Lecture 4: pn Junctions IV Characteristicsclasses.engr.oregonstate.edu/eecs/winter2021/ece615... ·...

ECE615 – Winter 2021 Lecture 4 – Thursday January 14 th 2021 1/86 ECE 615 – Semiconductor Devices I Winter 2021 - John Labram Lecture 4: pn Junctions – IV Characteristics Sze And Ng: Chapter 2 2/86 ECE 615 – Semiconductor Devices I Winter 2021 - John Labram Announcements Homework 1/4: Will be online immediately after this lecture. Total of 25 marks. Each homework contributes an equal weight. Due Thursday 21 st January at the start of the lecture (08:30am). All homework contributes to 60% of overall grade. Each homework contributes 15% of overall grade. I will return it one week later (January 28 th ). Homework 1 consists of content covered in Lectures 1, 2, 3, 4. Email it to me at [email protected] . 1 2

Transcript of Lecture 4: pn Junctions IV Characteristicsclasses.engr.oregonstate.edu/eecs/winter2021/ece615... ·...

PowerPoint Presentation1/86
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
• Total of 25 marks.
• Due Thursday 21st January at the start of the lecture
• Each homework contributes 15% of overall grade.
• I will return it one week later (January 28th).
• Homework 1 consists of content covered in Lectures 1, 2, 3, 4.
• Email it to me at [email protected].
Winter 2021 - John Labram
• You can download the homework from the Canvas or the
course website:
• http://classes.engr.oregonstate.edu/eecs/winter2021/ece61
• In addition to the pdf document itself, there will be some data
(.csv file) you will need to download.
• You will be required to do some simple processing of this
• I will hold and office hours over Zoom on Monday from 1pm
to 2pm.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Last Time • We looked at a few generalizations to pn junctions.


Diode ~
Winter 2021 - John Labram
• Carrier Concentrations in Non-Equilibrium.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Qualitative Description of IV
Winter 2021 - John Labram

h+ h+ h+ h+ h+
h+ h+ h+ h+
e- e- e- e- e-
e- e- e- e-
Winter 2021 - John Labram
h+ h+ h+ h+ h+
h+ h+ h+ h+
e- e- e- e- e-
e- e- e- e-
Winter 2021 - John Labram
(Fermi-Dirac or Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions).
energetic to surmount the potential barrier or field
which pushes them away from the junction.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Diffusion Current • Some of the energetic carriers surmount the barrier
and transport (against the field) to the opposite side
of the space charge region, where they become
minority carriers (minority carrier injection).
• Within a few diffusion lengths of the junction, they
recombine. This type of current is known as diffusion
current and depends strongly on the barrier height.
• Diffusion current involves injection and
recombination. Although it is almost always referred
to as diffusion current in the literature, denoting it as
injection current can lead to less confusion.
e- e- e- e- e-
e- e- e- e-
h+ h+ h+ h+ h+
h+ h+ h+ h+
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Drift Current • Drift current depends on minority carriers.
• The field in the space charge region (SCR) is such that
any minority carrier which reaches the edge of the
SCR is accelerated across the SCR by the field (true at
all applied biases).
mechanism for this type of current is the extraction of
minority carriers near the SCR by diffusion to the
edge of the SCR and drift across the SCR.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Drift Current • The magnitude of the drift current depends on the
generation rate of minority carriers, which is not
affected by the field. Thus the drift current is
approximately constant, independent of the field.
• Drift current involves extraction and drift. Although
this kind of current is invariably referred to as the
drift current in the literature, denoting it as extraction
current can lead to less confusion.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
How are Carriers Replenished?
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Summary • PN diode current is controlled by the majority carrier
population density / energy.
barrier so that diffusion current dominates
• Forward bias:
• Reverse bias:
• In all bias cases, the thermal drift current remains the
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Ideal I-V Characteristics • We are going to derive the ideal diode or Shockley
Equation that quantitatively describes the flow of
current through a biased pn junction.
= 0 − 1 (1)
• Describes the current that flows in a diode as a
function of voltages applied to it.
• Notice the exponential relationship.
Current density
Reverse saturation
current density
Applied voltage
Thermal energy
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Shockley ≠ Schottky • Walter Schottky.
• William Shockley.
• American. 1910-1989.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
are going to split our
device into three
boundaries are
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Carrier Concentrations • Let’s first evaluate hole and electron concentrations
as a function of position in equilibrium: ≠ 0 = 0 = 0
Winter 2021 - John Labram
A Reminder on Notation
• 0 is hole carrier density on the p-side of the
• The full-size indicates this is hole density.
• The subscript indicates we are on side of the
No bias applied
• I.e. 0 is the hole carrier density on the p-side of
the junction in equilibrium.
i.e. a long way from the junction
Winter 2021 - John Labram
• We use the following notation for minority carriers:
• 0 is the electron concentration on the p-side, of
the junction in equilibrium.
• 0 is the hole concentration on the n-side, of the
junction in equilibrium.
concentrations using the law of mass action:
00 = 00 = 2
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
equilibrium: ≠ 0 = 0 = 0
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Non-Equilibrium Carrier Concentrations • What happens when we apply a bias?
• Forward bias:
equilibrium values.
• Reverse bias:
equilibrium values.
the edges of the depletion region, dying out after
several diffusion lengths, & , and minority
carriers approach equilibrium values
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Carrier Concentrations: Forward Bias • In this case the minority carrier concentration is
greater than equilibrium. p-type
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Carrier Concentrations: Forward Bias • In this case the minority carrier concentration is
greater than equilibrium. p-type
of minority carriers in
the junction
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Carrier Concentrations: Forward Bias • What does our carrier concentration diagram look

