Library of Congress · 6 4-- THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1915. tm..OW W WIDMOSDAY, AUGUST 'JO,...

6 4-- THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1915. tm. .OW W WIDMOSDAY, AUGUST 'JO, 1916. entered st tha r.nt OSss st New Turk u Mild Class .Mull Mstter. Piiherrliitiona l.j Mail. Postpaid BAILV Pr Month o SO DAILY Per Year II III) ftiNDAY. Per Month s ItNUAY r'.inii.lai, IVr Month.. so flTNDAY, Per Year 2 SO DAILY AND SUNDAY, IVr Veer. a SO pAILY AM fl SHAY. ler Month. 7 Ki, ItAlsa DAILY. Per Month I SS II WHAT. I'er Mon'h u bAll,Y AMI SUNDAY, Per Month I 00 rilE IVBN1NO BVN. PT M mth iS rilK V N Mi il l'"-- i t Ml EMI BVKN1NU SIM foreign,, IvrMo. I 41a All eh I ka, mi'n nrderi, , to te giede puaioe to Tin: Si k. Publishes' dally, IBI ludlsl Sunday. h .he un I a end Publishing Aesneistian at 60 Nssean .treet. In the Hornugh of Msn-latta- N. ork an.l Trrae-srer- , William C Hair IM NWtt Irtjrtl i:iar,l P Mlt.hell. Nassau street. Secretary, C. E. I.uxton, laO Ksaaau street. ltead-r- of Tns Si leaving town for ths Hiinm-- r months r.m h.iv.- the laliy ens lun.lay and e.llllona delivered to lliem In any part of ilile oMBtri or e on Ihe t.mia Stated SboVS. A' ihange.l ... oftes. u desired. ",r' hr"''f, r or directly of rub. telephone 2S0i Hrekmun London offl... Kfnnghsm llouaa, 1 Aran-la- l street. Sirsnd - Pari. ofBee, a ltu d la MPhodlere. off Sue da (lustra Septsmhre. Wgshli.gtnn otTI, r. Hu! 'ling Brook,) n offl,e. 10 Livingston atrial our MtHdt ii fio fainr un int mnnn arrlni. hii (MesfrslleSs for puhhallnn iris. Io An, r,,,ilrii irfo-o- . Mrs "'O" jn an OUH arnrt elantpi )m IAo( "'' Where la Iho IMcwspsper Thst le-sl- rc Wtf With 4;ermsny? Under the lot ler bend of I'liAHLrS Nooan. r.iiwtti nYwnac ind Twmty. ipvenili ttrMti lliert' kiih'' I" ll-- - UMlgtwd trpswrUtra oaammilMtloB f rhp Mpatrtol inrl t iii-i- i we re bow becoming well ccuetoaeo, t Is ninrkul "F0C iniblli'iiti'ii." but ere prjMlotl only a siuglp piismiue: "Our AMllOiaed praaa, whk-i- i hn MC' ttedrd n fnrrlnn Presldpnt Wll-lki- BtO in Untenable ponltlon In h'.i contnvTtiy rlth Orrmnny concernlnn her iubmarino warfare, la now gtrlvlnic to create a lltuation In which war with Uerntany will be Inevitable " "Anpli'wil prciw.' hi tOC vocebtl ler.v nf MpBtrtotlm, i Mnu which ii ii ,s ail Amertcan newepepera peiMetl in t ho kiik-iui- i latagoagt wimx MMeptlon f tiif Ameriwn tttude la ntnwthBTaotors to blpxtrtote, Amoog tin- - uewnMrpere tim-rihti- l liy our IDunrUMtM COTTOepOOdeal iis "AugltdeM'1 we do not believe tbcroj Ik one NMcb, tnx from tirivln t.i create a si I nation that ma ken war with Qernfny Inevitable. Is not dotal Ita level tM'st to nvohl the eximH-ai- n and dlaeonnteiMMO the utter- ances whlcb Inflamo war paaaions. To say that tile American press, or any part of It. want war with anil - poantni the Adtnl nitrat- ion tuwpd war la a faiaebood In Its enormity. Mr. CnABUta NtsiMAN should riic- - probably ntMitttStorlaed oae of his business stationary, The Peralstent delusion In the (.n it Cotonel'i Mind. JniliriiiK by the letters mi the snti- - aot) a Una number of our fellow citizens ROare TUB Sc-- anxiety to dlacover the wberaabouta ami exact text t the contractual engagementa on which Oolouel ltoosKvri.T bnss his repeutisi declaration that the Unttad Htates was n guarantor 'f the neu- trality of Belgium and hischnnre that our internment Is guilty of criminal neglect of duty and shameful loln-tin- of it treaty pledge. The neareet tin. Colonel has ever crime to supplying tlii tnttch ilesIrM Information is t., refer raguelj to "the Hague conventions." What the o untry wants t,, learn from the Colonel is wbich convention, ivbat article, wbal section, As our neit;li-trn- r rhe World remarks : TbOUSandS Of persona bSlleva that we were un,lr nnmn nrt of contract to maintain the neutrality of Belgium by force if neoessaryi and thoy believe It because Mr. RooSSYBLT baa t I1 them so. Aa he was PTSSldSnt when the Ilnsue conventions were aisncil they think he must knnw, and yet. ItrantSly enough, ho never prodlMSS the docu- ment. ivy svldanee, "Ti te a very Important mattari and era trust thai Colonel HoosavsLT win yield to the repeated but courteous reguesm of Tin: BUN " Net the leual slintulnr pan of tte tiusiness is in.H ,.f Intelligence who want to McnKlulSO the text on which Colonel UooacvRLT bas( bis Mounding ennrge should i applying to Tin: Mom f r the istrtlculurs In- - ieni oi goillR i iue ' .'.micl. imy lanore jesieriiuy we wcro Oblige ! r.Mii;'i Mr ii i i loi i man of Pbiladelpblii thai Oyster Bay ami not the corner of S'ueanu an, I Kpniee st reels was tbe quarter where the desire I informal', hi should Houiiht. Vaterdu we received a situ dirty confusing requaai from Mr. Beaobiiaw nf Morulngsldo In-iie- "You rctiukn tlie ColAnsI In our ex- pert Way ? ,r saylna lhal this eountry baa (ailed to live up to promlnea end other enaaiemsnts with ressrd to Bel. glum Undertaken n the Hague con- ventions, you do not saplleltly end definitely say thai thera wers no suob rromUeH. v., a imply thai thera wers not by asking sueta questions as 'What promisee, and when rseordodP "Aa a number of people both cro and In Rngland think as colonel ltoossvsi.1 doaa, and aa the rseorda of the ron- - ventlona or The ilsgus srs not readily eoccfalble to the man In the street. 1 eek you to bo go kind u to quote brtsfly tho.e passage! fiom which this much shared misapprehension of colonel IloosEVKi.T'a iv ilMly arOMo. We aboulil then be at.te to undsratand the aatenl of the delusion In t Colonel'a mind, "I. II UgAASHAW," T'ith all peaneei for our eetoemed Srt.i in ellgenl mrraapondMt in Mom lucside Drive, is he standi raj on wa heed? Hem can Thi Sun stete defi- nitely ami expMcMily Che sources of Ootoiiol HooeicYrJ.T'B iwren stent nrfenis lirplienerion witliout tnslertaklng en expl1eatin which only he 1s capable irf supplying? Wo repent that Trnt Rd Is with the Inquirers, not with the expound era It would seem much more nat- ural for Mr. BsAnsiiAW ro ndilrees Colonel Koosrvrt.T llroetly m the suhjist of the JustJIIcatlon of the Colonel's extraordlnoTy aecnasdoiiH airaliaat the notions good fulth nnd honor. Indeed, if Oolonol ItoosrvM,T de- sires to retain the conthiets-- p of his numberless admirers- - among whom Tor. I DM begs lerne to be Imdthled w e do not nee how he enn post pone much longer the epoclflciitloras which are eoifcrly awaited. In the Rece for Sheriff. That deirnjDStratlve frloaid of Big Blt.L EtiWAsns who, at the dinner given to promote the candidacy of the Commissioner for Sher- iff of New York County, snw Mr. Kiiwasiih "ustrlile a black charger and wearing the plumed hst of Hitisr of Navarre" a a he led "fifty thousand men to assist In tb? defence of this city," mut have made the Carnegie Hero blush to bis finger tips. It Is no reflection upon Mr. Knwaans to say that he hasn't the figure of Hfssy of Navarre and would not look m-- I mantle hi a DlWMd hat. He Is a rsslestrlan rather than an equestrian. and not an Imairi native man. He nvtwt have been uncomfortiaMio. More to the point and politically helpful was Hkhbick's de- - siTlptlon of the rrlde of Princeton as "an honest man and an able official, and one who In a tragic emergency has shown himself to be a modest but a great hero. very true, and in too primaries hero worship might do Uiore for Big BlU than the fact that he was n hustling Street Commis- sioner much In the public eye. In the past when there were no primaries the Sheriffs of this county were usually elected In Fourteenth Street long before the pills opened. After the election little or nothing was heard of them, they were so un- obtrusive. Their duties wero social and political as well as statutory. It was supposed to be an office of cer tain fiscal advantages, but eome of the hUCUinilMta have Mid that they left It as p as Job's turkey. A Tam- many Sheriff In those daye was generally a figure bead. Times btive changed, however. Any man with friends, and Mr. EnWAIM has many friends, can enter the Held as a candidate and get his name on the ticket. If ha has personality, nnd Mr. BDWAina Is generously endowed w ith perm rjattty, be lH.voines form' (labia to uny organization that was wont to flourish and order things under the old system. With his right hand Big Bill hna thrown his hat Into the ring and with his left welt, pssibly the right knows what the left Is doing. Cer- - I tatoiy the gauntlet is not thrown down to Tammany Hall. i it Ran k declares thai Mr. Kn-- Iwnbiir Is a "real Democrat"; lie him- self aspires to the office "opmly nnd Independently," Bo his candidacy is n v In the lap of the gods : Tammany may take him or leave him. but whether or no he Is out for the shrievalty. He seeks It "for the honor and for the opportunity for leervlee it affords." making no aecrot of his ambition, but glorying In It. ills campaign for the nomination will be plcturestjue and resonant. There win b lethargy In it. and if ies- - tlny taps Big BlU on the shoulder. Indicating him as the winner, Sheriff EnwAioa will look the part ami do his whole duty, perhaps more If the day Is long enough. A Sheriff with the muscles of a football guard and tl science of the author of "An Essay on the Freedom of the Will" ought to be quite n sheriff. The New Russian .Navy. Although the Ktiaalan navy has been conahtorad a negligible quantity In the war, it win probably give a good ac- - OOUnt of Itself. When war was declared ItiisM,, was aiiciini: I,, her navy eleven dread i 'hts. Including battle cruisers. Klgbl of the eleven were laid down in the Baltic and three in the Black Sea. Four battleabrpa, of l'.'i.ikki tons and carrying twelve 13 Inch gUUa, were launched In the sum- mer and autumn of lull, and the presumption is that they are now In commission. Three other of the same class were after- ward laid down, one in 1018, another in 10111 and Hie third last year, lie fore the end of 1012 four giant battle cruisers were begum theae ships wih bo of .'tLMHNi tone and carry main bat- tel lea of twelve H Inch guns. The four battleships that should i m- Ki te I and COni missioned, as also the great battle cruisers, were Intended for service in the Baltic, Russia was building and had in July last forty.flve destroyers and nineteen submarines. It may he assumed that some esseis of each type bate bee uupleted, The Minister of Marine. (iamoHoviK ii. is a man of initiative and Indefu tigablo energy, For four years he has bud charge not only of the 1st rUCl lull of ships but the training of ufttcera and men. I nder his direction of affaire, and with tic cordial lUpimrt of the Duma, the now navy, modern in every respect, his already bcoine a force to be reckoned with, especially when reenforeed ,n harbor defence by the skill of the Utiaalun engineera, No BU ss,'s were exieetei of the Russians in tJie Baltic, but It Is to be noted that previous to the opera tions In the Oulf of Riga the Ger- mans lost in minor engagements the srroored cruiser Frledrloh Ksrl, ths crnlser Magdeburg snd the mine layer Albatross, while Herman submarines torpedoed tle artmrred cruiser Ial-lad- a ami the mine layer Yenesel. I bun. M range as It may appear, rlke honors of naval warfare are Ht the present wrltlne; h the despised It usslans. Making t'p the Contraband List ss She (.oca Along. F.nglnnd's declaration of codon ns "absolute contraband" suggests that before the end of the wnr her contra- band list may include ever- proluot that the enemy wants for any )nir-pos- Yet enxly in the conflict Kng lanl took the DlClinMOB if Ixmdoti, with some m si I float Ions, no her chart, although she had never ratified 1t The Declaration (Article 2S) put cot- ton umong the artJclcs that "may noi be dtH'lnrtsl onlrahnnd of war." It was out August 2i, 191 1, that "the King's Most F.xovllont Mujowty" "that during the present hos tilities the convention known as thai Declaration of Ixiudon shall, subject to the following Id1t;-- ns ami modltl cations, be adojited and put 1n force by his Majesty's (lovemment as If. the seme hsd been rallfleil by his Majeety." Cotlmn was not mentioned 1n t lie "additions ami modifications," which made over or qualified ccrtaiin jiro visions of the Declaration to suit the British fsilnt of view. Previously, on August 4. an Order in (Vnmcll en-- nownced a list of