Lesson plan

Lesson Plan Sullybeth Bonilla Mercado Prof. Moore TEED 4007


lesson plan on poem break break break

Transcript of Lesson plan

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Lesson Plan Sullybeth Bonilla Mercado

Prof. MooreTEED 4007

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Date : May 17, 2010 Grade Level : 9 th grade Unit/Area of Story: Poetry Topic/Theme: Poem “Break, Break, Break” Key Concepts: Skill(s): Answer Questions, Reflective

Thinking, Analyze Poem, Create a Poem Value(s): Creativity, Willingness to risk using

English to communicate, Desire to share and learn with others

Lesson Plan

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Teaching Techniques/strategies: Discussion, Vocabulary Exploration,Poetry Readings

Assessment Techniques: Peer Assessment (Checklist), Poetry Portfolio

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Grade Level Expectations:

R.9.6 Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and identify genre, imagery, and figurative language

W.9.1. Uses transitional words, phrases, and clauses to connect ideas when constructing complex sentences.

W. 9.4. Uses figurative language; writes different styles of poems.

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Uses familiar vocabulary in sentences and paragraphs and compositions to express ideas and feelings using appropriate grammar and syntax.

Interprets messages, dialogues, and stories by responding verbally and nonverbally to readings in appropriate classroom settings

Selects and evaluates works read, listened to, or seen, and relates them to personal experiences

Standards: Content Standard #1, Content Standard #2, Content Standard #3

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Recall the title of the poem with no error. Create a collage with pictures of the

students with their friends. Express their feelings and thoughts about

the poem with completely freedom.

Objectives: After having read the poem “Break, Break, Break” the students will:

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Portfolios Handouts Pencils Dictionaries


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The teacher will orally ask the students what they see in the pictures.

The teacher will explain that these are some of her friends and family members she is gratefull for.

Initial Activities:

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The students are going to read and study some vocabulary words.

The students, along with the teacher are going to read the poem “Break, Break, Break”.

The students will have a free conversation with the teacher and the rest of the classroom, about the poem and its message.

Development Activities:

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The students will write 2 paragraphs inspired by the lost of a loved one, writing about the friends and family members they are grateful for having.

After finished their task, the students are going to read their paragraphs out loud, voluntarily.

Closing Activities:

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The students will research online about a poem inspired on the love for nature. They will have to bring the poem the read and selected for the next class.

Diversity: Individualized help will be given to students

will special needs.
