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Talk One: Everything is Meaningless Apart from God

Talk Song: The Heart of Worship, p.17

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, You are the Fountain of All Truth. You are the Source of All Being. In You is Fullness of Wisdom. Teach us, please, Your lessons as we study Your Word today, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

INTRO: What is the meaning of life? What is the reality of the way things work out in the world.

Tradition that King Solomon wrote three books of the Old Testament, each a part of the Wisdom Literature: The Song of Songs when he was young, idealistic, and in love. Proverbs in middle age when he was seeking to make a mark upon the world and wanted to find out what were the wisest choices to make, and Ecclesiastes when he was old and disillusioned.

The author calls himself the Teacher or the Preacher, a son of David, and a king in Jerusalem.


This phrase, also translated as "meaningless" reflects the author's utter disillusionment with life

When ideals do not bring forth desired results, when values seem to fail, when all the formulas for success fail, when human idols fall, then comes the cry "Vanity of Vanities"-utter disillusionment

A very pessimistic view of life


The pessimism of the preacher reflects one of the oldest views of the meaning of man's existence, the cyclical view of history

This is a view of the endless repetition over and over of birth and death, work and toil, over and over and over

Henry David Thoreau observed that most people live lives of quiet desperation, with the silent unanswered question, "Is this all there is?"

The philosophers down through the ages have tried to come to terms with this idea of the endless cycle, with some religions having the ideas of karma,

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LESSONS FROM ECCLESIASTESreincarnation, and the seeking to come to a state of nirvana or emptiness to get out of the circle of vanity,

There is a poem about an ancient King of Egypt, Ozymandias, who had built great monuments to himself, now ruins in the desert. The inscription said, " I am Ozymandias, King of Kings, Loo on my works, ye mortals and despair!" Empires rise and fall with their tyrants, philosophies come in and out of vogue, and we find that the more things change the more they remain the same.

With all his wisdom, inventiveness, technological smarts, man still has not overcome his tendency to be cruel and evil. Today our technology just makes the destruction of humanity more possible and efficient. We can envision the death of man.

The truth is that without God there is no meaning for life, just an endless biological process guided purely by chance, no meaning to the individual in the struggle, all is darkness in the secular world, just eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die!


Sometimes God has to allow our idols to fall before we can find the real meaning of life

When all our human plans and idols crash and there is nowhere else to go but to God, grace appears.

When we are at our bottom and become honest seekers of Truth, God promises, You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.

And the Truth is " From everlasting to everlasting God is, the Great I AM!"

CONCLUSION: Share how your disillusionment with life led you to true faith.

PRAYER: Lord, help us to see our world the way You do, but please do not leave us in despair, help us to see You as the Hope of each and all, through Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: Can you relate to what the Teacher is sharing about life without God being meaningless? How?

ACTIVITY FOR THE DAY: a poster, song, or skit about the lessons of Ecclesiastes.

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Talk Two: Human Wisdom is Meaningless Without God

TALK SONG: Be Thou My Vision, p.7

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 1: 12-18; 2: 12-16

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, You are the Fountain of All Truth. You are the Source of All Being. In You is Fullness of Wisdom. Teach us, please, Your lessons as we study Your Word today, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

INTRODUCTION: One of the forms of literature in the Bible is called Wisdom writings.

Knowledge is the accumulation of information, while wisdom is the right application of that knowledge

Wisdom is contrasted with folly, the making of wrong choices

Important concept: Sophomore- a wise fool, " a little learning is a dangerous thing" just enough knowledge/ wisdom to make one dangerous, often a hazard among undergraduate college students who get to the place where they think they know it all


Wisdom apart from God: based on envy, selfish ambition, pride: characteristics: earthly, unspiritual, evil, leading to disorder and every evil practice

Godly wisdom: pure, peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere, producing a harvest of righteousness

By their fruits you shall know them: some of the smartest people are some of the most proud, cruel, and just plain evil. Education alone cannot change men's hearts


The fear (awe, reverence) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. In other words, God has a better idea about all things than we do.

