LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY to ACCELERATE GIVINGs3.amazonaws.com/generis.com/Leveraging_Technology... ·...


Transcript of LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY to ACCELERATE GIVINGs3.amazonaws.com/generis.com/Leveraging_Technology... ·...

Page 1: LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY to ACCELERATE GIVINGs3.amazonaws.com/generis.com/Leveraging_Technology... · 2015-06-09 · With online banking and smartphone mobile pay apps, we simply aren’t


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770-460-5665 | generis.com

COPYRIGHTCopyright © 2015 by Rusty

Lewis, Generis. All rights reserved. No part of this

publication may be reproduced without the prior

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Page 3: LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY to ACCELERATE GIVINGs3.amazonaws.com/generis.com/Leveraging_Technology... · 2015-06-09 · With online banking and smartphone mobile pay apps, we simply aren’t

First Things First.

Electronic giving is not the end-all solution for accelerating generosity in your ministry. It is one more option you should provide for your people to simplify the giving process. Don’t stop offering giving solutions your people are already using that you know continue to be effective.

Make sure you have a well-rounded suite of solutions that allow people to give in a manner that meets them where they are - using the tools they are already accustomed to using on a daily basis.

Disclaimer: This e-book is not intended as an exhaustive list of, endorsement for, or recommendation to use particular service providers. Instead, the focus is on what an effective e-giving platform should contain and how to best leverage those services.

Now, I’m guessing you probably fall into one of two camps:

the camp that already understands the importance of e-giving solutions (but you want to make sure you’re doing it well), or

the camp that has enough interest to learn more.

If you’re in the first camp, you will find the first few chapters to be a strong refresh on the value of a solid e-giving platform.

In case you’re in the latter of these two groups, I’ll first offer a few big picture reasons to start our focus on e-giving solutions and how they are vital to the health of your giving culture.




Page 4: LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY to ACCELERATE GIVINGs3.amazonaws.com/generis.com/Leveraging_Technology... · 2015-06-09 · With online banking and smartphone mobile pay apps, we simply aren’t

With online banking and smartphone mobile pay apps, we simply aren’t carrying cash and checks like we used to. And that means we’re not carrying them to your church service either. When you don’t offer an alternative giving method, you have actually created an obstacle in someone’s way of giving to your church. Younger generations have smartphones by their side day and night. It’s our responsibility to meet them where they are if we are going to encourage them on their giving journey.



According to recent Barna research, people now consider themselves “regular attendees” if they come to church once every four to six weeks. (My grandmother used to call them guests!) Times have certainly changed. In turn, that means our approach must also change if we want any hope of staying relevant with those who cross our thresholds with less frequency.


So much is done electronically these days. With the swipe of a finger or click of a button we can check our bank account, buy movie tickets, and make reservations for dinner. BAM. It’s that easy! We can even deposit checks into our bank accounts remotely. (I actually love doing that!) Offering e-giving solutions provides your people options similar to what they’re already using for other things.And ease and familiarity are really good things for your givers.



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In early 2014, the number of webpage views via mobile devices exceeded page views on desktop computers. Activities that were once possible only on our clunky desktop PC (and then on our laptops) are now available at any moment in any place, thanks to the mobile screen.

According to a recent whitepaper from ComScore.com, U.S. smartphone penetration has been growing at approximately 10 percentage points a year and has reached 75% penetration of the mobile user base at the end of 2014. At that time it was still growing at an annual rate of 16%.

Across every age demographic, there is a substantially higher percentage of multi-platform and mobile-only internet users than the previous year. More than 3/4 of all digital consumers (age 18+) are now using both desktop and mobile platforms to access the internet. Mobile-only internet usage is also becoming more prevalent, driven largely by the 21 % of Millennials who are no longer using desktop computers to go online.” (emphasis added)


Imagine a guy named John. He’s sitting in your worship service. You’ve just given a compelling invitation to participate in a new generosity initiative at your church. The words you spoke and the Holy Spirit’s nudging have John - for the first time - reaching for his wallet during the offering.

The wallet... it’s empty. John sighs and sits back. He feels an odd mix of disappointment and, because the moment has passed, a bit of relief. “Oh well,” he thinks.

