Legacy: The Power Within Reviews

I have always been interested in learning about how our great teachers and spiritual leaders have developed into who they were. What were their trials and triumphs? What were the choices and decisions that shaped them? Thank you, Tony, for gently weaving the story of your personal and spiritual development into Legacy: The Power Within. This is not a book “about you,” but you clearly live the principals you talk about. Our thoughts do shape our lives---all of the greatest masters have echoed this truth. Your teaching in this book is right on the mark. Thank you for sharing the truths about the power within each of us, and for sharing yourself. Linda Sauget author of "If You Think it" Regional Vice President, Bottom Line Systems, Inc. Ft. Lauderdale, FL [email protected] http://ifyouthinkit.com

Transcript of Legacy: The Power Within Reviews

Page 1: Legacy: The Power Within Reviews

I have always been interested in learning about how our great teachers and spiritual leaders have developed into who they were. What were their trials and triumphs? What were the choices and decisions that shaped them?

Thank you, Tony, for gently weaving the story of your personal and spiritual development into Legacy: The Power Within. This is not a book “about you,” but you clearly live the principals you talk about.

Our thoughts do shape our lives---all of the greatest masters have echoed this truth. Your teaching in this book is right on the mark. Thank you for sharing the truths about the power within each of us, and for sharing yourself.

Linda Sauget author of "If You Think it"Regional Vice President, Bottom Line Systems, Inc.Ft. Lauderdale, [email protected]://ifyouthinkit.com

Page 2: Legacy: The Power Within Reviews

"This book, for me, is that "first step" Confucius made reference to when he said, "Any journey begins with a single step."

Tony's thoughts and outlook on life is the stuff of which positive change comes from. I've found myself reading some pages over and over again as the passages reinforce the emotions and the spirit. Tony's philosophy awakens a core of values and beliefs that are within all of us, but somehow forgotten in our world.

Give this book a read ! Give yourself the opportunity to have your best beliefs, those kept in the furthest corner of your heart, returned to you. The rightful owner ! The one who has a Legacy of their own."John Day "Lifelong Friend"Detective, CPD, Ret'd

Page 3: Legacy: The Power Within Reviews

Have you ever had the inkling from time to time that there could be so much more to your life than what it is now? That there is so much more potential within all of us for personal growth, if we just had a nudge in the right direction?

"Legacy: The Power Within" does just this. Economically written, - there are no wasted words, - "Legacy" holds a laser-like focus on illuminating and removing the roadblocks to our growth that we have become so used to that we don't even realize they are there.

The author generously sprinkles examples from his own life, - his own growth and that of people he has known. There were a few times I stopped cold after reading one because its lesson paralleled something that had happened to me, yet went unrecognized as a lesson until "Legacy" helped me to understand it.

While "Legacy" encourages us to rise above our every day negative conditioning, it does so while staying thoroughly grounded as well. The author asks us to dare to dream, but demonstrates that reaching these dreams doesn't come by fantasy alone. Above all, "Legacy" asks us to take action and responsibility for our lives, to open ourselves to the startlingly wonderful growth that will occur after we begin to take the first concrete steps toward our growth, no matter how small. Show the Universe what you want and it will respond.

I wish everyone could read this book.

Steve Bradbery [email protected] Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Page 4: Legacy: The Power Within Reviews

This book was an attitude adjustment for me. And it is a reminder that we must not stop using these basic principles in life,i.e. goal setting, maintaining a positive attitude, positive thinking, and the use of affirmations. Tony has a way of weaving his personal experiences into his book so that we can see how he used these principles, to overcome fear and negativity and how it changed his life. Times change but the basic principles are the same. Many times we get off track because of the experiences we have in life. Legacy, the Power Within reminds us that the key to improving matters is inside and that your can be your friend. It also offers ways to turn the key to get inside and make the appropriate changes. Even though we studied and implemented these principles in the past it is clear that we need reminders like Legacy to keep us on track.

Lazetta Church, M.A., R.T. ( R) Training Consultant Workshop Facilitator Conference Speaker [email protected]