esnttitaBd article rejsNiting the list of tlw De'lnraMon. but transferring aircraft end accesso- ries from the conditional to toe abso- lute column. Now by the (lazrtte isitton Is made "absolute contraband." and despite the precedent ostabllshed by Bngland A,r herself during the Itusso Jaiianese war, when she pro-hVta- to Russia that cotton should not lie made absolute but conditional contraUiud. The question Is ralsrd why reCOgnlaad the Declaration of Iondon at ail In her second ( irdor in Council, nnd we MppoM the answer Is that it iltd her smven1ei'e, jus' aa It pleases her now to put cotton on the absolute OMatHhaUtd list. "It ought not altogether to be left to the dlseretlim of lielligcrents," nays (rPEMirjM, "to declare uy artlclee! they like aa abeotnta oontMtaiid.'' Evidently Fnglaml does tmt subscribe to that dts'trlne. whatever she may have thought rtt It In the past. The Meanest (lolfer. We have received from an (lid Sub-- j svrlhor In Short llili.s. N. J H player on the deep plttisl BlHuaPOi gtilf links peohablyi a letter asking this Impir tint question: "Is there a moaner golfer than one who throws burned mutches ou a putting green?" Frankly, we do not feel qualilled to answer. We had su.hks1 ihut iho consensus must MUileumsl the slasher of divots from fairways who fails to replace rlieiu. leaving enppy lies for the unoffending follower whose bail comes to rest In one of those horrid quarries. Yet some kind of a shot can be brought off even ul of a bad ile, but a mtt missed because of deviation caused by a ussl match Is worse than no Stroke at ill, the pay- er's feelings U'lng considered. Opin Ions differ. A noted golfer Is repotted as snj-in- g that a player who lakes three-quarter- s of a minute In adjust Ing his stance when other players wait "Would put his thumb In your Hootch highball." Harsh judgment, surely, upon overmuch deliberation in the atance and stltlieaa This, it sts-ni- s to us. is a nratter of temperament concerning which It is 111 to be hotly carping, It has Insmi told rliat the Hon. John JoogPH Firz. 0EBALD once sal. I to the Hon. JaHM A. O'GOIIIAM, playing up n Hnks con- venlently located for those who labor in the Federal OapHol, "gen ator. you address your ball as If you were ad- dressing the Senate." We famy the words were playfully apoken. .In Igmenl lacking in calm- ness has lieen pissed upon those play ers who tarry on putting greena to mark their sivre curds while those walling to approach the green front apoplexy or stark madness. The comparative meanness of golf- ing offences is a point loo profoundly affecting the integrity .f our social structure to lie determined offhand. Perhaps some of our golfing fronds will assist. build a vast nnvat machine y, A few months banco tt I. surpassed by another country and Is practically use- - leaa-.- Hawsv Foan, In other words, a Inst year's lp is about as obsolescent as a last year's car. Flttlni a bom with window shades In order to protein the eyes of the oowb ia the latest wrinkle in dairy luxury. It Is a question of it ahort time only when Bossy will wear a boudoir cap at morning milking. Orapa Jul tt diplomatic! dinners glvsa by lbs Premier of lbs Wilson Adnilnist ration Is a thlni of the past. Tht seiss frosi Washington, Hag Secretary I.ansimj no wish to "augment his income" with the differ snca In cost of fermented and unfar men ted grape juice? Ocrmany haaofllulally expressed Mdesp reurft" to the Danish flovsrnment over the torpedoing In Ii.uilsh waters lust Friday ef me British submarine ic-- ll by a Oernmn warship. Copeakagea deagelek, s the Arabic was torpedoed off the south coast of Ireland at tibout 9 O'clock on the morning of (he day before the violation of Denmark's neutrality, for which the Herman Government has expressed "deep re- gret," Is It not reasonable io expect thai that Qovernmsnl win soon be able to take official notice of the sinking of the Arabic? Ac, ling to MVBM IIhiiIN, the Swed- ish explorer, the Kaiser at h meet- ing In Novo Georglevsk, "broached ths subject of an American lecture tour." But will the work of fitnn Hkdin on the Continent bo dons until ho has flntshsd writing aibout the triumphs of Oerman arms to the aatlafactlon of the Emperor? The "suffs" of Portland, Oregon, who lined up at a hotel elevator with their hacks toward It, to lot Mr. Taft Understand how they resented hla re- - BWsl to iglve thorn an eudlenee their signals were wrong, for Mr. Taft did not come up in the elevator after nil have set the whole nation laughing, snd the aides of the Jolly ex- - 'resident must ls shaking. One of the most pnthetle cases of conjugal discord that ever got Into the courts la that of the Pittsburg hus- - band who turned over his weekly pay envelope to his better half, but, not being nblo to add "spending money" to the enclosure, was "summoned" by the lady for desertion. From her hlg Honor drew the admission that thn huebend never drank, smoked or used Improper language; In fact had no vices, helped willingly In the house- work, nnd always mlnd-- d her. No Judgment of Solomon was needed In this case. The model hus- band was discharged to begin all over again. What Is missing In the affect- ing revnrd Is his behavior when re- leased. Did he run wild among all the proprieties nnd win the esteem of the discontented woman? According to the Rev. A. C. Hbnd-- it of Atlanta, the mob that lynched Fkank was composed of the first cltlr.ons of Georgia. This has a fa- miliar sound. Are there any white offenders against Justice In tho South who do not belong to the first fami- lies In the estimation of their friends and admirers? No mention has been made tn the news from I'lattsburg of the manly art of as a recreation when the "rookies" are neither marching nor target ghootlng: but with tho ac- cession of Mr. A. J. Dsxxki. HmtiLa of Philadelphia the gloves will bo put on no doubt. Perhaps Hamilton Fijh, dr., not to speak of other famous col- lege athletes, will add to the gayety of the camp by taken on tho gTeat amateur. Public office Is not only a trust but privilege and opportunity Big Hill Howards. Fee offices, In particular, have been so regarded. THE LYNCHING OUTRAGE. A Lawyer's Opinion Thst the Consti- tution Can Be Revoked. To thk KniTOR or The BrN gar,. Under Article III. and Amendment VI. of the t inted States Constitution Con-urea- s baa poansr to eniiet u. law to reach lynchers. At present Congregg leaves 100,000,000 people helpless oven to look Into a conspiracy to Vlolats their constitutional oath by lynching a fellow citiicn. Lynching end every act snd word oncouruiOtig. Siding and abettina it can be declared li "treason by adhering to ths enemies of the United It St as." and thereby subject to Investigation and Indictment by ths United Statog i Ira nd Jury, but that would be a Jury of tha Stats and dis-tri- which could but would not Indict or convict. Hut lynching sisl every word and act encouraging, aiding or abetting it. any act of violence or threats of Violence against the course of administration of Justice within tho State, can be de- - land l, v i'o: 4rri s to l.e a contempt of the t'nited Statea Judicial power. To the extent and for the pnrpOM of nnd punishing contempt by violating n prisoner's constitutional rights to trial and Judirmc.t and sen-ten- aocordlna to law, ths United Slates luprsma "ourt can be declared to have Jurisdiction from the lime he Ig charged with crime until he la lawfully set at liberty. Having a,, oath io guarantee accused a lawful trial, the peo- ple must tlnd a way to fulfil It. James Vkxkslet. Philadelphia, August 24. THE KEY TO A WOMAN'S HEART. According to the Ideas of a Western Km It rant From New Haven. To THB BMtOa or The Si n- - Sir: It il sad indeed to learn from your B lenta on "Unmated Hearts" how unrsformed and lacking in cultural ami anistn development man la The idea of u man expecting to reach a maiden's heart by any of (tie eti.iln of Baeh, Chopin, Reethoven or even Llaat'a "Uebeatraum" ia at least one reason why there are go many bachelors. Let man educate himself go at b ast he osn give an outward appearance of appreciation of some of the soulful, sym (sited compositions; learn to dance the VSthstiC, graceful, Up to date dances; practise gum chewing so ho can do It aa delicately and unnot ioeably as yOUna ledlss do give up his boorish habit of dining and SOQUtrS the refined custom of swallowing thlnia taken from I lie tin, then the psychologies mo- ment is at hand. The steetrto spark flashee, his magnetism win be just ton faaelnallni and e can make hlg choice. His married hspplneea will not be an illusion either, James P PlfrlUii tt 1 xie Cel., Auguat it. A T Intel Citation of the Reproach of DeMOSt hones. To Tn k Rorroa or Tiia Ick glr, it us hope that In Una present criais our Government win not raaambla the coalition Ministry in Whose teeth Pls- - ra, 11 fluna the reproach of Pomoethence "1 Athenians, the men who administer your affairs are men who know not how to make peace or to make war " .1. M n EClisabbtH, n. .7.. August "i The I'aaalns of Nancy llanka. ilitel In Kayette DeUHrty, KealU'ky, AUglUM I'1. IMti used jn yeara) psad ii the fasAsas Naaey, QnS lime Queen of Trot. Tiiat went against all corner And got away wllti the lot. Ljot of the iwtftssl ipasdsrs That ever lilt the traek. til Ksney ehowad them her parea And tat the whole hute h b.o-- It.o k 10 the common flgurea Whl'-- marked tha fitatrat stUSl if their Very beat perform. Uloe, Whl , Naaey waat " the front Kront of the trotting record That turned all othera down. And plu. ad on the time of Naniy Thr Queen of me rrottsrs' erewa, Crown Ihat aba allh honor Through many a brilliant ra,e. And passed tt on to the next one Fitted to nil her plaoa. puoe in tin. glory reserdi t'p there at IhS h,sd, Ul by ih,- biasing turIHght, t'ndlauued now ahe la dead Daitd out there In Kentucky. At rem In a blue grave apot Wbsra t trera ,,f go,,a hnraee May lay a forget lut-no- W. J. Lamctos. THE CONQUEST OF POLAND. A Boomerang. To the Kditos or Ths Hun Sir: am sure no logical thinker and sincere believer in the God of Justice and love could stippreng a smile of contempt, even a feeling of profound disgust, In leading the Oerman Eniieror'g bombas- tic and gacrlleglous mutual admiration telegram of August 21 forwarded to (Jenoral von Hoseler via hlg temporary t'hlef Clerk for Foreign Affairs, Uen-ur- al von Itethnmnn-llollweg- , at tho oc- casion of tho conqueat of Novo tleor-gleva- This has been mainly accom- plished by the well aimed thrust of min-dre- dg of tong of deadly metal at mere brick and cement and the still more sensitive, nosh of tho Ituselan soldiers heroically defending the famous fortress airslnst the Insolent Invaders of their country. "Thanks to (lode Kraolnus as- sistance Novo Georglevsk Is In our hands. It was a sub- lime day, for whbh I humbly thank God." Asid the servile, trarrulous "scrap of paper" Chancellor to echo the mas- ter's ihypoorlsy: "Thousands last eve- ning sang Bonn of triumph and 'Now Let t'a All Thank God' the Palace." Why have Germany's Imperial William II., and the learned theologlang of hla twenty-tw- o universities who nlnviahly IriOorged his treacherous, Godless career of crime and blood from the invasion of Holgium to the sinking of the Arabic, not at least the decency openly (o confesg that Chrlgt's God Ig no longer their God and that they have returned to their tribal deities, Thor and Wotan? Hut this merely In s prefatory way. What I wdsh to point out here Ig that neither Germa,ny nor Austria has any reason whatever genuinely to rejoice In the conquest of Kneel in Poland: for unleag the Oermnn Kmperor wishes a second time tn brenk his solemn Imiierlal word snd eld Kmperor Krsncls Joseph be anxious at the edge of his grave to fol- low the example of his ally and friend. both will have to give up the conquered territory to a resuscitated Polish na- tion, and, sismer or later, to throw 1n. the one Gallcla, the other a part of eastern and western Prussia with their about Polish InhnblLants. Austria, egged on by Germany, started this war. apparently to punish little Serbia for her machinations In Ilosnla and RereegOVine, two provinces almost exclusively Inhabited by Serbians, but really to pull from the fire Germany's big horse chestnuts a la Bernhardt and Tlrpltx. And now after thirteen months of "victories" Serbia Is not only uncon-qtiere- hut should the Kalkan AUiat.o" be renewed will triumphantly add to her territory those two Slavic provinces of Austria and very probably a ghrods from the Turkish estate, Italy will. In all probability, get Aus- tria's Italian provinces and a part of the Dalmatian coast. Hut even more tJiian theae territorial losses will the disaffection of nearly 10.oe0.ii00 Cgechs, Slovaks, Slovenes and Hungarian Serbs, the humiliation of owing even their par- tial salvation to the Prussian Victor of Sadowa, a.n.1 tho financial and ruin of the country, 'eavlly weigh for decades to come upon the unfortunate remnants of the Dual Mon- archy, and the nearly nonagenarian Francis Joseph will to his grave tie haunted by the bk- - -- .lv souvenirs of !. the beginning, and 111 Hie end of I. is reign. Now as to Germany. 