hpitan. II raaaitfad no wllittry ttlul iu Ilia U.ddeu Uaru. Kntorlug Ida ttatu calijue, he rowed to the palace of Hoima.Bai!btol., where bit ouufuremoa ; vUk the Italian Mated only Iweniy w.uutea. Uu lhD rtaitad the Oral I Vi,, r AlIP lib ,, al li i. a and receive I ua tbe fi.lluv.liit lay a return call Iran Hint fon- -' iioiitn, melbar with n.i .i n. in. vitiu rrum ' It draoonaiit of tan tlilturunl eiuiaaalea. A inn ..tahiiuonirpaper. iho JounuU tit ulknof tue '.Americatntatitin" of the Bgyptltm arnty. and wiabit. to know way the Khe live ttlteta Am n nfflcrra to eouitaaiid Inn iruopa, lateuad ot luua lioai m. . oarcliice! cuuJtlr.e. The MntraVi' wt Peter Me4.ovatn. T"n tht Filter of Tht .run. bla j Coacerulng lat munlrr nf Petor t at iheorainre ILHel, ,,n tt Krin Kailroin. u nta n. u .aid that Mr Atjhot, h" .... tu ,.x, jua lueuireal ur Ilia bit I can ufor to bntrau. nit fu,..a .:iie.iiineiaiiaiii iiMMnaeive.: roand on Hie i i""" "i '' ' noi'.lerel nia'i aft '1 Due lo Mclaowaa u Mi. AbooL prourieuu tt ol Total Huh A Tu P liowlu lttu.a ni aaptiua i hai ted to llio uioi. dered man ivllf.tiow Mr. Ihooi'a llberel m : lo fiocta.r"a i.e. fly o TWO lUen a ale! in: CU.plu nue UUbl. 14 V Metmu in wbi fu laa'iaal wotbeld id To elidaxlatar aud a at. aal .tor uaa A3 ol To Coroner ua Toui iw ui IHUHNi a M'ttllW AW. Illbfi u ".lb aue. t. a fbtb THK ABORIGINAL WEDDIHG TO HititQUtX KAIsl ISA It ft W, ll a I If. V eerrrdoT Nuptiiil rVrne In A Mil Ml Turk Tho l'r nlUritlen of in. linn f ourtahfp Th5 Clfiod Trir pi ii a nml I he I roi, ni Fiithrr K in ni, lat bit Ulory I be I'reaen-Mfto- B nff WMdlnu kr. (hlj of the very pleaaunte-t- ryrtirion of the mrrent eoon wtm thut of NOMffl fl .. dg,, Tin vfii Tndrpembnt Onb r of t te f'nra, which MM DMN MMM4ltfi At 10 o'clock. oby two houta after the MTMtaMil time of lini- ng, the MM Jo. Jot.ntoa, Itli the b:.rta .Niebulu md Waller luad. lui It. I with M0 tnrrry o roaifauv ol mro, noin n ind rb.llren ;i" no VMM ik to l:,(:y!i and vort UrUH, III nn d own to Aldirnry Tnik The tt tp waa AA html. A fine hard of Mft r thr rtbH ' Ion of IVd. fae TOViroMnii to ffie hreia an toea of i Tea of Ml tt r, and for the t o h n: i MMMl in llie jriirn y there MM a Attprnf of "fill iter, 'rieur.' n IM J- MMnVl low ua MVI nn-t- li TattllCltflkK d wini IJtVf, Atrotif the raet of tl e IV ir? lMf vtre a nntti lerof In'Mnna helowjlnp fo difi'-e- nt ItfbM f ther Ivo were liMjMH fiom IM XorTliwrd Tl r dil. ur Were about eivully tfWt4d bwiWMI 1 trih; nf jlar.h.iltju Mi tlicto utntuf tve abot :b. kuowu to .Sow Yvrkert aa the Mioo Ki lritM Unit i" lo i hv. native AinerU-o- of the l lotide type, MM lo tin MtfMJ aa MtlMM hy MM tf yMMw Mftrti tnrkv tin er rrlnp. and MMk lioro bnir. Tl ere en ru Indian nonim, ha' ''rretl. coma of wl:oni re fatnlTi ir to ot:r ieo,de In titr ffU of vender of D .id BOMMaaMtj ar i kMklblWI of o like inun-ii.i- i Md ! toroMtifl Cbttfactcfi Tliey were o' IM ftar itogo of it MMMM. and wre mnrh :i 'mirr Wl.i uthe JohOtton BOOrtd to IM Wharf nf Ibe r I iodine it wne MM mu tt, an I the MO a riyl vra cnr. biui. Ai tin tieopia diei.iiarked, tk y lot no time in Impitivi-'in- t nn ii r .'T ir MMJMMM ind with i ptaitoui oi b ni I'oMplin la Um tor, followed bv .i levy of br'nht e.,ed laei nltli baaketa. and nndrv matrona with MMm M t bjtM , tmd aq i idi or yooai mi n and old toon ni tn. n ol nn bll- .ore, and MM t n Uf glna aud more incumbered inntroiia, the cui teio c. sed with the of Tudbma In elulo Hie. with itout Hi Kn;inp:il their head. And here let It he recorded that Mr Kiittpp, although MMnttttf on Iota than ;. woe Um ttoai pttviuieu iMfeM io :h party, tie wu elahoratelv waiio up and. ailed bv bi atrnns to fled I :. th" NMI cl aaoUy llMMlf nion troiTrr M ! Hachfru of aoon 'nn tf trltre, or aa a me ileine. man I Rreat anija-dtt- or. at the h t. a nrnti wnrrlor who ha l poeaod inroub a tboontod battlea. AH fKMAN WIDOIVI. Oo rracblng the Purk tb ptoaatire leeker at oace e i Ive BEeelve- at tba tank tXny had co willtnr uadenaken. aWtna rabai for the a win 7, ial 'ii.e fur tkn danoinir-piatton- ; ootno 'urht Ibe wntl, n ' aoarre the atnd : while nther-iitiair- d themelTe in apren Hnx the enn'enta of V keta upon the many rougn table wih wbicb tha luik ia nopplied, aad prepurod to m tVatr banrer. I overs paired off into the thick wed, wiiTf the crickets tang cheery nelroine, and CAreful MOthlfi, after lv lnr anabvniwice tn hi tkTed pinC to tin ir irctuil o!rrine laid the aleapy one away to )uinber, an-'- , pu'. the w on the bafabwiy to rtiuipa an t ruytei mp with inimbei leM MlllOOt aa lo dan.-er- ( nud Hutninc ai to ox coisivw rndeoeaa. At .1 'iVIoc. when everybody hail e ttwi druukeu in w Ulltril, 3 tent was erttcted u the rotitri ni the Parka and arounl It a cornn Ml dnwn to kiep the cri d from brimperlnt tie' ' in the ilrnr :i a iul to Ik- naeled In the 7ee en- closed i be red men held I i, at nhbsii It Ml urupoeod thai, ivIwre iH OiMruulnk.ult, or tiw.9v.l11 .mow, known civilisation aa i llrov. n. M4 "1,: nided 111 tie ire to ry Bvlgoi. Kltlltai r nK way. t ie Plnwir K:se.i nlth Dow," the OtTOmokji nmild rreed, eince Ibe maiden .' wf'm , Uie i nlef w .a ia la..r tl male i. ind tb rrt na there to ( itfiimin tie The do-k- y Ml 01 tl.t t. t tl Mill 'I tM ihe bare mukd and m.'ki .1 in alletiC" l'.r tien MMt0 Al ..i- -t Wefhjto, the imerpret'T. MM jnd .voaea few taftrd of C"ttn-e- l. Tkcn I'ovbow liable it a aoaicetiou al ataiironlv-but- t in. i !k ii iii ivei i lol owed, and Ot.eiuii-- l itfal i wus called lorvb. iu hiJi the cjtaf nddreaad m,- - 11 In s.ibei wit-e- ; and the! fortl OMM avlrlOJM,'f'd tv her Mil i"J f (tMif I' the rMMTka Ol 'ne chief sIm- unvle i.o reply, hot t.n iun; oton her nt. n ie .it- to the taut, to natcli she hid bercii iiutu ca. M inoqt'ois cornmntr. Father Knnrp niw iplai .l to the aneemMad wnaabea, itut holer lns tyublle currtimo t.iere VOUid be 0 puUlr oonrta un . i.o&lr md tui ru tu prciti'd oy to .j iiucMeit IroajooM. nees tyro. Tko li i.b .i i. mii uiu rid o yell aad tu i.ctl to the tent, train ttbloi be bora the tuwuy atden ol bisuhotce, adaoM he noted by lis ida on icriuiOM abal. I e tin 1 j toy drum io her Mnd ai d ittoff t:to io nt'i a 'ifol In sit itiuo mat tin,v ubon it to one uf the most nionrb 'iioua iove aoois it has evei ben thr lot of any 'ul iu linlito lober to llien te .it a,- foi it rt (k in- fro ii ner bane-- , a'le h Ua ruio and ..miii fle.l io hot MM Aa.ain aoa wan brought fortn, and iiuiii ; Ut igei inpti.y aIlk t ie ifi' youth. I bt UtM IM por MM pbiceii hack to back MM a bUukel. An uad tin in were i .ut- I the Ir .,u In UiiM, tho nativo AMIfMM '... .i .. i, a:. 1 Ul Hhou Klie the dart iu lidui.a- in 'i nuvUid Ii.h i; . with bp elbow, .and aim Mill a ttiultr auik ui dteciioD. Urovo iml;..l with both el bo h a, aod hi love WM irqultt I The circle of itnce-- broke Into Mil and dance muitaneomiy iu token ot tbuir joy ut tlm huppi ruiuilu it ton ui their nopes. ThM the ttkl f. ' 'Lui thu MM into IM centre ol Uie en io-- lt oooj tvoaon with tto-u- i a litile.iiod pAialM uie Um..iaUak up and dtv.n their oul stretciifd and tui joined urn:, . !. ire I UieM tM jttd nile forever till the (Ire-i- t Hplrll iMtfld Ha in n tl Ml to tl a b.ippy buutlu i;iuuda In another nurld. a mivUfitbtli INPIAM. Drown, of QMfMjnW-- I u MM hwiit Arro v.wore the GMlttMO of bl in nui a bli kdMtf inoi. tu addition. Ue i tut.ier red be. end fui ao but ;juu"1 sironk a word of KiiiiIihIi. lie and hi In ido, aa vali as the other Irotpjma abovo mentioned, are MIMlMfl ol a troup w hn ii performtj laat wintair la ull tno larun oft Ma. Tmltow, who v ir-- aa chief ytnti-rduy- , H a princu. ii kinir, old fMavHUl tojtuuit soutrrauui'.) in PltUburiib fur a ilveliuoi1. At t.i cloio Of Uie ceremony tin Indian ai exhlbiib fi nr iattt nrclera. Not ono of tLtrm could Uli a raboii ..J Oyo ROOM. In tho war dunce tbry met Wit a aomi ia .. un of auccoe, aa lin y did idao in Uiu utterance o IM wax wliuyp. On iln roturn of tlm a.ourlon holy U m0 city Inraj Ur:i nod be itttlfnliy tlnlitvl wed-iinf- ctWt plWMOtM bv tbe M .rib.ittun Tribe, 7 t r aliced U"? and dilribuLcd aoiong thu ladb , .r.w of r.ltuio i prett, louu hiilrc 'uio iiijiy, tttchiTc l that brft.rj UOf .ci- bud Luu iu hiai'U Un i.duutci alto lell ialrtiuid droatiietl Mutt ibo dwelt In marble hall-- , vilb Lrnofia of i;a:iaii!a on their knoea linlnre her. Altogether, to any notbitiK of tlie attract'To novel ly pri'vnled (ol tttil QMUlOpi IM ii en i;r- -i of the IV.ii i Itodifp wrw a declJed aucceds, Mr. I'e. r, t ie OMiuUlaT d .ue LodL'e. H a pfl IMIBH ot tho Vi nth Precinct, .md Is well ki.ovtu In ci.uncctiun with tbe t MMlMMN nt of aoclelua tor the prt ton-'io- n of n e and the prrmotlon uT u r ty, Tim Lodrwbicai bo:: m Ida i. aim has bOM fn nied but f.jur moiitti, ami already number UO mtinLi. ra. A VAUHQSH AUCTION. tiouM I Win, Toiu You f.noo-Tk- e n.- - ..... of Mnrtln t. no ... , ,i it ii .1. At tlie Kev. U. & Locbwood by .ni.-. bu n lli,quiHhoJ thn iroapcl for real esuio l ecttl iti'n. Uu ItfM M BvOoUyii MM baa for hddiu tlaan, in coBjuiictloa with oiMrft, beeu aecurlntf byMM of aubiubiiu laud, wit i a vlaw of ciiiti.i: them Into Into, Hi hna nernped ofT the din In dllfurei.t direciHiia In rntt.illon of htreeta, and aoltl tho lot by MMIMi He recently tried an experiment of the orl at Willow Tree tttatiou, beiwovtn Jauiuica aud BOOfitS on fie LtMl Inlaml Railroad. A luneb wan tuovtded, aud o crowd of lonnners hut t.i nronnd like fllu. Kverybudy wne (bero to ent, bu- - few to purelnine. AlHntia htindrod lots were nuld ut ttom 7 to JI'M the innjfTilr be!n at a Ins. Tnere were only atx linyera, nuu all hail ICouU buigaiB. Leckivood looked very lek, und aoou stopped tie On upplieatinn tl.e ot vttlay ut M aoetlOMMf n I'fllce in thia eitv.lba poi ohaura were told that tbe lota could not bo dedrmnd. b loa would bu too heavy. It wua hoada I wlu, talb you loet ; and Uao t -- r m beed utl'. A I. una Until, h Fnot llnoo. An exciting foot race took place at Long Hrnni I on Salurdav mornlnx hrtwecu .1. W. and bla friend Louie und lb. u- - X. Amtrew. They had efconctsd ibetoielvci lu the puluce v r h! tbe rear of tbe iruia, und be noma mlaiaaw U.e Ipaia started, and lotl the oar tHjfliiid, when au auiii en a eel. Hntwn X. 'mH mty eenve ho 'iu iMtch the trati f!: 1, whlcH i' loot, as Mr. A i dot o.d iVi od .".. t it llrat, liter a i nn id a pj tit r of a ral'e. IIulus X. belun too lie.tvy hid to Ur ovr aud take the mixt train. tfm Wanlfk'a !rlnrrina,e. htitm Ma SUtrmu fl'MtattMab Mi Ueorfto Sinitb fa nn houcU (ierniuu. li.ina al TotoH i. Ha is Mil Ibuovu ana very houeet iwid Kood ttur- ul per"' ii, a .d iltl family hao bnoii hooi -- stlvyot .molt.'. ' btttflit up. Ho had a you 1.4 mil, llury b) naii.. ho wu .1..1 won by one iii- tr. 11, and M i 7 evaa mariie i In ;oo I'.nb iiut ..iter tbe manirifte Miry moved uro the family of ner liiwiliaml, wtiicli csuislhaVntl of buaelf. bta anoUu r nil hi .tialrrr. A4Mr marryiutf the MM ;irl, In lesn thun three tnonlh, treatod ner very oodlv.aiid hla uiuthor uod atiter are roportctf lu Lava troalod hor very badly .Jo. Lj.' 04 yrninx aife, vwni nrao a very medai, takdKl imlt tt iotia, and inoflVmaltre srl, Irae been aoutrd mm-- t abwnMuUv ; her earthing wa inkau uroni ner, an her lite nan threalmied by Ml hande 111 tlm dt vU't bousehol 1 vlierwii ahe was a rnemuer. She hit told hot story to the Roroidtr, and III v IM aar to it UiM Utst natter la ully rid die-1- When the polici went with the y.tnti v,ll lor her ctoihuu, Ibe T.hoiBoo Mfonihii ihrbade tbe iitlier an wife from couiim, in, ami ad el mi It MTM ll a ttalii st.iryt ol marrviiiu tbe deni'a a. .., nad inoMMg id mm tu old ltd. . THB BALt ANT T1AT. A ftritflntr Pnmr In Vrewicnf TSr Tletnev oi tke I ulonn over the lluvmnlu'ra Tlie Mttll lu tween (bl I'tiiotis bm! Hi wnalt t turiied opt to be one of the no t hrUhnnt pimte n the MMMi At play win I ailed .nd Ike Wnlons vtenitotln I nt. DtfhlM beitif tl ir MHMhtlWtl. ITe ti fine Mm drive to Pick, l,i(h MM tMofl on flu fly. Ci rmsn then enl a m r m. V. KbltW Aa til to(id and to rilir a. Ilrt MM itl-r- li e ittllMf cuiild 11 Mb it. I'abor it xt drove nr. to Brll in, hlch he picl.ed np nicely and m ut to r, but not in IMa Blielley MM ftMt ore t flrlliin, tiiklt 1 Ik) ifM Md IMdlM Palbflt to rt d I Re. I Inl-n- ll followed ttflfe MjfMM l it to leit, n fnrb wit flehled, reacbiitK bia serond, tiflkgjng 1 iibc r In 11. e and helving MMtttJ toihlrd; ' f"t another run rt ub ,e nnu.e, however, . MM aenta Lot OM tn llrk, wnt nut at tbt-t- . Ihe op nitiK of the first inuinK ol tbe liaytnrki r did not look MipktoM for the me 1, 11 obt Ined his hate cm cnl'ed ImiN, and York, follow-In- vrlih n flue drive to rlRl.t fle'd, brmr-li- t Hick borne and MMMl hi third loo hlmef, WHhtt tin B fcitt su m one to Kenney, which he ntonpi d wc'l an I fit bled lo lb amian in litneto fut tlm atriker uut, tut V rk pi-- home. Plonrr waa U en l iken on a very Ml fit catch by QfMlf id lei field, it lib h Was lor-'l- nnd 4wMI edly applaud. d. Kin then -- truek M ITIthum, nho was not tjnlck enonitli, and liepeielcd hh MM. Pelhin folks wr nitli onn lo Kenorr.whn oV'th d it nlcelv lo lb nnnan, aud ti n II u iki a Wan all nut lor two rMli In il aM mid itJitttiat thu bating d Ihn Vuian inn WM iPrt r: ul and well jti lttd. and tlm fielding nu tae p tit 01 1'ieir 1 ppem-uts- Willi tho eteeptlnii ol "tie ,Mht Bui by FwWefaV WM ail tail it could be. The .Vern:inlin". Iinwiver, minas'd to pnt on fln ru s. 1'nraii, Alilter, and MtMiillen were 1MB retired lo t lliree order ou flv eatche by Uedpey, and Prani in. The third inn In; proved a rt UU MO 'or the t'nlon. the lleldtug ou I'.e II 1) ii rkiim "ide beinic o mm h for them In the third Iniiln;; uf tho Trojan, Ut dney mi'led ten nmsrkddy Wf$ -- tmplv, M he kltnMl. aiipti.nd, thtuuKh over cmtldepce; but he aMr WMsl tb' (Ild MMt hrilnantly Ilia errora, htiwevrr. enahled the Ha makers to mre two rn:ia, the ni- ix lnK nuw 0 to 1 111 lavor uf the Union. The Tnion vtere not more tl in the fonrlii thuu they nere In ile prrvtott tnniof, iVir, in pllo of a nind .4 tln-- nere again "ttn rajtord.M Tide MM llttll ealra encnuratrement to 'b llaimakera, nho hattod Ipllbdlttly, and tliey teuk the l.'H Irom the Ul lout, the game nt the etiil Of this (nninj bfln,r I to fl in favor o' Un- Troy mae. Konnev led uff lor the ITfllnM in the i'u inminr , and wken two atnkist had been anJIod on him, A lllllPi who Md bow rate. dng apleudiUlv, WM 'In. ted to r'.and (orthor bitrk ; he obeyed, hut Uie next boll proved tM ceriiiawe of hta own judtr ment as to position , aa Rennrv "truck at and mud It, but Alllaterwas too far buck to ptrk It np, and l Ida coal the Haimakera oan ran, benaiian QyMaVi who iolloard him at the bat, made a plendlj drile over centre field hrsd and was crrlltel with the only bonir ran made UTuugluot Hie game, la M dilitin to thrae two run, the I'nions by Rleady bit ting and n lllghl mufl of Kbiwer't, added tnn o more to their tutaj MMtW hej were cut rid of. The Unymakera were Ibea " L'biiaiftied," mid the jtaoie aiocei 11 to a In Invnr of the luioo. Tho excel I on I manrt r in widen both teun were plmylnga well in the ld a at the bat, Mgfk to rouse the kMlIogl f ine stieeintnro t'i an nnirsQal exrent, Md tha r MlindWol IMaMM Was naicbed nub tlie n. aliaortdny iuterest. The MBM Inning w a qu'rk one on bo'h idn, the 1. 1. milieu roUrlng in 011 e order, aid tbe Prt two playeri eouig witkMt a run oti the Haymaker side; bnt the third one, oning to lu error on tl e part ..f Am( in, made n run. Tlm gome at this stood 11 to ll in favor of the Cntofl t in OMiMf Hi this inning mute one of tlie tint! ffv e it. hi t ever seen rn a base ball field, ami r. ei hfd UMMkM BMbMM fpi It, the Ha Mllf WttlMl cl rering bin aa cordmllj and aa y as ti e lodul crowd. Tl e rventh nnd rlctith Ir.nlnca proved "Chlos-rti- " for bulb tuloe, tieuue. again tlsliafrnil.ia; iitmaelf by nukl'tg n splendid flr cnteh In e.ieb in-- t hii.. Ti e ilubbm tUbt the I'aiona nere mninL. an tr.e drtcnnlnntl .n the: ahowcl to keep Un- two ru l I hoi were ahead, lu tbe Trey lulk Hint tl.ey had Wurtli) rivuls bi conleml ag.ilit U.e f L. l' ore ij IM eeiiie being only tu rtjn, and ll t'nlout having MM nWDMN of in jan.l"omi v In tbi Lot tnrse lai .ing. ke;ii op toe prlta nr lie Trojan, aa they thmul i the, nihild uce-- d .n log ihe 1 bltagai aawMnl ap"n am onre Ml In th I they did Ml IMoMda aa UioyMII a tun. a'ter having trade a a.leatlel Mrt baag bu ht'.weeu left am! centrf flebla. Tin bretigi.t the I MM tutal tp tn M, ami Ml the n nouerora nt Atlantic nine on y three runs to get to tie, and tone to win. Pkll the DntM Inda dotof. mined to prevent If iH ib.o, a tho klM eager ex priwtton 00 the laees of the fl..M ra iii.i-ale-, Bhe lerwa mainlv :a-- ti umeutal in eCent-Ii- tni. aVeirakU MMlt a M dm ir en rile, ot lcb by jumping a roLanlenibb ln inmi tlie rrwajiid to otHnln It. md another, the wlnnlnj one, nlirh rtiiuiret eonaiderabb: r.etve to buid. Kief. ' howevt-r- . r t heme, end tl e pflUic e dcd In favor ul tl e I i'lo.. by twu run. Tlie loilowlun is TUB MMM rfcioN. 