LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid...

P.Kostka 13 th Octoberl 2010, LHeC Design Meeting LHeC Detector Update Second Proton Beam steering through IR in same beam pipe (informal meeting on 5.October ’10) Beam Separation Dipols integrated in detector structure where? SR Calculations not finished Beam Pipe / Detector Dimensions not fixed Forward Jet Measurement Toroid an option? Solenoid(s) 1 or 2 magnets (2 magnets no return yoke)? physics case: best muon measurement possible cost estimate needed any drawbacks? 1

Transcript of LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid...

Page 1: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

LHeC Detector Update• Second  Proton  Beam  

-­‐  steering  through  IR  in  same  beam  pipe      √(informal  meeting  on  5.October  ’10)

• Beam  Separation  Dipols  -­‐  integrated  in  detector  structure  -­‐  where?

• SR  Calculations-­‐  not  finished

• Beam  Pipe  /  Detector  Dimensions-­‐  not  fixed

• Forward  Jet  Measurement  -­‐  Toroid  -­‐  an  option?

• Solenoid(s)-­‐  1  or  2  magnets  (2  magnets  -­‐  no  return  yoke)?-­‐  physics  case:  best  muon  measurement  possible-­‐  cost  estimate  needed-­‐  any  drawbacks?


Page 2: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

detector  integrated  dipole



SC coilsplitand



BStephan Russenschuck, Simona Bettoni, Eugenio Paoloni


Rogelio  Tomas,  Frank  Zimmermann

Special  LHeC  Mee@ng

4  October  2010

Beam Separation Dipols


Page 3: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting





Beam Pipe


Page 4: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting





Beam Pipe

RR-option - short dipoles - dipole near to beam pipe -

transparent?- between tracker + calorimeter


Page 5: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

But 2 x 9m dipole for the LR option? -> shorter separate functionality





Beam Pipe

RR-option - short dipoles - dipole near to beam pipe -

transparent?- between tracker + calorimeter


Page 6: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

Answer: SR problematic - to be checked

IR  layout  w.  head-­‐on  collision

Beam envelopes of 10 (electrons) [solid blue] or 11 (protons) [solid green], the same envelopes with an additional constant margin of 10 mm [dashed], the synchrotron-radiation fan [orange], and the approximate location of the magnet coil between incoming protons and outgoing electron beam [black]

detector integrated dipole: field ~0.45 Tcritical photon energy ~ 1 MeV

average SR power = 87 kW8x1010 / bunch passage

CLIC-­‐LHeC  Synergies  &  KEK  Trip  Report,  Frank  Zimmermann,  CLIC  Mee@ng  20  August  2010

LR - DesignM.Sullivan -

Elliptical Beam Pipe1:inner-∅x = 12cminner-∅y = 5cm

outer-∅x = 12.8cmouter-∅y = 5.8cm

➟ thickness: 0.4cm

INTERACTION-­‐REGION  DESIGN  OPTIONS  FOR  A  LINAC-­‐RING  LHEC  by  F.Zimmermann  et.al.  submitted  IPAC'10

Beam  envelopes  of  10σ  (electrons)  [solid  blue]  or  11σ  (protons)  [solid  green],  

the  same  envelopes  with  an  additional  constant  margin  of  10  mm  [dashed],  

the  synchrotron  radiation  fan  [orange],  and  the  approximate  location  of  

the  magnet  coil  between  incoming  protons  and  outgoing  electron  beam  [black].

SR Calculations


Page 7: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting 5

SR CalculationsCurrent  Activities

• RR  Option:

• Nathan  Bernard  (UCLA)  -­‐  MadLab/GEANT4      Rob  Appleby  (Uni  Manch.)  -­‐  dedicated  software  -­‐  fields  (Velocity  Verlet  meth.)  +  (MC  LEP  inspired  -­‐  H.Burkhardt)

• LR  Option:

• Emre  Eroglu  (Uludag  Uni.  -­‐  Fluka)

• First  Results  (RR)  presented  in  August  (N.B.)