8he who has btttterly perseeuted her Poles, trying by all sorts of Rlanwreklan fiscal tricks to sne.ik away the estates of ths little Polish landlords. who forbade her 4,nno,(inn faithful Slavic subjects to use their native tongue tn School and Court : the postal authorities In their heinous pettiness going go far as to re- fuse tetters addressed In the Polish lan- guage, Gi rmany tie condemned by the irony of fate to reestablish the old Kingdom of Toland which Krederl-- II. had dismembered with the con- nivance of his couin Catherine n.. originally sent to Husaia as one of the many Prussian royal spies, nrtth whom already then the Courts of Buropa had lieen honeycombed, and of his great victim Mirla Theresa, from whom he stole Silesia, meanly ahulrg the trust which had been laid by Ce' Imperial lady of Vienna In the unscrupulous royal cynic of Pans goud, Further, she, ttie oriL-ina- l fatherland of racial and tend r foster-moth- er of the l.h policy of the Russian Tvhln. will have been, rlsum teiteatte! Che In- voluntary Instrument In the deliverance of the more than 4,000,000 Jewg of Ft Ituselan Pale from the harbi-'- c perae- - eution of the ciar'e bureaucracy, Hut the eventual loss of Prussian Poland and of Alg the loaf of her fleet and In r colonies, the heavy sacriflees in blood and money-- , the new-wa- loan of last week was double ths amount of the Indemnity extorted from France In I S7 1 by are noth- ing if compared with the Irreparable moral loss facing the German nation, July 2S I '.114, the entire world. France, her old enemy. In, hided, rocpoctod, ad- - ntlrod, and in certain quarters feared, Germany after a dogen of Pyrrhic "victories." Gorman "etvIHga-tlon- " ha become a bywo-- d amonc tho national In many countries, ours In- cluded Oerman ami spy have be ome al- most Identical not! .n In brief, Ger- many, owing to her obstlnsts backing of the Hohensollern policy, stands to. div- as s mora', bankrupt at the bar of hu- manity. Fram-- and Rnglsnd and Bel-glu- Buaala and Japan and Italy, will tightly close their doors for years to come to every Gsrm in, to M commerce, yea (o the works ,.f h's tinii and art. In short, the contemporary Chris, tlnn, Mohammedan and even pasjsn world has Indorsed the verdict of h outlawry pronounced agalnal Germany by the tw-- nestors of Ame-i- - can wisdom, Charles V. Bitot and l.v- - m;ni Abbott, formerly her very sin- - cere admirers And now t US briefly glance at the other side of the blood) tournament The Hritish Rmplre, weld d more than ever into one solid, poWl cf ul. world etnbrac. ik. pr 1e, ting force of right and Jus- tice, resnected hv thv strong. loved b the weak nations of tills glob,- Trance, rejuvenated ami regsneratod after fortyflva years of a state of nearly suffocating, mornt SUSpenaton-- again the proud, lofty world power of vnre: Hussla. as ally of France and Bngland, as Aghtar, I admit partly Involuntary, for ths principles at stake In this world Struggle, respect,,! by all. even by her former foes, smerg Ins from this terrible lesson ohaster and Stronier than ever, sure to draw to bar, sooner or later, not only reestab- lished Poland but all of her Slavic sis-t- - r kingdoms and republics. This. In my humble view, la the re. sume of the preeenl situation, and the day may not be far when I'mperor William, his s.x sons, ths Bavarian princes Rupperl and Leopold, and tho whole Imperial and royal diplomatic snd mllltan eamerlllaa of disrupted Germany win sit down in melancholy at the murky banks of the Ipree and shod bitter tears at the thought of having wilfully destroyed the great work of F.tnpcrurs Willi un 1. and Predertok til of Prince Bismarck ami Count atoltks the elder. UNHVPHBNATen PatEND of Uncmj Sam New Yoiik, August 31 (iulvcston's Sea Wall and Prepared ties :. To thk BPITOB or The Sir Qg. veaton's lea wall is an example of pre parednsai whb h the pcpie of this conn- - try may well take to heart In consider- ing the belileaiies of ii,,, I'uited Slates from a military standpoint Galveston built her sea wall not to ftbl the gca bm t, keen sea from nvhtlng her. o want a substantial army ami H big navy, not to right our neighbors near Or remote, but to keep them from Hunt- ing us M. T. n. New Yokk, August 31. FOR MORE PLATTSBURGS. The Training Camp (teems to Holve the Problem of Preparedness. To ths EtitToe or Ths Ht'N Mr: I have read with avidity every word of Ths Si ns Intensely Interesting ac- counts of activities at the i'lattsburg college and bualnesa men's training camps. one fact stands out Impressively above all others : tha men at Plattshurg are learning the rudiments of soldiering with an aptness totally alien to ordi- nary recruits. The regular army off- icers report that thege "rookies" at I'lattsburg learn more lessons In the school of the soldier dally than ordinary tyros learn In a moon. It may be as- sumed that the officers In charge have done their utmost to devise no easy schedule of work and study, and the "silk stockings" have demonstrated to a somewhat dubious country that they are more than prepared, both mentally and physically, to cope with the tasks assigned them. What will he the obvious result of this experiment? At the oxptratton of a period of one month there will be graduated from this school camp twelvo hundred soldiers. I. orb of them would I be quite competent In the event of a crisis culling for thousands of volun- teers to take his place In the Incalcu- lably Important work of whipping the raw material Into shape. If, In such a contingency, each one were assigned to the tank of training, let us say, one hundred recruits. In three months time the result would be ltn.oon fairly ca-- I pable fighting units. General Wood's experiment, therefore, will put at the service of the Government 1,200 toler- ably competent officers and potentially 120, nnn fairly good private soldiers. Larger results should spring from these beginnings. There In In this coun- try a constant male student population In attendance at our universities and colleges numbering about 200,000. As- suming that 40 per cent., or HO.nno. of this number have to support themselves. their summers are spent In profitable labor. There remain 120,000 comprising the class vulgarly known as "student Idle rich." In what manner the latter clans epend their summers Is well known. At the end of each academic year a goodly percentage of them flit off to Kuropo, provided there are no wars or rumors of wars thereabout The remainder go to our mountain and seaside resorts, where they an- - engaged the summer through In one Continuous round of bathing, boating, motoring. tennis, dancing and bridge playing It Is to tho patriotism of this class of student, as free aa air, that the I ntted States Government, through a well de- fined system of summer military in- struction camps, should appeal. These men are for the most part fit physically They are trained mentally. of them the best soldiers tn the world could be fushloned In tho shortegt time. Platta burg Indubitably establishes that propo- sition. Instead of one we nhould have a hun- dred military camps after the Plattshurg model. Twenty-fiv- e P.aiusand trained offb-er- s in three months time could j mould out of raw recruits a flghtlng force of 2,500,000 men. Corral even Su.noo of these 120,000 Idle students, give them three months training In arms each summer, and provided Uncle Sam will undertake to keep in stis-- suf- ficient guns, ammunition and other jslnrwa of war to furnish armies winch these men, when trained, can fashion, a step of the utmost importance will have been taken toward the solution of this country's problem of military pre- paredness. Wltti a force thus trained to shape a large volunteer army to 'supplement a regular army of laO.OOO men. S.VOOO more than are at present In the t'nlted Stateg army, nnd a well trained and thoroughly equipped Na- tional Guard of 250. noo, double the present number of militia of the states, we should be well prepared to meet confidently any emergency which might arise. As our grent problem Is to prepnn ourselves for national defence without exciting alarm in the mtnds of those 'who expatlste wildly on the dire po- ssibility of our becoming a "military" ration, the plan of extending the Platts- hurg experiment, as above outlined. Is submitted for the careful consideration of tin- alarmists mentioned Vale. 1012. New Voiik. August 23 GERMAN RAIDS ON ENGLAND. The Riemy Has Actuully Profited hy in in in ncre.f-- i d Balls Una nte, To tub BDITOB ok The Son Sir: Hated Britain, and not Germany, has derived military advantages from the raids of German warships on the Kng-Ps- h coast and the attacks of Zeppe;ina on English ''trice and towns resulting in the klll'ng of many Innocent V bat ants, mostly women and children, ThS military gain to England has been enormous tn the stimulation of enllec-men- ts snd In the determination of the people to prosecute tho star against Ger- many to the hitler end The Lusltanle outrage Supplied a war cry. "Remember the Lualtanla!" similar to the war cry of this country after the deatruetlon if the Maine in Havana har- bor. Those numerous outrages have tired the hearts of the Kngllsh and French soldiers alike. Hum haa not been the-- Inspiration in bayonet chargee-- . as Miss Addams thinks, hut the spirit of revenge aroused by Germany's Inrha-rou- s conduct of the war on sea nnd land NlW Toag, August tl, M. T It. The Bad Effect of (Internment b Neil rotlca. To thk RniTOa ok Thk Si n so The opinion modestly pin forward In an Ob- scure w,j some time go. that condi- tion! ,n New York showed thai "Govern, ment by Neurotica" was far more dev- astating in its effecta than that of the professional politicians, whom they hopsd permanently to displace, has . cm amply confirmed by the dlstlnaulahad professor of mental dtseasea in the fni- - verslty if Pennsylvania, whoae piper on this subject has Just published ,n the New Ymk If (idicol Journal, The "(led of unreal" which ihey now worship and which at present finds Its fresh expression in the prisons, hos- pitals and Institutions for Die depend- ent wards of tin- State will Ii rapidly cat, mlid under the guise of "health promotion" to the now Independent, free ami unaffiliated members of society as yet without their scope of Influence The Sin Ivas done well to republish tlie gisi of the paper by Profssaor Hair It Is In refreshing contrast to tlie mass of matter now occupying s, much space in the dally press put forward by ttioge who in- said "interpret as signs of progress things which ready prog- - noettoete society's dsath." John P, DaVIM, M O. Xkw Yoiik, August Candidate Murphy on the VVilal in- dustrial Report, To thk Kiiitus or Thk Hon g(r; if ever a gold brick waa handed out to tin- American masses that report f She "Industrial Relations Commission" is olle The Jobless throughout the country can put that report In their pipes and smoke it I do not see that the report g.iyH a word about stopping Immigration end giving the Idle people work. While such Individual! aa t hoae on thai commission are drawing large sums of money from tlie Government for salaries and expenses for such perform- ance! they need not t .1 k about "un. sl'es " T. L. M' ai HT Km. 1. Kivra, Mass., August :M Rasle fur the Immiirlula. To ru Kniing or Tng gPS c,t, i i riper, oerssl 1st, of lareve, CMtl . p'.ay his way tnta Tas gps'l arena at fame? r. y, r: n saiHgvs. Ohio, August -- 0. THE WOMAN'S CAMPAIGN. Whacking Madam