THE 6,7 and 8* Thiessen Block Good Dental Werk at Low Prices written protective guarantee with all work LEWISTON EVENING TELLER. MONDAY, JUNE SB, 1304 oil Set of T e e th $ 5.00 2 karat Crown and Bridge Work $ 5.00 per tooth -old Fillings $1.00 up orcelain Inlays $2.00 up ver Fillings 50C up CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE Call and see us THE 6.7,8 and T heissen Block EWIST0N FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Manufactura™ of Stationary En inaa, Mining and Mill Machinery. Fully equipped iron and brass. Foundry pattern ahop in oonneetion Architectural work of all dooorlption Speoial attention given to repairs. Boiler work a specialty. J- T. GRAHAM, Mgr. ’Phono, Main 1431. Cor Siam and Sovonth Stroete. Coeur d'Alene Market F. B. SEARS & CO. Frwh and Salted Moats at Whate* ••la and Ratail. Fish and Gama MALLORY & LYDON tWERY, PEED ANi) HACK STABLE claaa Riga and careful drivers at c .:?U™ °f th* ®r Bight. Corner a - w»4 Fourth streets. "**•* *7' Mack office Fhoee 2*71 The Raymond F lS îAï , ” KAT' «-SCTRIC LIGHTS Ï Ï u ’Â .ff «» 9240 aad IESS per dey. C- W- BURDICK. Prepletor. ••••eeeeeeeveee HERE IN LEWISTON e The city council will meet tonight In adjourned session. Try Brownell’s Candy Kitchen for chocolate nut bar. On June 26th the O.'R. & N. steamer Spokane, will make a special trip to Cave Gulch, returning the same day. Fare for round trip *2. 20-25 House keeping rooms for rent, 526 Main. Reference exchanged. tf There will be a meeting tonight of the directors of the fair association to consider matters of much Importance relative to the fall fair. The meeting will be held at the Commercial club rooms. Have you tried that 15-year-old Cucamonga part at the California Wine House? We cater for family trade. Goods in any quantity delivered to any part of the city. ’Phone 31. The steamer this morning loaded out 900 sheep from the Clarkston side con- signed to Pat Burns & Co., Nelson. B. C. A carload of cattle was also shipped from the Lewiston stockyards on the steamer to Grand Forks, B. C. Miss Patrick's Sunday school class of young girls will serve Ice cream and cake on the lawn at Mrs. Young- man's, 172 Sixth avenue, from 7 to 10 o’clock, Tuesday evening, June 21. The proceeds to purchase pictures for their Sunday school rooms. 2t Five-room house to rent on East Main street. Apply to J. B. McGrane, 280% Main street. The remains of J. A. Fincher arrived here yesterday from Missoula, Mont, where he died at the Northern Pacific hospital from blood poisoning. He was In the employ of the Northern Pacific railway. The remains were taken to his former home at Penawawai by his father, this morning. For slab wood call up ’phone 1761; It Is the Ideal summer wood. Lewiston Fuel & Ice Co. tf MlssLenore Bailey received news yesterday that he uncle. John Graham, of Nez Perce, Idaho, had suffered a severe fracture of the collar bone and leg, says the Walla Walla Union. Mr. Graham was loading a car with cattle at Lewiston, whgn he was thrown from his horse. Miss Bailey and mother started for Lewiston yesterday, over- land. Try Brownell’s nugeats at the candy kitchen. Thomas Stanton, a pioneer of this section died at St. Joseph's hospital this morning from old age. The fun- eral will be held from Vassar's Under- taking parlors at 10 o'clock tomorrow. AH old pioneers are requested to be in attendance. The deceased was between 80 and 00 years of age and came to Lewiston in 18(2 following the trade of stone mason and builder. He removed from here about twenty years ago lo- cating at Hailey. He was up here vis- iting at the home of Bob Inghram near this city. His daughter who resides at Gooding, near Shoshone was here a few days ago and left for her home on ac- count of sickness. He has a son who Is living at Huntington, Ore. J. W. Greb, stenographer, 21 Thies- sen building. ’Phone 2713. * A remonstrance will be presented to the city council to counteract the peti- tion which has been circulated and which will also be presented to the council tonight to have the Idaho Feed yard on Elast Main street declared a nuisance and removed. The remon- strance has been quite freely signed and has about fifty signatures of per- sons living In that