Letter of Resignation Westholm

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  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    National Defen ceJoint Personnel Support Un itEastern Onta rio Regional Head ,qu ;"! :torsPO Box 9999 Station MainPetawawo. ON K8H 2X3

    Commanding OfficerJoint Personnel Support Unit4210 Labelle, 1 C125Ottawa, Ontario, K1 A OK2


    February, 2013Distribution ListRESIGNATION FROM CANADIAN ARMED FORCES:MASTER WARRANT OFFICER BARRY L. WESTHOLM , CDReferences: A. Email, Westholm > CO, June 13, 2011B. Email, Westholm > CO, June 17, 2011C. Email, Westholm > OC , December 8, 2009D. Email, Westholm > OC , RSM, January 9, 2013It is with regret that I submit my resignation from the Canadian Armed Forces as theRegional Master Warrant Officer and Sergeant Major of the Joint Personnel Support Unit,Eastern Ontario Region. This act should be not taken as routine as I have taken this stepsolely to express my ethical opposition over the management of the JPSU. I submit it withthe hope that it will influence senior leaders towards providing a more logicat, sustainableand honourable path for this very important Unit.The JPSU made a contract with CF Units that it would supply an environment of support,rehabilitation and leadership for their injured and ill troops through the Support Platoon (SpPI). The Sp PI was a critical component that was lacking with the former SPHL system. Thisabsence made Commanders and Privates alike very sceptical of the SPHL, so the inclusionof a Sp PI in the IPSC was well re ceived. The units in our Region have been very receptiveto the JPSU Mission and have entrusled us with their injured and ill members. In normalcircumstances this would be cause for some satisfaction but instead , given the direct ion theJPSU has taken to meet this achievement, it is more a cause for alarm .Our HHQ's long-standing opposition to staffing this Region appropriately, even while thesupported personnel continue to increase past 100%, defies all logic and is by any measurea formula for tragedy. This policy makes our solicitations to Units and our claim to assist theill and injured a fraudulent one. Command Teams, most notably at CFB Petawawa, areaware that a ratio of 45-60 posted-in personnel to one Section Commander is un-workable.Indeed, this siluation in many ways reflects an organizational shortfall that made the SPHLan unmitigated disaster.While this is not the only naw with the JPSU's management it is a fatal one, and remainssomething that can be easily corrected simply by increasing the strength of military staff andapplying some common-sense structure to the IPSC's. The Command Teams of 2 CMBGand CFB Petawawa know this and have offered us support from their units on severaloccasions. However, the JPSU HHQ consistently prevents us fro'll accepting, or evenrequesting, this much needed relief. The reasoning I've been told is that JPSU/CMP brassbelieved this could be perceived as "Mission Failure" and therefore was unacceptable.Ironically, this face-saving attitude is pushing the JPSU towards actual Mission Failure.


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    Defining Mission Failure of the JPSU was a rather bizarre topic broached at the last OC'sconference in Ottawa (minutes not yet circulated). After discussion of th e staff shortfalls, andthe pressures being placed on the Regions, the conversation turned to how best to define"Mission Failure". Two of the more memorable responses were that Mission Failure wouldnot be declared as long as a solitary civilian employee remained within the Unit. The secondwas a suggeslion from JPSU Ops to curtail our Out Reach initiatives wh ich in-turn wouldreduce the intake of the ill and injured thus providing some relief. At that point I declared tothe room that Eastern Ontario Region was at Mission Failure . I further stated that MissionFailure (to me) was the inability to effectively carry out the JPSU Mission. I underscored thatthe ratio of Posted-In to Section Commander allowed for very poor Situational Awareness(SA), and without SA we could lose track of our members - perhaps with mortal results.While the staffing philosophy for the JPSU is cause for significant concern, it is not a solitaryone. Another related issue is how JPSU senior leadership views the military staff at theRegional Le vel. During a recent discussion in Parliament, JPSU 'eadership stated that therole of the uniformed component in the JPSU "was strictly responsible for the personaladministration" It was further stated that given this, the high ratio of personnel to staff was"workable" . Regrettably , this is not the case as our front-line military staff requires anenormous amount of leadership interaction and administrative skills and communicationskills and compassion and commitment and resiliency. In short , they must employ theattributes of Section Commanders in the classical sense of the term, and then some.As the Regional Master Warrant Officer and Sergeant Major I ho'd the most senior NonCommissioned Officer (NCO) position in the Region, and with this position comes aresponsibility to my subordinate NCM's (Posted-In and Staff). However, despite my bestefforts to support them by sustained appeals to my superiors (as did my former OC who was"re-assigned") they were to no avail (References A thru C cited as examples). My inability topersuade my superiors in accepting my recommendations directly impact my NCM's whomust bear the consequences. At this juncture, many of the Sp PI staff have regressed to thepoint of lOSing SA on their troops and are incurring considerable stress at duty and at home -many are approaching, or are at, burn-out levels.Given my inability to influence my superiors to correct these Critical issues, I am no longercomfortable holding the position of Regional Sergeant Major as it conflicts with the ethicalvalues instilled in me by my Branch, my Regiment and the Canadian Armed Forces. Iinformed my immediate superiors on of my potential departure some time ago (ReferenceD.) and have since discussed the reasons why. Given this, I request an expedited releasedate of February 28 , 2013. As the contents of my letter may be of interest to those who havepersonnel posted to Eastern Ontario Region , or in the success of the JPSU itself, I haveincluded them on the distribution tist for information.Respectfully

