Liberty science llc52 weeks of Improvement

Liberty Science LLC 52 Week Focus Vera Shury B.A., C.F.T.,S.D.,A.C.H.M. ©copyright 2013

Transcript of Liberty science llc52 weeks of Improvement

  1. 1. Vera Shury B.A., C.F.T.,S.D.,A.C.H.M. copyright 2013
  2. 2. Core Belief and Change Fulfill a positive prophecy Often our belief is based on misperception or outdated information Fitness & Health knowledge including Rehabilitation has advanced with amazing results Just keep an open mind
  3. 3. Brain synapsis In a history of 20 years of clinical trials it has been confirmed that there is a great deal of plasticity in the brain > in other words it is more powerful to heal than we used to believe New neurons have been found in brain of 70 year olds and over New pathways were created in brains to overcome dysfunction or injury
  4. 4. Motor Movement Imagery Imagining the movement as part of preparation done by elite athletes such as Olympians do to train Imagine rehearsing movement in a strong healthy neuro-muscularly correct bio-mechanical movement
  5. 5. Adjustments Changes happen without our knowing it until it is pronounced Keep striving for correct body mechanics, when exercising, walking, sitting Breath deep Sternum up!
  6. 6. Eyes Eyes are an important part in the function of balance It is important to keep them exercised with blinks, and following a pattern Changing focus After scanning the ground surface; Look straight ahead and use peripheral vision; which includes memory
  7. 7. Disclosure Opening the door to authentic communication not the superficial I am ok
  8. 8. Ears-Communication Full attention listening with an open heart, mind and soul. Learning about the changes that affect hearing like lower octaves, and reduction of vibration reception.
  9. 9. Public Perceptions Of various human conditions due to ignorance ie: treating some one with hearing loss as ignorant Ie: treating a chronic condition as contagious when it is not Ie: treating someone as a slow brainer when it is only body mechanics that are slow
  10. 10. Hair cells very similar to those in the cochlea
  11. 11. Your True Self How deep is you passion? How Much do you hide? What do you show and express? Do you feel understood? cared about? wanted? Do you express in words and affect your feelings?
  12. 12. Nose-Breathing ZIP the LIP Breathe in through the nose Feel the STERNUM RISE PULL Belly button in Feel the air move through your nose, throat, lungs, belly then back up and out nose And ZEN breath means no effort
  13. 13. Wake up + Warm up Yawn and stretch until the eyes water to activate the parasympathetic system. After relaxed clasp hands behind head, push back against hands to help open pectorals making room to fill the lungs Align the cervical spine
  14. 14. Mouth- Swallow Tongue the root needs to stay strong Good posture helps prevent drooling Use nectar to moisturize and coat throat Chew food well, gather toward front of tongue, tip chin down and use tongue to move toward back of throat to complete swallow; follow with another swallow of nectar.
  15. 15. Mouth - Speech Breathe, start speaking on the exhale Neuro warm up combined thought and movement Tongue loosening, cheeks, lips, neck Inhale speak on the exhale: AEIOU, say: Lips, Teeth, Tongue, Jaw Krak, Krek, Krik, Krok, Kruk- exercises the larynx Martial arts teaches relax, slow to get fast
  16. 16. Face - Expression Smile even with a booboo Lack of expression often gets interpreted as apathy or anger Keep an internal happy thought to cheer you up Neurological decline can be unnoticeable- exercise (even the face and mouth) can
  17. 17. Bright Eyes Follow a pattern with eyes (watch focus) Tap next to outside of eye socket doz X Under pupil on socket Inside eyebrows Hold index fingers on tear ducts lightly Then blink 25X
  18. 18. Neck Bones are held by Muscles Yawn till eyes water (to activate parasympathetic system) Clasp hands behind your head Open elbows wide to make room for deep breath into lungs Push head back against hands to strengthen muscles in the back of the neck
  19. 19. Arms, shoulders Move BIG Isolate the muscles ! Start gently Triceps, biceps, Trapezius + deltoids > lift forearms and elbows to chin raise + lower same speed
  20. 20. Hands Use a tennis ball to stretch between fingers Then use power to spread fingers and ball in it Roll fingers into crease of palm Touch each finger to thumb Airplay piano
  21. 21. Male Energy Supplements Contact medical or pharmacological advisor for interactions with medication Andropause = reduction of Testosterone Possible Symptoms = lower libido + energy levels, sleep disruption, depression, irritability Supported by studies psavvy1102.html Peroxynitrite for cardio/neuromuscular disorders Tribulus terrestric, fenugreek (spice), Panax ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, mineral zinc, calcium fructate, polyphenols in grapes/apples
