Lesson 1 intro to media worksheet

Shabiha kamal. Lesson 1 Title: What is Media Studies? By the end of the lesson: All Must – research, understand key media concepts (main tasks) Most will – analyse key concepts (extension 1) Some will- evaluate key concepts (extension 2) Main Task 1 - Answer the following questions 1. What is media studies? Write a short definition. …..Media studies are a field of study of the different ways of communicating with large numbers of people using technology. 2. Write down between three and five different ‘media areas’. There are different media areas such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, wire service and the internet. Key Words Media Studies Media areas L/ O’s:

Transcript of Lesson 1 intro to media worksheet

Page 1: Lesson 1   intro to media worksheet

Shabiha kamal.

Lesson 1

Title: What is Media Studies?

By the end of the lesson:

All Must – research, understand key media concepts (main tasks)

Most will – analyse key concepts (extension 1)

Some will- evaluate key concepts (extension 2)

Main Task 1 - Answer the following questions

1. What is media studies? Write a short definition.

…..Media studies are a field of study of the different ways of communicating with large numbers of people using technology.

2. Write down between three and five different ‘media areas’.

There are different media areas such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, wire service and the internet.

3. Write down the four expectations for Media Studies lessons

Behavior, classroom management, classroom management strategies, whole school.

Key Words

Media Studies

Media areas


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Main Task 2

Research the history of the following media areas and record 3 key facts in the boxes below (e.g. date invented or first used, key people/organizations, important advances). The first one has been done for you…

Plenary: Self-evaluation


1. First British TV broadcast: 1932

2. First broadcasts made by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

3. Early Television Broadcasting technology was developed by scottish engineer, John Logie Baird


1. world’s first radio voice broadcast: Mass. Coast in 1906

2. During the 1860s, Scottish physicist, James Clerk Maxwell predicted the existence of radio waves.

3. In 1886, German physicist, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz demonstrated that rapid variations of electric current could be projected into space in the form of radio waves similar to those of light and heat.

4. Lee Deforest invented space telegraphy.

5. Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian inventor proved the feasibility of radio communication.


1. The history of the Internet begins with the development of electronic computers in the 1950s.

2. Development of internet started in 1957 when Sputnik I (the first satellite) was launched by Soviet Union.

3. Vint Cerf and people he worked with had figured out the Internet Protocol.


Newspapers are typically published daily or weekly. News magazines are also weekly

Key Media Areas

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I think that I was much more focused onto my work, and my research was also very good, and I’ve learnt a lot of new key information about media studies with the information I have researched.


I think I could have worked on researching faster to get the work done because unfortunately I didn’t get the work complete.

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