Lesson Plan for Teaching Recipe Writing€¦  · Web viewSplit the ham in three equal parts. Do...

English Language Acquisition 1

Transcript of Lesson Plan for Teaching Recipe Writing€¦  · Web viewSplit the ham in three equal parts. Do...

Lesson Plan for Teaching Recipe Writing

English Language Acquisition

International Recipes

By Katya Arpon Marandino Irish&

English Language Acquisition StudentsAdult Ed. Great Falls/ ELA

January 2017

Topic: Writing/Reading a Recipe in English

Recommended level: High Intermediate to Advanced

Time: I did this project over two weeks, devoting one class hour to it each day and meeting four days per week.

Step 1:

Separate students into pairs for discussion. On the board, write these discussion questions:

· Do you like to cook? Why/Why not? Who taught you to cook? What are your favorite foods/dishes to cook? Example, pastas, meats, Italian dishes, etc. Do you think it is important for both men and women to know how to cook? Why/Why not?

Allow about 15 minutes for this discussion.

Then hand out a list of American measurements/metric measurements and oven temperatures in Fahrenheit degrees (handout included at the end of these instructions). Go over this with students. To demonstrate, on this day the teacher should bring in measuring cups, measuring spoons, pint jars, a gallon jug, and other commonly used measuring utensils.

Step 2:

Separate students into pairs for discussion. On the board write these questions for discussion:

· Do you ever use recipes when you cook? In English or your own language? Tell your partner a step-by-step process for making one of your favorite dishes.

Allow about 15 min. for discussion.

Hand out the list of cooking verbs (handout included at the end of these instructions) and explain that when writing a recipe, most sentences in the directions for preparation begin with a verb. Go over the verbs on the list for pronunciation practice.

Then have students work in groups of three to write a brief definition of each verb. Allow about 20 min. for this activity. Encourage them to try and define in English or demonstrate to their partners. If they cannot, allow them to use bilingual dictionaries or English-only dictionaries.

Finally, go over the list with them, making sure everyone has the correct definition of each verb. Also go over the example directions given at the bottom of the Cooking Verbs handout.

Step 3:

Separate students into pairs – not the same person they worked with before. Have them use some of the new verbs/words learned previously to explain to their partner how to prepare a dish. Have them tell their partner first what the ingredients are. Then give their partner step-by-step directions for making the dish. Allow about 15 – 20 min. for this activity.

Then give students a handout of teacher’s recipe (Apple Crisp handout is included at the end of these booklet) and go over the list of ingredients and directions. Ask students to use this example to write a list of ingredients and the directions for their own recipe, preferably the one they’ve described to their partner.

Step 4

Bring in a prepared dish. I made the Magic Cookie Bar recipe (included at the end of these booklet). Hand out the recipe to students. Go over the list of ingredients and directions. Then pass out samples of the dish. Emphasize to students that their recipes should not require hard-to-find ingredients and that the directions should be fairly simple and easy to follow.

Give handout of Directions for Writing a Recipe and Making a Presentation (handout included at the end of these instructions). Go over the handout to be sure all students understand the directions.

Make a presentation schedule. I have found that more than four students a day is too many for this or any other type of presentation. I would suggest limiting it to three per day (four max). Do not assign students a day. Ask for volunteers. The more advanced students who have done presentations before are usually willing to volunteer to present on the first day or two.

Finally, allow students to work on recipes from their countries. They should already have a rough draft from previous class. Go over the recipes with them, correcting any errors. Obviously, the final version of all recipes needs to be error free.

Note: All recipes need to be typed. Invariably there will be students in the class who either do not have access to a computer or don’t know how to use one. In this case, I have them to type the recipe in the classroom.

At this point, all recipes should be typed and ready to present. Because there is a computer lab in our class, I allowed an hour for students to work on typing their recipes during class time before the week of presentations.

Students are required to print or make copies--enough for all class members, teacher, and student’s portfolio--to bring to class on their presentation day. A cover was prepared for the students to use in compiling their recipes into a booklet.

Step 5:

Students prepare the dish at home. On their presentation day, they bring copies of their recipe to pass out and if they want they can also bring their dish for classmates to try and, present their recipe by going over the ingredients and directions, and answer any questions.