Leckey. To ths KntTos of The Sum Sir. The editorial page rf The Hun la a dall Intellectual treat, but once In a while It Is marred by a nad exhibition of Ig- norance and fanaticism. lUC an In- stance la the long column of drool eima-natln- g from a Mm. Isabella P. Lackey In your sjeue of Frldsy. August 20. Who - for her silly repetition of "I despise It"? Most of the things she ssys are obviously Incorrect and ridicu- lous. For Instance: I deaplse It (I e.. soman mirTrae for Ha utter ilefkaooa erf tha rgbxa of thoe wsmen who do not w,rvt tha privilege of participating In tha muck of gastesi a What a dog In the manager the aver- age st Is! flhe doea not want the voto f nd she does not want sny other woman to have It. Mrs. Li- ko. for lostsnce. seenixs to thtavx that woman suffrage would compel women to vote In spite of their not want- ing to. She also seems to regard ths vote as "the privilege of par- ticipating In the muck of politics." De- luded lady : It ! l to oonteerrplate her. L H. Ubadshaw. New Toss, August 24. Paid Debaters n the Antl-RntTra- Campaign? To the KntTon or Tits flt-- Sir: Will you give me the csnrteoy of a little space to reply to Mrs. Rooneys ratter In Ths Sl-n- , where ahe states that the suffragists refuse to meet the antls In debate because the debates have always been ht to the suffrage side? It has been my fortune to be tnrrlted to debate many times the psat two years, and I have met nearly MM entire group of antl speakers on the platform In thla way. latst wlrrter, after I found that the nnt! speakers were always the swim group of profession a la, I replied to re- quests tn debate that I would be glad to epcak against any antl-snffra- woman provided that ahe would aasura me that she was not paid but was Mpeaklnir eolely from conviction, as I was. The challenge waa met only once, and then not by the speaker herself, but by another person, and I found out afterward that this speaker too was paid. There are a few well known loot ur ers before the public who npesk for auffrage for pay, and there are a number of paid organiiers in various parts of the Rtate, mostly college women who have given up better paying positions to work for suffrage, who are the most devoted band of hard workers for little money that I know. otherw-,- s the auffrage opeakers and workers are giving their services to a cause that they believe Is the mo"t Soportant In the world, and many of them even pay their own expenses If the unti-suf- f raglst leaders or speak- ers will aasure the public of an equally dlalntereated seirvlce In their cause we would be glad to hear It. I did not meet such an assurance once In my let- ters to the antl officials. Gr.RTRCl'B Fostui Huowk, President New York State Woman Suf- frage Association. New York, August 24. The Thlrtv-nn- o Desnlsoa. To the Kpitos or Thk rlr.M air: Not only did Mrs. Lackey omit patriotism bat religion In vor despicable denuncla-- ' tlons of woman suffrage. I believe If there ever waa a cause connected with God Almighty It In this; one ehe no despiaoa. but not even her thirty-on- e "despisee" with the addition of "An American IVomim'i" four will make a suffragist "despise" her for aa--- mg so many unjust tilings about equal rkthta, it Is just stiih women as' Mrs Lackey that we are saving from themselves. I havo read much on both sides of this question and I firmly believe that1 tho Almighty Is the substantial backer or franchise. Who, 1 usk. is your moral backer? Let me answer, you never will: the liquor associations You will And when it comes to a "show down," that more women will llne up with God than Ilooie. No. Mrs, Lackey, woman suffrage win be throttled by SUOh despicable denunciations .is yours. Try again, but Unlike tha spider. .,u will never Mrs. Kioto M Ao,,.,.. Conn, August 23. The South Orunge ( hunt of Hate. To the EMTOa or Thk Si s Sir Mrs Isabella 1 Lackey of South oraiiKe! who wrote tlie "Chant of Mate," against woman suffrage, deserves to bo com- mended by all women, especially that class that lakes no Interest In t" e nght or the "oSfe-- ,, - - "- huh, women who .srhew any and all kinds of noto- - rlety, win. care more for beautifying their with the spirit of content- ment, who bask In the sunshine pf n happy husband's smiles and caresses; m a w ord a real I rue woman. I trust that the nntl-suf- f raglets will give wide publicity to Mrs l.aekey'g let. ler, especially In the States Rial are to vole on suffrage this fall. Mrs. AnKLAiPK R. lUrrvrn Ni'Tr.gT , N. J August 14, SINKING OF THE ARABIC. Speculations of Guileless. Mind About Her ( ulpablllty. To thk RptTOa ok Thk gun gjf. Some six weeks ago the owners of the Arabic were congratulating themselves Upon the escape of ths ship from a sub-1- 0 nine after a chase ,f considerable distance, The very fact gist she was Is enough to prove thai she waa oilier, .,1 to stop. When the encountered a submarine 1. st week, possibly the Identical sub- marine which ehc evaded six weeks previously, why wng the Arabic not tn the same relative liosltlon that any fugitive from Justice would lw? Though sin- had touched land a couple of times She wag still the Arabic, still the ghlp that six weeks before bad es,aped. To my guileless mind it would seem thai the whole question of "warning" Intiued 011 Hi,- manner of action of the submarine which went after her gig sekJ ago t K. Johpan. Bavaatr, Mass, August Igt. Fast Double Plays. To tiik RPITOa ok TtK lUN Sir: In readiiin r baseball accounts in Tug HCN It gtveg satisfaction to note tlie ab- sence of "fast double plays " When a double play is mentioned it Is Just re- fer u-- I to as a "double play." It !g perfectly obvious that a double play must be fast to !,e made successfully. but many baaeball scribes refer 1,, sucti a performance as n "fast double play," and It makes readers sick nnd tired reading sie-- nonsense. PIVOT HoNKONKOMA. August 24 Hrlef Mreegge to Talker. To US Honor, ,o Tug Beg ffr, I are the Sdndbai from Nehriaka has algrled In again. Please teU him tt la no t,n0 te pi ay politics, and that the pei,pir nave heard all they wsnt to from him on the question of peace at any price. K. K gee Yoga, august Ailgnel Twenty. ffth New Orlsaaa yaeen City el th smith The smile thst light, the msstsslppl'i muuth We rise, from Maine l , Kmi Kran-I.e- o Buy, And be 10 her on thla tlOf liars! da ' llnw rejoiced that she Kg. kept from ha in When in ka n firm I) p raced hla gno.1 ri gu- ana Protsetlngl) ground her -- vmier areiei And drove ail her tormentors off In kgatel C E. E. KODAK CO. DECLARED ILLEGAL MONOPOLY Earitmnn foncrrn Controls Tn- -, tprstnto Tratip, Says I , s. Judge In Ruffiilo. ABROGATION DEMANDED BtTTAt-o- , Aug. 24. An IfrtSrlO utnry decree declaring the F,astrnan Kodak Company of Rochester "an illegal mo- nopoly which unduly nnd unreasonably restrains Interstate trade and commerce" was handed down to-d- In the fin teg Statea District Court hy Judge John n. Hare! Though It In asserted that no Irremediable hardship would result from separation of the present business lnt two or more Independent rnmpgmaa Judge Ifssel says that It Is not Intendtt to Indicate dissolution, division or re- organisation of the business of the r. fondants, but to give them opportunity to present to the court on November I a plan for the abrogation of the monopoly. Judge Hasel holds the defendants un- lawfully controlled Interstate trade In photographic supplies but not In moving picture films. Action by the Government was in. ntltuted on June . lsix. against the Eastman Kodak Company, a corporation of New Jersey; the Eastman Kodak Company, a corporation of New York, and George Eastman. Henry A Btreag, Walter 8. Hubbell and Frank S Nobis, officers and directors. The New J, may company la owner of the stock of the New York corporation. The defendants denied restraining trade or competition or engaging in s monopoly, and aasertrd that their status waa the result solely of the , n ation and development within their plants of products of a superior Quality, "It make no difference," eayg , n Hasel, "that the defendant corporations and the Individual defendants we e not tn fact competitors or rivals In business or separate entitles." Regarding an agreement of the Fast-ma- n company with the General Paper Company of Brussels, whereby contml of high class paper In the l'n:t dS an and Canada was obtained, the court save "It waa provided In tho event of com- petition arising It should be driven out of the market, and the General Paper Company agreed to pay a rel ate on all raw paper purchased from 11. The American makers of photographic paper thus became subservient to the Ooneral Paper Company and ths tin- man company accomplished Its purpose of controlling In this country the rw paper stock Industry, both foreign and domestic. "It Is undisputed that the t"Mstm.ui company controlled from 76 to gfl per cent, of the entire photographic supply trade. The burden rested upon the defend-ant- s to prove that this whs accomplished by lawful methods. I have core dtd that the Government has shown affirma- tively that InteratatC trade a: i com-mo- havo been unjustly .mil sbnor mally restrained by tho defendants hy the formation of a monopoly Induced bf wrongful contracts, with regard to ran paper stock; preventing the trade f:nm procuring such stock , by the eOQUiSltlQO of stock houses, competing pi, res and businesses, accompanied by COVOasStl restraining the vendors from reentering the business; and by the Imposition on dealers of arbitrary and oppressive te nn of sale lnconeistent With fair des ag, and suppressing competition. Such acts when takern together are most sigr M irvt and seem to me Indisputably to ,1 leloSi an Intention to violate the Sherman act" GUNS AT FT. TOTTEN TO ROAR. Warning Is leaned to I'revent Dam age to Property. I. lout-co- l. Ream, In command at Port Totten, the t'nlted States Unveriment reservation on Long Island Bound a etatement yesterday warned reside?. ts In the vicinity of tlie fort te tike pro su jtiong to insure against damage when ttsg big mortars are fired lortiorrow Its statement follows: "To prevent damage to j.ero-'- or property the following precaution! are suggested during the of the mr tars at Fort Totten : "Windows should be open'-- ro vs than six Inchee at tho top and bo--.- All transoms should be pi fly open mi secured tn place. AH heavy paint IS, mirrors. &c , should be removed : m the walls. All articles of glass j, - e lain likriy to be overturned by sible shaking of buildings should he securely bedded on goori "In buildings not provided with elllngs - are should be taken to v ill damage to pci sons r property from ' Ub ing planter." "We anticipate no d.ruig.. the nnt mend ant said. rired the three years ago and there w is no dam- age reported We shall probably fin at 11,000 yard rang,- - We Issued a warning simply 10 prevent ..i v pass, of damage In Lays: Ig, Whltcatoni ., Neok and oiliei se Hons " The firing of the big g ms was to have begun to-d- aj but waa ixwti d until on account of Is of col. .tohn V White, who s is e merly att.-utie- to Koi i To:-- . CHICAGO TEACHERS TO FIGHT win Hire i nions' Racking taalnst AntlaOevanlsaUon Rale. CHICAuO, Aug J War to I' ha been dselared between the of Education ajid the Chicago T Fsdsrerfasn Hy adopting ,, , uonil rule peohibltiiic an; t, . tlie puiiiic school system from ing to a lalmr union ,,r n.: y .,: lion affiliated with a trade a rules oommiita n u.,..,, s . . ,..t ine toqaration on trial for its life suspension or dismissal fro ni Vice is the penalty provided iftbs-r- s of tiie fedoratta srs pi niing their campaigt, Tliey w ' , hi Support of lalair utiinriK l ie,. ers of the Ikiard of Rdtical the new rule and nine are opiaigtxl aonordlng to a noli made t day will pas, op ii on Heptember k MEASLES EPIDEMIC OVTE Hoard fit Health Repoeta In Tl pbotd i aaos, A decrease In the niiinb. f ile attributed to menslw, scooiii r.g Mtaternent Issued b) the IXpar Health yaitapday, ma s.- - the oiAiUuiuki ul Uiaa disease lhal U allod fhrougSioiir the cilj winter. Uist week was ths r! Marcli JT Ihat the weekly ill from mesales was lower Ihuri OOPdSd last yon. The only disease shoe durllkj rhe w.ek waa typhoid more deatha fm o (fits , suae ported th.ii' during thi last yoa" l lie ib r ended August I J S'us 11 . than tlie corresponding m f-