community. The remonstrance petitions the council to act adversely on the petition alleging that the business conducted by the Idaho Feed yard is legitimate and not a nuisance. Mr. Isbell who conducts the feed yard today stated that he kept his place In first-class condition and in - vites Inspection as to sanitary condi- tions by the city. He states that the petition to have his business removed Is unjust and that he objects to having his business suppressed or Injured. was In the city this morning transact- ing business and left for home this afternoon. I. Myer, of the Idaho Tea store, left today for Stltes. E. W. Wing left today for Orangeville on a business trip. Lester Coffin has gone to Kamlah to look after his Interests at that place. Col. Judson Spofford returned today from a business trip to Boise and oPrt- land. Mrs. P. B. Whitman has gone to Lap- wai to visit her daughter Mrs. T. D. Barton. Frank Brown, the well known min- ing man, left this morning on a busi- ness trip to Orangeville. E. W. Eaves left this afternoon on a business trip to Gifford. He expects to return home tomorrow. Forest White who has been a student at the Portland Academy at Portland. Ore., during the past year returned home on last evening's steamer. Mr. Geo. Laird and Mrs. Laird, par- ents of Mrs. W. H. Skinner, left this morning to visit their old home at Nashua, Iowa. They expect to be ab- sent several months. Engineer Campbell, of the Mountain Gem, was called to Portland last night and left on this morning's steamer. His wife who has- been In Arizona for the past few months for her health was returning home but was taken seri- ously 111 at Portland and Is not ex- pected to survive. Mr. E. Baume'ster of Asotin returned last evening frorn Walla Walla and Pendleton. While In Walla Walla he attended the session of the Washington State Bankers' Association. During the meeting a new and improved Man- ganese burglar proof safe was blown open by an expert In 54 minutes, nitro- itl.vcreine being used. CLEARING UP in WHITE GOOD * * * * * •••••••••••• COMING EVENTS ****••••••••••** *—Jud«* “ SBT c. «strict •«■Mon ®* tha *nct «wt in tbte city. -* 1A-Tte repub. ^*®4*y. August IS.—The Gsnmnisllii MUrt Douas t t l L B L <* ^D« rthf< iS S r o f mt9rma* Dr. W. F. Galbraith, dentist. Adams block. ’Phone 666. Boise Artists Honored Mr. Horace Meyers'has received no- tification today, says the Capital News,' that five of the pictures submitted by him to the committee on photography at the St. Louis exposition, had been accepted, and would be liung In the palace of liberal arts. When It Is con- sidered that 3.000 pictures were sub- mitted and only 160 hung, the work of Mr. Meyers Is certainly very superior. There were nine pictures sent by Mr. Meyers, among them some of his famous Idaho views, the Shoshone Falls included. The chairman of the committee ap- pointed to select these pictures In- structed his Judges to choose the rep- resentative American photography say- ing that he would rather have the va- cant space than any display of work which should not equal and perhaps excel any exhibit of foreign work. Thay Know Him (Harper’s Weekly.) A well known literary man who has been spending several weeks at his old home In Vermont tells of a conversa- tion which he overheard between two visitors on the porch of the village store. An acquaintance of theirs had lust passed In the street, and the fol- lowing comment was heard by the vis- itor: “Thar goes Si Perkins.” Then a meditative pause. . . “SI ain't the man he used to be.” “Naw—an’ he never was.” WANTED—FOR SALE—FOUND PERSONAL E. Desvotgne of Moscow Is in the city transacting buslneaa. A. L. Morgan of Oroflno Is In the city on business before the local land office. J. A. Schultz, the Nezperce merchant and banker. Is In the city on business. Clyde Scbeurer left this morning on a few days visit with relatives at Spo- kane. S. P. Fitzgerald returned this morn- ing from a business trip to the timber belt near Pearce. Harry Dowd left this morning for Genooeo where he will load stock for shipment to Seattle. lira. W. J. Jordan left this morning to attend the Federation of Women’s Club at Wardner. John Graham and family left this morning for their future home