Now, it’s not your fault John’s wallet is empty. But if you don’t offer alternative ways for John to participate, you’ve thrown up an obstacle. But imagine what would happen if you reiterated your invitation in this week’s e-newsletter and provided a link to give online? Chances are that John may get that same nudge and be able to respond this time. But your best odds of getting his gift would have been to offer alternate ways of making the gift right in the service.


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As I’ve broached this topic over the years, several myths related to technological forms of giving have surfaced. Let’s tackle those here. (Perhaps you will need to share some of these thoughts with a reluctant member of your team.)

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(This stuff is for big churches with big budgets.)


Let’s debunk this myth right out of the gate. In no way shape or form am I suggesting you shell out thousands of dollars to offer electronic giving. (I wouldn’t do that to you. In fact, please don’t do that.) Gone are the days of large, over-priced, ATM-sized giving kiosks. You don’t have to develop your own church app (though there may be advantages to doing so at some point). You don’t have to go out and buy a fancy giving kiosk or develop a special smartphone app. Most websites are, or can become, mobile friendly, and they’re perfectly capable of being your e-giving solution. There are several options we’ll explore later. But for now, just keep an open mind to new possibilities.

(Most of our people give as the offering plate is passed, and they’ll always give that way.)


To me, this might be the scariest of all myths I’ve heard about e-giving. If this is what we truly believe, then we will never employ new technologies for giving and we will lose future generations of givers. It’s actually that simple. And that devastating. Don’t let that happen! Instead, embrace the preferences of your people, and offer giving options acceptable to a variety of generations. Remember it’s our responsibility as church leaders to meet people where they are to encourage their giving journey. (There was a time, likely just as intimidating, when people were asked to stop bringing their pigeons, doves, and livestock, and begin giving cash - and then checks. Oh my!)

Technology is rapidly changing. New options are fast approaching your ministry. With the introduction of Apple Pay last year, and the just released Apple Watch, can it be long before we see people using these new technologies to express their generosity?



(Placing my gift in the offering basket is worship for me. Giving online removes that worship moment.)


Ok – this one isn’t really a “myth.” For some, this is real. I’ve heard many people express this concern. By adding e-solutions, I am in no way suggesting that you suspend current forms of giving! Continue to receive the offering in worship as you currently practice. And consider adding a new option in that practice – place cards in your seat backs or in your worship bulletin that say “I gave online.” Then even those who gave online can participate in the worshipful moment of placing something in the basket as it is passed.



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(Apps are way cooler than mobile-friendly sites.)


They sure can be! And while it may make sense to offer your own church app, it’s not a necessary step in offering e-giving. And, like giving kiosks, they are implemented at a cost. (One significant downside to the app is that once it is created, you would have to keep two online portals up to date – your church website and your new church app. I’m guessing you probably have enough issues just keeping the website current.)

Granted, there are certain functions that apps allow that mobile websites may not, but a mobile-friendly website is perfectly adequate for now. With 1.3 million available apps, getting yours onto your members’ devices can be an uphill climb, and note that the average mobile user uses only a handful of apps regularly, with 75% of usage time concentrated within their top four apps. That being said, however, note that mobile apps are quickly becoming the primary access point for many digital services.


(Installing a giving kiosk in the lobby is the only solution we need.)


This one was a bigger deal a few years ago, but I still hear some about it today. While it’s true that many churches have experienced an uptick in generosity after installing a giving kiosk, it’s important to realize those results have very little to do with the machine itself. Rather, giving trended up in these situations most likely because people were offered a more convenient way to give. But there are more cost-effective options available that will get you to the same result. So if you’re thinking a new machine is your solution, rethink spending that five grand and keep reading.

Don’t get me wrong – I think a giving option in the lobby is a wise thing to offer. Just don’t plan on that being the ONLY alternative giving solution. Several firms are offering a kiosk option today that is much lower in cost than the large ATM-like machines of yesterday. Do your research for an affordable solution that integrates well within your financial and database software.

(You still want to offer a low-cost giving option in your lobby but don’t want to pay an outside vendor? Awesome – set up a couple of tablets or desktop computers, and point them to your website’s online giving page. Voila!)

