Libraries with Social Media XFactor

Libraries with X-Factor Judy O’Connell Wollongong, March 2012 Social Media


Working with social media in your public library needs planning.

Transcript of Libraries with Social Media XFactor

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Libraries with X-Factor

Judy O’Connell Wollongong, March 2012

Social Media

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Viewing and linking

Single view online web pages for information and


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Choice & experiencesPortable, socially powered, focused

on life-stream, content, and

powered by widgets, drag and drop, and

mashups of user engagement.

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Immersive & pervasiveConnections and

experiences augmented and

transformed through immersive technology

and smart data.

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The King James Bible required seven years to translate and many months for scribes to copy.

Now we can have it ‘whispernetted’ into electronic paper in moments.

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Libraries with X-factor are active agents within their community

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“Information technology has become a participatory medium, giving rise to an environment that is constantly being changed and reshaped by the participation itself.”

A New Culture of Learning ~ Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change:Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Javier Volcan:

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Conversation Prism

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Australian internet users spend the most time visiting social networks and blogs

averaging 7 hours, 17 minutes per person.

connect, communicate, collaborate

Neilsen Social Media Report 2011

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Library 2.0 +“The library of the future will be a platform for participation and collaboration, with users increasingly sharing information among themselves as well as drawing on the library’s resources..”

WE-THINK ~ Charles Leadbeatercc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by mark raheja:

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Social Media in BusinessThe 5 most popular social media activities

conduced by business in 2010

* Nielsen: Community Engine Social Media Business Benchmarking Study 2011

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Content offered via social media

* Nielsen: Community Engine Social Media Business Benchmarking Study 2011

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Plans for 2011 integration

Increasing integration into own media

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1 in 4 Businesses have Facebook presence

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Not interested Use social media Plan to use social media




Social Media in EU Libraries

* Social Media Use in European Libraries 2010 by EBSCO

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Social Networks Blogging MIcro-blogging Widgets Social Bookmarks




Five top social media targeted by libraries

* Social Media Use in European Libraries 2010 by EBSCO

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SHELLEY BERNSTEIN lives with her computer. Most days she hunkers down in her spartan office at the Brooklyn Museum where, as chief technology officer, she invents ways to keep people visiting the museum and its Web site,

Every night she bicycles home to the Red Hook section of Brooklyn to be with Teddy, her beloved pit bull, and monitors the institution’s presence on Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Four Square and Twitter, where it has nearly 183,000 followers.Some of her projects — letting Web followers watch a 28-foot tepee being built in the museum or inviting them to participate in a coming exhibition by taking a visual art quiz — have led to a flood of invitations to lecture at conferences around the globe.


The Spirit of SharingPublished: March 16, 2011

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Social Media in AU Libraries• Facebook• Twitter• Youtube channel• Foursquare• Flickr• QR Codes• Virtual Tours• Podcasts• All kinds of events

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by César Poyatos:

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• Overwhelmingly, Australian public libraries don’t have their own websites

• 8 out of 16 didn’t have a Facebook Page while 9 out of 16 lacked a Twitter page

• Those public libraries that do have some social media presence are not using them successfully

The social media presence of Australian Public Libraries Blog post July 2011

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UTS Library

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• facebook

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Libraries with

X-FactorSocial Media

What does all this tell us about our services?

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Can you hear me now?!

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Pixel Addict:

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Participation in social media removes perceived distance without intruding into real spacecc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by Frederic della Faille:

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Every time a major event happens in the world these days, it’s only a matter of seconds before Twitter starts fizzing with news and shared experiences.

cc licensed ( BY SD ) flickr photo by kainet:

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#quanda @latelinecc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by ansik:


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Social media, and online services in general, allow the user to interact with library staff in a space that is more power neutral than the traditional library desk

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by procsilas:

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Stop isolating, separating, and labelling the many aspects of library services

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Mrs Magic:

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“Social media presents a unique set of challenges for librarians who are dedicated to outreach and to privacy.”

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by sgs_1019:

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Libraries must be present in the online environment or fail to reach customers using this space.

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by sgs_1019:

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The National Library of Australia embraces social media as a community-building tool and for corporate communications. It adopted a social media policy in December 2010.

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Will your library be the first step or not even be in the game?

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by Håkan Dahlström:

New WorDS

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Are you trusting and listening to your users and giving them a role in helping define the future of your library services?

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How you prepare counts!