In Bridgeport, Wash. R. V. Baasen, general western man- ager of the Coo Commission company, la In the city from Spokane. A. C. Elliott left this morning for Elbert on. Wash., where he will attend the three days picnic at that place this week. Miss Cowen who has been visiting friends in the city several days return- ed this morning to her home In Mos- cow. T. D. Barton, the Lapwal merchant. East End Rsstaursnt—750 Main St., new management, nice cool rooms, good meals a specialty. N. D. Burgoyne, proprietor. I have buyers for farms—If you want to sell list with me or write for par- ticulars. Horace Grant. Heist Bldg., Kansas City Mo. Wanted—A lady for general house- work, 216 B street. Wanted—Three ladies. Must be capable to handle a nice, clean, house- hdd article. Will pay a cash salary each day, tl to 88. Call Room 9, Lew- iston hotel, at once. For rent—Store room. Store fixtures for sale. Inquire 226 Main St. tf For rent—Furnished rooms with hath and stove. 898 Adr.ms S t For rent—Nice, large room with bath, near the brow of the hill. Apply at Teller office. Lost—-On Tuesday evening on Norm- al Hill. Ill, a gold brooch: finder will please returne to Miss Henry at Dr. Shalf's and receive reward. tf For Solo Old newspapers. Me a hundred at the Teller office. Found—Throe thousand shares of mining stock. Owner con at the Teller office and Identify and pay tor this notice. Manager Wanted Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this country and adjoining territory tor well and favor- ably known house of solid financial standing. 326.60 straight cash salary and expenses paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Ex- pense money advanced. Position per- manent. Address Manager. 816 Como Mock. Chicago. Illinois All of our regular 35 and 50 white goods at 25c yard j ‘ •* .■ ' v f • All of our 20 and 25c white goods at 10c yard SS35 i Tsller tns News It 75c the month. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Clyde J, Vassar Telephone Residence 1921 J923 Now is the time to buy eheioe fruit and garden troots in Ctov ortend, Asotin oeunty, Washing- ton, and double your money In one year. Land now only |4S per sore, including water right. A five-year-old orchard will aall readily tor |300 ar |800 par aere If you da net buy tor a heme, buy a tow aeree tor a speculation. Na bettor Investment In the Lewis- ton country i i t i i i i FOR FURTHER INFORMATION call oa or addrut SKINNER & MOUNCE AGENTS LEWISTON, IDAHO Grand Restaurant UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT INVITES A TRIAL VOLLMER & RANDALL. Props Bollinger Hotel LEWISTON’S BEST HOSTLERY EUROPEAN PLAN Young«* Old Gram aad gay, bers ta driak P b B c I ooi Sodowotef M V p H tv e a d the rlchaca* of Mw cx. qaisite flavors essd at d a rteeetets hai s S is r ~ Pring’s RMbor than patroaiu foootsia* wbrrt tbs quality of tbe ssds sad Havanas* sad. dcsJiaoM sf th* apparatas u 8NMM. Pring Candy Co. Refrigerators on Easy Payi ONE-THIRD DOWN And the balance in weekly payments. We have been the sole agents of the HURD refrigerator for five years and there are more in use in Lewiston and vicinity than all other makes combined McGilvery & Thompson û »0ÜU6 ASK Potvin & Howe Real Estate Insurance aid Loans 314 Main St lswibton - • > inline W illis & Beach Undertaking Parlors Funeral Supplies and Embalming NIGHT OE BAY CALLS PROMPTLY ANSWERED TELEPHONE 824 c «U3NCÔ Don't forget we are sole agents for (HOHN PrincestUnned Goods B J B High Grade Coffee MJB Tree Teas Also a flm h i d h l g b sod faacy Lewiston Grocery 6 Bakery Telephone d i ijo Mein 8L is the proper ration for a hard- working horse. We have beak of hay and oats. Price $11.50 per ton upwards. Try brome hay: finest grown. We have a large supply of bran and other VOLLMER CLEARWATER FEED COMPANY Telephone SM1 OFFICE OPPOSITE COURT HOtJBB 8 teem heat Pm g Free 'Bus to end from oil to Grand Hotel CUROPSAM ALAN H. B. SMITH, Proprietor Find class restaurant iu counsel THE Rickey Season Is now Open MADE FROM GENUINE LIMES THE IMPERIAL 282 Mai« Street GAtnim*tnmt*. We now have everything in base* ball goods and fishing tackle. Our stock la the above Item was Mlectod by a mu e l mooy year*’ experience. Dent & Butler, Druggists