1 f. t o. uu iuBri. l n. r. o. a. II V t J i s T'ie. M u 4 i J 5 aVarinan, o. .. 0 0 4 I t'Ofk, 0. I A I U Paber.i' a flfbher, ltii 1 12 0 ohelb-v.r- ' 4 I UPfower. a. - 8 0 3 Bt lai . r I a 4 l.i. in. 4 4 10 tloids' ri t, at b 1 t i i 'im,', 1. (i 000 Autt n.e.r I I A r. f. I 1 if 0 Xenui v. l A 4 :t'Aitiier e 1 is .' ' tt 4 a A IjMt Mullen,. 1 I U Total Id w M i Total Id la Tt 10 IgTtMfll lat. Id. -- alh. Ath lih. Tth b. Ul. ltd mi 1300AQ0Q! -- ti iiyniakora..., 20.41100 Vin.oi a, Juhu W ilduy, Xfuiual Club. Time of game, i hour and A ui.uuiaa. Ttt IQMXDY MM cf.2 sff.vtJ. Unbl ng n Ilunb Teller nf his tlonev b. I ' b I nd Pa mult - Tke M rdrr of o C'ouebuauua PuLuiigrkric. .lulj 127 A de;ierule aitempt to rob Mr Urowulne, Teller of tbe First Nalionnl Bank of Fi iklll viibge, waa madn in Cold Spring, today, at noon. Mr. Browuing waa in IfMl of I lloro, near the denot, walling fof an o train. Tie hatLtn bia hand a cjrpti bag OMtOloIng acveral thousand dollar coller'ed fur dopoill m is bunk. Su.l b uly a inun wniked ni lo bim, and tbronlic u hamllul ol rej pepper In hts MM. MaM the satchel, and m.ide ;! The t.u. r ngfj MtO Mr. Moii-ttii- groiu.iis, near if e depot, whirl Kiij Tones, a coaclitnau, aclzed blm and throw him to tbe ground, and recaptured Ihu la'chel. Tlie thief (beo drew a revolver, II red three abut at the cooli mka? o: e of (uok it in the litter! njcrlsPy wouoJing him. (Uigina now crtte: the tlinf nnd l him over tu BI.erltT, wbo took him to CtfDJ jail. TlM tMlfglrM bin naine a doM Hrultti, MdlMlfl lu1 rwldes id HS Graed t, corner of tlree m tyMli Na r fork, Mr. UiowningV ejee were bnaly injure by the peppi r. Tke Meveiit h W ard Pnlllli lana In the TaitPi ltlver Pnrk-Ku- n for I be RgsMnldern M. T. 1ft. nrwnus bia Adtiilrern. Tbu M T. Hrvniiau llenevtiteut .iMMMllM had IK annual picnic Tueduy lu tbe Kid River Park, it the foot of Eighty fnartli ItTMl. JUtMtfS o'clock' the inooiln-r- s ai d put btua arriving. One mom hod been expreaaly fitted for t ie recepliun uf fomtni-iuue- r Ilreuuan. Ill pui ( huuu, large M life, rntwlned with leave aod liruuchet1, whtlt mane rurpb tou boxes, beui h .g eabjii-tn- : mark, nt In one coiner, with a tub of let .it hand. Among the first to arrive WM tbo Hon. f'harlea A. Uruirr. Deputy Collector, and clor..dy eonnevtal vv Hh the Hon. M. JT H. Mr. Brown was reeetvad w itb aublauae. Mr. .l..., i.,i ., (olb'WuJ cloie alter. Capt. MrOonsld, of the Twenty-flra- t Ward, MITtt tlftfftf filing Jen. T. King, t'ie Preildem of Mffj Tvvelltb Ward M. T. Hrenii'in Club, and Uie High, crckuloiam of thr Heomciaty ia lit nelllnick, appeared in m light linen euit. He wan excused od the ground of lmptcu:iiodty, but when he at lt oftii took 00T a HindooNtanee but worth flOO, he waa fined t e wine, lie wai accompanied bv Handy Uipj (Juon W. (.aesbU), of duatice McVuadv'e Coiut. Mr. H. S. PrttAMl. of tb Hnurlira offln., woo '.n theme uf inteiife uilmirution. He wore a suit f aocnl'i cloth est Wl Ito flamiel throng uuii -- and it. tiacted atienltou. Win, H. Hymen mh- - in hi MM pany, aa waa :tlo Mr. Corny, or the Seventh Ward, who wove u big white bat. manufacturad by himaeif evproMdv for tliia ticeaalon. Mr. Kd. L. CartV, the en r. h.n' net o. .1. and greatest frb-u- tif M. T. H nppesre l in a Horn bay bat. a) In Hunk Smith. Mr. Win II. Shiidda, we are grieved to riMld, needed abavlug; utherWiu hu waa up lu uluifant Mi, Mr. M 0Iftry, uf Ditawa root beer fame, wa Kottiai up reeatrtileas o4 BMenae. lie wore a wbite ping, anu unmnnlliKiublas 1! tin 141010 unjl if hue. Then there waa iapti rboUMI Hwin , wltMtl police umuieoment' were 0 miplcte; leroiica utti, Mih a .native gold hum, and very good looking, ind dohu J. ftftalonoy, Uie poor pollotuj tn uf 11 ul qu rteaa. Al llHU Ctiinmiiouer Broknon mane htl appear-nnoe- , wnbuuiind by a aalut Proin toe connOU. Ho wan reeelvurt lu a nest MeOCli by Mr IHoliai prdw ph., which waa U beouiniugly. J',,,. Ct.minisatoi.ur wlM0ao4)t1 tho boni root, ind fui toinnd tutown DAticing MUtlUMtl uunl a la'e liour. Hi. obi . Temper. in o l.i inn . Od Tucaduy u ahabbU) dMMld woman rui fbtund In tho adeet "in. iin- . She wah c..ridely ti.iowuinto an uid imb Mil roughly driven to tbe bnapitnl. but aba died 011 tliw way, lu her pocket were fuuiul Hume papers, wtnek prorHd ler to Mvi Imoii H wife of the Jtinea Arlington Btenntttt'of lltiei-iit- a gtiulnt and oil Vi ei Im und wealthy muo iu l.ia H uiunaiuu h LmouM ibo t'lib'db- KiMlMiT. Hrink and alaUaUuz4 druxted Mitt RaiinMt'tll MVertl nuti. uid il a'a'a UFE IN THK MKTR0P0L.S. hash i s BMnm am rm hi it y the srs ft l fniu 1 its, - Thr Poller r.iklendnn - Antlra Tho Mniw In rstaih A "ine 11 nd Wt.Hl n In llki lv 10 0m tbo .., ,, a Trinl be fore CwmMlooloayer Pirnnnu. Oflfo r Jobl O'Neill, bo loisoi k Ihr enrerr of nn I IIMoplan romrrtlnn and reHtiquisIn d ihe mme OfCllfbfd for 0 pain Inwiri tlnl. an I ( l.SOO a year, was IhllfOd yrVrdny, b IN unil-tiii- n Mr';:oi.t, nith eolli rlltg a nt;tt her id Ifot la'or nrouml a b in MbM verue, to WMMBJ mtLtim tl.rourh Mb I.o vin-- pulling a favorite dog. The perrVnrs were dellrhied, and their pr tillcal Ofl HlMlatlklbly, Tue old Hurst ior lama MiMd U.e v IM miuib, and hit MMMl M deeply flh orbed In Ihl cnitnllon of Hie HOmfll is Iti iv 'ne exihtt r of l(oiind-u- n and I'o! lot) Bnrd. The rnnseuenee wis IM1 ound Mm cli l.rf re .in' ie. llrvniisii, an.l mII iub.iblj n "ign a a poii';eonu. A Pkygff Ifltg! Ile-irtl- t -- tnes A Poor Wo-in- ,, nnd brr Irrnd Child. On Monday, a woniim n im dS Im idrr, who rMjtlM nt M Kors-- , tb street. MM on Dr. A. Habel.ofpi Third itrret, atkuig bim to preterHro for her slek infant. He did so rn cor.-i- ration o." one dollar, tlMok waa on half uf all tho MMMl " d In iho world. lhe cbild dtotl M the nr t day. Tho no afti rnoon MMM a.'iin called on Dr. II.1I1I kMj aked bim for n rertlO'lie of death, but the BtylMM rcfnod to wrlto It until ho rrrtlved two iMMft. Tbl poor inotlu r told lum H at bM ht:! nnd been nn In valid e,en men'!,-- , and tenm rod Mm ne cnl nr, whleb was rill MM bid In tbe world. Bnt i'l to no effect. ' (iiva me Wo dollars," said tb- - kMft, M or I 111 not give yoti the MflllMll " T ie mo IInt rrlurned to her riviilenre, ,nd her friend IM to cunult Clpl Mount of trie II Wart. TtlO aptu.11 put bil Mid in ke. md ter !erd tho MMM moMf lit pay for the rorHAciM aid he ll It! 14 Uie burial of tbo clnl-l- Hut the m thf y t, I IM prolTcred :ild, Merely blM 10 puni-- n the itM Uir. This he wan iinabb- to do, as t; er- in no liw ur tog mot cerrttV.u. of dewlli, I I e midher next viwifd lite t oroners olti.'e In quest n.i hlM, and tin child na- dt ;il! buriud, alter it Md I deceieti nenrly tS houri. KKirnet from tkn Dwedse f the CMMMM CtftM vnsaer nt l.ung llrnneli. The hamltoifieat man nt lytrn BriDofa i Qm. Charlrt F. Itoew ; thu 111'.' t inti n Ing. John Ilooy ; the tirhent. dame llek, Jr ; ihe pMl lohn llt ron ; the fattest, .To'm Dl BaM ibe le.nel, J.c, King ; the lull-- I, W. H. ; the IMlUMt, Un Hummel: He , IfgMirj Ihe IIMtMt, Jnln.nv Krederlcka tha mint fi nlhlwl, i ti. H u( t t'ie youngest, KranK 1'av MAfh ; UM rjlen:, John Coaiithvrlkn ; ire ntDH.-e- UtewoM ; lb' t, Windv wan ; U0 ftMlent, Jodfe JoveM Kocb IMkobbtMi Laator Wabnt.k ; iko lot melt, Kutnpton ; Mas mI. Hi- ; the i .lb.-t- l, Thoiiii-.l- Sniu ; the w nti si. Adi 1.1 ; ih tiain lit, w. WtUkeTi the inoklai, Um. firMft: iki walkUt. .fudge Cunnol.) wala iro.u lM llu i!. lu L MJ bMOl Trnttlno nn I m on Conre. Tlic on thia course MftM a Xt hrtneen V. H. fflllltT1! Mj MWI Ad lb Wc' 1 J.ick-o-- r M grill Mg aud P. Man-- . bay gelding Harry. J he dav .: a MMt4MMp41 iftOi ailcr the gre.d beat, there na- - ,1 g 0J uttend inor The traek WM In fne ' -- der. Tin- BflblT M II a Ml MM MXM 01 faM mite MMt, tklWO lu live ni hai nr. In li e Ih ttmg Addle Webb .. MV9tiM b re the staii eeen, M tMOTttl al, 3 Up to 7 lo 1. woti the 8rat leit. In the eood heat ll.irr earee otrt flr-f- . but IM M M3, nnd im. hlkg OVer tk) MOM In l iu' u head, tbo Ural wis ttven to Addle Web'. I be rttra h not. by Mw!tt,aitt tbe louit'i by Addtl Is'lbk 1 inn t:47. NN, Mali, n! 'Ml Adieu m CMllMH Phil. Oeti. Hiil. heri lnti -- silcd yenerilnv in Iho Scotia for liurt pe, MaVMl be nu. gone to natub lHn conlending armies of t'ie Old World. Ihat bo may add to thoie torrs of nl!lt irj knonh Ice bieb he Md o Prilinintlv 111 the war ot ifcc n I iMOk. It to In w tl e juuiif wai r, t ni.n Hebat'le af..f ofT, wa BaMf to do tn- - goxl ten Ibiug tu taking imrt in the Iri M view K.o tMu moat mayiiiflteut tvnnloo w hiok ierha). Um umiii en ptoduest, nngavaeu In taw ia. I BMsMaM MMatHM. I'lieia cin he 110 iloubt lb it the per -e will tie in S,, ail. 'HI I.S CUtiJlS' 111 moral 1. f n x T ui'n t it., of bi lt:e. I'ln 0 te-r- Ora arcompauicd do ..n tbe bay by a puily uf admiring it Maw Ba.II Ihe lln (Ioth if n or. A diHD;u :abfd eiipneer yeMctday lob ini'ti The Si n ibut the BMtfoMI t i .i.v ay ot. QrOMV lob ti.i l vva anj tie CQHkAnM Ibriver. A repoi t. r a pol. c ubotdtuat Ik Cuanf-an- ' - MV e. ". I My lint fir." aaiJ Uo MUM Mlhrrttlkllt. 'it' O. K., nub IM excepo. n IMl it Is out of i MlrjMl not." At Ihi junciuie the dull, fat Mp4f iutud nt ti t-- red, uf nh. m ti.e lUlMM iepirter in qn.ied, " Are Ue car MMMal nan in: u r good t" ri:ere nnt supped running for c;il," tas nil ibe laMHalMdOII would rply. No one in thentlbe w i ld ay io! tiu ruoorl wa not tru jlbaj tin i M waa coon lu bo mu.u br uiu Iluukriipley Mokll milking. Jo. ;li i ond Ihvvid Mv i ,,,. heck arrested on rt.irje of frauduletul going p,tu bank-ruplr- y for the purpose of deli u liug iMIf MldlluftV They uiu engaged in tho ladit a' bat bMlMM, an t H cbBarged tt'ut iney MM fur the :hne munlbi been buying 'tp MMl on BTedll with t!:e in tt ntl it of going into PMitflPtcy, 'li.ttr debt- - amount to mo ay tbuusnnds of dollar. Tbe c mpUtnitit i;..uel A. Bcckiuuu, one ol the pailuera ul tbe ilmi of A. Bev 1 Ui 411 tk l.. Tiny nctu tic Id to bail iu 1U,'M0. QtM far.'Ol Ktictirrd. Tbo President went to LtnV0 JJiiuch uu Hie steamer Plyiiiutilb Hock on TejaMtJ lMi n M K' in "if the beat exhihitct a pas on :bo " Southern Hat!.-.- , a," but M Admiral FUI; bivt n order nirt lo rassany uf tien. OranPs (km;l. en of the Nurntganselt Steauiibtp f'ompnny. I BOM ; rerudnttcil, aud tbu pHBtdMt laic was detiwrided. tiu wUhitandins hl right bover, fed. Tout. Murpliv, tlMd to , i..-- alto thrMfii, Hot j, ol tt.u Adan.a Lip:es', DlMObld to Uianl s and ,ot im a U0Mt buj he "OJIld aUmg. Tke Qunrieiio Club's Picnic. Tbe BnMntMMB Bl Hie excursion ot th Ho hol.en tt Ciub, ubicb wai reported iu Mou d- rt'K, Ml trtlttl llltMllIOlllMIBt blllobo- - ken. Tiiko away the OennatiH fiom that town, am! there I l.urdlj any body left, an tbe t.riuane feel tbe interest io the dulii of tlie dub. The BMkkMjUM uf uie BMlMM engineer bj Apokl n of. It latid that Um tu. Only Sou I. a BIMW whleh banlly evor acruuip.iuu s an uacurniou parly w ituua t tnaaUiig lutacbttf. Ulrlo Itunnrted lor ihe Hnrmnm. Vcati'iday aj'ternoon 2iW Mormon, who ar- rived lu tbe Miuiliatt'm ou Moouny, took a speeial train for Smt Lake City Thc-- o new converta sre rota England, Scotuiud, Wale:,, and S itgorlaud, two third of the number t. malda of from fl to Jfiyeai. They are aecompnnlad by one Aimricn muNOUavry id ata,ioeu LIi.: ...... aud awise ultinra. A Wonp to THK Klubiilt Nnbody lose to t o gray. That'll human us'iire. BveiTbody drt wte tha hair dyis mni n..- sad iiieuidl ' nul l, uvea " TBM t human uature l.o. PanlonU Vltolta, or Hah a iioh r ., Un. Httar, wlueii Uteruly .. j.n. gra nan, i lr o from the flltii bvud rrdiuicit WklOO aoUlc tUt dye and " BOtli'WIjM. ufaw. Oar city ban, during the past wekt bean In a grea elate of bOltla an.; . jbuueaieut. otwietineot upon tue iMiue uf the poo t b ol mnniner hat from thu urtatdiili-inep- i id kuui, No. 'iti llroadaray. W e novo a uneM-- nioie determtiiBtioD to secure ooohy arilete ofut always eviticetl to proc ;r Knox'e hat. alMi UflTTtM JlPllCtj. Hriiit inter thk c a r svT.R or vtt.l. PI.OT AT G'lAMt I'Altii, ON Till UriDAY JCLY , AT 12 Al. KNL1?T OffURfUAilfV 0FI LlifcD Near New Vur to proeuro F.Li:tANT LCONOAIItJAL bWUnf. 0 Pom KiNi.All.vr- PKhTK TIOM AOAJMi BIN AND KA1N Puitief detlrlne to olt.ud the BAel need not be . I on aeeouni of but weather. THK PORK) 1' lHAJBt BM COOL ilUBBM PROII TUkX B0I m nith COVKHLH CA1(UIA(1K, w:l! rrnd-- r rbe occae mo a plra-sBii-t ru: al M uralon. HI'Kt'I AL ITtAINd will iMfl the ttooM of ihe New V .rk aad Xaw llu yen railroad, MUMT of 17lb i ant lib av . at r43 A Al. and tn A M. Tlmac wish. .14 to aiamlna tbu property Wll taka early trin. Salu bejiu ai I. M , il ', llHTBl e ond train. Tke Prettleet Womnn In New York, 1MM4 K ,roll known In uur AOOiety fdf her IMMpM appr'iruire and beaotirul ennipleAion, wai once 1 r i Mii cliavfrined at her red, uecalcd lace. Hhe pitched Into Haiin's Matraolla Bulaa, autl i uow aa puaiy iu u imu a the H elnimnn4 in manners. 1'kin aru.-- Bffiro Ml freeie, tau, isiiowneti, MoMjMMMi nea mar la. Ac. and mutteitone look ten year younger than tbry are. Afae umia Ualiu lur a trauapui'SLt cuiupliixlon, and Lyon 'a KaUiuiroQ ui make die lair plentiful, hum lant, boh, aud (ltd bnvo no rival. Tue Un tbuir a a prevent the hulr ti on. uirutug gray, irnnlOIlM daudrua, and uiu bet aad IMBMM diensHur 111 inn world. ll.-.- . lib od Vlwwr le Uentnredby lie tInd- ent. uNwl Mbi MHonn'n In ' no. Thl miurisiiinc and hahu4 curative ugent ia ua I by tut nietUoni fuoulty fof all dii a'e uf Ihe urinary or.'.t.i. bladder, and kidney: alio noiifUiitly prescribed lor reiuale trrui;ularitlr , aeukuc-- , ami eglreme piottrailon of the eviteui. ijJCtldl iOtUM. i;r.ttii ;n HM'Uloi it All c it r loiitriui.tiroi- - 10 I "Hai. Hi lieinnui rairmiin Aid : oei.'ty, foi tbu nurp- ! lurihit ing the eauee ol Oeiuisn. sal Bawra paitifUia.iy Bat tha pssposr nl ..urm.. n. undid BOldlora, and am ia thr 01 ul thi n wI'Iivp and .irim n wnt he rei e .red ojf lira I re.niner Mr UU ir PIH mikk lljunn 1.. aiali v n .1 :i .1 ri'. ii agenu onir a have uieri jpntyu hOuks for IMl purpot- atirucd ay tin; rrBMBIMt lKIONIT; ATI l In mn era oi eewrnav--bur-t- n Ibe 101 .'" ar. M) t Iwli ... fu. caen., cue, dlniTmr 1, drt ter. ehoiira, md skBtntotB pliinit sieand e it t m,, ,y. OeifOl i". -- ., Bl , Nt w Vork. fit pci' bull le. I' K CHHIM l t V. J. A . v AATalNn A tts. M l. riarini t A A. Ol I III A I. lilt A A IM4W. blAIAlO.j A iii. - rrvnlKs AT.RM Mtm ia o i",j July j; ie. ah. tn. :, 10, ;i. au r 11 4. 5 r,, ci. AIIvmii ui las mo IM .l.iiva: K.l 7,44. .i 10. .. a, 11, 51. 14. KK.NTI Ki Mit 'nt. Sn. ll) o, a. 1. ;. la, 7., si, aj. m, iv. l m. kKM'llcKl i liis. 40, )xv ME on. 1. 4. 1 ML o.. 70. ki Ti ic k Prtreti ei.iiftn inaiaiortftBttOB u bed iu liie iWOrc and aifu ll. irana 1,0. ten fa. tJin'Olari aeiii. J. LLU IV. iftuirvr. JW fttnadw iy. 15' Puitnn si. ami .' Ktra tow U4IVAI HAVANA I.OTTKItl. Pfl 444 pBM ' ""! IBIMbABWM lOTOBWaM. Tbl bUh('il ui. j aid lor d. nn all kind ot void aiadnlvar. T.WLoK A ro., H mkril. 14 W'nM ii.. New fork. imiMii.fii a, 4 'HAND OHLUA iioi a i0li etc rt. an l eh it. I.eRithtiaTe ir nph of tne aon .irfMO. M IDAWE KAllll A.NSV.U and bcr an i. uowu-v- T.KNNOUK DALLBT TR017PV. KmiiutiM demon trot hi .i Mar too great 1 RatuKirrrn op i hk - ki ss Iinmcnse bu ji .ati Lannrr n.-- ivnnie t.Abi, 11 UK A. cummenelng with thf popuinr Aja tpevialty. Tlir tsATlONB, MOLTT.Y MIL PIT It TH Ml VoTH'F KOTli i.. H ani; Mad Lonnor'A OBgaaWMOfH tlm mstineuanbi u .t.u... d. Statu ?egrnl In ad .; at ttt? II t Ottiee. ol a BMirnieri. Ml iiiuadH.t, ani Erto Roil Witt Uck.-- olb'ft, coriu Uii, ml Broadway. V V A I.l.ACU At A PlIONOHNCI D r'i CK- L llJi:t.Niid tt JAM awa.. KM.dl.i' li.lir V n VASHKHnLISKISBTOPPKll, llTT. is! 1;' KMK.IIWr, Ib CUwrloe Oaeh ir.rtPirhnih Mecand coMh and uLtnt,oaal charA tr dre.tu of 1 illTZ, Ol H COrsiN (IFRXfAV, THK HH oK I lib K v-- '. IVLHT 'MM' Try FT VI H WITH KN 'Vt HlASAt, LYLltV SnM, AN H.M" KM IJl.CO. RVKliVkXIuV Hr.l.H.H . I. The manaei n ut Mbd pbta-nr- m Hnooopeitig Ihn reuetition of tnte iHrmi er and .. nr:rn.