Lecture 16 10.21

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Transcript of Lecture 16 10.21

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    Rob Moser • Pat McDon

    Terrorism and Counteterrorism I

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21



    1. TMFPQ

    2. What was 9/11 (revisited)? How did it


    . What is terroris!?

    ". #i$e!!as o% &ghting a war on terroris'. How do we get %ro! 9/11 to wars in ra


    +. *re terrorist grou,s strategic?

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    TMFPQ Continuin! debate oEbola and a tra"el ban

    • Fo- ews c$i, on trave$ an and 0o$a•

    *rgu!ents against a trave$ an –  The threat is sti$$ $ow and a trave$ an wi$$ not !ae us !uch sa%er – Wi$$ create incentives to go underground and thus !ae it harder t

    ,ersons – Wi$$ har! vo$unteer organi3ations4 access to West *%rican countries – Wi$$ scare aware vo$unteers who !a5 not e a$e to return to 67 – Wi$$ har! a$read5 %ragi$e West *%rican econo!ies – 8ou$d $ead to !an5 !ore countries %o$$owing *!erica4s $ead and a – 8ou$d %eed the %ear o% *!ericans and !ae us %ee$ $ess sa%e –

    *$read5 !an5 air$ines have te!,orari$5 ha$ted ights to the area – :otto! $ine Wou$d !ae 0o$a outrea in *%rica even worse and tdangerous

    • *rgu!ents %or a trave$ an – Wou$d add a $a5er o% ,rotection against s,read to 67 –  The *!erican ,u$ic wants it and wou$d %ee$ sa%er (+;< su,,ort tra – 7o!e *%rican countries have instituted trave$ ans and have contro

    outrea – :otto! $ine 0-tra dose o% caution that cou$d ,rotect 67

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    TMFPQ #n Iranian nuclear d• #avid 0. 7anger= >a!a 7ees an ran #ea$ That 8ou$d *void

    Times= 1A/19• *s discussed $ast Thursda5= 67 strong interests in ,reventing

    ,ro$i%eration• 67 institutes tough sanctions on ran in res,onse to nuc$ear w

    ,rogra! – #i!inished oi$ revenues= $ose access to assets he$d aroad

    ca,ita$ !arets• Bong ter! negotiations and di,$o!atic so$ution to ,reventive

    (,ushed 5 srae$ and hard$iners in 67)• Ce5 issues in negotiations access o% wea,ons ins,ectors= how

    uraniu! ran can enrich %or energ5 ,ur,oses= s,eed/degree 5re$a-es sanctions regi!e• Pro$e! a!a wi$$ $ose a vote in 8ongress to sus,end sanc

    concession to ran= now considering going around 8ongress• Wi$$ ran sign oD on a dea$ without 8ongress (how trust Presid

    i!,$e!ent i% can e ,unished 5 8ongress?)?• !,$ications %or discussions %ro! c$ass antiE,ro$i%eration inte

    e-ecutive and $egis$ative conict over %oreign ,o$ic5= srae$ Bo

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    %&at 'as ()** and &o' didc&an!e us$

    • ew ene!5 in terroris! and new !ission o% coterroris!

    •  The do!estic &ght against terroris! rise o% thesecurit5 state and the deate over the a$anceetween $iert5 and securit5

    •  Taing the &ght aroad Foreign wars and coun


  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    %&at is terrorism$

    I+ ,.ord %&at is terrorism$

    #+ /on-state actors usin! "iolence

    ,+ Instillin! terror 0 usin! .orce tointimidate

    C+ Met&ods 0 suicide missionsD+ Tar!ets 0 intentionall 1illin! ci"il

    E+ Tin! Means and 2oals

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    Dilemmas o. 3!&tin! a 'arterrorism$

    I+ ,.ord De3nin! t&e t&reat

    #+ Is t&e t&reat a tactic4 ideolo!4 orentit$

    ,+ T&e 5roblem 'it& a 'ar on terror

    C+ %&at t&e U+S+ 'as reall an!r ab

    ()**D+ 6Interests 3rst4 !oals second4 me


    “American anger does not stem from the fact that it wterrorism. Americans would be just as furious if the cabeen inicted by the Afghan air force instead of a shanational group…No, what matters is quite simple Ameattac!ed and Americans were !illed. "#yford, p. $%& 

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    Ho' are terrorist !rou5s di8e.rom ot&er t&reats$