    .L. WestholmMaster Warrant OfficerRe gional Sergeant MajorJoint Personnel Support UnitEastern Ontario Region

    Distribution List: Page 3


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    Distribution ListActionCO JPSUInformationGovernor General of CanadaChair: Senate Committee of National Security and DefencePrime Minister of CanadaMinister of National DefenceCanadian Forces OmbudsmanChief of Defence StaffChief of Military PersonnelCanadian Forces Surgeon GeneralMinister of Veterans AffairsMember of Parliament, Renfrew, Nippising, PembrokeCommander Royal Canadian NavyCommander: Canadian ArmyCommander: Royal Canadian Air ForceCommander: LFCACommand Team : 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade GroupCommand Team: 33 Brigade GroupCommand Team : CFB PetawawaCommand Team : 22 Wing, CFB North BayCommand Team : 8 Wing, CFB TrentonCommand Team : CFSU OttawaCommand Team : CFB KingstonCommand Team: 2 Service BattalionColonel Commandant: Electrical and Mechanical Engineering BranchRegional Sergeants Major: Joint Personnel Support UnitSupport Platoon Leadership JPSU, Eastern Ontario Region


  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    Fro m: Westho lrn BL@DCSt,j Regiona l Dct PetawJ','"a wP,-,lil'.'i,,'/;aSent: on day , 13 , Jun e, 20 11 11: 11 AMTo: Blais Col GJ@CMPSubject: r- W: Thou ghts on Staffing/ExpansionSirI, All CI11:lil (1I1 slafiin g frill Feb II - it provcd a popular subj ec i at our OC'MWO 'sConference . ,O,L. We stholmMastcr Warrant OCficer / AdjurlantivlaitrcRegional Sergeant Major .l Sergenl Major RegionalJoint Personnel Support UnitJUnii6 Inlcrarmec de Soutien au PersonnelEastern Ontario Region/Region lst de l'OnlmioDirec tor Casualty Sup port Management/Dircctelll' - Ges tion rlu soutien au x blessesNational Defence I defense nationalePetawawa, ON, Canada, K8H 2XJF-ll1ail l CouniclTelephon ! 'T'6Iephone: (613) ex t / po sle 27(i6CSN: 677-17 66Tl:iecopieur I Facsimile: 613-5 88 -2650Government of Canada I Gouvcrnement rlu Canarla

    From: Westholm Bl@DCSH Regional Det Petawawa@PetawJwaSent: Thursday, 17, February, 201112:57 PI")To: leblanc CWO RJ@CMPSubject: Thoughts on Staffing / ExpansionRSMRef: Telcon: HQ Sp to Regi onI. Backgro und, At my very (irst co nference with the JPSU, MGen Scmianiwdescribed th e rapid devclopment of thc JPSU and underscored the urgency that drove tileprocess, or as you put it "with spee d and violence", In his brief, he stated that because theunit and territory wa s so new, that it was a certainty that there would be conflicts wherecurrent policy would co nflict with the situation on the ground, He further advised thatshould we ever run into such a contlict that we were to employ th e best altemative overoutdated policy an d to "J1I5t do tlie right th ing", I've composcd this brief with thisphil osoph y in mind - as one of tile fir st generation mbrs of the JPSU at the Regi onal levelJ feel I have gained enough co rporate knowledge of how we've progressed from atllOught, to a design, through some significant modification, to initial stand-up and now tothe soon-to-be initiated Phase rrl.

