Leverhulme programmesummary...book Urban Outcasts2. It refers to the accumulation of economic...


Transcript of Leverhulme programmesummary...book Urban Outcasts2. It refers to the accumulation of economic...

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(a) Context and aim of the programme

The American ghetto, the British sink estate, the French banlieue, the Brazilian favela, the Italian quartieri periferici, the Japanese buraku, the Dutch achterstandswijken, the Portuguese bairro degradado: all are widely known as the problem districts, the no-go areas

of the metropolis - territories of deprivation,

dereliction and danger to be shunned and feared. Every society has its own special term to designate its most stigmatized neighbourhoods; but usually these become terministic screens 1 that hide more than they reveal, and preclude an adequate

understanding of the conjunction of mounting misery and stupendous affluence so clearly evident in the cities of advanced and advancing societies throughout the globe. The central aim of the proposed Network is to pierce these terministic screens by engaging in scientific exchanges aimed at developing comparative and international perspectives on advanced urban marginality, using shared principles of analysis and parallel methodologies designed to track, contrast and challenge the rise and diffusion of new forms of urban poverty.

Advanced urban marginality is a concept elaborated by Loïc Wacquant in his recent book Urban Outcasts2. It refers to the accumulation of economic penury, social destitution, ethnoracial divisions and public violence in distressed urban areas of the globe. Research on advanced urban marginality aims to understand the predicament facing those living in notorious and traumatized neighbourhoods, where a blemish of place is superimposed on the already existing stigmata traditionally associated with poverty, class position and/or ethnic origin. According to Wacquant, four dynamics feed advanced urban marginality: macrosocial (occupational dualization and resurgent inequality); economic (the fragmentation of wage labour); political (the recoiling of the social state) and spatial (confinement or dispersal, and defamation). Together, these dynamics amount to a process of urban polarization from below , in that they multiply unstable social positions and relegate vulnerable populations to neighbourhoods functionally disconnected from expansionary phases in aggregate employment and income.

Spawned at the meeting of the International Sociological Association in Barcelona in September 2008, the proposed international Network of scholars aims to invigorate the comparative study of urban relegation. The Network brings together scholars who share the following intellectual concerns:

A realization that advanced urban marginality is not cut from the same cloth everywhere (in spite of homogenizing discourses and transnational policy currents), yet shares similar causes and germane features across countries.

1 Kenneth Burke (1966) Language as Symbolic Action (Berkeley: University of California Press) pp 44-62. 2 Loïc Wacquant (2008) Urban Outcasts: A Comparative Sociology of Advanced Marginality

(Cambridge: Polity Press). Such is the importance of this book that it is the subject of review symposia in three major international urban studies journals: City; Urban Geography; International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

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A wish to engage in theoretically guided comparison or dialogue across national borders, to avoid getting locked into the predefined parameters of their local debate3 and to guard against the subordination of scholarly to policy agendas.

A wish to conduct social research on advanced urban marginality via a fieldwork approach (solo or in combination with historical and statistical methods).

An alertness to the symbolic dimension of advanced urban marginality (as recorded, for instance, in the phenomenon of territorial stigmatization) and to the multi-sided role of the state4 in the production of poverty.

(b) Description of the institutions involved

Institute of Geography, University of Edinburgh, SCOTLAND: Recognised for its leading contribution to research at the forefront of human geography, the Institute s research efforts provide new insights to core geographical concerns. Scholars work in close collaboration with colleagues in other parts of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences.

Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, USA: The world s top-ranked centre for sociological research, training, and teaching. It has been at the forefront of professional sociology since its early years in the 1950s and continues to mould the discipline and educate many of its leading practitioners.

Instituto de Sociologia, Universidade do Porto, PORTUGAL: Centred on the provision of research of social relevance, the Institute aims to create progressively more active dynamics of community involvement in order to capture new publics to the scientific world.

Department of Sociology, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS: A leading Dutch centre of training and research in sociology, where questions driven by theoretical knowledge are linked to society-driven programmes.