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In case you’re still on the fence about the importance of embracing all generations and their preferred methods of giving, let’s take a look at some research on the newest generation of givers coming through the doors of the church – Millennials. (Those born between 1984-2002)

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Well, there’s a strong case for e-giving in a nutshell, wouldn’t you say? The common perception that young adults love their smartphones has become statistical fact, according to a Zogby Analytics study.

Those surveyed in this study were asked for their reaction to a business that doesn’t offer a mobile solution, and 14% said they would not want to “do business with a company that behind the times.”

Even more than that, 36% of those surveyed had gone as far as to switch companies based on their mobile offerings when making decisions on where to spend their money. (ouch!)


87% of Millennials say their smartphone never

leaves their side, day or night.

80% of Millennials reach for their

smartphone first thing each morning.

78% of Millennials spend more than two hours

a day on their smartphone.

So what does this mean for the church? How does this translate to generosity and giving in general? It’s not a far stretch. Millennials are not only connected to their smartphones Monday through Saturday. They’re tweeting from church on Sunday mornings. They’re following along with the pastor’s scripture references with apps like YouVersion during services. And they want to give electronically too.

Let’s meet them where they are and encourage them on their giving journey to ensure their personal discipleship of generosity and the future of generosity in your church.


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Much of becoming a fully devoted follower of Jesus involves removing obstacles. Our sin creates a barrier between us and God. Our overflowing schedule creates detours on the road to Sabbath rest. Our financial priorities can cause hurdles on the path to generosity. But part of the church’s work is to help Christ-followers identify and eliminate these barriers on their journey, including hurdles in the area of giving.

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What may be one of the most beneficial considerations in removing these e-giving hurdles is to envision what the end user’s experience should look like. In other words, when your people embark on an e-giving mission, what process should the giver go through in order to make a gift? (Hint: your answer should include words like “simple” and “quick” and “user friendly” in order to pass with a gold star.)

So let’s remove the two biggest online giving hurdles!


Not that long ago I wrote a blog post on this very topic. In it, I provided screenshots of two church’s online giving pages – one with a very simple and seamless one-page process, and another with a lengthy and clunky process that required NINE pages before you could submit your online gift. When you look at those screenshots and consider the giver’s experience, you very quickly realize why it’s important to create something simple, quick, and easy.

But let’s look at a few other reasons just to be sure:

Generous people look for convenient ways to give to non-profit organizations. With more than 1.2 million charities in the United States alone, having a complex and cumbersome online giving system is actually standing in your way of being their organization of choice.

The 2014 Charitable Giving Report by Blackbaud shows that all online charitable giving grew at 8.9% year-on-year, significantly outpacing the 2.1 % growth in overall charitable giving. If you don’t offer online giving, then you are simply not keeping up with the trend and are losing out as a result.

If a form takes more than 30 seconds to complete, only 15% of people complete the gift. (echurchgiving.com)



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REQUIRING ACCOUNT creation prior to giving

It is also important to note that the one-page example I referred to in hurdle #1 did not require an account in order to give.

If the online giving system you offer requires an account before someone can give, you are creating hurdles for generous people to provide a gift to your church.

Offer an opportunity to create an online account after the gift has been given for the first time. This is very smart indeed, as those who plan to be recurring givers may appreciate that option for future online gifts.

Sam’s catching up on her personal email during a quick 30-minute lunch break at work. She reads your latest message about your church’s new online giving portal. Sam thinks, “Perfect - I left my purse in the car during church last week!”

She clicks the link you’ve thoughtfully included in the blog, only to discover that she has to create an account to make a simple donation. She looks at the clock, gauges how much time she has left in her break, and decides to deal with it later. Life moves on, and Sam forgets all about it.

You’ve been there, right? “I don’t want to create an account! I just want some information!” People who are new to giving feel most comfortable with a quick process that doesn’t require them to memorize yet another username and password. And they don’t want to answer “twenty questions” to make a gift.


At the same time, regular givers appreciate the opportunity to have an account so they don’t have to type in all of their information every time. Bottom line: Make account creation an option. Check out how Community Christian approaches this.