Teacher Notes:

I have done this project three times over the past couple of years. My class loves this project, and many students have tried one another’s recipes. I have also tried many of the recipes.

I would like to thank you each one of the students that brought their countries recipes to share.

My special thank you to Catalina Marin, a student from Venezuela, for helping editing the booklet through Google Drive.

Directions for Writing a Recipe and Making a Presentation

1. Choose a dish that is typical from your own country—something that would not be too expensive or complicated to make or take too long to prepare.

2. Write out a list of ingredients. Use American measurements. Be sure not to leave anything out.

3. Write the directions. Directions, for the most part, should be written as imperative sentences. Example: Mix ingredients well. Chop the onion. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Etc. Be sure to give detailed directions. Don’t leave any step out.

4. After writing the first draft of the ingredients and directions, check the draft for errors in grammar, spelling, omissions, etc.

5. Finally, when you are sure your recipe is complete and correct, type it on the computer in the same format that I have typed my recipe.

6. If you want to draw/add any illustrations to your recipe, you may do so.

7. Prepare for your presentation (5 minutes maximum). No need to make a lot if you choose to bring a sample. Make enough for everyone to have a couple of bites. Also prepare by reading over the ingredients and working on the pronunciation of words in your recipe since you will pass out your recipe and go over it with us, answering any questions we may have about ingredients or directions.

8. That’s it! Have fun!

Collection of

International Recipes


(3 breads, 24 to 30 portions in total)


From: Catalina Marín

Country: Venezuela

Category: Side / Breakfast

Famous recipe by Armando Scannone.

(Mi Cocina, A la Manera de Caracas)

Delicious bread stuffed with ham, olives and raisins. It represents an important contour in the Christmas dish in Venezuela. You can also eat at breakfast.



1 tablespoon dry yeast

½ cup warm water

1 teaspoon (tsp) sugar


1 ½ cups milk, room temperature

2.2 pounds plain flour

5 tablespoon (2.6 ounces) shortening

6 tablespoon (3.2 ounces) butter

1 ¾ teaspoon salt

6 tablespoon (3.5 ounces) sugar

3 eggs


2.2 pounds cooked ham, minced

¾ cup raisins

30 olives, medium size and minced

To brush

2 egg yolks

2 tablespoon water

⅛ teaspoon salt



Place the yeast in a bowl; add the warm water and sugar. Stir, cover with a dishtowel and leave to rise in a draught-free area, about 20 minutes.


In a big bowl, stir the milk and the yeast mixture. Sift half of the flour and use your fingers to mix well. Cover with a dishtowel and leave to rise in a draught-free place, about 4 hours.

In the same bowl, sift the remaining flour and use your fingers to mix. If the mixture is too dry, add 2 tablespoons of cold milk. Cover with a dishtowel and leave in the fridge for 6 to 8 hours or overnight.

Take the mixture out of the fridge, place on a surface and add shortening, butter, salt, sugar and eggs (one egg at a time). Knead the dough well until no lumps are left. Lift the dough and let it fall on the surface several times until the dough comes out of the table and your hands, about a hundred times.


Split in 3 equal portions.

Place dough on a lightly floured surface. Flatten with a rolling pin into a rectangular shape, until it is about ½ to 1 cm thick.

Split the ham in three equal parts. Do the same for the raisins and olives. Spread the filling on the dough, leaving a border of 2 to 3 cm.

Roll rectangle like a Swiss roll starting from the longer side. Close the ends and place on a big greased baking tray diagonally. Cover with a dishtowel and leave to rise for 2 hours in a draught-free place.

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 400 °F.

In a small bowl, mix the egg yolks with the water and salt.

Place in the oven and after 15 minutes take it out to brush the top with the egg yolk mixture. Then return it to the oven and bake for another 5 minutes or until the top of the loaf is deep golden. Remove from tray and allow to cool on a wire rack. Repeat the whole process with the other two loaves.

Note: This recipe can also be prepared with an electric mixer and the dough hook attachment. Kneading until the dough detaches from the sides of the bowl.


(12-14 servings)


From: Paola Salazar

Country: Colombia

Category: Dessert


4 ½ cups (1080 ml) of milk (divided)

¼ cup (50 g) white sugar

½ cup (107 g) packed brown sugar

1 dash ground cloves (optional)

4 cinnamon sticks

¾ cup (45 g) shredded coconut (optional), I use sweetened shredded coconut

¾ cup (90 g) cornstarch

1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (for decoration).


