Lesson 15 請 kè Entertaining guests - Amazon S3...2 多 V 一點 9780415472494_Textbook_L15.indd...

Lesson 15Entertaining guests Communication goals Behave as a guest and host in a semi-formal gathering Give and respond to compliments Key structures V-situation 1 以前 situation 2 V 一點 9780415472494_Textbook_L15.indd 310 4/12/2010 8:32:21 AM

Transcript of Lesson 15 請 kè Entertaining guests - Amazon S3...2 多 V 一點 9780415472494_Textbook_L15.indd...

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Lesson 15  請 kè Entertaining guests

Communication goals■ Behave as a guest and host in a semi-formal gathering

■ Give and respond to compliments

Key structuresV-過

situation1 以前 situation2

多 V 一點

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Lesson 15 請 kè Entertaining guests 311

DialogueThe Situation: Xiao Zhang has arrived at Xiao Xie’s home from the subway station.

When he enters Xiao Xie’s home, Xiao Xie introduces him to his parents, who he has

not met before. Xiao Wang, Xiao Ye, and Xiao Gao, the other dinner guests, have

already arrived. Xiao Wang and Xiao Gao are Xiao Zhang’s classmates, Xiao Ye is

Xiao Gao’s roommate and also Xiao Zhang’s girlfriend.

Part A

小謝: 小張,請 jìn,請 jìn。我給你們 jièshào 一下。這是我爸爸,這是我

媽媽。這是我的 tóngwE,張大 wéi。

謝先生: HuAnyíng 你到我們家來。很 gAoxìng néng rènshi 國 qiáng 的朋友。

小張: 謝先生,謝太太,謝謝你們請我到你們家來吃飯。我買了一 xiB 水

guI sòng 給你們。

謝太太: Bié 那麼 kèqi。叫 shEshu Ayí 吧。你來中國已經快一年了。早就

yCnggAi 請你來家坐坐。

小張: 1yí,你們家 zhBn piàoliang。

謝太太: 哪 lH,這個 fáng 子很 jiù 了。沒甚麼。

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312 Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese Level 1

Part B

小王: 大 wéi 你好。

小張: 高美 lì,YIu 文,王 Màikè,你們早就到了嗎?

小 Yè: 我們也 gAng 到。

謝太太: 飯快好了。吃飯以前我們先 zhào 一張 zhàopiàn 吧。

謝先生: 好,我來 zhào。大家說 “qié 子。” (see Language FAQs)

Part C

謝先生: 來。吃飯吧。Suíbiàn 坐。Bié kèqi。

謝太太: 不好 yìsi,今天沒甚麼 cài。我就做了三個:hóngshAo jC,回 guD

ròu,和 chFo báicài,都是家 cháng cài,沒甚麼,還有 jiFo 子。你們

吃過 jiFo 子嗎?

小謝: 媽,他們去年八月就來中國了,在中國已經 zhù 了差不多一年了,

當然吃過 jiFo 子了。

小高: 我很 xHhuan 吃 jiFo 子。來中國以前我沒吃過,可是來中國以後我

cháng 吃。您的 jiFo 子 fBicháng 好吃。

謝太太: 那太好了,來,多吃一點。小高,你 yòng kuài 子 yòng 得 zhBn 好。

小高: 我會 yòng,可是 yòng 得不好。

… to be continued.


Ayí [gè] noun aunt

báicài noun cabbage

cài [gè] noun dishes ( food)

cháng adverb often

chFo verb stir-fry

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chFo báicài noun phrase stir-fried cabbage

dàjiA 大家 noun phrase everyone

fángzi [gè] fáng 子 noun house

guò 過 verb suffix (experienced doing the action)

hFo chC 好吃 adjectival delicious

verb phrase

hóngshAo noun red-simmered, red-cooked


hóngshAo jC noun phrase red-simmered chicken

huAnyíng verb welcome

huí guD ròu 回 guD ròu noun phrase twice-cooked pork (returned-to-the-pot meat)

jC noun chicken

jiA cháng cài 家 cháng cài noun phrase home-style food, simple food

jiFozi [gè] jiFo 子 noun Chinese dumplings, “jiaozi”