6,7 and 8* Thiessen Block

GoodDental Werk at

Low Prices

written protective guarantee

with all work


oil Set of Teeth

$5.002 karat Crown and Bridge Work

$5.00per tooth

-old Fillings

$ 1 . 0 0 u p

orcelain Inlays

$2.00 upver Fillings

5 0 C u p




Call and see us


6 .7 ,8 and T heissen Block



Manufactura™ of Stationary En

inaa, Mining and Mill Machinery.

Fully equipped iron and brass. Foundry pattern ahop in oonneetion Architectural work of all dooorlption Speoial attention given to repairs.

Boiler work a specialty.

J- T. GRAHAM, Mgr.

’Phono, Main 1431.

Cor Siam and Sovonth Stroete.

Coeur d'Alene MarketF. B. SEARS & CO.

Frwh and Salted Moats a t Whate*

••la and Ratail. Fish and Gama


claaa Riga and careful drivers atc .:? U™ °f th* ®r Bight. Corner a- w»4 Fourth streets.

"**•* *7' Mack office Fhoee 2*71

The RaymondF lS îAï , ” KAT' «-SCTRIC LIGHTSÏ Ï u ’Â . f f « »

9240 aad IESS per dey.

C- W- BURDICK. Prepletor.

• • • • e e e e e e e v e e e


The city council will meet tonight In adjourned session.

Try Brownell’s Candy Kitchen for chocolate nut bar.

On June 26th the O.'R. & N. steamer Spokane, will make a special trip to Cave Gulch, returning the same day. Fare for round trip *2. 20-25

House keeping rooms for rent, 526 Main. Reference exchanged. tf

There will be a meeting tonight of the directors of the fair association to consider matters of much Importance relative to the fall fair. The meeting will be held a t the Commercial club rooms.

Have you tried that 15-year-old Cucamonga part at the California Wine House? We cater for family trade. Goods in any quantity delivered to any part of the city. ’Phone 31.

The steamer this morning loaded out 900 sheep from the Clarkston side con­signed to Pat Burns & Co., Nelson. B. C. A carload of cattle was also shipped from the Lewiston stockyards on the steamer to Grand Forks, B. C.

Miss Patrick's Sunday school class of young girls will serve Ice cream and cake on the lawn a t Mrs. Young- man's, 172 Sixth avenue, from 7 to 10 o’clock, Tuesday evening, June 21. The proceeds to purchase pictures for their Sunday school rooms. 2t

Five-room house to rent on East Main street. Apply to J. B. McGrane, 280% Main street.

The remains of J. A. Fincher arrived here yesterday from Missoula, Mont, where he died a t the Northern Pacific hospital from blood poisoning. He was In the employ of the Northern Pacific railway. The remains were taken to his former home at Penawawai by his father, this morning.

For slab wood call up ’phone 1761; It Is the Ideal summer wood. Lewiston Fuel & Ice Co. tf

MlssLenore Bailey received news yesterday that he uncle. John Graham, of Nez Perce, Idaho, had suffered a severe fracture of the collar bone and leg, says the Walla Walla Union. Mr. Graham was loading a car with cattle at Lewiston, whgn he was thrown from his horse. Miss Bailey and mother started for Lewiston yesterday, over­land.

Try Brownell’s nugeats a t the candy kitchen.

Thomas Stanton, a pioneer of this section died a t St. Joseph's hospital this morning from old age. The fun­eral will be held from Vassar's Under­taking parlors a t 10 o'clock tomorrow. AH old pioneers are requested to be in attendance. The deceased was between 80 and 00 years of age and came to Lewiston in 18(2 following the trade of stone mason and builder. He removed from here about twenty years ago lo­cating a t Hailey. He was up here vis­iting a t the home of Bob Inghram near this city. His daughter who resides at Gooding, near Shoshone was here a few days ago and left for her home on ac­count of sickness. He has a son who Is living a t Huntington, Ore.