1. Pour 3½ cups (840 ml) of milk into a big pot. Then add white sugar, brown sugar, cloves and cinnamon sticks. Stir all ingredients with a wooden spoon and bring milk to a boil over medium low heat.

2. As soon as milk comes to a boil, remove from the stove and let it rest for about 5 minutes.

3. In the meantime, mix the cornstarch with the remaining cup (240 ml) of milk until it completely dissolves.

4. Once the 5 minutes have passed, put the pot back on the stove over medium low heat. Remove the cinnamon sticks and add the shredded coconut. Then pour the dissolved cornstarch into the hot milk. Stir constantly with a wooden spoon until it thickens and you can see the bottom of the pot.

5. Pour immediately into a serving dish or casserole and let it cool for at least an hour. Decorate with the cinnamon powder. Serve with buñuelos if desired.


Approx. 12-14 buñuelos


From: Paola Salazar

Country: Colombia

Category: Side dish or Appetizer


1½ cups (150 g) grated queso fresco

½ cup (50 g) grated feta cheese

1 cup (120 g) cornstarch

½ cup (60 g) tapioca starch (cassava, tapioca, mandioca starch)

¼ cup (50 g) sugar

2 eggs

1 tablespoon salt

1 tablespoon butter

⅛ tablespoon baking powder

Vegetable oil for frying


1. Mix the first eight ingredients until you get a soft, smooth dough. If you find that it is too dry, add one tablespoon of warm milk at a time until you get the right consistency.

2. Add the baking powder and knead the though until it is well mixed.

3. Shape the buñuelos by making small balls, about 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter.

4. Heat up the oil in a deep fryer or large pot to 325°F (163°C) and add a few buñuelos at a time, leaving enough room for them to float around.

5. Fry for about 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

6. Drain with paper towels. Serve hot.

**Note: The ideal temperature for frying is between 350ºF (180ºC) - 375ºF (190ºC).




From: Yup Mansan

Country: Philippines

Category: Appetizer


1 pound ground pork

1 pound ground beef

1 medium onion, finely chopped (Onion Organic Yellow/brown)

1 carrot, grated (Carrots Organic Loose )

¼ cup soy sauce

2 ½ teaspoons black pepper

1 ½ tablespoons garlic powder

2 tablespoons salt

1 ( 16 ounce ) package spring roll wrappers

1 ½ quarts oil for frying


In a Large bowl, combine ground pork, ground beef, onion, and carrot. Make sure to completely mix everything. I suggest getting down and dirty and use your hands. Knead the meat in the bowl if you must. Gradually blend in the soy sauce, black pepper, garlic powder, and salt until all ingredients are evenly distributed.

Lay out a few wrappers at a time on a flat surface, and place about 2 tablespoons of the filling in a line down the center of the wrapper. Make sure the filling is no thicker than your thumb, or the wrapper will cook faster than the meat. Take the bottom and top edges of the wrapper and fold them towards the center. Take the left and right sides, and fold them towards the center. Moisten the last edge of the wrapper to seal. Now repeat using the rest of the wrappers, and have hubby or the kids help you out.

Heat the oil in a deep-fryer or heavy skillet to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Fry 3 or 4 Lumpia at a time. Fry for about 3 or 4 minutes, turning once. Lumpia are cooked through when they float, and the wrapper is golden brown. Cut in half, or serve as is with dipping sauce. We like sweet and sour sauce, soy sauce with lemon, or banana ketchup.



From: Johanna Gamboa

Country: Colombia

Category: Side Dish / Appetizer



3 green plantains

2 cups of canola oil for frying

1 teaspoon salt

Cheddar cheese


1 can of tuna

1/2 white onions

1/4 cup green onions chopped

2 tomatoes

1 clove of garlic

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon black pepper

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon of mayonnaise


1 avocado

Guacamole mix


Peel the plantains and slice off about 1.5 inches each.

Fry them in canola oil that has been preheated at 325ºF (163ºC) for about 3-4 minutes. Take them out of the oil and place them on paper towels to drain.

Using a tortilla press, flatten the fried plantain pieces to make slices that are about ¼ inch (1.25 cm) thick. **Note: you can also smash them with the bottom of a small pot, a plate or even your hands.