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Like I mentioned in the previous chapter, your e-giving solution should provide an experience that could be described as simple, easy, and user-friendly in order to pass the test with a gold star. So let’s take a look at some examples of ideal giving pages, both on a desktop computer and a mobile device.

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After visiting your church’s website and clicking the prominent “give” button on your homepage, this is a great example of what your givers should see.

What makes this example so great?

Notice this screen contains an option for a one time gift or a recurring gift right at the top of the page. It doesn’t require you to create an account before you give.

Also, this screen includes the most basic of information. It’s simple and easy to follow.

The screen that follows allows the giver to put in their method of payment, and then provides a confirmation of their gift.

Simple, easy, and definitely user-friendly.


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WHAT MOBILE GIVING SHOULD LOOK LIKENow let’s take a look at the same giving page, but on a mobile device. You’ll see its similar in design, but particularly mobile friendly for a smaller screen. The first screen prompts the giver to enter personal details to process their payment. Then the giver can enter the amount they would like to give. Fast. Simple. Straightforward. Easy to read.



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WHAT TEXT GIVING SHOULD LOOK LIKEFinally, let’s review how text giving should look. Your first time through requires an extra step or two for entering payment instructions, but once entered, texting future gifts is super simple. (Please note: these services do NOT limit gift amounts or charge the gift to the giver’s cell phone bill – these transactions will appear on whatever debit or credit card the giver provides.)


Mobile Gift RegistrationYou’ll only have to complete this secure form once, then giving’s just a text away.

Personal info Account linked to (555) 555-5555

Full name


$250.00Confirm gift amount

Giving info

4242 42




2013 ABC


By confirming your gift, you agree to ourTerms of Service

Confirm your gift of $250

Kindly provided by

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The giver’s online giving experience isn’t finished when the “submit” button is clicked. A crucial, and often times overlooked, piece to this puzzle is the communication to the giver after the gift has been given. So let’s talk about what the giver should see and receive after giving online.

First, let’s talk about the post-giving confirmation screen. This web page should say “thank you” first and foremost. But it should also:

• Confirm the amount of the gift.• Offer a link to allow the giver to create an account, allowing easier access for recurring gifts.• Go a step further and make a tie between the gift and the church’s ongoing mission. (This

piece is critical!)• Note the other valuable links on this page: Why Give, Ways to Give, FAQ, Stories... very smart!

1. The confirmation screen

Giving Back to GodAt First Church everything we do, every dollar we invest is about helping people find and follow God. Thank you for making that possible!

Thank you for your gift of $25.

Want to set up a recurring gift? create an account

Why give?Ways to giveGiving FAQ

2014 Annual Report

Current Audit

Privacy Policy

Since joining First Church our family has changed... and we are excited about what lies ahead in our transformation. It was said in a celebration service that if you’re looking for a church where you can just sit comfortably and leave unchanged, this is not the church for you. We agree 100%! God has a calling for us. I feel it!

Stories of Life ChangeHear from people who have been impacted by the ministry of First Church.


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Second, an email should arrive in the giver’s inbox within an hour of the gift being given. (You’ll want to automate the delivery of this email.) This email should repeat some of what they saw on the web page, but that’s not all. This is something you are sending directly to the person who gave, so take full advantage of this opportunity to communicate!

• State your ministry’s mission and tell how the gift will enable you to better fulfill that mission.• Share recent examples of ministry impact and how their gift makes future life change possible.• Link to a recent baptism video or a story of life change video.• Provide a link to their online giving statement, if you are making your giving statements

available online.• Link to your most recent annual report online.• Share your ministry vision and goals to reach others in the community and around the world in

the coming year.• Invite the giver to continue in partnership with you and the church in order to make that vision

a reality.

2. The confirmation email


Thank you for your online gift of $25. Your generosity allows us to continue the mission of helping people find and follow God.

Name: Rusty LewisEmail: [email protected] $25

First ChurchRusty LewisThank you for your gift!

April 23, 2015

To download your 2014 contribution statement, log on and follow the instructions here.

Because of your generosity this past month... • 145 students and 81 leaders attended Jr. High camp this month!• Teams visited our partners - Frontline Ministries in the Philippines and Compassion

International in Haiti.