Transcript of Library of Congress · 6 4-- THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1915. tm..OW W WIDMOSDAY, AUGUST 'JO,...

Page 1: Library of Congress · 6 4-- THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1915. tm..OW W WIDMOSDAY, AUGUST 'JO, 1916. entered st tha r.nt OSss st New Turk u Mild Class .Mull Mstter. Piiherrliitiona

6 4-- THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1915.

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William C Hair IM NWtt Irtjrtli:iar,l P Mlt.hell.

Nassau street. Secretary, C. E. I.uxton, laOKsaaau street.

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re bow becoming well ccuetoaeo,

t Is ninrkul "F0C iniblli'iiti'ii." butere prjMlotl only a siuglp piismiue:

"Our AMllOiaed praaa, whk-i- i hn MC'

ttedrd n fnrrlnn Presldpnt Wll-lki- BtO

in Untenable ponltlon In h'.i contnvTtiyrlth Orrmnny concernlnn her iubmarinowarfare, la now gtrlvlnic to create a

lltuation In which war with Uerntany

will be Inevitable "

"Anpli'wil prciw.' hi tOC vocebtl

ler.v nf MpBtrtotlm, i Mnu whichii ii ,s ail Amertcan newepeperapeiMetl in t ho kiik-iui-i latagoagt wimxMMeptlon f tiif Ameriwn tttudela ntnwthBTaotors to blpxtrtote,

Amoog tin- - uewnMrpere tim-rihti- l

liy our IDunrUMtM COTTOepOOdeal iis"AugltdeM'1 we do not believe tbcroj

Ik one NMcb, tnx from tirivln t.icreate a si I nation that ma ken warwith Qernfny Inevitable. Is not dotalIta level tM'st to nvohl the eximH-ai-n

and dlaeonnteiMMO the utter-ances whlcb Inflamo war paaaions.

To say that tile American press, orany part of It. want war with

anil - poantni the Adtnl nitrat-ion tuwpd war la a faiaebood

In Its enormity.Mr. CnABUta NtsiMAN should

riic- - probably ntMitttStorlaedoae of his business stationary,

The Peralstent delusion In the(.n it Cotonel'i Mind.

JniliriiiK by the letters mi the snti- -

aot) a Una number of our fellowcitizens ROare TUB Sc-- anxiety todlacover the wberaabouta ami exacttext t the contractual engagementaon which Oolouel ltoosKvri.T bnss hisrepeutisi declaration that the UnttadHtates was n guarantor 'f the neu-trality of Belgium and hischnnre thatour internment Is guilty of criminalneglect of duty and shameful loln-tin-

of it treaty pledge.The neareet tin. Colonel has ever

crime to supplying tlii tnttch ilesIrMInformation is t., refer raguelj to"the Hague conventions." What theo untry wants t,, learn from theColonel is wbich convention, ivbatarticle, wbal section, As our neit;li-trn- r

rhe World remarks :

TbOUSandS Of persona bSlleva thatwe were un,lr nnmn nrt of contract tomaintain the neutrality of Belgium byforce if neoessaryi and thoy believe Itbecause Mr. RooSSYBLT baa t I1 themso. Aa he was PTSSldSnt when theIlnsue conventions were aisncil theythink he must knnw, and yet. ItrantSlyenough, ho never prodlMSS the docu-

ment. ivy svldanee,"Ti te a very Important mattari

and era trust thai Colonel HoosavsLTwin yield to the repeated but courteousreguesm of Tin: BUN "

Net the leual slintulnr pan of ttetiusiness is in.H ,.f Intelligencewho want to McnKlulSO the text onwhich Colonel UooacvRLT bas( bis

Mounding ennrge should i applyingto Tin: Mom f r the istrtlculurs In- -

ieni oi goillR i iue ' .'.micl.imy lanore jesieriiuy we wcro

Oblige ! r.Mii;'i Mr ii i i loi i

man of Pbiladelpblii thai Oyster Bayami not the corner of S'ueanu an, I

Kpniee st reels was tbe quarter wherethe desire I informal', hi shouldHouiiht. Vaterdu we received a situdirty confusing requaai from Mr.Beaobiiaw nf Morulngsldo In-iie-

"You rctiukn tlie ColAnsI In our ex-

pert Way ? ,r saylna lhal this eountrybaa (ailed to live up to promlnea endother enaaiemsnts with ressrd to Bel.glum Undertaken n the Hague con-ventions, you do not saplleltly enddefinitely say thai thera wers no suobrromUeH. v., a imply thai thera wersnot by asking sueta questions as 'Whatpromisee, and when rseordodP

"Aa a number of people both cro andIn Rngland think as colonel ltoossvsi.1doaa, and aa the rseorda of the ron- -

ventlona or The ilsgus srs not readilyeoccfalble to the man In the street. 1

eek you to bo go kind u to quotebrtsfly tho.e passage! fiom which thismuch shared misapprehension of colonelIloosEVKi.T'a iv ilMly arOMo. We aboulilthen be at.te to undsratand the aatenlof the delusion In t Colonel'a mind,


T'ith all peaneei for our eetoemedSrt.i in ellgenl mrraapondMt in Momlucside Drive, is he standi raj on wa

heed? Hem can Thi Sun stete defi-

nitely ami expMcMily Che sources ofOotoiiol HooeicYrJ.T'B iwren stent nrfenislirplienerion witliout tnslertaklng enexpl1eatin which only he 1s capableirf supplying?

Wo repent that Trnt Rd Is withthe Inquirers, not with the expoundera It would seem much more nat-

ural for Mr. BsAnsiiAW ro ndilreesColonel Koosrvrt.T llroetly m thesuhjist of the JustJIIcatlon of theColonel's extraordlnoTy aecnasdoiiH

airaliaat the notions good fulth nndhonor.

Indeed, if Oolonol ItoosrvM,T de-

sires to retain the conthiets-- p of hisnumberless admirers- - among whomTor. IDM begs lerne to be Imdthledw e do not nee how he enn post pone

much longer the epoclflciitloras whichare eoifcrly awaited.

In the Rece for Sheriff.

That deirnjDStratlve frloaid of Big

Blt.L EtiWAsns who, at the dinnergiven to promote the candidacy of

the Commissioner for Sher-

iff of New York County, snw Mr.

Kiiwasiih "ustrlile a black charger andwearing the plumed hst of Hitisr of

Navarre" a a he led "fifty thousandmen to assist In tb? defence of thiscity," mut have made the CarnegieHero blush to bis finger tips. It Is no

reflection upon Mr. Knwaans to saythat he hasn't the figure of Hfssyof Navarre and would not look m-- I

mantle hi a DlWMd hat. He Is a

rsslestrlan rather than an equestrian.and not an Imairi native man. He nvtwt

have been uncomfortiaMio.More to the point and politically

helpful was Hkhbick's de- -

siTlptlon of the rrlde of Princeton as"an honest man and an able official,and one who In a tragic emergency

has shown himself to be a modest buta great hero. very true, and in tooprimaries hero worship might doUiore for Big BlU than the fact thathe was n hustling Street Commis-sioner much In the public eye.

In the past when there were noprimaries the Sheriffs of this countywere usually elected In FourteenthStreet long before the pills opened.After the election little or nothingwas heard of them, they were so un-

obtrusive. Their duties wero socialand political as well as statutory. Itwas supposed to be an office of certain fiscal advantages, but eome of thehUCUinilMta have Mid that they leftIt as p as Job's turkey. A Tam-

many Sheriff In those daye wasgenerally a figure bead.

Times btive changed, however. Anyman with friends, and Mr. EnWAIMhas many friends, can enter the Held

as a candidate and get his name onthe ticket. If ha has personality, nndMr. BDWAina Is generously endowedw ith perm rjattty, be lH.voines form'(labia to uny organization that waswont to flourish and order thingsunder the old system.

With his right hand Big Bill hnathrown his hat Into the ring and withhis left welt, pssibly the rightknows what the left Is doing. Cer- -

I tatoiy the gauntlet is not throwndown to Tammany Hall.i it Ran k declares thai Mr. Kn--

Iwnbiir Is a "real Democrat"; lie him-self aspires to the office "opmly nndIndependently," Bo his candidacy isn v In the lap of the gods : Tammanymay take him or leave him. butwhether or no he Is out for theshrievalty. He seeks It "for thehonor and for the opportunity for

leervlee it affords." making no aecrotof his ambition, but glorying In It.ills campaign for the nomination willbe plcturestjue and resonant. Therewin b lethargy In it. and if ies- -

tlny taps Big BlU on the shoulder.Indicating him as the winner, SheriffEnwAioa will look the part ami dohis whole duty, perhaps more If theday Is long enough. A Sheriff withthe muscles of a football guard andtl science of the author of "AnEssay on the Freedom of the Will"ought to be quite n sheriff.

The New Russian .Navy.

Although the Ktiaalan navy has beenconahtorad a negligible quantity In thewar, it win probably give a good ac- -

OOUnt of Itself.When war was declared ItiisM,, was

aiiciini: I,, her navy eleven dreadi 'hts. Including battle cruisers.Klgbl of the eleven were laid downin the Baltic and three in the BlackSea. Four battleabrpa, of l'.'i.ikkitons and carrying twelve 13 InchgUUa, were launched In the sum-mer and autumn of lull, and thepresumption is that they are nowIn commission. Three other

of the same class were after-ward laid down, one in 1018, anotherin 10111 and Hie third last year, liefore the end of 1012 four giant battlecruisers were begum theae ships wihbo of .'tLMHNi tone and carry main bat-tel lea of twelve H Inch guns. Thefour battleships that should i m-

Ki te I and COni missioned, as also thegreat battle cruisers, were Intendedfor service in the Baltic,

Russia was building and hadin July last forty.flve destroyers

and nineteen submarines. It may heassumed that some esseis of eachtype bate bee uupleted, TheMinister of Marine.(iamoHoviK ii. is a man of initiativeand Indefu tigablo energy, For fouryears he has bud charge not only ofthe 1strUCl lull of ships but thetraining of ufttcera and men. I nderhis direction of affaire, and with ticcordial lUpimrt of the Duma, the nownavy, modern in every respect, hisalready bcoine a force to be reckonedwith, especially when reenforeed ,nharbor defence by the skill of theUtiaalun engineera,

No BU ss,'s were exieetei of theRussians in tJie Baltic, but It Is tobe noted that previous to the opera

tions In the Oulf of Riga the Ger-mans lost in minor engagements thesrroored cruiser Frledrloh Ksrl, thscrnlser Magdeburg snd the mine layerAlbatross, while Herman submarinestorpedoed tle artmrred cruiser Ial-lad- a

ami the mine layer Yenesel.I bun. M range as It may appear, rlke

honors of naval warfare are Ht thepresent wrltlne; h the despisedIt usslans.

Making t'p the Contraband List ssShe (.oca Along.

F.nglnnd's declaration of codon ns"absolute contraband" suggests thatbefore the end of the wnr her contra-band list may include ever- proluotthat the enemy wants for any )nir-pos-

Yet enxly in the conflict Knglanl took the DlClinMOB if Ixmdoti,with some m si I float Ions, no her chart,although she had never ratified 1t

The Declaration (Article 2S) put cot-

ton umong the artJclcs that "may noibe dtH'lnrtsl onlrahnnd of war." Itwas out August 2i, 191 1, that "theKing's Most F.xovllont Mujowty"

"that during the present hostilities the convention known as thaiDeclaration of Ixiudon shall, subjectto the following Id1t;-- ns ami modltlcations, be adojited and put 1n forceby his Majesty's (lovemment as If.the seme hsd been rallfleil by hisMajeety."

Cotlmn was not mentioned 1n t lie"additions ami modifications," whichmade over or qualified ccrtaiin jirovisions of the Declaration to suit theBritish fsilnt of view. Previously,on August 4. an Order in (Vnmcll en--

nownced a list of esnttitaBd articlerejsNiting the list of tlw De'lnraMon.but transferring aircraft end accesso-ries from the conditional to toe abso-lute column. Now by the (lazrtteisitton Is made "absolute contraband."and despite the precedent ostabllshedby Bngland A,r herself during theItusso Jaiianese war, when she pro-hVta-

to Russia that cotton shouldnot lie made absolute but conditionalcontraUiud.

