Library of Congress...AV c THE"DISPATCH. HYTHEDI8PATCHCOMPANY. y^nrhT^V-bo^hrUmorttb,; BaTOE.-ne...

AV c THE "DISPATCH. HY THE DI8PATCH COMPANY. y^nrhT^V-bo^hrU morttb,; BaTOE .-ne '.The*-OM I WEEKLY DISPATCH.! #2 per an* ^^^v^.M¦^,^M^>?¦^.">'^^^r*^»''w. TARRANT**"! l/IZtl* %I*KKI..MT._ Hl.N A CAMFAIGH AGAINST |.!*KA-E lr* WACED WITH TARRANT** bELTF.KR APERIENT tb* «it***ny l.kes lirhL ll ls an IncomparaMe sae* tll<-_*»r<'*>atio... IMH.usx.e-s, Dy.-vpptla, Ner- ,t>_»l>Mll(v.(,.>ut.Rbtumatl-m. .nd .ffcrd-adc. Ilgbifal, sr-artl!nr. coollnl draught, emlnrnllv htMlclal lo -.iiTerer* from B_ farlie complain.*. soil. lt". Xl I. DR! Ul». I -TS. loci: IT-tftw] _ tl I Itt HAM 1 Al MIHI WO. _ . un him. TO ovtt. (l.ollilVd T.M-RDF.R IM.IHINU Td ORDER. r_. B. mftShW I MB, E. B. SPENCE A SON, I. H. -I"! ff II »"N. i ,mu\ mar, - ft..-, MAIN STRKKT. BTBEftT. i LOTHING TO ORDER. CLOTHIM. TD ORDER. CLOTHING. TO ORDER. r. I- oTuVhl I I """.. E. B. H'i\' I I itW 1. lt. M'lM K A --N. MERCHANT TAILORS, Mi W< HANT TAILORS. Ml R( HANT TAILORS. !-i \i)Y MADE ( i.onii*s<.. Bl \D.-V IU « I.ollllNO. READY-MADE . I.oTIHNG. E. H. sn *.< ,t lOCE* I tr. Sl'ENi I * .-MN i. -i-i \tm a lO-i. bustneb. n ite, m BIBI N lt 11 li LTslNES. si ll-. POI MAIN r-TRELT, 903 .MAIN ITB1 i. 903 MAIN BTKEET. I i.. -,-i ' sos, E. P. mtv I s'.v, i. ir. BPI EOE I BOB DEEBA sin*. DBK8- st -. dim:-- BURS. 1".oV>" ( LOTHING, E01 ".' < LOTBIEO, B01 >' ( i.oiiiixi.. ( Hil.DIM N's ( I.OIHIV.. ( HII.DI.'LN'S ('LOTHING, CHILDREN'.- ('LOTHIN... 0TEE00AT8 Koli HI V DVEE! OATS lol: mi v, (Ai Bl "Al- POE Ml v. ONT Bi ."Al SEOR HOY-*. OVlln "\ir- POE BOTH, OVERCOATS FOR ROYS. (.VI lr. "Vi- I OE < HIL DIM. V 0TEB00ATJ I".: I ntl.DHLS', OVER. "Al.- POE I llil.DI'EN. E. li SPENCE A SON, I li. Sl'EVCK ... BON, E. H. BPSVCS A son. MEDtrCATEB -un;.-. Mi IHCATED MUT rn, Mt IU« ATED shir -. E. E. .-PENCE E son, E. 15. BRECE A son. E. B. SPENCE A SON. BOBBY ne. kui-vi:, norry neckwear, bobbi neckwear. toa mun enEET, 003 MAIN STREE I. 908 MAINSTREET. EUI KT.-, COULABtS, ANDI PEES. BBIBTB, < (.Ll.AU-, AND ( lil-. Si.lRl.-, ( OM Alts. AND MEI'S. ci.ovi.-.. hosiery, Ac. G Loves, IH-SlEl.Y, Ac. (,L"Vi «, U08U uv, Ac. E. BL SITV I A BON, ft I -pis. i a BON, ft ft -pi-.n. i * son. Mi¦!.'( HANT TAILORS MKBCHANT V All,ol;-. Ml Bl Ii V.NT M AI!.' I!-, EAU BT-B-BT* 88 I BLA1B Bl BBUET* BOB MAIN -HM l. oe 7 17*1X1: TAILtiinKG moder ai e pru -. I li ive now lu st«r\k a vi Bl ( "Mri 11 \--i.i:i,mi:nt of KALI, (.(ti ill**, which I paritose to maka np tn the -.Ml- rn- CUT, TIMM MIN*.--.. AND Woi.'KM WMIIP. al a sa tl! inriinnii inolit. No FANCY PRK I.-. salUfa.'.lou guar_i JOHN LATOUCHE, ft l Bn I Trail simm _ft/ AV!'"** * A RESPECTABLE Y O V N (J JLADY \M-llf-A SITUATION AS GoVERNPaK GR fOM PANTON TC AN IN VALID LADY, Ol! i<."*il-T. li a good seamstress, anti u rider*taods an,l iuds ..r fancy tn.*,. A goo-l hoiuc moto than tala: ><*<i. Would Uk.- iiiiillncr> in pat tlcillar. Aila, -sa .* M. Y.." .aroof ibisoffloe, oe -.u-li* \i ANTtl>* HY n,K MONTH. (.(KM) II BOARD AND LODGINGS, In aot-Mloealt- lv _. .he 'itv, for g. rt lon i sn and v. ile. tan. nun ll ¦.an! n-ium, __Mr_ra RH HMO vd. cart* of Am.'He, pat ch._«>»._.'. *_t WANTED.-A WHITE LADY. .-t^>o_ .. WAN'ls \ Mil' \ J ION In a ir. f-n>ily. Ai'ply at 1ft-.'. t>yU,| stttet. oe _»-Qr» WA?: PHI), A WtJlITR IlOl'sE-'-lEt.- II . /'. NT. Apply alj.ll east Main street. __ oc2»-ai» 51 Wac ced. \ ii ii ii iioisK--i:i:- » t ._*-'*': oin- acr-u-tju-e-l tn u*>t- ie_1r*MBB> clune. _bula-rt lice in-uliaJ. A|.ply al 1311 Rut 'jy- _ ..c*.i_*_p. WA|*(S«-:D. A GOOD COOK. Apply at Na.__t":i IVauaiin strait,>ctii Ta-_Bty SUlli an- last-my.armina -Ht-, ts. or AV Al' W W ED, MY A YOUNO LADY, A -..,., S,i^.^f,OS. V Tl WI-EB lu a i.rlvat.- _!?_,' VV".' ff** Km*m>k uvstot. oil-r*al.Bua aiawiti.. .-_., ,i,.,7. w.,x in li ucl flo-er-, *c r timaru) co .-nulli ... ?»¦ st. R. H.-rcit. -et ki l.t.. a .io r*_-.. m.* « ..J T_ eire of Liiter-Dav r*er Na ll. Hicbaiond, Xe._.*, >8-d-_t.|wii* WA5TEli BAUBiOfAjr. Appiv at SEE Main st*****.._oe -7-31* f HAVE TUt« DAY KBilFCED MANY * (.(cia* it\ j-uii-k.V!.. afc)..* muk**. t,u._, r*.».-r tliitii they I,,,. ,y,r i^0 qg£,.rt-,| In a.nit of ao(*>,'.-KCi:\ Je-Ti.'Vt; (.<«iDs ttd belier call tat _aii.|> |h< tii*»l*.*. r the fact. M. h. ar at. i. \. BB 1 40a «_.a<i tr. ct. t^T,BrBAt*:i),A«BBT8«,KK. ______ HOTKCB. pUBIt-ilJE nu, kl, OLIi POI Vf COMPORT, VA. A.fl'ATaa OB« /itsui(iri) TABDt EBOM rOBt Bfj*B_fffB*. OPEb *U.L TUA YBABU l-i'iti io *uy boto hw iii*- Untie. Max** as a Hura B_#r lr___Cr>.a I a._. a.l,l -"***- ^-r-f l^f Ue-nri or eol.J-traailM'r *ai,iUM__a; Por cir- .xf/*.'i"4'r, ,,n*f hy»le_> a_v*__»__», latins, Ac H-./e*»..> ma, oi u-'trrtab .*"..*-*'. ¦*** «__.*_'» M. PHO-BLR, Pn-or-artAr. B_ft_-4JaWs_5___^ "I DAILY DISPATCH. VOL. LVIII. RICHMOND, VA.. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 29. 1880. NO. 103. Richmond gispich. FRIDAY.OCTOBER 29, 1880. A**"* TH*. OIRCI'LATION OP THB B-lflPATCH H LAROER THAN THE COMHINttI) ClhCC- LATION or ALL THB OTHBR DAILY NEWS* fAPRR-S OP THB CITY. fKnlered at tb. Post-Offloe si Rh, Va., al .r*«>ii(l-t'la*# matter.! WEATHER REPORT. Indications ry-onTo-DAr.-. For Hie Middle Matei, cloudy and, threatening weather, with rain, and northeasterly wind*, and generally lower barometer. Til)" VVKATUKR YKSTERDAT Wart ClOlldj*. nw, and disagree'dile. THKIMfiMETKB YKSTERDAT : fa A. M., 52; 9 A. M...V2; noon, 53; 8 P. Af., 50; U P. M.. 47; midnight. 4-2. Mean tctniK-ntiHe, 49.. LOCAL MATTERS. TUB A.. H mut O. II. IC. an _ppe_l for j'osti-onkmrvt op Tna salk Or IRK KOAH DBX1BD.TIIK ROAII TO BK 801.0 TIIK DAY BBTOBB BLECTIOE BAY. Yeftterdar morning In the Halted Slat, it Circuit Court thc ctse r,f B-.M-JJ ct als. vs. Atlrnitic. Mississippi and Ohio Knilroad comp-mj waa ealled. Tin- Attoroey*G bb* ral of VirL'inia laked leave, in behalf of the ('..nitiioiiwealili nf Virginia, lo file a peti¬ tion requesting itel tbe tala in- suspended; TAtiicli petltlOfl the clerk filed. 'Hil* Couti decided that Hie petition in the cr»*e of Oraban dui not oner lotftclent grounds*..! inapeodiBf thc *atc. The Attorney-General I hen (JT.-red tn file ¦ hill of review, and nskid that it bo tiled. Judge BblpOBfl objected to the fl I i I * <_r (.f Hie I.ill of I'-vi.vv, :iit(I Hated lhat he did not desire to Ui*cii*. the question.*; hy piece* ioe-:l. On that then* was POUst discussion be¬ tween the Attorn,-y-Gein ral lad Jud£c Sliii.i.iiin. Jndj/e Robertson said that he did not un¬ derhand that the mortgagor lind ever con- BCBted t i thc sal.-; that with the cloud re*t- in-,' upon thc elle ide Bile e..nhl tint result tu tin rood <>f any oin- wEo-BTl r might pur* clitsc the road, hut that the wale of thc roxi a! tin* tin-.- (with thi* cloud reetiBg on the title) would rc*ult in injury to whoever might buy it undi r thi* decree of sale. He Urged that Hie sal.-of thc road slculd be potlpooed until this eh.nd Should tie re¬ moved, and in*i*lcd that it frould Lc unfair to any purchaser tbal thc propel ty he ptir- Cbaaed should have a cloud upon it* til lc. Udob tba queetlon of tba ri-ht to Bia i "Hill Of lit View" tba Attorncy-Gem-ral quoted several authorities, rind ttated tbat in this hill the petitioner* a*k< d foi* a "Hill af Injunction" again-d tlie master, io tba! lie sLttll not sell tbe road at the time adver¬ tised. Tba Court decided not lo postpone the sale, ead denied the motion of the Attorney* (..-nerti Baking leave lo lil*- a "Hill of Hi¬ view," on lin ground that tba motion waa ¦ada too late, li alor Daniel represented the city of I.ynehhurq-. and asked if the drcrce of tba Court affected the rlgfata of the city of Lynchburg*. Jttdga H'.nd answer, d that It did not. Major Daniel asked Ilia! Lynchburg be allowed to withdraw its petition. Tin- UOurt allow, d the petit kui tobe Wllb* drawn. Major Stringfellow asked flint thc Court empower thc company to employ counael to defend its mle, and that meant be allowed them ioi thai purpose. The <'ourt asked il Major Stringfellow dcaired Un- pater to go into the record. Major Stringfellow said that ba did. The Court decided not to allow the paper to lin Into the record. Mr. .John Collinson was present, looking out for the interest of the English bond, bolder*. Under the order nf the ("'Uirt the road must be sold next .Monday, the 1st of No- v. int.. r. The court will meet again this morning at 10 o'clock to hear an order which will be presented by Judge BblpUIBB relative to the matter. Exa.mim: hie PbiXTBD J.isr.-. ll your nam** is not on il _o .nd pay your poll-tax. Curry your receipt to tbe polls.\al. BBIBF Iii-ns..-Bobert Tan- iiaiiill, E-.j., pre*ident of tba New York Coiion Bz*;baoge, is in ihe city, and bat had int.!views with a BUmberof our tucr- chan!* who ruc intcresl-d in establishing a cotton marka herc. Mr. Taninihill is the si-nitii" of tit. iii in of Bobert TauBab'IIA Co., colton commission mercbtntsol X. ts fork* and will be Bememben d ns having ben l>e- foie the war a meinher of thc linn ol .Mar¬ tin & Tinnahlil, Peteraburg.aad Walter K. Mania 4. Co., Richmond, lie will doubt* 1. ss h, aide to matertilly ass-i-t the new cot¬ ton movement in Richmond. a i atumbua (Ot.] paper baa tbe following paragraph in reference to ¦ former ettlsca of Btcbmond: Mr. .J. O. Jeffrlea. aaslttant district itrpeiintendent of tbe Hell Tele¬ phone and Tl legrapb Company, who i* wei known to our people, hus received and ac¬ cepted mr* ritterin-; proposition to go abroad iii the interest of ihe Oiiental Telephone i tempest la fore-ga teds. Mr. Jeffries has proven himself to be one of the beal tele¬ phone electrician.*! in this country, and his services wera Mably appreciated by tbe companv. He will leave for his new tield Of label 'is Mum a* some one ran bc selected io succeed bim a* ssalataat superintendent,, Hi- tield of operation on the oih.-r «*ido ex¬ tend into leypl :tiid India, wiih licaduuar- ters at London. England. We wish him the Success that his talent and ability so (lc*ervc>>. .Mr. A. P. Howe, of FredeileksbBff, lins not allowed ii:* legislative duties to inter¬ fere wiih tba raisin-.'ol line slock, as wat* evit,etd by Ins creditable < in the va¬ rious departments of tbe state Fair. A lot of tiiusWr fell upon Mr. ft. Vaughan while at wort..t the new eitv railway Bia* bid dav betel yesterday, and broke bb erm and knee. A man fell out of a country cart yonder- .day near tho ClHsupeake and Ohio dejivt and broke hts te. The Chief of ih lice his received not Bl- catlou to be on itke lookout for John A. Woodward, who ir «* wanted" iu Kotrtoco foi embesnai $b__i>i..o. The Kicriiiioiid uiiel Allc.hany Ilailroad < on.(liny has notrjibd thc Hoard of Public *.>.... l of Hu- coui|».-_*lon of fifty miks ol its road, and its deaiat* for the same to be iMfiOQCed. Thar* will bea fBSBBl Dcmocratl** rally t«.-uu*W at Marshall "Ward (:Iii>,..<m_m_ tis-cjit. t). Wi*,, *_.,<-,.. rtierieral Fitz. Lee. S. lt. tl nt, Ks.p, :**«.,*.t('r II. A. Alklii*_i__, and otlicr* will addre.-r. ri* meeting. K_'oe__ Of Iloxoit R+* M-iN..On yester¬ day P. li. i>. JJ. L>. Bluk, itho I. one of il. -mireine rfpresenfailee*; and P. I). J. W. lii-a-liy, of Orient Lodtf.