Letter of a Mother

A letter of a teenaged daughter’s mother It was almost 20 years ago when I read this letter written by a teenage girl’s mother to the editor of one of the women’s magazines. I neither remember her name nor the exact contents of the letter. But I do remember and even now am able to recollect vividly the gist of the contents. What is poignant about that letter is its contemporary valid contents. In my opinion, it should be read by each and every girl and would be mothers. I try my level best to capture the gist of the contents below and leave to the discerning readers to feel the urge of that mother who wrote the letter. My memory goes back almost 20 years when I was a young rebellious brat of teens. My parents gave everything for my wellbeing. Mother had been there in thick and thin and selflessly devoted her time and life to my welfare. During exams she was always available anticipating and attending without being asked, to my slightest needs. She was keeping herself awake late into the night just to keep company with me. This despite the fact that she had to get up early to attend to the daily chores, where as I used to get up royally very late after 8’o clock. She was there with ever smiling face and saw that all my needs were met for going to school. I used to vile away my reading hours during evenings by watching all sitcoms on TV and take to study only beyond 9 PM. Just once and only once she observed that I could start my studies a little early so that we could go to bed early and she would also get enough sleep. But then I brushed aside her suggestion and even had temerity to declare that I never wanted to her to keep herself awake for my sake and I didn’t like such gestures. My mother smiled at me wistfully and did not utter a single word. But she was there all the time. On another occasion when I fell sick she insisted on carrying me to the doctor and I doubt very much if she had any sleep at all. The moment I was all right I just rushed out of the house to meet my friends without even bothering let her know. She mildly chided me for not taking care of myself, as I was still recouping. I looked at her disdainfully but she smiled at me silently and wistfully.


Poignant reminiscences of a mother, who sees in her teenaged girl an alter ego of herself

Transcript of Letter of a Mother

Page 1: Letter of a Mother

A letter of a teenaged daughter’s mother

It was almost 20 years ago when I read this letter written by a

teenage girl’s mother to the editor of one of the women’s magazines. I

neither remember her name nor the exact contents of the letter. But I

do remember and even now am able to recollect vividly the gist of the

contents. What is poignant about that letter is its contemporary valid

contents. In my opinion, it should be read by each and every girl and

would be mothers. I try my level best to capture the gist of the

contents below and leave to the discerning readers to feel the urge of

that mother who wrote the letter.

“My memory goes back almost 20 years when I was a young rebellious

brat of teens. My parents gave everything for my wellbeing. Mother

had been there in thick and thin and selflessly devoted her time and

life to my welfare. During exams she was always available anticipating

and attending without being asked, to my slightest needs. She was

keeping herself awake late into the night just to keep company with

me. This despite the fact that she had to get up early to attend to the

daily chores, where as I used to get up royally very late after 8’o clock.

She was there with ever smiling face and saw that all my needs were

met for going to school. I used to vile away my reading hours during

evenings by watching all sitcoms on TV and take to study only beyond

9 PM. Just once and only once she observed that I could start my

studies a little early so that we could go to bed early and she would

also get enough sleep. But then I brushed aside her suggestion and

even had temerity to declare that I never wanted to her to keep

herself awake for my sake and I didn’t like such gestures. My mother

smiled at me wistfully and did not utter a single word. But she was

there all the time. On another occasion when I fell sick she insisted on

carrying me to the doctor and I doubt very much if she had any sleep

at all. The moment I was all right I just rushed out of the house to

meet my friends without even bothering let her know. She mildly

chided me for not taking care of myself, as I was still recouping. I

looked at her disdainfully but she smiled at me silently and wistfully.

Page 2: Letter of a Mother

Now after these many years I am seeing the same abrasive and self–

centered teenaged girl in my daughter. Minni has been alter ego of my

younger avatar. The only difference is I became a mother and am in

the same situation as my mother was 20 years ago. I understood the

wistful and silent smile she used to give me. There were equivalent to

myriad words of passionate reconciliation, forbearance and tolerance

to the teenage brats.”

I forgot how that mother ended the letter. But I hope the text above

bared the souls of a mother and a daughter. First time when I read it I

felt like crying. I also recollected all those times in the past when I

behaved just like that daughter. All of us deserve the same treatment

we meted to our parents when we were in our teens.

I do not know if at all any son/daughter read this letter and changed

his/her attitude towards his/her dear mother!