-- m IvVt-lf- i I'VRNTNI. ll. I. l li HM. SOT U'E. BKA IH ehCl UKU I WO WKi k.i I.N iV ANr K. j Hits If Tttl THk. DWAI. B. r ttt L 11 II MASAt.Kb A ui; M BI'CI Kin ' TP R OTtKM' KIHIOI'IAN 'iMillKrtS. J. W. BtCAKHrikWa. lit I.IBT MliWI 0A1I1, t.KO. KHW ltls, JAMM OAVNOR. ami Pit AN K HIRAJIO, Li ent ri New IpetdBlllei Tbe fntlrellr V .nf t n, a Hi liuntlj it a 1. mi lueludlUH II .1 r.mluiuiriif of In RKfl DEMON ol PAP.IS. A Dd Ihe Mensati in Oram a nt Ihe B KI, LlA I'll HOWKKY. tiltANIl MAT I Mih" e.l ll IUJA '. I i O'i lH K o itn Til r AT It K. H Ru o.i vo n Fl iTMonniN n r. The Breat trouite of W ref I.t, rt n l.m O. Ala I in, n,ti. o. I Ihe Mm witu tb" MH". Ann" tm- isniato bam on M. Plarra Hunnfi. tb' aresi 'binno'i inn, towethof With 1401 BAOtUaeAff of Ihu at Variety rt n. Mwinee Hntnrdar at "f o'eloeg. W OttbH AffHKf JM ANH WKNAt-Bltflt- om wooo m a M.r 1. open trnm 1 All uiul' 4 l.i. w. porforonAnoel d.ei n.e Mrfttrmanea t. ootnitio'ioo ivory da at 1. ami evening t p. wrn tbe new an't m-r 'til nrlptnue ot Kl' I.YNNK. RaATK l.yNSe, with Mr. U Lamb. Mi Alice llsrrieoii, Hosi It' nd T. .t ood, Uwny. Mr T w. Renno, Jonioi Khi m'. Mi ! x. ne v, and J. CjMffk I, and o.- ,.1 1. with tnu new un.. not' nn-- nf fllK M Ai lie Iflt'Ml'KT. THK MAttir ri(l MI'i r, In which tha prvat pRiiiuinmiivi , the MAHUMlll I ROHI'K. will appear owMamlan. Mig WIT" Hkh iiKm;wvOKK. CAS FMANCMCO MINTItKI. II 1,1,, t M (Hin IU , iri'KI.KVH BRIIhN MVKrst BMPT IVlnjDlnj am1ai ird t Moilnel .'. Q. iV mm Rin KIJV. Mbi OKIJA inrtHY. O 11. (it! ANT .). , 00, it uii 11. Lib Ll UK1 A boilOl t. M:r HA fH: TCNNSI Wdei lii'jadwayTBiJ llroadwiv, rtintr Warri. Onn 1.1 to 5, Dllliuriu' ffii.i i. a "i.i.kvihh, tlaiiar'ai tiiri'r, uf fi'l AMIAUll Ak!J!.".:AN ".u-- i 'Aim , a mi n. 1 lilt.iAlflVAV-- . NKW V " ; ' ill . . groomd Itutitft. vtrrirE. Ukv.tana AaalloUw, i, ui it u,y imiiaurt i....r. wiiiiiiiit i,ii ir trovooa tlop. 1 iiibiIh lurowarn all arraaii. nuin lininri. "' '" n'-- 1. a. I w:.l net bi leal ih lor it leewrown, f,. I , Jul. 71 rS ' .hi. tMNtld meet ia.. y ,,r Mary, wifi r g'.'nn tardair c.r iductor, ..r am u. buowiaa fit b.rttaoutk aha arlTl heai al .omelhlnf m i,er UJ.,, Itfel'J lalua uiniriilrij l I.', fury .t U. JJAIIIOS. I J J.N IX i ll, IVI CO tf tiivii 4f,. Wcpmmhat. .fury V7 P.M. Tho variooi tnarai d of the Oioek Kscbaaifn nave again been dull aud drv-.n- of epeclul Ihteroat or excitemcot. owing io tlie sbeeuee nt a tig luiponant forulgn new. Ibe mllwav here niarWi i ihowed a leiKlerate degree of art Mty, thooga tbe dealiage nere ui. a u OM rcstiktisl scnlw than row tertlay. Tho market ut ibe nprnttig waa weak, und ut the Kit ft Hoaidti-t- l nff under a nipeitlou fBMll Wa 'i at cast-- , ibe decline ind by ttu audei MM MMkl and Lahe Alter the MJlBUMlM f Nil Bt'Br i, however, under Mi- reported Lnttia laellug lu the markeO, tl.ere wa a marked improvuieut noted, and iiiooniUPiuo ul uiuelarie MM ftroiig and aityaue-d- olofting well up tu tbu beat figure nf the day. TM most prominent feature was iteuding, whKii wtia notleeabi) Urni t'uTiughuut lie lay, and advancud tiotu WSj lo iH-- finre we:o abo arte u MIM Viuidi tbbl Mbsre. wh.Ch Huc tuattsi w.dtl) ki d I n uui'i.tlv. Nt xt bj point of (AMTMl M Lake Miore, nlutb. ihouub weak in the morning, iiicnt;tlciHil at the olo-- Uaiineaa u. the flMolAdol of the MM lbs wa 44jllgll dlvirlhuted. The geda tuuriart waa MMBafiSkd aalei veroiunlu hKore the formal commeneeBisnl of bnilnefts a1 Ui a IMI TM ui et ftffjfttl ll TM Mftfjlift tl 111 If , thl price iuieklv dro:iin; u !.',, Mil airain rtue tu Ul 'i wti'-- it w it. .. ine bid tor thv i'reejury gold umtmnted lo 0. IM MBMkll bid ibr waa M.'Hl ih 0 it 1,0 lo Uldd 'ho nuUion MMl itTBrdrl at ux.Jb to Ui M At thia i lc rumora BsVJ IMM tliaC tbe fw t, would oiii n.y ail tue hh ' a. n iho prvmimii ilmt.ped to rtlv. In the lTeep.i.n the pnen fnrthr declined In ii on thcrardr dcnntchca that lMlfM tie h London nere quoted at 3, as ngainst hi bj of Md openltuT. belwefti w aM MM it ranred the rnai nf M day, e'mung at Wfi The transnetlnni i,:iv., bean limited, and about, tntcrert IM rates paid for currying balance ranged from 7 f rent, to fist. The BeoiM Mlleil with rJA47.l7 In rha Wseoaln takiiie .ii um, a total m MTTIIf. The s eal ll gs at the Uol Kiehnnge IhmK WfrWfdQ4MPB)jCoid t iilnm-pii- i ldM0M enirency balauCf, $l,nV.,4ig. 1 He prineipn fiiotatious were : 0 to lOAjf.lVntl iomo A. M...MMMI P ' ',' A- M K H i Ad UI).V801'.M bid Ferrlh ex hanve ha hen dull, but w. ak on lo r Plerht'3 siiii ftronr on ahort fight, tbo hii ter haviuar been aihanceii f eTir There ha b. a on active demand for tnnh n falrb for h rmeut. ami i.iu . cent, premium vn p ml for heni. We amiri rate- - t l."i.d m, prime banker ' t n jO'V-- tm London. i ri ne bam--er'- . muM, l.i ,1,1,114. UtoiAOtl. Pi one e "." Ur 1"" i' Tl, ii.uiUr.', I. 1.1 , J.ftV. 5.1. Itlc' L,"'"'1.'''.- ',lori. lOtO'-- ; .ntweip, AdiKij Swiss. viiim.ia. inl Bvohne mat K' t I. ,. nithout gMore. call Man bcii'ir readily made Ml and I 9 M i With exreT,,,, ,,, uiril ,10,1, m UkaiOOt BT4 OUN , au't prime comnHTrui nam - am quoid i ycterdnv in- iioTumtiietit m.nd nni-k- been trona and Mvaoeed. ebMing at tb. htche t rlgnrtv nf ti..i dr In" Ipl e, i, fi'ii-- l nie-- were Ihe tipn, rd ti ndruey 01 I. 11.l1 tn and liioTiea-u.- e flniiard for two PI It horn rw ror iho p e, a fund. Itnre ha bet.i. aaiiftud uf la'i:. i gou n:e nu ni Mitjiiiry. IKury clewa 4t Co., M Wall irpet. report at .1 P. M.r a.' dlt.i M 4iv.r r.P fiiiretevC-.ii'ii- k m scr.Vt omp. tat", H, ifrl. reg ii:2 in J.. ,ik. ; r.j A l.b i lo , M. Ml. oip....ii-.- tH BM, w7acoop...tMW ).Bf. ' v ri .,1 A." ,.P) IUni,i M. M tuiip... ItMt I H aa.'iii. cuwp.. .! nvH rnnp ia m MMU ..-u- iws.Central Pa. bd. at1, M1' Trnt aetien In Plate Mnd have h -- 1 IMftM. h'oith. on rr- tire n: lakl, new 1 ' ee .Kcdm IV V rcrt. to 't. tin' obi h dtir fl'ni nt U. Nrili r mi were It nn mi Ine H ipoolAl inv " al 'tis;, and tb-- new at ui, ol km pa dull nt 4i, funding act hou lMt it'lling at : n - ; new BOOIh Cniulinaa. 71 ; an i LoiitsBQ04a aw Bank M "turn- n- sliare old at Hi. ItA.lsay ninr nv wire Mnir, l owol U.C and I. C. e iig at ;.; Cennnl Paeulc, an, und I nions. K.04 ; i n-it- I'm itlc land aiii Is Ihi: qnoti nt t.' ; i' eoi ;s n il ai(s-k- . v j . On -- xlrenie qU'iin nnK Sew y org I Slttrsl riuc . n aj j, nn I 41 'i ; enp, H.",.4wS ; t ne, 'an i.f.- t ; Itead'ng, m4iM 1. tKa Bhui-o- , , w annea. 4' Vis O' i ennimmi, i . preferred, h. kr.. .. U Muid, IIImhW i ft, I'su romnion.' ; tin d. ,1V '( , Hn and Ml . .. , md hew .1 r. v .'entinl, taM; 1'aii.ima wiu w aa, hih1 I'nribi rd "bu. d to T'i ( Hanni ial and ft Jonepk mi lu lar iiniiury at J'. .' . llB'lein (ti ling nt l",b,l Ab.rrli urd x h; III ago and A it. it pn lorre l. Hi) IftS!-- . ; and Dl wurc. LMVAWgnno and cib rn. n r. . In the , a art '. idc Mull r ins- 1 .c , rtti. Miirli osb piefanod I lutg at l b and WtM'iu Tv toratdi. Kt. Ka jresa share nere atnaay on III nt fit' Ml 4, and heavv ou Will. Car ad I'l'- -, si. io rionM el . 0 v At he e rjBc all in" MarlfM were unset t'"d, winvr tn r m Ih4 tinet liirnleni MtMrrp t ttd arrival or Hie veas an ono and l)am:tea. iidfing prit to At 1 1'. M. war': n T.f .H e... JiY( I.aki raai...,!1; ifii ... .1 H r, H, '4 MR .it. P. IV.-- t 2 U .raui.. 1.10 mio Mi..... p'. mjv ire ... 41 S lis . J entrai.... ftp 1 if Itcadtm mi ., .Vest, it Tt.... St m I. nkeMOTO W W fooiDC Ma:; Ml n ' ... Is '4 4s Id-u- I p real fl v llburgh. ...trr, ; - 'w. P. o tt r . 11 art in a .ru... i;i Ki Im. MttTd n. kg. 4 do. IT. r i.v Ms l . ipriL-..- .. m i 44 l;ockP.i.d 11.', tvK Mbh. I sn'ral ..Ild IM .... W,j If no Central. 11 KAXKiyfl 4Y pT.v.r vr.f r. noru k. The Ciopoiit due Au;ns; 1, lSTd, ou tke 1 r- Mortpae ..? of the Suuthero ObbIMU iBitTnM COMMkI HHl be pan) mat dny 00 present at .on M Ihe BUM BOBM of Vkhnilth 4b Co , Kir loci il A uf kjpj iomt.jtnv. Id ai.d Ifl NtMlM lrei t, Ni w Tm ' llfi WM. II. sl,WKP. .Tn., Irvaeunr Re ork vfnrkt ta. V. IDS BAD r.J uly -- KLi.t k asp Mkai - VTeatefu s hi into fiutti 4tBVB ikoWM lOino dreiin ', nnd clo'fd ai Hi d ialcMiii.nUnBt i..4 .. Olor lum-Mr- . ' loi owr s' .. t A, to .m vond lo prirae yto ia i mih. t: iui t o luo. Bout kern lluur- dull. and iA nil- - fhlpp'tta irtrv, 1145; fnk. r andVmii ll $ttP. Hje gutn tirmr. hot unsetl td at I. ill ".v. or., tu- ul dub, rotuiua iro.n m .'5 in II.M, li 1 ire . un dud. iut Drri, a M e. for and d in p land Intel . l in . r JoTy, IIK0.1 Ocl ll.r njatrati ftrnsmlina firm nt tno advant? to 41. 1 nr. jwaain 111 n nr demur. j. I'firo run In bc't. r deuiand ; renin d, .1 noi .uiii-1- . follow lab nrtive Mr eaportj n in,.. Wb k dull t reViil- tifni , to Litvpool iy l tiu, i.'d Hour, kV.U. OltAti T.tfnt I s.r a '1.1 rt'hei flow; ile- f,s(ou s.i ; ., r, aa bfii v r, f.;r- fl m r nbltc wir niaod V t.T- for .e i M.rin ;. Bill fi ,01 H (nr ftotl t pui. Ko .spring. IIW tu.nsi. tui v wan dud and noiiiMiai. tue In t lei Him rc ito : tak MM bon. al i foi 1. Bta 4, snd t.K lur a cetera, enag ot tbe I'.!iti f.t. iii v luiii in ao- - d deM.teuO anil tlnn t Mls ..ui f ' tie '' 1 HI toi W iMtiu luUe '., and lith i il tor wlnt IM t,nl1eorw,irly seriate rirrn : st M 1.030 Kit. ; we s Uio tHfe , pu-- Ttteo- in mod-ersi- acmoMi ante i lUBrooo at ts11 7 e. tlo,ie, a little mtOT stt'tlv-- imt 1. 14 M I:., .. I' ro Hien Bt is- '.. ai ao onis NcwOrinoMM irte. Pn-r- r K .w at.b n : f ,:r t g,ed 'oiMi..', i,0e ; Aa e IV bhd. at :e. PirCnOa. and fa Havana 11 ' rehutddul. aud : hat-.!- , Ii'a''vir,e.nna White A, l?. Im itOOeaPorh s. re rtnll- ml father weak a'. ivj it t ai io.- - La, g.u.ln i.:j :.. nl I t It) lorj :n H.- -f :.,ei a; 'kdn demaud. ' - I Tl'.' lor pilin an. extra 1,1 Sa T.e.i e t qui lei ..iu in prtvnto lernui. cut meet' nun lala fi nkg at vkat:4 c r i c lce moueitLajU'-- dull. lr t .1 iiotfn drm at lA.iii4e lur illy. Lain mi loti emet ; AdlOA Jf"0 hid, at tth7 in. So. 1. C.. .1 ftircl n J li SuliV . for te.,fii pmter in co. it df.Bw.nd; rna tc ; suie. for moai 4 Ihe aie?. C 01 M la rm unu m dt .11 and .it 1? tjt4 l I.lvr M4 k tlarkrt. Xt.w Yung. Wi dt Bad , July 47 c .r load. of oe ret. ..rnved j ior 1 IkMMMI ut 'onimnni-ii.t- lot ti'tre were un hunt, uot ratio. Ihe arm., id lor psjof fr ui tUc hook la tue .aitgbur BOOM in) 'n Maib.-- tfn n IMM murff u. tn ilay, un 1, ai ibo weather inor? tngdlratt. 4 o.u t uo u n'.'.jil- cuiinioa lo pruu ateurs ai4 'I ' ll la al 1M0, 4- t. r.i. Vl- -i car iuaUa of hi cp a. id laniba fm inarkei, and two eais (of iiuui ia M Ikn) violnUy, hn Miim for gotxi bei p aud Inmo was strouirur. und pticoa advanced Sc. it a. Ordinary in aood ineep wer. 101,1 at a1, etflnr. a) f .. llh nrlu.e .oi ai 4e and ordinary to pi nre "aoiba al Hin receipts ul ni were ear liudt. .r I .. : nutp, oil OlOOi I I ear luifl lor !n.'tit-r n Lt4 boo arc ..uviied ai MMMl drees- - d at MMMkfO. I S1 1 1 I K. I CK. .iv'rt-H- ai liill PAt. nn mi t M sun mil i ju Mow,, 4 94 A kit CUM i'K 4aud Hook., b i.i Oov itlnud. a 40ili.Il Oate .. .16 09 allBMt WbOTMPIT doly B. 'a.!.!;. .ins, Livern K, ind7. ai pus. it atnn... ' il,r Hainbunr, nn!e anil para. Ittlp Prtn .1 ...."'aid aidlff ranroad Irou. khip Mo. - Hay, n.. ir- iaMlrtal if"n. Uata I.v. iiiii. ft), us. io'efl.-- 1- tlic uauai river and roat ie Neei. aTRAusniPA Attnivan out. Movn.i r. duly 27- - lad is. New Vork. m i ttn 1 Kit IlKNltV HAMTNOS. on Tuetdnv, Jf by Hit Itev J. rt " n .eee, f ht, 1ojuib Churct, Albau' at lb., r. fid. 11. u of uir brides nonauia. Un av.. HoiirytO -- abet.l Uooi, Oauttbtci ui Hui!i .1. llBMUga, lmtii 0. New 104. Ol af4. ArU' IltiKT -- In .Tcrtey City, on Tuesday, lulr Mj Maiy, wlio ol AbIutou, 11. Uie Tvth year of her latl vn and friend of the famllv are Hviietl to at I tiMiu net luuarM. 011 Friday, daly vtv at i u'uiuuk, frtuu hr ;ia reantenco iM Wayne t. Newsrk inMiar oh-- eopv A Ki.Kbtis un Tuftd-v- . lulv'.1!, ,Iennle. dmiiMer of David aoo kl tauetb . Ucnun, aged 4 year, s 10 uibs. outl iddaya. TblM UU. Md iTllBlll f tl.efamilv ae letti.i-fi- .. 0 9 ,J ; ( l!,,,n,'lBT' aft crnooo!' al I o'e .k ANi'Kitr4lN-O- Tundav, July rt, Ifortba J., !: of Atid. rsoii,a.'..d l?M,ss-a- . wl Atlri''?"! "J 'lmi manre of the funny arc V..1'1'TI'1 ,hr r"" 'r,, bert'e reld'rdto, SSI "JJ5 JSS.' " A!,f, ,,,,v nftOM- ' "Vluel, n TuftilaV ll t 7 01 r ; U O 't rr ' of tko Mto floury MMMMM etf. ... mfhFWtilfi l1!0 f,":"lT- niember of tho U tu&A hnr::!V ' 1 ' ''"tn itie enrrir,h Cr .I.', i V? ,.v "n v.doly-l- tlki.usa "lhefr ind and rolnHrM nr tlie rtrn p 4 -i- eMtvr- Prleetvernotinf Lr.otUn R. lb. are ah .v i d 10 rit-n- d lutia ou rosadiy.JBlv 1 JoM. Oeiw, a el be . M H' .ry. Ire unit, m the AM yr ir ..f nb Bl Hi frlondl and MolBlhlMci tue r d.eel illfj In vn ad to l.eml Ihe mneiaf Itoiti h .'. letiuenci. I am. ire .; tni day ( I .'e ck. Da i mm it fn ihi rltr, on W' bicnnf Jmr fi Ala. T. fife 01 al. He I. nnatar and inriii' ler of 1. bu Hie,--h I', q ngTOd M reori 7 t Athf. md U d.irt Al n I ilecdue, .lull .,, ln ..'(, ir..j. ,fc d. lUtkloi of Slay T J. a tl l.".ni b Al. .. , I oneinl servlcs t r? f at 47tti l., on ftiari- my evenint;. iniy gi nt a o'rbwk. I'll! d .Mi .N H tm In,! l.y.July,:, rilffahCthDlmn-m..n.- , In tlM ed rn of Iter arro. I im at hi and fi leutti 01 the famrv are reairt K Invio d to mte tin- riiiieial, ir.iu be m. .j hei hroim t, m f 1. ou thun-lai- J11I1 Mj a, I O'l 'OS1.', wllliool rill' lir It T n wtn J'Al W oil mupiiou, Mlt Ko'fl Oallao, Btod , 17 jr.r snd't da ere jtlet- - sol rrlrnds "f Ihefrml'v airrsipfaajnliy tnrtied tn Bitend tm fioir-rs'- . irom h"i site lewiMUCe, No.;i v H.iMi l.dsy July si i u'ebejo. TH nOaJAC.- - snd leiiiy, m MtOMfa u tl trjMMll n.- rn 1,2, July t i0. Itlchnrd U P. On; iffimc, inn of 1.. ra s and MoiwireUAiltiplgtiM aidWyeaia. ..The I lTP d nien or hv fnuii v. and bb th ',.. rtynn nihi hurt h nre r- - - . luillv lnHed to a'li'u.l bl fun-rn- i. on hnn lav aPfWBOWB, ai 4 eefjick, witliupl ii.r her mo he, rrom Id laic re-- i lem ,Al Pio-- p- t. Ur t) .Irn. uw York. HI Of ; MO On I July r a Per r,wi IBP( e. T? ,,h "f Mr' Anne lluiald, widow 41 Ul4 Ut I ho- -. Untrcard. The irlerid f f tbo fxmlly are respectful'-- tQtiin,! t0 attend fbe fnnernl, s: t o'eioek V, at., this 'Ur, ll AN AN -- on We.4ii-t'ay- Jnir . ., Liarlu, tMugtiUr Of in i.d nn uii II. ' ib in iians'i. atto ,u vtv.r. Tbn filt'itd an n it w. 01 ibe famllv ru reaieetfip. Iv re., of te. to u ti n me funeral, od Ki ..a ft ft aon, nt 4 o'e ron hut late itMdunce, t4 Uroadv,.i lirreiklru. I. K an OkTanwdap. 'fnlv w 11 nry Alnrtla. aon of llafii and Mary Ann Kerne, ajed I rears. Ibe rein ;!ves ami rri u' of ;:tefamlf are ftj If iWrWod ti attend the foneral. lb- - rewfcure of bt pr .I'. II Knutti a., inis day at is o'clock. llomtlSBKY nn Wed d iy. July ... Uicbael J. m ir. :Ptb ye .r ..f hu BO" 1 Ine reln-v- m-- fibndt of the family, eleo oi in mat und W III am. an I In- - br. thcr In la , Joau mi divan , - n si-- ui heri of llatHrn Uoard. '.iiesiiMl o attend tbe ituiersl, fiom Ot 1110 r' i ene.1 i Moiirne t un t ot 'i o'day tiiorniRK. at u "Vicer;. 11 iw reniai'i will tt" taken to dt. Jaia i t BO ron. win re sobnia man of rciniem will ae nnt.-,- ti, uie rri uic of hi soul ; and fi 0111 tin nee lo Cab vnrv S tnrcr imnt a IS o'eltel f M IH 'Mto. In KrooklTn on TmaiMv, JnTv M, ftarah Aaii Manru, nite 01 H. Aitvuo. in IBs IM yei 01 hn aire. The Uitive and fi lend nf un famur are Invltett tn i'l adnirniBeral. on Friday. Ju'v at .'.'( .0 k I m bite id 'Mine, He Ka'b, between 9tuyeOsaul nud Iteed avi . wtitioat further notice. known paners plea eopv. loi'l KK. -- At Morrntnla, on Tneeday. July A Jamea. ihn yoenceat kou ut T. tf. and Puima ,? I'uO- r, aj. iy mouthi. UffK Huddi nly, on Tueiday, Jn'y A, William Hiee, uf ua f'jin Stn vt. , Prnndol d rftattres aro Invltel to lOend tho fu-- al !rom Bt. 0U Cbun b, uu nb L., ai7o'clocl today . M'npn Hii, . in Prook'vn. 00 July W, niter a llagaiing Mnonv Jbbm atoddai d, in tha Mm year ol hs flO. .ha rebttUes and friendntf ihe famllv are rnspeet- - fnby lavited to att I hts hint ral, from hi late veil .tenre. 7i koii h 41I1 st.( tiru ikira, K. H., on Ttiorlo iy, Jnlv 44 at a o'clock. ' n id lenly, on Miwaday, .Inly ?s, 1470, (Mar.-- w BfBHh, .n 01 tho lite A. il t '. of Oieeuport. 1.4 .04 Mund. Be relative nnd f tie family are reapert- - lo I v msiled to nttend Ihe fiinerrt' ft.-- the resldtn(-- f In Mb t Mr. J. II. Ou. .rnek ttt inyr.iw al Bear C ,Q(,uU t . woMtykt on TBBrMIJ. July &, at 4 o'oloch MhlDHY - t t Ijul Td, Cnnn. un Atoudsy dtilv M. Ip tni 0 Wdliani 8k id iy, aged M yeare and A BMntM ral a"i ,e. i ll, be held nt Ht. John' Ontirch. KLAufoi I. ou luiiralay morula, t 11 o'elnrk. New flu. Iffnlaa mave ifUn it. depot at 7, nud I o'ctoek A. At. 11. vlXKIt- - On JJulv 7. iSTfi. of rtio'.-rn- , fnin'nm, u - rrainer, yonoa 11 u of .i ttu it. nnd Ahetn 1. Tra nar, ved niomii- - and !l uayt-- Hid ce of iu in 10 inorrnwV naners. 1 KWHKV tm To truif evftdnu. Jul HI, Amy. Mfur.t da u,. titer of Amu aad Juepiii.ia Tenii'-y- aged Btgltko. Tun. i d fre-.- ST Madb on av., on I'r day iiiora.n ai I o'ej. ck. T"AL -- Suddeplv. on Monday eveiuuif. July i&, 1 10, A tm. ibe 0 wtl of riiarlr T0M1 of .A '.Madlkiiii t., im mi ni v. in in-- ' ikAOi oar of her Bate. I.e.' irte r .l oWB ' - ' I.o 11 o. k. 1e menibers tf Koii ei ociet Lndre, Nn Ih art herebi BiwlBod to mtend th fniiorai oj bioiber K. It. Nor'hnp, on Thnr-dn- .liny At, bl I u clock, 11 to late r Mdeure, nti inh st. W, li. .HOVk.N.G.