• Essential:    check  of  LR  Option

• Incorporate  the  upstream  sources  (not  starting  from  last  p-­‐quadrupole)

Page 8: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

Characteris@c Detector  Dipole No  Detector  Dipole

E  [GeV] 60 60

I  [mA] 100 100

Detector  Dipole  Length  [m] 2.4 0

B  [T] 0.024 0.028

θIni@al*  [mrad] 3.6 3.8

θCrossing*  [mrad] 1.108 1.104

Ec  [keV] 102.79 108.05

Eμ  [keV] 31.65 33.27

Eσ  [keV] 57.47 60.41

λ  [m] 2.585 2.579

γ/e-­‐ 7.7025 8.2043

P  [kW] 24.3756 27.2986

Separa@on**  [mm] 49.067 49.795

SR  Characteris@cs  using  GEANT4  Simula@ons    

*θ  is  the  angle  between  the  electron  and  proton  momentum  vectors**  The  separa@on  is  the  displacement  between  the  proton  and  electron  centroids  at  the  absorber

Synchrotron  Radia@on  Results  -­‐  Using  GEANT4,  Nathan  Bernard,  LHeC  Design  Mee@ng,  31-­‐8-­‐10  *based  on  the  op@cs  of  L.Thompson 6

Page 9: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

2 mm

4 mm

6 mm

8 mm

Beam  Pipe  Thickness

Be [X0=347mm]


0.8 mm


0.6 mm


0.4 mm


1 mm



n Le


X0 fo

r Θ=1

0 Tr




m [%



Beam Pipe Wall Thickness

Page 10: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting 8

Detector Setup

Main  Objectives  1• Warm  Calorimeter    (contr.    Uludag  Univ.)

• Cold  Calorimeter    (H.Oberlack)

• dedicated  forward  calorimeter  (Calice,  DREAM)

• Tracking  -­‐  lightweight  -­‐  SiGas  (pixel,  strip,  pad)Trigger  capableTRD  in  front  of  backward  calorimeter  (γ/π0/e)track  segment  definition      (NikHEF)

• Tracking  conventional  -­‐  Si  based  (pixel,  strip,  pad)multiple  scattering!    few  high  accurate  measuring  points  only  -­‐  high  costs

Page 11: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

Strong Focussing Magnet System (dark blue)inner R = 8. cm; outer R = 15 cm (guess)ΔZ = 160. cm -- t.b.defined

High Q2 - Active Detector Parts


Page 12: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

Fwd Tracker - active Thickness 8. cm eachSi-Pix/Si-Strip/SiGas Tracker:inner R = 4.86 cm; outer R = 61.3 cmPlanes 1 - 5: z1-5 = 140. / 210. / 280. / 340. / 370. cm

Elliptical Pixel Tracker:inner-∅x = 9.32cminner-∅y = 7.82cm

2.4cm active radius

Barrel Tracker - active Radius 2.5cm eachSi-Pix/Si-Strip/SiGas Tracker:1. layer: inner R = 8.8 cm; outer R = 11.3 cm2. layer: = 21.3 cm; = 23.8 cm3. layer: = 33.8 cm; = 36.3 cm4. layer: = 46.3 cm; = 48.8 cm5. layer: = 58.8 cm; = 61.3 cm

4 Cone structured fwd/bwd Si-pix/Si-strip/Si-gas TrackerR min = 4.86 cm2.5cm active thickness

Bwd Tracker - active Thickness 8. cm eachSi-Pix/Si-Strip/SiGas Tracker:inner R = 4.86 cm; outer R = 61.3 cmPlanes 1 - 5: z1-5 = -140. /-210. /-280. /-340. /-370. cm

Low Q2 - Active Detector Parts 1


Page 13: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

Fwd Tracker - active Thickness 8. cm eachSi-Pix/Si-Strip/SiGas Tracker:inner R = 4.86 cm; outer R = 61.3 cmPlanes 1 - 5: z1-5 = 140. / 210. / 280. / 340. / 370. cm

