Lesson 13 EQ: What are the central beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and how do these...

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Transcript of Lesson 13 EQ: What are the central beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and how do these...

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  • Lesson 13 EQ: What are the central beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and how do these beliefs impact the lives of the people that practice them?
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  • Objective: SWBAT describe the central beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and explain how these beliefs impact the lives of people that practice them Do Now: Name all the religions you can think of. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Homework: Worksheet
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  • All religions have... A set of beliefs A set of customs and practices A form of organization
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  • Judaism Hebrews were one of the nomadic groups who lived in the Fertile Crescent Hebrews became enslaved in Egypt and God helped them to escape this slavery By 1000 B.C., the Hebrews had set up the kingdom of Israel with Jerusalem as its capital They believed that God had promised them this land Over time, Hebrew beliefs evolved into the religion we today call Judaism
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  • Teachings of Judaism Monotheistic Belief in one god Holy book called the Torah Old Testament Ten Commandments Moral and ethical teachings Mercy Sympathy Equality Helpfulness
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  • Judaism influenced two other religions... Can you guess what they are?
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  • Christianity Began in Palestine with the teachings of a Jew named Jesus in about 30 A.D. Eventually spread to become official religion of Roman Empire
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  • Life and Death of Jesus Jesus was thought to be the Messiah, or savior sent from God At age 30, Jesus began to travel the countryside preaching and teaching Many Jews and Romans were worried that Jesus was dangerous The Romans arrested Jesus, tried him in court, and executed him by crucifixion After his death, many of his followers said that he had risen from the grave His followers worked to spread his teachings
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  • Teachings of Christianity Monotheistic Ten Commandments Belief in Heaven Holy book called the Bible Old Testament (Hebrew scriptures, book of law, history, poetry) New Testament (describe Jesus teachings) Moral and ethical teachings Mercy Sympathy Equality Helpfulness
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  • Islam In 622 A.D., Islam arose in Arabia In about 570, an Arab named Muhammad was born in Mecca According to Muslim tradition, the angel Gabriel commanded Muhammad to spread the message of Islam
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  • Muhammad Muhammad obeyed the command from Gabriel and people began wanting to kill him Muhammad and his followers left Mecca on a journey known as the hijra (hegira) Muhammad was welcomed into Medina and the religion grew
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  • Teachings of Islam People who follow Islam are called Muslims Five Pillars 1.Belief in one God (Allah) and Muhammad is his prophet 2.Pray 5 times daily 3.Give money to the poor 4.Fast from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan 5.Try to visit Mecca at least once in lifetime
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  • Teachings of Islam Cont... Holy book is called the Quran (Koran) The Sharia is a body of laws for Muslims to follow Moral and ethical teachings Mercy Sympathy Equality Helpfulness