Centro de Estudos da Metrópole, Universidade de São Paulo, BRASIL: The Center for Metropolitan Studies was founded in 2000 to analyse socio-economic dynamics in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. It has generated 18 books, 108 articles published in Brazilian academic journals and 27 in foreign journals. Its scientific goal for the next three years is to focus on the reproduction of social inequalities in urban settings, maintaining an interdisciplinary approach.

Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies, Hosei University, JAPAN: The central goal of the Faculty is the training of professionals able to undertake the needs

3 Jennifer Robinson (2006) Ordinary Cities: Between Modernity and Development (London: Routledge) 4 Neil Brenner (2004) New State Spaces: Urban Governance and the Rescaling of Statehood (Oxford University Press).

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of a society which pursues lifelong learning. This includes preparing individuals to become academic advisors as well as employment/career counsellors.

Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Università di Ferrara, ITALY: Located in one of the oldest universities in the world, and a leading centre for social sciences and humanities in Italy, the department has an international reputation for its research on society, space and culture at variety of different scales.

(c) Significance of the programme

In Urban Outcasts, Wacquant argues that advanced urban marginality is a poverty regime that is incubating and etched on the horizon of contemporary urban societies. This is reason enough to warrant scholarly attention, but there is also an immediate need for a collaborative assessment of advanced urban marginality in different countries and/or types of urban environment, for two key reasons:

1. Popular concepts such as the excluded and the underclass , used by the media, policymakers and some scholars to describe those living in marginal neighbourhoods, have mushroomed and travelled well beyond their countries of origin to give the impression that urban marginality is everywhere the same, from which inappropriate public policies can follow5. Only comparative social research using analytical concepts (drawn from the historical matrix of class, state and space in each society) can reveal the generic mechanisms that produce marginality, and serve to refute diagnoses of poverty that focus only on the behaviour of the marginalized.

2. It is difficult to tackle any concrete manifestation of this new form of urban poverty unless one first outlines its features in different contexts and elucidates analytically how these features may facilitate or hinder conventional modes of policy remediation. If new mechanisms of social and political incorporation are not put in place to re-integrate the populations cast out from urban society, one can expect that urban marginality will continue to rise and spread, and, along with it, street violence, civic alienation, organizational desertification, and economic informalization.

The proposed network spans four continents, and its members are deeply committed to their ongoing and future research on this topic. The Network also brings together different disciplines (sociology, urban studies, geography, anthropology and political science). We feel that formalising our connections and sharing scientific insights on this most urgent and troubling aspect of contemporary urbanization has immediate relevance not just for scholarship, but for public action. The Network unites quantitative and qualitative methodological skills well suited for the measurement and interpretation of advanced urban marginality each national/urban context. Five

5 Nissa Finney and Ludi Simpson (2009) Sleepwalking to Segregation: Challenging Myths About Race and Migration (Bristol: Policy Press). This book refutes several high-profile policy pronouncements that some British urban neighbourhoods are becoming as segregated American-style ghettos .

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methodological principles, following from five key intellectual objectives, orient and animate the ongoing research of the Network s members:

1) Differentiating populist and analytical concepts: the systematic reading of available urban monographs and the scrutiny of administrative documents and media sources via content analysis. 2) Historicizing urban forms over the longue durée: advanced urban marginality cannot be understood in isolation from longitudinal tendencies - revealed in basic statistical description - since the Fordist-Keynesian era began to unravel. 3) Ethnography as instrument of epistemological rupture and theoretical construction: such is the stereotyping of marginal urban neighbourhoods that close observation of social life within them can pierce the terministic screens that block intellectual insights, theoretical sophistication, and appropriate public policies. 4) Differentiating neighbourhoods of marginality: using empirical indicators both statistical and textual, we distinguish between the social condition

characteristic of a marginal urban zone; its position

in a hierarchized structure of places, and the function it performs for the broader metropolitan system. 5) Specifying degree and type of state penetration: to gain a sense of changing relations that marginalized urban populations maintain with different public officials and agencies (schools and hospitals, housing and social welfare, firefighting and transportation, the courts and the police), interviews (both survey and in-depth forms) yield important insights.

