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    Legal options....

    Sunday, 3 February 2013







    (i) A letter 1  may be recorded to the concerned Police  station where the false FIR is

    filed, with a copy to Superintendent of Police or Commissioner of Police, stating therein

    that a false FIR is filed against “me” and advising the Police authority that in case the

    Police intends to arrest the Person named in the allegedly false FIR, then they should

    scrupulously / strictly follow the due process of law as contained u/ss 157(1),

    41(1)(b)(i)(ii), 41(2) r/w section 60-A of CrPC, 1973; and also strictly adhere to the

    guidelines framed by SC in the Joginder Kumar case. The said SC guidelines were thus

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    issued by all DGP of each State to all the Police stations in the State, on the specific

    directions of the Supreme Court in the said Joginder Kumar case in 1994. Rules in

    respect of arrest of women are contained in section 46 of CrPC, 1973.

    (ii) Obtaining Anticipatory Bail2  from Sessions court or High Court u/s 438 of CrPC,

    1973; and it is advisable to seek alternative prayer in the Anticipatory Bail Application (in

    case Anticipatory Bail is refused by the Sessions / High Court) that in case the Police

    intends to arrest the person/s named in the FIR, the Police shall scrupulously / strictly

    follow the due process of law as contained u/ss 157(1), 41(1)(b)(i)(ii), 41(2) r/w section

    60-A of CrPC, 1973; and also strictly adhere to the guidelines framed by SC in the

    Joginder Kumar case

    (iii) In lieu of Application for Anticipatory Bail or where Anticipatory Bail is refused, a

    Writ Petition3  in the respective High Court under Article 226 of Constitution of India

    may be filed, seeking a Writ of Mandamus, that, in the light of Article 21 of the

    Constitution of India, which guarantees that No person shall be deprived of his life and

    “personal liberty”, except according to the procedure established by law, and thereby the

    HC directing the Police authorities, not to mechanically arrest on mere filing of FIR and

    Police to scrupulously follow the due process of law as contained in sections 157(1),

    41(1)(b)(i)(ii), 41(2) r/w section 60-A of CrPC, 1973 and strictly adhere to the guidelines

    framed by SC in the Joginder Kumar case, in case the Police intends to arrest the

    Petitioner (the person named in the FIR).

    (iv) An application u/s 156(3)4  or complaint u/s 2005, to Judicial Magistrate /

    Metropolitan Magistrate, against those Police officers if they have “knowingly”

    registered false FIR / or have falsely arrested / or if are falsely prosecuting the case,

    alleging therein your complaint that said Police officer have committed the offence

    defined u/ss 218 and 220 or 342 of IPC, 1860, as the case may be. Nevertheless, a

    regular FIR 6 can also be lodged against the said Police officers u/s 154.

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    (v) An Application u/s 4827  of CrPC, 1973 may be preferred, before respective High

    Court, for High Court in the exercise of their inherent powers, to quash the said false


    (vi)  Where, during the pendency of section 482 Application in the High court, if the

    charge sheet is filed by the Police before the competent Magistrates court, the

    concerned person, may either seek the quashing of charge sheet7, or, may file a

    discharge Application8  (in warrant cases only) before the concerned Magistrates court

    u/s 239 or 245 of CrPC, 1973. Where the case is committed to Sessions Court, then the

    discharge Application can be filed before the Sessions Court u/s 227 of CrPC.

    (vii)  It is a criminal offence u/s 182 and 211 of IPC, 1860 to knowingly make a false

    complaint / accusation and register a false complaint against any person. In such cases

    the innocent person cannot register FIR or make complaint to Magistrates court against

    those persons who have filed false Complaint.

    In such cases, as far as offence u/s 182 is concerned, a complaint9 can be made to the

    Police officer to whom false complaint has been made, or complaint may be made to an

    authority higher to the concerned Police officer, and the concerned Police officer or the

    higher authority, is empowered to file the case in the Magistrates Court against the

     person who has made false complaint to the Police.

    Where the offence is alleged to have committed u/s 211 of IPC, but the matter did not

    reached the Court of law for trial and proceedings / investigation terminated, then, a

    direct Complaint u/s 20010  or Application u/s 156(3)11  of CrPC, 1973, can be made

     before the Magistrates court concerned against those persons who have made false

    charge of offence.