Winter 2021 - John Labram
Carrier Concentrations: Reverse Bias • In this case the minority carrier concentration is
decreased below equilibrium.
few reduces
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Carrier Concentrations: Reverse Bias • What does our carrier concentration diagram look

Winter 2021 - John Labram
depletion region.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Strategy • To derive the Shockley Equation we are going to do
the following:
neutral region of the pn-junction.
2. Determine boundary conditions at the edge of
the depletion region.
density as function of position.
4. Evaluate hole current density in n-side () and
the electron current density in p-side ().
5. Add hole and electron currents: + .
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Assumptions • To derive the Shockley Equation we have to make the
following assumptions:
region and the bulk of the respective
semiconductors is abrupt. n-typep-type
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Assumptions • To derive the Shockley Equation we have to make the
following assumptions:
region and the bulk of the respective
semiconductors is abrupt.
2. The Boltzmann Approximation is valid.
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Assumptions • To derive the Shockley Equation we have to make the
following assumptions:
region and the bulk of the respective
semiconductors is abrupt.
3. Injected minority carrier densities are low
compared to majority carrier densities.
4. No generation-recombination current exists
inside the depletion layer, and the electron and
hole currents are constant throughout the
depletion layer.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Fick’s 2nd Law • We are going to use a more general version of Fick’s
2nd Law in our derivation.
• Fick’s 2nd Law is also called the heat equation.
• Describes the diffusion of one species into another as
a function of time and space.
diode is 1D
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Continuity Equation • If you want to know more about this equation, I have
some notes online from a previous class (ECE/ChE
611 – Lecture 11):
Equations (see next slide).
• We will just use the Continuity Equations, but more
details are available online.
Winter 2021 - John Labram


in equilibrium

= −

• : electron mobility.
• : hole mobility.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Steady State • We will approximate the system as being in steady-

• I.e. the system has had time to equilibrate and the
current is not changing with time.
• Even if we are sweeping voltage
or pulsing the device, we know
that generation, recombination
• In steady-state we say:
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Region III. n-typep-type
• In Regions I and III we assume
that these sides remain ≈ neutral in steady state.
• If we add a hole to the n-
side, we need an electron
to compensate.

Winter 2021 - John Labram


Winter 2021 - John Labram
• Recall, if we add a hole to the n-side, we need an
electron to compensate.


Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Continuity Equations
Winter 2021 - John Labram

Winter 2021 - John Labram
Continuity Equations • Gather terms:
− + 2 2
− +
2 2
Winter 2021 - John Labram
• Now let’s look at the other fraction in (14):
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
− −
− − −
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Continuity Equations • We make the assumption that low-level injection is
taking place:
• In this case we say:
= +
mobilities are similar):

Winter 2021 - John Labram
− − 0

+ 2 2
= − 0
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Sze & Ng p92
Fermi Levels: and .
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Quasi Fermi Levels • When we apply a voltage the Fermi level is no longer
constant throughout the pn junction.
• We wish to quantify the splitting of the Fermi levels.
• Start by describing carrier by Boltzmann Distribution:
= exp −
= exp −

Winter 2021 - John Labram
Quasi Fermi Levels • Re-arranging:
= + ln
dependent on separation of QFLs at that position:
= 2 exp
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Quasi Fermi Levels • By definition, the splitting of the Fermi Levels is due
to the applied voltage. Hence we can say:
= − (27)
• To evaluate boundary conditions, we have to
consider the edges of the depletion region: = − and = .
Winter 2021 - John Labram
between regions I and II. n-typep-type

• I.e. = −.

Winter 2021 - John Labram
Charge Density at Boundary

(−) =
Winter 2021 - John Labram
≈ 0

Winter 2021 - John Labram
between II and III. n-typep-type

• I.e. = .
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Continuity Equations • Let’s return to our continuity Equation in the n-region
− − 0

− − 0
2 2
= 0 (31)
0 ≠ 0
Winter 2021 - John Labram
• It is slightly easier to talk about the perturbation. Let:
= − 0
• Since 0 is a constant, we can say:
• I.e. 2
Winter 2021 - John Labram
• We look up the solution and check it works.
• So we can write (33) as:
• Try:
Winter 2021 - John Labram
− +
• Compare with the ODE:
Winter 2021 - John Labram
− +
• This is the general form, but we don’t know what or are.
• To get these parameters we need to apply some
boundary conditions.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
= − 0
• So from (37) we can say:
→ ∞ = 0
→ ∞ = −∞ +
∞ = 0
In reality ≠ ∞, it is
just very large compared
Winter 2021 - John Labram
• To do this we can apply the boundary condition we
derived earlier:
= 0 exp
− 0
Winter 2021 - John Labram

= = 0
− 1 exp −
Winter 2021 - John Labram
− 1 exp −
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Current Density • We are almost there now....
• We just need to evaluate the current that flows in our
• Let’s talk about current density, so we don’t need to
worry about device area:
Current (A)
• The total current that flows is due to electrons (in the
p-region) and holes (in the n-region):
= + (40)Current density (A/cm2)
Electron current
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Current Density • In lecture 2 we showed that the current density is due
to drift and diffusion currents:
= ,drift + ,diff (41)
• is hole current density due to drift.
• is the magnitude of the fundamental unit of charge.
• is the mobility of holes.
• is the hole number density in the n-side.
• is the electric field strength.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Current Density • In lecture 2 we showed that the current density is due
to drift and diffusion currents:
= ,drift + ,diff (41)
,diff =
• is hole current density due to diffusion.
• is the magnitude of the fundamental unit of charge.
• is the diffusion coefficient of holes.
• is the hole number density in the n-side.
• is the diffusion direction.
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Current Density • In lecture 2 we showed that the current density is due
to drift and diffusion currents:
= ,drift + ,diff (41)
• So we can say:
• We are evaluating the
i.e. = 0.
• Therefore:
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Current Density • Using the solution to the ODE (equation 38) we find
at = :
= = 0
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
= 0 exp
• Where we define the reverse saturation current:
0 = 0
+ 0
0 =
Winter 2021 - John Labram
Winter 2021 - John Labram
region and quasi-neutral regions, we derived the
Ideal Diode Equation (the Shockley Equation):
= 0 exp
Winter 2021 - John Labram