The proposed Network, bolstered by this mixed-methods, multi-site comparative ethos, will consider how the constituent properties of urban marginality specify themselves differently in different types of urban environment. This collaboration will serve to develop more complex and more differentiated pictures of urban outcasts than currently available in order to capture accurately their social predicament and elucidate their collective fate in different societies.

(d) Description of arrangements for the interchange

The proposed Network consists of a core group of seven scholars (see Section 5 below), seeking financial support to meet three times, for the following purposes:

November 2009: A three-day inception workshop at the University of Edinburgh. This will have two foci: to consider in dialogue the concept of advanced urban marginality and compare the ways in which the concept is understood in seven different national contexts; and to focus on methodological techniques and issues which arise from the conceptual discussion. The overarching goal will be to develop a shared rhetoric and base of questioning aimed at clarifying different theoretical literatures. This will allow us to approach comparatively notions of class, ethnicity, state and space, and thus invigorate the comparative examination of urban social polarization from below .

January 2011: A two-day work in progress seminar at the Universidad do Porto, to discuss conceptual development, methodological challenges/experiences, comparative analysis of data, and potential dissemination strategies.

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April 2012: A two-day international conference on advanced urban marginality at the University of California, Berkeley, with a keynote lecture by Professor Loïc Wacquant, and papers from the lead participants, drawn from their research on advanced urban marginality in their own national/urban contexts. High-profile scholars from diverse countries and disciplines (such as Manuel Castells, Saskia Sassen, Danny Dorling, Sako Musterd, Hartmut Hausserman, Ivan Szelenyi) will be invited as participants and discussants to coordinate debate and reflection on the activities and achievements of the Network, and consider future agendas in the light of this comparative endeavour. Extensions of this project will then be proposed to leading American foundations (SSRC, Russell Sage Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, The Urban Institute)

Our Network is driven by a common concern with the emergence of a distinctive regime of urban poverty across the globe, but one characterised by distinct sociospatial constellations that are legacies of different urban histories and divergent articulations of welfare state, market and appropriated physical space. Therefore, each meeting will also include a short (one day) field visit to an appropriate neighbourhood of relegation (in Edinburgh, Porto, and San Francisco), organised in collaboration with local community organisations, so that each participant can witness first hand the urban spaces produced by the different institutional mechanisms tying together economy, state, place and society in each context.

The scholars have been selected to join the Network on the basis of their past and current work on issues directly related to advanced urban marginality. Thus far we have opted for a truly international spread of research interest and excellence, and a mix of early career and established scholars. This Network will expand along these selection principles as it gains momentum and visibility.

As a minimum, the programme will have the following outputs:

Developing the Network s recently launched website:


This website outlines our intellectual ethos and scholarly agenda. It will help to coordinate, organise and advertise the activities of an expanding network of outstanding urban researchers, and help everyone gain energy, insight and visibility (via the upload of working papers and research initiatives).

Assist in developing and nurturing new researchers (postgraduates) through involving them in the network s activities, and encouraging their participation in all the planned meetings.

Peer reviewing of papers and exchange of new theoretical ideas, between scholars in the 7 participating countries.

Production of academic publications on the theoretical developments emerging from the network. As a minimum, it is anticipated that these will involve:

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1) A special issue of a peer-reviewed academic journal in Urban Studies,

such as Urban Affairs Review 2) 6-8 further submissions of papers to peer-reviewed academic journals

in other disciplines 3) An edited book proposal

Plans for future network activities and broader engagement. For example, identifying further theoretical avenues and plans for collaboration, and submission of joint research proposals.

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(a) Details of the commitment of each participant to the programme.

