Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net

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  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    E-commerce Technology for

    Safe Mone Transaction Over the net

    Presented and PublishedNational Conference on Automation in Banks and Financial Institutions

    22-23 June 2000 organized by IETE Chandigarh, held at CSIO Chandigarh

    PresenterNoorjahan Haque

    Faculty, Information technology


    Co-AuthorRaman K. Attri

    Member IETE / Scientist,Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIO)


    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net



    Evolution of E-commerce features of E-Commerce

    Technology behind E-com

    Money Safety issues and measures

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Meaning of E-commerce

    - ,

    selling, purchasing or exchange of services or productsover the Internet

    Web shopping is only a small part of the e-commercepicture. The term also refers to online stock and bondtransactions and bu in and downloadin software

    without ever going near a store.

    In addition, e-commerce includes business-to-business

    connect ons t at ma e purc as ng eas er or gcorporations.

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Evolution of E-Commerce

    The e-commerce and e-business has evolved through a set

    of technological changes coming in picture Internal Computerization in the company

    world interaction)

    Electronics Data Interchange withsuppliers(Extension of Internal network to suppliers toaccess company data base)

    -external network to end users)

    E-commerce Revolution (mone transaction, sellin

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

    and purchasing over the internet)

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Typical Evolutionary Path of E-Com

    Simple E-mailCompany Wide



    E-mail System

    Too clumsyE-mail usage

    Simple WebSo histicated Static

    Dynamic/interactive Secure info toignored

    Little return on


    Need employee info

    roc ureWeb sites

    e s te ra ng partners

    Meet internal

    Need partner and

    security info

    Difficult to maintainNeed to update info

    Basic Internal info

    on IntranetWeb maintenance


    Key Internal

    Database on Internet

    Back office

    system linked

    Little used

    Improved internal

    functionalityNeed back

    Simple On-line

    SalesFull Catalogue



    Stock control ,

    shipment tracking

    Few sales

    Want to


    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. AttriNext Generation E-business

    eep cus omers

    improved efficiency

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Technologies contributing in E-com

    Recent advances in telecommunications and computertec no og es ave move computer networ s to t e center o t e

    international economic infrastructure.

    Heavy rise in Internet and the World Wide Web hastrans orme g o a commerce y ac tat ng nstantaneous,inexpensive contact among sellers, buyers, investors, advertisers and

    financiers anywhere in the world. e rap ntegrat on o nternet an ot er

    telecommunications-based functionsinto nearly every sphereof business has led to an international focus on the New World of e-


    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    E-commerce Setup

    Electronic commerce encompasses all business

    Server ISP

    Back Office

    con ucte y means o computer networ s



    ISPBack Client


    My LAN Net

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

    Total Quality of service

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Business Communication: Old Way

    Company A


    Company BProprietary Data Comm(EDI/VANs

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Challenges in going E-commerce

    Gettin into e-commerce is not as sim le as settin u a Web a e

    with an order form. There are three big internal challenges in "e-enabling" business. All of

    them have to be overcome to have a com lete end-to-end e-businessrunning.

    a)The first is to take your back-office processes online and to automate

    b)The second challenge is to make data-sharing possible acrossdisparate applications like your ERP systems, your suppliers systems,

    - - .

    c) Third is to automate your decision-making process.

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Impacts of E-Commerce

    Electronic business is using innovative technology to buildrelationships and commerce globally and is the greatestopportunity and/or threat to existing business models


    The mode of communication is changing big way both in

    and outside the company. The old way of correspondenceis obsoleting and new way, through internet and intranetare in picture.

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Business Communication: Internet Way

    Internet Server

    Company A

    Company X


    E-mail etc

    FAX/Post/point to point

    Company B(to known location)

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

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    Business Communication: Intranet Way

    Company X

    Company B

    FAX/Post/point to point

    Community of Trust

    nternet erver


    E-mail etc

    (to known location)Company X

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Elements of Trustworthy E-commerce Services

    e pr nc pa e emen s o rus wor y n e con ex o on- ne

    commercial transactions are: Security: Information transmitted during a transaction will

    arr ve n uncorrup e orm an w no e mproper y ea e oothers.

    Privacy: Protection to access and use of personal informationo a ne as a resu o e ec ron c ransac ons.

    Authenticity: Verification that the parties to a transaction,and the services rendered, are truly as represented.

    Non-repudiability: Assurance that a transaction will behonored as agreed and that each party can prove the validity ofthe terms of the deal in the court.

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    E-commerce Security Issues

    - .

    Secure e-commerce transaction has to insure protection ofassets and rivac .

