Letter from Rep. Jim Puckett to Judge Roberts

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Transcript of Letter from Rep. Jim Puckett to Judge Roberts

  • 8/3/2019 Letter from Rep. Jim Puckett to Judge Roberts



    January 3,201)The Honorable James L. RobertsP.O. Drawer 1100Tupelo, MS3BS02-1IOODear Judge Roberts:[ would like to express my heartfelt concern about the welfareof Mr. John DanielRodgers. He is an inmate in the Walnut GroveYouth Correctional FacIJity in Leaks County, John was my neighborin Amory, Mississippi for over seven years prior to his convictionin vour court in Monroe Count}' about one year ago. His MDOCnumber is 156821.1 have known John and observed his behavioras he matured throughth e years since he was a student in theAmory Junior High School.He has always been an outstanding an d respectful young man toeveryone in our community. His dad has raised him with excellentfamily values in a single parent household. J observed John andhis father spending quality time on many occasions. I am sure thatth e youngman would have remained at home on the evening of th ecrime if his dad had not been on his twelvehour shift at work.John was a student w ho had to take special education classes due tohis unique challenges in school.Administrators and teachers describedhim as one w ho w as always cooperative, obedient and courteous. Healso participated in sports activities. I saw him keep long hours on thepractice field and floor.John becamea victim of peer pressure and made a serious life changingmistake. He becamean accessory to felonies by providing transportationto the three other young men that committed a break-in of an Amoryresidence. This fed to a harmful assault and burglary of the family w ho lived

    P.O. BO X 1018 --MCKSON,MISSISSIPPI39215-10

  • 8/3/2019 Letter from Rep. Jim Puckett to Judge Roberts



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    there, [ was told that John remained In the vehicle and did notenter the home and take part in the actual crimes. I know that thisis not an excuse fo r what he did.1 firmly believe that John is repentant and deserves a second chance toprove himself as a law-abiding citizen. This was his first offense and hedeeply regrets the wrong he has done- He has learned an important lesson inlife and wants a better future. I am not condoning his criminal actionsandrealize punishment is due in this case. It seems that probation and housearrest after a matter of time and special counseling would be beneficialto this y oung man.1 am a retired teacher who now serves on the Judiciary A and the JuvenileJustice Committees In the Mississippi House, I have seen so many voungpeopie who made unwise choices that have been detrimental to theirlives. I believe they deserve a second chance in life and a new opportunity10 start over and become a productive citizen.I humbly ask your .Honor for y our serious reconsideration in John Rodger'scase if the case is still open to review by you. 1 truly believe John would notbe a repeat offender and would try to prepare himself to make a living.Thanks you for allowing rne to express my opinion,With highest regards,TfyJimmy G. Puckett, Mississippi House of Representatives