    Where, in pursuance to said false complaint, criminal proceedings before the Magistrates

    Court / Sessions Court have been initiated, then, an Application12  u/s 340 read with

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    section 195 of CrPC 1973, may be preferred before the said Magistrate / Sessions court,

    against those persons, praying therein for Magistrates / Sessions court to refer the said

    offence of false accusation to the appropriate / competent Magistrate Court of 

     jurisdiction. (IPC section 182: False information, with intent to cause public servant to

    use his lawful power to the injury of another person. IPC section 211: False charge of 

    offence made with intent to injure)

    However, aforesaid two section 182 and 211 preferably be invoked only after (a) wherethe Police before / after registering FIR, has terminated the investigation on the

    ground of falsity of complaint, or (b) where FIR is quashed by the HC, or (c) where if 

    the trial Court has discharged the Accused or has acquitted the Accused, and no Appeal

    is preferred against the acquittal. However, Application invoking sections 182 and/or 211

    should be invoked keeping in mind the limitation period provided u/ss 467 to 473 of CrPC,


    (viii) where the Trial Court acquits the person against whom false FIR / Complaint ismade, Compensation may be sought u/s 250 of CrPC, 1973, from that Trial court, against

    the persons who have knowingly filed false FIR / complaint.

    (ix) A Complaint13 may be made to Commissioner of Police / Superintendent of Police

    against the concerned Police Officer of the concerned Police Station,

    seeking disciplinary proceedings for "Misconduct" / Malicious prosecution.

    (x) A Civil Suit14 for exemplary damages can be filed for the “Malicious prosecution”

    against the complainant and / or against the Police officers concerned. (Pls see Article

    74 of the Limitation Act, 1963).

    (xi) Complaints against police officers of and up to the rank of Deputy Superintendent of 

    Police, may be made to “Police Complaints Authority”15. The said authority may be

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    situated at the Office of the Superintendent of Police of the concerned district or 

    Commissioner of Police of the concerned metropolitan city. The said authority is

    constituted pursuant to Order of the Supreme Court in the famous Prakash Singh’s case,

    in the year 2006.

    (xii) Complaints against Superintendent of Police or Commissioner of Police may be

    made to “Police Complaints Authority”16. The said authority may be situated at the

    Office of the Director General of Police of the concerned State. The said authority is

    constituted pursuant to Order of the Supreme Court in the famous Prakash Singh’s case,

    in the year 2006.

    Note:  In every case where Application u/s 156(3) or Criminal Complaint u/s 200 of 

    CrPC, 1973, may be preferred, the said Application or Complaint may also be preferred

    “Orally”, instead of in writing, before the competent Magistrate Court. [Section 2(d) of 

    CrPC, 1973]

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     Nature of Remedy Link 

    1 Letter to concerned

    Police station


    2 Anticipatory Bail u/s

    438 of CrPC, 1973,

    in the Sessions /

    High Court

    3 Writ Petition

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    4 Application u/s

    156(3) for the

    offences u/ss 218,

    220 and 342 of IPC,


    5 Criminal Complaint

    u/s 200 for the

    offences u/ss 218,220 and 342 of IPC,


    6 FIR for the offences

    u/ss 218, 220 and

    342 of IPC, 1860

    7 Application u/s 482

     before High Court

    8 DischargeApplication u/s 227 /

    239 / 245 of CrPC,


    9 Complaint before for  

    the offence

    10 Criminal Complaint

    u/s 200 for the

    offence u/s 211 of IPC, 1860

    11 Application u/s

    156(3) for the

    offence u/s 211 of 

    IPC, 1860

    12 Application u/s 340

    r/w 195 of CrPC,

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    1973, for the

    offences u/s 182 and

    211 of IPC, 1860

    13 Complaint before

    CP / SP against the

    concerned Police

    officer for 


    14 Civil Suit for  

    Malicious Prosection

    15 Complaint before

    Police Complaint

    Authority against the

    concerned Police


    16 Complaint before

    Police Complaint

    Authority against the

    CP / SP for their 

    alleged inaction

    Legal Prescriptions (Index)

    Sentence of Caution

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    Posted by The Practice o f Lawat 06:15   No comments :

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    (i)  Writ Petition1

      under Article 226 of Constitution of India, may be made to therespective High Court, thereby HC directing the Police to make thorough investigation,

    or directing the State Govt. to refer the case to an independent agency like CBI or CID

    for thorough investigation.