Wisdom is realizing that God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways higher than our ways

A prerequisite to godly wisdom is a healthy dose of true humility in the sight of God and a willingness to learn from God

Ultimately wisdom comes not from what you know but from WHO you know

CONCLUSION: Testimony of how you came to humble yourself to receive God's wisdom.

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LESSONS FROM ECCLESIASTESPRAYER: Lord, I admit before You that without Your wisdom I am fool. I humble myself before YOU and ask that You make me teachable in Your presence. Lord, teach me Your ways, in Jesus' Name.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: What wisdom has God taught me?

ACTIVITY FOR THE DAY: continue to work on a poster, song, or skit about the lessons of Ecclesiastes.

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Talk Three: Pleasures are Meaningless Without God

TALK SONG: I Surrender All, p. 22

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 2: 1-11

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, You are the Fountain of All Truth. You are the Source of All Being. In You is Fullness of Wisdom. Teach us, please, Your lessons as we study Your Word today, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

INTRO: Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die? Grab for all the gusto? You only live once? We get bombarded with these encouragments to pursue pleasure. In the ancient world there was a philosophy that maintained that the pursuit of pleasure was the true meaning of life, Epicureanism.

We have a lot of epicures today, people who pursue women, sports, food, travel, all kinds of pleasures. Some people seem to look for a high from one extreme sport to another. Experience of new thrills is the guide to life for many.

I Solomon's experience

Disillusionment with laughter- did not last and did not accomplish anything

Disillusionment with folly- foolishness never works out

Disillusionment with building projects- just monuments to human pride which will crumble some day

Disillusionment with riches- can't take it with you

Disillusionment with sex- just temporary feelings without commitment

End result of it all was disillusionment, a conclusion that it was meaningless, a chasing after the wind, not fulfilling, nothing was really gained


Belshazzar and the handwriting on the wall in Babylon

the rich man who dies and goes to Hell

the pleasures of the French kings destroyed by the revolution- one king squandered the resources of France and observed," After me the deluge."

observation of the British poet Kipling that the captains and the kings are swallowed up in history

"One life to live, soon it is past, only what's done for Jesus will truly last"

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LESSONS FROM ECCLESIASTES The works of our lives will pass through the fire, will they be wood, hay, or

stumble, or will they be gold, silver, or jewels?

CONCLUSION: Your personal testimony of the folly of making the pursuit of pleasure the goal of life.

PRAYER: Lord, forgive me for the times I have made pleasures into idols I worshipped. Help me keep You first in my life, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: How can you keep free from being addicted to pleasure?

ACTIVITY FOR THE DAY: a poster, song, or skit about the lessons of Ecclesiastes.

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Talk Four: Labor is Meaningless Without God

TALK SONG: "I'm Counting on God" p. 22

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 2: 17-26

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, You are the Fountain of All Truth. You are the Source of All Being. In You is Fullness of Wisdom. Teach us, please, Your lessons as we study Your Word today, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

INTRO: Are you a human being or a human doing? Problem is that most of us form our identity by what we do, our occupation, our hobbies, our recreation etc. as opposed to who we are.

I Identity

in ancient world you were identified by your tribe and family, ex Simon bar Jonah, (Simon son of Jonah) in the tribe of Judah.

today you are identified by what occupation you do primarily

society gives you value and worth by what you do

you are assigned to socioeconomic class by society on the basis of what you do and how much wealth you have, also expressed by where you live, what you drive, what you wear

II Value of Labor for the Believer

concept of vocation, a calling, instead of occupation

all honorable forms of work are considered vocations

work is done for the glory of God, not for the status of the individual working

CONCLUSION: Personal testimony of how you have found meaning in your work through Christ

PRAYER: Lord, help me to do my work for you and not for the praise of men and help me to find my true identity in being Your child, through Christ my Lord, Amen.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: How does your faith help you find meaning in your work?

