Legacy of the Congress of Vienna: 1815

Legacy of the Congress of Vienna: 1815 -Peace for 100 years -Nationalism -Ideas about power and authority changed -Democracy now seen as best option


Legacy of the Congress of Vienna: 1815. Peace for 100 years Nationalism Ideas about power and authority changed Democracy now seen as best option. Hook: (page 75) Would you ALWAYS support a friend, no matter what? Why/ Why not?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Legacy of the Congress of Vienna: 1815

Page 1: Legacy of the Congress of Vienna: 1815

Legacy of the Congress of Vienna: 1815

-Peace for 100 years


-Ideas about power and authority changed

-Democracy now seen as best option

Page 2: Legacy of the Congress of Vienna: 1815

Hook: (page 75)

• Would you ALWAYS support a friend, no matter what?

• Why/ Why not?

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• MAIN Causes of the Great War





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Triple EntenteBritain



Triple AllianceItaly





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How did these alliances start?(Don’t write this. It’s too confusing.)

• 1871 – Germany is a ‘satisfied power’ – Aimed now at keeping peace– France is biggest threat to peace– Try to isolate France by taking away allies

• 1879 – Germany forms Dual Alliance– Germany– Austria-Hungary– 3 years later, Italy joins forming the Triple Alliance

• 1881 – Germany signs treaty with Russia – taking another ally away from France.

http://www.worldwar1.com/tlalli.htm#dual – For a complete timeline of all alliances

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• 1890 – new German leader allows treaty with Russia to lapse

• Russia responds by forming an alliance with France– (just what Germany didn’t want)– Germany would be forced to fight

from two sides

• Germany starts building ships comparable to British ships

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• Britain reacts by forming an alliance with France

• 1907 – Britain then makes another treaty with Russia and France, forming the Triple Entente

• Britain was not bound to fight with France and Russia, but rather promised not to fight against them.

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Images courtesy of: www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ FWWtriple.htm

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• 1908 – Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina

• Serbia who had hoped to rule these provinces became upset.

• Tension between Serbia and Austria grew…– Serbia continually vowed to take the land back– Austria continually vowed to crush any Serbian effort

of the land…

• Eventually the heir to the Austrian throne was killed by a Serbian nationalist…

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This was the “trigger” that started it all…(Only write what is in bold print.)

• June 1914– Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Heir to the Austrio-Hungary throne and

his wife shot dead while visiting the capital of Serbia.

– Assassins were Serbian, – Austria used the assassinations as an excuse to punish Serbia.– Austria gave Serbia an ultimatum, in which Serbia only honored a few


– Austria was upset with this and declared war on Serbia.– That same day Russian troops were ordered towards the Austrian


War was now inevitable.

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Gavrilo Princip, who killed Archduke Franz


At Sarajevo, Bosnia, on June 28, 1914, the Archduke Franz (heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary) Ferdinand and his wife, the Duchess Sophia, a Serbian nationalist assassin murdered the archduke, plunging Europe into war.

The Spark

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Neutral Countries: Netherlands, Scandinavia, Spain, Switzerland

Triple EntenteBritain



Triple AllianceItaly






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Neutral Countries: Netherlands, Scandinavia, Spain, Switzerland


Allied PowersBritain





Central Powersy




Ottoman Empire

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• MAIN Causes of the Great War (Review)





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What was the one thing that “triggered” it all?

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The French

Plan XVII• Mass troops along the German/French border to repel

attack.• Some troops arrived by bicycle to the front lines.• Several officers were sent home because of their lack of

willingness to fight.• Completely ignored the threat of Germany advancing

through Belgium.• Massive failure.

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The French (continued)

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In the fall of 1917, after the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia made a separate peace with Germany,

dissolving the eastern front of the war.

The French army was mutinous after the failure of a heroic attempt to create an offensive against the

German trenches on the western front.

Germany had decisively defeated Italian forces, and was preparing to mount a massive western offensive

in the valley of the Somme.