  22. 22. Womens energy Supplements Before using consult medical or pharmacological advisor Menopause = reduction of Estrogen Possible symptoms = reduction in libido + energy levels, sleep disruption, anxiety Black Cohosh, Dong quai (Angelica sinensis)Ginseng (panax ginseng), Kava (Piper methysticum), red clover (trifolium pratense), soy , DHEA
  23. 23. Core flexibility & strength Stiff core leads to falls Lean side to side Twist Forward & Back
  24. 24. Heart matter DO Aerobic exercise Remove white, flour, sugar, salt Reduce fried foods Add omega3 oil or Salmon Whole grains
  25. 25. Digestion Digestion starts in the mouth with saliva Chew slowly and thoroughly If swallowing is a problem take swallow of nectar- chew- swallow- take another swallow
  26. 26. Drive, walk, talk, listen Keep flexible Do one thing at a time mindfully Breathe deep to stay oxygenated and keep lung capacity for your brain an energy
  27. 27. Quads and Gluts Quads best strengthening is squats with weights in hands or on shoulders 2.5 mph engages the gluts Alternatively take big steps backward (even on treadmill)
  28. 28. Peaceful Sleep Sleep hygiene Consistent hours Dark room Tuck yourself in like a baby Make sure pillow is thick enough Cover comfortable light Room temperature more cool than too warm Stop drinking 2 hours before bedtime to increase length of sleep hours
  29. 29. Calves The muscles in the calves can get really tight and can cause cramps when electrolyte imbalance occurs. Stay hydrated with electrolyte infused water Warm them with gentle exercise, build them with resistance and the stretch them. Build with weight in hands or on shoulder raise onto demi-toe lower below floor level Stretch flexing foot toward knee hold
  30. 30. Ankles Ankles are a major joint In the scheme of balance Raise your toes when walking to prevent foot drop make circles with your feet to loosen the ankle If that doesnt work grip your heel and use your hand to rotate the foot which in turn moves the ankle, take several minutes till you feel loosening Apply joint cream and take appropriate supplements
  31. 31. Feet Strengthen your arches by raising your heels Stretch your arches by pointing toes and flexing them toward your knees Stand with weights in hands for the raises to speed the building of arch and ankle A side good effect is osteoporoses recovery Treat your feet with lotion
  32. 32. Basic Exercise Main Areas to stay mobile (ambulatory) =get up and go 1 squats, side lunges 2 longer stride to exercise gluts (2.5+ mph) 3 triceps dips or raises for rising from chair and turning in bed
  33. 33. Retreats A few minutes, hour or days can provide a retreat from chaos. Make the environment conducive on a chair, mat or trip by setting an intention and a time Add music, plants, reading or blanket for comfort
  34. 34. Complimentary Activities Set the scene for a calm environment Simplify the environment Deep Breath in = peace > exhale toxins Ignite a new paradigm of health
  35. 35. Skin I This week concentrate on your skin, eat well, Rest Cleanse and moisturize especially in dry climate outside or in Use suntan lotion
  36. 36. Skin II Herbs, Supplements, Lotions Silicon, Astataxanthin, Vitamin C & E are preferred supplemental support. Cetaphil, Cerave' and Oil of Olay have been recommended by my Doctors. Of Course Omega 3 All available at drug, grocery and discount Stores.
  37. 37. Supportive Nutrition As much fruit (min 4 daily) Salad as Main Dish Vary greens to the max Few starchy(-corn, -potatoes) Beans, legumes (1 cup daily) Lean fish (twice weekly + 1 egg ) Flaxseed daily (1 T) Nuts + seeds (1 oz Raw) Mushrooms(phytochemicals) Beef , turkey, chicken, fish Broccoli has the highest level protein Romain based, dressing on side Blue berries, straw, mellon Broccoli, peas, kale, brussel Butternut acorn squash Eggplant, beans Flounder, sole, salmon Or walnuts, soybeans Pecan, walnuts, macadamia Great flavor 12 oz max a week Nutrition Supplements recommended
  38. 38. Supportive Brain Supplements Brain Function Depends on adequate intake of : Short-term Memory Vitamin B12, vitamin C, Vitamin E Performance in Problem-solving tests Riboflavin, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin C Mental Health Thiamin, niacin, zinc, folate Cognition Folate, vitamin B6, vitamin 12, iron, vitamin E Vision Essential fatty acids, vitamin A Neurotransmitter synthesis Tyrosine, tryptophan, choline, Omega 3 Magnesium, DHA, polyphenols, vitamin D Glutamate, estrogen, glutathione, cytosine, Selenium, CoQ10, WATER/ELECTROLYTES Osteo 8 for osteoporosis rebuilding (Chinese Herb) clinical trial supported There are daily minimum requirements and Tolerable Upper Level intakes per day. I need age, height and weight to provide a personalized complete list of daily nutrient intake
  39. 39. Nutritional Stress Support Nutritional Stress Relief (Natural and Homeopathic ) To help calm the nervous system: taurine, glycine, and GABA (Zeff, 2007); Rescue Remedy flower essence tincture: (Casler, 2010) available in health food stores like Warehouse Vitamins. Herbs: Valerian, passionflower, or hops and chamomile (Zeff, 2007) A New science measures Organic Acids in Urine, Specimen can be sent in by mail at (Casler, 2010)