Transcript of Library of CongressI ' THK SDN, TllUKMIAY. .lll.T M. 18711. j (JliKAT RULER'S FATUEE. tut ; n hi. e...

Page 1: Library of CongressI ' THK SDN, TllUKMIAY. .lll.T M. 18711. j (JliKAT RULER'S FATUEE. tut ; n hi. e ami nKvortn I us. HJMMMQf "I isatoH. YD) li'mnrL: blr Dlaiulcr Ml RMM of the Pnkllt

I ' THK SDN, TllUKMIAY. .lll.T M. 18711.


tut ; n hi. e ami nKvortnI us. HJMMMQf "I isatoH.

YD) li'mnrL: blr Dlaiulcr Ml RMM of thePnkllt - ItMl JMM H. i 'ii TheVi i i mi' Currfnl Fxalaaien nfthc 'Indent

W9 LMlM Ilell Thrl uf verv -

- 1. 1, x l n noo i m'i Ite.tueilon of PdM(r r Rftp.MiBlfl .1 mVi RlhuliHia V.b iev-i.- ..

ami I.I fa dkiW ItntlriM.Uug.tlflVfi the don.

tomato, Kt , July 23. -- Th fell Mtt UndI!- H tb" citizen "f Cv.naton wi ll .If mI Cmi.t the wiurhlr itr of Ih I hub

l .uente the Pott OAee Id a convenientpart f t i ci'f. I' e rr the Piarag ernent of hi. f

,r'-"c- r, tV PMl ore 0d ti.e it. ' r pirt uf

IN1H I. iit building no Hit prim , ml pMlflHIiim i Mf Mai rtrtrf :my real nev..t'a ior n MMl l-- '

lMtMrl ll oothi g it r.ul ronti ry, find i innve aIVCtffM nrn. A titv convi ulent bmUmr on I fir

ti M;til ."Ti and Mvetnh divd. th MsttMMtjentre, at Ifvv per yer, wa nffe" I and ,T c

io ft n' il thf v tempt. hill In tin'Banne, of a liar,1 rtfi.'uUt'ir uf the mnii ol Orn i.

ho nffrd riltn i p. ace on RM iMMf thfPloM !

Will MMMi M lue MM rent, UN lMtMfftMBOeer, a nn lnlar im til. !TM Is nodply af of the w:iv. bin d WIMll dl oon-lt'-

h ing fceM MJ us by h H MjsWI a " 'a'."brick. ., and IHM alwys .MM MM '"

uro. Tie nly line nf -- tier' .. !roi I In the trrun alone; Mad (eon reef, and to' a .r - hi lat tof Ur iMMf i lace. 1'ir MM

ri R u Tvntn loopvrn'. on tie MM f, n. 1 DBlfMMPjTMl IM Ml I MQbil l it ScMI p'i-- HiIM) a viiuwl -1 tlr MHlMN Ml of Ml irienJGreei ia'ucl'C f'ap'. I.lnn, th AMMMf of

K.'VMitie, t mflve lit ofnee frnm RMMTllMAMl MM) llHl rMT MJMMll nor. M) M4bi a M ma"tnu h 4 ('..; t. "uii o a bin ofllf iititKti'nri t hi Tenrrthlo Utrnd Mow htnr1 )

l.inu my ttiitu iar Is lot MMUf MOMhant it im ,, nflirfo ih,il he ptyrtft. The tfuiovalil l iv I Ml '(!'' raio I

a BT'ttM iii- PUNMATtMtMlMNM tweutk'bt of IM r.tlrn MfW fHMk

ler Ihr sffatr, nml a MM MllUM draniu pmil erf to Web lotion a week after fho removalIfinnii-Iiiii- that Mr. Cirri tit tv tcquiretl lo takt theifflruhark to tho .,:.! place, or at hwtt to oat momtoneenifot for ih burtnwri coaiMSiiKy, JeM putainluf BllMtfi M4 pTMJplD Informtd tk H et

PflWe IV rrimrnt lht h rouelilered thereinov.ilwe MiitiMMti That we I tied li matter. Tlr

MMMl aever !eril iruui. bufMKn ftny of thrtit tbe aty want to flatter the mil. w our

na'U''H tnat SlgM hi nvnc Jcssa It. Oraat, T. M..jM?n r io pftltlon to a yuealar art ofwut.a Herein- - o ho tlarU a fartlva ctaoee wltk ra,Mm-irhe tHr'ti;h heavy-rlmme- rKi.''r. aul utter n

MiUMMl c'inl, at Hit e ne MM c ttlit atolidace a itrin of aailnfartMn rncli a a fan. MH ol--

mdiAu talef mlrht Inlatr whea lomplirtentffjiuD b ' lllblf of "tip hla belt,

m wkAtn or T It L citiunsh'tfu MA t' nth, hut tl ) loQiid it llttrry uU to n llftj tbty 'ounJ tb it aa an irr ,

t r tu W - U tip ton ; In a word, that bv w;i

Iqti nd they qr.ietly acttlcd ilowt u,o a

bMfet of i n ami uucvuiproDiulu hatred loriti- ii i oi QriiNt

PMWa o i ten r f arjaaisnr.Ue of Ida Prvaldent not, or IMcia not10 iiw tw. t v ci 'In tu oi '.. mswii- ile a, i aat tl il v It r.t INM oVJlM i the tf rni;.tt il tn i a nn it oj li 'ter adilrea-c- a wtlb i i MtM lui in! :Hr-- .Iruitl with thf-- e

Ml i" t u. nil ii vt Imm4 ' :. ( .in k. he ankrfl i mi ' , a dinv Uiilo buck ruiatt, farniahtil nttfl the elMpaM artJ MMl bbl ipdkalTi a- - 'butt I, aiol dirt, rnali toil, auu than'

ht Mil UlUM and PMHlfl la laiura. i'U 41MMl III UMi bMMM Mtf

MfOtlVQ A fl IL AT Till i ... PAPr.r. J ;;,(!. ur iroui ti uav ollcitou I

ItjU't ot tin- eidvui(nt. 11 u teada ihatn all varyrait ajl Mfl Ltuai.y aaktvaia tlit'tn rriuiotiy.Ttii;e btMlM lot lutarv t t art- catvlullyrtii .m-- hi.arc eve pro utiu never ea, lor Je--ir

- own earafbl I iMQMtMl Mm bi m i

tie n I upt' ialy destroed. aa curioim cle'k-in l.I a hail MMl Ins Via difficult tint U'ttirable

f ill oi ut' na tba plei i 1 toctbti tu fl' U out lwtaaa iu umuiv i h- oi BtaitlMiirj t'.eu u d4m i otniIkl river I Iticlnuatt. tit awMtumM twbj tbeNreat eora. Wiuu ht LiJuiei Uil luiuiy, it iaiib-ac- t

oi lute that Ue Mcki a aiaoa d candy, nualetp jfj rotidoct'T WaJllM wMla he tumble- - In aIleal o ! iuu MMf fur ibe (rucll"U mrreney ti

Uli ftipa .l.i un a wbhii vltig t. in. . 1. tuuJfMi bar pa u bUck In bla dlrtv Ittu

i.rk ofti e. bud tita bfi Hi 1 t a arhenatai ht" IffaM dt NM4t ,,ut lf CMfbl cau l Ml Un U

ifbirMivroi lh tuck l v. :. bllbmaraInaMMWMbd ith hi rand'., lie tMaJM l tai iff, re i.f the CliivtntiM Ihiity L'kf,t,i' t abent-ve-

ciumv ..s rlvir, ;udtUKIlk UK Is ILATTfcKCP Akh rkTTKfi

flj fell henrt'a ni Tbt MMf M tbc Orat-- t orawajYt.iiic'iiBtU. It .niitinrj a at oat

J ' afarviailM no MJ1 a is m art n of ;'li oitn.u. J. hJ UiLn'i Uk'1t ottir In. It t.! 'P MttifJM (bey ubacuO' dm P jyiMII." but bwTMjl tb.u Lun lully atM RrVmflN i4Bm

Hi- - aaMl - MUMlM1 bi fl. Mii prr VinUfU, andl iat to hi '"ru'i.d" how nui'- be? feta ' "

tin t it. Ilia luvut Uuhby la to evnuuet tt raSef cLiNiti y lk'"'" i,H ...of c rk l.uVNJ petn,v wMMM tt Mtf lira tirftdere-tao- $l.Slfcl Ittf tfu-

:.eli; tut lie duii't cio -- ioVr that tbe publicMft r by the li frt lor MfUMj f itie --rtvlct. t heI n BMaMM t of Iba Pdat (ulc' la u 'breaobareu fMt ete. II,.' CMTfcl uro 1kj , impudent ami11 kbuMi TM "!eii and .oao the otlce wlMmcTct

It MM Ml tie people whiiiuk la theMl I't-- ,,r a, entire illiitrlbntlon of egrji

un ilufrMU llMcMMMrM paper. Theabnff MMalMfMJ h in mi iand. Cawf c unieiHid audi fMMtnMk mid eitUi M vv no a k h uer iu

mii M raitl WuiM wMtblC lor tliair ui dlaioroM Mi'iuiirra. Tt.t I' 'IftKf i pj. tioeut la

fl r H aiottll rd ije Mmd' In Poai Ufltota outiti.loL it eaej.pti'd y npitcut order, iu hibraa.

llgjt BLkMKl) OLD ttHtMP imoaier. It U tl to only MM ffflem tl r

tti-i- MtiMM tut time roc uil bo red bv porunttr.' ra, l wo an iuni c'i rka $ pr .ue

u "Ut u IM Mil six niuii 1. . or 10 ax 11:. 'IM r c' id advanced to 9J.00Q from UMuntonn0 0. It Ma lQittMovar a yaaMo ihai

' nt i t rdeml aid all. v . un udvauce ubtiaaa put IMa tab potil cck' aiL.naat tut

il tu curt. I t v :m t irnt hla i.lrerln2. I.. ; Uk i..i;.!it .ub .iiu liJ.eUL, ... a

IMlitat VMhikU'M lor n ecuitoiaicU -- dtMUjuira1. , out M bl t'OJf vain, but

u .. u ..- 'i he bii I were 100 air art lor tooltd ...t.. lliey MMMal tu1 to u rt.

pub-.ii- Um lati, Mjid Ibat Midi IM)Ul Mflft

Nil .Nyfcf M-T.- 1H1'T KNOW AXTTHtNO

Bkta bV lUtl thieatrned iMflMM IILi id .aiULer uhuj er ttuut MM I IMlriMa Andlei ..ul1 vij M M clrika. Tly WaMbj blrt imitbfl ftJtli'i Itori UMfellft Md devoutly pmyIbat .1 nn tMll e off 1U huoo or ijruua U uault

a MbM 1 iuiinti.KAun I., a a, ;.opiilutluu il-- Hair

n Ilea it M I nx laail caiivry, andMud tbl IhaMttMM fit I WftMi but J ear a

tari I'M the treo deaviry ; a " dam ntadla,''i;!.rl .vd the eUorti ol t ie citizen!

ii it curt Tt.o eitt Ii iff ll irruTw dwI, ill nMljLi. ua tnaj ok on MMloibM cU la that uufueocaol tbl hicLni. i i owl iuiiu a that the

ji o i.i n ml .h.Ih 111 n- l lo thethat tlay o.a : imt hive the diavcry IfMMj oaUljirdma 11 o iiv, tM MCt 1


II rn faj t..ia Mr. fli n.i mo bii t Jotiu H. NuuiI LMI W MMMUMtbo: MaoitU National MMd ul

i. uTidar 1W1 roMM IM oi Cunuw ,1.rlfrlM for an lutroaeof Mllltij CMllit 1I1M anlive KnttMw 'oor aula MM MHIothi addttlonai

M I' d Mr. tf'xon extrl lat vitkliiaa aod Idi a.n n jimi nit n4 .)nh eo intuit umt p. tiui ,md 11 bottitli thai it uibv let the 1'oat oiWi- g tortn v

'i N xon la a ptiaon with ot3in viaru!.! 1, voikW. lit- itirrct vi be protciittlly.1 in ii.i'raf, and lu tlrli ruoireMil of

' rWCJl dtaOtllflM With Jeaa upon MliOBjajiffatr, wliefcll the Preldtflt Is well landed, ua.ilu- 'In r 'Ail man brttl la talrly turned withiff erf ed VMltfj tin oabU rotroabllg e&eirla

inn Mirmia.ihtO awd(ed iT O. M.Lino, in n eialoiitd ; by Atnoa MhrlnKle.

A ILAlltOAl MaN,Vhu Ml II 'led tn ociJiniatUtiii'.' u vei ron-- -

artuna, not n,.- ontalleitt nam id vrhtetift - tioajtMllo! IbrMfi Mh IM llM.

'per'alon! on the Mrlaind ; by ao uld' sqnin ut ft.) name ot i'uqci ; and

by id) dd tred leather dealer oanied Uaatman.nil raw Im MlMM i urty and rub down

uiM that runi in- - ncki'ty uinchinabe vtnvton Tot IMflre. lln hate the

i ol (..tlnadon na corttltflly ;ut tbey Irate him;.h ti" jm arcniimlnted a ftrrtuitv of

11 'ne i., t. aloca u , ion in. n1,11 ibKfa not und would nol itivrtl a dollar"' "" Ubt ilwfct.'oir bAMaV I v ry plain, or.

J i, the oulv pflpeaty lie uttpn iu,

v "t4" In ihlatmtn JM la 0.1.1 ao oiueli of aaII 'ha Wbi'e Hoimk- ken t'ie qtir.tlot

, l;:"'- 1, orenie wu dfacbljrrd tptbim 4i,u tu blot leut. KfNTCCat.