J. W. Greb, stenographer, 21 Thies­sen building. ’Phone 2713. *

A remonstrance will be presented to the city council to counteract the peti­tion which has been circulated and which will also be presented to the council tonight to have the Idaho Feed yard on Elast Main street declared a nuisance and removed. The remon­strance has been quite freely signed and has about fifty signatures of per­sons living In that community. The remonstrance petitions the council to act adversely on the petition alleging that the business conducted by the Idaho Feed yard is legitimate and not a nuisance. Mr. Isbell who conducts the feed yard today stated that he kept his place In first-class condition and in­vites Inspection as to sanitary condi­tions by the city. He states that the petition to have his business removed Is unjust and that he objects to having his business suppressed or Injured.

was In the city this morning transact­ing business and left for home this afternoon.

I. Myer, of the Idaho Tea store, left today for Stltes.

E. W. Wing left today for Orangeville on a business trip.

Lester Coffin has gone to Kamlah to look after his Interests a t that place.

Col. Judson Spofford returned today from a business trip to Boise and oPrt- land.

Mrs. P. B. Whitman has gone to Lap- wai to visit her daughter Mrs. T. D. Barton.

Frank Brown, the well known min­ing man, left this morning on a busi­ness trip to Orangeville.

E. W. Eaves left this afternoon on a business trip to Gifford. He expects to return home tomorrow.

Forest White who has been a student at the Portland Academy at Portland. Ore., during the past year returned home on last evening's steamer.

Mr. Geo. Laird and Mrs. Laird, par­ents of Mrs. W. H. Skinner, left this morning to visit their old home a t Nashua, Iowa. They expect to be ab ­sent several months.

Engineer Campbell, of the Mountain Gem, was called to Portland last night and left on this morning's steamer. His wife who has- been In Arizona for the past few months for her health was returning home but was taken seri­ously 111 at Portland and Is not ex ­pected to survive.

Mr. E. Baume'ster of Asotin returned last evening frorn Walla Walla and Pendleton. While In Walla Walla he attended the session of the Washington State Bankers' Association. During the meeting a new and improved Man­ganese burglar proof safe was blown open by an expert In 54 minutes, nitro- itl.vcreine being used.


* * * * * • • • • • • • • • • • •


* * * * • • • • • • • • • • * *

*—Jud«* “ SBT c.«strict •«■Mon ®* tha*nct «wt in tbte city.

- * 1 A - T t e repub.

^ * ® 4 * y . A ugust IS.—T he Gsnmnisllii

MUrt Douas t t l L B L

<* ^ D« rth f<iS S r o f m t9rm a*

Dr. W. F. Galbraith, dentist. Adams block. ’Phone 666.

Boise Artists Honored

Mr. Horace Meyers'has received no­tification today, says the Capital News,' that five of the pictures submitted by him to the committee on photography a t the St. Louis exposition, had been accepted, and would be liung In the palace of liberal arts. When It Is con­sidered that 3.000 pictures were sub­mitted and only 160 hung, the work of Mr. Meyers Is certainly very superior.

There were nine pictures sent by Mr. Meyers, among them some of his famous Idaho views, the Shoshone Falls included.

The chairman of the committee ap­pointed to select these pictures In­structed his Judges to choose the rep­resentative American photography say­ing that he would rather have the va­cant space than any display of work which should not equal and perhaps excel any exhibit of foreign work.

Thay Know Him

(Harper’s Weekly.)A well known literary man who has

been spending several weeks a t his old home In Vermont tells of a conversa­tion which he overheard between two visitors on the porch of the village store. An acquaintance of theirs had lust passed In the street, and the fol­lowing comment was heard by the vis­itor:

“Thar goes Si Perkins.” Then a meditative pause. . . “SI ain 't theman he used to be.”

“Naw—an’ he never was.”


• PERSONAL •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

E. Desvotgne of Moscow Is in the city transacting buslneaa.

A. L. Morgan of Oroflno Is In the city on business before the local land office.

J. A. Schultz, the Nezperce merchant and banker. Is In the city on business.

Clyde Scbeurer left this morning on a few days visit with relatives a t Spo­kane.

S. P. Fitzgerald returned this morn­ing from a business trip to the timber belt near Pearce.

Harry Dowd left this morning for Genooeo where he will load stock for shipment to Seattle.

lira . W. J. Jordan left this morning to attend the Federation of Women’s Club a t Wardner.

John Graham and family left this morning for their future home In Bridgeport, Wash.