Barrel Tracker - active Radius 2.5cm eachSi-Pix/Si-Strip/SiGas Tracker:1. layer: inner R = 8.8 cm; outer R = 11.3 cm2. layer: = 21.3 cm; = 23.8 cm3. layer: = 33.8 cm; = 36.3 cm4. layer: = 46.3 cm; = 48.8 cm5. layer: = 58.8 cm; = 61.3 cm

4 Cone structured fwd/bwd Si-pix/Si-strip/Si-gas TrackerR min = 4.86 cm2.5cm active thickness

Bwd Tracker - active Thickness 8. cm eachSi-Pix/Si-Strip/SiGas Tracker:inner R = 4.86 cm; outer R = 61.3 cmPlanes 1 - 5: z1-5 = -140. /-210. /-280. /-340. /-370. cm

Toroid 1-2 Teslainner R = 20 cm; outer R = 62cm; ∆z = 120cmBetter low angle jet measurement - option to be checked (transparent enough?)

Fwd Tracker - active Thickness 8. cmSi-Pix/Si-Strip/SiGas Tracker:inner R = 20 cm; outer R = 62 cm

Low Q2 - Active Detector Parts 2


Elliptical Pixel Tracker:inner-∅x = 9.32cminner-∅y = 7.82cm

2.4cm active radius

Page 14: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

Fwd-Toroid z-Dimension = PathLengthMomentum - Field Strength


0.8 m

1.0 m

1.2 m

1.6 m2.0 m

0.8 m

1.0 m1.2 m

1.6 m

2.0 m

Field = 1T Field = 2T

g g


PathLength = 1.2 m used in figure before


Page 15: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting ILC - 4th Proposal 13

CMS Detector Setup

Page 16: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

Low Q2 - Active Detector Parts 3


ILC - 4th Proposal


Page 17: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting 15

Detector Setup

Main  Objectives  2• Solenoid  return  yoke  for  3.5T  -­‐  needs  ~10k  tons  steel

~3M$  (June  ’10)  -­‐  ~5M$  (currently)  +  cost  for  extended  muon  tracking  detector,  mechanics  etc.

• Second  solenoid  -­‐  closed  field;  either  lower  field  both  -­‐  adding  to  3.5T;    Or  higher  field  in  inner  part  =  3.5T  +  outer  field

• CMS  and  ATLAS  are  not  hermetic  as  well;radiation  to  be  checked  (Uludag  Univ.)

• access  easier  and  weight  much  less;support  structure  by  both  solenoids  +  external  frame

• to  be  evaluated  (H.Tenkate,  A.Dudarev)

• ONE  Detector  Configuration  Onlywould  be  a  big  step  forward!

Page 18: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

ILC - 4th Proposal

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting 15

Detector Setup

Main  Objectives  2• Solenoid  return  yoke  for  3.5T  -­‐  needs  ~10k  tons  steel

~3M$  (June  ’10)  -­‐  ~5M$  (currently)  +  cost  for  extended  muon  tracking  detector,  mechanics  etc.

• Second  solenoid  -­‐  closed  field;  either  lower  field  both  -­‐  adding  to  3.5T;    Or  higher  field  in  inner  part  =  3.5T  +  outer  field

• CMS  and  ATLAS  are  not  hermetic  as  well;radiation  to  be  checked  (Uludag  Univ.)

• access  easier  and  weight  much  less;support  structure  by  both  solenoids  +  external  frame

• to  be  evaluated  (H.Tenkate,  A.Dudarev)

• ONE  Detector  Configuration  Onlywould  be  a  big  step  forward!

Page 19: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

many things to do still

Page 20: LHeC Detector Update - indico.cern.ch · P.Kostka 13th,Octoberl,2010,,LHeC,Design,Meeting Solenoid Tracker ECAL HCAL Beam Pipe 3

P.Kostka 13th  Octoberl  2010,  LHeC  Design  Meeting

CLIC-LHeC Synergies & KEK Trip Report, Frank Zimmermann, CLIC Meeting 20 August 2010