Lesson 12 - Oregon State Universityoregonstate.edu/instruct/ch374/ch418518/Lesson12-rev.pdf ·...

Lesson 12 Nuclear Reactions --Part 2

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Page 1: Lesson 12 - Oregon State Universityoregonstate.edu/instruct/ch374/ch418518/Lesson12-rev.pdf · Lesson 12 Nuclear Reactions --Part 2. Compound Nuclear Reactions • The compound nucleus

Lesson 12

Nuclear Reactions --Part 2

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Compound Nuclear Reactions

•  The compound nucleus is a long-lived reaction intermediate that is formed by a complex set of interactions between the projectile and the target.

•  The projectile and target nuclei fuse and the energy of the projectile is shared among all the nucleons of the composite system.

•  The lifetime of the CN is ~ 10-18-10-16 s. This lifetime is directly measurable by crystal-blocking techniques.

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Independence Hypothesis or “Amnesia Assumption”

•  The mode of decay of the CN is independent of its mode of formation.

•  Caveat: Conservation laws apply. •  Experimental evidence: the Ghoshal expt. •  Angular distributions symmetric about 90°

in CN frame.

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ang. mom effects

The Ghoshal Experiment

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σ = πD 2 2l +1( )l=0

∑ Tl

Cross Sections--General

probability =Tlβ Eβ( )Tlγ Eγ( )

l γ ,Eγ

⎢ ⎢ ⎢

⎥ ⎥ ⎥

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Cross Sections--Energy Dependence

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Γ/D << 1

For reaction a + A →C→b + B

σ = πD 2 2JC +1( )2JA +1( ) 2Ja +1( )


ε −ε0( )2 +Γ


⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟ 2

Applying this to (n,γ) reactions

σn,γ = πD 2 2JC +1( )2JA +1( ) 2( )


ε −ε0( )2 +Γ


⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟ 2

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Γ/D >>1

For reaction a + A →C→b + B

σab = σC PC(b)

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Γ/D >>1 •  Assumption is that of statistical equilibrium •  For reaction a + A →C→b + B

σab = σC PC(b) •  So the problem is to calculate the probability that

C will decay to B + b.

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Level densities

ρ(E*) = Cexp[2(aE*)1/ 2]

a =A12

to A8

E* = aT 2 −T

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If emitted particles are neutrons

N(ε )dε =εT 2 exp −ε /T( )dε

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If emitted particles are charged particles

N(ε )dε =ε −εsT 2 exp −(ε −εs )/T( )dε

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Excitation functions

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Photonuclear Reactions

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Photonuclear Reactions

•  GDR-- a giant oscillation of the nuclear protons vs the nuclear neutrons

•  dipole sum rule

σabs Eγ( )dEγ ∝NZA

≈ 0.058 NZAMeV − barns


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Heavy Ion Reactions

•  Classical motion •  Dominated by high angular momentum •  Aproj > 4

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Elastic scattering

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σR = πRint2 1−

V Rint( )Ecm

⎣ ⎢

⎦ ⎥

Rint = R1 + R2 + 3.2 fm

RI = 1.12 Ai1/3 - 0.94 AI

-1/3 fm

V Rint( ) = 1.44 Z1Z2Rint

− b R1R2R1+ R2

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Deep Inelastic Scattering

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High Energy Reactions

•  Low energy (< 10 MeV/A) •  Intermediate Energy ( 20-250 MeV/

A) •  High Energy (>250 MeV/A)

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New high energy mechanisms

•  Spallation •  IMF formation •  Cascade processes •  Participant-Spectator Picture

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Cascades nucleon-nucleon collisions

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Participant-Spectator Physics

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Multifragmentation •  “Multifragmentation” refers to central collisions

where several IMFs are emitted. •  Caloric curve