The n..ii..i NioeU Kvi eniiire.Io MM) of in sun.--JJllt TlieKiecvtivo Ommlttoo of thr Naritnud

tr.W! hare leeo directed to uerotlate thS-- Llf!r Cr?1! fWoad itac5T amic'iI Tt. 'Wi. UNlMffli)iiaSatWoudii ...en MHunare ; TolfontCTi'W ii"t wuly catdl aaaeb. Out the itbova ieae.viiiiti naa nary ye'a to run, aad la oue ol tblaiuat deuraute ..m to vicinity of 1.

Oi K. WOOfaaCbairnaan aixariitho (Jutaaa.ttao.


Tlir (IM ( '.fh-mn-- i Snm" I And TM Till.linn. Pacrlrk Kiatr How Ins on n TntiI'nnil 'I i.- - .r.i. 11,0 v.. . nf tl..eMU Wnr-T- ke PlnnlnvCNIIMi

At linrkvillo, I I , Hrp. plrn-m- it oM prn'l."man nametl AlldQflOtti 11 nvran n mapiiiflr.-n- olf iniily niaultiou an I .. purtl. n. Uf drlv. H

Ihi iMtrvi .f ttn f r.l;irk t". - will tn n nl.H nftne vil.njr, anU NMM h.j. cm oa. aud rtt rNIMl, BtlltO ItMWli HN HluoklMi WUIWurk.. Thr.- tr. ul rm ih t.n Mi rttriti'n. h RON .'tfrday a pty nf ifpitk1-mfp- ,

Inrhil'n; i.n.rj ll.i.'t W. Nocum, f ro Mar-li- al K. i ly, TlMMIflf Oardn r. W ii t (Vmrni-.'-.r-.- FowIit , tk$ RfB. N.itfi.nCoin' iil. ! unoi ..t" V. i dT. tCmriavt-- IL r. n, ih.

linn. Wat. Walla-n- . and ' I. Adaliw. all lrWkIjtii, . .. 4tOMt4 In fr'i:l nf t!r An.trraon'a r.--

hi i rll m Ki ntn Hlcb.iriN"rf"B and HM RoH Mr Brn.'Wwiv. of ftl rtlyWee nantVfnfa lol I Mr An.!. rnn that thv btidrun,.. tt tnajralv to lart nt Ut Hmnklyn aicrVnri.a. alia: ..iinna thatnlUa ci I cantii man .jnl

Ot fa roi a.. ," and n 'laakr .tirrail Oi'?. r.tri. imiiv I. m 'i - .I'd .li.c-.'- , ri?M I..H-,-

braadt . (n raa ottlot tl n. .. a coloyoo tfowknun ..uli a atilM a'rnn and . ar;.r na hit t.r.ul. airi.k af fi 1'M.i'n'. . pf;rai bntt

a I'll Mtiiic ilon 10 '. t tltnt f WalnrNairn urn. hi .ruin, who rrai iualan tha II. i

TLoiuu. ' Aatotlt .i .ikrd au iu iiikU) ati4ii.haint,I'd ' I '' '. It'i'l '." tl.rllinol.lya

Wattr Wiirki win o itti-uiv- . Vaalirmoai ajanJi.Itt of tn rim.irk. rr..ilnif Mil did linm themaaf at .jnr ti. i'T.1. dr .w out inrtivaMr loil Pon, hncrr, n thr iHrni'ibjrlpaiallM not In- - thro, nnadaand rt !io t ot Walaf u lln. r... tl . hjOOat

i ic i hi ild Irani a tart of thr mi.t iik A; of rnrka nml a rnvl'nirnf w.- - ralrSWOd

tni: rnopnip kMRfOlt.Tlic party i'i thatj PlrMktjlad ttlAl turr. .;. nd

drive, uii I'll- llPMip.t. ad V llor. Tni ' mill po UKM wtthllllaa mil r'r r a,frr l ivtn IM thHot t...n a dial iao ot mil" an I a h'f. A aftiaral rtm olartk. ani on: n .'k'. urr aaik tha ixinda. 'Pha

poftda art formed t tiir tlaairatr .i brook, tin Vll.age it llan.o. ,.. la an (lo ul that one Mletrtl jump arrn.a it. It l pmp. ai d io acuoo Ou'IMa itatnrat baaln, dan- - It, and aa!l - up. nr l lorm aMoot -. n rati a. d a hair in Ivnrt. andIrnOt a quarter I half a mil. la width. u MatlrOt Mt. quirif, t'ol. Adaui., ttn. in. ji uir flupkit,lnnt-- tlm fotloattii: .t.iTnicnt :

"Wr ran now fnrnMl thf of Ttrnokhnnit'i IO,OIIO,onl (ijllnna nl wal. r a d.n. f.ft jrarUlCtltlK eoMMM from W.i.H.I i in r.i. VHjutlilrallnut a d.i i Of . .ur .. , a (. at dal of 'in. a tIf WMtml. 1'hh uaaui mayo aavtd bv tlio oan nfwater mrtrra. Iliit It la evident to evrrytiody thatwe imiat hav more walrr. TW hultdlmt of tin i

propcid m.irvnr will a I wmi m - ,l: n- - 4Io Uie aapply. If aait o ..ouid aawarmt la arnt n. tkn aupply or water u ill ranout, and tli prnrilo umat .uffer. It coal $s.(jn.Onu

n tnnpty Urookljn with l nn rm pr dlmi. a day.'I'M ran a. hnl!'. and i.i.u.i.h.i atdalunal ran be Wjulllml fur 1.4 M.triu.''

rna intrvaaaBoiee ea.Ill re Senator Norton drew kit elear from neiweenlie teatn, tad a'kad the boa re .ir:i r hcuier he

had ever teen the ork'toal aatiaiatefl ol ihe Nwork t oitnty Cirurl llonae. Tnl. A ltai. eoti'lnuM :

" Too tak If thm -- niall brook will till .urh areaernir. I uuawer that it will. You will dudwater til tnrouib tbl n af country ttt 4e .iof fin elyl i to thirteen feet. Voa aatek yaurfroton water fl'.m ttie rneka ol Wr'tcliester uoumy.t In n the rnln fal:a half of the vTapotatet

before il roll Irom the rock Into iha aiala. litretba waier-rhu- n uiil. nut. I Itr ml m rraveily amian l. Ti.e aal ial the wa .r atrin ike hk.oji I It

toaka, aod none el It rt k t ht vaonitiuu. lliuoil et a i r. of Hie WatTf . li.',

and the liikl w at ni aad eler thin tlial of theU..ICU..V.I roak T.naaal'r uerc .aUa throitrlithat eo.l, aad i v. i ready tor u v. What a natlo do i. i i '.it ii. a ... i vt I, uii now run. off Irmih raaar voir, We wtat to tare tt e vator that Mayin tae ratitr eeeeoa lor aaorataa woald hardly banrv It. Let the water wtnrli i

I... i ; u- -' .1 i... rt .. iu mm.. rah.. I anionsajco a. la.t Maleli. of the valor ttlal

then I. a. rui. ...r 'he daw ol Uiu MMrtajlr . t

k.n If we eonld flav MTOa th.ll WW,the ciiywuid nut tu day he in daiieer of a hortorolv of waaci . By th hmlduia of una lake.

.u-y- u able t uij wau, tad turuiau. w n i).'UII ffalloui m ire water a daftihe OLD Dl TCuaas'H loai or ItNp HATaB.

Her., th reMir'er tr.lced whether fUrt-- V af I.

ami d not vet., the nieM.nre." Well," rti Uod Uui. A taut.. " in tiayor la a raff

VorthJ man, kid BO d.ult m aim rulii,bul h ift rm .t lb UV n.eior.. and In h.ia a.i:no very uecn-N-

notion, for Inattne. Mtvnr iKalt.HetWri tat I'bi tba nater-tlie- ut Luax ltld i lb OaiiekihuiouulaUie. II uja.aU ih aaiei ran uiruuhehlnk and crevlcaa it tba rocal lalo lix' earth, andliieu tuna d .ati li.tu t"iuc lalaud here, ruauui : toder the Rfvi r 1'hal . the wty he aeeouui. lorl '0 Wuter We Bad here at lb of cujhL fjtat.Now. II e real wt'er-eh- I of f...n;T Ialaad I. The h:.. il one ot tba ialaad. Ial you cai.ln't cmvluce Kalbfit. aili tn it. lluaticka t. the Caiukji..-.'- '

r.uintxaaa ur m long im im tu...Tt.ote owuiaft Ike lai d Hlneh adi bo ted for t)e

ree.-r- ir Ua.u a givai ult tl ILu valuo ul theirarr. mou owning a awatnp worth prol..if yfily atkla. u..nt. lur hii. urupertv, a

ol.. r rur tl treulluaiau oanint i larger twaiupati.t-IMaOO-

Tkai wno't ret it. Coatatlrai Bri viAaeetruettla will bo ubloiuled, wlio will ar nutibe .qutre uting It dooe.

aitur Tilt Lilt.The partv hero re'urnr4 to the house, where a

niaruiu. ent dl ner awaited num. Cten IMoeoiud a uceai.iul diag" uowa a pfc.i. oi in nu .1 unaahre K icy twit with a piata f Frtiaiiolive Tl. Thundarboll filled hiiuaolf wlt.i aaflaiiU t.raba, lad I'oalir keul i.ny hum lb at'orand .ad.. J laar II WiUl 'laabo, aajlUUll ai.d it'jaiallpubehi t.

At t 1'. M. iho Uou. Patrick Kea !v tailed for tberoot pund. li terms a cow, he at td the otrt,

ami tgeht at. i. the pund like a water fowl. i l.'rimioiei beheld hia manu?:irrci uiltt uudiiialaad "J ttad tlu.t keidr would in n

tfreat .aguiaitloo to t? fltlitk t.uh. Meanwhllf-th-yemal old Kem'. tn.ui Adi rjn nxged up t a

pal, an.' l. new la a bill lur a Uroiit. .Viler uhlnta hair hour, aurroHtidett tiy earer i.dtrftre. he li i tin a at out the .itv of an l'bcent ttamp, lie theu threw the rod is i'.i(uak

ttir nil .VLian'.LT run r .qmr.At S P St. Um Thu' n of tho 1.1... Ward

heftim t i 'tie of rroqa.'t. He handled tl nnll. tvrllh lire zrare tnd .luipiirty uf a billable Bitldetoflilleau. After tea n. n.uu a' ( ra. tit, v. ii. iii h,i.lint a nail, he un eadvd la caroiuui on one of An.

dtYtMnVa vouiift etierry tree, oee ui,, the bark ffoittthe trunk tnd ritlmnc thu tree A few ruinate, lat. rLe diuie OM of 11. e nalla thruvtii FowlerN lit aruida iM ilau-- Veeder and flardner Ibeii I UMliud fi r

. ir bale, win a tu i uuuuoi .i.ilt rvalj;iid lbI0..1MI.

os ti.oero oal rut rnt.iN vta.Dariacihe iaytln. Bluenm. In reply to at inquiry,

aula II. tl hq thought a treat ! title would he fVtttti I

... i rn inr Pruaeiau aaia Pimch turcea wiiuiu itTory rrw day.

N.o'.-on,- .tld Gen. Kloruui, "it DitMiat hitBeta rofl rapidly, lie hat evidently lieen prepaiinj

A r thia wr lor yean. IH inteirtlofi eeem to botocoptpJalely the I'ruaaluua in oue grand fi,ht,and Ihun lo march daruct uw.ii UarHt, I ahoulu uolha it irarlaad to hear ul lu .airy rito Benin iriiklna inon.h or even within two wooke Xtoolooii,''

iiiiiiued t;en. MiKntn, " i lit ovn tleneral; halias made military bouta his aiudy fur eait ; andclaliua to lie a duo tacti.lun. 1 think there it auauuJtutica In bit Cltlul. 1 believe Im. will ho viotorluti.,il, "iiih 1 nope not. I tyiuruilnte with it:e Frcoalipeoalu hut not with NapoU-oh.- '

At Hie coKluaitin ol lull opiailm On, lnen'nwne welfjho.1. tie luined the aouie at ' pound',i "I. Adam theu atepjMid uuim tno plaunrnt, Ueaeithed 7T8 poiin'U. Ht'iittor Hbnon. llmnonaUtnd .11, lipped lue hearu at 186 POaude, WuierConi'ulleaHiliiu 1' in, i lullofired. lilt Mfalgllt waa ll,lit .aid he thought ho woaiJ wettfl moru II h h i Ia uaatnond uiu. iToaeurer Uarduer aioo I tt llitl.Snrronatc ran hit fUurea up to 171, wtnitKetdy, i vea alter Ilia big duiuer. ahtnaed Hie miaera lit cure uf 18T. Tbt line ul.i etltlemi'i Aadtreon, iiovrwor, reached H!VI poiiii i.. Aiier llieaettgaraa were unni.ui.otd uu uau could Le induced io.tep "V n .calf.,

Well, ra.uti.or," MH Mr FoerUrlo tlie Thnaik r.bolt, on piitinc, M wLtt do iii. thiuk ut our .vat, rvtorka I

'Tiu not ai, e to make up my uuad," re'dlod theawateOI ' 1 nan IfVVi to vitu Luctu .. al.i beiore 1 i4.preaa an opinion,''

i ii i u u I nil i it Tl ItUltV.

it. unoi. br fbe Muii.. , t he AaaoriraalawMob ol ibo Kv i priu 11 trill..

Tlie 1., nan ILnedava arrived iu .(", I.- nn tn- nth mat., on a vltlt to in Hpitan. IIraaaitfad no wllittry ttlul iu Ilia U.ddeu Uaru.Kntorlug Ida ttatu calijue, he rowed to the palace ofHoima.Bai!btol., where bit ouufuremoa ; vUk theItalian Mated only Iweniy w.uutea. Uu lhD rtaitadthe Oral I Vi,, r AlIP lib ,, al li i. a and receive Iua tbe fi.lluv.liit lay a return call Iran Hint fon- -'

iioiitn, melbar with n.i .i n. in. vitiu rrum' It draoonaiit of tan tlilturunl eiuiaaalea. A inn..tahiiuonirpaper. iho JounuU tit ulknof tue'.Americatntatitin" of the Bgyptltm arnty. and know way the Khe live ttlteta Am n nfflcrrato eouitaaiid Inn iruopa, lateuad ot luua lioai m. .

oarcliice! cuuJtlr.e.

The MntraVi' wt Peter Me4.ovatn.T"n tht Filter of Tht .run.

bla j Coacerulng lat munlrr nf Petor tat iheorainre ILHel, ,,n tt Krin Kailroin. u nta n. u.aid that Mr Atjhot, h" .... tu ,.x,jua lueuireal ur Ilia bit I can ufor tobntrau. nit fu,..a .:iie.iiineiaiiaiii iiMMnaeive.:roand on Hie i i""" "i '' ' noi'.lerel nia'i aft '1Due lo Mclaowaa u Mi. AbooL prourieuu tt ol

Total Huh ATu P liowlu lttu.a ni aaptiua i hai ted to llio uioi.

dered man ivllf.tiow Mr. Ihooi'a llberel m :

lo fiocta.r"a i.e. fly o

TWO lUen a ale! in: CU.plu nue UUbl. 14 V

Metmu in wbi fu laa'iaal wotbeld idTo elidaxlatar aud a at. aal .tor uaa A3 olTo Coroner ua

Toui iw uiIHUHNi a M'ttllW AW.

Illbfi u ".lb aue. t. a fbtb


TO HititQUtX KAIsl ISA It ft W, ll a I If.

V eerrrdoT Nuptiiil rVrne In A Mil Ml TurkTho l'r nlUritlen of in. linn f ourtahfp

Th5 Clfiod Trir pi ii a nml I he I roi, niFiithrr K in ni, lat bit Ulory I be I'reaen-Mfto- B

nff WMdlnu kr.(hlj of the very pleaaunte-t- ryrtirion of themrrent eoon wtm thut of NOMffl fl ..

dg,, Tin vfii Tndrpembnt Onb r of t tef'nra, which MM DMN MMM4ltfi At 10 o'clock.oby two houta after the MTMtaMil time of lini-

ng, the MM Jo. Jot.ntoa, Itli the b:.rta.Niebulu md Waller luad. lui It. I with M0

tnrrry o roaifauv ol mro, noin n ind rb.llren;i" no VMM ik to l:,(:y!i and vort UrUH, III nn d

own to Aldirnry Tnik The tt tp waa AA html.A fine hard of Mft r thr rtbH ' Ion of IVd.

fae TOViroMnii to ffie hreia an toea ofi Tea of Ml tt r, and for the t o h n: i MMMl

in llie jriirn y there MM a Attprnf of "fill iter,'rieur.' n IM J- MMnVl low ua MVI nn-t- li

TattllCltflkK d wini IJtVf,Atrotif the raet of tl e IV ir? lMf vtre a nntti

lerof In'Mnna helowjlnp fo difi'-e- nt ItfbM f

ther Ivo were liMjMH fiom IM XorTliwrdTl r dil. ur Were about eivully tfWt4d bwiWMI 1

trih; nf jlar.h.iltju Mi tlicto utntuf tve abot :b.kuowu to .Sow Yvrkert aa the Mioo Ki lritM Uniti" lo ihv. native AinerU-o- of the l lotide type, MMlo tin MtfMJ aa MtlMM hy MM tf yMMw Mftrtitnrkv tin er rrlnp. and MMk lioro bnir.Tl ere en ru Indian nonim, ha' ''rretl. coma ofwl:oni re fatnlTi ir to ot:r ieo,de In titr ffU of

vender of D .id BOMMaaMtj ar i

kMklblWI of o like inun-ii.i- i Md ! toroMtiflCbttfactcfi Tliey were o' IM ftar itogo of itMMMM. and wre mnrh :i 'mirr

Wl.i uthe JohOtton BOOrtd to IM Wharf nf Iber I iodine it wne MM mu tt, an I the MO a riyl

vra cnr. biui. Ai tin tieopia diei.iiarked, tk ylot no time in Impitivi-'in- t nn ii r .'T ir MMJMMMind with i ptaitoui oi b ni I'oMplin la Um tor,followed bv .i levy of br'nht e.,ed laei nltlibaaketa. and nndrv matrona with MMm M t bjtM

, tmd aq i idi or yooai mi n and old toon nitn. n ol nn bll- .ore, and MM t n Uf glna aud moreincumbered inntroiia, the cui teio c. sed with of Tudbma In elulo Hie. with itout HiKn;inp:il their head. And here let It he recordedthat Mr Kiittpp, although MMnttttf on Iota than ;.woe Um ttoai pttviuieu iMfeM io :h party, tiewu elahoratelv waiio up and. ailed bv bi atrnns

to fled I :. th" NMI cl aaoUyllMMlf nion troiTrr M ! Hachfru of aoon

'nn tf trltre, or aa a me ileine. man I Rreat anija-dtt-

or. at the h t. a nrnti wnrrlor who ha l

poeaod inroub a tboontod battlea.AH fKMAN WIDOIVI.

Oo rracblng the Purk tb ptoaatire leeker atoace e i Ive BEeelve- at tba tank tXny had co willtnruadenaken. aWtna rabai for the awin7, ial

'ii.e fur tkn danoinir-piatton- ; ootno 'urht Ibewntl, n ' aoarre the atnd : while nther-iitiair- d

themelTe in apren Hnx the enn'enta ofV keta upon the many rougn table wih

wbicb tha luik ia nopplied, aad prepurod to mtVatr banrer. I overs paired off into the thickwed, wiiTf the crickets tang cheery nelroine,and CAreful MOthlfi, after lv lnr anabvniwice tn hitkTed pinC to tin ir irctuil o!rrine laid the aleapyone away to )uinber, an-'- , pu'. the w onthe bafabwiy to rtiuipa an t ruytei mp with inimbeileM MlllOOt aa lo dan.-er-( nud Hutninc ai to oxcoisivw rndeoeaa.

At .1 'iVIoc. when everybody hail e ttwidruukeu in w Ulltril, 3 tent was erttcted u therotitri ni the Parka and arounl It a cornn Mldnwn to kiep the cri d from brimperlnt tie' '

in the ilrnr :i a iul to Ik- naeled In the 7ee en-

closed ibe red men held I i, at nhbsii It Mlurupoeod thai, ivIwre iH OiMruulnk.ult, or tiw.9v.l11.mow, known civilisation aa i llrov. n. M4 "1,:

nided 111 tie ire to ry Bvlgoi. Kltlltai r nK way.t ie Plnwir K:se.i nlth Dow," the OtTOmokji

nmild rreed, eince Ibe maiden .' wf'm ,Uie i nlef w .a ia la..r tl male i. ind tb rrtna there to ( itfiimin tie The do-k- y

Ml 01 tl.t t. t tl Mill 'I tM ihe bare mukdand m.'ki .1 in alletiC" l'.r tien MMt0 Al ..i- -t

Wefhjto, the imerpret'T. MM jnd .voaea few taftrdof C"ttn-e- l. Tkcn I'ovbow liable it a aoaicetiou alataiironlv-but- t in. i !k ii iii ivei i lol owed, and Ot.eiuii-- l

itfal i wus called lorvb. i u hiJi the cjtaf nddreaadm,- - 11 In s.ibei wit-e- ; and the! fortl OMM avlrlOJM,'f'd tv her Mil i"J f (tMif I' the rMMTka Ol

'ne chief sIm- unvle i.o reply, hot t.n iun; oton hernt. n ie .it- to the taut, to natcli she hid berciiiiutu ca.