Find things on the social web – Google or media alerts – Search the social web withother tools

Keep up to date with new stuff – Read analyst and practitioner blogs – Subscribe to blog/web feeds and RSS reader

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Rely on informed discovery to

push your thinking.

Libraries with X-factor

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Understand how to connect, communicate and collaborate

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by brandoncripps:

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The application of social media tools

must do more than simply present

a different avenue to the same


cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by chiaralily:


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Explore beyond what you know at first!

Libraries with X-factor

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Libraries with X-factor

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Social Media planning

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by *m22:

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Communicating through multiple channels.

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Image sharing•Flickr•Facebook•Blogs•and more...

Libraries with X-factor

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In November 2008 the National Library of New Zealand joined The Commons on Flickr:

1. To increase access to publicly-held photography collections 2. To provide a way for the general public to contribute information and knowledge.

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Photos, video and audio recordings can be added, enriched by stories and memories from users and added to Collections or strung into Tours.

Posted on October 10, 2011 by Archives Outside

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Bookclubs & activities•Goodreads•Library Thing•Facebook•Blogs•QR codes•and more...

Libraries with X-factor

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Pinterest is a virtual pinboard, in which users share the stuff they find online by “pinning” the items to their board (or boards).

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Twitter•share•communicate @•participate #tag•and more...

Libraries with X-factor

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Twitter describes itself as a “real-time information network”. It is a micro-blogging tool, allowing 140 characters for each “Tweet”.

Hashtags (#) on keywords allow easy searching and linking of topics.

The Twitter button added to a web-pageencourages interest.

Libraries with X-factor

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Libraries with X-factor

Tweet, RT, Reply, DM, Lists, #tags, favourites, searches, @replies, URL shortening, Apps.

Visit twitter tools and discover twitter clients, and twitter apps. Curation with, Tweeted Times. Hootsuite, Tweetdeck.

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Libraries with X-factor

Clear objective and target audienceClearly defined Twitter brandOrganisational social media policyLearn from mistakesBe human and be honestListen, engage, and build relationshipsBuild off existing programs

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Libraries with X-factor

Omit needless wordsOne thought per tweetDescribe and simplifyEmbrace the ReTweetCross-post, respond, monitorKeep organised lists


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Libraries with X-factor

Look at the 20 last tweets. How many were @replies? How many were retweets of other peoples work.

Are the tweets you hope will be retweeted under 120 characters so people can retweet them?

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Enterprise tweet managment

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• recent activity• most replied to posts• follower tracking• link history• follower count• membership count• Facebook, Twitter, Google+

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Facebook•share•communicate•participate •and more...

Libraries with X-factor

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Sharing is fast

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Έλενα Λαγαρία:

• Why: Why are we doing this?

• Who: Who are we trying to reach? Who will do the work?

• What: What’s our strategy?

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• Overview of library• Website & contact info• Press releases• Blog RSS• Videos• Twitter Updates• News and status • Community interactions• Events

Sharing is fast

cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo by Έλενα Λαγαρία:

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Home Page

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Profile Page

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Purpose or Organisation Page

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• You can have an unlimited number of fans (Facebook users who “Like” your page).

• Facebook Pages are public—anyone can find and view your page whether they are logged into Facebook or not.

• All content posted on your Facebook page gets indexed on Google.

Libraries with X-factor

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• Create and promote events• Communicate and share• Connect or “like” other organizations • Send notifications and messages• Collect fans by promoting “Like” • Feature discussions• Create and share media• Run competitions & polls

Libraries with X-factor

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• Make sure to get a custom URL

• You can add additional admins (highly recommended).

• All admins have equal rights to administer your page, including adding and removing other admins (choose with care!).

• Select your page title and category carefully as they cannot be changed once set.

Libraries with X-factor

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Libraries with X-factor

• Bookshare widgets

• Catalogue search widgets.

• Libguides

• Ebsco

• ..and more

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• Three C’s

• Community

• Collaboration

• Communication

• Free Marketing & Advocacy

• Starting and sharing conversations

• Answering questions

• Breaking down barriers to information

• Serving as an interactive resource


Libraries with X-factor

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Google+•share•communicate•participate•and more...

Libraries with X-factor

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Where do you fit in?

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Where do we begin?

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What have you learnt this


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Libraries with X-factor

Choose the right tool to re-frame your library’s interactions.

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Flexibility will become the most sought-after currency for the app-social generation.

Libraries with X-factor

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Be the future ~ no holds barred!