*. .Norfolk. Va., arrived in this city, and ittat oiiiit tbe mem¬ bers of the .ad. r, in honor of BBCU" dlttln- guisbed vblioit, tendered thew a baiioiiet at BgBfff Ilaflk'. In rcspon*e Unentlmentt, addr<*esct were made by*. John C. Teller. B. D. Bli. k, James II. Limkln. J. VV. Btxislcy, W. H. Hallie, J. J. Wr.j-ht, Julin Maawell, J. J. Chaddlek, T. W. Gentry. William Zlmmermuu, H. C. Tabb, Jobn hi. Gibton, ¦nd other*. El.BIKB TBB Pt(l.\TKD I.IIT.-If fOUl nirne It not on li go nd pay your pofi-taE, Parr/ jronr receipt to tbe qoUm. J i thi: tai ate fair. Ittsnll ol tim Third tef*B Exhibition. THRKATKNISO _-*WPB, ("OOI. AIR, ASP A LAROB Cito WP OF VISITOIlSr. ABTilTKlNAL AWARDS . I NKXPKCTKD TtBBIS'ATION' OP A TRliL OF 8llr.rilr.IUtS' WHIST-"J UK ItACKf.-M_f.TINO OF T1IK LIFK-MBMnERROF TIIK AQRKTLTl'KAL 8ociKTr Last m.hit, ac , ac. The threatening clouds of yesterday morning, accompanied by a damp, penetra¬ ting wind, made the outlook fora large at¬ tendance upon the Fair-grounds very unfa¬ vorable, and lt W8S evident that many re¬ mained at home during the morning wait¬ ing for a better prospect overhead. Later in the day, flatt, mined not io be eluate.1 out of the "bil* day," and protected by overcoat and wrapping, Hie multitude be¬ gan pouring in at Hie different gates until ihe hearts of those interctcd in seeing I largo attendance were rejoiced, and thc grounds wore the venal aspect upon the great day of til.- Fair; (he side-showmen shouted, the engine* used in displaying the machinery whittled, the crowds of people {celled and greeted, and oven the grave di- it eton smiled as the success, against the adverse condition of thc weather, became assured. AKCXKXPaCTKn termination of a trial of SIIKl'll_ItI) IIOOH. The Ant feature in yBStBtday'l pro¬ gramme wa-r de.lgncd to be the "trial of trained shepherd dogs, and much interest was felt in the exblbttlOB. which was ap¬ pointed for 9 o'clock. Many were dliap- ^pointed, that ow in-. IB SOBM failure on ttie part of committeemen to come to time the trial had lo be poalpoited until the af¬ ternoon. Promptly at :i I*. M. the commit¬ tee asaeablad. 'ilate waa allowed of fifteen minute--to (nell dog] Straws wete drawn for choice in time of drivin-.-, which WEI won by Mr. Creen, of Oran nc county, the owner of -'Scot," whicii he, however, waived in favor of his competitor, a flog owned by Mr. Bool h. Elva Sheep were promptly turned upon tbe green (tba dog being held in leaabj on the southwest side of the president's office. The teal was to drive Ihe sheep across Ifl Hie direction Of tba exblbftlOU hall, and OOOflna them In one of the pens usu¬ ally allotted to shep. The trial began, the lacing hiing suspended so ai not to In¬ terferer] but the crowd movile, in every direel'on and tire and pigeon. Shooting presented areal oli-taelis to suc¬ cessful work. Mr. BootO". dig showed hi*. insiinct to a remarkable deg1**-*, :ind In tbe sequel to the performance evidenced tbe fact that hi- eonsctouitneseof defeat sroosed iii iiim a feeling of "resentfulness. Time having expired* tba dog wa* fastened in ona of tba open pens near bj th*- sheep. An* ot la I pen Of sheep '.Mle dlspeaed Of like tin; Brit* aad Nra Green's dog scot began in* work in linc sui", whicii hui for au unex* pictcd opportunity for revenge would bave reaulted very tucceaifuliy, ,lti*i a* tba sheep wcie paasiBB tbe pen in which tbe first dog wa* eonlaed an*1 hroodlBg orer his expected dlsappolBtment. one of tbe sheep turned suddenly and entered iii* ken¬ nel. Now was hi* opportunity io disgrace his rival and punish the intruder, of which ba took advantage st tbe ex pen te of tba Ice of i tine sheep, Tbere appeared so much of mel hod in his madness that we feel obliged lo neribe tbe motive. Boot was awarded the prize. BALB OK DfTSbTED STOCK. Considerable setlvity was manifested among the bleeder* of Improved stock, and ninny sales wen- made, winch will result In material improvement in Ibe different sec¬ tion* to which tin se snimals are transferred. siioit lioitis, Devon**! ineepi and piK* changed banda* but the mon Botlvi tU'- inai.d seemed io be f"r Jersey cattle, and our friend the Hon. A, P. Bowe was busy milking transfers. .'Young Hebe*" i beautiful spring calf, was bougbi by Mr. a. Davenport al >~<o, and a bull calf to tba same for 180. Mrs. Armhcim, a lady engaged in the dalry business, invented |100 in n pair of Silver Fawn calvi t. Dr. Beatty, of Richmond, :.],o bought two choice registered ealvea. Mr. CameroB purcbaaed three cow* at long inures, anion-,' them '-Orange Blos¬ som." The import ed cows of Mr. Bowe attracted great attention. Thi* Hm oort. Tba racing yesterday wat mneb more at¬ tractive tlmii thal of the day before. CoBtiderable loterett wai rniaifeated in Ibe match gotten up betWCCB H. C. Adam, B ho entered Mattie !t, and Mr. Harman, who catered Bock. The purse wai for |400. B.-gt three in five-mile heals, lo harness. Mattie II seemed to be the favorite, and it 1* said that considerable money changed hands. The race wa. won by Hock in three Btralgbl beats. Time : .V_'. ".:Vt, 2:53. The Brti race.trottin_ .op.n to all ages for any hor*e lhat never trotted hctler llirin 2:.'5'J. mile heals to hu in *>, 1850* be»t t hr. e in live; |175 to Aral horse; #100 to second, |50 to third* Itt to fourth* four or more to tnicr, three to start, a. H. Perdu. entered Clara Morgun, W. L. Bass Orange Girl, James Fletcher Torondo, H. H. Car* row Boan.ike. The race WM won by Tor- nado in three atraigbt heat*; Orange (iirl secoad* Roanoke third* and Clara Morgan wa< given the fourth place Time: 2:40, _:4i _", 2:40. Second Baci.Bunning, two-mile beats, free to all, weight! for igee, two in three, truce lo enter, two to slut; first horse, DOO; second, ?7.r>; third, 625. The fol¬ lowing wera the entries: Vigor, by A. Fitzgerald; lledrin, by T. \v. D. swell; Surprise, by S. S. Cooper, lt was won by lledrin In two straight heat*, and wa* eon* Bittered one of the beal races, that has taken place for several yean over thal track, lledrin was thc favorite In the start. Third race.runniii..geiillenmn riders; mlle beeta; two in three; welter weight*; I tiree to enter, two to start; |75 to lint bone, and ?"5 to second bone, Major Doawell entered Snowden, and (). 0. Wost, of Louisville, entered Wrangler. Snowden was tbe favorite and winner. Time, VM, 1:54. Thc judges were* Colonel Timothy (VBries, E. E. Taylor, and Charles II. Simp¬ son. Premiums Awarded. Quirk llglit-.lrafl hors.*, foar-rfBBT Old llaBIOBB. Hisi p-etulum tu li. W, I'a'in-r, i.r **>altvlllt*; racpatt iirvti.luiri tu Alexander Keir. K- |, Tarot-ytat old mbBIv-bs. Ebal iircunuui t.. Mr Jouii IV ri.lit; BtCOOd premium to F. W. Chile*, of Louisa county. I wo-iiar ..Ul entire roll.Klr.t premium lo Mr*. John Wiixiit: second i>rt-iuiu__ lu C. V. Tempi., Kat]. Uaa-yaar cM.first pr- tu lu ai tu J. L. Carrlnx- tun, K».|. Brood'Jtares. Four-yi-ur ol.I iiisre*. nr»i prttnlum lo A. I'. A M. u. Bait-1 t-ecoii.i premi .iu to J. L. Otsriuaton, Uta. 'Ii-ree-yev oH fiUy.Fl rut premium to A. M. lllrcli, Km-. ; s,.,.,,nr| t>r*-iiiiuui lo H. V. I'nomat, Ea... Twu-M-ur *l.l IH.y.llr»t -.n-iiu-ui Pi J. L. Car- rin_i<>ii. Cst,.; unttnU premium lo H. V. 'lliumas, Bsa. n,lr .,.' lturses, a.-t u-Voiui.l tu tie driven ts Mitti.t- ir-11 >n h. Min tu it. B-aadMC of Hi I*!*- v. (* ; .ui-uiid |.rtiiil* in lo VV. ll. AtUuta, of l.ytiulilaurg, WU. (Balle drlvlnr* lion*..First er munn to Thom*.*. JtXttlSt.-ll, \\'.l>'.lt. Ilona', VB* /lr set, Qeneral Utility. Suilions four r-.'-ar* old.Klr»t oreti)tum to J. VV". Karl*/, _.*.<¦ ; Mt*ml premium, VV. A. lino", nf Lex- IukI-*. 'Ilirt»--*,car-t.l(l .-ntlrt* cult..Firtt premlnm pa S. VV. KP* 11 n. of Ai*. Marl. >. c md pi to* in in io N. Laredo. Iii). Twa f um old.Hirst preuitiiin lu O. K. Kuckiili; MeoMl <*"t*inluin toV. I,, t's rn n at on, K**q Ooh ). «/. ..i.i- lr ir.t pr.-ti. i um ut James F_Utritan ; *a*«inl jjsaiiilum iii %.. J. I'ut-lt. t, t*q . Ko*I ol' lfc-80.Kirai premium iT.ard.-sl lu Mr. A. H. Ii--i*»u.*ii of Auxmta county, (or a ue-uufw -iliklittjay Hie ilioiuu/lilir.-.l lu.rat- Itooiu Adair, iud -ut of hi* had.:, ra ur. little, winner vf Brat -remiuin nt her clans, tt ih.* ru. i..jt_ ec wa* uiitotujoui Hist tl_* eon, rn ,x>luioi uatrtt, »ai iiii-iirpavt'il. rour-year-.M marc.First ,'ir-nilum _> 'ame* Dally, £-*}.; stjcon'l pfeiuiuu. tu J. L. Cse- IdKtoii. K»ip Tw«a-v. -u-olii flllj.rir»t preiuluiii to Vf* A. But, f I., Va.; st-'-uii.i preiuiuiu tod. *>. ,!»>-_*. (lue-voar-otd fliiy-llrst pr»-uilu_i u. A. v.*. A il. 1. Bowe, tot lily JeMle. Boath-J)attn 8/tttp. Buc,. two jens* «i_-.|>trit prtnlum to a. M. .simd ; Kcaa- pitaiaa ie j!, ti. flvot., ko* li I Buck, one year old.Flitt premium to A. H. Bow- rum, | .,. Itiirit lami**.First nr.**ilnm dl\|.|<->| and award made etpiiillT to (J. Julian Pratt, »af Autusra emily. ann r. W.i lille*, nf I...ul*t. " K****.Kim and second premium lu A. M. Bow- nan. Ewe lamhs-Flmt premium to A. M. Bowman. Biirortltlr*- jtrtd**. Kim premium to A. lin.ct;- port; second prtml-Ui to G. Julian Prttf, ol Au- jrn*u. In tlie ilr-nc* of a full rervrt we nottre lhat.| Tbe ( otswoifMHifrli pranlam, Iwo .¦ear* old. wa* awaided tu Dr. Bcid. r f Madl-on, Me**/'. _ts_on, of (i|i|o. and A. I*. Bowe _l»l(Jinjr th.* otlWs. Hie Miroii.hlii- premium* w^re Isken ino.tly lay Metirs. Hre*n and Farrar, of (iramte. Mr. A. P. Bowe, of Kre.i. rl'-kslmrir. Ukin*, the, at-eot.d prtml- titn In twf.-ycjr-old ew.g. 'flu- (txfur.l-ll.awn preml a in > wsre awar.'i 1 lo A.. Iltvenport, of (»rani<;. Et (Tic-tarn. Tbe slight rain of Wednesday somewhat ,fettled the dust on thc Broad-street road, hut the road-bed could easily have stood a hen vier shower, and then there would have been plenty of dint left to satisfy tbe aver¬ age Fair-goer. The crowd yesterdav wa** much larger than on any day previous. Considerable interest was manifested in the races, and the grand-stand teas well tilled with spectators. Thc racing begun about 1 o'clock, and lasted several hours. Broad street from the Theatre to thc Fair* ("rounds was crowded with all kinds of ?e- hiclei* going lo and from the Fair, and an j opportunity was offered the people to ride lin some queer-looking one*), the like of which are never seaa except during Fair .011*011. Tbe absence of pickpockets and sneak- thieves from Ihe Fair thi* yenr is a notable fact. None have br-( n arrested, or, ps far a* is known in police cii.-l. «t have com. j mitted theft. The police are always on the watch for these tine,' ~. The embroider? IBd needle-work in the main exhibition hall is very good, and ninny visitors viewed thia with much In¬ terest. Mi-s Lelia Mallowe of Manchester, exhibited some fine tpecimeBI In this line, which attracted no little attention. The baflooB-sellei. were ob hand in full loree yteterday» aad it seemed tbstalinoal every other little hoy had one. Tbe display ot vegetables, hotter* bread, ftc., is not as large thi* year as last, I.ut what rs exhibited ll ind'ed v<-ry tine. The .side-siiow* sppeared lo be doing a good boola, ss ami attracted lame crowd-. Among the nio*t attractive ft stare! in the taseblcery department is tbe beautiful ei_ht-hois(-pov\( i run '< tilturril ragine, willi patent iperfc*ejrtiBfaiiber, Daaufacinred and exhibited by Mesars. William E. Tan¬ ner A; Ci., ol this city. The design of this maebiae seems admlrablf adapted to thc ti*. | of the planter, rind the finish is ex¬ quisite. As might bave beea expected, lt was awarded the first pretnlUIB, Mr. J. E. Beaner, of Churcbville, Au¬ gusta county, Va,, bal on eXbtbitiOa an ex¬ cellent model of BB srtiflcisl leg. II. K. A l*. B. Thurber A Co., of New Yoi k, mike n very lim- dliplaj of canned S"OOds, farina."' 