    (ii) Where, the Police authorities are being duly furnished of all the evidences against the

    accused persons, and yet they are not filing the Police Report u/s 173 of CrPC, 1973, a

    Writ Petition2  under Article 226 of Constitution of India, may be preferred before

    concerned High Court, for directing the Police to file Police Report.

    (iii)  An Application u/s 156(3)3  as aforesaid, before the Judicial Magistrate /

    Metropolitan Magistrate, for directing the Police to carry out proper investigation and file

    Report; or complaint4  u/s 200 before Judicial Magistrate / Metropolitan, for Hon’ble

    Magistrate to cause an Inquiry u/s 202 into the case himself or may direct an

    Investigation by a particular Police officer as the Magistrate thinks fit.

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    (iv) An FIR 5 u/s 154 or Application6 u/s 156(3) or complaint7  u/s 200 of CrPC, 1973,

    can be made before Judicial Magistrate / Metropolitan Magistrate against those Police

    officers u/s 213, 214, 217, 221 of IPC, 1860, who have deliberately and dishonestly

    neglecting to investigate the case.

    (v) A Writ Petition8  may be filed in respective High Court for seeking damages /

    compensation, if the “inaction” of the Police in investigating the case has resulted in

    frustration of “life and liberty” of a person, guaranteed under Article 21 of Constitution

    of India.

    (vi) A civil suit9  for seeking damages may be filed in the District Court / High court, if 

    the “inaction” of the Police has directly resulted in manifest loss of any property.

    (vii) A Civil Suit10 for exemplary damages can also be filed for the Irregular exercise of 

     powers / acts and omissions of Public authorities / Public officials, allegedly in the

     pretence / pretext / colour of provisions of an enactment. (Pls see Article 72 of the

    Limitation Act, 1963)

    (viii) A Complaint may be made to Commissioner of Police / Superintendent of Police11

    against the concerned Police Officer of the concerned Police Station for dereliction of 

    duty, seeking disciplinary proceedings for "Misconduct".

    (ix) Complaints against police officers of and up to the rank of Deputy Superintendent of 

    Police, may be made to “Police Complaints Authority”12. The said authority may be

    situated at the Office of the Superintendent of Police of the concerned district or 

    Commissioner of Police of the concerned metropolitan city. The said authority is

    constituted pursuant to Order of the Supreme Court in the famous Prakash Singh’s case,

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    in the year 2006.

    (x) Complaints against Superintendent of Police or Commissioner of Police may be made

    to “Police Complaints Authority”13. The said authority may be situated at the Office of 

    the Director General of Police of the concerned State. The said authority is constituted

     pursuant to Order of the Supreme Court in the famous Prakash Singh’s case, in the year 


    (xi) Section 166A(b)14 now, expressly makes a punishable offence if the public servant

    concerned knowingly disobeys, to the prejudice of any person, any other direction of the

    law regulating the manner in which he shall conduct such investigation.

    Note:  In every case where Application u/s 156(3) or Criminal Complaint u/s 200 of 

    CrPC, 1973, may be preferred, the said Application or Complaint may also be preferred

    “Orally”, instead of in writing, before the competent Magistrate Court. [Section 2(d) of 

    CrPC, 1973]