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These are all real comments I’ve heard in a few recent Generosity Audit focus groups while interviewing various church attendees. These are actual quotes. (ouch!)

But the good news is that many of these misconceptions could be solved with very simple and transparent communication after someone gives to your church.

Does your giver communication connect the dots between generosity and ministry?

Looking for more great examples of online and mobile giving pages?

Check out these giving pages:

Community Christian - Chicago, IL

Elevation Church - Matthews, NC

Houston’s First Baptist Church - Houston, TX (note the online calculator)

“I give to places outside my church because I believe my money is used

more effectively in other organizations.”

“When it (money) goes into a ‘pot’ and I don’t know what it’s doing, I’m less likely to

give. I want to give to people – it’s about visionary giving vs. needs-based giving.”

“Other nonprofits do more to solve a problem.”

“My generation wants to give to something that makes an impact.” (from a Millennial)


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an interview on easy e-giving

What are the important factors for consideration in your e-giving strategies? Does an effective platform really encourage and impact generosity? These and other questions are addressed in a recent interview with the team at Pushpay.

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AN INTERVIEW ON Easy e-giving

“85% of people will abandon a transaction if it takes longer than 30 seconds,” according to research provided by Pushpay, the developers of a smartphone app that makes it possible to give in under 10 seconds.

Does it take longer than 30 seconds to make a gift on your current e-giving system? Are you required to sign in before you can give? Do you have multiple web pages to navigate before a gift can be made?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I encourage you to listen in on a conversation I was able to have with one of the directors of Pushpay - brought to you by eChurch.

A conversation with the Pushpay team

Q: We talk quite a bit about accelerating generosity on my blog. How can a service like Pushpay encourage generosity within the church?

A: Technology is enhancing the way we tackle things in everyday life. And we are striving to ensure that the church stays at the front of the innovation curve.

It’s not just about providing tools that make the ability to give easy, it’s about creating opportunities to help change the hearts of people and provide easy entry points to a journey of generosity.

With the bulk of giving in a church coming from 25% of its members, it’s vital to have the ability to make a first time gift easy and to encourage a habit of generosity in a new or previously intermittent giver.

Q: How does Pushpay make it easy for a first-time giver to be generous?

A: We provide simple and clever tools that mirror people’s everyday experiences with the latest technology. Often we experience the latest Apple and Android products, Monday through Saturday and then we are confronted with Windows 95 on Sunday at church. 22

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Whether someone decides to give online, via a kiosk or their smartphone, an initial gift or registration can be completed easily (in about 45 seconds). We have designed our technology to make it about the giving itself, not a series of processes.

After that initial gift, many people go on to download the app and make a gift. Once people have the app on their phone, they’re able to respond quickly wherever or whenever they feel moved to give.

Q: People are relying more and more on smartphones and tablets. Why do you believe churches today must provide a mobile giving solution?

A: Technology is being embraced in all areas of life, and people expect immediacy. The church should not be behind the curve.

The real strength of mobile giving is in providing the ability for people to respond “in the moment”. In other words, when I feel moved to give in a service, I no longer need to remember to visit the kiosk in the back, or request an envelope. I don’t carry cash or checks, but I do have the ability to reach into my pocket and complete a gift in literally seconds.

Q: Why is it important to provide people with an easily accessible mobile giving solution?

A: Because technology needs to support behavior that encourages generosity.

To that extent we’ve designed our entire solution to promote the use of the app. By doing that we’re not confining generosity to a church-based activity. It’s something people carry with them every day. Nearly 40% of giving through Pushpay happens on days other than a Sunday!

To read the remainder of my conversation with the Pushpay, visit my blog website, Generosity Matters. It’s also full of additional posts about giving technology.



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You’ve built the platform, you have all the right tools in place, but not many people are using them. What should you be doing to promote and grow your electronic giving? And why should you be interested in seeing growth in the use of e-giving?

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1. The number of recurring givers• Recurring gifts are terrific and should be encouraged. Recurring gifts increase spiritual

formation, as people learn to make their gift the first thing they do out of every pay period,rather than giving out of whatever might be left over. Giving in this way leads to giving patternsthat increase faith and dependency on God.