001 -foods* j. Hie-. Veilt*pOW* dels, und other articles in their line. Ann (tal >lc«-lln_- ol' lim Soolcl*,. The bbbbsI meeting ol tbe Vlraiata state Agrtetiltural Society was held last night at Wilkinson1. Dall. Q. W. Palmer, Esq, ol Smyth county, president, occupied ihe chair; W. A. Barbe, ol Augosti* seer,tory. The (hair stated Unit the first business in order wa* to a-c. 'tain svtiether there was a qaorum, and appointed Messrs. Ximian, (.ame*, and Bowman a committee lor lhat purpose, wno reported tbat there were 69 members preeeal and itu hy proxy. Mr. Id'.v oIle red the following : liesfJrtit. Thal tbe Executive Committee take into eonsideiatlon the propriety of ninth), the next :i ti rt uri cxhihition wrth the Yorktown Centennial, and invite all of the soneiies in the State to cooperate. Thc resolution was withdrawn. Mr. Brown oU-red the ..Mowing, which wns adopted: Hesotvett, That Ihe Executive Committee ol this society he authorised to correspond wllb Ibe Executive Committee ol all seri¬ cultural socratic* ol the State with a view ol oiL'r.iiizieg a grand union exblbltloo, to bc held in the capital of tiie State about the Hom <>f the eentennlal celebration at York¬ town next fall. Dr. Reid otTered tbe following: BeBOtved, That section .*., which reads thal one hundred members of the Society " bein..' pl. Beni in per-oii or hy proxy shall constitute a quornm," that the word* "in persofl or by proxj " be strlckea out, and instead of "one hundred" fifty shall eon- itltute i (juoruiii. Adopted. .Mr. Colby odored the lollowing: Hesotvedf Tbal voting i.y proxy shall berealter be prohibited at the meetiofi ol life-members ol this Boeiety. Adopted. Major Nowlan moved that the words "with itu' exception ol tbe ieeretary_aad ti eaturer *' ne st ricken ont ol tbestreend linc of nth secttoB, aod the followfnxin¬ serted a* ¦ separate par .graph, *.> as to reed a* follows, and that it lay over until next meetit'g. whit li was adopted : tUsoived, That tba seeretsry of the so- clet] Bbill reside sad keep hteofflcelotbe city of RicbmoBd; shall be elected dorian good behavior by tbe geoeral meelina' "f the society, bul niay be luspended from office and ¦ temporary substitute appointed by the Exi euttvt Committee lor maMeasancc in offi(;e or neglect of duty unlil the next sensral Bieetlag al tba Bt-clety, when tbe Kx. cul ive Committee Sbsll report their reasons for such suspension. Mr. Beverley stated as there wa* no fur¬ ther business t.ef..le the meeting th it they dow proceed to thc election of offlceretor thc ensiling veil". Adopt! d. Mr. Palmer nominated lt. ll. Dulaaey for president. It was seconded by W. T. Stitherlin. On motion ol Major Nowlan, the elec¬ tion of Mr. Dolaaey was made unanimous. Mr. Thoma* S. Watkins, of Ihhfax, was elected vice-president, and the following were sleeted iiii' of the Executive Committee: C. lt. Barkadale, ol BJcbmoad ; James 15. Jones, ol Chesterfield; Joseph Wilmer, of Culpeper: Q. W. Palmer, of Smvtn county. Adjourned. Fro_r.iiniii- lor To-Dajr. Gates open at 9 o'clock. Plouirliing-tnaicli at 10 o'clock in rear of the grand stand. Any persons barlas ploughs on exbibiitoB deelr.Bg ttiem leated will report, With ploughs, at the trial, to William II. Benton, I".*q., chairman of thc Committee on Ploughs. A' ll o'clock all the premium hones and animals will be exhibited in procession in front of the grand stand. Kn.-*. 1 o'clock P. M., handicap race, 1J miles; head two in three, open to all; three to en¬ ter, two to start; r? 150 to first, JJ50 to sec¬ ond, and $25 to thud horse. 2:30 P. M., (stallion rac* to hames*, |150, mile noils, best itiice in live; tflOO to first bone, |50 to second. Examine tu_ Printkd List..If your name is not on it go uni pay your poll-tax. < 'airy your receipt to the polls. Catbolic Itkm...Father II. Carl*, who his been assistant priest at St. Patrick's church for something over a year past, sail¬ ed from New York on board tbe steamship Maa* for Rotterdam oa Wednesday l;i*t. Ile wa. nih hy his physician to return tobi* home, in Holland, since bi* health bad suffered greatly in this climate. Hil health had been somewhat improved, bow- ever, by bis vNit to Norfolk, from which place he irad returned to Richmond about two weeks before bit departure for borne. Ftther Mahoney, a young priest from Brooklyn, will fill the vacancy occasioned by the depot ure of Father Caril*, ile is expected hereabout the list of November. The pauli-t* Fathers, beaded by Rev. Fa¬ ther Elliot, wbo bave be>o giving very sue- eesiful mis-ions in Staunton and other parts nf the State, will begin the good work in Richmond next month. Tbey will com¬ mence at St. Pi-rick'* ebnrcb ou the21»t* BOd st (be Uib8i_r_l oa Ute 'i. Ul* Tnt AansEBENifi Last Nioht..Tbe cold, drizzling rain did not deter tbe crowd on pleasure bent, from visiting the various placet of amusement. The Theatre was well filled, snd Ibe beauty of the Naiad Queen, with itt fine ami gorgeous scenic effects, -.oemed to give great talisfactlon. Mr. Denham as Schnapt kept tbe audience in good humor, and thc play passed off smoothly and with anima¬ tion. Tbis enmpanv will play tbe Two Orphan* Saturday night. Pinafore at Mozart Hail was the great at¬ traction. It would seem thi* opera will never have Its run; for not only was every chair occupied, but all available staudlog- room, and a hundred or to people wbo could not tie accommodated had to bc turned away from this (wbicb ls probably tbe one-bundredtb) performance lo Rich¬ mond. The opera was given wtth the usual spirit and fine general effect incident to the performances of this companv. Mrs. Ber¬ nard, 3Iis» Swain, Mr. Hoff, Mr. Greens* felder, Mr. Bernard, Mr. Cunningham. Mr. Pleasant!, and the rest, won many new ad¬ mirers amongst the strangers preient, and it would be unjust did we not praise Mn, Gillis for tbe spirited manner in wbicb she bas personated Hebe. She Is all energy, and always keep* the chorus up tn the mark. To-night, the Rohe of Tyrol. It is well Worth seeing. | The minstrels at Virginia Opera-House had a fair audience, and, as u-u il, jrave a good performance. They will cinclude their engagement here Mii.itai-t F_m..-A pleasant place to pan an evening is at Association Hall. The hall is generally crowded willi a fnshionahle au¬ dience. There is but one opinion, and that is approbation nt the handsome tarey in which the Fair is ni lOBged. It 1" under the exclusive control of some of our hio*i at* tractive tn irrled Indies, and they have spared no pain* lo make the Fair a mad sine. --. To-night Company F will attend la full lol Of. The voting will commence to-night on thc handsome library to be presented to Hie most popular teacher in either the public or private school*. To the teacher getting Ibis library the eompony will present I very handsome ebony wall-shelf. Below we publish a n»t of last Blgbt'i vol in_r: sword: Panter, 6; Rosher, .Vj; El lett, 132; Jones, id; Wi-e. 67; Stern, 48; Btw. sit ur, 1. Flair: Company E, 88' drays, IS; Com¬ pany B, 'll; Company F, lo; Blast*, 17. Poiiei man's Badge: TomHoaoa, tl j Epns. ;{_: ."skinner, *_4. - C 'Id-Headed Catie: Pr. Hawthorne, .I*,; Dr. lloge, 31; Dr. IVtcrkin, ll; Dr. Sta¬ ples, 28; Biaboa Kt noe, .'tu. Firemen's Pi Ixe.: T. nth-Street Hose Com¬ pany, IS* Broad*8treet Compaoy, 19; Brook-Aveone Compsay, 4; Tblrd-Streei Company, 3; Chuieh-Hill CompaBy, 3. Hat foi Dandy of the City : J, B. Taft, I ; .lordan Maury, 1 ; Colonel C. J. And' r- »on, l; .Cbamberliyae, 1; NedNortb, l ; w. v. Gregory, 1. A Rum Ibtbbpbibb..Tbe Ina e. Marali* Hot l Beerie, who bave berotofore shipped their itasca coeetwlse, and tbcece abroid, have just cleared tba Norwegian hark Vin- golf with a full cargo of wine-pip.--, liojr***- heed», and barrel-emvea lot Gibraltar lor orders. | hi* V-OBCl, it is underwood, Will proceed from there to a Hedlterraaean port. This timi is now ttOCktag their new ttave* yard, and will hereafter ship direct from this port to various peril ol the world. A Ciui.i.KN.-r: io I-'i<roi a Dr ki..-.E. D. Bland (colored), of city Point, member of tb- HOBSe of Delegates-, tani W. ll. L. Combo (colored)) grand scribe ol th.-Ginni Division, Sons of Temperance, a (-hallen.e to flgbl a duel during the *e**ion of the Grand Division, Monday, in Manchester. Mr. Combs says be is a law-abiding citizen, ead treated Ihe note willi contempt. Additional Railroad Facii.itiks foii Richmond.--ll is stand that lite Chesapeake and Oblo Ballway Company propose to run two additional fast trams to Washington and one to Lynchburg, commencing at an early day. - Finkiiai, or BtBBor Dooobtt To-DaT.. Bishop Dofgetl will bc buried to-day at ll o'clock from Centenary Methodist church. Thc irraagemeats include ipproprlate ad- - from Dr. Edward*., Dr. Mining.-- rode, and Dr. Hope. EXAMINK TIIK PBIBTSD 1.1ST. . If VOiir Bama is not on it go and pay your poll-tax. (arty .our receipt to the polls. ll.-ririeo ,-...*,. Hon. ./. 0. Field, Attorney-General: \ DUB who has resided in Ileiuico all of his life is ordered to vacate tin- Innis,, in wbleb ba llvei. Ha reata i house in Rich* mood until be can set a boase in Ben rico does not lake a transfer, and declare* that he does not inttnd lo Blake Richmond his liothe. He btu llaec removed to Henrico. ls lie entitled to v tte in Heal ic . t II. A. A., Jr. I nm of opinion upon the facts stated tbat tbe voter's resldeace li in Henrico, and th d In- i< entitled to rote in tbat county and nowhere (.!-(-. Jamks C. Fiki.ii, Attolllcv-(.( October 28, 1380. * lo-.e lp Tim-mI-i*/. Editors Dispatch .- I seeoad tbe motion made some days ago by a coi respondent writing in yoar paper tba' thc hoaineta* men devote Tue*d iv.(ir nt lessl the whole afternoon ot that cl.iy.lo the ctcetion. Let them iir*t vote themselves, ibea see that tlc ir employe's have thc like oiiporttinity. Let tbem remember* too* to look thi» keru day on the printed list to iee it they have paid the poll-tax for 187!l, without which tii.-ir preseace at the poll* will be wholly iBCffeCtaal. Scud rtroiind l paper and all the nu rc han ts will sign lt and acree to close uji l'liesday. Kaunksi. RtcuMoM). Va . October 28. 1880. Editors J)isj»:tch: In your Manchester columns of yesterday I Bad tae name ol William Isaac JobBSOO BJ " Grand-Scribe elect" of lin- (.rand Division Junior Sons of Temperance of Virginia. Thi* is i mis¬ take. 1 also pronounce tbe nain.- ol Walter* a* ivpresentative lo the National Division a forgery. There is no such man in the (irand Division. I wa* duly elected Grand Scribe over Mr. John-mu by VJ majority, ..solid" vote-, on thc first ballot by tbis body Mond iv, notwithstanding bis des¬ perate political eflbrte, and I am Hii*tained and recognized a* (irand Scribe by Mr. An¬ drew" J. Brown, tba newly-elected Grand Worthy Patriarch. Furthermore, Iain re- OOgBlsed a* *uch by over two thirds of the order, and I lateeed to hold the fort by the as. :s tau ce of the laws of mv Mate. W. H. L. Combs, Grand Berthe Grand Division Junior Col* ored Sons of Temi-eiance of Virginia. Pr. C. I.. MiTi Iikll, K..rt Mettle, Fla., on M «y 28, 1877, wittie: "I think jon would confer i bleulneon lh. peni-h-hi dil- . -..iintrv lay establish- Ina an artury hoi for Ute sale ot TCIT'8 I'll i*. UtTtaStutti tlicni. 