The question Is ralsrd why

reCOgnlaad the Declaration ofIondon at ail In her second ( irdor inCouncil, nnd we MppoM the answerIs that it iltd her smven1ei'e, jus'aa It pleases her now to put cottonon the absolute OMatHhaUtd list.

"It ought not altogether to be leftto the dlseretlim of lielligcrents," nays(rPEMirjM, "to declare uy artlclee!they like aa abeotnta oontMtaiid.''Evidently Fnglaml does tmt subscribeto that dts'trlne. whatever she mayhave thought rtt It In the past.

The Meanest (lolfer.We have received from an (lid Sub-- j

svrlhor In Short llili.s. N. J H playeron the deep plttisl BlHuaPOi gtilf linkspeohablyi a letter asking this Impirtint question: "Is there a moanergolfer than one who throws burnedmutches ou a putting green?"

Frankly, we do not feel qualilledto answer. We had su.hks1 ihut ihoconsensus must MUileumsl the slasherof divots from fairways who fails toreplace rlieiu. leaving enppy lies forthe unoffending follower whose bailcomes to rest In one of those horridquarries. Yet some kind of a shotcan be brought off even ul of a badile, but a mtt missed because ofdeviation caused by a ussl match Isworse than no Stroke at ill, the pay-er's feelings U'lng considered. OpinIons differ. A noted golfer Is repottedas snj-in-

g that a player who lakesthree-quarter- s of a minute In adjustIng his stance when other playerswait "Would put his thumb In yourHootch highball." Harsh judgment,surely, upon overmuch deliberation inthe atance and stltlieaa

This, it sts-ni- s to us. is a nratter oftemperament concerning which It is111 to be hotly carping, It has Insmi

told rliat the Hon. John JoogPH Firz.0EBALD once sal. I to the Hon. JaHMA. O'GOIIIAM, playing up n Hnks con-

venlently located for those who laborin the Federal OapHol, "gen ator. youaddress your ball as If you were ad-

dressing the Senate."We famy the words were playfully

apoken. .In Igmenl lacking in calm-ness has lieen pissed upon those players who tarry on putting greena tomark their sivre curds while thosewalling to approach the green frontapoplexy or stark madness.

The comparative meanness of golf-ing offences is a point loo profoundlyaffecting the integrity .f our socialstructure to lie determined offhand.Perhaps some of our golfing frondswill assist.

build a vast nnvat machine y,

A few months banco tt I. surpassed byanother country and Is practically use- -

leaa-.- Hawsv Foan,In other words, a Inst year's lp

is about as obsolescent as alast year's car.

Flttlni a bom with window shadesIn order to protein the eyes of theoowb ia the latest wrinkle in dairyluxury. It Is a question of it ahorttime only when Bossy will wear aboudoir cap at morning milking.

Orapa Jul tt diplomatic! dinnersglvsa by lbs Premier of lbs WilsonAdnilnist ration Is a thlni of the past.Tht seiss frosi Washington,

Hag Secretary I.ansimj no wish to"augment his income" with the differsnca In cost of fermented and unfarmen ted grape juice?

Ocrmany haaofllulally expressed Mdespreurft" to the Danish flovsrnment overthe torpedoing In Ii.uilsh waters lustFriday ef me British submarine ic-- ll

by a Oernmn warship. Copeakageadeagelek,

s the Arabic was torpedoed off thesouth coast of Ireland at tibout 9O'clock on the morning of (he daybefore the violation of Denmark'sneutrality, for which the HermanGovernment has expressed "deep re-gret," Is It not reasonable io expectthai that Qovernmsnl win soon beable to take official notice of thesinking of the Arabic?

Ac, ling to MVBM IIhiiIN, the Swed-ish explorer, the Kaiser at h meet-ing In Novo Georglevsk, "broached

ths subject of an American lecturetour." But will the work of fitnnHkdin on the Continent bo dons untilho has flntshsd writing aibout thetriumphs of Oerman arms to theaatlafactlon of the Emperor?

The "suffs" of Portland, Oregon,who lined up at a hotel elevator withtheir hacks toward It, to lot Mr. TaftUnderstand how they resented hla re- -BWsl to iglve thorn an eudleneetheir signals were wrong, for Mr.Taft did not come up in the elevatorafter nil have set the whole nationlaughing, snd the aides of the Jolly ex- -'resident must ls shaking.

One of the most pnthetle cases ofconjugal discord that ever got Into thecourts la that of the Pittsburg hus- -band who turned over his weekly payenvelope to his better half, but, notbeing nblo to add "spending money"to the enclosure, was "summoned" bythe lady for desertion. From herhlg Honor drew the admission that thnhuebend never drank, smoked or usedImproper language; In fact had novices, helped willingly In the house-work, nnd always mlnd-- d her.

No Judgment of Solomon wasneeded In this case. The model hus-band was discharged to begin all overagain. What Is missing In the affect-ing revnrd Is his behavior when re-leased. Did he run wild among allthe proprieties nnd win the esteemof the discontented woman?

According to the Rev. A. C. Hbnd-- itof Atlanta, the mob that lynched

Fkank was composed of the firstcltlr.ons of Georgia. This has a fa-

miliar sound. Are there any whiteoffenders against Justice In tho Southwho do not belong to the first fami-lies In the estimation of their friendsand admirers?

No mention has been made tn thenews from I'lattsburg of the manly artof as a recreation whenthe "rookies" are neither marchingnor target ghootlng: but with tho ac-cession of Mr. A. J. Dsxxki. HmtiLa ofPhiladelphia the gloves will bo puton no doubt. Perhaps Hamilton Fijh,dr., not to speak of other famous col-lege athletes, will add to the gayety ofthe camp by taken on tho gTeatamateur.

Public office Is not only a trust butprivilege and opportunity Big HillHowards.

Fee offices, In particular, have beenso regarded.


A Lawyer's Opinion Thst the Consti-

tution Can Be Revoked.To thk KniTOR or The BrN gar,.

Under Article III. and Amendment VI.of the t inted States Constitution Con-urea- s

baa poansr to eniiet u. law toreach lynchers. At present Congreggleaves 100,000,000 people helpless ovento look Into a conspiracy to Vlolatstheir constitutional oath by lynching afellow citiicn. Lynching end every actsnd word oncouruiOtig. Siding andabettina it can be declared li "treasonby adhering to ths enemies of theUnited It Stas." and thereby subject toInvestigation and Indictment by thsUnited Statog i Ira nd Jury, but thatwould be a Jury of tha Stats and dis-tri-

which could but would not Indictor convict.

Hut lynching sisl every word and actencouraging, aiding or abetting it. anyact of violence or threats of Violenceagainst the course of administration ofJustice within tho State, can be de- -

land l, v i'o: 4rri s to l.e a contempt ofthe t'nited Statea Judicial power. Tothe extent and for the pnrpOM of

nnd punishing contempt byviolating n prisoner's constitutionalrights to trial and Judirmc.t and sen-ten-

aocordlna to law, ths United Slatesluprsma "ourt can be declared to haveJurisdiction from the lime he Ig chargedwith crime until he la lawfully set atliberty. Having a,, oath io guaranteeaccused a lawful trial, the peo-ple must tlnd a way to fulfil It.

James Vkxkslet.Philadelphia, August 24.


According to the Ideas of a WesternKm It rant From New Haven.

To THB BMtOa or The Si n- - Sir: Itil sad indeed to learn from yourB lenta on "Unmated Hearts" howunrsformed and lacking in cultural amianistn development man la

The idea of u man expecting to reacha maiden's heart by any of (tie eti.ilnof Baeh, Chopin, Reethoven or evenLlaat'a "Uebeatraum" ia at least onereason why there are go many bachelors.

Let man educate himself go at b asthe osn give an outward appearanceof appreciation of some of the soulful,sym (sited compositions; learn to dancethe VSthstiC, graceful, Up to date dances;practise gum chewing so ho can do Itaa delicately and unnot ioeably asyOUna ledlss do give up his boorishhabit of dining and SOQUtrS the refinedcustom of swallowing thlnia takenfrom I lie tin, then the psychologies mo-

ment is at hand. The steetrto sparkflashee, his magnetism win be just tonfaaelnallni and e can make hlg choice.

His married hspplneea will not be anillusion either,

James P PlfrlUii tt1 xie Cel., Auguat it.

A T Intel Citation of the Reproach ofDeMOSt hones.

To Tn k Rorroa or Tiia Ick glr, itus hope that In Una present criais ourGovernment win not raaambla thecoalition Ministry in Whose teeth Pls- -

ra, 11 fluna the reproach of Pomoethence"1 Athenians, the men who administeryour affairs are men who know nothow to make peace or to make war "

.1. M nEClisabbtH, n. .7.. August "i

The I'aaalns of Nancy llanka.ilitel In Kayette DeUHrty, KealU'ky,

AUglUM I'1. IMti used jn yeara)

psad ii the fasAsas Naaey,QnS lime Queen of Trot.

Tiiat went against all cornerAnd got away wllti the lot.

Ljot of the iwtftssl ipasdsrsThat ever lilt the traek.

til Ksney ehowad them her pareaAnd tat the whole hute h b.o--

It.o k 10 the common flgureaWhl'-- marked tha fitatrat stUSl

if their Very beat perform. Uloe,Whl , Naaey waat " the front

Kront of the trotting recordThat turned all othera down.

And plu. ad on the time of NaniyThr Queen of me rrottsrs' erewa,

Crown Ihat aba allh honorThrough many a brilliant ra,e.

And passed tt on to the next oneFitted to nil her plaoa.

puoe in tin. glory reserdit'p there at IhS h,sd,

Ul by ih,- biasing turIHght,t'ndlauued now ahe la dead

Daitd out there In Kentucky.At rem In a blue grave apot

Wbsra t trera ,,f go,,a hnraeeMay lay a forget lut-no-

W. J. Lamctos.


A Boomerang.To the Kditos or Ths Hun Sir:

am sure no logical thinker and sincerebeliever in the God of Justice and lovecould stippreng a smile of contempt,even a feeling of profound disgust, Inleading the Oerman Eniieror'g bombas-tic and gacrlleglous mutual admirationtelegram of August 21 forwarded to(Jenoral von Hoseler via hlg temporaryt'hlef Clerk for Foreign Affairs, Uen-ur- al

von Itethnmnn-llollweg- , at tho oc-

casion of tho conqueat of Novo tleor-gleva-

This has been mainly accom-plished by the well aimed thrust of min-dre- dg

of tong of deadly metal at merebrick and cement and the still moresensitive, nosh of tho Ituselan soldiersheroically defending the famous fortressairslnst the Insolent Invaders of theircountry. "Thanks to (lode Kraolnus as-sistance Novo Georglevsk IsIn our hands. It was a sub-lime day, for whbh I humbly thankGod." Asid the servile, trarrulous "scrapof paper" Chancellor to echo the mas-ter's ihypoorlsy: "Thousands last eve-ning sang Bonn of triumph and 'NowLet t'a All Thank God' thePalace."

Why have Germany's ImperialWilliam II., and the

learned theologlang of hla twenty-tw- o

universities who nlnviahly IriOorged histreacherous, Godless career of crime andblood from the invasion of Holgium tothe sinking of the Arabic, not at leastthe decency openly (o confesg thatChrlgt's God Ig no longer their God andthat they have returned to their tribaldeities, Thor and Wotan?

Hut this merely In s prefatory way.What I wdsh to point out here Ig thatneither Germa,ny nor Austria has anyreason whatever genuinely to rejoiceIn the conquest of Kneel in Poland: forunleag the Oermnn Kmperor wishes asecond time tn brenk his solemn Imiierlalword snd eld Kmperor Krsncls Joseph beanxious at the edge of his grave to fol-

low the example of his ally and friend.both will have to give up the conqueredterritory to a resuscitated Polish na-tion, and, sismer or later, to throw 1n.the one Gallcla, the other a part ofeastern and western Prussia with theirabout Polish InhnblLants.

