Lecture in Microbiology, Bacteria and different stuff

Morphology and structure of bacteria Prof. Marianna Murdjeva, MD, PhD Department of Microbiology and Immunology Medical University-Plovdiv Lecture course – micro 2013/2014 winter term


Microbiology, Lecture, Medical stuff

Transcript of Lecture in Microbiology, Bacteria and different stuff

Morphology and structure of bacteria

Prof. Marianna Murdjeva, MD, PhD

Department of Microbiology and ImmunologyMedical University-Plovdiv

Lecture course – micro 2013/2014winter term

Bacterial Morphology

• Shape

• Size

• Cell arangement

• Gram staining

Bacterial shape• Round (cocci)

– staphylococci, streptococci

– diplococci (pneumococci, meningococci)

• Rod-shaped (rods)– non-spore forming (M. tuberculosis,

C. diphtheriae)

– spore-forming (bacilli) - clostridia, B. anthracis

• Spiral (spirilli)

– vibrios (V. cholerae) – 1 curve

– spirilli (Helicobacter) – 2 curves

– spirochaetes: Treponema, Leprospira, Borrelia – many curves

Cell arrangement • Single – monococci

• Pairs– diplococci (pneumococci,


– diplobacteria (Klebsiella)

• Tetrads (sarcina)

• Chains (streptococci, B. anthracis)

• Clusters (staphylococci)

Bacterial size

Measurement – in micrometers (m)

• Small (0.2-0.3 m).

haemophillus, brucella

• Medium (0.5-2 m).

staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli

• Large (3-10 m).

Clostridia, B. anthracis

Procaryotic cell structures

Bacterial structure• Cell envelope = cell wall (CW)+cytoplasmic membrane (CM)

• Cytoplasmic components:

- core material (nucleoid) –N

- ribosomes (Ri)

- inclusions

• External structures

- capsule

- flagella and pilli

- spores

• Essential (obligatory) organels - CW, CM, N, Ri

• Non-essential (additional) organels – capsule, flagella, pilli, spores

Cell envelope =CW+ CM

Cell wall (CW)


1. glycan part:

N-acetyl glucosamine

N-acetyl muramic acid

-1,4 glycoside link

2. peptide part

CW in Gram (+) bacteria• Thicker PG layer

• Presence of teichoic acids

Variety of aminoacids

• Lack or small amount of lipids

• Surface proteins– protein А (S. aureus)

– M protein (S. pyogenes)

CW in Gram (-) bacteria

• Thinner

• Absence of teichoic acids

• More lipids

• Less aminoacids

• Presence of outer membrane (OM) – О Ag, LPS and core oligosacharide.

– LPS – Ag and toxic properties. Lipid А (endotoxin). Endotoxic shock.

– Periplasmic space. Porins.

– S and R (w/o О Аg) colonies.

The three major, covalently linked regions

that form the typical LPS

Function of CW in B

• Protection – protects CM from destruction (the high intracellular pressure)

• Gives the shape (skeletal structure) of B – due to PG

• Osmotic barrier

• Ag and pathogenic properties

• Target for lyzozyme, penicillins and cephalosporins

Atypical CW

• Some bacterial groups lack typical cell wall structure i.e. Mycobacterium and Nocardia

– Gram-positive cell wall structure with lipid mycolic acid (cord factor)

• pathogenicity and high degree of resistance to certain chemicals and dyes

• basis for acid-fast stain used for diagnosis of infections caused by these microorganisms

• Some have no cell wall i.e. Mycoplasma– cell structure is stabilized by sterols

– pleomorphic

Damage to Cell Wall• Lysozyme digests

disaccharide in peptidoglycan.

• Penicillin inhibits peptide bridges in peptidoglycan.

Cytoplasmic membrane (CM ) of B

• Three-layered

• Target for lipid-dissolving agents and some antibiotics (Polymyxin and Nistatin)

• Lack of inner membranes: no endoplasmic reticulum, around lysosomes and mitochondria, Goldi apparatus

Function of bacterial CM

• Respiratory (mitochondrial) equivalent

• Selective permeability

• Particpation in peptidoglycan synthesis and formation of penicillin-binding proteins, necessary for linkage with some antibiotics

• Participation in chromosome replication and large plasmids

Bacterial mesosomes

• Organels, formed by CM invagination

• Functions:

– respiratory (mitochondrial) equivalent

– coordination of core material division and cytoplasm during binary fission of bacteria

Cytoplasm and cytoplasmiccomponents of B

• Ribosomes – difference with Eu

• Inclusions:– volutine (diphtherial bacteria)

– glycogen (enteric bacteria)

– others

• Core (nucleoid)- a single DNA molecule

• Extra-chromosomal genetic elements (plasmids, bacteriophages)

Non-essential structures

• Capsule

• Flagella

• Pilli

• Spores


• Real (S. рneumoniae, B. anthracis), slime (S. mutans), microcapsule (S. typhi)

• Structure

– polysaccharide (S. pneumoniae)

– polypeptide (B. anthracis)

• Staining (Klett, Neuffeld)

• Function:

– protection (virulence factor)

– Ag properties (K Ag)

Flagella• Structure – 3 parts:

- filament – long, thin, helical structure composed of protein flagellin

- hook- curved sheath

- basal body – stack of rings firmly anchored in cell wall

• Composition – protein (flagellin)

• Function

– motion

– virulence factor

– antigenic

– receptor

Types of flagella


a one-polar flagella (lophotrichous)


b whole surface (peritrichous)

c bipolar flagella (amphitrichous)c d

d single flagella (monotrichous)

Pilli (fimbriae)

• Types

– common (adhesins)

– sex (participate in conjugation)

Composition - protein (pillin=fimbrillin)

• Function:

– adhesion to cells (gonococci, E. coli)

– participation in conjugative transfer

– Ag properties (F Ag)

Bacterial spores

• Formation – at high temperature or dehydration

• Structure and composition – less water, thicker wall

• Types:

– according to location in the cell: central (B. anthracis), terminal(С. tetani), subterminal (C. perfringens)

– according to shape: round or oval

– according to their capacity to deform the cell: deforming(Clostridium) and non-deforming (B. anthracis)


Methods for studying bacterial structure


• Native

• Staining

– simple (Loffler, Pfeiffer)

– complex (Gram, Neisser, Zhiel-Neelsen, Moller, Klett)

Hans Gram(1853 – 1923)

Pharmacologist and pathologistCopenhagen

Acid-fast Cell Walls

• Genus Mycobacterium and Nocardia

• mycolic acid (waxy lipid) covers thin peptidoglycan layer

• Do not stain well with Gram stain use acid-fast stain

Brightfield Microscopy

• Simplest of all the optical microscopy illumination. techniques

• Dark objects are visible against a bright background.

Darkfield Microscopy• Light objects visible

against dark background.

• used to enhance the contrast in unstained samples.

• Instrument of choice for spirochetes

Microscopy: The Instruments

Electron Microscopy: Detailed Images of Cell Parts

Uses electrons, electromagnetic lenses, and fluorescent screens

Electron wavelength ~ 100,000 x smaller than visible light wavelength

Specimens may be stained with heavy metal salts

Two types of EMs:?

Recommended literature

• Todar’s Online Textbook of Bacteriology

site: textbookofbacteriology.net

• Medical Microbiology

Edited by Samuel Baron


• Microbiology and Immunology On-line