ACTIVITY FOR THE DAY: a poster, song, or skit about the lessons of Ecclesiastes

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Talk Five: Ambition is Meaningless Without God

TALK SONG: "Nothing Without You" p. 28

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 4: 4-8

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, You are the Fountain of All Truth. You are the Source of All Being. In You is Fullness of Wisdom. Teach us, please, Your lessons as we study Your Word today, through Christ our Lord. Amen

INTRO: Alpha Males, those who seek the top position, who claw their way to the top of the pack, happens in animal groups and in human society. It shows up in the lust for power, for popularity, for fame.

I. Shocking insight in Ecclesiastes that all skill and work come from a person's envy of his neighbor.

envy, one up-manship, just plain old jealousy, the green-eyed monster, I can't stand for anyone to be better than me in any way.

danger of the push for achievement at any cost, getting ahead by crushing anyone and anything standing in one's way.

in all fields of work, there is competition for advancement, but there is danger that a jealous coworker could sabotage you on your way.

you might call this drive for dominance, ambition.

II Example of unholy ambition

Biblical: King Saul feels threatened by David and seeks his destruction; King Herod feels threatened by the birth of Jesus and kills the little boys of Bethlehem; Pharaoh is threatened by the Hebrews and orders the death of the baby boys; David's son Absalom wants to take the throne away from his dad.

Unholy competition: jealousy at the success of another; gossip, tale bearing, undermining of colleagues

Pride- thinking that by one's own skill and worth one has reached the top.

End justifies the means- I will do anything I can to get on the top of the heap

III Vanity of Ambition

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall

Restlessness, lack of peace, always watching over one's shoulder

Lack of contentment, always wanting more

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LESSONS FROM ECCLESIASTES Coming to the point when one realizes that despite all the struggles, fame and

power end when death comes, the end, you can't take it with you.

the fall of all empires and emperors, Pharaoh, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin are all nothing but history--gone, gone, gone!

CONCLUSION: Personal witness of how you came to your senses about the vanity of ambition.

PRAYER: Lord, forgive me when I think more of myself than I ought to think. Forgive me when I am jealous of the successes of others. Take away any sinful desires I have to crawl over others to the top. Make me humble in Your sight, Lord, through Christ my Lord. Amen.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: How do I deal with any ambition in my life, how do I get rid of unholy competition?

ACTIVITY FOR THE DAY: a poster, song, or skit about the lessons of Ecclesiastes


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Talk Six: Riches are Meaningless Without God

TALK SONG: Seek Ye First, p.31

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes : 10-17

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, You are the Fountain of All Truth. You are the Source of All Being. In You is Fullness of Wisdom. Teach us, please, Your lessons as we study Your Word today, through Christ our Lord. Amen

INTRO: The vanity of riches. Economic power comes and goes, wealth is often short lived, vanishes quickly, easy come and easy go. One of the worst idols of humanity is Mammon, wealth.

I Jesus made it very clear that we cannot serve both God and Mammon.

Jesus spoke a lot about money and its dangers"

Easier for a camel to get through a very narrow night gate to a city (eye of a needle) than a for a rich man to get into heaven

Parable of the rich man who accumulated lots of riches then died suddenly and lost it all

Rich man who did not help poor Lazarus went to Hell

Jesus asked the rich young ruler to sell all he had, give to the poor, then come follow Him

Jesus warned that earthly riches will fail

Where your treasure really is, there your heart is also


Remember that God owns it all

God gives you the power to get wealth

The tithe and offerings are done in obedience to God

Wealth is not a goal but a tool to bless others

Giving is a blessing

You give and God gives you a blessing you cannot contain

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LESSONS FROM ECCLESIASTESCONCLUSION: Share lessons you have learned about being a good steward of your material possessions.

PRAYER: All blessings come down from You, Father of Light. Help me to be a good steward of what You have provided me,through Christ my Lord, Amen.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: What have I learned about the godly use of material possessions?