    It should give reliable service, audit and accountability and

    identification procedure Business and government institutions must develop

    policies that build greater trust in the new transactionmedia

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    E-commerce Security Technologies

    (To be used in combination to ensure security)

    Encryption (coding of messages) Cryptography(data transmission security by encryption

    o con en s o message

    Digital Signature(To prove that it's really genuine user -Its reall me!

    Digital Certificate (user authentic identity-who am I?)

    Firewall ( network and traffic watch to avoid

    unauthorized access of the network resources)

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net



    Coding the transmitted message or credit card number with the help ofsome algorithm and a encryption key.

    Encryption provide security in highly-networked environmentApplications include protecting files from theft or unauthorized access,keeping communications secure from interception, and facilitatingsecure transactions

    Highly secure encryption can be deployed fairly cheaply

    2.0 versions of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorerfacilitate transactions encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), aprotocol that creates a secure connection to the server, protecting the

    information as it travels over the Internet When Web site is secured by SSL, the URL begins with httpsinstead of


    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net



    another key. One is called private key and other is calledpublic key. The message encrypted using receiver's publickey can be decrypted only by receiver's private key

    It is used to guarantee integrity (i.e. that the contents of a,identity of a party, or to make legal commitments.

    The strong crypto-system are now available which use

    different algorithms like DES, IDEA and RSA

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Digital Signature

    Now in e-commerce the issue that how one know thatit is really me? Evolving a digital signature does it.The digital signature is kind of message, known to me

    private key and anyone can decrypt it using my public

    key. T e reception en , it is prove at I ave enco e t e

    message and signed it.

    cash. This is also the basis for user authentication andnon-repudiation.

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Digital Certificate


    has to be assigned to the fellow using the e-commerceservices. It reflects who am I? This is digital signature.

    These digital certificates are issued by some trustedthird party.

    g a reg s ry o a g a cer ca e o ers smade.

    The client ne otiates with the re istr before doin

    business with the server. Severs have the user'ssignature

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

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    protocols which isolate the networks and the traffics The fireball have following three objectives:

    -It keeps out external threats like virus andunauthorized access from external person.

    - preven n erna sens ve a a o e ransm eoutside without authorization.

    -It revent internal attacks

    Firewalls itself are not full proof security techniques

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Safe Money Transaction Technologies

    Credit Cards (for purchasing at Point of sale counter using cardreader and web based on-line transaction on credit. Instant validationof account and deduction after the sale)

    kinds of payments an on the instant deduction of money from the

    account)E ectron cs eques (pre-issued software modules each

    representing certain cash value, to be exchanged over the internet inplace of any money or smart card number)

    Hybrid Mode (includes major and minor payment by smart card,coins, cheques etc--all in one)

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Credit Card

    Credit card at Point of Sale Counter (POS terminalreads the card details and verify it over phone linesfrom the acquiring bank and credit card issuing bank)

    Web Based Online-Credit Card Payment System

    SET protocol encodes the credit card numbers onvendors' servers so that only banks and credit card

    companies can read it The disadvantages of the credit card is that a third party

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

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  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Electronics Cheques

    - .

    card module represent some predefined cash amount. It is to be submitted where purchasing is being done.

    No need of validation and third party involvementunlike credit card transactions.

    eaper as r par y ees s no nvo ve .

    Since the cheques are generally used in public, thismode of mone transaction is ex ected to be uite


    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    Hybrid Mode -Cybercash

    T e Cy ercas s gett ng w e popu ar ty among t e wor

    leader banks, merchants and users globally. The cybercashinterface with man leadin financial institutions.

    It facilitate hybrid mode of payment which include credit

    card payment system working on SET protocols andy erco n sys em or paymen rom . 5 o .

    It also support electronics cheques providing pay nowfacilit for interactive billin a lications.

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture- E-commerce Technology for Safe money transaction over the net


    The arena of E-business

    E-Business is the powerful business environment that iscreated when critical business systems are connecteddirectly to customers, employees, vendors, and business

    -, ,technologies, collaborative applications, and the Web.

    Developing E-Business successfully means buildingre ia e, sca a e systems or security, co a oration,messaging, E-Commerce payments, supply-chainmana ement sales force data warehousin and customer

    relations - and integrating all of this with existing back-endoperations

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri

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    About the author

    Noor Jahan Ha ueearned her Masters in Information technoloin 1999. She served at IETE as associate faculty from [email protected] y

    Raman K. Attri, Masters in Technology (Applied Electronics)served as senior scientist at CSIO Chandi arh from 1 -200 . Hisspecialization is in Instrumentation [email protected]

    Copyrights 2000 Neeru Haque / R. K. Attri