Raise the canola oil to 375ºF (190) and fry them again for about 3 minutes or until golden brown.

Take them out of the oil and place them on paper towels to drain. Season with salt.

Heat the olive oil in a large pan over medium heat. Add the white onion, green onion and the garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then, add the tomatoes and season with salt and pepper. Cook for 5 minutes or until the vegetables have softened. Now, add the tuna and stir to cover completely with the vegetables. Turn off the stove and add the mayonnaise.

Smashed the avocados and mixed with the guacamole mix. Serve immediately with cheddar cheese on top.




From: Johanna Gamboa

Country: Colombia

Category: Dessert


5 large eggs

1 can of condensed milk

1 can of milk (use same can to measure)

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

1 cup of white sugar


For this recipe you will need a "flan mold" or a small bowl.

Preheat oven to 350°. The Quesillo will be cooked using a water bath method. You should already have the container with the water in the oven as it preheats. I usually use a 9 inch cake pan.

Melt sugar in a nonstick pan with 2 tablespoons of water to make the caramel. Keep moving the mixture so all the sugar melts evenly. Be careful because it can go from a nice brown color to burnt black very quickly.

Pour the sugar into a flan container. Make sure to coat the sides of the container to ensure that the egg/milk mixture does not come in contact with the container itself.

Blend together the eggs, milk, and vanilla extract.

Make sure the caramel has cooled and pour the mixture into the flan container.

Put the lid on and place inside your water bath. Bake for 45 minutes. Don't let the water go over the rim of the tin.

Uncover and cook for another 15 minutes. This is tricky to do without burning a finger. I generally use a knife to pry open the lid first, making it easier to remove without injury.


Preferably let the Quesillo cool to room temperature then place in the fridge overnight. This will limit the chances of it cracking when you flip it out of the tin. Make sure to slide a knife around the edges to ensure it’s fully loose before placing a plate on top and flipping.




From: Stefanie

Country: Colombia

Category: Dessert


2 cans (12 oz. each) Evaporated Milk

1 can (15 oz.) Cream of Coconut

1 can (13.5 oz.) Coconut Milk

½ cup Sweetened Condensed Milk

½ cup white rum (optional)

1 tsp. vanilla extract

½ tsp. ground cinnamon

Cinnamon sticks (optional)


In bowl of blender, add evaporated milk, cream of coconut, coconut milk, sweetened condensed milk, rum, vanilla extract and ground cinnamon. Blend on high until mixture is well combined, 1-2 minutes.

Pour coconut mixture into glass bottles; cover. Transfer to refrigerator. Chill until cold.

To serve, stir or shake bottle well to combine.



From: Eugenio y Nancy Calderón

Country: Colombia

Category: Side Dish


2 pounds of rice

8 ounces of coconut concentrate

10 cups of water

3 tablespoon of salt

10 tablespoon of sugar

Raisins to taste.


Rinse the rice and set aside.

In a saucepan, heat the coconut concentrate, stir in the rice, salt, sugar and water.

Cook in high heat until the liquids are absorbed (around 20 minutes).

Add the raisins, cover with the lid and let stand in low heat, until rice is tender (around 20 minutes more).

Mix the rice with a fork before serving.

It can be accompanied with fried fish, patacones ( slice of fried banana), salad and lemonade.



From: Sinko Bear

Country: Okinawa



1 large chicken breast

1 teaspoon of sugar

1 teaspoon of soy sauce

1 teaspoon of sesame oil

1 tablespoon of Sake

4-5 tablespoons of plain flour

1 egg

Sweet Vinager Sauce

2.5 tablespoons of sugar

2.5 tablespoons of vinager

2 tablespoons of soy sauce

Tartar Sauce

2 hard-boiled eggs

¼ Onion

Approx. 9-10 tablespoons of mayonnaise

2 pinches (it is for a subtle hint, so don't put it too much) of sugar.

A pinch of salt and pepper (I recommend black pepper for adults).

A pinch of umami seasoning (optional)

A small amount of parsley (optional)

As appropriate, milk, if you prefer soft tartar sauce.


Dice the onions for the tartar sauce and soak in water. Change the water a few times to get rid of the smell and spiciness. Roughly chop the boiled egg and place in a bowl.

