letter of rec Paul Helgemo


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Transcript of letter of rec Paul Helgemo

Page 1: letter of rec Paul Helgemo

May 14, 2015

To Whom It May Concern,

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter in support of my former student Paul

Helgemo as he applies for employment. Paul was enrolled in my CRW 3110: Fiction Technique

course during the spring of 2015. In essence the course was a fiction writing workshop, however

the course also focused on interpreting texts and developing a personal aesthetic. During the

course of the semester, Paul explored many different styles of storytelling. One of the aspects of

Paul's work that I found most impressive was his ability to use humor to alternatively heighten

and alleviate the psychological pressures present in a narrative, depending on what the story


This skill was evident not only in Paul's short story writing, but also in his classroom

interactions as well. He knew when to make a joke to break the tension during a discussion, but

he also knew when a well-phrased joke could point toward a deeper truth. This skilled use of

humor fostered an atmosphere of collegiality and camaraderie in the classroom. Additionally,

Paul seemed to be well-liked and respected by his peers. Often before class began I would

overhear them asking for his advice and opinion on various topics ranging from the reading

assignment for the day to the latest video game to social issues.

I worked in university administration for ten years and Paul reminds me of many students

I worked with during my time as a hall director at Miami University (Ohio). Paul was able to

challenge his peers when he disagreed with them while remaining open to constructive feedback

himself. Additionally, his energy and positive presence in the classroom meant that I never had

to worry about starting our class discussions. If I were ever to hire student staff again, I would be

fortunate to have an applicant like Paul Helgemo. As he continues to mature, I believe he will

show himself to be a responsible and caring member of any office or team. If you would like to

discuss my experiences with Paul in greater detail, please feel free to contact me via email at

[email protected] or via telephone at 740-590-4477


Jennifer Schomburg Kanke, PhD, Visiting Instructor, English Department