  40. 40. Some guidelines for supplements and Seasonings Flaxseed 1T Flax Oil 1t Walnuts 4T Soybeans 1 c Tofu 1 c Tea >Chinese = Jasmine Japanese =Sencha Healthy seasoning Sweet >powder equal ginger, cinnamon, xylitol Flavor >powder turmeric, garlic, ur choice dried leaves
  41. 41. Shopping Guide When shopping in a Supermarket The fresh and wholesome foods are shelved around the perimeter of the store The center aisles have the processed foods You want to look for minimal ingredients, the more pure an item the healthier it is Supplements may be an exception Items at the ends of aisles are often just promotions to discontinue; use care when considering purchase
  42. 42. Sharing A new Spirit enters the equation when honest sincere and gentle sharing of information and feelings occurs A better quality of life for all concerned can happen when that goal is held aloft Making choices is avoiding sacrifice, or keeping sacrifice at a minimum
  43. 43. Relationships In relationships changes occur without knowing Communication is a bridge to harmony Build a system to resolve conflicts Pause Take personal responsibility for a part Apologies for that part with questions, search for solutions
  44. 44. Healing Fear Building strength is the anti-dote for fear after physical or emotional incidents A slow, cautious progression coupled with repetition of technical and strategic moves is part of the way to overcome fear conscious or subconscious. Building on successes however insignificant they may seem
  45. 45. Meditations Creating an inner calm by just concentrating on breathing first Stay in the present moment of OK right now Do a good thing for yourself 1st & be compassionate with yourself Then a good thing for someone else
  46. 46. Letting Others Help People need people Embarrassment or pride are harmful to ourselves Do allow others to have the pleasure doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves
  47. 47. Day to Night Transition gradually Learn how you go from action to leisure Schedule time with friends Drink healthy beverages and amounts Eat healthy snacks and amounts
  48. 48. Solving Sleep Problems Use Cognitive behavioral therapy for relationship issues Use progressive relaxation techniques Music or white noise Stop ruminating Try acupuncture Avoid alcohol and cigarettes Some awakinings will happen, relax
  49. 49. Support Support comes in many forms By speaking up to the following: Health Providers Internet (use credible sites) Support Groups Literature Videos
  50. 50. Caregiver For the caregiver: Take 4 hours a week for personal rest or re-creation or recovery Save your energy for the FUN things to do together get as much help with the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) as possible Dont jump in: watch the struggle to keep the muscles No guilt
  51. 51. Gratitude Keep an attitude of gratitude Concentrate on the good things in the moment or life Do not fulfill a negative prophecy Keep a sense of Humor Appreciate Caregivers
  52. 52. Calming Food Silent inflammation is a major interference with healthy weight and life Dr Weils anti-inflammatory Pyramid is easy foodpyramid.html Parkinsons specific Nutritional plan Stroke appropriate nutrition oke/HealthyLivingAfterStroke/Nutrition/Nutrition_UCM_ 308569_SubHomePage.jsp Ms multiple-sclerosis.html
  53. 53. References Anthropology 324 The Human Machine Professor David Raichlen University of Arizona Argue, John. Parkinson's Disease & The Art of Moving. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 2000. 95-99, 126- 131. Farley Ph. D BG, Koshland GF, Prior MM (2004) Learning Big decrease bradykinesia in the upper and lower limbs in people with Parkinsons disease. Program No. 874.11. 2004 Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, Online. Hatfield, Frederick C. Fitness: The Complete Guide. Rev. 7th ed. Santa Barbara: International Sports and Sciences, 2001. 2.7-2.14,15.1-15.16. Bose MD, Sue. Sleep and Parkinsons Disease Lecture to APDA. 2004. Montesorri, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. Oxford: ABC-CLIO Ltd., 1988. 130-135. Yessis Ph. D., Michael. Kinesiology of Exercise. Columbus: McGraw-Hill, 1992. xi, 3,17,22,49,123,146. Pearl, Bill. Keys to the Inner Universe. Pasadena: Physical Fitness Architects, 1982. 28-30. Prudden, Bonnie. Myotherapy: Bonnie Prudden's Complete Guide to Pain-Free Living. New York: Dial Press, 1984. 75, 82. Fuhrman, M.D. Joel. Eat to Live, Parolisi, NCCAOM Diplomat O.M. [email protected] Ackerly, MD Mary, [email protected] Vera Shury is program director of PARKINSONSTRENGTH, a program offered by Liberty Science LLC and based upon the philosophy developed by John Argue in conjunction with Stanford Comprehensive Movement Disorder Center and the Department of Neurology at Kaiser Permanente. Vera can be contacted at [email protected] Zeff, T. (2007). Highly Sensitive Person's Companion. Oakland, CA : New Harbinger Publication, Inc.