Drain the onions with a sieve and remove excess water by wrapping with kitchen paper and giving it a good squeeze. Add to the bowl from step 1.

Add ingredients and mix with a fork, mashing the egg as you mix. If you prefer a softer sauce, add a small amount of milk. Season with salt and pepper and the sauce is done.

Remove the skin from the chicken breast and cut into your desired size. Put into a plastic bag, add ingredients and rub in well. (If you want to fry the whole breast as one piece, use a knife to make sure it is an even thickness and pierce the skin several times with a fork. Then rub in the ingredients well.)

Beat the egg in a bowl. Mix the ingredients for the sweet vinegar sauce in another bowl. Heat a large frying pan with a generous amount of oil.

Put the flour into a plastic bag, and add a piece of chicken at a time, close the bag and shake. (so that it is evenly coated in flour)

Shake off the excess flour from the chicken before lightly mixing with the beaten egg. Place the chicken into the frying pan after coating with the egg, and fry on a medium heat.

When one side is golden brown, turn down the heat to low, turn the meat over and place the lid on. Cook for a few minutes (this depends on the thickness of the meat, but I cook it for 2-3 minutes).

Take off the lid and turn up the heat to high straight away. When it is golden brown, turn off the heat and wipe off the excess oil from the pan with paper towels.

Pour in the sweet vinegar sauce and reduce whilst shaking the pan to coat the meat. Turn off the heat and leave until the coating settles nicely.

If you leave it to rest too long, or you fiddle with the meat too much in step 11, the coating can come off so be careful. Transfer to a serving dish and top with tartar sauce. Now the Chicken Nanban is complete.

You can also make it with half the amount of tartar sauce. I use a lot because my husband loves it. Half the amount of tartar sauce is plenty if you are cooking one breast for one person.

It's also good if you add a little ketchup to the sweet vinegar and tartar sauces.


(On the pan capacity of 1,3 hallons.)


From: Lyubov Soldysheva

Country: Ukraine

Category: First Course

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour, 40 minutes

Total Time: 2 hours


6 cups chicken stock, beef stock, or vegetable stock for vegetarians

3 medium beets, washed well

3 large potatoes, peeled and chopped into cubes

3 medium carrots, thinly sliced or shredded

1 small red onion, finely chopped

3 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 head red cabbage, cored and shredded

1 large tomato, diced

1 cup tomato sauce

2 - 4 tablespoons sugar or to taste

salt and pepper to taste

1 tablespoon fresh dill, chopped

sour cream for topping (optional)

· Instructions

1. Place beets in a large pot and fill with just enough water to cover them. Cover pot and boil until tender, about 45 minutes. Remove beets from pot to a plate or cutting board and set aside to cool.

2. Add broth, carrots, and potatoes to beet water and boil covered for about 15 minutes, then add onions, garlic, cabbage, and diced tomatoes.

3. Peel and slice the cooked beets and add to pot. Cook until the beets lose their color, about 30 minutes. Add tomato sauce, sugar, dill, salt, and pepper then reduce to simmer for 10 minutes.

4. Serve hot topped with sour cream


Many recipes for borscht add sausage or beef. Feel free to add meat of any kind or even beans if you are a vegetarian.



From: Todor Todorov

Country: Bulgaria

Category: Side / Breakfast

These vine leaves stuffed with minced meat can cook at any time of year. Naturally, fresh becoming the most delicious, but not negligible and frozen or canned dry leaves.


25-30 vine leaves

12 ounces of pork of your choice

3.75 ounces gr of rice

1 bunch green onions (mean old head)

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh dill

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley

2 tablespoons of oil

Black pepper



The meat is minced or cut into tiny cubes. Heat oil and add 1 teaspoon of salt and chopped meat.

Fry until golden smaller pieces of meat. While the meat is cooking, chop finely the onion and wash nice rice.

To golden meat add finely chopped onion. Saute for about 2 minutes and add the rice.

Fry for a minute and it then add 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper and 1 ½ cup of water.

Stir well and reduce the heat to a minimum. When the rice absorb the water, move from the heat and add fresh herbs.

Stir again and let stand for 10 minutes to cool the mixture. If you feel that salt is small, you can add more to your liking.