Austria, egged on by Germany, startedthis war. apparently to punish littleSerbia for her machinations In Ilosnlaand RereegOVine, two provinces almostexclusively Inhabited by Serbians, butreally to pull from the fire Germany'sbig horse chestnuts a la Bernhardt andTlrpltx. And now after thirteen monthsof "victories" Serbia Is not only uncon-qtiere-

hut should the Kalkan AUiat.o"be renewed will triumphantly add toher territory those two Slavic provincesof Austria and very probably a

ghrods from the Turkish estate,Italy will. In all probability, get Aus-tria's Italian provinces and a part ofthe Dalmatian coast. Hut even moretJiian theae territorial losses will thedisaffection of nearly 10.oe0.ii00 Cgechs,Slovaks, Slovenes and Hungarian Serbs,the humiliation of owing even their par-tial salvation to the Prussian Victor ofSadowa, a.n.1 tho financial and

ruin of the country, 'eavllyweigh for decades to come upon theunfortunate remnants of the Dual Mon-archy, and the nearly nonagenarianFrancis Joseph will to his grave tiehaunted by the bk- - souvenirs of !.the beginning, and 111 Hie end ofI. is reign.

Now as to Germany. 8he who hasbtttterly perseeuted her Poles, trying byall sorts of Rlanwreklan fiscal tricks tosne.ik away the estates of ths littlePolish landlords. who forbade her4,nno,(inn faithful Slavic subjects touse their native tongue tn School andCourt : the postal authorities In theirheinous pettiness going go far as to re-fuse tetters addressed In the Polish lan-guage, Gi rmany tie condemned bythe irony of fate to reestablish the oldKingdom of Toland which Krederl--II. had dismembered with the con-nivance of his couin Catherine n..originally sent to Husaia as one of themany Prussian royal spies, nrtth whomalready then the Courts of Buropa hadlieen honeycombed, and of his greatvictim Mirla Theresa, from whom hestole Silesia, meanly ahulrg the trustwhich had been laid by Ce' Imperiallady of Vienna In the unscrupulousroyal cynic of Pans goud, Further, she,ttie oriL-ina- l fatherland of racial

and tend r foster-moth- er of l.h policy of the Russian Tvhln.will have been, rlsum teiteatte! Che In-

voluntary Instrument In the deliveranceof the more than 4,000,000 Jewg of FtItuselan Pale from the harbi-'- c perae- -

eution of the ciar'e bureaucracy,Hut the eventual loss of Prussian

Poland and of Alg the loafof her fleet and In r colonies, the heavysacriflees in blood and money-- , the new-wa-

loan of last week was double thsamount of the Indemnity extorted fromFrance In I S7 1 by are noth-ing if compared with the Irreparablemoral loss facing the German nation,July 2S I '.114, the entire world. France,her old enemy. In, hided, rocpoctod, ad- -

ntlrod, and in certain quarters feared,Germany after a dogen ofPyrrhic "victories." Gorman "etvIHga-tlon- "

ha become a bywo-- d amonc thonational In many countries, ours In-

cluded Oerman ami spy have be ome al-

most Identical not! .n In brief, Ger-many, owing to her obstlnsts backing ofthe Hohensollern policy, stands to. div-as s mora', bankrupt at the bar of hu-manity. Fram-- and Rnglsnd and Bel-glu-

Buaala and Japan and Italy, willtightly close their doors for years tocome to every Gsrm in, to M commerce,yea (o the works ,.f h's tinii andart. In short, the contemporary Chris,tlnn, Mohammedan and even pasjsnworld has Indorsed the verdict of h

outlawry pronounced agalnalGermany by the tw-- nestors of Ame-i- -

can wisdom, Charles V. Bitot and l.v- -

m;ni Abbott, formerly her very sin- -

cere admirersAnd now t US briefly glance at the

other side of the blood) tournament TheHritish Rmplre, weld d more than everinto one solid, poWl cf ul. world etnbrac.

ik. pr 1e, ting force of right and Jus-tice, resnected hv thv strong. loved bthe weak nations of tills glob,-Trance, rejuvenated ami regsneratodafter fortyflva years of a state ofnearly suffocating, mornt SUSpenaton--again the proud, lofty world power ofvnre: Hussla. as ally of France andBngland, as Aghtar, I admit partlyInvoluntary, for ths principles atstake In this world Struggle, respect,,!by all. even by her former foes, smergIns from this terrible lesson ohaster andStronier than ever, sure to draw tobar, sooner or later, not only reestab-lished Poland but all of her Slavic sis-t- -

r kingdoms and republics.This. In my humble view, la the re.

sume of the preeenl situation, and theday may not be far when I'mperorWilliam, his s.x sons, ths Bavarianprinces Rupperl and Leopold, and thowhole Imperial and royal diplomaticsnd mllltan eamerlllaa of disruptedGermany win sit down in melancholy atthe murky banks of the Ipree and shodbitter tears at the thought of havingwilfully destroyed the great work ofF.tnpcrurs Willi un 1. and Predertok tilof Prince Bismarck ami Count atoltksthe elder.UNHVPHBNATen PatEND of Uncmj Sam

New Yoiik, August 31

(iulvcston's Sea Wall and Preparedties :.

To thk BPITOB or The Sir Qg.veaton's lea wall is an example of preparednsai whb h the pcpie of this conn- -try may well take to heart In consider-ing the belileaiies of ii,,, I'uited Slatesfrom a military standpoint Galvestonbuilt her sea wall not to ftbl the gcabm t, keen sea from nvhtlng her.

o want a substantial army ami Hbig navy, not to right our neighbors nearOr remote, but to keep them from Hunt-ing us M. T. n.

New Yokk, August 31.


The Training Camp (teems to Holve

the Problem of Preparedness.To ths EtitToe or Ths Ht'N Mr: I

have read with avidity every word ofThs Si n s Intensely Interesting ac-counts of activities at the i'lattsburgcollege and bualnesa men's trainingcamps.

one fact stands out Impressivelyabove all others : tha men at Plattshurgare learning the rudiments of soldieringwith an aptness totally alien to ordi-nary recruits. The regular army off-icers report that thege "rookies" atI'lattsburg learn more lessons In theschool of the soldier dally than ordinarytyros learn In a moon. It may be as-sumed that the officers In charge havedone their utmost to devise no easyschedule of work and study, and the"silk stockings" have demonstrated toa somewhat dubious country that theyare more than prepared, both mentallyand physically, to cope with the tasksassigned them.

What will he the obvious result ofthis experiment? At the oxptratton ofa period of one month there will begraduated from this school camp twelvohundred soldiers. I . orb of them would

I be quite competent In the event of acrisis culling for thousands of volun-teers to take his place In the Incalcu-lably Important work of whipping theraw material Into shape. If, In sucha contingency, each one were assignedto the tank of training, let us say, onehundred recruits. In three months timethe result would be ltn.oon fairly ca-- Ipable fighting units. General Wood'sexperiment, therefore, will put at theservice of the Government 1,200 toler-ably competent officers and potentially120, nnn fairly good private soldiers.

Larger results should spring fromthese beginnings. There In In this coun-try a constant male student populationIn attendance at our universities andcolleges numbering about 200,000. As-

suming that 40 per cent., or HO.nno. ofthis number have to support themselves.their summers are spent In profitablelabor. There remain 120,000 comprisingthe class vulgarly known as "studentIdle rich." In what manner the latterclans epend their summers Is wellknown. At the end of each academicyear a goodly percentage of them flitoff to Kuropo, provided there are nowars or rumors of wars thereaboutThe remainder go to our mountain andseaside resorts, where they an- - engagedthe summer through In one Continuousround of bathing, boating,, dancing and bridge playing ItIs to tho patriotism of this class ofstudent, as free aa air, that the I nttedStates Government, through a well de-

fined system of summer military in-

struction camps, should appeal. Thesemen are for the most part fit physicallyThey are trained mentally. of themthe best soldiers tn the world could befushloned In tho shortegt time. Plattaburg Indubitably establishes that propo-sition.

Instead of one we nhould have a hun-dred military camps after the Plattshurgmodel. Twenty-fiv- e P.aiusand trainedoffb-er- s in three months time could

j mould out of raw recruits a flghtlngforce of 2,500,000 men. Corral evenSu.noo of these 120,000 Idle students,give them three months training Inarms each summer, and provided UncleSam will undertake to keep in stis-- suf-ficient guns, ammunition and other

jslnrwa of war to furnish armies winchthese men, when trained, can fashion,a step of the utmost importance willhave been taken toward the solution ofthis country's problem of military pre-paredness. Wltti a force thus trainedto shape a large volunteer army to

'supplement a regular army of laO.OOOmen. S.VOOO more than are at presentIn the t'nlted Stateg army, nnd a welltrained and thoroughly equipped Na-tional Guard of 250. noo, double thepresent number of militia of the states,we should be well prepared to meetconfidently any emergency which mightarise.

As our grent problem Is to prepnnourselves for national defence withoutexciting alarm in the mtnds of those

'who expatlste wildly on the dire po-ssibility of our becoming a "military"ration, the plan of extending the Platts-hurg experiment, as above outlined. Issubmitted for the careful considerationof tin- alarmists mentioned

Vale. 1012.New Voiik. August 23


The Riemy Has Actuully Profited hyin in in ncre.f-- i d Balls Unante,

To tub BDITOB ok The Son Sir:Hated Britain, and not Germany, hasderived military advantages from theraids of German warships on the Kng-Ps- h

coast and the attacks of Zeppe;inaon English ''trice and towns resulting inthe klll'ng of many Innocent V

bat ants, mostly women and children,ThS military gain to England has beenenormous tn the stimulation of enllec-men- ts

snd In the determination of thepeople to prosecute tho star against Ger-many to the hitler end

The Lusltanle outrage Supplied a warcry. "Remember the Lualtanla!" similarto the war cry of this country after thedeatruetlon if the Maine in Havana har-bor. Those numerous outrages havetired the hearts of the Kngllsh andFrench soldiers alike. Hum haa not beenthe-- Inspiration in bayonet chargee--. asMiss Addams thinks, hut the spirit ofrevenge aroused by Germany's Inrha-rou- s

conduct of the war on sea nnd landNlW Toag, August tl, M. T It.

The Bad Effect of (Internment bNeil rotlca.

To thk RniTOa ok Thk Si n so Theopinion modestly pin forward In an Ob-scure w,j some time go. that condi-tion! ,n New York showed thai "Govern,ment by Neurotica" was far more dev-astating in its effecta than that of theprofessional politicians, whom theyhopsd permanently to displace, has . cmamply confirmed by the dlstlnaulahadprofessor of mental dtseasea in the fni- -verslty if Pennsylvania, whoae piperon this subject has Just published,n the New Ymk If(idicol Journal,

The "(led of unreal" which ihey nowworship and which at present finds Itsfresh expression in the prisons, hos-pitals and Institutions for Die depend-ent wards of tin- State will Ii rapidlycat, mlid under the guise of "healthpromotion" to the now Independent, freeami unaffiliated members of society asyet without their scope of InfluenceThe Sin Ivas done well to republishtlie gisi of the paper by Profssaor Hair

It Is In refreshing contrast to tliemass of matter now occupying s, muchspace in the dally press put forward byttioge who in- said "interpret as signsof progress things which ready prog- -noettoete society's dsath."

John P, DaVIM, M O.Xkw Yoiik, August

Candidate Murphy on the VVilal in-dustrial Report,

To thk Kiiitus or Thk Hon g(r; ifever a gold brick waa handed out totin- American masses that report f She"Industrial Relations Commission" isolle

The Jobless throughout the countrycan put that report In their pipes andsmoke it

I do not see that the report g.iyH aword about stopping Immigration endgiving the Idle people work.

While such Individual! aa t hoae onthai commission are drawing large sumsof money from tlie Government forsalaries and expenses for such perform-ance! they need not t .1 k about "'es " T. L. M' ai HT

Km. 1. Kivra, Mass., August :M

Rasle fur the Immiirlula.To ru Kniing or Tng gPS c,t,

i i riper, oerssl 1st, of lareve, CMtl .

p'.ay his way tnta Tas gps'l arena atfame? r. y, r: n

saiHgvs. Ohio, August -- 0.