The Principal Applicant and principal partners will have oversight of the programme, to ensure that it meets its goals in terms of quality and outcomes. Each scholar mentioned below will act as their country coordinator to help identify interesting and interested scholars in their country to join the Network, and contribute to the website.

At the University of Edinburgh, the Institute of Geography will manage the overall programme administratively and financially, under the leadership of Dr. Tom Slater. It will recruit a Network Administrator (identity not yet known) for the purposes described under heading (e) below. It will also host the inception workshop and field visit, and provide all necessary infrastructural facilities appropriate to the Network s management.

The Universidade do Porto

will lead the organisation and delivery of the work in progress seminar and field visit in Porto. Dr. Jose Virgilio Pereira will be the link person to liaise with the University of Edinburgh on the programme management. A range of local researchers from a variety of disciplines will be invited to attend the seminar. Dr. Pereria will also take the lead on developing a book proposal at the conclusion of the programme.

The University of California, Berkeley

will lead the organisation and delivery of the international conference and field visit in San Francisco. Professor Loic Wacquant will be the link person to liaise with the University of Edinburgh on the programme management. The international standing, research expertise and experience of Professor Wacquant will at all times be crucial to our activities and outputs.

The Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

will take the lead on gathering together written publications (for a special issue of an international journal) following the international conference at the end of the programme. Dr. Justus Uitermark will be the link person to liaise with the University of Edinburgh on the programme management.

The Universidade de São Paulo, Hosei University and Università di Ferrara: the remainder of the core Network team (Dr. Eduardo Marques, Dr. Kennosuke Tanaka, Dr. Alfredo Alietti) will allocate all other responsibilities between them, with a particular emphasis on identifying and encouraging new researchers (postgraduates) to get involved in the activities of the Network. All three will be the link persons to liaise with the University of Edinburgh on the programme management.

(b) Dr. Tom Slater, as Principal Applicant, will have direct and overall responsibility for the organisation and management of the programme.

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(c) Names and positions of all visitors (other than partners) whose identity is known at the time of application.

The following scholars lie outside the core group of the proposed Network, but we plan for their Network membership, input and involvement via our website (where they are already listed):

Dr. Chikako Mori, Associate Professor of Sociology and Migration Studies, Nanzan University, Nagoya, JAPAN

Dr. Jaime Palomera, Lecturer in Sociology, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, SPAIN

Dr. Sonia Paone, Lecturer in Urban Sociology and Environmental Sociology, University of Pisa, Pisa, ITALY

João Queirós, Ph.D. Student, Institute of Sociology, Universidade do Porto, Porto, PORTUGAL

Dr. Anastasia Riabchuk, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kiev, UKRAINE

Dr. Diego P. Roldán, Assistant Professor of Space and Society and Contemporary Europe, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, ARGENTINA

Riad Toumi, Ph.D. Student, Université du 20 Août 1955, Skikda, ALGERIA

(d) Names and positions of advisors, steering committee members, and other staff who would be involved in the programme.

The Network steering committee will consist of three world renowned scholars who have been at the forefront of theoretical, conceptual and methodological innovation in the study of advanced urban marginality:

Prof. Javier Auyero, Professor of Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA.

Prof. Philippe Bourgois, Richard Perry University Professor of Anthropology and Family and Community Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.

Prof. Godfried Engbersen, Professor of Sociology, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS.

(e) Network Facilitator

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A Network Facilitator (to be recruited) will be required for two days per week for the duration of the collaboration, to serve the following purposes:

Maintain and enrich our website representing the Network:


This will involve the uploading and updating of detailed biographical information of each Network member; the uploading of essential information on advanced urban marginality for each city represented in the Network; and the editing and upload of any working papers and virtual presentations.

Create and update a comprehensive mailing list of all scholars and institutions/individuals with an interest in advanced urban marginality, and respond to any feedback/questions in consultation with Network members.

Produce and distribute a periodic (bi-annual) newsletter to accelerate the circulation of information and intensify cross-national intellectual discussion.