1 know ilnlr.ui*rit)rl'T. auil want to i.-e them uni lusti-d t.f the wort-ilea* coni-xiut-i that an* tatt l'i BltBOa.tS%f* UMOMUMl Dk. H. R. W altos, ASMAIOlls. Ml).. WH1TB8: (totem. I.iiciti'i's UOjOIB KathacT or BEirr Issuperl N m ( "'il.iver Oil or anything I lute ctr bm.1 in wasted or Imp..!**."* cotistUuiloiis. Fob tiik latest sttlbi or ill M IS llAHt UOODt. l'KBr.MIBV, FABtr ABTICLIS, snd .BW-LKY, call at B. Fkbbanoimi'S, 61 "I Bro*- stree!. BA VB HOBBY br ha'tnt Towr print!-* dont at lira HurAT-i! FBiBTiKoBot««- Hoo4 wort, low prtctt, aud ttUtiitUou g-triBBttsi. i OIK PBICB OHLY. GOOD8 Marked iv Plain Fm tb xs. Every Gahmknt Shrink It K FOR I IT IS Maui. Onb Pr i ck Owly. cre**_._. Trna Day. OVBRCOATt at |6, (.VER. OATS at IO, OVEBCOATSat |7, OVEBCOATSAtt.8, OVEBCOaTSat(9, AT 810, |U. IIB, 813. 814, 118, »16, 811, #20. Hrs.neus rfriTS. |8 to ISO. Dress si-its. io tr*,*.. ("IllLDBIN't (L0TU1N'(;: sui rs, 83, S3.50. 15, (6, 1*7. (niLDRKN'e Overcoats, 11.80.12.-5. tl. *4. 83. Fl**B LNDEBWEAB, SliinTS AND DRAWEBS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, ETC". /. **AKs * CO., (Kw- I'iie- GtakMlM, 1013 Main street, opposite post-ottBc.', "H.WAIL".** Patent,*'"lu nloi* Pecobth-a- tki>."" BrtdBewatar Family." Tilt* ai'o*« ______ ¦if !. lesa are lower now In l-l r<.». llinn Ih*-v will I.e. Call at W. I>. Blair Sc (o'*. HOB east Malu, and buy jour viar's supply. I.AD1KS wilta wi-li to Live ile-lr io-1aa La. bo kid .. juli on th*-ir hands, 'iv I lady t xpert -(rut to M mn. Levi Biotoiu*-. thc BfVBti ai t'.is div, i>y i.'-nir. ti.- ..'. lira'.il h l-l (il..vier are reqBBsted la MB this welt. I hi Ko*i Kt( Kid (,i.o\_8 ar.- Mpertai in ninny rapeeu ta tay tiber Kid (,l..\i-r tna.le. and Um patent Bi 11 IBsllBlaS BIBlBS it .ti .hi. .iv tba tu ¦ c rnfftrtaBia ai t tu.- rea < mtr* f. (".-tillinir Kid (Hove. Al WB BIB tlit-a-fCllt* lu tills elly for ihli *¦*-1»- r.*r. .1 Kit Glove, tn ''nu tlwiyi np-By oar ca loaim wllb say sim and ealortb-] ina;. -I -Ire._ M. rI.l.Y*ON' .* ( " ti. vt -rtt-ln. alf. ut«. I'irert re!- velisitrjcnU in al! of the ii. W-pip. rt Bf tht I'liltcd state* at put.Ushers'rnte-i. (inl.r* lt ft at flu- IUs- eoBBtlas-roosi win recelva proapt maa ir... A Down-Town MERCHANT, btv Inx p-s < d |.-- s'.. ili-t'irl.e-l iiy 'lu- aLoni. tad t ri.-- ol' a IBfJfcfliachild,BB- "-- e.iniiii^.-iriviiK-id ti-).t" Baa. W I BS IA) W"r» Sm »'l II- IMO8TBUPwai Just tba irOcis settled.prOBBtaf a supply pu- lin- child. (»n 11 a..I.lui.' tad BB* qoatntlas bliwlft with what tn.- tiad ti.m. ,sii«. i-,-- tutti io batt it io tba .iiii.K ns -ht wa- itroaaly In tarot ot Hraieaopaihy. Thal alahl tlc- >liil.| pas e.! In siCf. rite.*, met ti* pan nts wltll- ..nt sj-rp. Retaralai boase itu- day foBotrtas. the fri'ln r I'.'Utid '.lie baby Mill w..r-e: and while < tenn.latin. IBBthtl Ma**Bfc ¦ ul.lit. Hi- m«>tti' r step.ieil I'f.iii tin- roon io art.-tel ta MM dom-sile duties, aad taft Um nthn -rltb tba eMM. Darlaa ht-r al.-Ttict- lie adinlnl tared . portlOB af tl, BooUiIbs Byraa '" Ihi bator, uni said bbcUbb. Thai alibi nil baads slape wen, and Um Httla fellow .woka in ihe nornliii brtahl add bappy. Tht moth' r was deBghted with Hie BOddrB rmi louder ful than**., and iBb. afb al Bm r-flrada I tl thtda* Oeptlon prattled up..ii lier, bal (*»ntliiiied to tis*- thc syrn,..andtaBrrlBg, '-ry ag bairtetaii- r*_rtlr_M tlllflils tiav.. ilis.ippt .ar, ii. .\ in*-1.. trial t,f the s\irip paver yet ratted t<» rtRave uh- baby aad .iver.-'iiieiii.- prejadlee* er tin- motin r, BoM by ill dxnjrstst*; 86 ceatai hottit. se 18-aodlw A-TTIO\ BALBI THIS HAY. JAB, MA" DOUGALL, lo A. M.. le.a-li mr.-. dc. d fiirul. INARMS ADVERTISED FREE OF CUABOB ni Un. VIRGIN! A I \Mi BUL* il riNj** to be published very tooa. Ifyrrabin I'a HM FoB r-.M.K, call ni i iee u- before nor poper ."< * lo ; H. L VI AIM.KS ,t ( (I Heal Kital, a i-i ai and Brukers. tc 29 .l,1t.|wlt_1103 Main stn et. A CARD..TO OWNER. OF CITY AND ( OURTRY PBOPBBTY ran* opportaaU*. i- pn Muted for ni triair ail yoor city and ennntrv pro* nerty in our VIRGINIA BRaL K-TATK .J"i l( BAL,fr .-. du- paper trill _'.. lo pr.-- In i fl >> .las-. Parlies dat-tri u_ lo anil th. tn-ii.. of frw a.iv-ro Ina trill please send lt of HIV A NU OONTHl PROPERTY wltboui delay. u. ii. (ii trriN .. ci, oe 20-(tt Beal Batata Aeaau. POI.UH H.. _ MARSHALL WARD TO Till; FBONT. OSAMTI RALLY ATI !.lIB HOl'sK, 00BBB8 TWBBTT rn-iii asp ( lay sthektsi TO-R1GH1 AT | (.'( UM K. Ocor_c I). Wi-., (i ntiil Ki i l.t.. *. II. Witt, .ind IL*A. Atkinson, it., wi address tba a-eatlne. oe 20- lt* R PjRor tgamoiif a l. !ERT T. EIUBARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KU HMii.VIi, VA. (.rruir: Miin sn..-, arer SlrBiala Home In. sttraiit;.. (-nil i.i.v .-tn.iel fi'ioi). A'i rasal'ost*08leeLock-Box 887. <c ._9-ntn* (OMUIVSIOV HI.R4 HIMS. ROBERT TANN Allll.f. ,t llih, m\ INiMUISaiUN BEBCHaBT*, No. B COTTOB BXC-LtBtlB, NEW VOKK. Personal nv. u to c intl|i.ments nf < '.at¬ ti n. th** parfbare .-i iait for fBtartdeilrrry. Beferenee: ''* M. Brr. Esq., President Bank ..r New York | M«*si-. W'hU.t K. Mamu ,t (., Klcbmond. ot 29-1 ¦ * _ TIIF BTATE IAIK. rpo THE FAlR-OROUND_i,_*a^; (-tnniiiviit.-tiit' \V!T)\l*s|iAV ai 9________±k__! A. M., and ....ntiniilii-r ev.-i y day of the Ir'.iir, I -ol rm, a liol of (.MMitlM-* tba corner of Nliuli and Broad -'r.-.'s to tbe KAlK-..K(>l'Mis. ( ni,,il'.ie. * will run In ia. ti <l.i. t-n ni «-\i rv Irw .iles. A. \V. OAR BER, o. . 27-31 .roprlttor. TAX lt*. D KI.INQIKNT TAX NOTICE. Haviiur baaa ippatalad by tii«* Aadttaf of Pablie Accoanli collector "t de'lnqneal t-apit.ti ti a-.d lar-r-.nnl-i n.t>trt\ laxes, I h.i.t.y »-lv.. aoHCB that I .-ni (». foaad ai m. tn », \.>. 209 Qovaraat att-ett (rora A. M. m 7 I* M.. to Keelee the taite. «ic_0*3i» WILLIAM H. BRVERIDGK. 1II.VVK HEREBY APPOINTED A. B. WHITKHKAIi, J. T. GREGORY, ai.d .1. tr*. 1. (I.I.I AM. of Hie cunt, of (li-slt-rll ld. tc. .'.-lill¬ lie* lo collect and rec ipi lor .Iel no mn t .'apltatlon and ii.rk<sual-property ___.-» f,-r 1879. I. I.. IYDBOR, ColUctor for ( be trill ld (-..linly oc2ftlt* « h.K fleiu (on ri house. M ANCHESTER TAXES. The ta«t htlf of tbe eitv. iv' oot, an.l sfja-e'tl '»» ll Cut Novel.iImt 1st. To all (alli, tuipild *f er ihtl .tare iliere be.d.led 3 pereaaL l'er*'>u»bar* tu-r paldoi.e half hv J l> 1--. « I 11>* entitled to a re¬ bate of b per i-tut. ou 1**) mr the .,Hnr lialf by No- vi-iulK-r lat. 1 be bute '. 'jes aro bow r*-a-ly f*r collection. To ¦li lull* nnfai I aftt-r Vo-etntv-r SO.h "here will ti«: addtd b ott ccu-.. J. \V. iuh >>1 Ali. ll. Ju.. Tri_-.ui.-r City of Maoctietter oO'_*_-eo<itNovl IKOV IKHtk*.. tum TUKDKt.Ali COMPANTi RICHMoM), VA., BUiI-I> FKElGflT-l AR'S OE ALL DM 'RH'* HONS, MAKE WIIIHs Asii AXLE_* ABD ALL h. .1 * or RAILWAY W-.KK. KliH-I'l.ATEB, BdLTS, l IIA1KS, ^l'lK^:ts AMI liAlt-iRoN OB ALL -.I/..**. ALIO. HOR1.E- AND MULt-MIOBs, WATER* AND gam-Pira, and all kind, of IRON and BRA** C A vr I Nd-, .(/aKJ-ll K. ANIIBBBON, iu88-aiB TieibkBti THE DISPATfOTf, TERMS OF ADVERTISrWO. CAIM-raVABIABLV IB ADVAVCB. OBe-oaare.onetssenlon. on* .qaare, two tn«er.l«>o«.,...,. (mt- «.|u*u**, three In en ion*.,*... (hv* -airfare, * tx insert lon*. I "ne -inure, twelve Invrtlon*. I (?ne (lusre.oo* month..... 10 One ...nsr-Mwo n-owns. lg ''ne '.|..*re. rhr***» motnl**. ail CELEBRATED Ht VTINO* WATRRPR.'O' BOUT**, TEDII INTI NG- li -Of lit. NT I NO*.* CHILDRENS IVERL .STING fsHOEs, WAURKNPHA.T fll.'KS, for boys. OLD LADIES' SOFT SlloEB. GENTLEMEN"*" ntlMCH (Atv MllOKB. LA* IKS" FASHIONABLE HOOTS. -MI, L ER'S COM IL ESE 81 V LI*> mu LADIES, MISSES, AND ( HIL- I »R KN. OLL G EN TL KM ".:*.'- WAl'KENSi.ow Boers A Mi SHOES. -TYLI-H -ia i.i~*i FRENCH ANO AMERICAN fr CULB BlXlTsJ- FOR GENTLEMEN. AT JACOB MAY*.. 607 BROAD STREET. a : if : S 8 ) A i t ;. M : *. i : inc 29 aadj IX ACROSTIC. Coatip one, come til; Look before huylng. Shoe, forthn fall lu iiunilvr* Implylri-; Kv. rv -Inti and every * lindi-, Gilt-ed/tel and honie.mad.'. I "i-i n< nty'-i broom faa di III I Look at sll(.K!,'-, in V" Bl MfhatB v... 4.1 BROAD si CHET. mom -ucl-! situiii l> a't you forrel lt, Or tie'll rejrn-i lt. -!!'.,I I, iMBVtathe world In low prle «.. and lias tho and tx-t. stink in town. li-, to C. I.. s(KM L'S, oe 23 4J1 Bl OB< t_*iB-a P A I B Iv" R I I AT J. A. (.RH,.."-. Tkn ii ash Main * i it tr. is rn The he-t tad tametl rtoeh to set. -et from of RUOT9, BHOMi si.iitii:**. THINK--. V\i.l*-Ks. BAT! MLS, M.M.s, dc. o<> iii -HORS, IBA80VAILI PtIORSi AND .ATfSI-A. MON (il'AHAN'lKKD. OLD LADIES' AMI I,KNT I I'.'ICV- HRoAD- B0TTO1I am> PLAT-HIUCL MRU THE llANT-MADK U .UKI Nl'H A*T SllOE- Iht first-c-'a*. ni 'tele -ini,vh» rc 11-e lu the (.Hy. _[oe 881 _ Fl \ -NCI tl.. T\AVENPORT ft 00., -lix K BROKERS, Nm. 11 tl Hair street, HIV AND IRIX AM> MARK LIULI.AL ADVAM OM BUNDI ANO ST'M II IN HAND rOI SALE. IHYCSTMEKT.8E4 L'RITil'. A .PEI .AJ.TY. dmibabliisK( munn roi sall: IMM l!H HMOXO AND alLH.UANY RAH.. ROAD 7 PRU KNT.Ci.t'l'.iN BoNDsJ, due 1020. 10,000 LR HM'.ND.YoIlK RIVI R SID OBI |* APIA Kl RAILROAD I PU (KNT. COUPON BUIDf, 'lue lh;"4. 10,000 ATLANTA AND CHARLOTTE AIR¬ LINE 7 PEI". (K.M. I.M.tvri.l.tll, 7 PBI OUT, BOV-BLdBt l»07. envoi RIOBMOVDI ck:, i-nt. re* QtBTRIRD i:oNli«. 5,000 (HY (-!. IICBHOID H MB (INT. IIOND-. Il (.!¦*'! Kl! ED. 20,000 VIRdfN'fA ( ONS OL «ti||-./.\ Hi.VD?, nilli ".u|i.-,i. f..od for tax ¦¦>. 1C0 SHARE- VIRGINIA. IOU IN-UJRANCI COMPANY ITOOK. 75 .HARKS j*n h.Mond and PBTIH- Hl KO RAILROAD STOCK (CATI Ol* VJIH-NDS -KMI-ANNl ALLY). oe 20-Ct_ MONET TO LIND ON PIIBT-CLAM ( ITYOR QUUBTR1 I'lml'I RTY IN -l M* in -I I I. Charfre-i inodei-.»te. IL U. CH.* Kl"! \ A co.. .: E-i»ti Ania's, oe 23-61_N*e. 1 north T'li'lis'rf*-!. -1 ** i IK RICHMOND AND Al LK-JHAJTf lAOJtOAU OMI'A". i ri R r-*r I 0 11 '.'a (i I 7'», uvr. loco, i ..Iton or nomi ri .». We offer Hf nit * Rutted number of lb.-ahov^da* scrliaed Ko.N Os at 107.50 and liittr.-6f,Ue-c..i-.ta_nf rcservlnr Ihe toad** BM HM |Hai front tlana t< Hine ii.iil«". XV.* BMBBMMM the bond* ai a gool and taft se¬ curity. The bonds etty a'lob* bad from tnyof theoUur st'icii-hrokeii lu the elly of Rlchin»ud. DAVENPORT A CO* mr 17 .-!¦*.'kera. WIlID AIBCUA, S 2 ii. hawks BtOUSBBBia ANDCaKY kTUBBTS, Dea!er In ali kl nth of COM.. WimO-Lour, ."J_*--*1,*U<1 Spilt. [ai 10* Hali CIMMKI* riCI* KS HUI Al.I. -l/.l.s»)K 1*3 ANTHRACITE, CUMBEBLAND, si'LlNJ, t'L.lVKR HILL. NI ll Al IH Kt.. and »or*T ( (>KK; PIRRaad "'Ak Wooli front St to t- per cor*!, d-Ui-ired. .iii aud la etBvlBial tj**e >"*a lt. taner Hi-.i t-lst-wli. re. Onler, .>/ telri-toue t,*» otlierwi-e pn.inptiv Ulled frvuj elttnr -dt- -.708 lt,...- ..pp.,.tte Tb-atre, or 100. Cary aieri. *e Kl_C. Il I'AtiE. IJl.'Kt IIASKR- fr ANTED KOH Be3 I j-i'l IN I ( DAL, BEJ.T AMIIRACITEi .'*.!., BEBT FoBE*T FINE ». d OAK WO.ID. BE*'P Cl MUKKI.AND COAL, Bk**T WEsl Vlin.lNlA 3TEAM «"OAl. B.P. LATH ROI', -tit* Sev*utee*lii *lr-*rf »*. .lr*-*-. o«-e. JOST RKt'ElVI-D, A KINK LOT; of O INO FA Ur*, as, CAUl-s*,_--. . bf C. BEL KEN OT. the B.-an-1-Ctitler aad *Val*Ra*r*r*rr, otiiMi* N*Ki-mule_-te«rrsAtif*«tl, 4