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    2, In looK ing at th e pro grc" ol'the .II'SU (Inc can be nothing but imp,.c" cdim pn.:-i scd all!Jt.: f(lel that i:l Ull it call gn frUlli in L:('p ti

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    (I) Abi lily III carl I rl ll i (Iur m;" i"" Ir"" r f"c lI ' , hi t'is Inlm:-; UPPl li't. h) :-.1a I'tl Il g fo r nul'

    to om ( )l ll' will suITer;(2) SI:rlfB uril Olll - Irlhc ralio ol' "la lllo supporled pe rso nn el become

    ullsupporlable, Ihe IPse siatllhcms eh' cs \\'ill bccomeprime call ci ci:l les lor Ihe .IPSU:(3) Supporleci Pcrsonnel -- If lllir 51il l is siretched I(lO Illin, this \V ii i be

    rell al the slIp pnrtcd persons Icvclthrollgh a red uction of sup portscrviccsllcacbship 10 mbrs pl)S lecito the JPS J:(4) Supported Pcrso nnel's Unit -- One a - Ihe more cI i mc lIll goals of th e

    .1PSLJ is to (ll 'crcom c Ihe st igma of" poorly organi sed SPHL

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    5. FYS !\

    B.L. We , th olm Ortieer Acljllclilnt ivlaitreRcgill!l i:11 Sergl:ant ivlnjor I SL'rgcnt r-dajorJoint Personncl SlIflPo rt Unit Uni te Interarm ec de Soulien all Per.,o nn clEastern Onlario RegionlRegion Est de l' OntarioDire ctor ('nslInlty SlIflPort Mnnngell1cntlDircctelir - Gcstion dll sOlticn nll x bksscsNati onal Defen ce I dCl'cnse nationniePctnwawa, ON, KSH 2X3[-mail / COllniclTelephone I TcICphonc: (613) 6X7-SSII cx t I poste 27 66CSN : 677- 2766Tckcopicur I Ie : 613-588 -2650Gov ernment of Canaeln .' GOlll'erncmcnt dll Ca nnel,l

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    From: Blais Col GJ@CMP DCSM@Oltawa-Hu liSent: Friday, 17 , June , 201 J 13: 18 PMTo: Westhol m I

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    0 1lt

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    ( ' {l!nmll!lica!iull 'J1dining.i\ ' Di scussi Qn. Fur uu r frontl ine tr(' up , (IPSC') interaetic,ns with .I I' SUpLTs()nn cl lL1mil ies that IHlIl' OS!'s, VS I' ,. dea th s bring with them

    consi derable en\ll tio lHiI to the JPSU s tall. /\mongstthesechCl llcngc:; arc (lying to with pl..'l"son llcl who lu veOSI', and to steel on eself to the emotional intlucnec that regularint l'rill'tion w ith d ist raught memb ers nnd their families ma y br in g.In thi s issue wit h th ,' Homcw ood. I"c corne to leal'llthat they provide a specific lyre of iltm os pill'rc and usc key wo rds ilild

    III promote we llbeing.h. Consequl'nces of In- Ac tion. There is risk to our frOiltiine sta tT from th eintluencc o r constant interaction including s tres s. bum out ant! not hav in gthe requircd skills to errectively (icill wil l! \\'ho a rc in di strc ss.

    e. _s.u2gestion. Si nce Hom e\Vood is the closest and mostuscd hea lthfacility in our Re gi on, I sug gest that our frontline IPS e swff participate ina trai nin g prog ra m to beltcr ulllkrstnn cithe Hom ewoo ci enviro nm cnt, hoI\'to carry on th e IIomcwood style coaching ba ck in mili ta ry environmentand to learn co ping ski ll s for thi s type of interaction (links ilttac hed).i tJP,.!&1D 191&1'nr: 127

    4. FYSA

    D.L. West holmMaster Warran t Orticer / Adjudant MaitreRegional Sergean t Major / Sergent MiljorRegionillJoi nt Personnel Support UnitlUnite Intera rmee de Souti en il U Perso nn elEas tern Ontario Region/Region Est de l'OntarioDirector Casualty Managemen tlDircctem - Gestion dll sout ien aux blessesNa tional Defence / cJefense nati onalePetnwawa , ON, Canada, K8H 2X3E-mail / Comr ieIBatTY .Westholm @forees.Qc.caTelephone / Te lephone: (613) 687-5511 ex t / pos te 2766CSN : 677-2766Teleeopieur / Facsimil e: 6 13 -588- 2650GoverlUl1ent of CatHlcia / Gouvernement dll Ca nada

