Learning Theories Goal How do we acquire behaviors through operant conditioning?

Learning Theories Goal How do we acquire behaviors through operant conditioning ?

Transcript of Learning Theories Goal How do we acquire behaviors through operant conditioning?

Learning TheoriesGoal How do we acquire behaviors through operant


Edward Thorndike’s Law of Effect

• Cats placed in “puzzle boxes”

• Use trial-and-error to “escape”

• Continue behaviors w/good result

• Discontinue behaviors w/bad result

B.F. Skinner

“Skinner Boxes”


Positive Reinforcement

• Increases response by presenting positive stimulus

Negative Reinforcement

• Increases response by removing negative stimulus

PunishmentPositive Punishment

• Decrease behavior by presenting bad stimulus

Negative Punishment

• Decrease behavior by removing good stimulus

Punishment• Suppresses

behavior (not forgotten)

• Teaches discrimination

• Teaches fear• May increase



Immediate v. Delayed Reinforcers

• Unlearned Conditioned (Secondary) Reinforcer

• Learned through association

Primary Reinforcer

Continuous v. Partial (Intermittent) Reinforcement

Shaping• Reinforce each step (successive

approximation) toward desired behavior

• Chaining – linking behaviors together into a routine (ex: putting reinforced dance moves into a choreographed performance)

Schedules of Partial Reinforcement

• Fixed-ratio – reinforcement after a set or fixed number of behaviors occur

• Variable-ratio – reinforcement after different numbers of behaviors

Schedules of Partial Reinforcement

• Fixed-interval – reinforcement after a set or fixed amount of time

• Variable-interval – reinforcement after different amounts of time

Extending Operant Conditioning

Cognitive Influences•Cognitive map – mental representation of environment

•Latent Learning – learning not known until there is motivation to demonstrate it

Operant Conditioning & Motivation

• Intrinsic & extrinsic motivation (we will discuss these more in our motivation unit)

– Intrinsic = internal desire to perform behavior, “for its own sake”

– Extrinsic = need external reward or avoidance of punishment to perform behavior

Biology & Operant Conditioning

• Biological constraints predispose organisms to learn associations that are naturally adaptive– Pigeons naturally peck

• Easy to teach pigeons to peck to receive food

– Pigeons naturaly flap wings• Teach pigeons to flap wings to

avoid shock

– However, difficult to teach pigeon to flap wings to get food, or peck to avoid shock

Premack Principle

• Use preferred behaviors to reinforced non-preferred behaviors – Parents make children eat vegetables in

order to get dessert

Applications of Operant Conditioning

• School – token economy • Sports• Work – schedules of reinforcement• Home • Self-improvement - Biofeedback

Operant vs Classical Conditioning