Make all the travel and accommodation arrangements of the seven core group members for all three planned meetings.

Help to organise and run the inception workshop in Edinburgh, and help in the organisation the Porto and Berkeley meetings as required.

Develop a comprehensive and publishable annotated international bibliography of publications on advanced urban marginality

These activities do not conform to a rigid timetable they will be sustained duties, ongoing throughout the 36 month duration of the proposed collaboration.

(f) CVs of the Principal Applicant and proposed principal partner(s)

CVs from

Tom Slater

Jose Virgilio Pereira

Loic Wacquant

Justus Uitermark

Eduardo Marques

Kennosuke Tanaka

Alfredo Alietti

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Personal information Name: Tom Slater Birth: 20th November 1975 Citizenship:United Kingdom E-Mail: [email protected]

Professional positions Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Edinburgh, 2008- Lecturer in Urban Studies, University of Bristol, 2003-2008

Education 2003 Ph.D in Geography, King s College London 1998 BA (Hons) Geography, Queen Mary, University of London (First Class


Awards and distinctions: 2008: Moss Centenary Research Award, Institute of Geography, University of Edinburgh. 2005: University Rising Star Prize, Social Sciences and Law Faculty, University of Bristol. 2005: Dean s Teaching Prize, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, University of Bristol. 2003: Peter Wall Visiting Junior Scholar in Residence, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1998: Draper s Company Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement, Queen Mary, University of London.

Research interests Gentrification and displacement; urban inequality and marginality in comparative perspective; ethnic segregation and the concept of the ghetto ; the politics of knowledge production in urban inquiry.

Recent publications 2008


New York: Routledge, 2008, 310p. (with Loretta Lees and Elvin Wyly).

'A literal necessity to be replaced': a rejoinder to the gentrification debate , International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 32(1) p.212-223


The eviction of critical perspectives from gentrification research , International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 30(4) p.737-757

Village ghetto land: myth, social conditions and housing policy in Parkdale, Toronto, 1879-2000 , Urban Affairs Review 41(5) p.673-696. With Carolyn Whitzman.


Municipally-managed gentrification in South Parkdale, Toronto, The Canadian Geographer 48(3) p.303-325

North American gentrification? Revanchist and emancipatory perspectives explored , Environment and Planning A 36(7) p.1191-1213

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JOSE VIRGILIO BORGES PEREIRA Date of Birth 15th May 1970. Positions Professor Auxiliar com Agregação, with tenure, of the Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto; Researcher of the Instituto de Sociologia of the same faculty; Professor of the Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (collaboration). Academic degrees Agregação in Sociology by the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (2009); PhD in Sociology by the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (1997-2002); Masters in Sociology by the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (1995-1997); Licenciado in Sociology by the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (1988-1993). Research area Social Classes; Symbolic and Ideological Practices; Territories. Some recent publications Articles - With João Queirós, Estado, Alojamento e a «Questão Social»: elementos para a compreensão sociológica da formação da respectiva relação no Porto contemporâneo ["State, Housing and the «Social Question»: elements for a sociological comprehension of the formation of its relation in contemporary Porto"], in Argumentos de Razón Técnica