R. V. Baasen, general western man­ager of the Coo Commission company, la In the city from Spokane.

A. C. Elliott left this morning for Elbert on. Wash., where he will attend the three days picnic at that place this week.

Miss Cowen who has been visiting friends in the city several days return­ed this morning to her home In Mos­cow.

T. D. Barton, the Lapwal merchant.

East End R sstaursnt—750 Main St., new management, nice cool rooms, good meals a specialty. N. D. Burgoyne, proprietor.

I have buyers for farms—If you want to sell list with me or write for par­ticulars. Horace Grant. Heist Bldg., Kansas City Mo.

Wanted—A lady for general house­work, 216 B street.

Wanted—Three ladies. Must be capable to handle a nice, clean, house- hdd article. Will pay a cash salary each day, t l to 88. Call Room 9, Lew­iston hotel, a t once.

For rent—Store room. Store fixtures for sale. Inquire 226 Main St. tf

For rent—Furnished rooms with hath and stove. 898 Adr.ms S t

For rent—Nice, large room with bath, near the brow of the hill. Apply at Teller office.

Lost—-On Tuesday evening on Norm­al Hill. I l l , a gold brooch: finder will please returne to Miss Henry a t Dr. Shalf's and receive reward. tf

For SoloOld newspapers. Me a hundred a t the

Teller office.

Found—Throe thousand shares of mining stock. Owner con a t the Teller office and Identify and pay tor this notice.

Manager W anted

Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this country and adjoining territory to r well and favor­ably known house of solid financial standing. 326.60 straight cash salary and expenses paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Ex­pense money advanced. Position per­manent. Address Manager. 816 Como Mock. Chicago. Illinois

A l l o f o u r r e g u l a r 3 5 a n d 5 0 w h i t e g o o d s

a t 2 5 c y a r d j‘ •*. ■ ' v f •

A l l o f o u r 2 0 a n d 2 5 c w h i t e g o o d s a t 1 0 c y a r d

S S 3 5


Tsller tns News It 75c the month.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• Clyde J, V assar •



Now is the time to buy eheioe fruit and garden troots in C to v ortend, Asotin oeunty, W ashing­ton, and double your money In one year. Land now only |4 S per sore, including w ater right.A five-year-old orchard w ill aall readily tor |300 ar |800 par aere If you da net buy tor a heme, buy a tow aeree tor a speculation. Na bettor Investment In the Lewis­ton country i i t i i i i


call oa or addrut

S K IN N E R & M O U N C E






Bollinger Hotel




Y oung«* OldGram aad gay, bers ta driak

P b Bc Io o i SodowotefM VpHtvead the rlchaca* of Mw cx. qaisite flavors essd at d a rteeetets hai

s S i s r ~

Pring’sRMbor than patroaiu foootsia* wbrrt tbs quality of tbe ssds sad Havanas* sad. dcsJiaoM sf th* apparatas u8NMM.

Pring Candy Co.

Refrigerators on Easy Payi

O N E - T H IR D D O W N

A nd the balance in weekly payments. W e have been

the sole agents of the H U R D refrigerator for five years

and there are more in use in Lewiston and vicinity than

all other makes combined

M cG ilvery & Thompson




P o t v i n & H o w e

Real Estate Insurance a id Loans

31 4 M a in S t

l s w ib t o n - • > in l in e

W i l l i s & B e a c h


Funeral Supplies and Embalming



c «U3NCÔ

D on 't forget we are sole agents for


P rin cestU n n ed Goods B J B High Grade Coffee

M JB Tree TeasAlso a flm h i d h l g b sod faacy

Lewiston Grocery 6 BakeryTelephone d i ijo Mein 8L

is the proper ration for a hard ­working horse. W e have beak of hay and oats. Price $11.50 per ton upwards. T ry brom e hay: finest grown. W e have a large supply of b ran and o ther



8 teem heat P m gFree 'Bus to end from oil to

G r a n d H o t e lCUROPSAM ALAN

H. B. SMITH, ProprietorFind class restaurant iu counsel


Rickey SeasonIs now Open


THE IMPERIAL282 Mai« Street

GAtnim* tnmt*.We now have everything in base* ball goods and fishing tackle.Our stock la the above Item was Mlectod by a m u e l mooy year*’ experience.

D e n t & B u t le r , D ru g g is ts