jièshào verb introduce

kèqi adjectival verb polite

kuàizi kuài 子 noun chopsticks

mA 媽 noun mom

méi shénme cài 沒甚麼 cài conversational there aren’t any special dishes expression

nFlH 哪 lH conversational (used for deflecting expression compliments)

nàme 那麼 intensifier so

qiézi [gè] qié 子 noun eggplant

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qùnián 去年 noun last year

ròu noun meat

shAo verb simmer

shuHguI 水 guI noun fruit

shEshu noun uncle

sònggGi sòng 給 verb give as a present

suíbiàn adverb as you please

tàitai [gè, wèi] 太太 title Mrs.

xiAnsheng 先生 title Mr. [gè, wèi]

xiB classifier several

yCnggAi modal verb should

yHqián 以前 noun before

yC xià 一下 verb suffix (do an action for a short duration)

yòng verb use

zFo jiù 早就 adverb long before now, long ago

zhào verb photograph, take (a photograph)

zhù verb live/reside in a place

zuò 做 verb cook (L9 做 do)

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Time words: past, present, future

past present future

days 昨天 今天 明天

yesterday today tomorrow

weeks 上個星期 這個星期 下個星期

last week this week next week

months 上個 yuè 這個 yuè 下個 yuè

last month this month next month

years 去年 今年 明年

last year this year next year


爸 bà dad 爸爸 (bàba) dad

吧 ba (indicates suggestions and supposition)

高 Gao (family name) 髙xìng (gAoxìng) happy

國 guó country 中國 (ZhDngguó) China

美國 (MGiguó) America

後 hòu * 以後 (yHhòu) after, afterward

回 huí return 回家 (huí jiA) go home (return home)

回 guD ròu (huí guD ròu) twice-cooked pork (returned-to-the-pot meat)

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叫 jiào call 你叫甚麼?(NH jiào shénme?) What are you called?

今 jcn * 今天 (jCntiAn) today 今年 (jCnnián) this year

來 lái come

媽 ma ma, mom 媽媽 (mAma) mom

美 mgi beautiful 美國 (MGiguó) America

美 lì (MGilì) given name ( female)

年 nián year 今年 (jCnnián) this year

去年 (qùnián) last year

您 nín you (polite)

朋 péng * 朋友 (péngyou) friend

前 qián front * 以前 (yHqián) before

前 biAn (qiánbiAn) in front

水 shuh water 一 píng 水 (yC píng shuH) one bottle of water

水 guI (shuHguI) fruit

先 xian first 先生 (xiAnsheng) Mr.

友 yiu * 朋友 (péngyou) friend

子 zi * hái 子 (háizi) child

jiFo 子 (jiFozi) dumplings

坐 zuò sit

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Stroke Order Flow Chart





















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Use and structure

 15.1.  給 (people) jièshào introduce (people) 

To introduce people, say:

給 (people) jièshào 一下

我給你們 jièshào 一下。

Let me introduce you.


給 (person A 和 person B) jièshào 一下

請給小張和小高 jièshào 一下。

Please introduce Xiao Zhang and Xiao Gao (to each other).

When giving introductions in this way, the verb jièshào introduce is generally followed by 一下 or is repeated: jièshào jièshào. The following sentences with jièshào jièshào are equivalent to the sentences above with 一下.

我給你們 jièshào jièshào。Let me introduce you.

請給小張和小高 jièshào jièshào。Please introduce Xiao Zhang and Xiao Gao (to each other).

See also Use and Structure note 15.2.

Dialogue practice

Do these activities in class after mastering the dialogue for this lesson. Change partners so that you practice each part several times.

 Dialogue  15A  and  15B:  Work with two or three other classmates and take turns introducing one of your classmates to your “parents” when they visit your home. Hosts should try to use as many polite expressions as possible to make the guest feel welcome. Guests should express gratitude and praise. Someone should suggest that they take a picture.

 Dialogue 15C:  Continue playing the role of guest and host through dinner. Hosts: be humble about your food offerings and curious about what your guests have eaten before. Guests: be generous in your praise of the food and your hosts’ home.

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