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     Nature of Remedy Link 

    1 Writ Petition

     praying for 

    Investigation by

    CBI / CID

    2 Writ Petition for  

    directing Police to

    file Police Report

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    contemplated u/s

    173 of CrPC, 1973

    3 Application u/s

    156(3) for directing

    the Police to carry

    out proper 

    Investigation and

    file Report4 Criminal Complaint

    u/s 200 of CrPC,


    5 FIR against those

    Police officers u/s

    213, 214, 217, 221

    of IPC, 1860

    6 Application u/s156(3) against

    those Police

    officers u/s 213,

    214, 217, 221 of 

    IPC, 1860

    7 Criminal Complaint

    against those Police

    officers u/s 213,214, 217, 221 of 

    IPC, 1860

    8 Writ Petition for  


    9 Civil Suit for  


    10 Civil Suit for

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    damages for 

    irregular exercise

    of powers by the

    concerned Police


    11 Complaint before

    CP / SP against the

    concerned Policeofficer for 

    dereliction of duty


    12 Complaint before

    Police Complaint

    Authority against

    the concerned

    Police officer


    13 Complaint before

    Police Complaint

    Authority against

    CP /SP for their 



    14 FIR / Applicationu/s 156(3) /

    Criminal Complaint

    u/s 200 for the

    offence of Section

    166A(b) of IPC,


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    Posted by The Practice o f Lawat 06:13   No comments :

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    First of all it must be stated that powers for effecting arrest are ordinarily conferred

    upon Police officers only (except in exceptional cases, arrest may be effected by

    Magistrate / Private persons), that is to say, Police officers who have powers to

    investigate the case and powers to file the Police Report including Chargesheet u/s 173

    of CrPC, 1973.

    (i) The procedure for effecting arrest has been set out in section 41B of CrPC, 1973.

    The said section is reproduced below.

    Section 41B: Procedure of arrest and duties of officer making arrest:

    E li ffi hil ki h ll

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    Every police officer while making an arrest shall

    (a) bear an accurate, visible and clear identification of his name which will facilitate easy


    (b) prepare a memorandum of arrest which shall be

    (i) attested by at least one witness, who is a member of the family of the person arrested

    or a respectable member of the locality where the arrest is made;

    (ii) countersigned by the person arrested; and

    (c) inform the person arrested, unless the memorandum is attested by a member of hisfamily, that he has a right to have a relative or a friend named by him to be informed of 

    his arrest.

    (ii)  Whenever Police intends to arrests any person, it is also obligatory upon police,

    among other things (a) to clearly inform him about the offence he is alleged to have

    committed – section 50 of CrPC 1973; (b) the Police are obliged to immediately inform

    to any of the friend or relative of the arrested person about the arrest of that person and

    the place of his custody – section 50-A (c) if the offence / offences alleged is/aredefined as bailable offences, then, Police must inform the accused person about his right

    of immediate release on furnishing of Bail (Surety) (section 50-A) or by executing a

    Bond (Section 441 of CrPC, 1973) in lieu of Bail. The Police may also release a person

    on deposit of certain sum of money for accused person to arrange for the surety.

    (iii) The arrested person or his relative / friend may record a Letter 1  to the concerned

    Police station, stating therein about the position of law as regards to restrictions in

     powers of arrests, and that the Police officer effecting arrest is not following themandate of law as set out in sections 157(1), 41(1)(b)(i)(ii), 41(2) r/w section 60-A of 

    CrPC, 1973) and also knowingly disregarding the guidelines framed by SC in the case of 

    Joginder Kumar versus State of U.P., 1994, for effecting arrests, and thereby advising

    the Police to release the arrested person forthwith. Also, it is within the powers of Police

    u/s 169 r/w 59 or section 437(2) of CrPC, 1973, to release the person who is arrested, on

    the execution of Bail Bond by the said person.


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    (iv)  An oral / written complaint2  may be made before local Magistrates court within

    whose jurisdiction the person is arrested, thereby requesting to take immediate

    cognizance of the complaint, and alleging that the Police has wrongfully arrested the

     person and the Police has thereby committed the offence of (a) contempt of the

    Supreme Court in willful disobedience to guidelines framed in respect of effecting arrest;

    (b) sections 220 and 342 of IPC, 1860; and praying the Magistrate to issue search

    warrant for the arrested person and be produced before him immediately. Section 97 of 

    CrPC, 1973, empowers the Magistrates court to issue search warrant for personswrongfully confined.

    (v)  The SC binding guidelines, before making any arrest, is provided in the case of 

    Joginder Kumar versus State of U.P.1994 (4) SCC 260 : AIR 1994 SC 1349.

    (vi)  The relative / friend of the arrested person may file a Writ Petition of Habeas

    Corpus3 before respective High Court for the alleged illegal arrest and seek immediate

    release of the person illegally arrested.

