Legal Hot Topics with Attorney Jim Keith L

Legal Hot Topics with Attorney Jim Keith Legal Hot Topics with Attorney Jim Keith 2013-14 Schedule L egal Hot Topics with Attorney Jim Keith continues to be a popu- lar annual series for school leaders, providing up-to-date legal expertise and insight about the top issues affecting Missis- sippi education. Student discipline, person- nel issues and employment / federal labor laws are among the areas addressed in the series featuring Jim and his staff at Adams and Reese, LLP. C hoose up to four seminar sessions this school year. Sessions are 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, as indicated in this brochure. • School board members will earn three training credit hours for their attendance at each of the Legal Hot Topics. • Superintendents and others with administrative licenses can earn up to 10 SEMI credit hours five for every two seminars attended. • School board attorneys who are members of CSBA (Council of School Board Attorneys) can earn three CLE hours at each Legal Hot Topic seminar. Register online at MSBA’s website, www., or use the registration form in this brochure. Sponsored by the Mississippi School Boards Association P. O. Box 203 Clinton, MS 39060 REGISTRATION CANCELLATION: Please cancel registrations in writing by the Friday before the Wednes- day seminar to avoid a $25 cancellation fee. Registration also is available online at | toll free: 888-367-6722 Please cancel registrations in writing by the Friday before the Wednesday seminar to avoid a $25 can- cellation fee. Contact April Mills, amills@msbaonline. org or Fax: 601.924.2003.

Transcript of Legal Hot Topics with Attorney Jim Keith L

Page 1: Legal Hot Topics with Attorney Jim Keith L

Legal Hot Topics with

Attorney Jim Keith

Legal Hot Topics with Attorney Jim Keith

2013-14 Schedule

Legal Hot Topics with Attorney Jim Keith continues to be a popu-lar annual series for school leaders,

providing up-to-date legal expertise and insight about the top issues affecting Missis-sippi education. Student discipline, person-nel issues and employment / federal labor laws are among the areas addressed in the series featuring Jim and his staff at Adams and Reese, LLP.

Choose up to four seminar sessions this school year. Sessions are 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, as

indicated in this brochure.

•Schoolboardmembers will earn three training credit hours for their attendance at each of the Legal Hot Topics.

•Superintendentsandotherswithadministrativelicenses can earn up to 10 SEMI credit hours — five for every two seminars attended.

•Schoolboardattorneys who are members of CSBA (Council of School Board Attorneys) can earn three CLE hours at each Legal Hot Topic seminar.

Register online at MSBA’s website,, or use the registration form in this brochure.

Sponsored by the

Mississippi S

chool Boards A

ssociationP. O

. Box 203C

linton, MS 39060

REGISTRATION CANCELLATION: Please cancel registrations in writing by the Friday before the Wednes-

day seminar to avoid a $25 cancellation fee. Registration also is available online at | toll free: 888-367-6722

Please cancel registrations in writing by the Friday before the Wednesday seminar to avoid a $25 can-cellation fee. Contact April Mills, [email protected] or Fax: 601.924.2003.

Page 2: Legal Hot Topics with Attorney Jim Keith L

Legal Hot Topics with Attorney Jim Keith

4 WEDNESDAY, May 7 / Embassy Suites / Ridgeland / 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


As many school districts have found out the hard way, the Fair

Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has serious consequences for employers who do not closely follow the guidelines of this law. Find out how to double-check your district’s compliance with this and other laws, including those regarding Workers’ Compensation and other personnel matters. WHO SHOULD ATTEND:

Board Members • Superintendents • Attorneys School Business Officials • Central Office

Administrators • Principals • Assistant Principals Register Online now!

1 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 / Embassy Suites / Ridgeland/ 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Effective classroom management often requires intervention by school leaders at the building and

district levels. Ensuring fairness and equity in establishing and main-taining proper student disciplinary procedures is paramount, whether in the regular classroom or alternative schools. This session will show you how to achieve this balance.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Board Members • Superintendents • Attorneys

Principals • Assistant Principals Register Online now!

2 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15 / Eagle Ridge Conference Center / Raymond / 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


Jim Keith was among the attorneys who

worked to help school districts understand the legislation resulting in the state’s Education Employ-ment Procedures Law (EEPL). The issues that will be addressed include

required processes for termination notices, employee contracts, and revocation / suspension of teacher and administrator licenses for sexual misconduct.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Board Members • Superintendents • Attorneys

Principals • Assistant Principals Central Office Administrators

Register Online now!

3 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 / Embassy Suites / Ridgeland / 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.


This session will review the key requirements of the Federal Medical Leave Act to help ensure that school districts protect

the rights of their employees while making the best decisions for the operation of schools. How long can employees be absent under this act and for what reasons? Must employees use paid leave before FML? Are there limitations about allowing employees to return to their same positions, benefits, and so forth? This session will answer your questions.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Board Members • Superintendents •

Attorneys • School Business Officials • Central Office Administrators

Principals • Assistant Principals Register Online now!

Legal Hot Topics with Attorney Jim Keith • REGISTRATION

Return this form, with your check or billing instructions, to the Mississippi School Boards Association.If you want your district to be billed, you also may fax this form to (601) 924-2003.

Name _______________________________________________________________________________________ ❑ Board Member ❑ Superintendent ❑ School Board Attorney ❑ Principal ❑ Personnel Officer ❑ Other __________________________________ School District ________________________________________________________ Phone__________________Address _____________________________________________ Email _________________________________City/State/Zip _________________________________________________________________________________Person Completing Form _______________________________ Email _________________________________

REGISTRATION (includes lunch, break, and materials) SELECT: ❑ October 2 ❑ January 15 ❑ March 19 ❑ May 7 TOTAL COST @ $105 EA. $___________❑ Please bill my district for P.O. #____________________ ❑ Please bill me at the above address

Please make checks Payable to: Mississippi School Boards Association P. O. Box 203 / Clinton, MS 39060

Register online at MSBA’s website,