During this time, prepare your vine leaves. In case they are fresh and you do it too (it depends on the variety of vines / vines) can scalded them for a minute or two in hot water and then immediately cool them with cold. Should shrink / roll your leaves stuffed with minced meat.

Look at the video which shows the way to wind Sarmite. Winding is not difficult, and look at the pictures and you will understand that it is not necessary to have special machine so.

On each piece put 1 teaspoon or tablespoon of filling (filling amount depends on the size of leaves you use).

Retractable both ends towards the middle and folded into rolls. Sarmite arrange tightly in a suitably sized baking dish and pour another ½ cup of water. You can cover the pan with a sheet of aluminum foil or a few grape leaves.

Bake your leaves stuffed with minced meat in a preheated oven at 350 F degrees for 40-45 minutes.





Country: Puerto Rico

Category: Dessert

Tembleque, which means "wiggly," is a creamy coconut pudding that’s famous throughout Puerto Rico. Tembleque recipe makes a rich, cool coconut-flavored dessert that comes together in minutes. Simply cook the pudding, chill in the refrigerator until firm, and unmold for an elegant, sweet ending to any meal.

Serves: 6

Prep time: less than 5 min

Total time: 10 min (Plus chilling time).


2 cans (13.5 oz. each) Coconut Milk

¾ cup sugar

½ cup corn starch

¼ tsp. salt

Toasted coconut (for garnish)

Ground cinnamon (for garnish)


In medium saucepan over medium-high heat, combine coconut milk, sugar, cornstarch and salt, stirring to dissolve cornstarch. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture comes to a boil and is smooth and thick, about 5 minutes.

Pour into six 4-oz. molds, or one 3-cup mold. Cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate until cold and firm, at least 3 hours, or up to 48 hours.

To unmold, run thin knife around edge. Invert mold (or molds) onto serving plate. Top with toasted coconut, if desired. Sprinkle with cinnamon, if desired.





From: Nancy Baez

Country: Puerto Rico

Category: Breakfast


8 oz. of milk (of your preference)

3 Tbsp. of oat flour

3 Tbsp. of yogurt

½ Banana

1-2 Fruit: (apple, kiwi, strawberry, pear)

2 Tbsp. brown sugar (optional)

1 tsp coconut oil (optional)


1 Tbsp. of chia seeds

Protein (optional) powder



In a blender, combine milk of your preferences (almond, soy, whole milk, etc.), oat flour, yogurt, banana, a hand of strawberry (fruit of your preference), brown sugar (optional), coconut oil (optional), a hand of spinach, chia seeds and protein (optional).



6 to 8 servings


From: Catalina Marín

Country: Venezuela

Category: Dessert


For the Coconut Cream

5 Eggs yolks

1/2 cup of sugar

2 tablespoons of cornstarch

1 can of coconut milk (15 oz)

1 cup of milk

A pinch of salt

1 teaspoon of vanilla

For the Cake

1 Pound cake, cut into 1/2-inch slices.

1/2 cup of sweet white wine, sherry or cognac

For the Meringue

1 cup of sugar

1/3 cup of water

5 egg whites

1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar


To Make the Coconut Cream

Beat the yolks, sugar and cornstarch with a whisk in a large bowl until pale and creamy. Heat the coconut milk, milk and salt in a medium saucepan to simmering.

Whisk a small amount of the simmering liquid into the egg yolk mixture, then whisk the egg yolk mixture into the simmering milk. Continue whisking until the liquid thickens and just starts to simmer.

Remove from heat, stir in the vanilla, cover with plastic wrap and chill.

To Assemble the Cake

Spread a small amount of the coconut cream on the bottom of a 9x9 inch serving dish.

Lay some of the cake slices neatly over the coconut cream and sprinkle with the wine, sherry or cognac.

Spread the cake with half of the coconut cream, then repeat with another layer of cake and the remaining coconut cream.

Wrap the cake tightly with plastic wrap and chill for at least an hour or overnight.

To Make the Meringue

Add the sugar and water to a small saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Reduce heat and let simmer while you beat the whites.

Add the egg whites to a clean mixing bowl and beat on low until foamy. Add the cream of tartar and beat on medium-high until the whites hold soft peaks. Turn speed to low while you finish the syrup.

Increase the heat on the sugar syrup and boil until the syrup reaches 240°F on a candy thermometer.