    1. Terroris! and the diDerences in &gstates and nonEstate actors

    Power diDerentia$




  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    Ho' do 'e !et .rom ()** to'ar in #.!&anistan$

    • Prett5 straight%orward= Pres. :ush and advisors %e$t at war

    doing nothing not serious$5 discussed• Huge decision 5 :ush on night o% 9/11 no discri!inatio

    terrorists and states that haror the! – 8o!!it!ent to roaden war against states and non st

    • #ecision o% :ush= ice= C. Hughes and s,eechwriters (Genationa$ securit5 ,$a5ers $e%t out


    Quic$5 deter!ined to strie *$ Qaeda= given sanctuarsouthern *%ghanistan 5 Ta$ian in return %or sustantisu,,ort

    •  Tre!endous ,ressure on !i$itar5 and 8* to e read5 *7*aout readown in order i% another attac e%ore striing – :ush addresses 8ongress 9/2A= addresses nation anno

    co!!ence!ent o% air stries on 1A/;

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    Im5ortant attributes o. initcam5ai!n in #.!&anistan

    • 8ha$$enge diJcu$t terrain= ,$ace where e!,ires

    die (e.g. 7oviet 6nion)• 67 a$$ies with orthern *$$iance= co$$ection o% gro

    orthern *%ghanistan &ghting Ta$ian – nsert 8* and s,ecia$ %orces to coordinating coa$it

    ho$d it together with %unding and wea,ons

    *T invoes *rtic$e '= attac on one is attac o• 8onvergence o% great ,ower interests oth 8hiussia share antiEterror interests – $$ustrates convergence o% nationa$ interests o% a$$

    terroris! as a threat to their viai$it5 as organi3at

    H d . ()**

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    Ho' do 'e !et .rom ()** to '#.!&anistan to 'ar in Ira9

    :ush %aces ,ressure %ro! withinad!inistration to go to war againsright awa5 a%ter 9/11 – u!s&e$d raises ,ossii$it5 on 7e,te!


    Wo$%owit3= 9/1= >ending states who sterroris!@

     – rders u!s&e$d on 11/21 to egin uwar ,$an %or ra

    H d t . ()** t

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    Ho' do 'e !et .rom ()** to '#.!&anistan to 'ar in Ira9$

    :"erdetermined;• Wea,ons o% !ass destruction

     – 7adda! Hussein seeing to aug!ent ca,ai$ities and wou$a$$ies in region

     – Might give to terrorists – Had used in the ,ast (deterrence wou$d not wor) – Wo$%owit3 sett$e on this ecause easier to se$$ do!estica$$

    • ra ,art o% *-is o% 0vi$ and e5 ene!5 o% the 6n – Might haror terrorists

    • Beverage ,oint to trans%or! and de!ocrati3e Mi – #e!ocratic ra wou$d ,ut ,ressure on autocratic countries

    $iera$i3e – eeded o$d so$ution to $ong ter! (two generations) ,ro$e

    • :etter to &ght the terrorists in a %oreign theater

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    C&allen!es o. 3!&tin! 'ar in• nternationa$ resistance= cannot get second 6 r

     – *ctivates %unda!enta$ ,ro$e! o% ,o$itics s 67 restra

    nsuJcient ,re,aration %or ,ostE7adda! ra= asecurit5 co$$a,ses• 8ivi$ war

     – #e!ocrac5 ,ro!otion un$eashes co!!it!ent ,ro$e!reassure !inorit5 7unni coa$ition= restrain !aKorit5 7hiaand ee, Curds in ra (so Ture5 doesn4t hinder)?

    • ew sanctuar5/training ground %or terroris!• #iverts resources and attention %ro! *%ghanista• 7ecuring the ,eace reuires !uch $onger co!!

    than antici,ated – #o!estic su,,ort erodes= which o,ens roader uestio

    sustaining $arger g$oa$ war against terroris!?

  • 8/17/2019 Lecture 16 10.21


    #re terrorist !rou5s strate!o L *ra!s Terrorist grou,s do not dis,$a5 charact

    rationa$ costEene&t ana$5sis in their actions

     es L C5dd and Wa$ter Terrorist grou,s are rationa$ athat use vio$ence ecause it o%ten wors to achconcrete goa$s

     Terrorist strategies as cost$5 signa$s to inuence eh

    *ttrition ut$asting an adversar5 through w

    Provocation Goading the adversar5 into con

    nti!idation verthrowing a govern!ent threign o% terror

    7,oi$ing 7aotaging the ,eace

    utidding 8o!,etition etween terrorist g