Transcript of Library of Congress...AV c THE"DISPATCH. HYTHEDI8PATCHCOMPANY. y^nrhT^V-bo^hrUmorttb,; BaTOE.-ne...

Page 1: Library of Congress...AV c THE"DISPATCH. HYTHEDI8PATCHCOMPANY. y^nrhT^V-bo^hrUmorttb,; BaTOE.-ne '.The*-OM^^^v^.M¦^,^M^>?¦^.">'^^^r*^»''w.I WEEKLY DISPATCH.!#2peran* TARRANT**"!l/IZtl




y^nrhT^V-bo^hrU morttb,; BaTOE .-ne

'.The*-OM I WEEKLY DISPATCH.! #2 per an*

^^^v^.M¦^,^M^>?¦^.">'^^^r*^»''w.TARRANT**"! l/IZtl* %I*KKI..MT._



tb* «it***ny l.kes lirhL ll ls an IncomparaMe sae*

tll<-_*»r<'*>atio... IMH.usx.e-s, Dy.-vpptla, Ner-,t>_»l>Mll(v.(,.>ut.Rbtumatl-m. .nd .ffcrd-adc.

Ilgbifal, sr-artl!nr. coollnl draught, emlnrnllv

htMlclal lo -.iiTerer* from B_ farlie complain.*.soil. lt". Xl I. DR! Ul». I -TS.

loci: IT-tftw]_

tl I Itt HAM 1 Al MIHIWO._

. un him. TO ovtt.(l.ollilVd T.M-RDF.R


r_. B. mftShW I MB,E. B. SPENCE A SON,I. H. -I"! ff I I »"N.

i ,mu\ mar, -



r. I- oTuVhl I I """..

E. B. H'i\' I I itW1. lt. M'lM K A --N.




!-i \i)Y MADE ( i.onii*s<..

Bl \D.-V IU « I.ollllNO.


E. H. sn *.< ,t lOCE*I tr. Sl'ENi I * .-MN

i. -i-i \tm a lO-i.bustneb. n ite,m BIBI N lt 11 liLTslNES. si ll-.


903 MAIN BTKEET.I i.. -,-i ' sos,E. P. mtv I s'.v,

i. ir. BPI EOE I BOBDEEBA sin*.

DBK8- st -.

dim:-- BURS.1".oV>" ( LOTHING,E01 ".' < LOTBIEO,B01 >' ( i.oiiiixi..

( Hil.DIM N's ( I.OIHIV..


0TEE00AT8 Koli HI VDVEE! OATS lol: mi v,(Ai Bl "Al- POE Ml v.



(.VI lr. "Vi- I OE < HIL DIM.V

0TEB00ATJ I".: I ntl.DHLS',OVER. "Al.- POE I llil.DI'EN.

E. li SPENCE A SON,I li. Sl'EVCK ... BON,E. H. BPSVCS A son.

MEDtrCATEB -un;.-.Mi IHCATED MUT rn,Mt IU« ATED shir -.

E. E. .-PENCE E son,E. 15. BRECE A son.E. B. SPENCE A SON.

BOBBY ne. kui-vi:,norry neckwear,bobbi neckwear.

toa mun enEET,003 MAIN STREE I.


ci.ovi.-.. hosiery, Ac.G Loves, IH-SlEl.Y, Ac.(,L"Vi «, U08U uv, Ac.

E. BL SITV I A BON,ft I -pis. i a BON,ft ft -pi-.n. i * son.

Mi¦!.'( HANT TAILORSMKBCHANT V All,ol;-.Ml Bl Ii V.NT M AI!.' I!-,


17*1X1: TAILtiinKGmoder ai e pru -.

I li ive now lu st«r\ka vi Bl ( "Mri 11 \--i.i:i,mi:nt of

KALI, (.(ti ill**,which I paritose to maka np tn the-.Ml- rn- CUT, TIMM MIN*.--.. AND

Woi.'KM a sa tl! inriinnii inolit.


salUfa.'.lou guar_iJOHN LATOUCHE,

ft l Bn I Trail simm

_ft/ AV!'"** *


GR fOM PANTON TC AN IN VALID LADY, Ol!i<."*il-T. li a good seamstress, anti urider*taodsan,l iuds ..r fancy tn.*,. A goo-l hoiuc moto thantala: ><*<i. Would Uk.- iiiiillncr> in pat tlcillar.Aila, -sa .* M. Y.." .aroof ibisoffloe, oe -.u-li*

\i ANTtl>* HY n,K MONTH. (.(KM)II BOARD AND LODGINGS, In aot-Mloealt-lv _. .he 'itv, for g. rt lon i sn and v. ile. tan. nun ll¦.an! n-ium, __Mr_ra RH HMO vd. cart*of Am.'He, patch._«>»._.'. *_t

WANTED.-A WHITE LADY. .-t^>o_.. WAN'ls \ Mil' \ J ION In a ir.f-n>ily. Ai'ply at 1ft-.'. t>yU,| stttet. oe _»-Qr»

WA?: PHI), A WtJlITR IlOl'sE-'-lEt.-II . /'. NT. Apply alj.ll east Main street.__ oc2»-ai»


Wac ced. \ ii ii ii iioisK--i:i:-» t ._*-'*': oin- acr-u-tju-e-l tn u*>t- ie_1r*MBB>clune. _bula-rt lice in-uliaJ. A|.ply al 1311 Rut



WA|*(S«-:D. A GOOD COOK. Apply atNa.__t":i IVauaiin strait,>ctii Ta-_BtySUlli an- last-my.armina -Ht-, ts. or AV Al'

W W ED, MY A YOUNO LADY, A-..,., S,i^.^f,OS. V Tl WI-EB lu a i.rlvat.-_!?_,' VV".' ff** Km*m>k uvstot. oil-r*al.Buaaiawiti.. .-_., ,i,.,7. w.,x in li ucl flo-er-, *c

rtimaru) co .-nulli ... ?»¦ st. R. H.-rcit. -etki l.t.. a .io r*_-.. m.* « ..J T_ eire of Liiter-Davr*er Na ll. Hicbaiond, Xe._.*, >8-d-_t.|wii*

WA5TEli BAUBiOfAjr. Appiv at SEEMain st*****.._oe -7-31*

f HAVE TUt« DAY KBilFCED MANY* (.(cia* it\ j-uii-k.V!.. afc)..* muk**. t,u._,r*.».-r tliitii they I,,,. ,y,r i^0 qg£,.rt-,|In a.nit of ao(*>,'.-KCi:\ Je-Ti.'Vt; (.<«iDsttd belier call tat _aii.|> |h< tii*»l*.*. r the fact.

M. h. ar at. i. \.BB 140a «_.a<i tr. ct.


______ HOTKCB.

pUBIt-ilJE nu, kl,OLIi POI Vf COMPORT, VA.

A.fl'ATaa OB« /itsui(iri) TABDt EBOM rOBtBfj*B_fffB*.

OPEb *U.L TUA YBABUl-i'iti io *uy boto hw iii*- Untie. Max** as a HuraB_#r lr___Cr>.a I a._. a.l,l -"***- ^-r-fl^f Ue-nri or eol.J-traailM'r *ai,iUM__a; Por cir-.xf/*.'i"4'r, ,,n*f hy»le_> a_v*__»__», latins, AcH-./e*»..> ma, oi u-'trrtab

.*"..*-*'. ¦***

«__.*_'» M. PHO-BLR, Pn-or-artAr.

B_ft_-4JaWs_5___^ "I


Richmond gispich.FRIDAY.OCTOBER 29, 1880.



fKnlered at tb. Post-Offloe si Rh, Va., al.r*«>ii(l-t'la*# matter.!

WEATHER REPORT.Indications ry-onTo-DAr.-. For Hie Middle

Matei, cloudy and, threatening weather,with rain, and northeasterly wind*, andgenerally lower barometer.

Til)" VVKATUKR YKSTERDAT Wart ClOlldj*.nw, and disagree'dile.THKIMfiMETKB YKSTERDAT : fa A. M., 52;

9 A. M...V2; noon, 53; 8 P. Af., 50; U P.M.. 47; midnight. 4-2.Mean tctniK-ntiHe, 49..


an _ppe_l for j'osti-onkmrvt op Tna salkOr IRK KOAH DBX1BD.TIIK ROAII TO BK801.0 TIIK DAY BBTOBB BLECTIOE BAY.Yeftterdar morning In the Halted Slat, it

Circuit Court thc ctse r,f B-.M-JJ ct als. vs.Atlrnitic. Mississippi and Ohio Knilroadcomp-mj waa ealled. Tin- Attoroey*G bb*ral of VirL'inia laked leave, in behalf of the('..nitiioiiwealili nf Virginia, lo file a peti¬tion requesting itel tbe tala in- suspended;TAtiicli petltlOfl the clerk filed.

'Hil* Couti decided that Hie petition in thecr»*e of Oraban dui not oner lotftclentgrounds*..! inapeodiBf thc *atc.The Attorney-General I hen (JT.-red tn

file ¦ hill of review, and nskid that it botiled.Judge BblpOBfl objected to the fl I i I * <_r (.f

Hie I.ill of I'-vi.vv, :iit(I Hated lhat he didnot desire to Ui*cii*. the question.*; hy piece*ioe-:l.On that then* was POUst discussion be¬

tween the Attorn,-y-Gein ral lad Jud£cSliii.i.iiin.Jndj/e Robertson said that he did not un¬

derhand that the mortgagor lind ever con-BCBted t i thc sal.-; that with the cloud re*t-in-,' upon thc elle ide Bile e..nhl tint resulttu tin rood <>f any oin- wEo-BTl r might pur*clitsc the road, hut that the wale of thc roxia! tin* tin-.- (with thi* cloud reetiBg on thetitle) would rc*ult in injury to whoevermight buy it undi r thi* decree of sale. HeUrged that Hie sal.-of thc road slculd bepotlpooed until this eh.nd Should tie re¬

moved, and in*i*lcd that it frould Lc unfairto any purchaser tbal thc propel ty he ptir-Cbaaed should have a cloud upon it* til lc.Udob tba queetlon of tba ri-ht to Bia i

"Hill Of lit View" tba Attorncy-Gem-ralquoted several authorities, rind ttated tbatin this hill the petitioner* a*k< d foi* a "Hillaf Injunction" again-d tlie master, io tba!lie sLttll not sell tbe road at the time adver¬tised.Tba Court decided not lo postpone the

sale, ead denied the motion of the Attorney*(..-nerti Baking leave lo lil*- a "Hill of Hi¬view," on lin ground that tba motion waa¦ada too late,

li alor Daniel represented the city ofI.ynehhurq-. and asked if the drcrce of tbaCourt affected the rlgfata of the city ofLynchburg*.Jttdga H'.nd answer, d that It did not.Major Daniel asked Ilia! Lynchburg be

allowed to withdraw its petition.Tin- UOurt allow, d the petit kui tobeWllb*

drawn.Major Stringfellow asked flint thc Court

empower thc company to employ counaelto defend its mle, and that meant beallowedthem ioi thai purpose.The <'ourt asked il Major Stringfellow

dcaired Un- pater to go into the record.Major Stringfellow said that ba did.The Court decided not to allow the paper

to lin Into the record.Mr. .John Collinson was present, looking

out for the interest of the English bond,bolder*.Under the order nf the ("'Uirt the road

must be sold next .Monday, the 1st of No-v. int.. r.

The court will meet again this morningat 10 o'clock to hear an order which will bepresented by Judge BblpUIBB relative tothe matter.