Return the mixer speed to medium-high and beat the whites until they begin to hold stiff peaks. With the mixer still on, slowly pour the hot syrup down the edge of the bowl into the whites. Continue beating for another 5 to 7 minutes, or until the meringue has cooled.

To Finish the Cake

Preheat oven to broil and place a racker on the lowest level of the oven.

Remove the serving dish from the refrigerator and top the cake nicely with the meringue, making decorative swirls with a spatula or using a piping bag.

Place the serving dish into the oven and broil for 1 or 2 minutes, or just long enough to set the meringue and lightly brown it.

Serve immediately and refrigerate.

From: ELA Students- Jan.2017

Country: USA

Category: Dessert


1 unbaked pie shell (I prefer the Pillsbury brand found in the grocery store refrigerator section. They come 2 per box).

2 cups (1 16 oz. can) pumpkin

1 can sweetened condensed milk

1 egg

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice


Blend all of the ingredients in a large bowl.

Pour the mixture into the pie shells. (Recommend spraying pie plates with canola oil first).

Bake the pie in a preheated 375 degree oven for 50-55 minutes (or until a knife inserted in the center of the pie comes out clean).

Cool for an hour.

Serve with whip cream if desired.


(3 breads, 24 to 30 portions in total)


From: Ashley Hsu

Country: Taiwan

Category: Side

2 servings


. ¼ of a Chicken wings

. Ginger 10~20 thin slices (depending on how much ginger flavor you like)

. 5~8 red jujubes  

. Wolfberry/guoqi 10g 

.Vegetable oil 1~1.5 tablespoons (depending on the amount of your ginger)

. Chinese Cooking Wine around 60 ml (preferably Taiwan Rice Wine)

. Water

. Sesame oil

. Salt 2 teaspoons


. Chop chicken in pieces

. Heat frying pan with vegetable oil, once heat up put in ginger.

. Put the ginger aside and then put in the chopped chicken with the skin side underneath.

. Pan fry till chicken is browned (but not too dark), then add water to make the water cover the chicken.

. Put in red jujubes and simmer with low heat soon after boiling. Cook for about 30 to 40 mins.

. Put in the wolfberry/guoqi, sesame oil and cooking/rice wine . Cook for another 10 mins. Season it with salt before served.


Apple Crisp



4 cups cooking apples

¼ cup water

½ cup brown sugar

½ cup white sugar

¾ cup flour

¼ cup softened butter

1 tsp. cinnamon

½ tsp. saltDirections

Peel and slice apples. Place them in a buttered

8 x 8 inch baking dish. Pour the water over apples and sprinkle with the salt and cinnamon. In a bowl, work together the sugars, flour, and softened butter until crumbly. (Use a fork to do this.) Spread this crumbly mixture evenly over the apples. Bake about 45 minutes at 350 degrees. The aroma from baking apple crisp is heavenly.

A typical American dessert. It is delicious served hot with vanilla ice cream. Try it!

Graphics from Microsoft Clip Art and Media at www.office.microsoft.com

Magic Cookie Bars


1 ½ cup butter

1 ½ cup graham cracker crumbs

1 (14 oz.) can Eagle Brand

sweetened condensed milk

1 (6 oz.) package semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 (3 ½ oz.) can flaked coconut

1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt the butter in a 13 x 9 inch pan. Sprinkle the graham cracker crumbs over the butter. Pour the Eagle Brand milk evenly over the crumbs. Top evenly with the chocolate chips, coconut, and nuts. Press down gently. Bake 25 – 30 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool completely before cutting. Store loosely covered at room temperature.

These cookies are very rich and chewy and always disappear fast at potlucks! Enjoy!

Oven Temperatures: Fahrenheit to Centigrade



Very Cool

250 275 F

130 -140 C


300 F

150 C


325 F

170 C


350 F

180 C

Fairly hot

375 – 400 F

190 – 200 C


425 F

220 C

Very hot

450 – 500 F

230 – 250 C

Note:To convert Fahrenheit into Centigrade: Subtract 32, multiply by 5, divide by 9.

To convert Centigrade into Fahrenheit: Multiply by 9, divide by 5, add 32.

Measure Equivalents



1 oz.

Approx. 30 grams

3 oz.