• Gifts are given regardless of whether or not the family is in worship each weekend. (And withyour average attendees in worship two or fewer times per month, this becomes increasinglyimportant.)

• Recurring gifts help to smooth out annual cash flow. Churches with a high percentage of totalgiving coming electronically see less dramatic peaks and valleys from month to month.

2. The number of first time givers

3. Overall giving

4. Giving during summer months if total attendance figures decline

5. The number and ease of giving inspirational and impulse gifts

Effective e-giving strategies increase:



1. Less time processing cash and paper checks

2. Less time with data entry (make sure your e-giving provider plays well with your existing churchmanagement software)

3. Fewer costs producing and mailing paper giving statements

Effective e-giving strategies decrease administrative costs for the church:

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It’s important to be very intentional on this topic. Do not allow this to become a “set it and forget it” mentality.

I recall seeing one pastor’s giving record where his monthly gift to the church had not changed for almost 36 months. Over that time, you would expect some combination of growth in income, responses to various giving appeals, and/or overall growth in discipleship to have been reflected in his giving. If this is possible for a pastor, it is even more so with your people.

Plan on regularly challenging people to review their recurring gift amount. Encourage them to continually review their giving from a proportional perspective, and to grow their giving in two ways:

• in response to increases in income – as your income grows, make sure your giving also growsto maintain a consistent proportion, and

• as a reflection of greater devotion and trust in God by giving a greater percentage of totalincome. Always challenge your givers to grow in this area by challenging them to grow in thatproportion.

When it comes to giving, don’t allow yourself or your people to “set it and forget it.”



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In order to grow the number of users and increase the percentage of total giving coming in online, plan on a strong rollout and promotion of your platform. Here are some ideas that add to a strong rollout.






First, have multiple people test everything on multiple devices multiple times. This is important!

Find a champion who has a passion for giving, and who values the convenience that technology brings. Allow him or her to work with your staff team to plan and promote e-giving.

Lead by example . As leaders, we must first do that which we are asking others to do.

• Share a story of why you began giving electronically. Tell them why they don’t see youand your spouse putting a gift in the offering during worship each weekend. (Somemay actually think you are not giving at all!)

• Ask your staff to do the same.


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Leverage all your communication streams to begin promoting the platform several weeks prior to your launch. (If you’ve already launched, it’s not too late to do a strong promotion.)

Worship: • Do a demo. Invite people to take out their phones to try out your mobile or text giving

tools. Show them how easy it is and tell them why it’s important.• Put screenshots on the screen showing the online giving page.• Mention the church’s giving options as you introduce the offering moment each

weekend. One church shows a slide during their offering introduction titled “Ways toGive at First Church,” listing all the different ways people can give. Smart!

• Invite an e-giver to share a giving story of why they value the convenience of e-giving.

Video: • Produce a simple demo video of how to use all the different giving tools available to

your givers. Do a short introduction, then walk them through each part of your digitalgiving platform. Show the video in worship, put it on your website, and link to it in yourongoing communications.

Print:• Place information in your worship bulletin and newsletter.

E-communications:• Include special e-blasts regarding the launch. Link to the online giving page. Link to the

video you’ve produced.

Set e-giving goals and keep everyone informed about the progress toward those goals. Goals might include:

• number of total users by a specific date• percentage of total monies to be given electronically by a specific date• number of people who have established recurring gifts

Don’t neglect your service provider’s launch kit. Most will provide some tools to help you plan an effective launch.




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Ten years ago, I was encouraging churches to develop websites. Five years ago I was urging them to update those websites. (For the love of everything good and holy, enough comic sans and clip art!) And now I’m rallying churches to go mobile. In short, if your attendees and guests don’t have mobile access to your church, you’re missing a huge – and very rapidly growing – opportunity.

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And now it’s time to ask that inevitable question at the end of every book... SO WHAT?

What does all this mean for you? What does it mean for your people? What does it mean for your church and its future?

Well, there are a couple options you could choose right now.

do nothingI wouldn’t be fully honest with you if I didn’t list this as an option. Realistically, you could file this away, having read it to the end, and never look back. But is that what you really want? (Now’s not the time to revert back to one of the myths in chapter 1... you can do this!)

self analysisA great place to start is a simple self analysis to determine where you are with generosity technology in your church today. Knowing where you are currently will help you identify where you should focus and how to move forward more successfully.