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    From: Monsigneur MWO PA@JPSU EOnt IPSC Ottawa@Ottawa-HullSent: Friday, 17, June, 201113:29 PMTo: Westholm MWO BL@DCSM Regional Det Petawawa@PetawawaSubject: RE: Leaving Us?Thanks for the kind words Barry, they're both welcome and reciprocall I thought long and hardbelieve me It was not a simple decision to make!. I was offered a positiol1 in an other agel1cy justbefore Christmas and decided to stick this one out. There are a number of reasons that I chosethis path, some personal and some syslemic, In the end, I'm not sure I can bring about thechange needed here to keep the unit Irom hitting the rocks and the position I've accepted allowsme laleral manoeuvring room to reach my retirement goals (some plans still In flux, severa loptions .. ,lile is gocd!! ), It sounds like HQ has the capacity to cover me off and WO Potter as youknow has some capacity as wel l. This poS ition Is a Captain's and I know tha t In tess than 18months my position will be re-posted and I'm th inking there will be one out there that su its the bil l.The new position Is only 12 months, but is very likely to be ex ended (the Air Force is slow tolearn LO L), I'm not certain I'd stay lor an extension, I I purchase one 01 the two B&B we've beenevaluating (I'm negotlallng for one all week) I may move this lall, but can continue my contract Inspite 01 movingThanks again for your support Barry, the past year and a half has been made much morepalatable with your support and pallencel I've received some kind words Irom the VAC and CF HSvc staffs as well, I'll be sending out an ema il next week when things are finalised to say mygood-byes,

    "If you can't chang e your circumstance, change your perspective "Patrick A. Monsigneur CDMaster Warrant Officer / Ad judant-maitrePlatoon Commander / Commandant de pelotonIPSC Ottawa / CtSP OttawaJoint Personnel Support Unit I Unite interamee de soutien au personnelEa stern Ontario Region / Region Est de I'OntarioDirector Casualty Support Management / Directeur - Gestion du soutien aux blessesNational Defence / Defense na tionaleOttawa ON K1 A OK2 Canadapatrick.monsigneur@lorces ,gc.caTelephone I Telephone 613-945-6760Blackberry 613-898-5837Facsimile ITelecopieur: 613-945-6985WVWI.lorces,qc.ca/centreGovernment of Canada I Gouvernement du Canada

    From : westholm MWO BL@DCSM Regional Det petawawa@PetawawaSent: Friday, 17, June, 20 11 12 :23 PMTo: Mon signeur MWO PA@JPSU EOnt IPse Otlawa@Ottawa-HullSubject: Leaving Us?Pat

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    1. You 're do ing a hel l of a job down there and we all appreciate (a nd we lcome) yourc1etenn in ation at maki ng the IP SC (0) successful - to make a long ema il short, I wa shopi ng you'd reconsider yo ur decision.Barr yB.L. Wes tholmMas ter Warrant Officer I Adjudant MaitreRegion al Sergeant Major I Sergent Major RegionalJoi nt Personnel Support UnitfU nite lnterannee de Sou tien au PersorU1elEastern Ontari o Regi on/Region Est de I'Ontari oDirector Casualty Suppo rt Management/Directeur - Gestion du so utien aux bl essesNational Defence I defense nationalePetawawa, ON , Ca nada, K8H 2X3E-ma il I [email protected] I Telephone: (6 13 ) 687-5511 ex t / poste 2766CS N: 677-2766Teleco pi eur I Facs imile: 613-588-2650Government ofCanad a / Gouvemement du Ca nada