Exa.mim: hie PbiXTBD J.isr.-. ll yournam** is not on il _o .nd pay your poll-tax.Curry your receipt to tbe polls.\al. BBIBF Iii-ns..-Bobert Tan-iiaiiill, E-.j., pre*ident of tba New YorkCoiion Bz*;baoge, is in ihe city, and bathad int.!views with a BUmberof our tucr-chan!* who ruc intcresl-d in establishing acotton marka herc. Mr. Taninihill is thesi-nitii" of tit. iii in of Bobert TauBab'IIA Co.,colton commission mercbtntsol X. ts fork*and will be Bememben d ns having ben l>e-foie the war a meinher of thc linn ol .Mar¬tin & Tinnahlil, Peteraburg.aad Walter K.Mania 4. Co., Richmond, lie will doubt*1. ss h, aide to matertilly ass-i-t the new cot¬ton movement in Richmond.a i atumbua (Ot.] paperbaatbe following

paragraph in reference to ¦ former ettlscaof Btcbmond: Mr. .J. O. Jeffrlea. aaslttantdistrict itrpeiintendent of tbe Hell Tele¬phone and Tl legrapb Company, who i* weiknown to our people, hus received and ac¬cepted mr* ritterin-; proposition to go abroadiii the interest of ihe Oiiental Telephonei tempest la fore-ga teds. Mr. Jeffries hasproven himself to be one of the beal tele¬phone electrician.*! in this country, and hisservices wera Mably appreciated by tbecompanv. He will leave for his new tieldOf label 'is Mum a* some one ran bc selectedio succeed bim a* ssalataat superintendent,,Hi- tield of operation on the oih.-r «*ido ex¬tend into leypl :tiid India, wiih licaduuar-ters at London. England. We wish him theSuccess that his talent and ability so*ervc>>.

.Mr. A. P. Howe, of FredeileksbBff, linsnot allowed ii:* legislative duties to inter¬fere wiih tba raisin-.'ol line slock, as wat*evit,etd by Ins creditable < in the va¬rious departments of tbe state Fair.A lot of tiiusWr fell upon Mr. ft. Vaughan

while at wort..t the new eitv railway Bia*bid dav betel yesterday, and broke bberm and knee.A man fell out of a country cart yonder-

.day near tho ClHsupeake and Ohio dejivtand broke hts te.The Chief of ih lice his received not Bl-

catlou to be on itke lookout for John A.Woodward, who ir «* wanted" iu Kotrtocofoi embesnai $b__i>i..o.The Kicriiiioiid uiiel Allc.hany Ilailroad

< on.(liny has notrjibd thc Hoard of Public*.>.... l of Hu- coui|».-_*lon of fifty miks olits road, and its deaiat* for the same to beiMfiOQCed.

Thar* will bea fBSBBl Dcmocratl** rallyt«.-uu*W at Marshall "Ward (:Iii>,..<m_m_tis-cjit. t). Wi*,, *_.,<-,.. rtierieral Fitz. Lee.S. lt. tl nt, Ks.p, :**«.,*.t('r II. A. Alklii*_i__,and otlicr* will addre.-r. ri* meeting.K_'oe__ Of Iloxoit R+* M-iN..On yester¬

day P. li. i>. JJ. L>. Bluk, itho I. one ofil. -mireine rfpresenfailee*; and P. I). J.W. lii-a-liy, of Orient Lodtf.*. .Norfolk. Va.,arrived in this city, and ittat oiiiit tbe mem¬bers of the .ad. r, in honor of BBCU" dlttln-guisbed vblioit, tendered thew a baiioiietat BgBfff Ilaflk'.In rcspon*e Unentlmentt, addr<*esct were

made by*. John C. Teller. B. D.Bli. k, James II. Limkln. J. VV. Btxislcy,W. H. Hallie, J. J. Wr.j-ht, Julin Maawell,J. J. Chaddlek, T. W. Gentry. WilliamZlmmermuu, H. C. Tabb, Jobn hi. Gibton,¦nd other*.El.BIKB TBB Pt(l.\TKD I.IIT.-If fOUl

nirne It not on li go nd pay your pofi-taE,Parr/ jronr receipt to tbe qoUm. J i

thi: tai ate fair.

Ittsnll ol tim Third tef*B Exhibition.


The threatening clouds of yesterdaymorning, accompanied by a damp, penetra¬ting wind, made the outlook fora large at¬tendance upon the Fair-grounds very unfa¬vorable, and lt W8S evident that many re¬mained at home during the morning wait¬ing for a better prospect overhead. Laterin the day, flatt, mined not io be eluate.1out of the "bil* day," and protected byovercoat and wrapping, Hie multitude be¬gan pouring in at Hie different gates untilihe hearts of those interctcd in seeing Ilargo attendance were rejoiced, and thcgrounds wore the venal aspect upon thegreat day of til.- Fair; (he side-showmenshouted, the engine* used in displaying themachinery whittled, the crowds of people{celled and greeted, and oven the grave di-it eton smiled as the success, against theadverse condition of thc weather, becameassured.AKCXKXPaCTKn termination of a trial of

SIIKl'll_ItI) IIOOH.The Ant feature in yBStBtday'l pro¬

gramme wa-r de.lgncd to be the "trial oftrained shepherd dogs, and much interestwas felt in the exblbttlOB. which was ap¬pointed for 9 o'clock. Many were dliap-^pointed, that ow in-. IB SOBM failure on ttiepart of committeemen to come to timethe trial had lo be poalpoited until the af¬ternoon. Promptly at :i I*. M. the commit¬tee asaeablad. 'ilate waa allowed of fifteenminute--to (nell dog] Straws wete drawnfor choice in time of drivin-.-, which WEIwon by Mr. Creen, of Oran nc county, theowner of -'Scot," whicii he, however,waived in favor of his competitor, a flogowned by Mr. Bool h. Elva Sheep were

promptly turned upon tbe green (tba dogbeing held in leaabj on the southwestside of the president's office. Theteal was to drive Ihe sheep across IflHie direction Of tba exblbftlOU hall, andOOOflna them In one of the pens usu¬ally allotted to shep. The trial began,the lacing hiing suspended so ai not to In¬terferer] but the crowd movile, in everydireel'on and tire and pigeon.Shooting presented areal oli-taelis to suc¬cessful work. Mr. BootO". dig showed hi*.insiinct to a remarkable deg1**-*, :ind In tbesequel to the performance evidenced tbefact that hi- eonsctouitneseof defeat sroosediii iiim a feeling of "resentfulness. Timehaving expired* tba dog wa* fastened in onaof tba open pens near bj th*- sheep. An*ot la I pen Of sheep '.Mle dlspeaed Of like tin;Brit* aad Nra Green's dog scot began in*work in linc sui", whicii hui for au unex*pictcd opportunity for revenge would bavereaulted very tucceaifuliy, ,lti*i a* tbasheep wcie paasiBB tbe pen in which tbefirst dog wa* eonlaed an*1 hroodlBg orerhis expected dlsappolBtment. one of tbesheep turned suddenly and entered iii* ken¬nel. Now was hi* opportunity io disgracehis rival and punish the intruder, of whichba took advantage st tbe expente of tba Iceof i tine sheep, Tbere appeared so muchof mel hod in his madness that we feelobliged lo neribe tbe motive. Boot wasawarded the prize.

BALB OK DfTSbTED STOCK.Considerable setlvity was manifested

among the bleeder* of Improved stock, andninny sales wen- made, winch will result Inmaterial improvement in Ibe different sec¬

tion* to which tin se snimals are transferred.siioit lioitis, Devon**! ineepi and piK*

changed banda* but the mon Botlvi tU'-inai.d seemed io be f"r Jersey cattle, andour friend the Hon. A, P. Bowe was busymilking transfers..'Young Hebe*" i beautiful spring calf,

was bougbi by Mr. a. Davenport al >~<o,and a bull calf to tba same for 180.

Mrs. Armhcim, a lady engaged in thedalry business, invented |100 in n pair ofSilver Fawn calvi t.

Dr. Beatty, of Richmond, :.],o boughttwo choice registered ealvea.Mr. CameroB purcbaaed three cow* at

long inures, anion-,' them '-Orange Blos¬som."The import ed cows of Mr. Bowe attracted

great attention.Thi* Hm oort.

Tba racing yesterday wat mneb more at¬tractive tlmii thal of the day before.CoBtiderable loterett wai rniaifeated in

Ibe match gotten up betWCCB H. C. Adam,B ho entered Mattie !t, and Mr. Harman, whocatered Bock. The purse wai for |400.B.-gt three in five-mile heals, lo harness.Mattie II seemed to be the favorite, and it 1*said that considerable money changedhands. The race wa. won by Hock inthree Btralgbl beats. Time : .V_'. ".:Vt, 2:53.The Brti race.trottin_ .op.n to all ages

for any hor*e lhat never trotted hctler llirin2:.'5'J. mile heals to hu in *>, 1850* be»t t hr. e

in live; |175 to Aral horse; #100 to second,|50 to third* Itt to fourth* four or moreto tnicr, three to start, a. H. Perdu.entered Clara Morgun, W. L. Bass OrangeGirl, James Fletcher Torondo, H. H. Car*row Boan.ike. The race WM won by Tor-nado in three atraigbt heat*; Orange (iirlsecoad* Roanoke third* and Clara Morganwa< given the fourth place Time: 2:40,_:4i _", 2:40.Second Baci.Bunning, two-mile beats,

free to all, weight! for igee, two in three,truce lo enter, two to slut; first horse,DOO; second, ?7.r>; third, 625. The fol¬lowing wera the entries: Vigor, by A.Fitzgerald; lledrin, by T. \v. D. swell;Surprise, by S. S. Cooper, lt was won bylledrin In two straight heat*, and wa* eon*Bittered one of the beal races, that has takenplace for several yean over thal track,lledrin was thc favorite In the start.Third race.runniii..geiillenmn riders;

mlle beeta; two in three; welter weight*;I tiree to enter, two to start; |75 to lintbone, and ?"5 to second bone,Major Doawell entered Snowden, and ().

0. Wost, of Louisville, entered Wrangler.Snowden was tbe favorite and winner.Time, VM, 1:54.Thc judges were* Colonel Timothy

(VBries, E. E. Taylor, and Charles II. Simp¬son.

Premiums Awarded.Quirk llglit-.lrafl hors.*, foar-rfBBT Old llaBIOBB.

Hisi p-etulum tu li. W, I'a'in-r, i.r **>altvlllt*;racpatt iirvti.luiri tu Alexander Keir. K- |,Tarot-ytat old mbBIv-bs.Ebal iircunuui t.. Mr

Jouii IV ri.lit; BtCOOd premium to F. W. Chile*, ofLouisa county.

I wo-iiar ..Ul entire roll.Klr.t premium lo Mr*.John Wiixiit: second i>rt-iuiu__ lu C. V. Tempi.,Kat].Uaa-yaar cM.first pr- tu lu ai tu J. L. Carrlnx-

tun, K».|.Brood'Jtares.

Four-yi-ur ol.I iiisre*. nr»i prttnlum lo A. I'. AM. u. Bait-1 t-ecoii.i premi .iu to J. L. Otsriuaton,Uta.'Ii-ree-yev oH fiUy.Fl rut premium to A. M.

lllrcli, Km-. ; s,.,.,,nr| t>r*-iiiiuui lo H. V. I'nomat, Ea...Twu-M-ur *l.l IH.y.llr»t -.n-iiu-ui Pi J. L. Car-

rin_i<>ii. Cst,.; unttnU premium lo H. V. 'lliumas,Bsa. n,lr .,.' lturses, a.-t u-Voiui.l tu tie driven tsMitti.t- ir-11 >n h. Min tu it. B-aadMC of Hi I*!*- v. (* ;.ui-uiid |.rtiiil* in lo VV. ll. AtUuta, of l.ytiulilaurg,WU.(Balle drlvlnr* lion*..First ermunn to Thom*.*.

JtXttlSt.-ll, \\'.l>'.lt. Ilona', VB*/lr set, Qeneral Utility.

Suilions four r-.'-ar* old.Klr»t oreti)tum to J. VV".Karl*/, _.*.<¦ ; Mt*ml premium, VV. A. lino", nf Lex-IukI-*.

'Ilirt»--*,car-t.l(l .-ntlrt* cult..Firtt premlnm pa S.VV. KP* 11 n. of Ai*. Marl. >. c md pi to* in in io N.Laredo. Iii).Twa fum old.Hirst preuitiiin lu O. K. Kuckiili;MeoMl <*"t*inluin toV. I,, t's rn naton, K**qOoh ). «/. ..i.i- lr ir.t pr.-ti. ium ut James F_Utritan ;*a*«inl jjsaiiilum iii %.. J. I'ut-lt. t, t*q .

Ko*I ol' lfc-80.Kirai premium iT.ard.-sl lu Mr. A.H. Ii--i*»u.*ii of Auxmta county, (or a ue-uufw-iliklittjay Hie ilioiuu/lilir.-.l lu.rat- Itooiu Adair,iud -ut of hi* had.:, ra ur. little, winner vf Brat-remiuin nt her clans, tt ih.* ru. i..jt_ec wa* uiitotujoui Hist tl_* eon, rn ,x>luioi uatrtt,»ai iiii-iirpavt'il.rour-year-.M marc.First ,'ir-nilum _>'ame* Dally, £-*}.; stjcon'l pfeiuiuu. tu J. L. Cse-

IdKtoii. K»ipTw«a-v. -u-olii flllj.rir»t preiuluiii to Vf* A. But,f I., Va.; st-'-uii.i preiuiuiu tod. *>. ,!»>-_*.(lue-voar-otd fliiy-llrst pr»-uilu_i u. A. v.*. A il.1. Bowe, tot lily JeMle.

Boath-J)attn 8/tttp.Buc,. two jens* «i_-.|>trit prtnlum to a. M..simd ; Kcaa- pitaiaa ie j!, ti. flvot., ko* li

I Buck, one year old.Flitt premium to A. H. Bow-rum, | .,.

Itiirit lami**.First nr.**ilnm dl\|.|<->| and awardmade etpiiillT to (J. Julian Pratt, »af Autusra emily.ann r. W.i lille*, nf I...ul*t. "

K****.Kim and second premium lu A. M. Bow-nan.Ewe lamhs-Flmt premium to A. M. Bowman.Biirortltlr*- jtrtd**.Kim premium to A. lin.ct;-

port; second prtml-Ui to G. Julian Prttf, ol Au-jrn*u.

In tlie ilr-nc* of a full rervrt we nottre lhat.|Tbe ( otswoifMHifrli pranlam, Iwo .¦ear* old. wa*

awaided tu Dr. Bcid. r f Madl-on, Me**/'. _ts_on,of (i|i|o. and A. I*. Bowe _l»l(Jinjr th.* otlWs.Hie Miroii.hlii- premium* w^re Isken ino.tly layMetirs. Hre*n and Farrar, of (iramte. Mr. A. P.

Bowe, of Kre.i. rl'-kslmrir. Ukin*, the, at-eot.d prtml-titn In twf.-ycjr-old ew.g.

'flu- (txfur.l-ll.awn preml a in > wsre awar.'i 1 lo A..Iltvenport, of (»rani<;.

