Level 2 Coaching Course Jennie Doniger ABTA National Coaching Director...

Level 2 Coaching Course Jennie Doniger ABTA National Coaching Director [email protected]

Transcript of Level 2 Coaching Course Jennie Doniger ABTA National Coaching Director...

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  • Level 2 Coaching Course Jennie Doniger ABTA National Coaching Director [email protected]
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  • Study Schedule Week 1 Read level 2 Coaching booklet Print out the work experience form and organise your hours with a coach or club director. Please note- If you need longer than 10 weeks to complete 10 hours please email me and we can make other arrangements. Week 2 Discussion forum Answer questions on the discussion forum. Each week you are required to contribute to online discussions. Coaching the female athlete. Questions and Answers. 1.5 hours of coaching experience Week 3 Discussion forum Basic warm up with focus on stretching and conditioning. Upload video or word document Label diagram and upload to forum 1.5 hours coaching experience Week 4 Discussion forum Breaking down basic twirls WBTF basic twirls. Releases and receptions Watch DVD 1.5 hours coaching experience Week 5 Discussion forum Specific teaching methods Questions and Answers 1.5 hours coaching experience Week 6 Discussion forum Twirling Achievement Systems Watch TAS DVD. 1.5 hours coaching experience Week 7, 8, 9,10 No online discussions for these weeks. This is extra time for you to complete work experience hours. 2.5 hours coaching experience.
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  • Work Experience Form
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  • Feedback Form
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  • Check List Use the check list to ensure you have ticked all the boxes in order to successfully complete level 2 1. Contribute to weekly online discussions 2. Complete and filled in your ten hours work experience form 3. Filled out the evaluation form for the course. 4. Emailed 10 hours form and evaluation form to [email protected] [email protected] Good luck and Enjoy the course!! Jennie Doniger (ABTA National Coaching Director)