Lesson 1 Bullying and Harassment - Springfield Public Schools · Building Vocabulary bullying A...

Bullying and Cyberbullying Lesson 1 Bullying and Harassment

Transcript of Lesson 1 Bullying and Harassment - Springfield Public Schools · Building Vocabulary bullying A...

Bullying and Cyberbullying

Lesson 1Bullying and Harassment

Bell Work❖ Explain a time when you or someone you know

was bullied (or a bully)❖ What happened?❖ How did it make you/them feel?❖ How was the situation handled?



Building Vocabulary

bullyingA type of violence in which one person uses threats, taunts, or violence to intimidate another again and again

labeling Name-calling

intimidation Purposely frightening another person through threatening words, looks, or body language


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Lesson Home

Building Vocabulary

harassmentOngoing conduct that offends another person by criticizing his or her race, color, religion, physical disability, or gender

sexual harassment

Uninvited and unwelcome sexual conduct directed at another person

gender discrimination

Purposely frightening another person through threatening words, looks, or body language


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Lesson Home

1. Explain why it is important to talk about the issue of bullying.

2. Identify three ways you can help stop bullying.


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Lesson Home

What is Bullying?

bullying A type of violence in which one person uses threats, taunts, or violence to intimidate another again and again


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

20 percent of students in grades 9 to 12 nationwide experienced bullying, but most often in grades 7 to 9

Lesson Home

New Vocabulary

What are Bullying Behaviors?

Types of bullying include:

❖ Physical bullying—hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping/pushing, taking personal belongings, or making mean or rude hand gestures


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Lesson Home

What are Bullying Behaviors?

Types of bullying include:

❖ Verbal bullying—teasing, labeling, taunting, or making threats to physically harm


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

labeling Name-calling

Lesson Home

New Vocabulary

What are Bullying Behaviors?

Types of bullying include:

❖ Psychological bullying—intimidation, spreading rumors, isolating a person, or threatening to use force, embarrassing in public

intimidation Purposely frightening another person through threatening words, looks, or body language


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Lesson Home

New Vocabulary


BIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Where Bullying Occurs

❖ School buildings

❖ Playground

❖ Bus

❖ While walking to or from school

❖ In your neighborhood

❖ On the Internet


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Lesson Home

What is Harassment?

harassment Ongoing conduct that offends another person by criticizing his or her race, color, religion, physical disability, or gender


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Harassment is defined by Federal civil rights law. It protects against harassment based on a person’s:• national origin• race• skin color• gender• age• religious beliefs

Lesson Home

New Vocabulary

What is Harassment?

Harassment that involves behavior or remarks of a sexual nature is called sexual harassment.

sexual harassment Uninvited and unwelcome sexual conduct directed at another person


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Lesson Home

New Vocabulary

What is Harassment?

A type of conduct related to harassment is gender discrimination. Gender discrimination can be directed at a male or a female. Gender discrimination is wrong. You should not judge a person based upon his or her gender.

gender discrimination Singling out or excluding a person based on gender


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Lesson Home

New Vocabulary

How Can I Respond to Harassment?

If you are a target of harassment, here are some strategies you can use to stop the harassment:

❖ Tell the person to stop.

❖ Use an assertive communications style.

❖ Let your parents or other guardians know what is happening.

❖ If the harassment continues, report it to an adult.


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Lesson Home

What is bullying? Name the forms of bullying

What is harassment? What are some forms of harassment?

Lesson 1 EXIT


Bullying and Harassment

Lesson Home


Why Do Teens Get Bullied?

Reasons that teens may be targeted by bullies include:

❖ considered to be different.

❖ considered to be weak or unable to defend themselves.

❖ considered to be annoying or provoking.

❖ depressed, anxious, or insecure with low self-esteem.

❖ less popular than others and having few friends.

❖ unable to get along well with others.


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Why Do Teens Become Bullies?


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Some reasons why teens may become bullies include:• to fit in with a group.• to feel superior.• to avoid being bullied themselves.• lack of tolerance of others who are

different.• lack of parent supervision.

Lesson Home

What are the Effects of Bullying?


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Teens who are bullied are more likely to experience:• feelings of fear, helplessness, depression, loneliness• low self-esteem due to repeated put-downs• missing or skipping school• dropping out of school• various health problems• changes in sleep patterns• self-harm

Lesson Home

What are the Effects of Bullying?