And because I was truly pulling for you not to choose the “do nothing” option above, I’ve made this choice really simple. The following pages contain a self analysis checklist. Let’s walk through these steps together as a starting point to initiate needed changes in your e-giving platform.


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This exercise will give you an understanding of exactly what your givers experience when they give online to your church. First things first in this analysis. Let’s start by going online and experiencing your giving system from your desktop computer.

1. Go online and make a gift to your church as if you were a guest (so if you already have an onlineaccount, DO NOT use it for this review). Take a screenshot of every single page as you go, all theway through the screen that appears after you hit the “submit” button. (how to take a screenshot)

2. Print each screenshot.

3. Print your confirmation email.

4. Now, review everything closely. Use this checklist below to gauge how simple, easy, and user-friendly your current system is.

1. Check your online giving experience.

The “give” button appeared on the church’s homepage and was easy to find.

I could give a gift as a guest, without first being required to create an account.

Upon clicking the “give” button, I was directed to one web page where I was able to fill in all the information needed to give.

I was able to submit my gift within the first or second page after clicking the “give” button on the homepage.

After submitting my gift, I was immediately routed to a page that thanked me for making a gift.

I was offered the opportunity to create an account for future or recurring gifts.

The thank you page connected my gift to the mission of the church in words, photos, and/or videos.

I received confirmation of my gift via email within an hour of giving.

The confirmation email:

thanked me for my gift.

reinforced the church’s mission.

shared a recent example of ministry impact or a recent life-change video.

provided a link to the most recent annual report.

encouraged me to continue giving.

Anything left unchecked could use a bit of focus to be truly friendly, so huddle up with your webmaster or database people to tweak where necessary.

31Well, what do you think?

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Pull up your church’s website from a smartphone or tablet. Make sure you click through to see every page. They all need to be mobile friendly. Go ahead - I’ll wait... How does it look?

2. Check your website for its mobile-friendliness.

Everything displays very clearly.

The words are large enough to read easily.

It is easy to navigate.

Everything works properly.

If not, it’s time to work with your webmaster to make sure it does in the very near future.

Consider this: just because you have a website doesn’t mean you have a mobile-friendly website. If what you pulled up looks terrible and is difficult to navigate, it’s time for a refresh to a mobile-friendly site with large thumb-friendly buttons and streamlined menus.

Why is this important? Most people who visit your church for the first time have already “visited” your church online. And with the recent smartphone stats, young people will absolutely be looking for you online before they even enter your door - and they’ll most likely be using a mobile device.

Mobile Site


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Visit your church’s website from your mobile device and make a gift to your church as if you were a guest (so if you already have an online account, DO NOT use it for this review).

1. Pull up your website from your smartphone. (Don’t use a tablet device - you can test on that later.Use a smartphone for this test.)

2. Prepare to start a timer as you click the “give” button.

3. Make a gift as if you were a guest giving for the first time.

4. Now, use this checklist below to gauge how simple, easy, and user-friendly your current system is.

3. Make a gift from your phone through your church’s website.

The Giving link was easily found on the home page

Everything displays very clearly.

The words are large enough to read easily.

It is easy to navigate.

Everything works properly.

Total time spent giving on mobile device ________________(If the time you listed is more than 90 seconds, including entering payment details, your system needs some attention.)


5. Now go back through steps 1-4, this time making a gift as a recurring user (by logging into youraccount). Again, time this transaction.

Everything displays very clearly.

The words are large enough to read easily.

It is easy to navigate.

Everything works properly.

Total time spent giving on mobile device ________________(If the time you listed is more than 30 seconds, your e-giving system needs some attention.)

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(What on earth does this have to do with e-giving? Stay with me...) If people are looking online to find your website before physically showing up at your church, they are looking at your social media accounts too. So this is another key item to review.

4. Check your Facebook page and Twitter feed (and any other social platform you use).

Our church engages in two-way conversation on these platforms.

We use social media to share stories of life change.

Our church links to videos of success stories on social media.

We post photos of our church in action.

Our church reinforces our vision and mission on these platforms.