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This picture epitomizes 3 of the major characteristics of war during this time.

What do you think they are?


Gas Masks

Machine Guns

Images Courtesy of Temple History Department (www.Temple.edu/history/) and www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ FWWnieuport.htm and www.avault.com/featured/hidden/uboat.asp

and www.msu.edu/user/ storto/afvwwi.htm

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Technology of killing There were new weapons not being used efficiently

because they weren’t completely understood.(Write the words in bold print for the next several slides.)

Airplanes - of little importance in battle-for now……

Machine guns - very effective – Mow troops down, considered a ‘weapon of mass


Mustard Gas– Quickly became ineffective because of gas masks– Wind could blow gas back on aggressor

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Planes• The early years of war saw canvas-and-wood aircraft

used primarily to function as mobile observation vehicles. This was an improvement over the bullet-attracting Zeppelin and

the immobile observation balloon.

• Enemy pilots at first exchanged waves and later progressed to throwing bricks and other objects– (grenades and sometimes rope, which they hoped would tangle

their enemy's propeller), which eventually progressed to guns.

• Once the guns were mounted to their planes, the era of air combat began.

Image - www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ FWWnieuport.htm

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• patented in 1915 by the Briton John L. Brodie

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Hand-held implement of destruction: Just throw it at what you want to go away

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Chemical Warfare• Major distinguishing factor of the war. • Only a small portion of casualties were caused

by gas– Caused blindness and death by choking– Harassment and psychological effects.

• How do you fight back????– Gas masks– HOWEVER:

Wind could blow gases back at aggressor– (FAIL.)

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Machine Guns• Machine guns and barbed wire

responsible for greatest # of deaths

• Guns now lighter and more mobile(Don’t write the next part)

• BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle)– Gas operated– 16 to 19 lbs.– Semi or fully automatic

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Tanks• Armored combat vehicle used mostly for

crossing rough terrain and over barbed wire.

• Introduced by the British in 1916

The name tank came when the British shipped them in crates marked "tanks“ trying to cover up what they really were

Image - www.msu.edu/user/ storto/afvwwi.htm

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Submarines / U-Boats• German (unterseeboot)

• Primary targets: merchant convoys bringing supplies from the United States and Canada to Europe – Lusitania (most famous vessel sunk)

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare – means you don’t have to give warning before destroying

Image -- http://www.gwpda.org/naval/ub1-type.gif

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• Where most of the war was fought.

Image Courtesy of Temple History Department (www.Temple.edu/history/)

• Trenches –

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Images Courtesy of Temple History Department (www.Temple.edu/history/)

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• Communication:

• radios and telephones vital for the troops in trenches.

• dogs and pigeons

• Hot air balloons?

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The U.S. Gets Involved

The Sinking of the Lusitania

Image courtesy of moana.patentes.com/ gl/biografias/galeria-5.htm

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• Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States.– Wanted to remain

neutral– But was secretly

looking for an excuse to join war…

– he found one…

… or two….

Image Courtesy of Temple History Department (www.Temple.edu/history/)

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Was the sinking of the Lusitania justified?

• U.S. claimed the Lusitania carried innocent passengers and cargo.

(Don’t write the next part.)

• Lusitania was in fact heavily armed;* – 1,248 cases of shells– 4,927 boxes of cartridges (1,000 round/box)– 2,000 cases of small-arms ammunition

*Information from Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States

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The Zimmerman Telegraph

Coded message from Germany toMexico promising a return of territories taken by the United States from Mexico over the past century IF Mexico enters the war against the United States.

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FROM 2nd from London # 5747:

"We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace."


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America Joins the Fight• Germany seeks to control Atlantic Ocean

to stop supplies to Britain

• Uses unrestricted submarine warfare- ships near Britain sunk without warning

• NOW the war is global

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War Zones 1914-1918

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Image Courtesy of Temple History Department (www.Temple.edu/history/)