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    From: Monsigneur MWO PA@JPSU EOnt IPSe Ottawa@Ottawa -HullSent: Tuesday, 7, June, 2011 12:02 PMTo: Westholm MWO BL@DeSM Regional Det Petawawa@PetawawaCc: Potter WO RK@JPSU EOnt IPSe Ottawa@Ottawa-HullSubject: RE: MANNING ISSUES - IPSe onAWABarry, Capt Boutilier Is In the loop Looks if e great minds think alike, Vie are keeping our HOinformed: )We have our feelers out for 89 day contracts no takers ." One possible (posted In with hubby fromQuebec) looking for work, was Secllon Commander at IPSC Valcartier. . That's It."If you can't change your circumstance , change your perspective"Patrick A. Monsigneur CDMaster Warranl Officer / Adjudant-maitrePlatoon Commander / Commandant de pelotonIPSC Ottawa / CISP OttawaJoint Personnel Support Unit I Unite interamee de soutien au personnelEastern Ontario Region I Region Est de l'OntarioDirector Casualty Support Management I Directeur - Gestion du soutien aux blessesNational Defence I Defense nationaleOttawa ON KiA OK2 Canadapalrick.monsigneur@forces,gc caTelephone ITelephone 613-945-6760Blackberry: 613-898-5837Facsimile ITelecopieu r: 613-945-6985wNw.fo rces,gc ,calcentreGovernment of Canada IGouvernement du Canada

    From: Potler 1'10 RK@JPSU EOnt IPse Otlawa@Otlawa-HullSent: Tuesday, 7, June, 2011 11:41 AMTo: Westhm MWO BL@DeSM Regional Det Petawawa@PetawawaCc: Monsigneur MWO PA@JPSU EOnt IPSe Otlawa@Ottawa-HullSubject: MANNING ISSUES - IPse onAWASir, as we briefly discussed on the telephone, we are experiencing some severe manning issueswhich most likely will on ly worsen in the near future.Sgt Makins, our loaner section commander from DCSM, has been placed on S/L pending surgeryin early July. Indications are that she will not return prior to her surgery and that her recoverytime-lines from her surgery may be extended . In addition to that, she has her remaining annualleave and annuitant break to schedule. Her contract end-date is Oct 11 . I do not expect to seeher back in unit lines for any extended period of time.Sgt Mandy, our newest hire, is out for scheduled surgery effective today. Prognosis for RTW isnot confirmed but is expected to be anywhere from 10 days to 12 weeks depending on surgery.Early RTW may be limited in duration and she is expected to be wheel -chair bound for a period oftime.Sgt Caron has requested PAT A leave for 22 Aug 2011 to 25 Sep 2011 .

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    From: Westholm MWO BL @D CSfvl Regionill Dc:Sent: Tuesday, 8, December, 2009 11:30To: Chute r1aj FD@lJPSU Peta\'l aWil . 'PetaW J'ii ilCc: Boutilier Capt SDJ@DCSM Regional Det Petawawa@PetawawaSubject: RE: MANAGEMENT AND LEADER SHIP IN TH E IPSC - GESTION ET LEWERSHIP AUSEIN DU C1SPOCI, Ack the complications WRT cfrceli ng changes, Ihoughls/coll\menlnry as 1'011 (forNo Warne Answer (NWA) - Para 2):

    Rt.:f: "T/:..'ClInvnl flrgoni=ntion 11U) (w' ,he Hl l j l -,h,' Sal'ic," Mmmg.'1' (IIlri ,Ill.' Supporl f'1 CO/llrl. This "a ll l ;lIl \, 1I0! Iii,' id,'a/oplioll, fII:d tlu'

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    "I ' il I: . fin / ' J \ , ( ' J ' /' '- ., i ,Jag ree ,

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    [>Ca mllla. ON. Ca na da. KRll " :\.1E-m ilil / Courriel Gar n .\Vc ' lh o ll1l{(l'Telephone 'Td cplwnc (01 31 , ::n -55 11 ext .I P(l ;ic 2766CSN: 677-2766Tciecopieur i lil (Si mil e: Ii 13-5 8R-2(,50GOVC 1l\111eni olTa nada , Couvcnlc ll1cnt du Canacia

    From: Chute Maj FD @JPSU Petawawa@PetawawaSent: Mo nday, 7, December, 2009 14:38 PMTo: Boutilier Capt SDJ@DCSM Regional Det Petawawa@Petawawa; WestholmRegional Det Peta wawa@PetawawaSubject: FW: AND LEADERSHIP IN THE IPSC - GESTION ET LEADERSHIP AUSEIN DU C1SPImportance: HighPlease have a read of Ihis, then we should talk, tk s.F.D. Chule. MMM. CDMajorOfficer Commanding/CommandanlJoint Personnel Support Unit /U nite Interannee de Soutien au PersonnelEaslern Ontario Region/Region Est cle I' OnlarioDirector Casualty Support ManagemenVDirecteur - Gestion du soutien aux blessesNational Defence / defense natlonalePet awawa, ON, Canada, t