Whacking Madam Leckey.To ths KntTos of The Sum Sir. The

editorial page rf The Hun la a dallIntellectual treat, but once In a while ItIs marred by a nad exhibition of Ig-

norance and fanaticism. lUC an In-

stance la the long column of drool eima-natln- g

from a Mm. Isabella P. LackeyIn your sjeue of Frldsy. August 20.

Who - for her silly repetition of"I despise It"? Most of the things shessys are obviously Incorrect and ridicu-lous. For Instance:

I deaplse It (I e.. soman mirTrae for

Ha utter ilefkaooa erf tha rgbxa of thoewsmen who do not w,rvt thaprivilege of participating In tha muck ofgastesi a

What a dog In the manager the aver-age st Is! flhe doea notwant the voto f nd she does notwant sny other woman to have It. Mrs.Li- ko. for lostsnce. seenixs to thtavxthat woman suffrage would compelwomen to vote In spite of their not want-ing to. She also seems to regard thsvote as "the privilege of par-ticipating In the muck of politics." De-

luded lady : It ! l to oonteerrplateher. L H. Ubadshaw.

New Toss, August 24.

Paid Debaters n the Antl-RntTra-

Campaign?To the KntTon or Tits flt-- Sir: Will

you give me the csnrteoy of a littlespace to reply to Mrs. Rooneys ratterIn Ths Sl-n-, where ahe states that thesuffragists refuse to meet the antls Indebate because the debates have alwaysbeen ht to the suffrage side?

It has been my fortune to be tnrrltedto debate many times the psat twoyears, and I have met nearly MM entiregroup of antl speakers on the platformIn thla way.

latst wlrrter, after I found that thennt! speakers were always the swimgroup of profession a la, I replied to re-quests tn debate that I would be gladto epcak against any antl-snffra-

woman provided that ahe would aasurame that she was not paid but wasMpeaklnir eolely from conviction, as Iwas. The challenge waa met only once,and then not by the speaker herself,but by another person, and I found outafterward that this speaker too waspaid.

There are a few well known loot ur ersbefore the public who npesk for auffragefor pay, and there are a number of paidorganiiers in various parts of the Rtate,mostly college women who have givenup better paying positions to work forsuffrage, who are the most devoted bandof hard workers for little money that Iknow. otherw-,- s the auffrage opeakersand workers are giving their servicesto a cause that they believe Is the mo"tSoportant In the world, and many ofthem even pay their own expenses

If the unti-suf- f raglst leaders or speak-ers will aasure the public of an equallydlalntereated seirvlce In their cause wewould be glad to hear It. I did notmeet such an assurance once In my let-ters to the antl officials.

Gr.RTRCl'B Fostui Huowk,President New York State Woman Suf-

frage Association.New York, August 24.

The Thlrtv-nn- o Desnlsoa.To the Kpitos or Thk rlr.M air: Not

only did Mrs. Lackey omit patriotismbat religion In vor despicable denuncla-- 'tlons of woman suffrage.

I believe If there ever waa a causeconnected with God Almighty It In this;one ehe no despiaoa. but not even herthirty-on- e "despisee" with the additionof "An American IVomim'i" four willmake a suffragist "despise" her for aa---mg so many unjust tilings about equalrkthta, it Is just stiih women as'Mrs Lackey that we are saving fromthemselves.

I havo read much on both sides ofthis question and I firmly believe that1tho Almighty Is the substantial backeror franchise. Who, 1 usk. is yourmoral backer? Let me answer, younever will: the liquor associations Youwill And when it comes to a "showdown," that more women willllne up with God than Ilooie.

No. Mrs, Lackey, woman suffrage winbe throttled by SUOh despicable

denunciations .is yours. Try again, butUnlike tha spider. .,u will neverMrs. Kioto M Ao,,.,..

Conn, August 23.

The South Orunge ( hunt of Hate.To the EMTOa or Thk Si s Sir MrsIsabella 1 Lackey of South oraiiKe!

who wrote tlie "Chant of Mate," againstwoman suffrage, deserves to bo com-mended by all women, especially thatclass that lakes no Interest In t" e nghtor the "oSfe-- ,,- - "- huh, womenwho .srhew any and all kinds of noto- -rlety, win. care more for beautifyingtheir with the spirit of content-ment, who bask In the sunshine pf nhappy husband's smiles and caresses; ma w ord a real I rue woman.

I trust that the nntl-suf- f raglets willgive wide publicity to Mrs l.aekey'g let.ler, especially In the States Rial areto vole on suffrage this fall.Mrs. AnKLAiPK R. lUrrvrnNi'Tr.gT , N. J August 14,

SINKING OF THE ARABIC.Speculations of Guileless. Mind

About Her ( ulpablllty.To thk RptTOa ok Thk gun gjf.

Some six weeks ago the owners of theArabic were congratulating themselvesUpon the escape of ths ship from a sub-1- 0

nine after a chase ,f considerabledistance, The very fact gist she wasIs enough to prove thai she waaoilier, .,1 to stop.

When the encountered a submarine1. st week, possibly the Identical sub-marine which ehc evaded six weekspreviously, why wng the Arabic not tnthe same relative liosltlon that anyfugitive from Justice would lw? Thoughsin- had touched land a couple of timesShe wag still the Arabic, still the ghlpthat six weeks before bad es,aped.

To my guileless mind it would seemthai the whole question of "warning"Intiued 011 Hi,- manner of action of thesubmarine which went after her gig

sekJ ago t K. Johpan.Bavaatr, Mass, August Igt.

Fast Double Plays.To tiik RPITOa ok TtK lUN Sir: In

readiiin r baseball accounts in TugHCN It gtveg satisfaction to note tlie ab-sence of "fast double plays " When adouble play is mentioned it Is Just re-fer u-- I to as a "double play." It !gperfectly obvious that a double playmust be fast to !,e made successfully.but many baaeball scribes refer 1,, suctia performance as n "fast double play,"and It makes readers sick nnd tiredreading sie-- nonsense. PIVOT

HoNKONKOMA. August 24

Hrlef Mreegge to Talker.To US Honor, ,o Tug Beg ffr, I are

the Sdndbai from Nehriaka has algrledIn again. Please teU him tt la no t,n0te pi ay politics, and that the pei,pir naveheard all they wsnt to from him on thequestion of peace at any price. K. Kgee Yoga, august

Ailgnel Twenty. ffthNew Orlsaaa yaeen City el th smithThe smile thst light, the msstsslppl'i

muuthWe rise, from Maine l , Kmi Kran-I.e- o Buy,And be 10 her on thla tlOf liars! da '

llnw rejoiced that she Kg. kept fromha in

When in ka n firm I) p raced hla gno.1 ri gu-ana

Protsetlngl) ground her -- vmier areieiAnd drove ail her tormentors off In kgatel

C E. E.



Earitmnn foncrrn Controls Tn- -,

tprstnto Tratip, Says I , s.Judge In Ruffiilo.


BtTTAt-o- , Aug. 24. An IfrtSrlO utnrydecree declaring the F,astrnan KodakCompany of Rochester "an illegal mo-

nopoly which unduly nnd unreasonablyrestrains Interstate trade and commerce"was handed down to-d- In the fin tegStatea District Court hy Judge John n.Hare! Though It In asserted that noIrremediable hardship would result fromseparation of the present business lnttwo or more Independent rnmpgmaaJudge Ifssel says that It Is not Intendttto Indicate dissolution, division or re-

organisation of the business of the r.fondants, but to give them opportunityto present to the court on November Ia plan for the abrogation of themonopoly.

Judge Hasel holds the defendants un-

lawfully controlled Interstate trade Inphotographic supplies but not In movingpicture films.

Action by the Government was in.ntltuted on June . lsix. against theEastman Kodak Company, a corporationof New Jersey; the Eastman KodakCompany, a corporation of New York,

and George Eastman. Henry A Btreag,Walter 8. Hubbell and Frank S Nobis,officers and directors. The New J, may

company la owner of the stockof the New York corporation.

The defendants denied restrainingtrade or competition or engaging in smonopoly, and aasertrd that their statuswaa the result solely of the , n ationand development within their plants ofproducts of a superior Quality,

"It make no difference," eayg , nHasel, "that the defendant corporationsand the Individual defendants we e nottn fact competitors or rivals In businessor separate entitles."

Regarding an agreement of the Fast-ma- n

company with the General PaperCompany of Brussels, whereby contml ofhigh class paper In the l'n:t d S an andCanada was obtained, the court save

"It waa provided In tho event of com-petition arising It should be driven outof the market, and the General PaperCompany agreed to pay a rel ate on allraw paper purchased from 11.

The American makers of photographicpaper thus became subservient to theOoneral Paper Company and ths tin-man company accomplished Its purposeof controlling In this country the rwpaper stock Industry, both foreign anddomestic.

"It Is undisputed that the t"Mstm.uicompany controlled from 76 to gfl percent, of the entire photographic supplytrade. The burden rested upon the defend-ant- s

to prove that this whs accomplishedby lawful methods. I have core dtdthat the Government has shown affirma-tively that InteratatC trade a: i com-mo-

havo been unjustly .mil sbnormally restrained by tho defendants hythe formation of a monopoly Induced bfwrongful contracts, with regard to ranpaper stock; preventing the trade f:nmprocuring such stock , by the eOQUiSltlQOof stock houses, competing pi, res andbusinesses, accompanied by COVOasStlrestraining the vendors from reenteringthe business; and by the Imposition ondealers of arbitrary and oppressive te nnof sale lnconeistent With fair des ag,and suppressing competition. Such actswhen takern together are most sigr M irvt

and seem to me Indisputably to ,1 leloSian Intention to violate the Sherman act"


Warning Is leaned to I'revent Damage to Property.

I. lout-co- l. Ream, In command at PortTotten, the t'nlted States Unverimentreservation on Long Island Bound aetatement yesterday warned reside?. ts Inthe vicinity of tlie fort te tike pro su

jtiong to insure against damage when ttsgbig mortars are fired lortiorrow Itsstatement follows:

"To prevent damage to j.ero-'- orproperty the following precaution! aresuggested during the of the mrtars at Fort Totten :

"Windows should be open'-- ro vsthan six Inchee at tho top and bo--.-

All transoms should be pi fly open misecured tn place. AH heavy paint IS,mirrors. &c , should be removed : mthe walls. All articles of glass j, - elain likriy to be overturned bysible shaking of buildings should hesecurely bedded on goori

"In buildings not provided withelllngs - are should be taken to v ill

damage to pci sons r property from ' Ubing planter."

"We anticipate no d.ruig.. the nntmend ant said. rired thethree years ago and there w is no dam-age reported We shall probably finat 11,000 yard rang,- - We Issued awarning simply 10 prevent ..i v pass,of damage In Lays: Ig, Whltcatoni .,Neok and oiliei se Hons "

The firing of the big g ms was tohave begun to-d- aj but waa ixwti duntil on account of Isof col. .tohn V White, who s is emerly att.-utie- to Koi i To:-- .


win Hire i nions' Racking taalnstAntlaOevanlsaUon Rale.

CHICAuO, Aug J War to I'ha been dselared between theof Education ajid the Chicago TFsdsrerfasn Hy adopting ,, ,

uonil rule peohibltiiic an; t, .

tlie puiiiic school system froming to a lalmr union ,,r n.: y .,:lion affiliated with a trade arules oommiita n u.,..,, s . . ,..tine toqaration on trial for its lifesuspension or dismissal fro niVice is the penalty provided

iftbs-r- s of tiie fedoratta srs piniing their campaigt, Tliey w ' , hiSupport of lalair utiinriK l ie,.

ers of the Ikiard of Rdticalthe new rule and nine are opiaigtxlaonordlng to a noli made t daywill pas, op ii on Heptember k


Hoard fit Health RepoetaIn Tl pbotd i aaos,

A decrease In the niiinb. f ileattributed to menslw, scooiii r.gMtaternent Issued b) the IXparHealth yaitapday, ma s.- - theoiAiUuiuki ul Uiaa disease lhal U

allod fhrougSioiir the ciljwinter. Uist week was ths r!

Marcli JT Ihat the weekly illfrom mesales was lower IhuriOOPdSd last yon.

The only disease shoedurllkj rhe w.ek waa typhoidmore deatha fm o (fits , suaeported th.ii' during thilast yoa" l lie ib rended August I J S'us 11 .

than tlie corresponding m