Revista Española de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad, y Filosofía de la Tecnología, 2009, in press. - With Ester Silva, Actividade económica e formação de classes na região do Vale do Sousa (1950-2001): considerações preliminares para a respectiva conceptualização [ Economic activity and class formation in the region of vale do Sousa (1950-2001): preliminary remarks ], Cadernos de Ciências Sociais, 25/26, 2008, pp. 357-390. - Class, ethnicity, Leviathan and place: implications of Urban Outcasts for the understanding of western cities , City: Analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, Vol. 11. No. 3, December, 2007, pp. 405-412. - With José Madureira Pinto, Classes, relações de habitus e efeitos de lugar: um estudo sobre sociabilidades, estilos de vida e anomia no centro do Porto [ Classes, habitus relations and effects of place: a study on sociabilities, life styles and anomy in the historical centre of Porto ], Cadernos de Ciências Sociais, 24, 2007, pp. 113-148. Books - With José Madureira Pinto (editors), Desigualdades, Desregulação e Riscos nas Sociedades Contemporâneas [Inequalities, Deregulation and Risks in Contemporary Societies], Porto, Afrontamento, 2008. - With José Madureira Pinto (editors), Pierre Bourdieu, a Teoria da Prática e a Construção da Sociologia em Portugal [Pierre Bourdieu, the theory of practice and the construction of sociology in Portugal], Porto, Afrontamento, 2007. - Classes e Culturas de Classe das Famílias Portuenses. Classes sociais e «modalidades de estilização da vida» na cidade do Porto [Classes and class cultures of Oporto´s families. Social classes and lifestyles in the city of Oporto], Porto, Afrontamento/Instituto de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2005.

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Personal information Name: Loïc Jean-Daniel Wacquant Birth: 26 August 1960 in Nîmes (Gard), France Citizenship: French; U.S. permanent resident (since October 1996); E-mail: [email protected]

Professional positions Professor, Department of Sociology (1999-); Assistant Director, Center for Urban Ethnography (1999-), University of California-Berkeley. Researcher, Centre de sociologie européenne du Collège de France et de l Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, France (1990-present).

Education 1994 Ph.D in Sociology, The University of Chicago; 1986 Master of Arts in Sociology, with Honors, The University of Chicago; 1983 Maîtrise de sociologie, Mention très bien, University of Paris-X, Nanterre, France; 1982 Diplôme HEC, École des hautes études commerciales, Jouy-en-Josas, France.

Fellowships, honors, and grants 2008 Lewis A. Coser Award of the Theory Section of the American Sociological Association; Alphonse Fletcher Jr. Fellowship (2006-07); McArthur Foundation Fellowship (1997-2003); Junior Fellowship, Society of Fellows, Harvard University (1990-93); Century Fellowship, University of Chicago (1985-89).

Research interests Comparative urban inequality and marginality - Incarnation - The penal state - Race as a principle of social vision and division - Classical and contemporary social theory - Intellectuals and the politics of reason - History and epistemology of the social sciences.

Publications books (inter alia): Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity, Durham: Duke University Press, Politics, Culture, and History series, 2009; earlier version in French, Dutch, Italian, Catalan, Brazilian, Spanish, German; forthcoming in Turkish and Japanese. Urban Outcasts: A Comparative Sociology of Advanced Marginality. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2008. Translated in French, Catalan, Spanish, Japanese; forthcoming in Italian, German, and Turkish. Das Janusgesichte des Ghettos und andere Essays. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, Baumwelt Fundamente Series, 2006, 220p. Translated in Brazilian, Spanish; forthcoming in English, French, Turkish, Japanese. Pierre Bourdieu and Democratic Politics: The Mystery of Ministry (edited, translated, and with an introduction). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2005, 224p. Translated in Brazilian, Spanish, Italian, Japanese; forthcoming in Bulgarian, Korean, Arabic, Slovenian An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology (with Pierre Bourdieu). Chicago: University of Chicago Press and Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 1992, 332p. Translated in 19 languages

Other activities Consultant on issues of urban poverty, violence, ethnicity, and crime to central and local governments, unions, and the courts in France, Argentina, Brazil, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Italy, the ILO and the OECD. I have also lectured extensively in the US and overseas, giving some 160 talks in a dozen countries over the past six years, to publics ranging across the social sciences, humanities, and law, as well as to general audiences.