    (vii) Any person who is arrested must be produced before the nearest Judicial

    Magistrates court within 24 hours of his arrest (Section 57 of CrPC, 1973). When the

    arrested person is produced before the Judicial Magistrates, the arrested person or his

    relative / friend may present a simple Bail Application4, before concerned Magistrates

    Court and inform the Magistrate, among other things, that the said arrest is patently

    illegal, for being effected without following the due process of law and in wilful disregard

    / defiance of guidelines framed by SC in the case of Joginder Kumar versus State of 

    U.P., 1994, and may pray for immediate release, on Bail on furnishing of Surety5  or 

    execution of Personal Release Bond; and where court insists for surety, then, some

    reasonable time may be sought for furnishing of surety and release may be sought on

    depositing of reasonable amount of cash in lieu of furnishing surety thereof.

    (viii) Where it is alleged that Police has inflicted violence, beaten / tortured the accused

    person in the Police custody than the same must be informed to the Magistrate before

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     person in the Police custody, than the same must be informed to the Magistrate before

    whom the accused is produced and Magistrate should be requested to register offence

    u/s 330, 331 of the IPC and section 29 of the Indian Police Act 1861 against the

    respective Police officer for causing violence / beating / torture; and also requesting the

    said Magistrate Court to make a reference to the High Court concerned that the said

    Police officer must be hauled up for Contempt of the Court, i.e. Contempt of the SC

    strictest guidelines given in DK Basu Vs State Of West Bengal case5.

    Section 330 and 331 of IPC provide for punishment for voluntarily causing hurt and

    section 29 of Indian Police Act 1861 provides for imprisonment for offences including

    unwarranted personal violence to any person in his custody.

    In the light of section 176 of CrPC 1973, Magistrate is bound to investigate every death

    in Custody. Even it is mandatory for police to inform State Human Rights Commission or 

     National Human Rights Commission about every custodial death.

    Failure to implement strictest of guidelines on law of arrests and on Tortures as laid

    down by the SC in DK BasuVs State of West Bengal will render any Policeman to be

    hauled for Contempt of Court in any High Court of the Country.

    (ix)  Where the Bail is refused by the Magistrate, thereby committing the accused to

    either Police custody or to Judicial custody (Jail), then, immediately, a fresh Bail

    Application6 may be filed before Sessions Court or before High Court u/s 439 of CrPC.

    (x)  However, where the arrested person is not produced before the Magistrates court

    within 24 hours of his arrest, then such confinement becomes illegal beyond 24 hours,

    and, an oral / written Application7 may be made u/s 97 of CrPC, before any magistrate

    court and requesting / praying the Magistrate to issue search warrant for the said person

    unlawfully confined, or Writ of Habeas Corpus may be preferred before the concerned

    High Court.

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    (xi) If one cannot go to High Court for Writ Petition of Habeas Corpus, then, one can

    (a) personally approach or make an Application to State Human Rights Commission, (b)

     National Human Rights Commission8; (iii) make an Application to the Registry of the

    Supreme Court9; (iv) to respective High Court10, stating therein about the said illegal

    arrest effected, in willful disregard of the directions given by the SC in Joginder Kumar 

    case, seeking their intervention for the release; followed by an RTI Application11 to the

    aforesaid four authorities, on steps taken by them in pursuance to said RTI Application.

    Life and Liberty clause under RTI may be invoked to obtain information within 48 hours.

    (xii)  Writ of Mandamus12  may be preferred before respective High court seeking

    exemplary Damages / Compensation from respective State Government, but only after 

    the High Court in the Writ of Habeas Corpus, or the concerned Magistrates Court had

    released the accused, and recorded in its / his Order that the said arrests was illegal, or 

    the concerned Human Rights Commission comes to the conclusion that the said arrest

    was illegal.

    (xiii) A Contempt Petition (Civil)13 before respective High court can be filed alleging

    therein that the Police illegally arrested the Petitioner in willful disobedience / defiance to

    SC guidelines framed in aforesaid Joginder Kumar case.

    (xiv)  A Letter Petition may be recorded to the Chief Justice of the concerned High



      / Chief Justice of India, Supreme Court


    , requesting them to take Su MotoCognizance of the alleged contempt of the Court, and the copy of said letter may be sent

    to the concerned Police officer. RTI application11 may be made to the said concerned

    High Court / Supreme Court, to know if the said Court has taken Su Moto cognizance of 

    the said Letter Petition.