M inoqt'ois cornmntr.Father Knnrp niw iplai .l to the aneemMad

wnaabea, itut holer lns tyublle currtimo t.iereVOUid be 0 puUlr oonrta un . i.o&lr md tui ru tuprciti'd oy to .j iiucMeit IroajooM. nees tyro. Tkoli i.b .i i. mii uiu rid o yell aad tu i.ctl to the tent,train ttbloi be bora the tuwuy atden ol bisuhotce,adaoM he noted by lis ida on icriuiOM abal.

I e tin 1 j toy drum io her Mnd ai d ittoff t:toio nt'i a 'ifol In sit itiuo mat tin,v ubon it to one

uf the most nionrb 'iioua iove aoois it has eveiben thr lot of any 'ul iu linlito lober to llien te

.it a,- foi it rt (k in- fro ii ner bane-- , a'le h Uaruio and ..miii fle.l io hot MM Aa.ain aoa wanbrought fortn, and iiuiii ; Ut igei inpti.y aIlk t ieifi' youth. I bt UtM IM por MM pbiceii

hack to back MM a bUukel. An uad tin in werei .ut- I the Ir .,u In UiiM, tho nativo AMIfMM'... .i .. i, a:. 1 Ul Hhou Klie the dartiu lidui.a- in 'i nuvUid Ii.h i; . with bpelbow, .and aim Mill a ttiultr auik uidteciioD. Urovo iml;..l with both el bo h a, aodhi love WM irqultt I The circle of itnce--broke Into Mil and dance muitaneomiy iu tokenot tbuir joy ut tlm huppi ruiuilu it ton ui their nopes.ThM the ttkl f. ' 'Lui thu MM into IM centre olUie en io-- lt oooj tvoaon with tto-u- i a litile.iiodpAialM uie Um..iaUak up and dtv.n their oulstretciifd and tui joined urn:, . !. ire I UieM tMjttd nile forever till the (Ire-i- t Hplrll iMtfld Hain n tl Ml to tl a b.ippy buutlu i;iuuda In anothernurld.

a mivUfitbtli INPIAM.

Drown, of QMfMjnW-- I u MM hwiit Arro v.worethe GMlttMO of bl in nui a bli kdMtf inoi.

tu addition. Ue i tut.ier red be. end fui aobut ;juu"1 sironk a word of KiiiiIihIi. lie

and hi In ido, aa vali as the other Irotpjma abovomentioned, are MIMlMfl ol a troup w hn ii performtjlaat wintair la ull tno larun oft Ma. Tmltow, whov ir-- aa chief ytnti-rduy- , H a princu. ii kinir, oldfMavHUl tojtuuit soutrrauui'.) in PltUburiib fura ilveliuoi1.

At t.i cloio Of Uie ceremony tin Indian aiexhlbiib fi nr iattt nrclera. Not ono oftLtrm could Uli a raboii ..J Oyo ROOM. In tho wardunce tbry met Wit a aomi ia .. un of auccoe, aalin y did idao in Uiu utterance o IM wax wliuyp.

On iln roturn of tlm a.ourlon holy U m0 cityInraj Ur:i nod be itttlfnliy tlnlitvl wed-iinf- ctWtplWMOtM bv tbe M .rib.ittun Tribe, 7 t r aliced U"?

and dilribuLcd aoiong thu ladb , .r.w of r.ltuio iprett, louu hiilrc 'uio iiijiy, tttchiTc l that brft.rjUOf .ci- bud Luu iu hiai'U Un i.duutci alto lellialrtiuid droatiietl Mutt ibo dwelt In marble hall-- ,

vilb Lrnofia of i;a:iaii!a on their knoea linlnre her.Altogether, to any notbitiK of tlie attract'To novel

ly pri'vnled (ol tttil QMUlOpi IM ii en i;r- -i ofthe IV.ii i Itodifp wrw a declJed aucceds, Mr. I'e. r,t ie OMiuUlaT d .ue LodL'e. H a pfl IMIBH ot thoVi nth Precinct, .md Is well ki.ovtu In ci.uncctiunwith tbe t MMlMMN nt of aoclelua tor the prt ton-'io- n

of n e and the prrmotlon uT u r ty, TimLodrwbicai bo:: m Ida i. aim has bOM fn nied butf.jur moiitti, ami already number UO mtinLi. ra.


tiouM I Win, Toiu You f.noo-Tk- e n.- - .....of Mnrtln t. no ... , ,i it ii .1.

At tlie Kev. U. & Locbwood bu n lli,quiHhoJ thn iroapcl for real esuio

l ecttl iti'n. Uu ItfM M BvOoUyii MM baa for hddiutlaan, in coBjuiictloa with oiMrft, beeu aecurlntfbyMM of aubiubiiu laud, wit i a vlaw of ciiiti.i: themInto Into, Hi hna nernped ofT the din In dllfurei.tdireciHiia In rntt.illon of htreeta, and aoltl tho lotby MMIMi He recently tried an experiment of theorl at Willow Tree tttatiou, beiwovtn Jauiuica aud

BOOfitS on fie LtMl Inlaml Railroad.A luneb wan tuovtded, aud o crowd of lonnners

hut t.i nronnd like fllu. Kverybudy wne (bero toent, bu- - few to purelnine. AlHntia htindrod lotswere nuld ut ttom 7 to JI'M the innjfTilr be!n ata Ins. Tnere were only atx linyera, nuu all hailICouU buigaiB. Leckivood looked very lek, undaoou stopped tie On upplieatinn tl.e ot vttlay utM aoetlOMMf n I'fllce in thia eitv.lba poi ohaura weretold that tbe lota could not bo dedrmnd. b loawould bu too heavy. It wua hoada I wlu, talb youloet ; and Uao t -- r m beed utl'.

A I. una Until, h Fnot llnoo.An exciting foot race took place at Long

Hrnni I on Salurdav mornlnx hrtwecu .1. W.

and bla friend Louie und lb. u- - X. Amtrew.They had efconctsd ibetoielvci lu the puluce v r h!tbe rear of tbe iruia, und be noma mlaiaaw U.eIpaia started, and lotl the oar tHjfliiid, when au

auiii en a eel. Hntwn X. 'mH mty eenve ho'iu iMtch the trati f!: 1, whlcH i' loot, as Mr.

A i dot o.d iVi od .".. t it llrat, liter a i nn ida pj tit r of a ral'e. IIulus X. belun too lie.tvyhid to Ur ovr aud take the mixt train.

tfm Wanlfk'a !rlnrrina,e.htitm Ma SUtrmu fl'MtattMab

Mi Ueorfto Sinitb fa nn houcU (ierniuu. li.inaal TotoH i. Ha is Mil Ibuovu ana very houeet iwid

Kood ttur- ul per"' ii, a .d iltl family hao bnoii hooi-- stlvyot .molt.'. ' btttflit up. Ho had a you 1.4

mil, llury b) naii.. ho wu .1..1 won by oneiii- tr. 11, and M i 7 evaa mariie i In ;oo I'.nb iiut

..iter tbe manirifte Miry moved uro the family ofner liiwiliaml, wtiicli csuislhaVntl of buaelf. bta anoUu rnil hi .tialrrr. A4Mr marryiutf the MM ;irl,

In lesn thun three tnonlh, treatod ner veryoodlv.aiid hla uiuthor uod atiter are roportctf luLava troalod hor very badly .Jo. Lj.' 04yrninx aife, vwni nrao a very medai, takdKl imlttt iotia, and inoflVmaltre srl, Irae been aoutrd mm-- t

abwnMuUv ; her earthing wa inkau uroni ner, anher lite nan threalmied by Ml hande 111 tlm dt vU'tbousehol 1 vlierwii ahe was a rnemuer. She hittold hot story to the Roroidtr, and III v IM aar to itUiM Utst natter la ully rid die-1- When the policiwent with the y.tnti v,ll lor her ctoihuu, Ibe ..idT.hoiBoo Mfonihii ihrbade tbe iitlier an wife fromcouiim, in, ami ad el mi It MTM ll a

ttalii st.iryt ol marrviiiu tbe deni'a a. .., nad inoMMg idmm tu old ltd. .


A ftritflntr Pnmr In Vrewicnf TSr Tletnevoi tke I ulonn over the lluvmnlu'ra

Tlie Mttll lu tween (bl I'tiiotis bm! Hi wnalt t

turiied opt to be one of the no t hrUhnnt pimte nthe MMMi At play win I ailed .nd Ike Wnlonsvtenitotln I nt. DtfhlM beitif tl ir MHMhtlWtl.

ITe ti fine Mm drive to Pick, l,i(h MM tMoflon flu fly. Ci rmsn then enl a m r m. V.

KbltW Aa til to(id and to rilir a. IlrtMM itl-r- li e ittllMf cuiild 11Mb it. I'abor it xt

drove nr. to Brll in, hlch he picl.ed np nicely andm ut to r, but not in IMa Blielley MM ftMtore t flrlliin, tiiklt 1 Ik) ifM Md IMdlM Palbfltto rt d I Re. I Inl-n- ll followed ttflfe MjfMMl it to leit, n fnrb wit flehled, reacbiitK bia serond,tiflkgjng 1 iibc r In 11. e and helving MMtttJ toihlrd;' f"t another run rt ub ,e nnu.e, however, .

MM aenta Lot OM tn llrk, wnt nut at tbt-t- .

Ihe op nitiK of the first inuinK ol tbe liaytnrki rdid not look MipktoM for the me 1, 11

obt Ined his hate cm cnl'ed ImiN, and York, follow-In-

vrlih n flue drive to rlRl.t fle'd, brmr-li- t Hickborne and MMMl hi third loo hlmef, WHhtttin B fcitt su m one to Kenney, which he ntonpi d

wc'l an I fit bled lo lb amian in litneto fut tlm atrikeruut, tut V rk pi-- home. Plonrr waa U en l ikenon a very Ml fit catch by QfMlf id lei field, it lib hWas lor-'l- nnd 4wMI edly applaud. d. Kin then-- truek M ITIthum, nho was not tjnlck enonitli, andliepeielcd hh MM. Pelhin folks wr nitli onn loKenorr.whn oV'th d it nlcelv lo lb nnnan, aud ti nII u iki a Wan all nut lor two rMli

In il a M mid itJitttiat thu bating d Ihn Vuian innWM iPrt r: ul and well jti lttd. and tlm fielding nutae p tit 01 1'ieir 1 ppem-uts- Willi tho eteeptlnii ol"tie ,Mht Bui by FwWefaV WM ail tail it could be.The .Vern:inlin". Iinwiver, minas'd to pnt on flnru s. 1'nraii, Alilter, and MtMiillen were 1MBretired lo t lliree order ou flv eatche byUedpey, and Prani in. The third inn In;proved a rt UU MO 'or the t'nlon. the lleldtug ouI'.e II 1) ii rkiim "ide beinic o mm h for them

In the third Iniiln;; uf tho Trojan, Ut dney mi'ledten nmsrkddy Wf$ -- tmplv, M he kltnMl.aiipti.nd, thtuuKh over cmtldepce; but he aMrWMsl tb' (Ild MMt hrilnantly Ilia errora, htiwevrr.enahled the Ha makers to mre two rn:ia, theni- ix lnK nuw 0 to 1 111 lavor uf the Union.

The Tnion vtere not more tl in thefonrlii thuu they nere In ile prrvtott tnniof, iVir, inpllo of a nind .4 tln-- nere again "ttn

rajtord.M Tide MM llttll ealra encnuratrement to'b llaimakera, nho hattod Ipllbdlttly, and tlieyteuk the l.'H Irom the Ul lout, the game nt the etiilOf this (nninj bfln,r I to fl in favor o' Un- Troy mae.

Konnev led uff lor the ITfllnM in the i'u inminr ,

and wken two atnkist had been anJIod on him, A

lllllPi who Md bow rate. dng apleudiUlv, WM'In. ted to r'.and (orthor bitrk ; he obeyed, hut Uienext boll proved tM ceriiiawe of hta own judtrment as to position , aa Rennrv "truck at and mudIt, but Alllaterwas too far buck to ptrk It np, andl Ida coal the Haimakera oan ran, benaiian QyMaViwho iolloard him at the bat, made a plendlj drileover centre field hrsd and was crrlltel with theonly bonir ran made UTuugluot Hie game, la Mdilitin to thrae two run, the I'nions by Rleady bitting and n lllghl mufl of Kbiwer't, added tnn omore to their tutaj MMtW hej were cut rid of. TheUnymakera were Ibea " L'biiaiftied," mid the jtaoieaiocei 11 to a In Invnr of the luioo. Tho excel Ion Imanrt r in widen both teun were plmylnga well inthe ld a at the bat, Mgfk to rouse the kMlIogl fine stieeintnro t'i an nnirsQal exrent, Md tha rMlindWol IMaMM Was naicbed nub tlie n.aliaortdny iuterest.

The MBM Inning w a qu'rk one on bo'h idn,the 1. 1. milieu roUrlng in 011 e order, aidtbe Prt two playeri eouig witkMt a run oti theHaymaker side; bnt the third one, oning to luerror on tl e part ..f Am( in, made n run. Tlm gomeat this stood 11 to ll in favor of the Cntofl t inOMiMf Hi this inning mute one of tlie tint! ffve it. hi t ever seen rn a base ball field, ami r. ei hfdUMMkM BMbMM fpi It, the Ha Mllf WttlMlcl rering bin aa cordmllj and aa y as ti e lodulcrowd.

Tl e rventh nnd rlctith Ir.nlnca proved "Chlos-rti-" for bulb tuloe, tieuue. again tlsliafrnil.ia;

iitmaelf by nukl'tg n splendid flr cnteh In e.ieb in-- t

hii.. Ti e ilubbm tUbt the I'aiona nere tr.e drtcnnlnntl .n the: ahowcl to keep Un- tworu l Ihoi were ahead, lu tbe Trey lulk Hinttl.ey had Wurtli) rivuls bi conleml ag.ilit U.ef L. l' ore ij IM eeiiie being only tu rtjn, and llt'nlout having MM nWDMN of in jan.l"omi v Intbi Lot tnrse lai .ing. ke;ii op toe prlta nr lieTrojan, aa they thmul i the, nihild uce-- d .n

log ihe 1 bltagai aawMnl ap"n am onreMl In th I they did Ml IMoMda aa UioyMIIa tun. a'ter having trade a a.leatlel Mrt baag buht'.weeu left am! centrf flebla. Tin bretigi.t theI MM tutal tp tn M, ami Ml the n nouerora nt

Atlantic nine on y three runs to get totie, and tone to win. Pkll the DntM Inda dotof.mined to prevent If iH ib.o, a tho klM eager expriwtton 00 the laees of the fl..M ra iii.i-ale-, Bhe lerwa mainlv :a-- ti umeutal in eCent-Ii-

tni. aVeirakU MMlt a M dm ir en rile, otlcb by jumping a roLanlenibb ln inmi tlie

rrwajiid to otHnln It. md another, the wlnnlnj one,nlirh rtiiuiret eonaiderabb: r.etve to buid. Kief.

' howevt-r-. r t heme, end tl e pflUic e dcd In favor ultl e I i'lo.. by twu run. Tlie loilowlun is

TUB MMMrfcioN. 1 f. t o. uu iuBri. l n. r. o. a.

II V t J i s T'ie. M u 4 i J 5aVarinan, o. .. 0 0 4 I t'Ofk, 0. I A I U

Paber.i' a flfbher, ltii 1 12 0ohelb-v.r- ' 4 I UPfower. a. - 8 0 3Bt lai . r I a 4 l.i. in. 4 4 10tloids' ri t, at b 1 t i i 'im,', 1. (i 000Autt n.e.r I I A r. f. I 1 if 0Xenui v. l A 4 :t'Aitiier e 1 is .'' tt 4 a A IjMt Mullen,. 1 I U

Total Id w M i Total Id la Tt 10

IgTtMfll lat. Id. -- alh. Ath lih. Tth b. mi 1300AQ0Q! -- tiiiyniakora..., 20.41100Vin.oi a, Juhu W ilduy, Xfuiual Club. Time of game, ihour and A ui.uuiaa.

Ttt IQMXDY MM cf.2 sff.vtJ.Unbl ng n Ilunb Teller nf his tlonev b. I

' b I nd Pa mult - Tke M rdrr of oC'ouebuauua

PuLuiigrkric. .lulj 127 A de;ierule aitemptto rob Mr Urowulne, Teller of tbe First NalionnlBank of Fi iklll viibge, waa madn in Cold Spring,today, at noon. Mr. Browuing waa in

IfMl of I lloro, near the denot, walling fof an o

train. Tie hatLtn bia hand a cjrpti bag OMtOloIngacveral thousand dollar coller'ed fur dopoill m isbunk. Su.l b uly a inun wniked ni lo bim, andtbronlic u hamllul ol rej pepper In hts MM. MaMthe satchel, and m.ide ;! The t.u. r ngfj MtO Mr.Moii-ttii- groiu.iis, near if e depot, whirl KiijTones, a coaclitnau, aclzed blm and throw him totbe ground, and recaptured Ihu la'chel. Tlie thief(beo drew a revolver, II red three abut at the coolimka? o: e of (uok it in the litter!

njcrlsPy wouoJing him. (Uigina nowcrtte: the tlinf nnd l him over tu BI.erltT,

wbo took him to CtfDJ jail. TlM tMlfglrM binnaine a doM Hrultti, MdlMlfl lu1 rwldes id HS Graed

t, corner of tlree m tyMli Na r fork, Mr.UiowningV ejee were bnaly injure by the peppi r.

Tke Meveiit h W ard Pnlllli lana In the TaitPiltlver Pnrk-Ku- n for I be RgsMnldern M.T. 1ft. nrwnus bia Adtiilrern.

Tbu M T. Hrvniiau llenevtiteut .iMMMllM hadIK annual picnic Tueduy lu tbe Kid River Park,it the foot of Eighty fnartli ItTMl. JUtMtfSo'clock' the inooiln-r- s ai d put btua arriving.One mom hod been expreaaly fitted for t ie recepliunuf fomtni-iuue- r Ilreuuan. Ill pui ( huuu, largeM life, rntwlned with leave aod liruuchet1, whtltmane rurpb tou boxes, beui h .g eabjii-tn- : mark, ntIn one coiner, with a tub of let .it hand.

Among the first to arrive WM tbo Hon. f'harleaA. Uruirr. Deputy Collector, and clor..dy eonnevtalvv Hh the Hon. M. JT H. Mr. Brown was reeetvadw itb aublauae. Mr. .l..., i.,i ., (olb'WuJ cloiealter.

Capt. MrOonsld, of the Twenty-flra- t Ward, MITtttlftfftf filing Jen. T. King, t'ie Preildem of Mffj

Tvvelltb Ward M. T. Hrenii'in Club, and Uie High,crckuloiam of thr Heomciaty ia lit nelllnick,appeared in m light linen euit. He wan excused odthe ground of lmptcu:iiodty, but when he at lt oftiitook 00T a HindooNtanee but worth flOO, he waafined t e wine, lie wai accompanied bv Handy Uipj(Juon W. (.aesbU), of duatice McVuadv'e Coiut.

Mr. H. S. PrttAMl. of tb Hnurlira offln., woo '.ntheme uf inteiife uilmirution. He wore a suit faocnl'i cloth est Wl Ito flamiel throng uuii --and it.tiacted atienltou. Win, H. Hymen mh- - in hi MMpany, aa waa :tlo Mr. Corny, or the Seventh Ward,who wove u big white bat. manufacturad by himaeifevproMdv for tliia ticeaalon.

Mr. Kd. L. CartV, the en r. h.n' net o. .1.

and greatest frb-u- tif M. T. H nppesre l in a Hornbay bat. a) In Hunk Smith.

Mr. Win II. Shiidda, we are grieved to riMld,needed abavlug; utherWiu hu waa up lu uluifantMi,

Mr. M 0Iftry, uf Ditawa root beer fame, waKottiai up reeatrtileas o4 BMenae. lie wore a wbiteping, anu unmnnlliKiublas 1! tin 141010 unjl if hue.

Then there waa iapti rboUMI Hwin , wltMtlpolice umuieoment' were 0 miplcte; leroiica utti,Mih a .native gold hum, and very good looking,

ind dohu J. ftftalonoy, Uie poor pollotuj tn uf 11 u lqu rteaa.

Al llHU Ctiinmiiouer Broknon mane htl appear-nnoe- ,

wnbuuiind by a aalut Proin toe connOU. Howan reeelvurt lu a nest MeOCli by Mr IHoliai prdwph., which waa U beouiniugly. J',,,.Ct.minisatoi.ur wlM0ao4)t1 tho boni root, ind fuitoinnd tutown DAticing MUtlUMtl uunl ala'e liour.

Hi. obi . Temper. in o l.i inn .

Od Tucaduy u ahabbU) dMMld woman ruifbtund In tho adeet "in. iin- . She wah c..ridelyti.iowuinto an uid imb Mil roughly driven totbe bnapitnl. but aba died 011 tliw way, lu herpocket were fuuiul Hume papers, wtnek prorHd lerto Mvi Imoii H wife of the Jtinea ArlingtonBtenntttt'of lltiei-iit- a gtiulnt and oil Vi ei Im undwealthy muo iu l.ia H uiunaiuu h LmouMibo t'lib'db- KiMlMiT. Hrink and alaUaUuz4druxted Mitt RaiinMt'tll MVertl nuti. uid il a'a'a


hash i s BMnm am rm hi it y thesrs ft l fniu 1 its,-

Thr Poller r.iklendnn - AntlraTho Mniw In rstaih A "ine 11 nd Wt.Hl n Inllki lv 10 0m tbo .., ,, a Trinl before CwmMlooloayer Pirnnnu.