85 grams

1 lb. (16 oz.)

Approx 500 grams

32 oz. (2 lb. 3 oz.)

1000 grams (1 kg.)

1 tsp.

approx. 5 ml.

1 Tbs.

approx. 15 ml.

1 cup (8 fl. oz.)

approx. 2.27 dl.

1 pint (2 cups or 16 fl. oz.)

4.5 dl. (.45 litre or approx. ½ litre)

Note: oz. = ounce

lb. = pound

fl. = fluid ounce

tsp. = teaspoonTbs. = tablespoon

Cooking Verbs

Discuss definitions with your partner.





fold in


set aside







chill until set










reduce heat








remove seeds






When writing a recipe in English, list the ingredients first. Then write the directions. The first word of each step of the directions, if possible, should be a verb.

Example:Peel the apples and remove core.

Sauté vegetables in 1 Tbs. vegetable oil.

Separate egg yolks from the whites.

Cream sugar and eggs together until smooth and well-blended.

Refrigerate the mixture for two hours.

Drain cooked pasta and rinse with cold tap water.

Etc., etc., etc. . . .

Volume (Dry)

American Standard


1/8 teaspoon

.5 ml

1/4 teaspoon

1 ml

1/2 teaspoon

2 ml

3/4 teaspoon

4 ml

1 teaspoon

5 ml

1 tablespoon

15 ml

1/4 cup

59 ml

1/3 cup

79 ml

1/2 cup

118 ml

2/3 cup

158 ml

3/4 cup

177 ml

1 cup

225 ml 

2 cups or 1 pint

450 ml

3 cups

675 ml

4 cups or 1 quart

1 liter

1/2 gallon

2 liters

1 gallon

4 liters

Volume (Liquid) 

American Standard 

 (Cups & Quarts )

American Standard



(Milliliters & Liters)

2 tbsp 

1 fl. oz.

30 ml

1/4 cup

2 fl. oz.

60 ml

1/2 cup

4 fl. oz.

125 ml

1 cup

8 fl. oz. 

250 ml

1 1/2 cups

12 fl. oz.

375 ml

2 cups or 1 pint

16 fl. oz.

500 ml

4 cups or 1 quart

32 fl. oz.

1000 ml or 1 liter

1 gallon

128 fl. oz.

4 liters


Oven Temperatures 

American Standard


250° F

130° C

300° F

150° C

350° F

180° C

400° F

200° C

450° F

230° C

Weight (Mass)

American Standard 




1/2 ounce

15 grams

1 ounce

30 grams

3 ounces

85 grams 

3.75 ounces

100 grams

4 ounces

115 grams

8 ounces

225 grams

12 ounces

340 grams

16 ounces or 1 pound

450 grams

Dry Measure Equivalents





 3 teaspoons

 1 tablespoon

 1/2 ounce

 14.3 grams

 2 tablespoons

1/8 cup

 1 ounce

 28.3 grams

 4 tablespoons

 1/4 cup

 2 ounces

 56.7 grams

 5 1/3 tablespoons

 1/3 cup

 2.6 ounces

 75.6 grams

 8 tablespoons

 1/2 cup

 4 ounces

 113.4 grams

 12 tablespoons

 3/4 cup

 6 ounces

 .375 pound

 32 tablespoons

 2 cups

 16 ounces

 1 pound

British and American Variances




Dry or liquid

Metric equivalent

Equivalent in context


c., C.


usually liquid

237 milliliters

16 tablespoons or 8 ounces


fl oz, fl. oz.


liquid only

29.57 milliliters




28.41 milliliters





liquid only

3.785 liters

4 quarts



4.546 liters

4 quarts


in, in.



2.54 centimeters


oz, oz.



28.35 grams

1/16 pound





p., pt.



0.473 liter

1/8 gallon or 16 ounces


0.551 liter

1/2 quart



0.568 liter





453.592 grams

16 ounces


q., qt, qt.



0.946 liter

1/4 gallon or 32 ounces


1.101 liters

2 pints



1.136 liters


t., tsp., tsp



about 5 milliliters

1/3 tablespoon


T., tbs., tbsp.



about 15 milliliters

3 teaspoons or 1/2 ounce

Project Based Learning

By: Katya Arpon Marandino Irish

Participants: ELA Students

Edition: Catalina Morin