ACTIVITY FOR THE DAY: a poster, song, or skit about the lessons of Ecclesiastes

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Talk Seven: God's Timing is Always Perfect

TALK SONG: "Turn, Turn, Turn" from CD

SCRIPTURE: Eccl: 3:1-11

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, You are the Fountain of All Truth. You are the Source of All Being. In You is Fullness of Wisdom. Teach us, please, Your lessons as we study Your Word today, through Christ our Lord. Amen

Intro: This passage is a beautiful overview of the passage of time: birth and death, plant and uproot, love and hate, closeness and distance, sorrow and joy, tearing and mending.

two views of time: chronos, which is clock time, and Kairos, which is God's time

two views of the meaning of history: cyclical, which is the endless round of birth, life, and death over and over, and linear, which is the movement of history toward an overriding purpose.

I Some Thoughts about Time

God created time

God lives both in and beyond time, He is eternal and infinite, not bound by our four dimensional world

God has a purpose and plan for His world, His people, and each individual

God makes all things beautiful in His time

Sometimes God makes us wait

God is never late, always on time

II Application

Somethings are now things: now is the time of salvation, now is the time to draw close to God, now is the time to decide to obey God.

Some things we must wait for, in the development of people's lives and in the working out of various situations involving many people.

Don't be like Abraham and Sarah who tried to help God out in providing a child by having Abraham have a child with Hagar, not in God's perfect plan.

Remember that Jesus shows up in the fullness (Kairos) of time

Conclusion: Share your story about how you had to trust God for an answer to prayer.

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LESSONS FROM ECCLESIASTESPRAYER: Lord, forgive me when I don't trust Your timing and when I try to make things happen on my own. Please give me grace to wait on You and trust You to make all things beautiful in Your time, through Christ my Lord. Amen.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: Are you in the in-between time between your prayer requests and an answer from God? How do you need us to pray for you while you wait?

ACTIVITY FOR THE DAY: a poster, song, or skit about the lessons of Ecclesiastes

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Talk Eight: Enjoy Your Life While It is Given to You

TALK SONG: "I Am Free" p. 21

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 9:7-19; 11:8

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, You are the Fountain of All Truth. You are the Source of All Being. In You is Fullness of Wisdom. Teach us, please, Your lessons as we study Your Word today, through Christ our Lord. Amen

Intro: In the novel The Cain Mutiny, a young naval officer going off to the Pacific in WW2 is given a Bible by his mother with this verse written on the presentation page:

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might.."

In the film Dead Poets Society a young English teacher at a boys school encourages his students to adopt as their life motto, Carpe Diem, which means seize the day. It means to live life to the fullest, or as a bishop of mine once said, "live, alive!"

I like to refer to a poem,

One life to live, soon it is past, only what's done for Jesus will truly last.

I We have but one life to live, a preparation for eternity.

the goal of our lives will be to love God and to enjoy Him forever

Life is not to be a purposeless misery but an adventure in grace with our loving Heavenly Father

We are given talents, abilities, opportunities, spiritual gifts to use for the advancement of the kingdom of God. We are not to bury these and hide them but to boldly use them for the Lord.

We are called to make a difference in our world for our Lord.

I Cor, 15: 58 says that we are to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labor for the Lord is never in vain.

II Applications

Be the person God created you to be

Live for God, not to please another person

Find out your unique package of talents, passions, interests, and gifts and opportunities

Do all you do in the strength of the Lord

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LESSONS FROM ECCLESIASTES Set your agenda as seeking first God's Kingdom and His righteousness

Conclusion: Share how you found a purpose for your life through your faith in Jesus Christ.

PRAYER: Lord, help me live my life fully for You, through Christ my Lord, Amen.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: What are my unique gifts, talents, and opportunities for serving the Lord?

ACTIVITY FOR THE DAY: a poster, song, or skit about the lessons of Ecclesiastes

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Talk Nine: Remember Your Creator (Because All Else is Meaningless)

TALK SONG: God of Wonders, p.15

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 12: 1-8

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, You are the Fountain of All Truth. You are the Source of All Being. In You is Fullness of Wisdom. Teach us, please, Your lessons as we study Your Word today, through Christ our Lord. Amen

INTRO: Do you wake up with your mind stayed on Jesus? Do you focus on Jesus as you go through the day? Do you remember Jesus Christ as your daily life goes on?

