Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do...

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________? Earth’s early atmosphere contained little or no ________________. It was principally composed of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen, with lesser amounts of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen cyanide. __________ and ___________ experiment suggested how mixtures of the organic compounds necessary for life could have arisen from simpler compounds on a primitive Earth. “The RNA world” hypothesis proposes that RNA existed by itself before DNA. From this simple

Transcript of Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do...

Page 1: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

The Mysteries of Life’s Origins

What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Earth’s early atmosphere contained little or no ________________. It was principally composed of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen, with lesser amounts of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen cyanide.

__________ and ___________ experiment suggested how mixtures of the organic compounds necessary for life could have arisen from simpler compounds on a primitive Earth.

“The RNA world” hypothesis proposes that RNA existed by itself before DNA. From this simple RNA-based system, several steps could have led to DNA-directed protein synthesis.

Page 2: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

The Mysteries of Life’s Origins

________________ and ___________________ evidence suggests that Earth formed as pieces of cosmic debris _______________ with one another. While the planet was young, it was struck by one or more huge objects, and the entire globe ____________________.

Page 3: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

The Mysteries of Life’s OriginsFor millions of years, violent _______________ activity shook Earth’s crust. ________________ and ________________ bombarded its surface.

About 4.2 billion years ago, Earth cooled enough to allow solid rocks to form and water to condense and fall as rain. Earth’s surface became stable enough for permanent ____________________________to form.

Page 4: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

The Mysteries of Life’s Origins

This infant planet was very different from Earth today.

Earth’s early atmosphere contained little or no ___________________. It was principally composed of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen, with lesser amounts of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen cyanide.

Because of the gases in the atmosphere, the sky was probably __________________________________.

Because they contained lots of dissolved iron, the oceans were probably ___________________________.

Page 5: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

The First Organic Molecules

In 1953, chemists Stanley _______________ and Harold ____________________ tried recreating conditions on early Earth to see if organic molecules could be assembled under these conditions.

They filled a sterile flask with water, to simulate the _______________________, and boiled it.

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

The First Organic Molecules To the water vapor, they added _______________________, _____________________, and _____________________, to simulate what they thought had been the composition of Earth’s early atmosphere.

They passed the gases through _________________________, to simulate lightning.

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

The First Organic Molecules Next, they passed the gases through a condensation chamber, where cold water cooled them, causing drops to form. The liquid continued to circulate through the experimental apparatus for a week.

After a week, they had produced 21 amino acids—building blocks of proteins.

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

The First Organic Molecules Miller and Urey’s experiment suggested how mixtures of the organic compounds necessary for life could have arisen from simpler compounds on a primitive Earth.

We now know that Miller and Urey’s ideas on the composition of the early atmosphere were incorrect. But new experiments based on current ideas of the early atmosphere have produced similar results.

Page 9: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Formation of Microspheres

Geological evidence suggests that during the _____________________ Eon, 200 to 300 million years after Earth cooled enough to carry liquid water, cells similar to bacteria were common.

How did these cells originate?

Large organic molecules form tiny bubbles called _____________________ _________________________ under certain conditions.

Microspheres are _____________________, but they have some characteristics of living systems.

Page 10: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Formation of Microspheres

Like cells, microspheres have selectively permeable __________________ through which water molecules can pass.

Microspheres also have a simple means of storing and releasing _________________________.

Several hypotheses suggest that structures similar to proteinoid microspheres acquired the characteristics of living cells as early as ________ billion years ago.

Page 11: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Evolution of RNA and DNA

Cells are controlled by information stored in _________, which is transcribed into _______ and then translated into _________________________.

The “RNA world” hypothesis about the origin of life suggests that RNA evolved _______________ DNA. From this simple RNA-based system, several steps could have led to DNA-directed _______________________________.

Page 12: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Evolution of RNA and DNA

A number of experiments that simulated conditions on early Earth suggest that small sequences of RNA could have formed from simpler _______________________.

Under the right conditions, some RNA sequences help _________ replicate. Other RNA sequences process messenger RNA after transcription. Still other RNA sequences catalyze chemical reactions. Some RNA molecules even ____________ and replicate on their own.

Page 13: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Evolution of RNA and DNA

One hypothesis about the origin of life suggests that RNA ____________________ before DNA.

Page 14: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Production of Free Oxygen

Microscopic fossils, or _______________________, of prokaryotes that resemble ____________________ have been found in Archean rocks more than __________billion years old.

Those first life forms evolved in the absence of ___________________________ because at that time, Earth’s atmosphere contained very little of that highly reactive gas.

During the early ________________________ Eon, photosynthetic bacteria became common. By __________billion years ago, these organisms were producing ____________________________.