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Even a bully may experience negative effects that may include:• low self-esteem.• likelihood of dropping out of school.• problems with violence.• problems with substance abuse.• problems with criminal behavior.

Lesson Home

What are the Effects of Bullying?


Bullying and HarassmentBIG IDEA Anyone can experience bullying and harassment, but there are effective ways to stop bullying.

Teens who witness bullying when it

happens are more likely to experience:• increased use of tobacco, alcohol, or

other drugs• increased mental health problems,

including depression and anxiety• missing or skipping school

Building Vocabulary

cyberbullying the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person often done anonymously


CyberbullyingBIG IDEA Cyberbullying through technology is a growing problem among teens that causes harm and humiliation.

Lesson Home

1. Explain why it is important to talk to a trusted if you experience cyberbullying.

2. Identify three things you can do to practice online safety.


CyberbullyingBIG IDEA Cyberbullying through technology is a growing problem among teens that causes harm and humiliation.

How is Technology Used to Bully?

cyberbullying the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person often done anonymously

CyberbullyingBIG IDEA Cyberbullying through technology is a growing problem among teens that causes harm and humiliation.

Cyberbullying uses electronic technology. Examples include:• social media sites• text messages• e-mails• instant messages• chat rooms• websites• online gaming sites

New Vocabulary

Cyberbullying vs. Bullying


CyberbullyingBIG IDEA Cyberbullying through technology is a growing problem among teens that causes harm and humiliation.


• Can be anonymous and can be difficult to trace

• Can reach a wider audience very quickly

• Can be active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

• Harassing messages, texts, and pictures are extremely difficult to delete after they have been posted online or sent

Effects of CyberbullyingTeens who are cyberbullied are more likely to:❖ use alcohol and drugs.❖ skip school.❖ experience in-person bullying.❖ be unwilling to attend school.❖ receive poor grades.❖ have lower self-esteem.❖ have more health problems.


BIG IDEA Cyberbullying through technology is a growing problem among teens that causes harm and humiliation.

How Can I Stop Cyberbullying?BIG IDEA Cyberbullying through technology is a growing problem among teens that causes harm and humiliation.

Exit Activity – Cyberbullying Reading and


A friend of yours has been receiving humiliating text messages about her weight.

1. What advice would you give her on handling this cyberbullying?

2. Write a "To Do" list of strategies on handling the bullying for your friend.

Bell Ringer



Lesson Home

Building Vocabulary

bullying behavior

actions or words that are designed to hurt another person


Strategies to Stop BullyingBIG IDEA Every person can take steps to stop bullying behavior.

Lesson Home

1. Describe what the three "Rs" referred to in the video mean.

2. Explain what the announcer means when he mentions "the herd mentality."


Strategies to Stop BullyingBIG IDEA Every person can take steps to stop bullying behavior.

Lesson Home

How Should I Stop a Bully?BIG IDEA Every person can take steps to stop bullying behavior.

If you are a target, here are some ways to stop the bullying when it is happening:


On-the-Spot Strategies to Stop Bullying

Tell the bully to stop

Try humor

Walk away and stay away

Avoid physical violence

Find an adult

Strategies for the Future

To avoid being bullied in the future you can:


Strategies to Stop BullyingBIG IDEA Every person can take steps to stop bullying behavior.

• Talk to an adult you trust.

• Avoid places where you know bullies may wait to target other students.

• Stay with a group or find a safe place to go.

Lesson Home

Stop Bullying Behavior


Strategies to Stop BullyingBIG IDEA Every person can take steps to stop bullying behavior.

Some teens may need help recognizing bullying behavior.

Stop and think about

what you say before you

say it.

If you feel like being mean to

someone, think about why you feel

this way.Talk to a trusted adult.

Remember that our

differences make us


If you have bullied

someone, apologize to that person.

bullying behavior actions or words that are designed to hurt another person

New Vocabulary



Bullying and Cyberbullying

ENDLesson 3Strategies to Stop Bullying

Lesson 3 Review


Strategies to Stop Bullying

Analyze Shayna is being teased repeatedly by Dejon. His sexual remarks bother her. She doesn't know what to do. What advice do you have for Shayna?

Thinking Critically

Lesson Home

Communication Skills Your new classmate, Seth, is having trouble with a student who is bullying and teasing him. Seth feels uncomfortable facing the bully. What strategies would you offer Seth to help him deal with this problem? Explain why.

Lesson 3 Review


Strategies to Stop Bullying

Lesson Home