Lecture 6 Non Verbal Communication


Transcript of Lecture 6 Non Verbal Communication

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Uses of Nonverbal Communicat ion

To emphasize some part of your verbal messages

To complement  and add nuances of meaning not communicated by your verbal messages

To contradict your verbal messages

To regulate or control t he f low of verbal 

messagesTo repeat  t he verbal messages nonverbally

To subst it ute verbal messages

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The channels of nonverbal communicat ion

1. Body (kinesics)

2. Face 

3. Eye (oculesis)4. Space and territ ory (proxemics)

5.  Art if act ual

6. Touch (hapt ics)

7. Paralanguage

8. Silence

9. Time (chronemics)

10.Smell (olf act ics)

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1. Bodyi. Body movements

5 t ypes of body movements:

i. Emblems

Body gest ures t hat directly translate int o words or phrase

ii. Illustrat ors

Used t o enhance verbal messages

iii.  Aff ect displays

Movements of t he f ace, t he hands and general body t hat  communicate emot ional meaning

iv. Regulat ors

Behaviours t hat monit or, control, coordinate, or maintain t he speaking of anot her individual

v.  Adapt orsGestures that satisfy some personal need

ii. Body appearance

Eg. How you sit, where you put your hands, et c.

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2. Facial Communicat ionFacial expressions communicate t he degree of pleasant ness, agreement  and sympat hy.

Shows 8 t ypes of emot ions: happiness, surprise, f ear, anger, sadness, disgust, contempt  and interests

Use 4 Facial Management Techniques (t o hide certainemot ions and t o emphasize ot hers)

Intensifying helps you exaggerate f eelings

De-intensifying helps you underplay f eelings

Neutralizing helps you hide f eelings Masking helps you t o replace or subst it ute t he expression of one emot ion for t he emot ion you re really f eeling

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3. Eye Communicat ionMessages communicated by t he eyes varydepending on t he: Durat ion of t he eye contact 

Direct ion of eye Qualit y of t he eye behaviour

Eye contact  is used t o: To seek f eedback

To inform t he ot her person t hat  t he channel of communicat ion is open

Eye Avoidance is used t o: To help ot hers maintain t heir privacy

 As a signal of lack of interest 

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4. Spat ial and Territ orial Comunicat ion

The distance you keep bet ween you and t he ot her part y when communicat ing

4 t ypes of spat ial distances: Int imate distance

Personal distance

Social distance

Public distance

Fact ors t hat  inf luence space communicat ion:

Stat us Cult ures




Evaluat ion (posit ive or negat ive)

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Territ orialit y Your possessive react ion t o an area of space or t o a part icular objects

Territ ory t ypes: Primary territ ory Secondary territ ory

Public territ ory

Territ orial markers Central markers Boundary markers


 Your territ ory (size, locat ion, t ype of territ ory) 

signals your stat us wit hin your social group.

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5. Art if act ual Communicat ion

 Art if act ual messages are t hose made by human hands.

Colour communicat ion

Clot hing and body adornment 

Space decorat ion

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6. Touch Communicat ion

The meanings of t ouch Posit ive f eelings

Play Control

Rit ualist ic


Touch avoidance you avoid t o be t ouched for certain reasons

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7. Paralanguange: t he vocal channel

Paralanguage ref ers t o t he vocal dimension of speech how you say somet hing and not what yousay

Eg. Your vocal pit ch, rate / speed, volume andrhyt hm.Listeners could  judge t he emot ional states of speakers f rom vocal expression (provided t hat  bot hspeakers and listeners speak t he same language).

In one way communicat ion, f aster rate of speech are considered more efficient . However, be careful whenspeaking so f ast  because listeners might concentrate on your speed instead of your meanings.

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8. Silence

Silence also communicates meanings

Funct ions of silence:

allows speakers t o t hink, t ime t o formulate andorganize ideas in communicat ion

t o hurt ot hers

t o prevent communicat ion of certain messages

t o communicate emot ional responses used when you simply have not hing t o say

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9. Time communicat ion

The messages communicated by our treat ment of t ime your use of t ime, its 

organizat ion, and t he messages it  communicates

The t ime orientat ion you develop depends onyour socioeconomic class and your personal 

experiences.The t ime orientat ion also varies across cult ures.

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10. Smell

Smell also communicates certainmessages.

The messages t hat  smell communicates are: Attract ion messages

Taste messages

Memory messages

Ident ificat ion messages