Et (Tic-tarn.Tbe slight rain of Wednesday somewhat

,fettled the dust on thc Broad-street road,hut the road-bed could easily have stood ahen vier shower, and then there would havebeen plenty of dint left to satisfy tbe aver¬age Fair-goer. The crowd yesterdav wa**much larger than on any day previous.Considerable interest was manifested in theraces, and the grand-stand teas well tilledwith spectators. Thc racing begun about1 o'clock, and lasted several hours.Broad street from the Theatre to thc Fair*

("rounds was crowded with all kinds of ?e-hiclei* going lo and from the Fair, and an

j opportunity was offered the people to ridelin some queer-looking one*), the like ofwhich are never seaa except during Fair.011*011.Tbe absence of pickpockets and sneak-

thieves from Ihe Fair thi* yenr is a notablefact. None have br-( n arrested, or, ps fara* is known in police cii.-l. «t have com.

j mitted theft. The police are always on thewatch for these tine,' ~.

The embroider? IBd needle-work in themain exhibition hall is very good, andninny visitors viewed thia with much In¬terest. Mi-s Lelia Mallowe of Manchester,exhibited some fine tpecimeBI In this line,which attracted no little attention.The baflooB-sellei. were ob hand in full

loree yteterday» aad it seemed tbstalinoalevery other little hoy had one.Tbe display ot vegetables, hotter* bread,

ftc., is not as large thi* year as last, I.utwhat rs exhibited ll ind'ed v<-ry tine. The.side-siiow* sppeared lo be doing a goodboola, ss ami attracted lame crowd-.Among the nio*t attractive ft stare! in the

taseblcery department is tbe beautifulei_ht-hois(-pov\( i run '< tilturril ragine, willipatent iperfc*ejrtiBfaiiber, Daaufacinredand exhibited by Mesars. William E. Tan¬ner A; Ci., ol this city. The design of thismaebiae seems admlrablf adapted to thcti*. | of the planter, rind the finish is ex¬

quisite. As might bave beea expected, ltwas awarded the first pretnlUIB,Mr. J. E. Beaner, of Churcbville, Au¬

gusta county, Va,, bal on eXbtbitiOa an ex¬cellent model of BB srtiflcisl leg.

II. K. A l*. B. Thurber A Co., of NewYoi k, mike n very lim- dliplaj of cannedS"OOds, farina."' 001 -foods* j. Hie-. Veilt*pOW*dels, und other articles in their line.

Ann (tal >lc«-lln_- ol' lim Soolcl*,.The bbbbsI meeting ol tbe Vlraiata state

Agrtetiltural Society was held last night atWilkinson1. Dall.Q. W. Palmer, Esq, ol Smyth county,

president, occupied ihe chair; W. A.Barbe, ol Augosti* seer,tory.The (hair stated Unit the first business in

order wa* to a-c. 'tain svtiether there was a

qaorum, and appointed Messrs. Ximian,(.ame*, and Bowman a committee lor lhatpurpose, wno reported tbat there were 69members preeeal and itu hy proxy.Mr. Id'.v oIle red the following :liesfJrtit. Thal tbe Executive Committee

take into eonsideiatlon the propriety ofninth), the next :i ti rt uri cxhihition wrth theYorktown Centennial, and invite all of thesoneiies in the State to cooperate.Thc resolution was withdrawn.Mr. Brown oU-red the ..Mowing, which

wns adopted:Hesotvett, That Ihe Executive Committee

ol this society he authorised to correspondwllb Ibe Executive Committee ol all seri¬cultural socratic* ol the State with a viewol oiL'r.iiizieg a grand union exblbltloo, tobc held in the capital of tiie State about theHom <>f the eentennlal celebration at York¬town next fall.Dr. Reid otTered tbe following:BeBOtved, That section .*., which reads

thal one hundred members of the Society" bein..' pl. Beni in per-oii or hy proxy shallconstitute a quornm," that the word* "in

persofl or by proxj " be strlckea out, andinstead of "one hundred" fifty shall eon-

itltute i (juoruiii.Adopted..Mr. Colby odored the lollowing:Hesotvedf Tbal voting i.y proxy shall

berealter be prohibited at the meetiofi ollife-members ol this Boeiety.Adopted.Major Nowlan moved that the words

"with itu' exception ol tbe ieeretary_aadtieaturer *' ne stricken ont ol tbestreendlinc of nth secttoB, aod the followfnxin¬serted a* ¦ separate par .graph, *.> as to reeda* follows, and that it lay over until nextmeetit'g. whit li was adopted :

tUsoived, That tba seeretsry of the so-clet] Bbill reside sad keep hteofflcelotbecity of RicbmoBd; shall be elected doriangood behavior by tbe geoeral meelina' "fthe society, bul niay be luspended fromoffice and ¦ temporary substitute appointedby the Exi euttvt Committee lor maMeasanccin offi(;e or neglect of duty unlil the nextsensral Bieetlag al tba Bt-clety, when tbeKx. cul ive Committee Sbsll report theirreasons for such suspension.Mr. Beverley stated as there wa* no fur¬

ther business t.ef..le the meeting th it theydow proceed to thc election of offlceretorthc ensiling veil". Adopt! d.Mr. Palmer nominated lt. ll. Dulaaey

for president. It was seconded by W. T.Stitherlin.On motion ol Major Nowlan, the elec¬

tion of Mr. Dolaaey was made unanimous.Mr. Thoma* S. Watkins, of Ihhfax, was

elected vice-president, and the followingwere sleeted iiii' of the ExecutiveCommittee: C. lt. Barkadale, ol BJcbmoad ;James 15. Jones, ol Chesterfield; JosephWilmer, of Culpeper: Q. W. Palmer, ofSmvtn county.Adjourned.

Fro_r.iiniii- lor To-Dajr.Gates open at 9 o'clock.Plouirliing-tnaicli at 10 o'clock in rear of

the grand stand. Any persons barlasploughs on exbibiitoB deelr.Bg ttiem leatedwill report, With ploughs, at the trial, toWilliam II. Benton, I".*q., chairman of thcCommittee on Ploughs.

A' ll o'clock all the premium hones andanimals will be exhibited in procession infront of the grand stand.

Kn.-*.1 o'clock P. M., handicap race, 1J miles;

head two in three, open to all; three to en¬

ter, two to start; r? 150 to first, JJ50 to sec¬

ond, and $25 to thud horse.2:30 P. M., (stallion rac* to hames*, |150,

mile noils, best itiice in live; tflOO to firstbone, |50 to second.

Examine tu_ Printkd List..If yourname is not on it go uni pay your poll-tax.< 'airy your receipt to the polls.Catbolic Itkm...Father II. Carl*, who

his been assistant priest at St. Patrick'schurch for something over a year past, sail¬ed from New York on board tbe steamshipMaa* for Rotterdam oa Wednesday l;i*t.Ile wa. nih hy his physician to returntobi* home, in Holland, since bi* healthbad suffered greatly in this climate. Hilhealth had been somewhat improved, bow-ever, by bis vNit to Norfolk, from whichplace he irad returned to Richmond abouttwo weeks before bit departure for borne.Ftther Mahoney, a young priest from

Brooklyn, will fill the vacancy occasionedby the depot ure of Father Caril*, ile isexpected hereabout the list of November.The pauli-t* Fathers, beaded by Rev. Fa¬

ther Elliot, wbo bave be>o giving very sue-eesiful mis-ions in Staunton and other partsnf the State, will begin the good work inRichmond next month. Tbey will com¬mence at St. Pi-rick'* ebnrcb ou the21»t*BOd st (be Uib8i_r_l oa Ute 'i. Ul*

Tnt AansEBENifi Last Nioht..Tbe cold,drizzling rain did not deter tbe crowd onpleasure bent, from visiting the variousplacet of amusement.The Theatre was well filled, snd Ibe

beauty of the Naiad Queen, with itt fineami gorgeous scenic effects, -.oemed to givegreat talisfactlon. Mr. Denham as Schnaptkept tbe audience in good humor, and thcplay passed off smoothly and with anima¬tion. Tbis enmpanv will play tbe TwoOrphan* Saturday night.Pinafore at Mozart Hail was the great at¬

traction. It would seem thi* opera willnever have Its run; for not only was everychair occupied, but all available staudlog-room, and a hundred or to people wbocould not tie accommodated had to bcturned away from this (wbicb ls probablytbe one-bundredtb) performance lo Rich¬mond. The opera was given wtth the usualspirit and fine general effect incident to theperformances of this companv. Mrs. Ber¬nard, 3Iis» Swain, Mr. Hoff, Mr. Greens*felder, Mr. Bernard, Mr. Cunningham. Mr.Pleasant!, and the rest, won many new ad¬mirers amongst the strangers preient, andit would be unjust did we not praise Mn,Gillis for tbe spirited manner in wbicb shebas personated Hebe. She Is all energy,and always keep* the chorus up tn the mark.To-night, the Rohe of Tyrol. It is wellWorth seeing. |The minstrels at Virginia Opera-House

had a fair audience, and, as u-u il, jrave a

good performance. They will cincludetheir engagement here

Mii.itai-t F_m..-A pleasant place to panan evening is at Association Hall. The hallis generally crowded willi a fnshionahle au¬dience. There is but one opinion, and thatis approbation nt the handsome tarey inwhich the Fair is ni lOBged. It 1" under theexclusive control of some of our hio*i at*tractive tn irrled Indies, and they have sparedno pain* lo make the Fair a mad sine. --.

To-night Company F will attend la fulllol Of.The voting will commence to-night on

thc handsome library to be presented to Hiemost popular teacher in either the publicor private school*. To the teacher gettingIbis library the eompony will present I veryhandsome ebony wall-shelf.Below we publish a n»t of last Blgbt'i

vol in_r:sword: Panter, 6; Rosher, .Vj; El lett,

132; Jones, id; Wi-e. 67; Stern, 48; Btw.sit ur, 1.

Flair: Company E, 88' drays, IS; Com¬pany B, 'll; Company F, lo; Blast*, 17.

Poiiei man's Badge: TomHoaoa, tl jEpns. ;{_: ."skinner, *_4. -

C 'Id-Headed Catie: Pr. Hawthorne, .I*,;Dr. lloge, 31; Dr. IVtcrkin, ll; Dr. Sta¬ples, 28; Biaboa Kt noe, .'tu.Firemen's Pi Ixe.: T. nth-Street HoseCom¬

pany, IS* Broad*8treet Compaoy, 19;Brook-Aveone Compsay, 4; Tblrd-StreeiCompany, 3; Chuieh-Hill CompaBy, 3.

Hat foi Dandy of the City : J, B. Taft,I ; .lordan Maury, 1 ; Colonel C. J. And' r-

»on, l; .Cbamberliyae, 1; NedNortb,l ; w. v. Gregory, 1.

A Rum Ibtbbpbibb..Tbe Ina e. Marali*Hot l Beerie, who bave berotofore shippedtheir itasca coeetwlse, and tbcece abroid,have just cleared tba Norwegian hark Vin-golf with a full cargo of wine-pip.--, liojr***-heed», and barrel-emvea lot Gibraltar lororders. | hi* V-OBCl, it is underwood, Willproceed from there to a Hedlterraaean port.This timi is now ttOCktag their new ttave*yard, and will hereafter ship direct fromthis port to various peril ol the world.

A Ciui.i.KN.-r: io I-'i<roi a Dr ki..-.E. D.Bland (colored), of city Point, member oftb- HOBSe of Delegates-, tani W. ll. L.Combo (colored)) grand scribe ol th.-GinniDivision, Sons of Temperance, a (-hallen.eto flgbl a duel during the *e**ion of theGrand Division, Monday, in Manchester.Mr. Combs says be is a law-abiding citizen,ead treated Ihe note willi contempt.

Additional Railroad Facii.itiks foiiRichmond.--ll is stand that lite Chesapeakeand Oblo Ballway Company propose to runtwo additional fast trams to Washingtonand one to Lynchburg, commencing at anearly day.-

Finkiiai, or BtBBor Dooobtt To-DaT..Bishop Dofgetl will bc buried to-day at llo'clock from Centenary Methodist church.Thc irraagemeats include ipproprlate ad-

- from Dr. Edward*., Dr. Mining.--rode, and Dr. Hope.EXAMINK TIIK PBIBTSD 1.1ST.. If VOiir

Bama is not on it go and pay your poll-tax.(arty .our receipt to the polls.

ll.-ririeo ,-...*,.

Hon. ./. 0. Field, Attorney-General:\ DUB who has resided in Ileiuico all of

his life is ordered to vacate tin- Innis,, inwbleb ba llvei. Ha reata i house in Rich*mood until be can set a boase in Benricodoes not lake a transfer, and declare* thathe does not inttnd lo Blake Richmond hisliothe. He btu llaec removed to lie entitled to v tte in Heal ic . t

II. A. A., Jr.I nm of opinion upon the facts stated

tbat tbe voter's resldeace li in Henrico, andth d In- i< entitled to rote in tbat county andnowhere (.!-(-. Jamks C. Fiki.ii,

Attolllcv-(.( 28, 1380.

* lo-.e lp Tim-mI-i*/.Editors Dispatch .- I seeoad tbe motion

made some days ago by a coi respondentwriting in yoar paper tba' thc hoaineta*men devote Tue*d iv.(ir nt lessl the wholeafternoon ot that cl.iy.lo the ctcetion. Letthem iir*t vote themselves, ibea see thattlc ir employe's have thc like oiiporttinity.Let tbem remember* too* to look thi» keruday on the printed list to iee it they havepaid the poll-tax for 187!l, without whichtii.-ir preseace at the poll* will be whollyiBCffeCtaal. Scud rtroiind l paper and allthe nu rc han ts will sign lt andacree to closeuji l'liesday. Kaunksi.

RtcuMoM). Va . October 28. 1880.Editors J)isj»:tch: In your Manchester

columns of yesterday I Bad tae name olWilliam Isaac JobBSOO BJ " Grand-Scribeelect" of lin- (.rand Division Junior Sonsof Temperance of Virginia. Thi* is i mis¬take. 1 also pronounce tbe nain.- ol Walter*a* ivpresentative lo the National Divisiona forgery. There is no such man in the(irand Division. I wa* duly elected GrandScribe over Mr. John-mu by VJ majority,..solid" vote-, on thc first ballot by tbisbody Mond iv, notwithstanding bis des¬perate political eflbrte, and I am Hii*tainedand recognized a* (irand Scribe by Mr. An¬drew" J. Brown, tba newly-elected GrandWorthy Patriarch. Furthermore, Iain re-

OOgBlsed a* *uch by over two thirds of theorder, and I lateeed to hold the fort by theas. :stau ce of the laws of mv Mate.

W. H. L. Combs,Grand Berthe Grand Division Junior Col*ored Sons of Temi-eiance of Virginia.Pr. C. I.. MiTi Iikll, K..rt Mettle, Fla., on M «y

28, 1877, wittie: "I think jon would confer i

bleulneon lh. peni-h-hi dil- . -..iintrv lay establish-Ina an artury hoi for Ute sale ot TCIT'8 I'll i*.

