Legacy india

Legacy Of India

Transcript of Legacy india

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Legacy Of India

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• PeopleIndia is a land of great diversity, more heterogeneous than any other country in the world. Four major racial groups have met and merged in India resulting in a complex demographic profile. The pale-skinned Europoid entered from the western mountain passes, encountering settled populations of Dasyu, the dark skinned ones of Rig Vedic description.

The Aryans established a dominant presence in the northwest and the Gangetic plain, but the people of Mongoloid descent remained undisturbed in the Himalayan region and the highlands of the northeast. Southerners in peninsular India might have had a link with Negroid racial elements, as deduced from contemporary populations with dark skins and tightly curled hair. But the only true Negrito are isolated in the Andaman Islands.

• Fairs and Festivals It is an ancient civilization and an inheritor to a rich and diverse cultural tradition. The Fairs and Festivals celebrated across the length and breadth of the land present a fascinating pageant and showcase the resplendence of its arts and crafts tradition. Some festivals are of religious nature, others are linked with the lives of the people, change of seasons and harvesting. There are fairs which in past played an important role in the commercial life of the people and continue to be celebrated with great gusto.

For example: Holi marks the end of winter and greets the advent of spring.

Diwali symbolizes the victory of virtue over vice, through the story of a Hindu epic, Ramayana.

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Religion• HinduismHinduism, the oldest religion in the world, originated in India.

Hinduism believes in the essential unity of all reality (i.e. monism): all people, animals, plants, inanimate objects, and divine beings belong to a single, ultimate entity called Brahman.

Atman is the ‘eternal’ incarnation of a single soul until it learns enough to join god in heaven.

Its roots are the ideas of Vedas, revelations of sages passed down to their disciples.

It is the 3rd largest religion in the world.15% of world population follow it.

• BuddhismBuddhism is a non-theistic religion, a philosophy, and a way of approaching life itself.

Gautama or Siddhartha, who dedicated his life to finding the means to liberate people from the universal sufferings of life and develop spiritual strength. His teachings were later compiled into sutras, and numerous schools of Buddhism sprang up as his teachings spread after his death.

Buddhism originated in India and spread across the world, 7% of world population follow it.

• Sikhism Sikhism believes in only One God, who is the same God for all people of all religions.

The goal of our life is to lead an exemplary existence so that one may merge with God.

It doesn’t believe in blind rituals.

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Science• Zero – Aryabhatt

Aryabhatt from India gave the concept of 0.Even more important was the foundation he gave for decimal point system. His theory of "from place to place each is ten times the preceding,“ was the foundation for decimal point system.

• Yoga

Yoga is the physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India with a view to attain a state

of permanent peace. It is widespread across the world.

In today's stress ridden environment what Yoga offers is nothing but exemplary.

• Ayurveda Ayurveda is a Sanskrit term, made up of the words "ayus" and "Veda." "Ayus" means life and "Veda" means knowledge or

science. The term "Ayurveda" thus means 'the knowledge of life' or 'the science of life'. Widely regarded as the oldest form of healthcare in the world, Ayurveda can be defined as a system, which uses the inherent principles of nature, to help maintain health in a person by keeping the individual's body, mind and spirit in perfect equilibrium with nature.

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The Indian Architecture is very rich and has a great Legacy. It is influenced by Arabic,Muslim,British,Portugese,

French,Srilankan to name a few. All these places are also influenced by the different religions of the world.

Some of the Architecture Marvels of India are :• The Taj Mahal - Agra• Khajuraho Temple – Madhya Pradesh• Ajanta Ellora Caves -Maharashtra• Golden Temple – Punjab• Sun Temple - Konark

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Taj Mahal

•Finest Example of Mughal Architecture; Confluence of Islamic,Persian,Ottoman Turkish and Indian Styles.•UNESCO heritage Site.•Finest Exterior Decoration Using the non-anthropomorphic forms the decorative materials can be classified into Calligraphy, Abstract Forms or Vegetative Motifs.•The construction material was one of the finest and diverse; marble from Rajasthan, jasper from Punjab, jade and crystal from China, turquoise from Tibet and Lapis lazuli from Afghanistan , sapphire from Sri Lanka and the carnelian from Arabia. In all, twenty eight types of precious and semi-precious stones were inlaid into the white marble.

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Khajuraho Temple

• One of the most unique temple in the world and represents one of the erotic art form.•The construction of the temple was done to make people understand that sex was just an important part of life as Spirituality.•Today it is one of the UNESCO Heritage Sites.

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Ajanta Ellora Caves

•One of the best Cave Paintings representing the Buddhism and Jain Religions.•Depicts the progression of the religions over a period of time on a very large scale Understating its importance.

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Golden Temple•Finest exhibition of Hindu and Islamic architecture and the centre place of Sikhism.• The gold work ,the interior decoration, the paintings reflect the amazing symbol of Indian culture considered to be rarity when this amazing structure was built.

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Konark Temple

Known for its erotic sculptures and on UNESCO world heritage it is the biggest remaining temple devoted to Sun God.

This temple is associated with the diverse mythology.


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ConclusionIndia truly is a miniature of world best has a lot which should be included in world heritage. Its Legacy is truly

unique and impacts the World. The legacy includes religions and cultural diversity, Depth in

Architecture, Unique Medicinal Capabilities, Highest number of Spoken languages and a country of all seasons

and landscapes.