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    fit tinlOS ).35 I,een tJ rnt> f'er50n:11l1 a po ;nt of co:)ce:rnhi the iii .md injured thr!11SE:t'Jes, \'Ietl as their familiDsThe IPSC struclure mLsl 1113inlain the: desired t

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    Los 2 E:t 3 d&cE:mbr(; L 0 Gssl S8 procede a Line sea'lce de formatl01 al intcntion des offieier:; cmelts rogionaux (Ie rUlsP e de leurs adJum5 . L'u'] despo ints c!iscutes fut 1::1 structure des CISP D,ms 511 forme actuelie, I'organisationcompte doux repres(;ntants d is tincts au seln de runlte -Ie gestionnaire desservices et le cmdt du pelo on de sOll tien. Ce n'est certainemenl pas I op ti onidea Ie; I'c:

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    CJ '. et celle5 qui on! bose n cle nos services. LE: q" l 5'03 : fortemenlo:

  • 7/27/2019 Letter of Resignation Westholm


    Message Page 1 of2

    Westholm MWO BL@JPSU E ON Region@PetawawaFrom: Rossignol L@JPSU EOnt IPSC Ottawa@Ottawa-HuliSent: Wednesday, 8, August, 2012 09:59To: Chubbs Maj LA@JPSU E ON Region@PetawawaCc: Potter WO RK@JPSU EOnt IPSC Ottawa@Ottawa-Hull; Westholm MWO BL@JPSU E ONRegion@PetawawaSubject: RE: Manning Issues - IPSC Ottawa

    From: Rossignol L@JPSU EOnt IPSe Ottawa@Ottawa-HullSent: Wednesday, 8, August, 2012 09:23 AMTo: ehubbs Maj LA@JPSU E ON Region@PetawawaCc: Potter WO RK@JPSU EOnt IPSe Ottawa@Ottawa-HullSubject: Manning Issues - IPSe OttawaMajor Chubbs

    I just wanted to let you know that we are facing increasing challenges with staffing at the IPSC in all departmentsand it is getting to the point of a critical shortage. I fear that we are soon going to be unable to meet coreservices. We are going to have to look for some creative ideas for surge manning within the Orderly Room andPlatoon in the very near future.This is a brief sit rep of the situation as of today.IPSC Orderly RoomWe are down to 1 clerk with minimal training in Military administration. Despite the efforts to create a fullyfunctioning Orderly Room, it hasn't had enough time to reach full capacity and have everyone cross trained. Addto that personality issues amongst the 3 staff which has resulted in a very negative working environment. As aresult we are down to 1 staff member with minimal experience.JUlian Poirier - sent an email this morning saying that she will be off on sick leave until 5 Sept 12. She sites theprimary source of her medical issues as the ongoing stress in the Orderly Room.MCpl Hardy - is on leave until Thursday this week. She then starts 2 weeks leave on Friday. She returns for oneweek and then hopes to start a full time education program in September.Assuming her education is approved byCoC, then I have her for one more week before she leaves. While I hate to lose her experience, at the same time,it is probably in the best interest of the Orderly Room.Michelle is the last one standing at this point. Unfortunately, her learning curve is still steep.IPSC PlatoonSgt Fleury - received a medical recommendation for accomodation to another workplace, to be effective 13 Aug12. From my understanding this is permanent.Sgt Mandy's grandmother passed away this week. She is at work today but it remains to be determined if she willtake time off to go to New Brunswick for the funeral.Sgt Simard - last one left - 151 members.Capt Jobin - still on 35 day break until early September.IPSC Services.


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    So far so good with the 3 Svcs Coords but still waiting for the paperwork to be completed for the Casual. We hadhoped to for a start date of 17 June 12 but there is minimal progress.Hopefully we can discuss these issues further tomorrow.Lucienne Rossignol, MHSc HA, CHEServices Manager, Gestionnaire des ServicesIPSC Ottawa/CISP OttawaDirector Casualty Support ManagementlDirecteur-Gestion du soutien aux blessesChief Military Personnel/Chef du personnel militaireNational Defence/Defense NationaleOttawa, [email protected]/telephone 613-945-6765CSN 422-6765Cell/ cellulaire 613-898-0653

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