UtTtaStutti tlicni. 1 know ilnlr.ui*rit)rl'T. auilwant to i.-e them uni lusti-d t.f the wort-ilea*coni-xiut-i that an* tatt l'i BltBOa.tS%f*

UMOMUMl Dk. H. R. W altos,ASMAIOlls. Ml).. WH1TB8:

(totem. I.iiciti'i's UOjOIB KathacT or BEirrIssuperlN m ( "'il.iver Oil or anything I lute ctrbm.1 in wasted or Imp..!**."* cotistUuiloiis.

Fob tiik latest sttlbi or


call at

B. Fkbbanoimi'S,61 "I Bro*- stree!.

BAVB HOBBY br ha'tnt Towr print!-* dont at lira

HurAT-i! FBiBTiKoBot««- Hoo4 wort, low

prtctt, aud ttUtiitUou g-triBBttsi. i








Fm tb xs.









Pr ick


cre**_._. Trna Day.

OVBRCOATt at |6,(.VER. OATS at IO,



810, |U. IIB, 813. 814, 118, »16,811, #20.

Hrs.neus rfriTS. |8 to ISO.Dress si-its. io tr*,*..

("IllLDBIN't (L0TU1N'(;:

sui rs, 83, S3.50. 15, (6, 1*7.

(niLDRKN'e Overcoats,11.80.12.-5. tl. *4. 83.




/. **AKs * CO.,(Kw- I'iie- GtakMlM,

1013 Main street,

opposite post-ottBc.',

"H.WAIL".** Patent,*'"lu nloi* Pecobth-a-tki>."" *» BrtdBewatar Family." Tilt* ai'o*« ______

¦if !. lesa are lower now In l-l r<.». llinn Ih*-v will I.e.Call at W. I>. Blair Sc (o'*. HOB east Malu, andbuy jour viar's supply.

I.AD1KSwilta wi-li to Live ile-lr

io-1aa La. bo kid ..

juli on th*-ir hands, 'iv I lady t xpert -(rut toM mn. Levi Biotoiu*-.

thc BfVBti ai t'.is div, i>yi.'-nir. ti.- ..'. lira'.il h l-l (il..vierare reqBBsted la MB this welt.

I hi Ko*i Kt( Kid (,i.o\_8ar.- Mpertai in ninny rapeeu ta tay tiber Kid(,l..\i-r tna.le. and Um patent Bi 11 IBsllBlaS BIBlBSit .ti .hi. .iv tba tu ¦ c rnfftrtaBia ai t tu.- rea < mtr*f. (".-tillinir Kid (Hove. Al WB BIB tlit-a-fCllt* lu tillselly for ihli *¦*-1»- r.*r. .1 Kit Glove, tn ''nu tlwiyinp-By oar ca loaim wllb say sim and ealortb-]ina;. -I -Ire._M. rI.l.Y*ON' .* ( " ti. vt -rtt-ln. alf. ut«. I'irert re!-

velisitrjcnU in al! of the ii. W-pip. rt Bf tht I'liltcdstate* at put.Ushers'rnte-i. (inl.r* lt ft at flu- IUs-

eoBBtlas-roosi win recelva proapt maair...

A Down-Town MERCHANT, btvInxp-s < d |.-- s'.. ili-t'irl.e-l iiy

'lu- aLoni. tad t ri.-- ol' a IBfJfcfliachild,BB- "--

e.iniiii^.-iriviiK-id ti-).t" Baa. W I BS IA) W"r» Sm »'l II-IMO8TBUPwai Just tba irOcis settled.prOBBtafa supply pu- lin- child. (»n 11 a..I.lui.' tad BB*qoatntlas bliwlft with what tn.- tiad ti.m. ,sii«. i-,--

tutti io batt it io tba .iiii.K ns -htwa- itroaaly In tarot ot Hraieaopaihy. Thal alahltlc- >liil.| pas e.! In siCf. rite.*, met ti* pan nts wltll-..nt sj-rp. Retaralai boase itu- day foBotrtas. thefri'ln r I'.'Utid '.lie baby Mill w..r-e: and while <

tenn.latin. IBBthtl Ma**Bfc ¦ ul.lit. Hi- m«>tti' r

step.ieil I'f.iii tin- roon io art.-tel ta MM dom-sileduties, aad taft Um nthn -rltb tba eMM. Darlaaht-r al.-Ttict- lie adinlnl tared . portlOB af tl,

BooUiIbs Byraa '" Ihi bator, uni said bbcUbb.Thai alibi nil baads slape wen, and Um Httla fellow.woka in ihe nornliii brtahl add bappy. Thtmoth' r was deBghted with Hie BOddrB rmi louderful than**., and iBb. afb al Bm r-flrada I tl thtda*Oeptlon prattled up..ii lier, bal (*»ntliiiied to tis*-

thc syrn,..andtaBrrlBg, '-ry ag bairtetaii- r*_rtlr_Mtlllflils tiav.. ilis.ippt .ar, ii. .\ in*-1.. trial t,f thes\irip paver yet ratted t<» rtRave uh- baby aad.iver.-'iiieiii.- prejadlee* er tin- motin r, BoM by illdxnjrstst*; 86 ceatai hottit. se 18-aodlw


JAB, MA" DOUGALL, lo A. M.. le.a-limr.-. dc.

d fiirul.


il riNj** to be published very tooa. IfyrrabinI'a HM FoB r-.M.K, call ni i iee u- before nor poper."< * lo ; H. L VI AIM.KS ,t ( (I

Heal Kital, a i-i ai and 29 .l,1t.|wlt_1103 Main stn et.


pn Muted for ni triair ail yoor city and ennntrv pro*nerty in our VIRGINIA BRaL K-TATK .J"i l(BAL,fr .-. du- paper trill _'.. lo pr.-- In i fl >>

.las-. Parlies dat-triu_ lo anil th. tn-ii.. of frwa.iv-ro Ina trill please send lt of HIV ANUOONTHl PROPERTY wltboui delay.

u. ii. (ii trriN .. ci,oe 20-(tt Beal Batata Aeaau.



00BBB8 TWBBTT rn-iii asp ( lay sthektsiTO-R1GH1 AT | (.'( UM K.

Ocor_c I). Wi-., (i ntiil Ki i l.t.. *. II. Witt, .indIL*A. Atkinson, it., wi address tba a-eatlne.oe 20- lt*

RPjRortgamoiifa l.


KU HMii.VIi, VA.

(.rruir: Miin sn..-, arer SlrBiala Home In.sttraiit;.. (-nil i.i.v .-tn.iel fi'ioi).

A'i rasal'ost*08leeLock-Box 887. <c ._9-ntn*


ROBERT TANN Allll.f. ,t llih,m\ INiMUISaiUN BEBCHaBT*,

No. B COTTOB BXC-LtBtlB, NEW VOKK.Personal nv. u to c intl|i.ments nf < '.at¬

ti n. th** parfbare .-i iait for fBtartdeilrrry.Beferenee: ''* M. Brr. Esq., President Bank..r New York | M«*si-. W'hU.t K. Mamu ,t (.,Klcbmond. ot 29-1 ¦ *



rpo THE FAlR-OROUND_i,_*a^;(-tnniiiviit.-tiit' \V!T)\l*s|iAV ai 9________±k__!

A. M., and ....ntiniilii-r ev.-i y day of the Ir'.iir, I -olrm, a liol of (.MMitlM-* tba corner ofNliuli and Broad -'r.-.'s to tbe KAlK-..K(>l'Mis.( ni,,il'.ie. * will run In ia. ti <l.i. t-n ni «-\i rv Irw.iles. A. \V. OARBER,

o.. 27-31 .roprlttor.

TAX lt*.


Haviiur baaa ippatalad by tii«* Aadttaf of PablieAccoanli collector "t de'lnqneal t-apit.ti ti a-.dlar-r-.nnl-i n.t>trt\ laxes, I h.i.t.y »-lv.. aoHCB thatI .-ni (». foaad ai m. tn », \.>. 209 Qovaraatatt-ett (rora A. M. m 7 I* M.. to Keelee the taite.«ic_0*3i» WILLIAM H. BRVERIDGK.


1. (I.I.I AM. of Hie cunt, of (li-slt-rll ld. tc. .'.-lill¬lie* lo collect and rec ipi lor .Iel no mn t .'apltatlonand ii.rk<sual-property ___.-» f,-r 1879.

I. I.. IYDBOR,ColUctor for ( be trill ld (-..linly

oc2ftlt* « h.K fleiu (on ri house.

MANCHESTER TAXES.The ta«t htlf of tbe eitv. iv' oot, an.l sfja-e'tl '»»

ll Cut Novel.iImt 1st. To all (alli, tuipild *f er ihtl.tare iliere be.d.led 3 pereaaL l'er*'>u»bar*tu-r paldoi.e half hv J l> 1--. « I 11>* entitled to a re¬bate of b per i-tut. ou 1**) mr the .,Hnr lialf by No-vi-iulK-r lat.

1 be bute '. 'jes aro bow r*-a-ly f*r collection. To¦li lull* nnfai I aftt-r Vo-etntv-r SO.h "here will ti«:addtd b ott ccu-.. J. \V. iuh >>1 Ali. ll. Ju..

Tri_-.ui.-r City of MaoctietteroO'_*_-eo<itNovl




MAKE WIIIHs Asii AXLE_*ABD ALL h. .1 * or

RAILWAY W-.KK. KliH-I'l.ATEB, BdLTS,l IIA1KS, ^l'lK^:ts AMI liAlt-iRoN

OB ALL -.I/..**.ALIO.


and all kind, of IRON and BRA** C A vr I Nd-,.(/aKJ-ll K. ANIIBBBON,

iu88-aiB TieibkBti


OBe-oaare.onetssenlon.on* .qaare, two tn«er.l«>o«.,...,.(mt- «.|u*u**, three In enion*.,*...(hv* -airfare, *tx insert lon*. I"ne -inure, twelve Invrtlon*. I(?ne (lusre.oo* month..... 10One ...nsr-Mwo n-owns. lg''ne '.|..*re. rhr***» motnl**. ail




li -Of lit. NT I NO*.*


WAURKNPHA.T fll.'KS,for boys.




-MI, L ER'S COM IL ESE 81 V LI*>mu


OLL G EN TL KM ".:*.'-WAl'KENSi.ow Boers A Mi







a :if :S8 )A it ;.M :

*. i:

inc 29 aadjIX ACROSTIC.

Coatip one, come til;

Look before huylng.

Shoe, forthn fall

lu iiunilvr* Implylri-;Kv. rv -Inti and every * lindi-,Gilt-ed/tel and honie.mad.'.I "i-i n< nty'-i broom faa di III ILook at sll(.K!,'-, in V" Bl MfhatB

v... 4.1 BROAD si CHET.

mom -ucl-! situiiil> a't you forrel lt,Or tie'll rejrn-i lt.

-!!'.,I I, iMBVtathe world In low prle «.. and lias and tx-t. stink in town. li-, to

C. I.. s(KM L'S,oe 23 4J1 BlOB< t_*iB-a


J. A. (.RH,.."-.

Tkn ii ash Main * i it tr. is

rnThe he-t tad tametl rtoeh to set. -et from of

RUOT9, BHOMi si.iitii:**.THINK--. V\i.l*-Ks. BAT! MLS, M.M.s, dc.



THE llANT-MADK U .UKI Nl'H A*T SllOE-Iht first-c-'a*. ni 'tele -ini,vh» rc 11-e lu the (.Hy.

_[oe 881_

Fl \ -NCI tl..


Nm. 11 tl Hair street,







dmibabliisK( munn roi sall:

IMM l!H HMOXO AND alLH.UANY RAH..ROAD 7 PRU KNT.Ci.t'l'.iN BoNDsJ,due 1020.


10,000 ATLANTA AND CHARLOTTE AIR¬LINE 7 PEI". (K.M. I.M.tvri.l.tll,7 PBI OUT, BOV-BLdBt l»07. envoi RIOBMOVDI ck:, i-nt. re*QtBTRIRD i:oNli«.

5,000 (HY (-!. IICBHOID H MB (INT.IIOND-. Il (.!¦*'! Kl! ED.

20,000 VIRdfN'fA ( ONSOL «ti||-./.\ Hi.VD?,nilli ".u|i.-,i. f..od for tax ¦¦>.





IN -l M* in -I I I.

Charfre-i inodei-.»te. IL U. CH.* Kl"! \ A co...: E-i»ti Ania's,

oe 23-61_N*e. 1 north T'li'lis'rf*-!.


ri R r-*r I 0 11 '.'a (i I 7'»,uvr. loco,

i ..Iton or nomi ri .».

We offer Hf nit * Rutted number of lb.-ahov^da*scrliaed Ko.N Os at 107.50 and liittr.-6f,Ue-c..i-.ta_nfrcservlnr Ihe toad**BM HM |Hai front tlana

t< Hine ii.iil«".XV.* BMBBMMM the bond* ai a gool and taft se¬

curity.The bonds etty a'lob* bad from tnyof theoUur

st'icii-hrokeii lu the elly of Rlchin»ud.DAVENPORT A CO*

mr 17 .-!¦*.'kera.



Dea!er In ali klnth of


WimO-Lour, ."J_*--*1,*U<1 Spilt.[ai 10* Hali

CIMMKI* riCI* KS HUI Al.I. -l/.l.s»)K1*3 ANTHRACITE, CUMBEBLAND, si'LlNJ,t'L.lVKR HILL. NI ll Al IH Kt.. and »or*T( (>KK; PIRRaad "'Ak Wooli front St to t- percor*!, d-Ui-ired. .iii aud la etBvlBial tj**e >"*alt. taner Hi-.i t-lst-wli. re. Onler, .>/ telri-toue t,*»otlierwi-e pn.inptiv Ulled frvuj elttnr -dt- -.708lt,...- ..pp.,.tte Tb-atre, or 100. Cary aieri.

*e Kl_C. Il I'AtiE.

IJl.'Kt IIASKR- frANTED KOH Be3I j-i'l IN I ( DAL, BEJ.T AMIIRACITEi .'*.!.,BEBT FoBE*T FINE ». d OAK WO.ID. BE*'PCl MUKKI.AND COAL, Bk**T WEsl Vlin.lNlA3TEAM «"OAl. B.P. LATH ROI',-tit* Sev*utee*lii *lr-*rf »*. .lr*-*-. o«-e.


INO FAUr*, as,CAUl-s*,_--. .

bf C. BELKENOT.the B.-an-1-Ctitler aad *Val*Ra*r*r*rr,

otiiMi* N*Ki-mule_-te«rrsAtif*«tl,4