Page 15: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Production of Free Oxygen

At first, the oxygen combined with ________ in the oceans, producing iron oxide, or ____________.

Iron oxide, which is not soluble in water, ___________________ to the ocean floor and formed great bands of iron that are the source of most __________________________mined today.

Without iron, the oceans changed color from brown to ________________________________.

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Production of Free Oxygen

Next, oxygen gas began to accumulate in the ________________________. The _________________________ layer began to form, and the skies turned their present shade of ______________________.

Over several hundred ________________________ years, oxygen concentrations rose until they reached today’s levels

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Production of Free Oxygen

Many scientists think that Earth’s early atmosphere may have been similar to the gases released by a ________________________________today.

The graphs show the composition of the atmosphere today and the composition of gases released by a volcano.

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Production of Free Oxygen

To the first cells, which evolved in the absence of oxygen, this reactive oxygen gas was a deadly __________________________________that drove this type of early life to extinction.

Some organisms, however, evolved new _______________________________ pathways that used oxygen for _________________________ and also evolved ways to protect themselves from oxygen’s powerful reactive abilities.

Page 19: Lesson Overview Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History The Mysteries of Life’s Origins What do scientists hypothesize about early Earth and the ____________________________________?

Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Origin of Eukaryotic Cells

What theory explains the origin of eukaryotic cells?

The __________________________ theory proposes that a symbiotic relationship evolved over time, between primitive _______________________ cells and the ____________________________ cells within them.

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Origin of Eukaryotic Cells

One of the most important events in the history of life was the evolution of _____________________ cells from prokaryotic cells.

Eukaryotic cells have __________________, but prokaryotic cells do not.

Eukaryotic cells also have complex _____________________________. Virtually all eukaryotes have ___________________________, and both plants and algae also have ______________________________.

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Endosymbiotic Theory

It is believed that about _____ billion years ago, some ancient prokaryotes began evolving internal cell ________________________. These prokaryotes were the ______________________ of eukaryotic organisms.

According to ________________________ theory, prokaryotic cells __________________those ancestral eukaryotes. The small prokaryotes began living inside the larger cells.

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Endosymbiotic Theory

Over time a __________________________ relationship evolved between primitive eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells in them.

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Endosymbiotic Theory

The endosymbiotic theory was proposed more than a _____________________________ ago.

At that time, microscopists saw that the ______________________________ of mitochondria and chloroplasts resembled the cell membranes of free-living prokaryotes.

This observation led to two related hypotheses.

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Endosymbiotic Theory

One hypothesis proposes that ___________________________ evolved from ________________________________________________that were able to use oxygen to generate energy-rich _______________ molecules.

Without this ability to metabolize oxygen, cells would have been killed by the free ______________________ in the atmosphere.

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Lesson Overview Earth’s Early History

Endosymbiotic Theory Another hypothesis proposes that __________________________ evolved from endosymbiotic prokaryotes that had the ability to ___________________________________.

Over time, these photosynthetic prokaryotes evolved within eukaryotic cells into the _______________________ of plants and algae.

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Modern Evidence During the 1960s, Lynn Margulis of Boston University noted that mitochondria and chloroplasts contain DNA similar to ________________________________________.

She also noted that mitochondria and chloroplasts have ___________________________ whose size and structure closely resemble those of bacteria.

In addition, she found that mitochondria and chloroplasts, like bacteria, reproduce by ___________________________________when cells containing them divide by mitosis.

These similarities provide strong evidence of a ______________________________________________between free-living bacteria and the organelles of living eukaryotic cells.

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Sexual Reproduction and Multicellularity

What is the evolutionary significance of sexual reproduction?

The development of _____________________ reproduction sped up evolutionary change because sexual reproduction increases ____________________________________________.

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Significance of Sexual Reproduction

When prokaryotes reproduce asexually, they _________________________ their genetic material and pass it on to daughter cells.

This process is efficient, but it yields daughter cells whose _______________________ duplicate their parent’s genome.

Genetic ________________________ is basically restricted to ____________________________ in DNA.

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Significance of Sexual Reproduction

When eukaryotes reproduce sexually, offspring receive genetic material from _________ parents.

Meiosis and fertilization shuffle and _____________ genes, generating lots of genetic _____________________. The offspring of sexually reproducing organisms are never _________________ to either their parents or their siblings (except for identical twins).

Genetic variation increases the likelihood of a population’s _____________________________ to new or changing ___________________________ conditions.

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Multicellular organisms evolved a few hundred million years ________________ the evolution of sexual reproduction.

Early multicellular organisms likely underwent a series of ______________________________________, resulting in great diversity.