Oflfo r Jobl O'Neill, bo loisoi k Ihr enrerr ofnn I IIMoplan romrrtlnn and reHtiquisIn d ihe mmeOfCllfbfd for 0 pain Inwiri tlnl. an I ( l.SOO a year,was IhllfOd yrVrdny, b IN unil-tiii- n Mr';:oi.t,nith eolli rlltg a nt;tt her id Ifot la'or nrouml ab in MbM verue, to WMMBJ mtLtim

tl.rourh Mb I.o vin-- pulling a favoritedog. The perrVnrs were dellrhied, andtheir pr tillcal Ofl HlMlatlklbly, Tue old Hurst iorlama MiMd U.e v IM miuib, and hit MMMl Mdeeply flh orbed In Ihl cnitnllon of Hie HOmfll isIti iv 'ne exihtt r of l(oiind-u- n and I'o! lot)Bnrd. The rnnseuenee wis IM1 ound Mmcli l.rf re .in' ie. llrvniisii, an.l mII iub.iblj n "ign

a a poii';eonu.

A Pkygff Ifltg! Ile-irtl- t -- tnes A Poor Wo-in- ,,

nnd brr Irrnd Child.On Monday, a woniim n im d S Im idrr,

who rMjtlM nt M Kors-- , tb street. MM on Dr. A.Habel.ofpi Third itrret, atkuig bim to preterHrofor her slek infant. He did so rn cor.-i- ration o."one dollar, tlMok waa on half uf all tho MMMl

" d In iho world. lhe cbild dtotl M the nr t

day. Tho no afti rnoon MMM a.'iin calledon Dr. II.1I1I kMj aked bim for n rertlO'lieof death, but the BtylMM rcfnod towrlto It until ho rrrtlved two iMMft. Tblpoor inotlu r told lum H at bM ht:! nnd been nnIn valid e,en men'!,-- , and tenm rod Mm ne cnl nr,whleb was rill MM bid In tbe world. Bnt i'l to noeffect. ' (iiva me Wo dollars," said tb- - kMft,M or I 111 not give yoti the MflllMll " T ie moIInt rrlurned to her riviilenre, ,nd her friend

IM to cunult Clpl Mount of trieII Wart. TtlO aptu.11 put bil Mid inke. md ter !erd tho MMM moMf

lit pay for the rorHAciM aid he ll It!14Uie burial of tbo clnl-l- Hut the m thf y t, I IMprolTcred :ild, Merely blM 10 puni-- n the itMUir. This he wan iinabb- to do, as t; er- in no liw

ur tog mot cerrttV.u. of dewlli,I I e midher next viwifd lite t oroners olti.'e Inquest n.i hlM, and tin child na- dt ;il! buriud,alter it Md I deceieti nenrly tS houri.

KKirnet from tkn Dwedse f the CMMMM CtftMvnsaer nt l.ung llrnneli.

The hamltoifieat man nt lytrn BriDofa i Qm.Charlrt F. Itoew ; thu 111'.' t inti n Ing. John Ilooy ;the tirhent. dame llek, Jr ; ihe pMl lohn lltron ; the fattest, .To'm Dl BaM ibe le.nel, J.c,King ; the lull-- I, W. H. ; the IMlUMt, UnHummel: He , IfgMirj Ihe IIMtMt,Jnln.nv Krederlcka tha mint fi nlhlwl, i ti. H u( tt'ie youngest, KranK 1'av MAfh ; UM rjlen:, JohnCoaiithvrlkn ; ire ntDH.-e- UtewoM ; lb'

t, Windv wan ; U0 ftMlent, Jodfe JoveMKocb IMkobbtMi Laator Wabnt.k ; iko lot melt,

Kutnpton ; Mas mI. Hi- ; the i .lb.-t- l,Thoiiii-.l- Sniu ; the w nti si. Adi 1.1 ; ihtiain lit, w. WtUkeTi the inoklai, Um. firMft: ikiwalkUt. .fudge Cunnol.) wala iro.u lM llu i!.lu L MJ bMOl

Trnttlno nn I m on Conre.Tlic on thia course MftM a Xt

hrtneen V. H. fflllltT1! Mj MWI Ad lb Wc' 1

J.ick-o-- r M grillMg aud P. Man-- . baygelding Harry. J he dav .: a MMt4MMp41 iftOi

ailcr the gre.d beat, there na- - ,1 g 0J uttend inorThe traek WM In fne ' -- der. Tin- BflblT M II a MlMM MXM 01 faM mite MMt, tklWO lu live ni hainr. In li e Ih ttmg Addle Webb .. MV9tiMb re the staii eeen, M tMOTttl al,3 Up to 7 lo 1. woti the 8rat leit. In the eoodheat ll.irr earee otrt flr-f- . but IM M M3, nnd im.hlkg OVer tk) MOM In l iu' u head, tbo Ural wisttven to Addle Web'. I be rttra h not. byMw!tt,aitt tbe louit'i by Addtl Is'lbk 1 innt:47. NN, Mali, n! 'Ml

Adieu m CMllMH Phil.Oeti. Hiil. heri lnti -- silcd yenerilnv in Iho

Scotia for liurt pe, MaVMl be nu. gone to natub lHn

conlending armies of t'ie Old World. Ihat bo mayadd to thoie torrs of nl!lt irj knonh Ice bieb heMd o Prilinintlv 111 the war ot ifcc n I iMOk. It

to In w tl e juuiif wai r, t ni.nHebat'le af..f ofT, wa BaMf to do tn- - goxl tenIbiug tu taking imrt in the Iri M view K.o tMumoat mayiiiflteut tvnnloo w hiok ierha). Um umiiien ptoduest, nngavaeu In taw ia. I BMsMaM MMatHM.I'lieia cin he 110 iloubt lb it the per -e will tie inS,, ail. 'HI I.S CUtiJlS' 111 moral 1. f n x T ui'n tit., of bi lt:e. I'ln 0 te-r- Ora arcompauicd do ..ntbe bay by a puily uf admiring it Maw

Ba.II Ihe lln (Ioth if n or.A diHD;u :abfd eiipneer yeMctday lob ini'ti

The Si n ibut the BMtfoMI t i .i.v ay ot. QrOMV lobti.i l vva anj tie CQHkAnM Ibriver. A repoi t. r

a pol. c ubotdtuat Ik Cuanf-an-' - MV e.

". I My lint fir." aaiJ Uo MUM Mlhrrttlkllt.'it' O. K., nub IM excepo. n IMl it Is out of i

MlrjMl not." At Ihi junciuie the dull, fat Mp4fiutud nt ti t- - red, uf nh. m ti.e lUlMM iepirter inqn.ied, " Are Ue car MMMal nan in: u r good t"ri:ere nnt supped running for c;il," tas nil ibelaMHalMdOII would rply. No one in thentlbew i ld ay io! tiu ruoorl wa not tru jlbaj tin i Mwaa coon lu bo mu.u br uiu

Iluukriipley Mokll milking.Jo. ;li i ond Ihvvid Mv i ,,,. heck

arrested on rt.irje of frauduletul going p,tu bank-ruplr- y

for the purpose of deli u liug iMIf MldlluftVThey uiu engaged in tho ladit a' bat bMlMM, an t

H cbBarged tt'ut iney MM fur the :hne munlbibeen buying 'tp MMl on BTedll with t!:e in tt ntl itof going into PMitflPtcy, 'li.ttr debt- - amount tomo ay tbuusnnds of dollar. Tbe c mpUtnitit

i;..uel A. Bcckiuuu, one ol the pailuera ul tbe ilmiof A. Bev 1 Ui 411 tk l.. Tiny nctu tic Id to bail iu


QtM far.'Ol Ktictirrd.Tbo President went to LtnV0 JJiiuch uu Hie

steamer Plyiiiutilb Hock on TejaMtJ lMi n MK' in "if the beat exhihitct a pas on :bo "Southern Hat!.-.- , a," but M Admiral FUI; bivt norder nirt lo rassany uf tien. OranPs (km;l. en

of the Nurntganselt Steauiibtp f'ompnny. I

BOM ; rerudnttcil, aud tbu pHBtdMtlaic was detiwrided. tiu wUhitandins hl right bover,fed. Tout. Murpliv, tlMd to , i..-- alto thrMfii,Hot j, ol tt.u Adan.a Lip:es', DlMObld to Uianl s

and ,ot im a U0Mt buj he "OJIld aUmg.

Tke Qunrieiio Club's Picnic.Tbe BnMntMMB Bl Hie excursion ot th Ho

hol.en tt Ciub, ubicb wai reported iu Moud- rt'K, Ml trtlttl llltMllIOlllMIBt blllobo- -

ken. Tiiko away the OennatiH fiom that town, am!there I l.urdlj any body left, an tbe t.riuane feeltbe interest io the dulii of tlie dub. TheBMkkMjUM uf uie BMlMM engineer bj Apokl n of.It latid that Um tu. Only Sou I. a BIMW whlehbanlly evor acruuip.iuu s an uacurniou parly w ituua t

tnaaUiig lutacbttf.

Ulrlo Itunnrted lor ihe Hnrmnm.Vcati'iday aj'ternoon 2iW Mormon, who ar-

rived lu tbe Miuiliatt'm ou Moouny, took a speeialtrain for Smt Lake City Thc-- o new converta srerota England, Scotuiud, Wale:,, and S itgorlaud,

two third of the number t. malda of from fl toJfiyeai. They are aecompnnlad by one AimricnmuNOUavry id ata,ioeu LIi.: ...... aud awise ultinra.

A Wonp to THK Klubiilt Nnbody lose to t ogray. That'll human us'iire. BveiTbody drt wte thahair dyis mni n..- sad iiieuidl ' nul l, uvea " TBM thuman uature l.o. PanlonU Vltolta, or Hah a iioh r .,Un. Httar, wlueii Uteruly .. j.n. gra nan, i lr ofrom the flltii bvud rrdiuicit WklOO aoUlc tUt dye and" BOtli'WIjM. ufaw.

Oar city ban, during the past wekt bean In a greaelate of bOltla an.; . jbuueaieut. otwietineot upon tueiMiue uf the poo t b ol mnniner hat from thu urtatdiili-inep- i

id kuui, No. 'iti llroadaray. W e novo a uneM--nioie determtiiBtioD to secure ooohy arilete ofut

always eviticetl to proc ;r Knox'e hat.alMi

UflTTtM JlPllCtj.

Hriiit interthk c a r svT.R or vtt.l. PI.OT

AT G'lAMt I'Altii,

ON Till UriDAY JCLY , AT 12 Al.

KNL1?T OffURfUAilfV 0FI LlifcD

Near New Vur to proeuro



Puitief detlrlne to olt.ud the BAel need not be . I

on aeeouni of but weather. THK PORK) 1'


nith COVKHLH CA1(UIA(1K, w:l! rrnd-- r rbe occae

mo a plra-sBii-t ru: al M uralon.


will iMfl the ttooM of ihe New V .rk aad Xaw llu yen

railroad, MUMT of 17lb i ant lib av . at r43 A Al.

and tn A M.

Tlmac wish. .14 to aiamlna tbu property Wll takaearly trin. Salu bejiu ai I. M , il ', llHTBl e

ond train.

Tke Prettleet Womnn In New York, 1MM4K ,roll known In uur AOOiety fdf herIMMpM appr'iruire and beaotirul ennipleAion, waionce 1 r i Mii cliavfrined at her red,uecalcd lace. Hhe pitched Into Haiin's MatraollaBulaa, autl i uow aa puaiy iu u imu a the H

elnimnn4 in manners. 1'kin aru.-- Bffiro Ml freeie,tau, isiiowneti, MoMjMMMi nea mar la. Ac. andmutteitone look ten year younger than tbry are. Afaeumia Ualiu lur a trauapui'SLt cuiupliixlon, and Lyon 'aKaUiuiroQ ui make die lair plentiful, hum lant, boh,aud (ltd bnvo no rival. Tue Untbuir a a preventthe hulr ti on. uirutug gray, irnnlOIlM daudrua, anduiu bet aad IMBMM diensHur 111 inn world.

ll.-.- . lib od Vlwwr le Uentnredby lie tInd-ent. uNwl Mbi MHonn'n In ' no. Thl miurisiiinc andhahu4 curative ugent ia ua I by tut nietUoni fuoulty fofall dii a'e uf Ihe urinary or.'.t.i. bladder, and kidney:alio noiifUiitly prescribed lor reiuale trrui;ularitlr ,

aeukuc-- , ami eglreme piottrailon of the eviteui.

ijJCtldl iOtUM.

i;r.ttii ;n HM'Uloi it All c it rloiitriui.tiroi- - 10 I "Hai. Hi lieinnui rairmiin

Aid : oei.'ty, foi tbu nurp- ! lurihit ing the eauee olOeiuisn. sal Bawra paitifUia.iy Bat tha pssposr nl..urm.. n. undid BOldlora, and am ia thr 01ul thi n wI'Iivp and .irim n wnt he rei e .red ojf liraI re.niner Mr UU ir PIH mikk lljunn 1.. aiali v

n .1 :i .1 ri'. ii agenu onir a have uieri jpntyu hOuksfor IMl purpot- atirucd ay tin; rrBMBIMt

lKIONIT; ATI l In mneraoi eewrnav--bur-t- n

Ibe 101 .'" ar. M) t Iwli ... fu. caen.,cue, dlniTmr 1, drt ter. ehoiira, md skBtntotBpliinit sieand e it t m,, ,y. OeifOl i". -- .,Bl , Nt w Vork. fit pci' bull le.

I' K CHHIM l t V.J. A . v AATalNn A tts. M l. riarini t

A A. Ol I III A I. lilt A A IM4W.blAIAlO.j A iii. - rrvnlKsAT.RM Mtm ia o i",j July j; ie.ah. tn. :, 10, ;i. au r 11 4. 5 r,, ci.

AIIvmii ui las mo IM .l.iiva: K.l7,44. .i 10. .. a, 11, 51. 14.KK.NTI Ki Mit 'nt. Sn. ll)

o, a. 1. ;. la, 7., si, aj. m, iv. l m.kKM'llcKl i liis. 40, )xv MEon. 1. 4. 1 ML o.. 70. ki Ti ic k

Prtreti ei.iiftn inaiaiortftBttOB u bed iu liie iWOrcand aifu ll.irana 1,0. ten fa. tJin'Olari aeiii.

J. LLU IV. iftuirvr.JW fttnadw iy. 15' Puitnn si. ami .' Ktra towU4IVAI HAVANA I.OTTKItl.

Pfl 444 pBM ' ""! IBIMbABWM lOTOBWaM. TblbUh('il ui. j aid lor d. nn all kind ot voidaiadnlvar. T.WLoK A ro., H mkril.

14 W'nM ii.. New fork.

imiMii.fii a,4 'HAND OHLUA iioia i0li etc rt. an l eh it.

I.eRithtiaTe ir nph of tne aon .irfMO.M IDAWE KAllll A.NSV.U

and bcr an i. uowu-v-T.KNNOUK DALLBT TR017PV.

KmiiutiM demon trot hi .i Mar too great1 RatuKirrrn op i hk - ki ss

Iinmcnse bu ji .ati Lannrr n.-- ivnnie t.Abi,11 UK A.

cummenelng with thf popuinr Aja tpevialty.Tlir tsATlONB,

MOLTT.Y MIL PIT ItTH Ml VoTH'FKOTli i.. H ani; Mad Lonnor'A OBgaaWMOfH tlm

mstineuanbi u .t.u... d.Statu ?egrnl In ad .; at ttt? II t Ottiee. ol

a BMirnieri. Ml iiiuadH.t, ani Erto Roil Witt Uck.--olb'ft, coriu Uii, ml Broadway.V V A I.l.ACUAt A PlIONOHNCI D r'i CK- L

llJi:t.Niid tt JAM awa..KM.dl.i'

li.lir V n VASHKHnLISKISBTOPPKll,llTT. is! 1;' KMK.IIWr,

Ib CUwrloe Oaeh ir.rtPirhnih Mecand coMh anduLtnt,oaal charA tr dre.tu of

1 illTZ,Ol H COrsiN (IFRXfAV,

THK HH oK I lib K v-- '.IVLHT 'MM' Try FT VI H WITH KN 'Vt HlASAt,

LYLltV SnM, AN H.M" KM IJl.CO.RVKliVkXIuV Hr.l.H.H . I.

The manaei n ut Mbd pbta-nr- m Hnooopeitig Ihnreuetition of tnte iHrmi er and .. nr:rn.-- m

IvVt-lf- i I'VRNTNI. ll. I. l li HM. SOT U'E.BKA IH ehCl UKU I WO WKi k.i I.N iV ANr K.

j Hits If Tttl THk.DWAI. B. r ttt L 11 II MASAt.Kb

A ui; M BI'CI Kin '

TP R OTtKM' KIHIOI'IAN 'iMillKrtS.J. W. BtCAKHrikWa. lit I.IBT MliWI 0A1I1,


Li ent ri New IpetdBllleiTbe fntlrellr V .nf t n, a Hi liuntlj

it a 1. milueludlUH II .1 r.mluiuiriif of In

RKfl DEMON ol PAP.IS.A Dd Ihe Mensati in Oram a nt Ihe

B KI, LlA I'll HOWKKY.tiltANIl MAT I Mih" e.l ll IUJA '. I i O'i lH K

o itn Til r AT It K.H Ru o.i vo n Fl iTMonniN n r.The Breat trouite of W ref I.t, rt n l.m O.

Ala I in, n,ti. o. I Ihe Mm witu tb" MH".Ann" tm- isniato bam on M. Plarra Hunnfi. tb'aresi 'binno'i inn, towethof With 1401 BAOtUaeAff of Ihu

at Variety rt n.Mwinee Hntnrdar at "f o'eloeg.

W OttbH AffHKf JM ANH WKNAt-Bltflt-

om wooo m a M.r 1.

open trnm 1 All uiul' 4 l.i. w. porforonAnoel d.ein.e Mrfttrmanea t. ootnitio'ioo ivory da at 1. amievening t p. wrn tbe new an't m-r 'til nrlptnue otKl' I.YNNK. RaATK l.yNSe,with Mr. U Lamb. Mi Alice llsrrieoii, Hosi It' nd T..t ood, Uwny. Mr T w. Renno, Jonioi Khi m'.Mi ! x. ne v, and J. CjMffk I, and o.- ,.1 1. with tnunew un.. not' nn-- nf

fllK M Ai lie Iflt'Ml'KT.THK MAttir ri(l MI'i r,

In which tha prvat pRiiiuinmiivi , the MAHUMlllI ROHI'K. will appearowMamlan. Mig WIT" Hkh iiKm;wvOKK.


iri'KI.KVH BRIIhN MVKrstBMPT IVlnjDlnj am1ai ird t Moilnel .'.

Q. iV mm Rin KIJV.Mbi OKIJA inrtHY.

O 11. (it! ANT .). ,00, it uii 11. LibLl UK1 A boilOl t.

M:r HA fH: TCNNSI Wdei lii'jadwayTBiJ

llroadwiv, rtintr Warri. Onn 1.1 to 5,


ffii.i i. a "i.i.kvihh,tlaiiar'ai tiiri'r, uf

fi'l AMIAUllAk!J!.".:AN ".u-- i 'Aim , a mi n.1 lilt.iAlflVAV-- .

NKW V " ;' ill . .

groomd Itutitft.vtrrirE. Ukv.tana AaalloUw, i, uiit u,y imiiaurt i....r. wiiiiiiiit i,ii ir trovooatlop. 1 iiibiIh lurowarn all arraaii. nuin lininri."' '" n'-- 1. a. I w:.l net bi leal ih lor it

leewrown, f,. I , Jul. 71 rS '.hi. tMNtld meet ia.. y ,,r Mary, wifi r g'.'nn

tardair c.r iductor, ..r am u. buowiaa fitb.rttaoutk aha arlTl heai al .omelhlnf m i,er UJ.,,Itfel'J lalua uiniriilrij l I.', fury .t


J J.N IX i ll, IVI CO tf tiivii 4f,.