We share how to get involved and/or give online.

We post links to our annual report and financial audit.

These things provide added transparency many people need as they process where to make their charitable contributions. In other words, when they see the results, the outcomes, the difference you’re making, then they will see your church as a worthwhile cause for their investment.

Not only that, but this is the ideal place to celebrate what God is doing in the life of your church. This is a perfect opportunity to connect generosity and ministry. Help those just learning about your church understand who you are and what you do. Show people browsing through your social media channels for the first time what they need to see – the difference their generosity can make in action!


COMING SOON...Can an effective communications strategy impact giving in your church? Is there a connection between your giving culture and how, what, and where you communicate with your people? Are you looking for best practices in your communication platform?

I’m excited to share the strategy behind these questions in my next e-book. Stay tuned to the Generis blog for the latest updates and the release of this valuable resource.

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EVEN MORE OPTIONSNow that you’ve done a quick self analysis, you may desire some additional insight and input. We love engaging with committed ministry leaders who desire to positively impact the giving culture in their churches. Here are a couple of options we are excited to offer, all at no charge to you.

REVIEW MY E-GIVING EXPERIENCEYou may desire a second opinion on the screenshots you’ve just created. Send them to us for review and we’ll provide a list of affirmations and suggestions to help you further improve your online and mobile giving platforms. Include any questions you may have about your platform and we’ll address them with you.

FREE giving analysisHave you ever wondered what it would look like if you could get a deeper analysis into your giving data and really understand what it's telling you? Consider a comprehensive giving analysis performed on your church's giving data using an amazing tool - Insights by Generis, powered by MortarStone.

Funding ministry can be a challenge. This software solution is designed with one goal in mind - to provide a deeper understanding of the data of a church from a generosity development perspective. We believe the insights gained from understanding giving analytics and developing accompanying strategies for improvement can provide powerful solutions for dealing with those challenges.

Want to learn more? Click on the link below and we'll get in contact with you. You'll be amazed at what we can uncover together!




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The frequency and pace of change in technology makes it difficult to monitor the myriad of choices in e-giving service providers today. While not exhaustive, here is a list of well-established and trusted firmsto help you begin your search.


Kindrid leads churches towards 100% engagement of giving with the simplest way to make one-time or recurring gifts via text, alongside customized materials and methods to implement effectively. They offer powerful tracking that seamlessly integrates into leading ChMS providers.

Pushpay is a text, mobile, online, ACH, and kiosk giving solution for churches. Their average gift size is currently $176 and 90% of users who download the app actually use it to give. For churches of 400 or more, they guarantee at least a 5% annual increase in contributions.

Vanco Payment Solutions helps 15,000 churches and nonprofits gain predictable income with e-giving technology and services integrating seamlessly with most church management solutions. Vanco’s deep experience working with faith-based organizations gives them a wide knowledge base to help clients with best practices and strategies to manage successful electronic giving programs.


Additional options to consider include:

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About GenerisGeneris is a leading company committed to giving development and accelerating generosity within churches and Christian ministry organizations. Since 1992, Generis has been able to help over 2,000 churches raise an unprecedented $5B+ to help fund Kingdom-related projects while growing generous hearts toward God-inspired vision.

With proprietary technology, Generis is able to provide churches with a Generosity Audit, a one-day experience that provides a thorough assessment of a church’s effectiveness while revealing new opportunities for creating a culture of generosity.


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I’m Rusty Lewis, and I help ministry leaders accelerate generosity. I am a Vice President at Generis, having joined the team in 2001, and I’ve been blogging and writing about generosity since 2008.

My mission is to partner with church leaders and faith-based non-profit organizations with customized approaches and proven methods to meet each group’s unique needs to accelerate generosity.

I’ve worked with churches and organizations large and small, some of the most innovative and growing churches in America, and those embracing multi-site strategies. My client list consists of new church plants of a couple hundred people, to some of the largest congregations in the nation, one with weekend attendance over 25,000 across six locations.

I live in the St. Louis area with my wife Andrea and have two grown children. Andrea teaches elementary music in the Wentzville School District. I enjoy great music (played at a high volume!), golfing, motorcycling, and watching Cardinal baseball.



[email protected]

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