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Personal information Name: Justus Uitermark Birth: 8 November 1978 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands Citizenship: Dutch E-mail: [email protected]


PhD, Amsterdam School of Social Science Research (ASSR), University of Amsterdam, to be completed in 2009 M.A., Human Geography, University of Amsterdam (with honors), 2003


2009: Department of Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Teacher and lecturer (will commence 1 April 2009) 2008: Hogeschool Brussel. Researcher for an evaluation of Belgian urban housing policy 2004-2008: Amsterdam School of Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam. PhD-student and lecturer in the Departments of Sociology and Political sciences 2002: Department of Economic and Social Geography, University of Leuven (Belgium). Researcher for an evaluation of Flemish urban policy 1999-2004: Center for Drug Research, University of Amsterdam. Researcher into drug policy and drug use

Selection of (international) publications

Uitermark, Justus & Jan Willem Duyvendak (2008) Civilizing the city: populism and revanchist urbanism in Rotterdam, Urban Studies 45, 7, 1485-1503. Hajer, Maarten & Justus Uitermark (2008) Performing Authority - Discursive Politics after the Assassination of Theo Van Gogh, Public Administration 86, 1, 5-19 Uitermark, Justus, Jan Willem Duyvendak & Reinout Kleinhans (2007) Gentrification as a governmental strategy. Social control and social cohesion in Hoogvliet, Rotterdam, Environment and Planning A 39, 1, 125 141 Uitermark, Justus & Peter Cohen (2006) "Amphetamine users in Amsterdam: patterns of use and modes of self-regulation", Addiction Research & Theory 14, 2, pp. 159-188 Uitermark, Justus (2005) "The genesis and evolution of urban policy: a confrontation of regulationist and governmentality approaches." Political Geography 24(2): 137-163 Uitermark, Justus, Ugo Rossi & Henk van Houtum (2005). "Reinventing multiculturalism: urban citizenship and the negotiation of ethnic diversity in Amsterdam." International Journal Urban and Regional Research 29, 3, 622-640 Looking back: May Day protests in London and the strategic significance of the urban." Antipode 36(4): 700-721. Uitermark, Justus (2002). "Re-scaling, scale fragmentation and the regulation of antagonistic relationships." Progress in Human Geography 26(6): 743-765.

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D.O.B. May 8th 1965.

POSITIONS Professor Livre-docente at the Department of Political Science of the University of São Paulo Researcher at Cebrap and Director of the Centre for metropolitan studies (CEM/Cebrap) Researcher of the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas Científicas (CNPq), level 2 Phd in social sciences (IFCH/UNICAMP) and Master of Science in urban and regional planning (IPPUR/UFRJ).


no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz, 395 p. MARQUES, E.; TORRES, H. (orgs.) 2005. São Paulo: segregação, pobreza urbana e

desigualdade social. São Paulo: Ed. Senac, 324 p. MARQUES, E. 2003. Redes sociais, Instituições e Atores Políticos no governo da

cidade de São Paulo. São Paulo: Ed. Annablume, 248 p. MARQUES, E. 2000. Estado e redes sociais: Permeabilidade e coesão nas políticas

urbanas no Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Revan/Fapesp, 350 p. NAJAR, A. e MARQUES, E. (orgs.) 1998. Saúde e espaço: estudos metodológicos e

técnicas de análise. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz, 274 p. Also author and coauthor of 13 book chapters, 46 articles published in academic journals, both in Brazil and abroad.


Member of the board of directors of the Research Committee 21 Sociology of Urban and Regional Development of International Sociological Association (ISA). Director of the Center for Metropolitan Studies (Cem/Cebrap) and Coordinator of several research projects at CEM, including 29 projects with the public sector. ACADEMIC PRODUCTION

Professor at the undergraduate course of social sciences and in the undergraduate program at the University of São paulo Coordinator of research groups in several academic seminars in Brazil, Mexico, France, Canada. Adviser of 4 PhD thesis and 11 MSc dissertations. Member of 37 PhD and MSc Examination boards.

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Personal information Name: Kennosuke Tanaka Birth: 8 December 1976 in Aichi, Japan Citizenship: Japan E-mail: [email protected]

Education PhD, Sociology, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University. M.A., Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba.

Employment 2008 Assistant Professor, Urban Sociology , Faculty of Lifelong Learning and

Career Studies, Hosei University. 2008 Department of Sociology, Komazawa University.