I Warning Not to Forget God:

In the book of Deuteronomy Moses warns the people not to forget God in the good times. There were a number of religious practices designed to help the people remember God: the Sabbath, the mezuzah on the door with the Shema (Hear O Israel) inside, the little leather box tied around the forehead and the rest, the various special feasts and fasts, all designed to keep the focus on God and His covenant with Israel.

In our society there is often a subtle and deadly effort by the world system to crowd God out of our lives, where we are so busy with our job, with our interests, with our daily needs, that we forget God, that God is not even on our radar screen.

II Remember Your Creator in the Days of Your Youth.

It is wonderful when a young man loves the Lord and lives for Him. The strength and enthusiasm and power of youth is harnessed for the work of Christ. Did you know that the early Methodist circuit riders were young men in their twenties, few lived past the age of thirty.

No matter what age you are, it is never too late to come to the Lord, He will receive you at any time. But never get into the lie of the enemy that you should enjoy your life and do whatever you want and forget anything about serving God until you get older.

III Without God everything else is meaningless

Think about it- strength, good looks, money, popularity, power, sex, being on the top- all these things do not last. If you look at Hollywood, so many of the actors and actresses who have all these things are hooked on drugs and alcohol to try to fill up the emptiness in their lives, cannot keep their families and marriages together, all the beauty, strength, fame, and fortune is just meaningless in the long run. As the angel told the rich man, 'YOU FOOL! Tonight you will die and then who will have all of this!"

There is a story of a young man asked about his future.

What are you going to do when you grow up?

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LESSONS FROM ECCLESIASTESI am going to college. What then? I am going to get a good job? What then? I am going to make a lot of money? What then? I am going to marry a beautiful woman? What then? I am going to have a family? What then? I am going to rise to the top of my career? What then? I am going to retire. What then? I am going to get old? What then? I guess one day I am going to die. WHAT THEN?

One life to live, soon it is past, only what's done for Jesus will truly last.

CONCLUSION: How are you choosing to remember God?

PRAYER: Help me never to forget You, Lord.

DISCUSSION QUESTION: How do we resist the pull of our world trying to move us away from God?

ACTIVITY FOR THE DAY: a poster, song, or skit about the lessons of Ecclesiastes

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Talk Ten: Fear God and Obey His Words

TALK SONG: Victory Chant, p. 37

SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14

Prayer: Lord God Almighty, You are the Fountain of All Truth. You are the Source of All Being. In You is Fullness of Wisdom. Teach us, please, Your lessons as we study Your Word today, through Christ our Lord. Amen

INTRO: We used to hear a lot about believers being God-fearing people. Lately, there is so much emphasis on the love of God that we get the idea that God is just a good buddy. We can do anything we want and He's OK with it.

I What is the fear of the Lord?

Scripture commands us to fear the Lord

Many great people in the Bible such as Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Job, David, Hezekiah, Nehemiah, and the early Christians feared the Lord

We fear the Lord because God is God, and we are not, because of God's majesty, power, holiness, greatness, forgiveness, faithfulness. Our arms are too short to box with God!

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, is to hate evil, is to deeply reverence and worship God for all He is.

We get too familiar with God and take Him for granted, often show God a lack of respect, fail to give God the worship He deserves.

II The result of fearing God is to obey His commandments

Our attitude should be that God knows best, is wiser than we are, wiser than our society, wiser than our politicians, theologians, scientists, or anyone else.

The commandments of God are for our own good

God has given us His Word to guide our lives, Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth, a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.

We reject the wisdom of God at our own peril.

Basic commandments are to love God with all your being and to love your neighbor as yourself.

Conclusion: How has the fear of God helped you keep His commandments?

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LESSONS FROM ECCLESIASTESPrayer: Lord, help me never to take You for granted but to have a holy fear of You and to worship You in spirit and in truth. You are God, and I am not. Help me always remember that, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Discussion Question: Do you need more of the fear of the Lord in your life?

ACTIVITY FOR THE DAY: a poster, song, or skit about the lessons of Ecclesiastes