Lession Planning

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Transcript of Lession Planning

  • 7/30/2019 Lession Planning




    Name of the faculty: - Mitesh C. Thakore Semester: - 4th

    Name of the Department: - Computer Engg. Subject: - Operating System

    Theory/Lab Term Duration: - 16th Jan, 2013 to 13st may, 2013

    No. of periods per week: - 4 Total periods available during term: - 65

    Sr. No. Details of Topic to be taught Planned Date Actual Date Remarks

    1. Introduction

    What is An OS? 16/1/2013Evolution of OS 16/1/2013

    OS services 16/1/2013Types of Services 17/1/2013Concepts of OS 17/1/2013Different Views of OS 17/1/2013

    2. Process Management

    Process 18/1/2013

    Process Control Block 18/1/2013

    Process States 18/1/2013Threads 20/1/2013

    Types of Threads 20/1/2013

    Multithreading 20/1/2013

    3. Interprocess Communication

    Race Condition 23/1/2013

    Critical Section 23/1/2013

    Mutual Exlusion 24/1/2013

    Hardware Solution 24/1/2013

    Strict Alteration 24/1/2013

    Petersons Solution 25/1/2013The Producer Consumer Problem 27/1/2013Semaphores 30/1/2013Event Counters 31/1/2013Monitors 1/2/2013Message Passing 3/2/2013Classical IPC

    Problems: Readers & Writer ProblemDinning Philosopher Problem etc.,


  • 7/30/2019 Lession Planning


    Scheduling , Scheduling Algorithms 7/2/2013

    4. Deadlock

    Deadlock Problem 10/2/2013

    Deadlock Characterization 13/2/2013

    Deadlock Detection 14/2/2013

    Deadlock recovery 15/2/2013Deadlock avoidance: Bankers algorithm

    for single & multiple resources 17/2/2013

    Deadlock Prevention 18/2/2013

    5. Memory ManagementPaging: Principle Of Operation 21/2/2013

    Page Allocation 22/2/2013

    H/W Support For Paging 24/2/2013

    Multiprogramming With Fixed partitions 25/2/2013Swapping 27/2/2013Virtual Memory: Concept, Performance

    Of Demand Paging 28/2/2013

    Page Replacement Algorithms 29/2/2013

    Thrashing, Locality. 2/3/2013

    6. Input Output ManagementI/O Devices 3/3/2013

    Device Controllers 5/3/2013

    Direct Memory Access 6/3/2013Principles Of Input/Output S/W : Goals Of

    The I/O S/W 7/3/2013

    Interrupt Handler 9/3/2013

    Device Driver 10/3/2013

    Disks Arm Scheduling Algorithm 12/3/2013

    Error Handling 13/3/2013

    7. File Systems Files

    File Naming 14/3/2013

    File Structure 16/3/2013

    File Types 17/3/2013

    File Access 19/3/2013

    File Attributes 20/3/2013

    File Operations 21/3/2013

    Memory Mapped Files 23/3/2013Pathnames 24/3/2013

  • 7/30/2019 Lession Planning


    Directory Operations 26/3/2013

    File System Implementation 27/3/2013

    8. Implementing FilesContiguous Allocation 28/3/2013

    Linked List Allocation 30/3/2013

    Linked List Using Index 31/3/2013

    Implementing Directories In C 2/4/2013

    MS-DOS 3/4/2013

    UNIX. Shared Files 6/4/2013Disk Space Mgmt 7/4/2013

    File System Reliability 9/4/2013

    File System Performance 13/4/2013

    9. SecuritySecurity Environment 16/4/2013

    Design Principles Of Security 18/4/2013

    User Authentication 23/4/2013Protection Mechanism : ProtectionDomain


    10. Case StudyUnix 31/4/2013

    Linux 1/5/2013

    Windows 2000 3/5/2013

    11. Unix/Linux Operating SystemDevelopment Of Unix/Linux 5/5/2013

    Role Of Kernel & Function Of Kernel 7/5/2013System Calls 7/5/2013

    Elementary Shell Programming 7/5/2013

    Directory Structure 8/5/2013System Administration 8/5/2013

    12. Introduction To Multiprocessor And

    Distributed Operating System 8/5/2013

    Signature of H.O.D. Signature of Lecturer

    (1)Actual No. of periods engaged____________________________________

    (2)Actual alternate arrangements made & engaged_____________________

    (3)Total periods engaged (1+2)______________________________________

    (4)Percentage of syllabus covered____________________________________

    (5)Give reason for shortfall.

  • 7/30/2019 Lession Planning


    Principal H.O.D. Lecturer