learning Portfolio



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Transcript of learning Portfolio

Page 1: learning Portfolio





Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 2: learning Portfolio

Team Four: Colette, Christian, Lauren, Lorenzo, and Eleanor The environment types we choose;~Mediative and serene~Intimate with opportunities to note fleeting Beauty~A place for Accidental Encounters and the opportunity to socialize with others

Site Response

Verticality of the courtyard walls.

7’ X 7’ Planter box

View of blue tower and McLaren Park

Garbage Can

Questions That Came up In at the early stage of design Will there be a overhead cable system to support our design Time to assemble each Model Transportation of material Assigning different duties to each team member How much are we willing to contribute for materials $$$ Could we use electrical tubing as copper will be too expensive. However copper could be soldered easily,( we have the ability) Could we include a sun tunnel in the design and what materials will we use.

Flow of traffic coming to and from bottom of steps


Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 3: learning Portfolio

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 4: learning Portfolio

I designed this model to either utilize the wall for stability and/or use the overhead grid system .

However it is designed to be in installed with or without the overhead support as we can install a bamboo post into the planter for more support. We also talked about having 5 gallon buckets of sand or concrete to hold the bamboo post.

Materials are rope of different dimensions for both structure and then weaved more densely for cladding and seating.

rope model

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 5: learning Portfolio

I designed this model to correlate with the curve of the courtyard.

It is a space with in a space.

The environment types are;~Mediative and serene~Intimate with opportunities to note fleeting Beauty~A place for Accidental Encounters and the opportunity to socialize with others

space within a space

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 6: learning Portfolio

I designed this model to be self supporting for the most part, but could use the overhead cable system for additional support and integrity.

Also has a space within a space.

The materials are 2x4’s and canvas, using both rope and metal attachments.The canvas allows wind through, as the courtyard is a windy area, I feel like it would be more stable and less hazardous if the wind can penetrate rather than lift the our structures cladding.

2x4 and Canvas

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 7: learning Portfolio

Similar ideas from teammates

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 8: learning Portfolio

overhead gird system

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 9: learning Portfolio

Analysis and assessment of each individual team member’s design proposals and conclusions that lead to the consolidation of design ideas into a single team design

We were unable to come up with a decision to go ahead with one particular design , but instead we took elements of a few different designs and went forward with that to the


We decided to go with rope as the main structure, and at least two different dimensional ropes was a good way to start .

Our motto was to reuse, reduce and recycle

We learned that the rope did not always stay in position as we would have liked, so we had to come up with a way to keep it in its given position.

Wrapping small pieces of cloth around each node seemed to do the trick quite well and give the structure another element of design.

We found that we needed to shape the planter like a hill and not a stage, so we decided to use some biodegrade landfill from the garbage can beside us and the roll reuse carpet over that which worked very nicely and cleaned up the courtyard with its

overflowing garbage can

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 10: learning Portfolio

I was influenced by ;

‘we are all connected’i love how they have the rope tell

a story, by holding different forms

BIG Architects ,I love how they bring nature

into urban scape

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 11: learning Portfolio

some influences from teammates

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 12: learning Portfolio



bolts and washerspallets

reused carpetcompost pile from garbage can

sodone tall yellow weed

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 13: learning Portfolio

Tuesday, May 21, 13

Page 14: learning Portfolio

What did I learn

site selection contributed to our Experiential Nodal Environments- because we were so close to the steps our structure/design was very capable of fulfilling the A place for Accidental Encounters and the opportunity to socialize with others

our choice of materials attributed to the ease in which we could change our design as we built

because we didn't have a definite design we ended up having to design as we went, which meant we sometimes had to redo what we had already installed-

we may have been better off spending more time at the design phase

the outer space, the space between the main structure and the wall did not work for our judges

we could have had the main rope more diagonal structured to convey its space better

we could have kept with our reduce,reuse and recycle motto if we were to use a biodegradable rope

don't leave tools lying around

Tuesday, May 21, 13