Wcpmmhat. .fury V7 P.M. Tho variooi tnarai dof the Oioek Kscbaaifn nave again been dull aud drv-.n-

of epeclul Ihteroat or excitemcot. owing io tlie sbeeueent a tig luiponant forulgn new. Ibe mllwav hereniarWi i ihowed a leiKlerate degree of art Mty, thoogatbe dealiage nere ui. a u OM rcstiktisl scnlw than rowtertlay. Tho market ut ibe nprnttig waa weak, und utthe Kit ft Hoaidti-t- l nff under a nipeitlou fBMll Wa 'iat cast-- , ibe decline ind by ttu audei MM MMkland Lahe Alter the MJlBUMlM f Nil Bt'Br i,

however, under Mi- reported Lnttia laellug lu themarkeO, tl.ere wa a marked improvuieut noted,

and iiiooniUPiuo ul uiuelarieMM ftroiig and aityaue-d- olofting well up tu tbubeat figure nf the day. TM most prominent featurewas iteuding, whKii wtia notleeabi) Urni t'uTiughuut

lie lay, and advancud tiotu WSj lo iH-- finre we:o

abo arte u MIM Viuidi tbbl Mbsre. wh.Ch Huc

tuattsi w.dtl) ki d I n uui'i.tlv. Nt xt bj point of (AMTMl

M Lake Miore, nlutb. ihouub weak in the morning,iiicnt;tlciHil at the olo-- Uaiineaa u. the flMolAdol

of the MM lbs wa 44jllgll dlvirlhuted.The geda tuuriart waa MMBafiSkd aalei veroiunlu

hKore the formal commeneeBisnl of bnilnefts a1 Ui a

IMI TM ui et ftffjfttl ll TM Mftfjlift tl 111 If , thlprice iuieklv dro:iin; u !.',, Mil airain rtue tu Ul 'iwti'-- it w it. .. ine bid tor thv i'reejury goldumtmnted lo 0. IM MBMkll bid ibr waa M.'Hl ih 0 it1,0 lo Uldd 'ho nuUion MMl itTBrdrl at ux.Jb toUi M At thia i lc rumora BsVJ IMM tliaC tbefw t, would oiii n.y ail tue hh ' a. n iho prvmimii

ilmt.ped to rtlv. In the lTeep.i.n the pnen fnrthrdeclined In ii on thcrardr dcnntchca that lMlfMtie h London nere quoted at 3, as ngainst hi bj of MdopenltuT. belwefti w aM MM it ranred thernai nf M day, e'mung at Wfi The transnetlnni i,:iv.,bean limited, and about, tntcrert IM rates paid forcurrying balance ranged from 7 f rent, to fist. TheBeoiM Mlleil with rJA47.l7 In rha Wseoalntakiiie .ii um, a total m MTTIIf. The s ealll gs at the Uol Kiehnnge IhmK WfrWfdQ4MPB)jCoidt iilnm-pii- i ldM0M enirency balauCf, $l,nV.,4ig.1He prineipn fiiotatious were :0 to lOAjf.lVntl iomo A. M...MMMI P ' ','

A- M K H i Ad UI).V801'.M bidFerrlh ex hanve ha hen dull, but w. ak on lo r

Plerht'3 siiii ftronr on ahort fight, tbo hii ter haviuarbeen aihanceii f eTir There ha b. a on activedemand for tnnh n falrb for h rmeut. ami i.iu .cent, premium vn p ml for heni. We amiri rate- - t

l."i.d m, prime banker ' t n jO'V-- tm London.i ri ne bam--er'- . muM, l.i ,1,1,114. UtoiAOtl. Pi one e"." Ur 1"" i' Tl, ii.uiUr.', I. 1.1 , J.ftV. 5.1.Itlc' L,"'"'1.'''.- ',lori. lOtO'-- ; .ntweip, AdiKij

Swiss. viiim.ia.inl Bvohne mat K' t I. ,. nithout gMore.

call Man bcii'ir readily made Ml and I 9 M i WithexreT,,,, ,,, uiril ,10,1, m UkaiOOt BT4 OUN ,au't prime comnHTrui nam - am quoid i ycterdnvin- iioTumtiietit m.nd nni-k- been trona andMvaoeed. ebMing at tb. htche t rlgnrtv nf ti..i drIn" Ipl e, i, fi'ii-- l nie-- were Ihetipn, rd ti ndruey 01 I. 11.l1 tn and liioTiea-u.- e

flniiard for two PI It horn rw ror iho p e, afund. Itnre ha bet.i. aaiiftud uf la'i:. i gou n:enu ni Mitjiiiry.

IKury clewa 4t Co., M Wall irpet. report at .1 P. M.ra.' dlt.i M 4iv.rr.P fiiiretevC-.ii'ii- k m scr.Vt omp. tat",

H, ifrl. reg ii:2 in J.. ,ik. ; r.j A l.b i lo ,M. Ml. oip....ii-.- tH BM, w7acoop...tMW ).Bf.

' v ri .,1 A." ,.P) IUni,i M. M tuiip... ItMt I Haa.'iii. cuwp.. .! nvH rnnp ia m

MMU ..-u- iws.Central Pa. bd. at1, M1'Trnt aetien In Plate Mnd have h -- 1 IMftM.

h'oith. on rr- tire n: lakl, new 1 ' ee .KcdmIV V rcrt. to 't. tin' obi h dtir fl'ni nt U. Nrili r

mi were It nn mi Ine H ipoolAl inv " al 'tis;, and tb--

new at ui, ol km pa dull nt 4i, funding act houlMt it'lling at : n - ; new BOOIh

Cniulinaa. 71 ; an i LoiitsBQ04a aw Bank M "turn- n-sliare old at Hi. ItA.lsay ninr nv wire Mnir,l owol U.C and I. C. e iig at ;.; Cennnl Paeulc,an, und I nions. K.04 ; i n-it- I'm itlc land aiii Is Ihi:qnoti nt t.' ; i' eoi ;s n il ai(s-k- . v j .

On -- xlrenie qU'iin nnK Sew y org I Slttrsl riuc .n aj j, nn I 41 'i ; enp, H.",.4wS ; t ne,

'an i.f.- t ; Itead'ng, m4iM 1. tKa Bhui-o- ,,

w annea. 4' Vis O' i ennimmi, i .preferred, h. kr.. .. U Muid, IIImhW i ft,I'su romnion.' ; tin d. ,1V '( , Hnand Ml . .. , md hew .1 r. v .'entinl, taM;1'aii.ima wiu w aa, hih1 I'nribi r d "bu. d to T'i ( Hanniial and ft Jonepk mi lu lar iiniiury at J'..' . llB'lein (ti ling nt l",b,l Ab.rrli urd

x h; III ago and A it. it pn lorre l. Hi)IftS!-- . ; and Dl wurc. LMVAWgnno and cib rn. n r. .In the , a art '. idc Mull r ins- 1 .c ,

rtti. Miirli osb piefanod I lutg at l b and WtM'iuTv toratdi. Kt. Ka jresa share nere atnaay on

III nt fit' Ml 4, and heavv ou Will. Car ad I'l'- -,

si. io rionM el . 0 vAt he e rjBc all in" MarlfM were unset t'"d, winvr tnr m Ih4 tinet liirnleni MtMrrp t ttdarrival or Hie veas an ono and l)am:tea. iidfing

prit to At 1 1'. M. war':n T.f .H e... JiY( I.aki raai...,!1; ifii... .1 H r, H, '4 MR .it. P. IV.-- t 2U .raui.. 1.10 mio Mi..... p'. mjvire ... 41 S lis . J entrai.... ftp 1 ifItcadtm mi ., .Vest, it Tt.... St mI. nkeMOTO W W fooiDC Ma:; Ml n

' ... Is '4 4s Id-u- I p real fl vllburgh. ...trr, ; - 'w. P. o tt r . 11art in a .ru... i;i Ki Im. MttTd n. kg. 4do. IT. r i.v Ms l . ipriL-..- .. m i 44l;ockP.i.d 11.', tvK Mbh. I sn'ral ..Ild IM

.... W,j If no Central. 11

KAXKiyfl 4Y pT.v.r vr.f r.

noru k.

The Ciopoiit due Au;ns; 1, lSTd, ou tke 1 r-

Mortpae ..? of the Suuthero ObbIMU iBitTnM

COMMkI HHl be pan) mat dny 00 present at .on M Ihe

BUM BOBM of Vkhnilth 4b Co ,

Kir loci il A uf kjpj iomt.jtnv. Id ai.d Ifl NtMlM

lrei t, Ni w Tm ' llfiWM. II. sl,WKP. .Tn., Irvaeunr

Re ork vfnrkt ta.V. IDS BAD r.J uly -- KLi.t k asp Mkai - VTeatefu

s hi into fiutti 4tBVB ikoWM lOino dreiin ', nnd clo'fdai Hi d ialcMiii.nUnBt i..4 .. Olor lum-Mr- .

' loi owr s' . . t A, to .m vond lo priraeyto ia i mih. t: iui t oluo. Bout kern lluur- dull. and iA

nil- - fhlpp'tta irtrv, 1145; fnk. r andVmiill $ttP. Hje gutn tirmr. hot unsetl td at I. ill".v. or., tu- ul dub, rotuiua iro.n m .'5 in II.M,

li 1 ire . un dud. iut Drri, a M e. for andd in p land Intel . l in . r JoTy, IIK0.1 Ocl ll.rnjatrati ftrnsmlina firm nt tno advant? to 41. 1 nr.jwaain 111 n nr demur. j. I'firo run In bc't. r deuiand ;

renin d, .1 noi .uiii-1- . follow labnrtive Mr eaportj n in,.. Wb k dull reViil- tifni , to Litvpool iy l tiu, i.'d Hour,kV.U.

OltAti T.tfnt I s.r a '1.1 rt'hei flow; ile-f,s(ou s.i ; ., r, aa bfii v r, f.;r- fl m rnbltc wir niaod V t.T- for .e i M.rin ;.Bill fi ,01 H (nr ftotl t pui. Ko .spring. IIW

tu.nsi. tui v wan dud and noiiiMiai. tueIn t lei Him rc ito : tak MM bon. al i foi1. Bta 4, snd t.K lur a cetera, enag ot tbeI'.!iti f.t. iii v luiii in ao-- d deM.teuO anil tlnn t Mls..ui f ' tie '' 1 HI toi W iMtiu luUe '., and lith

i il tor wlntIM t,nl1eorw,irly seriate rirrn : stM 1.030

Kit. ; we s Uio tHfe , pu-- Ttteo- in mod-ersi-

acmoMi ante i lUBrooo at ts11 7 e.tlo,ie, a little mtOT stt'tlv-- imt 1. 14 M I:., ..I' ro Hien Bt is- '.. ai ao onis NcwOrinoMM irte.Pn-r- r K .w at.b n : f ,:r t g,ed 'oiMi..', i,0e ;Aa e IV bhd. at :e. PirCnOa. and fa Havana 11' rehutddul. aud : hat-.!-

, Ii'a''vir,e.nnaWhite A, l?.Im itOOeaPorh s. re rtnll- ml father weak a'.ivj it t ai io.-- La, g.u.ln i.:j :.. nl I t It)lorj :n H.- -f :.,ei a; 'kdn demaud.' - I Tl'.' lor pilin an. extra 1,1 Sa T.e.i e t

qui lei ..iu in prtvnto lernui. cut meet' nunlala fi nkg at vkat:4 c r i c lce moueitLajU'--dull. lr t .1 iiotfn drm at lA.iii4e lur illy. Lain

mi loti emet ; AdlOA Jf"0 hid, at tth7 in. So. 1. C...1 ftircl n J li SuliV . for te.,fii pmter in co. it

df.Bw.nd; rna tc ; suie. for moai 4Ihe aie?. C 01 M la rm unu m dt .11 and .it 1? tjt4 l

I.lvr M4 k tlarkrt.Xt.w Yung. Wi dt Bad , July 47 c .r load.

of oe ret. ..rnved j ior 1 IkMMMI ut 'onimnni-ii.t-lot ti'tre were un hunt, uot ratio.

Ihe arm., id lor psjof fr ui tUc hook la tue .aitgburBOOM in) 'n Maib.-- tfn n IMM murffu. tn ilay, un 1, ai ibo weather inor? tngdlratt. 4o.u t uo u n'.'.jil- cuiinioa lo pruu ateurs ai4'I ' ll la al 1M0, 4- t. r.i. Vl- -i car iuaUa of hi cpa. id laniba fm inarkei, and two eais (ofiiuui i a M Ikn) violnUy, hn Miim for gotxi bei paud Inmo was strouirur. und pticoa advanced Sc. ita. Ordinary in aood ineep wer. 101,1 at a1, etflnr. a) f ..

llh nrlu.e .oi ai 4e and ordinary to pi nre "aoiba alHin receipts ul ni were ear liudt. .rI .. : nutp, oil OlOOi I I ear luifl lor !n.'tit-r n Lt4boo arc ..uviied ai MMMl drees- - d at MMMkfO.

I S 1 1 1 I K. I CK.

.iv'rt-H- ai liill PAt.nn mi t M sun mil i ju Mow,, 4 A kit CUM i'K

4aud Hook., b i.i Oov itlnud. a 40ili.Il Oate .. .16 09

allBMt WbOTMPIT doly B.'a.!.!;. .ins, Livern K, ind7. ai atnn... ' il,r Hainbunr, nn!e anil para.Ittlp Prtn .1 ...."'aid aidlff ranroad Irou.khip Mo. - Hay, n.. ir- iaMlrtal if"n.Uata I.v. iiiii. ft), us. io'efl.-- 1-

tlic uauai river and roat ie Neei.aTRAusniPA Attnivan out.

Movn.i r. duly 27- - lad is. New Vork.

m i ttn 1 KitIlKNltV HAMTNOS. on Tuetdnv, Jf by Hit

Itev J. rt " n .eee, f ht, 1ojuib Churct, Albau'at lb., r. fid. 11. u of uir brides nonauia. Un av..

HoiirytO -- abet.l Uooi, Oauttbtci ui Hui!i.1. llBMUga, lmtii 0. New 104.

Ol af4.ArU' IltiKT -- In .Tcrtey City, on Tuesday, lulr Mj

Maiy, wlio ol AbIutou, 11. Uie Tvth year of herlatl vn and friend of the famllv are Hviietl to at I

tiMiu net luuarM. 011 Friday, daly vtv at i u'uiuuk, frtuuhr ;ia reantenco iM Wayne t.Newsrk inMiar oh-- eopvA Ki.Kbtis un Tuftd-v- . lulv'.1!, ,Iennle. dmiiMer

of David aoo kl tauetb . Ucnun, aged 4 year, s10 uibs. outl iddaya.

TblM UU. Md iTllBlll f tl.efamilv ae letti.i-fi-

.. 0 9 ,J ;

( l!,,,n,'lBT' aft crnooo!' al Io'e .kANi'Kitr4lN-O- Tundav, July rt, Ifortba J., !:of Atid. rsoii,a.'..d l?M,ss-a- .

wl Atlri''?"! "J 'lmi manre of the funny arcV..1'1'TI'1 ,hr r"" 'r,, bert'e reld'rdto, SSI

"JJ5 JSS.' " A!,f, ,,,,v nftOM- ' "Vluel,n TuftilaV ll t 7 01 r ; U O 'trr ' of tko Mto floury MMMMM etf. ...

mfhFWtilfi l1!0 f,":"lT- niember of thoU tu&A hnr::!V ' 1 ' ''"tn itie enrrir,h

Cr .I.', i V? ,.v "n v.doly-l- tlki.usa"lhefr ind and rolnHrM nr tlie rtrn

p 4 -i- eMtvr- Prleetvernotinf Lr.otUn are ah .v i d 10 rit-n- dlutia ou rosadiy.JBlv 1 JoM. Oeiw, a elbe . M H' .ry. Ire unit, m the AM yr ir ..f nb BlHi frlondl and MolBlhlMci tue r d.eel illfj Invn ad to l.eml Ihe mneiaf Itoiti h .'. letiuenci.

I am. ire .; tni day ( I .'e ck.Da i mm it fn ihi rltr, on W' bicnnf Jmr fi

Ala. T. fife 01 al. He I. nnatar and inriii'ler of 1. bu Hie,--h I', q ngTOd M reori 7 t U d.irt Al n I ilecdue, .lull .,, ln ..'(, ir..j. ,fc

d. lUtkloi of Slay T J. a tl l.".ni b Al. .. ,I oneinl servlcs t r? f at 47tti l., on ftiari- my

evenint;. iniy gi nt a o'rbwk.I'll! d .Mi .N H tm In,! l.y.July,:, rilffahCthDlmn-m..n.- ,

In tlM e d rn of Iter arro.I im at hi and fi leutti 01 the famrv are reairtK Invio d to mte tin- riiiieial, ir.iu be m. .j

hei hroim t, m f 1. ou thun-lai- J11I1 Mj a, IO'l 'OS1.', wllliool rill' lir It T n wtnJ'Al W oil mupiiou, Mlt Ko'fl Oallao, Btod ,

17 jr.r snd't daere jtlet- - sol rrlrnds "f Ihefrml'v airrsipfaajnliy

tnrtied tn Bitend tm fioir-rs'- . irom h"i site lewiMUCe,No.;i v H.iMi l.dsy July si i u'ebejo.

TH nOaJAC.- - snd leiiiy, m MtOMfa u tl trjMMlln.- rn 1,2, July t i0. Itlchnrd U P. On; iffimc, inn of1.. ra s and MoiwireUAiltiplgtiM aidWyeaia...The I lTP d nien or hv fnuii v. and bb th',.. rtynn nihi hurt h nre r- - - . luillv lnHed toa'li'u.l bl fun-rn- i. on hnn lav aPfWBOWB, ai 4 eefjick,witliupl ii.r her mo he, rrom Id laic re-- i lem ,Al Pio-- p-

t. Ur t ) .Irn. uw York.HI Of ; MO On I July r a Per r,wi IBP( e.

T? ,,h "f Mr' Anne lluiald, widow 41 Ul4Ut I ho- -. Untrcard.

The irlerid f f tbo fxmlly are respectful'-- tQtiin,! t0attend fbe fnnernl, s: t o'eioek V, at., this 'Ur,ll AN AN -- on We.4ii-t'ay- Jnir . ., Liarlu, tMugtiUr

Of in i.d nn uii II. ' ib in iians'i. atto ,u vtv.r.Tbn filt'itd an n it w. 01 ibe famllv ru reaieetfip.

Iv re., of te. to u ti n me funeral, od Ki ..a ft ft aon,nt 4 o'e ron hut late itMdunce, t4 Uroadv,.ilirreiklru. I.

K an OkTanwdap. 'fnlv w 11 nry Alnrtla. aon ofllafii and Mary Ann Kerne, ajed I rears.

Ibe rein ;!ves ami rri u' of ;:tefamlf areftj If iWrWod ti attend the foneral. lb- - rewfcureof bt pr .I'. II Knutti a., inis day at is o'clock.

llomtlSBKY nn Wed d iy. July ... Uicbael J.m ir. :Ptb ye .r ..f hu BO" 1

Ine reln-v- m-- fibndt of the family, eleo oi inmat und W III am. an I In- - br. thcr In la ,

Joau mi divan , - n si-- ui heri of llatHrn Uoard.'.iiesiiMl o attend tbe ituiersl, fiom Ot 1110 r'i ene.1 i Moiirne t un t ot 'i o'day tiiorniRK. at u

"Vicer;. 11 iw reniai'i will tt" taken to dt. Jaia it BO ron. win re sobnia man of rciniem will ae nnt.-,-ti, uie rri uic of hi soul ; and fi 0111 tin nee lo Cabvnrv S tnrcr imnt a IS o'eltel f M

IH 'Mto. In KrooklTn on TmaiMv, JnTv M, ftarahAaii Manru, nite 01 H. Aitvuo. in IBs IM yei01 hn aire.

The Uitive and fi lend nf un famur are Invltett tni'l adnirniBeral. on Friday. Ju'v at .'.'( .0 k I m

bite id 'Mine, He Ka'b, between 9tuyeOsaulnud Iteed avi . wtitioat further notice.

known paners plea eopv.loi'l KK. -- At Morrntnla, on Tneeday. July A

Jamea. ihn yoenceat kou ut T. tf. and Puima ,? I'uO- r,aj. iy mouthi.

UffK Huddi nly, on Tueiday, Jn'y A, William Hiee,uf ua f'jin Stn vt. ,

Prnndol d rftattres aro Invltel to lOend tho fu--

al !rom Bt. 0U Cbun b, uu nb L., ai7o'clocltoday .

M'npn Hii, . in Prook'vn. 00 July W, nitera llagaiing Mnonv Jbbm atoddai d, in tha Mm year olhs flO.

.ha rebttUes and friendntf ihe famllv are rnspeet- -fnby lavited to att I hts hint ral, from hi late veil.tenre. 7i koii h 41I1 st.( tiru ikira, K. H., on Ttiorlo iy,Jnlv 44 at a o'clock.

' n id lenly, on Miwaday, .Inly ?s, 1470, (Mar.--w BfBHh, .n 01 tho lite A. il t '. of Oieeuport.1.4 .04 Mund.

Be relative nnd f tie family are reapert- -

lo I v msiled to nttend Ihe fiinerrt' ft.-- the resldtn(--f In Mb t Mr. J. II. Ou. .rnek ttt inyr.iw al Bear

C ,Q(,uU t . woMtykt on TBBrMIJ. July &, at 4 o'oloch

MhlDHY - t t Ijul Td, Cnnn. un Atoudsydtilv M. Ip tni 0 Wdliani 8k id iy, aged M yeare and A

BMntMral a"i ,e. i ll, be held nt Ht. John' Ontirch.

KLAufoi I. ou luiiralay morula, t 11 o'elnrk. Newflu. Iffnlaa mave ifUn it. depot at 7, nud I o'ctoekA. At.

11. vlXKIt- - On JJulv 7. iSTfi. of rtio'.-rn- , fnin'nm,u - rrainer, yonoa 11 u of .i ttu it. nnd Ahetn 1.Tra nar, ved niomii- - and !l uayt--Hid ce of iu in 10 inorrnwV naners.1 KWHKV tm To truif evftdnu. Jul HI, Amy. Mfur.t

da u,. titer of Amu aad Juepiii.ia Tenii'-y- agedBtgltko.

Tun. i d fre-.- ST Madb on av., on I'r day iiiora.n aiI o'ej. ck.T"AL -- Suddeplv. on Monday eveiuuif. July i&, 1 10,

A tm. ibe 0 wtl of riiarlr T0M1 of .A '.Madlkiiiit., im mi ni v. in in-- ' ikAOi oar of her Bate.

I.e.' irte r .l oWB ' - 'I.o 11 o. k. 1e menibers tf Koii ei ociet Lndre,

Nn Ih art herebi BiwlBod to mtend th fniiorai ojbioiber K. It. Nor'hnp, on Thnr-dn- .liny At, bl Iu clock, 11 to late r Mdeure, nti inh st.

W, li. .HOVk.N.G.