Social Theory. Methods of Field Study. 2008 Department of Sociology, Toyo University. Sociology. 2006-2008 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 2006-2008 Post-Doctoral Research Scholar, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary

Information Studies, University of Tokyo. 2006-2008 Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley. 2004-2006 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 2004-2006 Visiting Scholar, Sociology Program, School of Social and Political

Science. University of Melbourne, Australia.

Selection of Publications (All in Japanese) Kennosuke Tanaka (2009) Reflexive Fieldwork, Method of Social Observation (in press). Kennosuke Tanaka (2009) Reflexive Creativity as a Way of Life, Lifelong Learning and Career Studies 6 (in press). Kennosuke Tanaka (2009) Youth Group in the Ghetto, Social World of the Urban, Sekai Shiso Publisher,157-166. Kennosuke Tanaka (2008) Neoliberalism and Social Exclusion, Ronza, Asahi Publisher,133-135. Kennosuke,Tanaka (2007) Social Exclusion of Precarious Youth. Journal of Japan Association of Regional and Community Studies,19,51-71.(Association Award of Regional and Community Studies) Kennosuke Tanaka (2007) Youth Subculture and Social Exclusion, Journal of Sociology of Sports, 15, 87-101. Kennosuke Tanaka (2006) Contemporary Urban Society and Sport, Perspective of Contemporary Sports, Taishu-Kan Publisher, 198-214.

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Date of birth: 18/11/1964 Lecturer in Urban Sociology, Faculty of Letter and Philosophy, University of Ferrara Via Savonarola, 7 44100, Ferrara E-mail: [email protected]

Intellectual Profile Graduated in Political Science at University of Milan, with a thesis of International Economic Organization; title: Analysis of Urban Informal Sector: The Case of Peru . In 1995, PhD in Sociology at University of Milan, with a research of urban ethnography on the cohabitation between migrants and autochthones in a deprived neighbourhood. From 1996 to 2003 post-PhD scholar at University of Padua, Department of Sociology, where I collaborated to teach Sociology and Sociology of Work. From 2000 to 2005 I taught Methodology of Social Sciences and Social Research in Urban Context at the Department of Human Sciences, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Ferrara. Currently, I am lecturer in Urban Sociology at the University of Ferrara.

I was involved in several researches at national and European level on different topics, in particular racism, interethnic relations in urban setting, socio-spatial segregation and urban requalification of deprived areas.

Currently I am carrying out a study on the policies of urban requalification in Italy called Contratti di quartiere (Neighbourhood Contracts) and their impact on social and economic exclusion of the residents. Furthermore, I am just begun a survey research on Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Italy; this research will include a qualitative study on Anti-Semitism among the second generations from Maghreb countries living in Italy. I am member of the editorial committees of the following international and national reviews:

Theomai Journal, Society, Nature and Development Studies;

Passaggi, Rivista italiana di Scienze Transculturali (Italian Review of Transcultural Sciences)

Razzismo e Modernità (Racism and Modernity). I am also a member of ESA (European Sociological Association) Research Network 31 on Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism.

Key publications

La convivenza difficile, Turin: L Harmattan, 1998 (The Hard Coexistence)

(with Istituto Ecopolis), Milano, Stadera. Abitare la città delle differenze, Milan: Franco Angeli, 1998 (Milan, Stadera. Living in the city of difference)

(with Dario Padovan) Sociologia del razzismo, Roma: Carocci, 2000 (Sociology of Racism)

(with Dario Padovan), Metamorfosi del Razzismo, Antologia di scritti su distanza sociale, pregiudizio e discriminazione, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2005 (Metamorphosis of Racism. Anthology of Works on Social Distance, Prejudice and Discrimination)

(with Alfredo Agustoni), Società Urbane e convivenza interetnica, Milano: Franco Angeli, 2009 (Urban Societes and Interethnic Cohabitation)

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