Lee Snover Vice Chair Speech

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Cope of speech delivered by Vice Chair Lee Snover to NorCo GOPon June 26, 2014

Transcript of Lee Snover Vice Chair Speech

Thank You for nominations

Birds of a feather- Eagles fly with Eagles

My friends we are gathered here tonight to pick leaders to take our positive vision for a stronger republican party to Northampton County.

Christian quarterback Russell Wilson and the Seattle Seahawks won the super bowl this year. Next day headlines read in the paper, coach and quarterback fired WRONG that is not what the headlines read because that would be lunacy. I draw that comparison because I think the same insanity is being considered here tonight. Thanks to your help this committee won the republican superbowl in Northampton County last November. Why would you replace the winning team? Republicans swept the county; winning the executive, majority on county council and electing another republican judge.

Changing the team would be exactly what the democrats would want you to do.

Voter Registration numbers are being circulated as proof that Republican voters in Northampton County are abandoning the Republican Party and choosing instead to become registered as Independents or other parties. This is untrue. The fact is, current registration numbers show that the Others or Independents are increasing because the Democrat percentages are decreasing, but not decreasing enough. The county has been democrat for more than three decades, so it is not something Craig and I caused this last year. With that said, every November when the polls open on Election Day we go into battle with a smaller army. In order to overcome this we have to work harder, use a smarter strategy, and of course say little prayer on Election Day.

One of the smarter strategies is unifying and concentrating on winning as opposed to tearing each other down. No doubt unity is something to be desired, to strive for, but it cannot be achieved by mere speech, but action. That is why last year in the vein of unity, I nominated my opponent here tonight to serve on this committees executve board. He accepted the position, attended one meeting, never attended again, and then resigned from the executive board. If one cannot be trusted with little, how can one be trusted with much? If he did not value that position, what makes one think he will value this important position? I have valued every positon in the Republican Party with which I have been entrusted.

As for me, my political ideology is based on my Christian Heritage. I am a pro-life, pro-family, second amendment supporting conservative. I firmly believe that my ability to be a witness for conservative values requires mutual respect and maturity. We move forward by remaining true to our core principles. For me those core principles are Defending both ends of life: the unborn and the elderly Taking a firm stand for the Second Amendment Upholding and Defending Our Constitution Staying Committed to Traditional Marriage Fighting increased taxes and wasteful government spending Eliminating property taxes once and for all as I see that as a freedom issueJohn Adams said, Our constitution was made ONLY for a moral and religious people and it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other, I agree with that quote and we must in turn keep this country moral.

One of Americas greatest assets is success being based on what you have done; not who you are. The success I have had in electing republicans has come from giving most of my adult life to serving this local committee. I didnt wait until 2010 to know I needed to get involved. At 25 years old I committed myself to conservative activism. I know this county Leadership is a position of service and service is all I have done for this party. I have given countless hours to volunteering for candidates. I gather signatures on petitions, make phone calls, stuff mail, go door to door, work events, give money, put up signs and work Election Day. I have never missed working a primary or general at the polls in the last twenty years.

This past year I had the honor of being selected as a participant in the Anne B. Anstine Excellence in Public Service Program. The Anstine Series is an annual training program for Republican women in Pennsylvania that prepares women to be more effective leaders in government, politics, and in the community. Participants each have a goal to increase their level of involvement in public life as party leaders, elected officials, grassroots activists, and community leaders. I traveled the entire state of Pennsylvania from Pittsburgh, Bedford, Indiana, State College and Harrisburg this year meeting elected officials and learning valuable information to further advance the Northampton County Republican Committee.

Due to my training and experience; I currently feel a strong calling to stay involved in the leadership of this committee.

So if you honor me with the position of vice chair, YOU can be confident that when you hear from me asking you to take part or to get others involved, whether it be in some small or some big way, that I am not asking you to do something that I have not done myself, or that I am not doing myself.

I believe that true leadership is by example. I will be working with you side by side in this great cause that we share in getting Republicans elected.

I ask you to stop looking at the distractions in the stands, but instead look towards the goal.