LECTURE 1 C a Conference Interpreting

LECTURES 1 CONFE RENCE INTERPRETING Main issues: 1. The notion of interpreting 2. Interpreting vs translation 3. Modes of interpreting 4. Types of interpreting 5. Modalities of Interpreting 1. THE NOTION OF INTERPRETING Interpreting (or interpretation) is an activity that consists of facilitating oral or sign language communication, either simultaneously or consecutively, between two or more speakers who are not speaking (or signing) the same language. Conference interpreting deals exclusively with oral communication: rendering a message from one language into another, naturally and fluently, adopting the delivery, tone and convictions of the speaker and speaking in the first person. The term interpreter refers to the practitioner who translates orally for parties conversing in different languages or utilizing sign language. 1



Transcript of LECTURE 1 C a Conference Interpreting

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Main issues:

1. The notion of interpreting 2. Interpreting vs translation 3. Modes of interpreting 4. Types of interpreting 5. Modalities of Interpreting


Interpreting (or interpretation) is an activity that consists of facilitating oral or sign language communication, either simultaneously or consecutively, between two or more speakers who are not speaking (or signing) the same language. Conference interpreting deals exclusively with oral communication: rendering a message from one language into another, naturally and fluently, adopting the delivery, tone and convictions of the speaker and speaking in the first person.The term interpreter refers to the practitioner who translates orally for parties conversing in different languages or utilizing sign language.


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Although the terms translation and interpretation are used interchangeably in everyday speech, they vary in meaning. Both refer to the transfer of meaning between two languages.

TRANSLATION a transfer from text to text —

usually written, but may be recorded speech or sign

with time and access to resources such as dictionaries;

Requires a very high standard of accuracy for translation.

INTERPRETING usually takes place "on the spot"

with the clients present, and deals with utterances (although

the source language may be a text).

is not word-for-word translation (which in most cases would produce just nonsense) but the faithful transmission of a message, captured in one language and then accurately rendered in another


Modes of Interpreting are the ways in which interpreting is offered. These include simultaneous (at the same time) and consecutive (after utterance).

Simultaneous interpreting

Interpreting while the delegate is speaking The interpreter works in a soundproofed booth

with at least one colleague

The speaker in the meeting room speaks into a microphone, the interpreter receives the sound through a headset and renders the message into a microphone almost simultaneously.

. The delegate in the meeting room selects the relevant channel to hear the interpretation in the language of his/her choice.#

There are many different possible configurations of languages or language regimes


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Whispered interpreting

During whispered interpreting, (also called "chuchotage" after the French word for the same)

The interpreter is seated or standing among the delegates and interprets simultaneously directly into the ear of the delegates

Whispered interpretation can be used only for very few delegates sitting or standing close together. It is used mainly in bilateral meetings or in groups where only a few delegates do not share a common language

Whispering is often used instead of consecutive in order to save time. Sometimes, the whispering interpreter will use a headphone in order to get the best possible sound from the original speaker

Consecutive interpreting

The interpreter sits with the delegates, listens to the speech and renders it, at the end, in a different language, generally with the aid of notes. In the modern world consecutive interpreting has been largely replaced by simultaneous, but it remains relevant for certain kinds of meetings (e.g. highly technical meetings, working lunches, small groups, field trips).

Well-trained interpreters can render speeches of 10 minutes or more with great accuracy

Liaison interpreting

Liaison interpreting involves relaying between one, two or more people what is being said. This can be done after a short speech, or on a sentence-by-sentence basis


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consecutively or as whispering ("chuchotage"). No equipment is used apart from note-taking.Liaison interpreting (which is also called community, ad hoc, public service, contact, three-cornered, or dialogue interpreting) in its broadest terms to include interpreting activities that have interpreters to interact directly with at least two parties.


Based on the market Conference interpreting is split into two types of market: INSTITUTIONAL MARKET. International institutions (EU, UN, EPO, etc), holding multilingual meetings, often favour interpreting from a number of foreign languages into the interpreters' mother tongue. International Association of Conference Interpreters AIIC is the

only worldwide association for conference interpreters. Founded in 1953, it brings together more than 2600 professional conference interpreters in over 80 countries. The website is http://www.aiic.net/


Local private markets tend to hold bilingual meetings (the local language plus one other) and the interpreters work both into and out of their mother tongue. The markets are by no means mutually exclusive.


There is a variety of modalities while providing Interpreting services can be delivered in multiple modalities..

On-site/In-person Interpreting

this delivery method requires the interpreter to be physically present in order for the interpretation to take place.

In on-site interpreting settings, all of the parties who wish to speak to one another are in the same place.

the most common modality used for most public and social service settings.


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The U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan employ hundreds of interpreters to assist with its communications with the local population

Telephone Interpreting/Over the phone Interpreting /Tele Interpreting

enables the interpreter to deliver interpretation via telephone. The interpreter is added to a conference call.

may be used in place of on-site interpreting in some cases, especially when no on-site interpreter is readily available at the location where services are needed.

is more commonly used for situations in which all parties who wish to communicate are already speaking to one another via telephone (e.g. applications for insurance or credit cards that are taken over the phone, inquiries from consumers to businesses that take place via telephone, etc.)

Video Interpreting

Interpretation services via Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) or a Video Relay Service (VRS) are can be used for situations in which no on-site interpreters are available


International organizations like the United Nations, the European Union, or the African Union.

European Institutions: - European Commission The world's largest employer of interpreters is currently the]which employs hundreds of staff and freelance interpreters working into the official languages of the European Union.; the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice, Council of Europe) have smaller interpreting services.

interpreting agencies, health care institutions, courts, school systems (The majority of professional full-time conference interpreters )

Manner of providing interpreting Services


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freelancing - freelance operators in their local, regional and national communities

contracting - or may take on contract work under an interpreting business or service.