Liam's Big Noisy Vehicle Book

The Big Noisy Vehicle Book Who is going to drive? Dump Trucks, Front End Loaders, A Giant Crane, A Fire truck, A big Truck and a jeep. Who is going to drive them? By Pop-


Liam likes big trucks. In this book Liam gets to drive the tractors, trucks, cranes and more.

Transcript of Liam's Big Noisy Vehicle Book

Page 1: Liam's Big Noisy Vehicle Book

The Big Noisy Vehicle BookWho is going to drive?

Dump Trucks, Front End Loaders, A Giant Crane, A Fire truck, A big Truck

and a jeep.

Who is going to drive them?

By Pop-

Page 2: Liam's Big Noisy Vehicle Book

For Liam Armeson Christmas 2010

Copyright Pete Dooley

Page 3: Liam's Big Noisy Vehicle Book

The Big Red Dump Truck

The dump truck carries dirt and stone.

The dump truck is loud. The Dump Truck’s motor goes GRrrrrrrrrrrr.

When the dump truck lifts up, it dumps everything out. The sound it makes when everything comes out is Shhhhhh and when the tail gate closes the sound it makes is BOOOOOOM.

But There is no one to drive the big Dump Truck.

Who is going to drive the big Dump Truck?

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Liam Will Drive The Dump Truck

Liam was on cupcake break.

Liam said “I will drive the big red dump truck.”

Liam said, “I will drive the truck that goes Grrrrrrrrr.”

Liam said I will pull the levers that dump everything out. The sound it will make is, Shhhhhh and when the tail gate closes the sound it makes is BOOOOOOM.

Liam will drive the BIG RED DUMP TRUCK.

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The Front End Loader

The dirt and stone that goes in the Dump Truck gets put in by the Front End Loader. In the back is a Back Hoe it digs up the dirt and stone.

The Back Hoe goes Braaak Braaam when it lifts up the dirt and stone

When it dumps the dirt and stone in the dump truck it sounds like Whooooosh, Boom and bang

But No one is here to run the back hoe!

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Liam Will Run The Front end Loader

Liam is already in the Front End Loader.

Liam said “I will run the big yellow front end loader.”

Liam said, “I will pull the levers that dump the dirt and stone in the dump truck. It will sound like whooooosh Boom and bang”


The levers look like this >

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The Big Crane

When the Front end loader and dump truck remove all the rocks and dirt from the construction site, The Big Crane comes in and lifts up the buildings. The Big Crane has long cables, they go creeeeeak when they lift up the heavy loads. But no one is here to run the Big Crane. Who is gong to drive the Big Crane?

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Liam has his hard hat on. Liam says, “I will pull the levers and hear the cables go creeeeeeak.” Liam Says, “I will run THE BIG CRANE.”

Liam Will Run The Big Crane

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The Semi Tractor Trailer

When the building is finished it will have to be filled up. The Big Semi Tractor Trailer Truck will bring fine American made products to fill up the building.

The big truck’s engine sounds Like Rooooooowr as it goes down the highway. The big Blue Truck’s horn goes Honk Honk.

The truck is sitting Idle with no one to drive it at a truck stop.

Who is going to drive the BIG TRACTOR TRAILER!

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Liam Drives The Semi Tractor Trailer

Liam has a trucker hat. Liam can drive The Big Semi Tractor Trailer. Liam will bring fine American made products to fill up the building.

The big truck’s engine sounds Like Rooooooowr as it goes down the highway. Liam makes The big Blue Truck’s horn goes Honk Honk.

Liam is going to drive the BIG TRACTOR TRAILER!

This is how it looks inside >

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The Fire Truck

If there is a fire. We need the fire truck to come and put out the fire.

The fire engine has a siren it goes raaaaaaaaaaaaw and the horn goes Hoooonk.

When the fire truck gets to the fire, the firemen jump out and shoot water onto the fire.

But we don’t see any firemen. Who is going to put out the fire!

Who is going to drive the big Fire Truck?

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Liam Can Drive The Fire Truck

Liam will drive the fire truck and help put out the fire.

Liam will turn on the siren that goes raaaaaaaaaaaaw and blow the horn Hoooonk.

When the fire truck gets to the fire, Liam will jump out and help the firemen shoot water onto the fire.

Liam is going to drive the big Fire Truck

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Liam’s Dad Has a Jeep

Sometimes Liam and his sister Elly and his mom go for rides in dads jeep.

Liam’s dad’s jeep is noisy and windy but they feel like studs driving it.

One day Liam is going to ask his dad to drive his jeep over a mountain.

Who can drive Dad’s jeep?

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Liam Drives His Jeep

Liam drives his jeep just like his dad.

Liam drives his Blue Jeep all round his yard.

One day Liam might drive his jeep over a mountain.

The end

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