    (xv) An FIR 14  to Police, or complaint before Magistrates Court u/s 156(3)15  or u/s

    20016 of CrPC 1973 ma be preferred against the concerned Police officer ho ha e

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    20016 of CrPC, 1973, may be preferred against the concerned Police officer who have

    illegally arrested and has thereby have committed the offence defined u/ss 220 and 342

    of IPC 1860.

    (xvi) A Civil Suit17  for exemplary damages can be filed for the Irregular exercise of 

     powers / acts and omissions of Public authorities / Public officials, allegedly in the

     pretence / pretext / colour of provisions of an enactment. (Pls see Article 72 of the

    Limitation Act, 1963).

    (xvii) A Complaint18 may be made to Commissioner of Police / Superintendent of Police

    against the concerned Police Officer of the concerned Police Station,

    seeking disciplinary proceedings for "Misconduct".

    (xviii) Arrests during Public protests – Ordinarily, all the detainees are released on their 

    execution of Personal Release (PR) Bond in the Police station. No money is required to

     be deposited while executing the saidPR Bond.

    (xix) Police Raids at Parties: There could be indiscriminate / mindless arrests by Police

    during such raids at parties. However, the procedure for arrests remains the same as

    stated hereinbefore. The persons present at such “Party” should enforce the concerned

    Police officer to adhere to laws of the land before effecting any arrest or detention.

    (xx) Complaints against police officers of and up to the rank of Deputy Superintendent

    of Police, may be made to “Police Complaints Authority”19. The said authority may be

    situated at the Office of the Superintendent of Police of the concerned district or 

    Commissioner of Police of the concerned metropolitan city. The said authority is

    constituted pursuant to Order of the Supreme Court in the famous Prakash Singh’s case,

    in the year 2006.

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    (xxi) Complaints against Superintendent of Police or Commissioner of Police may be

    made to “Police Complaints Authority”20. The said authority may be situated at the

    Office of the Director General of Police of the concerned State. The said authority is

    constituted pursuant to Order of the Supreme Court in the famous Prakash Singh’s case,

    in the year 2006.

    Note:  In every case where Application u/s 156(3) or Criminal Complaint u/s 200 of CrPC, 1973, may be preferred, the said Application or Complaint may also be preferred

    “Orally”, instead of in writing, before the competent Magistrate Court. [Section 2(d) of 

    CrPC, 1973]

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     Nature of Remedy Link 

    1 Letter to concerned

    Police station about

    the factum of illegal

    arrest being carried



    2 Complaint toMagistrate, for him

    to duly exercise his

     powers u/s 97 of 

    CrPC, 1973 judicial-magistrate-us-97.html

    3 Writ Petition for  

    Habeas Corpus

    4 Bail Application

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     before Magistrates

    Court u/s 439 of 

    CrPC, 1973

    5 Surety Application

    6 Bail Application

     before Sessions /

    High Court7 Complaint before

    Magistrates Court

    8 Complaint before

    State / National

    Human Rights



    9 Letter Complaint to

    Chief Justice of theHigh Court


    10 Letter Complaint to

    Chief Justice of 

    India of the

    Supreme Court


    11 RTI Application

     before HC / SC to

    know action takenon representation

    made to them

    12 Writ Petition for  

    damages for illegal


    13 Contempt Petition

    (Civil Contempt)

    14 FIR for the

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    14 FIR for the

    offences u/ss 220

    and 342 of IPC,


    15 Application u/s

    156(3) for the

    offences u/ss 220

    and 342 of IPC,1860

    16 Criminal Complaint

    u/s 200 for the

    offences u/ss 220

    and 342 of IPC,


    17 Civil Suit for  

    damages for illegalarrest

    18 Complaint before

    CP / SP for alleged

    Misconduct of the

    concerned Police



    19 Complaint before

    Police ComplaintAuthority against

    the concerned

    Police officer


    20 Complaint before

    Police Complaint

    Authority against

    the CP / SP for


     their failure to take

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    Posted by The Practice o f Lawat 06:11   No comments :

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