Lecture 3 - Stagecraft

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Transcript of Lecture 3 - Stagecraft

  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft


    Theatrical and DramaTechniques

    Stagecraft 1

  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft


    Some Terminology for you toknow for stage management

    ACT CHANGEA change of either scenery, lighting, costume, props orother technical elements between acts of a play or

    musical. Theatres with little backstage space mayhave to recongure scenery stored ostage during theinterval so that the ne!t act runs smoothly.

    ACTION PROPA hand#held practical prop used by an actor for

    combat or for a specic purpose. ASIDE

    $ines spoken by an actor to the audience and notsupposed to be overheard by other characters on#stage.

  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft


    AD LIB%rom $atinAd libitummeaning &at one'spleasure&.

    The presence of mind by an actor to improvisewhen()* another actor fails to enter on cue+* the normal progress of the play is disturbed

    * lines are forgotten-* t may also be a bad habit developed bysome actors whereby unnecessary &gags& areintroduced into the dialogue.

  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft


    BLOCKINGThe process of arranging moves to be madeby the actors during the play, recorded by

    stage management in the prompt script./ositions at the start of scenes are noted, asare all movements around the stage 0usingterms such as '1ardener 2 DS$' meaning the

    1ardener crosses to downstage left.*Stages which are not end#on must often usealternative notation, sometimes based on theclock face or the points of a compass.

  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft


    Stage 3anagement # 4locking 5otation

    3ore about Stage 3anagementStage /lan 6The role of the DS3 in rehearsal is to keep

    track of all actor movements 0known as blocking* inthe prompt script.

    DS 7 Downstage8S 7 8pstage

    S9 7 Stage 9ight:S 7 :entre stageS$ 7 Stage $eft9: 7 9ight of centre stage$: 7 $eft of centre stageD9 7 Down right

    D$ 7 Down left89 7 8p right8$ 7 8p left8: 7 8p centreD: 7 Down centre

    :;$ 7 :entre line2 7 :ross

  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft


  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft



    Stagecraftis the technical aspect of theatrical,lm, and video production.

    includes constructing and rigging scenery, hanging

    and focusing of lighting, design and procurementof costumes, makeup, procurement of props, stagemanagement, and recording and mi!ing of sound.

    Stagecraft is distinct from the wider umbrella term

    of scenography. :onsidered a technical rather than an artistic eld,

    it is primarily the practical implementation of adesigner's artistic vision.

  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft


    in its most basic form, stagecraft is managed by asingle person 0often the stage managerof asmaller production* who arranges all scenery,

    costumes, lighting, and sound, and organi

  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft


    =hat do youthink is included in stagecraft.>

    Lighting6 $ighting design, which involves theprocess of determining the angle, si

  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft


    Scener$, which includes set construction, scenic painting, theater drapes and stage curtains, and special eects.

    S%un& &e#ign, which can include musical underscoring,

    vocal and instrument mi!ingas well as theatricalsound eects.

    Theatrica' r%ert$, or props, which includesfurnishings, set dressings, and all items large and smallwhich cannot be classied as scenery, electrics or

    wardrobe. Some crossover may apply. /rops handled byactors are known as hand props, and props which are keptin an actor's costume are known as personal props.

    "ar&r%(e6 costume design, construction, procurementand maintenance.

  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft


    Theatre skills and crafts


    3ovement aects the audiences perception of thecharacter by creating visual images

    # how can we show the audience by the way you movethat you are sad;happy;worried as you walk across thestage>

    Boice C can be used in many dierent ways C how do wedo this>

    Do not speak too quickly C pauses are as important asspeaking sometimes.

    /hysical gesture 0eg C folding arms if on defensive,scratching nose if nervous etc* can add to the drama Chow can you show that you are scared;happy;angry; >

  • 7/25/2019 Lecture 3 - Stagecraft


    Task )

    1o to this url6 http6;;www.aaronshep.com;rt;9TE.html

    Download the script FThe adventures of the 3ousedeer

    n grps 6

    ). design scenery, set, costume, the and stage lighting 0 eg

    =hat color do you think works best to create a sad;happy mood onstage>

    =hat color do you think works best to make the scene looklike it is happening in the evening;afternoon>

    =hat are some ways that you can use light to create the illusion of

    being in a Gungle>0?int6 :reating shadows can give the appearance of light lteringthrough leaves.*

    +. e!plain how you would use theatrical properties, theatre make#up and costume
